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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club every saturday at espresso. good evening. we are from ukraine. well, we're moving on, and now it's time to talk about money. during the war. oleksandr morchivka collected the most important things for us. alexander, good evening. good evening. greetings viewers, in the next few minutes i will talk about tariffs for water and electricity. also,
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what about the american dollar, everything will be in detail in a moment, but i will take the courage to start, because the question of how much the dollar will grow is a very urgent question, it is already being asked by relatives and acquaintances, since i am talking to you, they say, i will ask oleksandr, i'm asking, you know, vasyl, well, the process is essentially predicted and predictable, if i remind you... the state budget has set a course, if i'm not mistaken, 40 uah 70 kopecks for an american, and therefore, well, why now just to such a mark the american currency is approaching, well, experts say, first of all we began to sell less abroad, therefore less foreign exchange earnings, we buy more, also significant purchases of electricity are now taking place, we buy imported current, because we really have terrible problems with the industry, well... well, so far the gold and foreign
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reserves of our state, which somewhere over 42 billion dollars allows such a variety of operations to be carried out, but still american money continues to grow, well , i think that the exchange rate will not cross this mark set in the state budget of 40 and 70 kopecks, well, so far almost already, although in some exchangers, i think i saw 4.5, well, 4.7, i think it could be somewhere even now, i think there will be details by the end of the week, i will tell you on friday in the results of the economic... week, but the news is important , that the national commission, which carries out regulation in the spheres of energy and communal services, has increased water tariffs for non-domestic consumers, the decision will take effect from june 1, the price increase for industry and budget organizations is significant, for example, in kyiv, the tariff for water supply will increase by approximately 50 %, in lviv at 39. well...
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in the summer, the power outage schedules may be stricter, the company ukrenergo reports about this, they said that the strong heat has a negative effect on the operation of solar panels even at extremely high temperatures. production of this type of energy will be lower than now, but consumption will only increase, because people will turn on air conditioners and fans, ukrenergo states. well, we will continue to talk about the tariffs, to which the government is essentially bringing us. the ministry of energy has repeatedly hinted that ordinary ukrainians will have to pay for electricity more. he joins the conversation. oleg popenko, the head of the union of utilities consumers, we are waiting for him to join the conversation, he is already predicting on his facebook page how much we, ordinary household consumers, may soon have to pay for kilowatts. well, as long as oleg
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popenko joins the broadcast, i will continue to talk about money, the ukrainian cashback program will be launched by the end of summer, the minister said. yulia sveridenko of economics. the essence of the initiative is that, let me remind you, that people when buying ukrainian goods, they will receive a certain monetary reward on their bank card. this will increase consumer loyalty to our own brands and stimulate domestic production, - the government official believes. she adds that 45 billion hryvnias have been allocated in the state budget for the current year to support domestic business and domestic manufacturers. well, let's move on to the topic of electricity tariffs, oleg popenko, head of the union of consumers of communal services in communications. good evening. good evening. mr. oleg, well now it's an expert environment, in particular, you are already naming specific amounts per kilowatt that
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ordinary consumers will have to pay soon in the social network. the only thing that the national commission and the government, and in particular the relevant ministry, cannot determine directly. in the eyes of the ukrainians to say something from such and such a number specifically will you pay how much, what are your forecasts, how much will we have to pay? well, the forecasts are uncertain, from june 1, ukrainians will be those who consume more than 100 kv, and this is mainly the majority of ukrainians, will pay for electricity at uah 4, 80 kopecks per 1 k/hour. it is uah 2 more than what we paid before, and... for those who consume up to 100 kw, the tariff will remain as it was, but this is a very small segment of the population, because up to 100 kv is very and very little, in fact people will be forced not to use a washing machine, or an iron, or any of
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the benefits of civilization, they won't be able to use anything at all, because 100 k is general lighting, that, that, i don't know there... maybe a tv, maybe not, charging the phone and that's it, and that's it, therefore, from june 1, the electricity tariff for household consumers will be 4.80 kopecks. well , in fact, i may have released something, but i did not come across a concrete statement of this figure from the national commission, which should submit to the government the cost of a kilowatt, well, yes, it has not been officially published yet, let's say it's an insider. the information that came to me today from the ministry, in fact, we have not seen the documents yet, we are waiting for this document, which will be published from day to day, but the figure, as far as i know, the ministry has agreed on that figure, it is four 80 cop. mr. olezh, in your opinion, will
