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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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what is discrediting the russian army in practice? in practice, it can be a slogan of no war, glory to ukraine, or any point of view that does not coincide with the kremlin's position on the war, this is enough to initiate administrative proceedings against a person and then fine this person up to 50 thousand rubles , but the danger here is not that a person... is fined, the danger here is that if a similar act is committed for the second time within a year, then this automatically entails criminal responsibility, if we let's say, mr. yevgeny, if we are talking about this - this is this new norm that was introduced, how many cases have you recorded, it is about dozens or maybe hundreds of cases, when people were punished with fines for discrediting the russian army, uh...
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or maybe not even with fines, and with criminal prosecution, so let's say this, for the story and i understand that you may not have the exact figure at hand right now, but how about simply understanding the scale of the problem, these are some isolated cases or directly on the conveyor. there is information for the first ones two years, why yes, because just the reporting period from march 4, 22nd to march 4th, 24th year, at least 612 court decisions on administrative liability for defamation, that is, 2.5 months have already passed, that is, this number is even greater than 612, but it must be understood that this is only with regard to administrative... responsibilities, according to
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our data, there are already at least seven criminal cases of repeated discrediting of the russian army, that is, when a person commits an act for the second time in a year, which qualifies as the discrediting of the russian army, out of these seven cases, six already have sentences, including some sentences that involve actual deprivation of liberty, and what songs are we talking about, you said that slogans could be... glory to ukraine and wearing, i don’t know, there may be yellow and blue elements of clothing, and if we talk about such a musical component, then at first it seemed that it was only about songs glorifying the armed forces of ukraine, or weapons used by the armed forces of ukraine, there is bayraktar, and or red viburnum, which actually became the unofficial anthem of ukrainian resistance to russian aggression, but then there were already news that made me angry.
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they are even ready to punish the crimeans, that is, the main thing is that the words ukraine should be there, or the ukrainian language in general, so that it sounds, is there any criterion? as practice shows, every month the list of ukrainian songs for which the occupiers can find fault expands, indeed, initially these were songs that openly support... support resistance to russian aggression, i.e. red viburnum, bayraktar, here is the logic more or less understood, but verka serdyuchka, the song there was a case when three girls were fined for it on the southern bank, there because of the fact that the words of the song, or rather the song has words, ukraine is not dead yet, if we walk like this, yes , that is, even, not even in the ukrainian language. the song was actually
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performed, but if there is any content, but you also need to understand that for the song you can not only be fined, but also put under administrative arrest for a few days, because here, as a rule, you are held accountable not only for discrediting the russian army, but also for the demonstration of prohibited symbols, under prohibited symbols, symbols primarily fall into songs that glorify... ou, upa, azov, other, national liberation movements of ukraine, and at great risk, when it is not just listening to such songs, but also there was also a demonstration of a video clip, for example, one of the songs, i don't remember what it was, but several... people were not only fined,
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but also put under administrative arrest for several acts because there was a demonstration on the screen . i hope that the crimeans will freely listen to ukrainian music without any problems. now let's talk about how crimea is mentioned on the streets, on the territory of mainland ukraine, as we crimeans say, or on the big land, well, in particular , an exhibition is being held in the verkhovna rada of ukraine , i'm sorry, we also have an air alert, an exhibition is being held. devoted to the crimean resistance to the occupation in the verkhovna rada of crimea, the government developed and presented a program of economic recovery of crimea, economic development of crimea after deoccupation, so whether you heard something about these plans of the government and why
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it is necessary to plan the economic development of crimea right now, when we see that there are heated battles, well , i ... i have not familiarized myself with the economic recovery program of crimea after the occupation, but i agree with the opinion that it is necessary in advance, without waiting for the moment of the deoccupation of crimea, to think about the future development of the peninsula on the basis of sustainable development, because it is necessary to reconsider one's attitude towards crimea, not to make the mistakes that ukraine as a state made before the 14th year, to be more careful. about the fact that crimea - it is not only a resort and not only a sea resort, but more to think about those areas of activity that will contribute to the development of the local economy throughout the year, and i
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just wanted to read, mr. yevgeny, what and how they plan to develop crimea after the deoccupation , a model of crimea's economic development. liberation from the russian invaders will be based on the formation of a new year-round tourist center from the peninsula, you see, they still left the resort, but in addition there will be an it hub, the development of renewable energy and the development infrastructure, these are the main, main such narratives of the development plan of crimea after de-occupation, i.e. tourism, it energy, green and infrastructure. yes, that is, we see that the approach is more modern, which, well, in my opinion, can give crimea the opportunity to feel more competitive, capable, well, and
