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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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he and other veterans created the american veterans for ukraine union. we recognize that the national security of ukraine is at risk, the national security of the united states is at risk, and now is memorial day in america. and it is a time when we honor all the men and women since the beginning of this country who have died for freedom. and in ukraine now people are dying for the same values. so for us, it is interconnected with american values ​​and so on. one of the co-founders of the american veterans for ukraine union, nolan peterson, a military pilot, lived in the past 10 years and worked in ukraine as a war correspondent, he says that on memorial day, together with his american colleagues, he remembers the fallen ukrainians. memorial day in the us is designed to honor soldiers who died in battle. so it's a sad day to remember your friends who died in battle or during. training when i
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served in the army. i lived in ukraine for about 10 years and was on the front line since 2014. of my friends with whom i served in 2014-15, probably two-thirds died. thanks to these brave ukrainians, the country survived. they were the first to go into battle immediately after a full-scale invasion. therefore, memorial day for me now is not just to remember my fellow americans, but to remember everyone. brave ukrainians whom i have met over the years. another co-founder of the union of veterans, bonnie carol, often travels to ukraine. she was awarded the presidential medal of freedom in the usa for caring for the families of fallen heroes. after the death of her military husband, a woman, who is also a veteran, founded a relief program in the united states victims of tragedies, which has been operating in ukraine since 2014 and supports the families of defenders. we
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watch ukraine disappear from the headlines in the media in america, but it does not stop being a top topic for our veterans, for those who understand that this is a fight for our lives, this is a world fight for democracy and freedom, which we must support ukraine. we have 3.5 million veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan who have combat experience, they know what it takes to win a war. in america, we have a total of 24 men who have served this country and understand what service is victims we are going to mobilize them to come and support ukraine, to raise awareness and to speak in congress for funding, and to let the ukrainian people know that not only are they not forgotten, but they have the support of america fighting alongside them. in addition to advocating within the us, members of the american veterans association plan to visit monthly. ukraine in order
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to show their support for the military on the ground. another co-founder of the union is adrian bonenberger, a veteran of the war in afghanistan and co-founder of the yale veterans association university already came to ukraine to conduct military training. i know the people who fought last year are still fighting, they're obviously very tired, but they're one of the most experienced soldiers, probably in the... i can't think of many soldiers who have more experience and knowledge than the people who now in the ukrainian army, there is something in the ukrainian culture that makes them very similar to a sponge with water, they seem to absorb information, so it is very easy to train them. american veterans believe in the victory of ukraine for proper support of the event, so they plan to involve more active like-minded people in advocacy, they say the word of veterans in america is of great importance to politicians. and
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according to the veterans' union, about 80% of participants in the wars in iraq and afghanistan support ukraine or take a neutral position. support among veterans of the usa and ukraine in the fight for its freedom is huge. you know, i served in iraq and afghanistan, and i was very proud to serve my country. i remember the terrorist attack on 9/11 when my country was attacked and the anger i felt because of… a sense of duty to help defend our country, although we have defended our country against terrorism, we have never defended the existence of america. when you talk to ukrainian soldiers and civilians who are resisting, you know that their survival is at stake, this is not just an expeditionary war on the other side of the planet, you are fighting to protect your nation, your culture, your language, your history. iryna, thank you for this
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story, iryna shinkarenko was in touch with us. meanwhile, the nato parliamentary assembly supported the statement that. allies should accelerate the supply of weapons to ukraine, as well as cancel restrictions on the use of these weapons against military targets on the territory of russia. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg expressed the same position. in an interview with the economist, he called on allies to soften the rules on the use of western weapons, especially against the background of russia's numerous strikes on kharkiv. according to hans kanato, this would free ukraine's hands and help it defend itself. he confirmed these words during the parliamentary meeting. let's listen. some allies have lifted restrictions, others, no. my message is that i think we need to review these restrictions now, because by having too many restrictions, we are tying the hands of the ukrainian