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the ukrainians be able to bear such an additional burden, the debts for the food court have not yet been reduced to zero, this figure is only growing, right? an additional tariff, any increase in tariffs will not lead to solving problems in the energy sector, not to solving problems of service quality, but will lead to even greater debts of the population for housing and communal services, today the debts are already a catastrophic figure, in my opinion according to calculations, it is more than 200 billion hryvnias, but we will continue to increase tariffs. because in addition to the tariff for electricity for the construction of consumers, in parallel with this , the cost of servicing multi-apartment buildings will increase, and i think that in the near future it is possible that other tariffs will rise, but even this increase in tariffs will lead to an increase in bogs, well, sir, i
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have come across that the comments of deputies, in particular, that the increase in tariffs... for electricity can cover the reconstruction of that critical infrastructure that is being destroyed by the pile, is this the increase, which in fact will partially flow into... will it be able to support the generation? absolutely not, this is complete delusion. raising electricity tariffs has two goals. one goal is to increase tax revenues to the state budget through energoatom. energoatom acts as a kind of quasi -tax inspectorate, responsible for collecting tariffs or in general. ukrainians, they used to do it through gas, through oil and gas, now they do it through electricity, and the second goal
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is to pay the investors in green energy, who have been owed 25 billion for 2 years and cannot pay anyway, so they decided to transfer all the problems in the state on ordinary ukrainians. thank you for the conversation, really unavoidable news, an inevitable decision, which i am sure will soon be official from the cabinet of ministers, oleg popenko, head of the union of utilities consumers , vasyl joined the conversation, all that remains is to tighten the belts again and still to pay for electricity, because revenues to the budget are really necessary, settlement with investors for green energy is necessary, because really green generation now feeds our network, and of course, to save as much as possible there is less to use something that attracts the most. these energy-saving light bulbs, well , use the light at a minimum,
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as they say, it’s different here, plus now the summer heat will begin, and in any case they will buzz, but when many air conditioners will buzz, then many of these generators, like theirs, will buzz transformers, unfortunately, this is the situation, i will finish the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us. thank you oleksandr morchavka, and thank you, of course, the news and prospects are disappointing, with on the other hand, the situation in our country is such that we have a war going on, and therefore it is obviously worth being ready, as one rather good military psychologist who is currently at the front said, we must not save ourselves, we must adapt, and because we, we everyone is in this war, well, maybe someone... no, i don't know, but eh, we're joining, and before that, so yes, and now
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we will ask serhii rudenko, who will start the verdict program at 8 p.m., about what today, his program will discuss who he invited to the conversation, serhiy, good evening, please, have a word, good evening vasyl, at 20:00 we will start with a two-hour program, in the first part of our program there will be a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, petro chernyk, and together... with him we will talk about the situation that is currently developing in the eastern the front and the southern, well, the military says, there is no need to divide the front, there is a front, but what is happening in the kharkiv direction and forecasts about how it may happen, how the situation in the sumy direction may develop, because over the past few days we we hear that events may develop in the direction of sumy. and the enemy is drawing troops there, although zelenskyi says
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that, in general, the russians are drawing 300,000 new recruits under the ukrainian border. today, in an interview with reuters, the minister of defense umira said that the opening of the northern front is possible, well , it is obviously about the sumy and chernihiv regions, how likely it is and how dangerous it is for ukrainians, we will talk about all this with petro chernyk. among the guests of the first hour, we have journalist roman tsimbalyuk and executive director of the institute of educational policy yevgeny magda, let's talk about putin, about putin's plans, about how putin is now trying to demonstrate to the whole world that without him nothing can happen in ukraine, or about the future of ukraine ahead. the peace summit, the global peace summit, which will be held in switzerland on june 15 and 16, literally in three
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weeks, and of course, the most important thing for putin is to demonstrate to the whole world that he is nowhere without them, so in the interviews of the last interviews there are enough active and those the last ones he gave putin, he talks a lot about ukraine, about what is happening in ukraine, that there is nowhere without them. whether it is true or not, let's talk with roman tsymbaryuk and yevhen magda in the second part of our program, which will start at 9:15 p.m. we will have people's deputies of ukraine mykyta paturaev. yulia klymenko and oleg sinyutka. let's talk about today's, again , putin's statements regarding the legitimacy of zelenskyi, because the kremlin grandfather suddenly decided that he can interpret the constitution of ukraine and say that in the current conditions, all power in ukraine should pass to the hands of the speaker parliament and verkhovna rada, i.e. ruslan
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stefanchuk. of course, putin, who violated everyone. conceivable and unthinkable rules and all laws, all agreements, international agreements, now begins to teach us law, and this is also very strange, but obviously in this situation it is necessary to talk about the fact that the constitutional court could put all the dots in the question of zelensky's legitimacy, put a full stop in putin's speculations, as well as people's deputies should have long ago put an end to speculations about the ukrainian orthodox church. of the moscow patriarchate the verkhovna rada of ukraine has a bill prepared for the second reading on the work of russian churches in ukraine, but for some reason this law is not being considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. why, we will look for answers to this question in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15. so, in 13