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moreover, if they talk about tourism, then they talk about year-round, yes, that is, all-season tourism, we we remember that in the past... crimea was mostly visited by tourists in the summer and there were almost no tourists in the winter, and now the approach is that crimea should be tourist this whole year, but for that it must first be de-occupied, in your opinion, i heard the opinion that after the de-occupation it will not be possible to leave crimea without protection and that, after all, it will remain militarized and the armed forces will simply be stationed there of ukraine, of course, and... won't this hinder tourism, won't this contradiction arise again between the tourism development of crimea and the development of crimea as a base for the naval forces of ukraine? well, i think that the development of tourism there in the crimea is
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such a more distant prospect, because above all, acute security problems have not been solved in ukraine. russian aggression has not been repelled and almost 20% of ukraine's territories are still under russian occupation, and we understand that even after the restoration of ukraine's territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders, there will still be unresolved security issues. at the same time demining, including various nature conservation areas, where conduct training and which are used as sites for launching rockets or rockets on the mainland of ukraine, this is a question of how to counteract local collaborators and
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traitors, issues like a wide range of issues arising from transitional justice. that is, who should be left in the relevant position, who should be dismissed, who should be sent for retraining, for example, there are ongoing discussions. teachers, which teachers, there is, for example, a geography teacher, should she be fired, should she be left, and so on , because regarding, for example, history teachers, here the question seems more than unambiguous, that if history was used as a propaganda subject , then it is clear that such teachers are subject to illustration, and there are many, many such questions, but the question is, should there be? whether or not there should be a lustration, it does not arise, of course, there will be a lustration, this was also confirmed by the leader of the crimean mustafa
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dzhemilov, that after the deoccupation of the crimea , it will be necessary to carry out a lustration, those who came from russia will have to leave the crimean peninsula, and the people who remain will undergo an inspection , then there will be some transition period, how long can it last, mr. yevgeny, and this is my last question, how long can this period of verification last, those who are left, lustration and such... transition of the post-war period, a year, two, five, 10, well, i think that at least many months, and maybe several years, well, as the practice of other countries that experienced armed conflicts shows, or occupation, it can be, there have been cases where two and... years, thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen yaroshenko, analyst of the public
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organization crimea sos, a public organization that arose immediately after the occupation of crimea by the russian federation, which still helps as crimean emigrants to mainland ukraine, as well as crimeans who remain under occupation, helps with documents, helps to study in ukrainian universities, helps to find oneself on the mainland of ukraine. and i'm andriy yanitskyi, the host of the beraber together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and krymska of the tatar tv channel atr, where we talk about life in occupied crimea and talk about how the armed forces of ukraine are liberating crimea. we have no shortage of news week after week, every week the armed forces of ukraine strike at the occupiers, at the enemies, so there is no... i have no doubts that crimea will released and that we will win,
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we will win together with you. see this week in the collaborators program. how do mariupol traitors build careers under the occupiers? the sister city of st. petersburg gave mariupol to create an avenue. but which of the former ukrainians? became the pseudo-mayor of the city. we are part of russia, the city of mariupol is a russian city. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. on february 24 , 2022, russia begins a full-scale offensive against ukraine. not the fiercest battles are conducted in mariupol. the army of the russian federation prefers to take control of the city from which in the 14th year our... the army threw them out like rats. the insurgents used multiple rocket launchers
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, rockets and struck from the air, including aerial bombs. ukrainian titans held defense for 86 days, but unfortunately, the steel walls of mariupol fell. the city has been under occupation for more than two years, teeming with ardent supporters of the russian peace, zhduns and state traitors. i will talk about some of them today. the zaporizhzhia court sentenced him to 11 years in prison. the occupiers appointed head of the mariupol administration, they think this is all you need to know about the staff shortage and those who agree to work on their own. we are part of russia, the city of mariupol, the city of russia. i hope that everything that is done in this city is for the good. with our correct choice, the city will only become better, and will be one of the best in the donetsk people's republic. he is a native of vinnytsia, oleg valeriyovych morgun, he is 57. he has worked in law enforcement all his life.