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armed forces because they are reducing their ability to defend themselves. but again, these are national decisions, not nato decisions, regarding restrictions. there are different restrictions on different species. weapons, so i am not saying that there will be absolutely no restrictions in the future, but i am saying that we need to review these national restrictions, especially light the nature of the hostilities currently taking place in the kharkiv region, where the russians can be protected by the state border, which essentially coincides with the front line. these are gentsek's comments, let's add that currently the united states has not commented on these statements, we are expecting some official comments, and later, the position of the united states. so far, they say, it remains unchanged, they do not encourage strikes with their weapons on the territory of russia, however, they say that they will continue these conversations with ukrainian and international partners. meanwhile, the pentagon reported that russia launched a ground-based space weapon capable of attacking other satellites, in particular, one such object is in the same
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orbit as a us government satellite. let's talk more about the new space threats from russia and what the congress is saying about it with our congress correspondent kateryna lisunova. katya, i congratulate you. katya, explain in more detail to the audience what it is about right now, what threat this russian space weaponry poses, which it has now launched into orbit. it carries weapons a threat to other satellites, satellites of other countries, it can disable them, the pentagon explains, as you rightly pointed out, one of these weapons was launched this week by russia into the same orbit as a government satellite of the united states of america, but this is not the first such launch, earlier russia launched such weapons into orbit in 200.15 and 2022, i suggest you listen to more details about russia's latest threats in space in the comments, in the statement of pentagon spokesman pat ryder. on may 16, russia launched a satellite into low earth orbit. the pentagon believes it is
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possibly an anti-space weapon that may be capable of attacking other satellites in low earth orbit. russia has deployed this new anti-space weapon in the same orbit as the government. a satellite of the united states, our estimates additionally indicate characteristics similar to previously deployed protospacers in 2019 and 2022. we continue to monitor this. certainly, we must be prepared to defend outer space in order to provide continuous and uninterrupted support to the united states armed forces. i have a reaction now to it us congress? what do the legislators say, i know, you had an opportunity to... despite the fact that russia has been launching such weapons since 2019, in the congress , not all legislators actually know about such threats, mostly representatives of specialized committees, such as committees with intelligence and committee on the armed forces of the united states of america. however, how to counter such threats to russia in
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space, i suggest you listen to what they actually say. this is a very disturbing development. i think every country in the world should be against it of what russia is doing in the context of accommodation. nuclear weapons in space, it puts all of us at risk, not just the united states, it's incredibly reckless, and i think we have to work with the international community to get russia to change that position. it was kateryna lisynova, our congress correspondent, who was on the phone, we were talking about space threats to russia. next, we talk about the election campaign in the usa. american women vote more actively than men in presidential elections. therefore campaigns both of joe biden's leading candidates. and donald trump are working hard to get the votes of women. yuliya yarmolenko will tell how they do it and whether they succeed. much of the '24 presidential campaign has focused on abortion laws and reproductive rights, and american women are interested in many other
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issues besides abortion, and companies are also trying to win their favor on the economy, health care, and the fight against crime. voter rebecca jensen from minnesota says president biden should give to... i'm a nurse and i still see a lot of covid cases in my work, people say the pandemic is over, but it's really not, we're still in the middle of a pandemic, so i think it's good to have someone in the white house who believes in science, but voter julie bomb wants donald trump to be elected for a second term. it was good for the economy, there was no war, there was harmony, peace, we all... gas prices were normal, he was a great man, he loves this country, he's a good man, he
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raised a good family, we'll get him back. on the women's electorate is targeted by the white house's women's health research initiative. just think about all the progress that was achieved in various fields of medicine, but the focus was not on women's health. researchers took too long to do this. when you tell a family, if you come, we're going to separate you, they... on mother's day, the biden campaign launched a social media ad targeting trump's policy of separating migrant families at the border. the appeal of the ad is: do mothers a favor, stop trump. tim sometimes trump, during a meeting with conservative christian women, promises that he will return peace to europe. before i even get to the oval office, shortly after i win the presidency, i will end the terrible war between russia and ukraine. trump is also trying to win over women with tough rhetoric against
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crime and immigration. i think i have great numbers among suburban housewives because they want to be safe, their jewelry is stolen, their wallets, electronics, watches, all their money, and then people ask: what happened? if you don't want criminal illegal aliens climbing into your windows and rummaging through your chests, then you to get rid of rogue joe biden asap. the center for american women in politics reports that in every us presidential election since 1980 , more women have voted than men. according to data from the pew research center, in 2020 biden received 11% more women's votes than trump. from washington, yulia yarmolenko, scott stearns, voice of america. women play an active role in elections in europe. elections to the european parliament will be held on june 6-9 in the countries of the european union.