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minutes we will be on the air, and most importantly, stay with espresso, it will be an interesting evening. the evening will be rich and the evening will be useful, i hope you have a great evening, vasyl, winter continues, vasyl, thank you serhiy we are waiting for the verdict program at 8:00 p.m. well, you have already waited for lena shchechenina, our art viewer has prepared the most interesting and important things from the field of culture. it is said so, friends, the company arthause traffic is a company that produces and distributes films, it announces that oleg sentsov's film called real has entered the competition program of the festival in karlovy vary, the program is called special screenings, i will say that
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the karlovy vary festival, no, it is now that we are showing the film outside the borders. we can now show a post by oleg sentsov himself, he announced this on his facebook page and wrote quite intriguingly about his tape, he did not explain anything, but later the company explained to us that this film is not typical for many viewers, but typical for us, for people who watch a lot of different youtube channels, for example, on the youtube channel third assault, there are a lot such tapes that have been removed. on a tactical camera, olek sentsov shot this video on a tactical camera, here are the events taking place during the evacuation of a military unit, and i want to quote oleg himself. real is not a movie in its classical sense, it is a piece of life in the war, which was filmed by accident, but which shows its true face without embellishments and fakes. now we can
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also watch oleg sentsov's tape, is it such a video. which he taught himself on facebook, and he, well, many people interpreted him as such a specific documentary film, and he also filmed it, edited it from the code of hostilities, and then many people watched it, of course oleg sentsov, he is such a model, a model of an artist, an artist who immediately left, so we see his photos immediately in hotspots, here i am... i don't know if he will make it to the karlovy vary festival, because in karlovy vary, because from time to time the military, who are military personnel, they are released to various events, but something tells me that it is possible oleg sensov will not want, well, we'll see, in everyone by the way, i will remind you about the ukarlovy varakh festival, but now we can show the video that our ukrainian films have already received awards at this festival, among them,
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for example, meza, by peter bebik, is a film jointly produced by ukraine, the czech republic and slovakia, and one of them. .. the producers from the ukrainian side, by the way, was andrii yermak, and i really liked this film, although it failed at the ukrainian box office, because not all producers know how to do their jobs well for vasyl, and andrii yermak was then criticized for the fact that he yes this movie did not popularize, because in slovakia it became the highest-grossing overall. also the film my quiet thoughts received an award at the festival in karlovy vary, and it is also characteristic that other ukrainian films also took part in this festival, and also when the film vulcan by roman bondarchuk was shown, then, it was 2018 year, then there was an action in support of oleg sentsov, who was then still a prisoner of war, was in
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russian, in a russian prison. well, now oleks sentsov will present his film at this festival. house a word, friends, if you were waiting for information on how much this film will collect in prykat, then finally the producers have announced the box office. just in three weeks and the box office is almost 13 million, from my point of view, this is a very , very good number for a film, firstly for a drama, dramas usually collect less than there, for example, comedies or family films or cartoons , and there was almost no publicity for this movie, which is too bad, but this movie got a lot of buzz, i think you saw the debate around it, the disagreements, agreed, i really liked this situation, because... it's very cool when we watch a movie and express ourselves, discuss, some liked it, some didn't, i even read that many people already want to see
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separate films about various of these characters, about our writers, and even more want the series. well, finally, i will check on serdyuchka, who was recently criticized for singing in russian at one of her concerts, and here we are with the atlas weekend festival, and it has already been announced that verka serdyuchka... one of the headliners, i.e. such main stars, is announced there, she will present her ukrainian-language, ukrainian-language repertoire, she will obviously translate old songs or write new ukrainian ones, the visitors of atlas will learn about this, well, i want to say that verka serdyuchka, andriy danylko, they were one of the last to keep their russian-language repertoire, they did not translate it, because even different stars there, for example, max2, translated it, although they were also there with their producer olan badoev they argued that as it is, it is not translated, let's leave it all alone, just write new songs, but no, we still had to translate it, and what, and
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now we will hear ukrainian in our hearts too , i don't know vasyl , how do you feel about the work of verka sredyuchka, but to be honest , at first i was so skeptical about all these translations, but then i just saw how musicians perform at large venues and... fans ask for these old songs, but to sing in russian, somehow it’s not it looks very good, well, they will succeed, somehow they say, in ukrainian, thank you, thank you, thank you for your pity, and now, before natalka didenko joins us, i will call you to join the collection, so we are asking... to collect , help to collect for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone on solodarskyi and zaporizhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone