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in the summer of 2014, he was appointed acting chief mariupol department of the ministry of internal affairs in donetsk region. according to his colleagues, morgun was the first of mariupol's policemen who in may-june 2014 provided information about dpr militants, and then directly helped in their arrest. i have a minister who... knows this, i reported every step i took, what i did, and later in the same 14th year, the morgue himself was arrested for participating in a joint press conference with representatives of the terrorist dpr. everyone is interested in keeping order in this city of half a million people in the city so that workers go to factories . after this speech, he was accused of signing a memorandum on order and security between the heads of enterprises, the city authorities and terrorists of the dpr. but the prosecutor's office released morgun due to lack of evidence. having collected his children, he went to novoazovsk, which was already
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under the control of the so-called dpr. there, in 2016 , morgun received a residence permit, then russian citizenship and registered in taganrog. august 23, 2017, for participation in a terrorist organization, zaporizhia court sentenced oleg morgun to 11 years of imprisonment. the case was considered in absentia. later in 2018, the court of appeal of the zaporizhzhia region confirmed the decision of the previous instance and the verdict entered into force. and while in ukraine they missed morgun in his prison bed, he is in the temporarily occupied territories. was building a new career. in the so -called dpr, morgun managed yasenuvata, then became the head of the illegal administration of the novoazovsky district created by the occupiers. but he did not want to stay in this position for a long time. so when mariupol was occupied, morgun returned to the city. the recovery process is in full swing. all of russia is here. we do not live
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in those past memories of destruction. as a faithful dog, he was immediately appointed to the chair of the head of the okup. these are our people, they have been waiting for us for exactly nine years, in the 14th year there was a referendum here, i was the chief of police at the time, thousands of people went to cast their vote, to join, so that the russian federation would embrace the entire donetsk people's republic. morgun did not stay long in the post of head of the mariupol administration. he was appointed in november 2023 executive officer. the election process is underway, these are fateful dates for our city, and the republic in general, because it will be a new parliament, a new body of deputies, a new municipality within the russian federation. now this sell-out is engaged in the so-called reconstruction on the bones, involving russian officials for this. accuses ukraine of
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the fact that it bombed mariupol and is preparing the city for mass mobilization. in 2023 . on the website of the office of the general prosecutor, morgun was suspected of collaborative activities. after that, the case submitted to the court. he faces up to 10 years in prison. this is in addition to the 11 that were given to him in absentia for treason and switching to the side of the occupiers in the 14th year. a good term is accumulating at morgun. i believe that sooner or later he will start serving real punishment. and this is an applicant to become a neighbor of the morgue on the runaway cell, ivan fedorovych, born in 1900, 87, originally from donetsk region. in mariupol, he was known as the director of the city for people company, which has been in charge of maintenance of residential buildings since 2017. prior to that, he was involved in housing and communal services reforms. and then he worked as a deputy chairman left bank district. city for the people of mariupol came to mariupol on a competitive basis. we will work with people. we are
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customer oriented. when mariupol was occupied, ukrainian ivan decided to join. russian vanko for the hospitable meeting of the occupiers in mariupol, vanko was appointed the head of administration of the zhovtne district. in this position, he took care of the city's restoration and restored russian names to the streets. together with the mariupol administration , a plan of measures was developed to restore the city - these are socially significant objects. of course this traitor was the head of the representation of the governor of st. petersburg in the temporarily occupied donetsk region, after demonstrating his abilities simply. from suvan, fled, who became a candidate for deputies from the united russia party. vanyushka won the election, so he took a seat in the mariupol city council and headed the faction of putin's party there. immediately , a prominent person is actively working for a deadline. today, the united russia faction and i planted about a thousand bushes, which
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the sister city of st. petersburg gave to mariupol to create a st. petersburg avenue. as a matter of fact. voluntarily occupying a position in illegal authorities created in the temporarily occupied territories, our law enforcement agencies informed vanka about the suspicion. he faces up to 15 years in prison, but who knows, maybe instead of brick walls and metal bars, the gentle and comfortable polyethylene of a black bag will be much nicer for the smelly. young teterina sofiya mykolaivna also received her suspicion for collaborative activities. she graduated from mariupol university with a major in ukrainian language and literature, and started after february 24 to fuel the russian propaganda machine with fakes. the first day of the presidential elections of the russian federation started in mariup. voters come to the polling stations early in the morning to cast their votes for the future leader of our country. sofia now works on the rashistka channel mariupol-24. in