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there are also ukrainian women among those running for office. how they affect political life in their countries, and how these elections may affect the eu's support for kyiv. let's talk with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. bohdan, i congratulate you. bohdan, first of all, who will be elected now in these elections to the european parliament and why are they important, especially for ukraine. voters in 27 countries. the european union will be elected deputies for 720 seats in the european parliament, each country has a different number , such small ones as, for example, malta, estonia or luxembourg have six or seven candidates, and such large ones as germany over 90, france over 80, that is, it is a very large-scale electoral an event in the european union, the european parliament... the legislative body of the eu, and it also approves the budget, controls the executive
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bodies and, in particular, which parties will gain the most representation, the fate of the main executive position in the eu will be determined, namely whether the position will retain its place president of the european commission ursula fondelaien. that ukrainians who have been living in europe for a long time can also vote, but some have also decided to participate in these elections, you know, i talked to three ukrainian women who are candidates for the european parliament this year, what was their motivation, what did you hear from them? yes, now there are more than 4 million ukrainian refugees in the eu countries, but these ukrainians do not have the right to vote, only those europeans, citizens of european countries,
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in particular of ukrainian origin, and among them obviously, as we have already said, there were also ukrainian women who took up politics seriously, about motivation, for example, in belgium, marta barandii, who lives in brussels, told me the following: it is one thing to do it from the street, and the fact that ukrainians have been doing since 2014 from the street or in closed offices with... ministers or with bureaucrats or with politicians, asking, being in the position of those who ask, but it's time to be in the position of those who make decisions, and not only asks, even if we are not in a position to make a decision because, let's say, we are in the minority, then at least we have access to a microphone, to a rostrum, so that those people who
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make decisions can hear our opinion and the opinion of ukrainians who... look at the european union from the standpoint of values, and not just as a bureaucratic structure that must solve something small there. bohdan, how do ukrainian female candidates convince europeans in their countries to vote for them, what arguments do they use? yes, we know that voters tend to care about their immediate issues, work. education, medical issues, etc., a ukrainian women, who talk a lot about such issues as security in europe, as the need to support and help ukraine, they have to adapt their, so to speak, election programs, election slogans,
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to combine issues of support for ukraine, in particular, international politics and... pecs with issues that concern ordinary voters, and so, for example, in italy, nataliya kudryk leads the campaign. often they are quite prickly, for example, why don't you go to ukraine to defend your country, and are you going to support it so much from here, and do you represent in general, our interests, that's all. these are logical, normal and natural questions from people, of course, yes, we, so what do i aim at, how do we shape this narrative, that i am a citizen of ukraine, but i am also a citizen of italy, i have not lived here for the first day , i know this country very well, both positives and negatives, i have lived here for more than 20 years, eh, i am a european citizen, i
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have lived here for a long time, and i also know you, and i go to protect not only ukraine , i defend... european values. bohdan, are the pro-russian forces somehow trying to prevent that to did the european parliament get more friends and supporters of ukraine in these elections? well, we know that polls now show that in europe, the so-called far-right parties, in particular, for example, the alternative for germany, are claiming serious gains, or? marine le pen's party in france is also suspected of a certain attachment to russia, and a candidate of ukrainian origin in germany is talking about this, in particular, and russia is not sleeping, and moscow's fifth column
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is actively active in germany, in particular, as well as in the entire european union works, especially to destabilize society from within. and in particular, the number one topic for them is the reduction of support for ukraine, that is, the support for ukraine so far in the european union is very strong, it is unprecedented, but in fact many right and left radical parties are doing everything to make it less, and that is why i believe , that it is so important for everyone who has the right to vote in these elections to the european parliament to use it and choose democratic, pro-european and pro-ukrainian parties. yes, therefore, as already said, which concerns forecasts, of course, this is a thankless business, but polls show that the parliament in brussels, in brussels and in strasbourg, it works, can return quite well to the right, if the forecasts come true, and some such parties, such
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as the fidesz party in hungary, prem prime minister viktor orban, in fact. scares his own voters and other voters, saying that those who vote for politicians and parties supporting ukraine are fighting, voting for war, while they say orbán supports peace. bohdan, thank you for this explanation, bohdan tsyupin was with us at communication, we will monitor the elections in the european parliament, and we will say goodbye at the same time. thank you for being with us, good night and good morning. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on fen 15% in pharmacies. traveller, bam and savings. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough - yereo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts, representing coco