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in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, it is necessary a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for... operative repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. and i will tell you right away what we were able to collect with your help today. more than uah 700, a little more. thank you, in fact, every hryvnia is important. we continue to collect for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. well, now i'm ready to ask natalka didenko, most importantly, what the weather will be like tomorrow, and in general, during this week. let's wait. on a large heat, but not too soon. good evening. congratulations to vasyl. of course, we will talk about the big, probable heat, or, for example, about its absence and not only about the heat, and about
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all kinds of various meteorological phenomena, literally in a second. you and i are starting our regular synoptic meeting today. the journey to... the near future is obvious, and we will start it today with squalls, because such typical summer processes as thunderstorms have already begun, and squalls are very often observed during thunderstorms, and therefore we will talk with you, well, we will remember, obviously, that many people know what squalls are, it is a sudden increase in wind or wind speed during a very short period of time, against the background of moderate or weak wind and... maybe even a calm, because this phenomenon is most often observed during a thunderstorm, well, we remember we are driving, quietly, beautiful clouds, a lot of sun, and suddenly these clouds rushed in literally in
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a few seconds and... zero, a squall broke out and a thunderstorm thundered. wind speed during a squall can reach 15-20 m/s. this is a storm speed, as forecasters say, and with individual gusts even 30 or more. and of course, the direction of the wind may change. a squall, well, usually lasts a few minutes somewhere. the main cause of a squall is the interaction, or opposition, rather, i would even say, of the rising air flow in the front part of a cumulus rain cloud, that is, a thunderstorm cloud. and the descending air is cooled by torrential rain. storms are, of course, dangerous meteorological phenomena, they can pose a threat to the life and health of people and cause damage to objects of the economy and the environment. therefore, when a thunderstorm begins, turn immediately attention to the fact that it can be a squall, especially often it happens when there is a very high air temperature, so we talked about the heat, and when
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an atmospheric front is approaching. or you yourself feel that it is raining with a thunderstorm, then the probability of a squall is quite high. well, from the squall we move to the higher, even higher layers of the atmosphere, and look now at the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. now for your attention is a traditionally prognostic chart, and it can be seen that there is nothing to worry about in the next day, except at the end of tomorrow, you see, from 6 o'clock in the evening until the end of the day, there will be a slight activation. this is a minor activity, so please, whoever reacts to even a little activity, listen to your feelings, and actually the highlight of our meeting is the weather forecast, and now we will see what the weather will be like on may 29, we traditionally start from the western regions of ukraine , and here is a map, numbers and clouds with thunderstorms for your attention, by the way, so tomorrow in the west short-term rains, thunderstorms, be careful during thunderstorms, possible...
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in the valleys we mentioned, the air temperature is from 22 to 28°c. in the north of ukraine, in zhytomyr region, in kyiv region, in sumy region, in chernihiv region. there is also a chance of heavy rain tomorrow, but more likely either in the afternoon or in the evening. the air temperature is quite high, 25, 27, 25, 28 above zero. in the east of ukraine, kharkiv, luhansk, and donetsk regions. there is a possibility tomorrow as well, even in the evening. short-term rain with a thunderstorm, the air temperature does not differ much, as you can see, 25-27° warm, of course, in in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region, tomorrow the air temperature will fluctuate between 23, 26, 23, 27°, and there is also a possibility of short-term rains and thunderstorms in places. unstable weather is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. weather with rains,
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thunderstorms, possibly squalls and sometimes even heavy downpours, and interestingly, how do you see the numbers, tomorrow the southern part will be, illogically, usually the coolest part of ukraine, 22-24 above zero in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow the weather is expected to be warm, even very warm, i would say 26, maybe even 27 degrees of heat, but in the capital tomorrow evening there is also a possibility of short-term... rain and thunderstorms, well, this is the nearest synoptic perspective: for a week atmospheric fronts will bring us short-term rains, thunderstorms, with thunderstorms even possible squalls, but exactly where their location, their intensity, we will study together, observe in our updated forecasts on the espresso channel. well, thank you natalsa
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didenko, thank you for being with us, this... was great on the espresso tv channel, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, well literally in a few moments, the program verdict with serhii rudenko, stay with us, stay, it will be interesting, good evening, we are from ukraine, today in the program verdict with serhii rudenko, kharkiv region is under intense enemy fire, the russians may be preparing a new attack on the rooster. night borders, whether the armed forces are ready to repel the aggressor in sumy oblast, while the investigation into the breakthrough in kharkiv oblast continues. 30 f-16 fighters by 2028. ukraine signed a security agreement with belgium. will there be restrictions on use belgian planes for strikes on the territory of russia.


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