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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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criminal stop crime ua. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at least two people were killed and three others were injured due to enemy shelling of toretsk in donetsk region. three women were injured, all of them were hospitalized. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. in the evening, the russians dropped three guided aerial bombs on the city, targeting two high-rise buildings. and in the building administration.
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meanwhile, the number of wounded from the attack on oleksievo druzhkivka has increased to seven. another peaceful one a resident was injured in virolyubivka of the kostyantynivska community. and in the kherson region , a 51-year-old man died due to enemy shelling. in the evening, the russian invaders stormed the village of havrylivka, bereslav district. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. other consequences of the russian strike are currently being clarified. strike on the airfield of the aviation school in occupied luhansk , satellite photos of the consequences appeared in the photos published by radio liberty, visible traces of a large-scale fire, they note that the place of ignition is located to the north of runway, on may 10 a part of the nebom radar complex was located at the same location, it is designed to detect objects at medium and high altitudes. let me remind you that loud explosions
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rang out in temporarily occupied luhansk on may 27, as reported by the head of the military administration of the region, artem lysogohor. the infrastructure of the sturmaniv higher military aviation school and the nearby aircraft repair plant were under attack. the first shells under the czech initiative will arrive in ukraine in the coming days. there are currently 15 countries of the european union and nato. have already collected more than 1.6 billion euros for these needs, prime minister denys shmehal said. in prague, he met with his czech colleague petr fiala, as well as with the prime ministers of latvia, denmark, the netherlands and the president of poland andrzej duda. the head of the ukrainian government also emphasized the need for at least seven patriot systems and modern combat aircraft. shmehal expressed hope that ukraine will start receiving the first f-16 fighter jets already. in summer. in
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addition, the participants of the meeting discussed the issues build-up, production of weapons and ammunition by the ukrainian industrial complex. the united states, as before, does not support strikes on russian territory by american weapons. this was stated by the spokesman of the us state department, matthew millar. during the briefing. he emphasized that washington helps the ukrainian army with specific packages of weapons and is a leader in the coalition supporting the armed forces. the united states is also taking all measures to bring russia to justice. at the same time, the us does not approve of strikes by allied weapons on the territory russian federation instead, the french president supports the right of the ukrainian army to use western weapons to attack military bases on the territory of russia, from which ukraine is shelled. this was announced by emmanuel macron during a joint press
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conference with german chancellor olaf scholz in berlin. the french leader even took with him a map on which he clearly explained why the armed forces should respond with strikes on enemy territory? we support ukraine and do not want escalation, this has not changed, but how can we explain to ukrainians that we cannot hit the objects from which kharkiv is shelled. we tell them: we have enough weapons for you, but you cannot defend yourself. we must allow them to neutralize the military targets from which the missiles are fired if we really want to achieve our goal. from a sports career to demining. bilotserki cyclist borys gapych, despite his success abroad , went to defend ukraine with the beginning of a full-scale invasion. currently serves in the third separate storm brigade.