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discounts of 15% for paforte knives in the pharmacies of psyllanyk, pam and oskad. the ether of vasyl zima, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurats with us, and what the world is living, now about what has happened in the world will be told in more detail by yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrecher, please give me the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and news sports, overview of sports events. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much lina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka
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didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, mrs gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world mr. norman dreams of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17.10 sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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maybe serhii will sign autographs on his new book, maybe i, roman chaika, and i will be your serhii rodenko today it is very nice for me to be with you in the evening, we will try to sum up this sufficiently elaborated point of view. geopolitical statements of the day, and we will certainly start, of course, with the security, military and international component, if our guest will help me in this, and he is a retired lieutenant general, we are waiting for the former deputy chief of the general staff to contact us and ihor romanenko, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine. from second to second we will have the only connection. let us remind you that it is you looked on the espresso airwaves , our colleagues have a large material about what ukrainians can and cannot
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use, according to the new realities, during their defense in the russian-ukrainian war. absolutely interesting is the thesis that any western weapon that has already fallen into the hands of the defenders of ukraine automatically turns into a ukrainian weapon. if we start from this thesis, it means that we have... every right to use it as determined by our defenders, and not by some international norms. there is another side, it is the one that is permanent it is emphasized that any military assistance is provided precisely under reinforced concrete conditions, which can be verified, that these weapons will not be used on the territory of the russian federation. one of the lamias of these two theses is actually being built now, the defensive arc of the summer campaign. both on the fronts and in the peaceful cities of ukraine, as we see that in fact an attempt to wipe out entire districts of kharkiv
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is the same... or, on the contrary, trying to hit the largest crowd of people with guided air bombs, as was the case during the weekend in the recreation area kharkiv residents, whether for educational and other institutions, or simply sleeping buildings, all of this flies from the territory of russia, it flies from the territory of russia to our borders on its planes, and all these airfields are in one way or another strategic. proximity to the borders of ukraine, in order to fly up, there must be mandatory fuel reserves, which logistically must be delivered closer to the borders of ukraine, so that the plane can be lifted, and it is at a distance of 60-70 km from, for example, kharkiv, and this means 20-30 km deep in the russian federation, these guided bombs are launched, in particular from belgorod oblast in in the direction of kharkiv, in order to ... this
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massive terror in broad daylight, it is necessary to hit these planes at a depth of at least 20-30 km in the airspace of russia, or for example, on the same airfields that are within reach, in particular, to attack missiles from this range, which was given to us by the united states of america, i.e. 300 km, that is what we will now talk about with retired lieutenant general igor romanenko, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. well, let's start, actually, probably, then already with what i announced, that is, about air defense space of ukraine, there are two of them, and the first is about what kyiv requested, about what our partners from warsaw declared, and the baltic states also supported, some scandinavian ones, it is about a real dome over part of the territory of ukraine, that is, the western region, and there is a discussion about it in nato.
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the german edition of bilt writes about this, what is the problem, why is it so difficult, for example, to make such a decision, if every time the western regions of ukraine are attacked by hypersonic or cruise missiles f-16 of the polish air force and so is blown up, the problem is that the americans, well, from the europeans, the germans, so that... at the expense of this kind of actions do not start, the russians do not perceive it as a further threat to them, if the increase in potential is threatening, and does not lead to escalation , this is the interpretation of our western allies, the americans, and the germans, although the germans themselves , scholz himself should be remembered about a year and a half ago , he took the initiative to close...
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the sky over europe, that it is necessary to form their respective forces, they see that happens with ukraine, when this kind of hostilities are conducted , when the enemy carries out airstrikes, from what you have listed, with missiles, and ballistic, and cruise missiles, and shaheds, that is , barrage ammunition, various means of this kind, and this must be fought. but when the question arose, the one we asked in fact from the first days of the war: to close the sky of ukraine, let's do it together, so then i won't fly to you all this that works for gentlemen, then they are afraid of what we are talking about now we say that it can provoke the russians, and they threaten the germans, they sent
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them, that means their bridges, on which... they will beat the russians.


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