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his stories, he tells about the restoration of the city destroyed by the occupiers, glorifies the russian federation and glorifies the enemy's army. in parallel, he studies in the second year of the fake vision that the occupiers created in mariupol, the so-called university named after kuinji. now he is already mastering the specialty of the russian language and. today, in honor of the national holiday, the day of the constitution of the russian federation, a quiz is taking place, all the details on the mariupol-24 tv channel. teterina's case has already been referred to the court, for her collaborative activity, the traitors face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of all property. perhaps the skills of glorifying enemy power structures will somehow come in handy in a ukrainian prison. for such lackeys and embezzlement, the escorts will be kinder, and the supervisors will be redundant. a portion of halta will be issued. sofia, start getting used to her taste already. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about
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the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings to all, this is a football format, in a week the national team of ukraine is going to play with the national team of germany. the championship of ukraine has ended and about all the rumors, what happened, who got into the eurocups, who was relegated, we tell you, i'm oleksandr vashchuk and andrii malinovskyi. good day to all our supporters, all fans. yes, in fact, the championship has already been completed, roughly speaking, only our first national championship remains. it means playing relegation matches, not relegation to the first league, leaving the premier league, well, let's move on to the european championship little by little, to the preparation of our national team. we
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will also talk about artem dovbyk, who became the best scorer of the spanish championship, but that will be a little later. let's go to our native upl, in the fight for eurocups there were three contenders for two places, these are dnipro-1, polissia-zhytomyr and rukh lviv, and dnipro-1 and rukh polis were in pole position. and let's then show that dnipro-1 still fulfilled its task, it defeated chornomorets, unmotivated and, let's say, if dnipro-1 wins, there were no more questions about who goes next, dnipro-1 definitely goes, yes, everything was in the hands of dnipro-1, and yuri maksimov's team, which may not even survive the next season, may fall apart, although thanks to the eurocups it should remain, it won from chornomorets, roman hryhorchuk with a score of 2:0, ocheredko was the third in the first half. in the second, they scored against the odesa team, and in the end, dnipro-1 was still a team that claimed even the championship title, was one of the candidates to win the national championship,
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in the end at least got to the european cups, and that's all still successful, you can call it a summation of the season for dnipro-1, what can you say about chornomorets, although under the gun again we say hryhorchuk, we are talking about the fact that everything is fine with the infrastructure, odesa chornomorets had a plus or minus this season with the budget, the team failed. and it is clear that she also expected to play in europe next season, about these two teams, we can probably say that next season they will be completely different, it is clear that the leaders are leaving chornomorets, there is a high probability that hryhorchuk will leave, and the same dnipro-1, yury maksimov, he somehow talks very uncertainly about his future, and about the future of the team leaders there , it is already clear that bobenko is going to the police, hutsulyak is also likely to go to poland, pyhalonok is also waiting for some interesting offer, but what worries me is that they are going to the eurocups, and what will happen next, it is not... it is clear, well, we are already with you on dnipro-1, when , well, let's say this, a real investor, yes, was detained, then immediately everyone realized that
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there would be serious problems without kolomoisky dnipro-1, and i know for sure that he, he will not be able to even just finance the next season of his club, yes, that's why there will definitely be many more secrets about dnipro-1, which, i don't know, even who will be able to reveal them, i think that... there will be serious problems, next season thanks to these transfers, to those football players you mentioned, who, by the way, were bought by the police, not just took them, but bought them, that's why the money appeared there, plus the eurocups, there's more a couple of pennies will drop, and still dnipro-1 will be able to extend the season, and as for chornomorets, let the leaders go, let grigorchuk go, without them even chornomorets looked better than with the coach who is being courted by all the clubs there, now in the entire national team with football players, well, there are leaders, there are no leaders, what's the difference, the black sea is nothing. nothing showed this season, thanks to which we could say that chornomorets is, unfortunately, losing leaders there, dnipro-1, yes, unfortunately, is losing leaders, and pihalonok, and hutsuliak, and
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bobenko. and now, i think, rubchinsky, i think, and filipov will also leave the club, a little later it will just happen. well, yes, it’s a pity, because if you were to take the starting xi there, then maybe dnipro-1 looked quite interesting, because there were these players who, well, let’s say, national team or sub-national team, sviatok, the same sarapiy, volynets too was called to the national team, and here is such a team that andriy rusel managed to assemble, what will happen to it, the question, but we hope that something will happen and at least one or two rounds of qualification will be overcome there. maybe they will be lucky and more, because they needed to overcome three rounds of qualification in order to go to the league, there is a conference in the league to the group stage, well, then there was an intrigue, because two teams and the movement and the polish zhytomyr, let's put it this way, a year ago they no one would perceive them as fighters for the european cups, this season and polisssia was super ambitious, and the lviv movement, this youth interesting, because polisy needed, polisy needed to win for sure, and they
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beat shakhtar. donetsk, which came out with a completely suboptimal team 2:0, let's say this, probably, shakhtar did not find any motivation in this match, is it possible to look for some pitfalls? well, you see, the exact conclusion of this confrontation is that you cannot, as the head coach of polissia, win against a miner, because the coach will be immediately dismissed, that is , if serhii shishchenko would certainly not have won in miner, maybe he would have stayed, but after the loud victory... the victory over donetsk miner, someone calls it a double, the miner played with an optimal lineup, so maybe there were not a couple of leaders, but to a large extent we are talking about the rotation and depth of the donetsk miner's lineup, that's why shakhtar came out like kyiv dynamo, by the way, in a match with a good squad, a powerful squad, if we are talking in the context of the ukrainian premier league, and the polish side took advantage of their chances, we see that according to xg, the number of plus or minus moments is the same. well but the implementation was the best of the team at that time serhii ashishchenko, polisia won 2:0.
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beat donetsk shakhtar, which no one managed to do in this current, well, in the second part of the championship, in the current year, the 24th in ukraine, so we understand that it is even possible to give a football hero to serhii shishchenko, and he was fired after this match, and here they really put nou neim as the head coach with the ambition to win the championship and the league, well the best champions, but at least the conference league this season, we have footage of how they presented imad ashur, the new coach of poland, and this was very unexpected, because there they talked about the fact that if a ukrainian, then it should be a super famous ukrainian, if a foreigner, then it should also be some foreigner of the level and caliber of roger smith, for example , here comes a person who has never worked in the adult team, he works in dnipro, alone, he is in the youth team, they took third place, well, that’s not bad, yes, but this is such a leap, how will he cope with the gatherings , as he can
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prepare. team to what they already have it will also be necessary to start at the end of july in the second half of the eurocups, well , imad ashur is 36 years old, he played at the amateur level, he was not a football player in professional football, he trained, well, he worked in the academy of chornomorets, and he spent the last season as a mentor, as an elder the coach of the dnipro u-19 youth team, well, also the third place, if they won there, relatively speaking, the youth championship. they bet on youth for one thing, but poland is betting on legionnaires and is now buying experienced football players, that is , the youth will not play in polis at all, ambitions to win the intercontinental cup and at the same time put the main head coach, who in principle no one expected, well, again, maybe this is some kind of hype, he is now everyone talking about polissia, usyk was, everyone was talking about polissia, although usyk is still there, roughly speaking, he did not play, although he also got into the eurocups in the application, and now he is too...
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they are talking about the head coach, they are talking in the context of the policy, that is, no one knows the coach, but i am hearing about the policy now, maybe there will be some changes before the season the position of head coach, because considering the ambition polissya should be of the same caliber and the head coach, well, yes, but we can see that they are laying the foundation, because this base near zhytomyr in the village of berezyna, where there are four fields with heating, there is also talk that this stadium is central in zhytomyr, well, it's athletic with running tracks, they want to build cleanly. we'll see, of course, sports infrastructure is very important, and if there is a foundation base, then new zinchenko malinovskyi will certainly appear in the zhytomyr region , according to the miner, i want to ask, we saw in this match is a combination of lemkin mirochi what is this miner level for sure now.


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