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we will see about the defender with the call sign gas in the next story. member of the national cycling team of ukraine, master of sports, member of the italian club. the hero of our story changed all important titles to one simple and short one - military. boris, originally from bila tserkva, grew up here and professionally engaged in cycling. share after many years of sports career, he was called to become a coach in italy, but he refused and returned to his homeland. he developed his own business, opened stores. the last of them was on sofiivska boshchagivka. from there, he entered the buchansk state technical university from the first days of a full-scale invasion. then it started. a new chapter in his life called "war". on the 26th, i came to the military commissariat, like everyone else, like almost all of ukraine at that time, all the guys who have an understanding of what slavery is and what the will is came, and they wrote down my data, but i was not called then, because i i served in the sportrota,
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i was in the ukrainian national team, i served in the sportrota, as such, specifically military, military affairs. i didn't know, well, they said, well, we'll call you back, but two days later i came back, i realized that the time they won't call, and we created the bucha dftg, after he realized that he was no longer useful in the unit, he joined the ranks of the well-known third separate assault brigade, then boris was driven by memories of how people fled from bucha, and the russians killed ukrainians under his eyes, now at war... equips defense structures, engages in demining, demining and laying logistical routes, claims that muscovites use weapons prohibited by the geneva convention, in particular remote mining, so the scope of his activity is very dangerous, and he never sits without
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work. boris tells the story of one chevron, he was given it by the guys from the company for performing a dangerous combat task. the gas went behind the minefield to make a passage. for comrades i wasn't sure that i would come back because, well, i was assessing the situation objectively, i understood that, because it was night, because at this moment we were also being shelled, and i had to do it quickly, and by any means must be done and i did it. he passed, made a passage, noticed him with the light of chem. and then the boys followed this path. and we did. his work without loss, and the guys nailed it so much, of course, the last way, a painted torpedo and a night vision device, what i used, i looked under my feet and slowly crawled and crawled and passed, his classmate oleksandr remembers
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our school years together and considers him a friend role model and sports star of our city, our star is pride. from the white church, because he is known in sports circles, a cyclist, he represented our country in italy. now boris has come to his native place town to see family and rehab. later, he will go to the front again with his brothers from the third separate assault brigade, where together these brave warriors will continue to destroy the fierce enemy. russian there is gas in the air. shot. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga. espresso bila tserkva. we have another joint victory. together with our viewers, we closed the preliminary collection of uah 3,000
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for an suv for intelligence units. thank you for your strong support. well, it's time for a new collection. espresso tv channel and the iryna charitable foundation the blacksmith is asked to pay for drones and kits. for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that burn safety and provide the ability to confidently move forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance, most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. remember, there are no small or large donations, they are all needed. in general, our goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. i wish you health, we fighters art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland.
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glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. glory to the heroes, to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our website, as well as in our social networks. we will see each other in less than an hour, then my colleagues lesya vakolyuk and andriy syaichuk will be waiting for you on the air, stay with espress.
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well, gentlemen, we congratulate everyone on the new day, the 826th on the day of the great war with the russian federation, we run the espresso tv channel, a continuous telethon to keep our finger on the pulse and inform you, our viewers. about the course of the war, as well as about the situation in ukraine, in the ukrainian government, as well as
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abroad, now we are starting with our traditional roll call of regions where the enemy is very close, and now we are on the border with the russian federation in the chernihiv region, where with us on oleksiy maslov, a journalist, will be in touch, mr. oleksiy is with us, mr. oleksiy, congratulations, good morning, congratulations, mr. andriy, congratulations, about the fact that the russian troops can prepare for... the opening of a new front in the north of ukraine , said defense minister rustem umyerov, and he also warned about a possible breakthrough of the enemy, whether there is a threat in chernihiv oblast, which is the mood in the region now? the situation is complicated, as it was complicated, and we have already talked about it more than once, that here it is very important to adhere to the knowledge of society, to maintain such a balance between the desire and the need to know. the truth about the situation, how much, how thoroughly we are ready,
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as far as we have prepared the line of defense, we, i mean the armed forces and the entire economic complex that works in this , participates in it, on the one hand, we need to know the truth about it, we need to control how carefully these works are carried out, on the one hand, with on the other hand, not to divulge military secrets, and here is where to maintain, how to properly maintain this balance, so as not to lose either there or here, and this... the main question in this should be our wisdom, both human, and political, and military, that is and that's why i'm saying that civilians don't usually know everything people, and not everything needs to be known on the one hand, on the other hand, to really prevent this breakthrough or seizure of even a piece of ukrainian territory in the chernihiv region in particular, in general the mood, well, i would say so cheerful, but if such brothers are indirect, let’s say the testimony of these, which... indirectly testify to this and prove that the mood is sufficiently cheerful and confident in the future of
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the ukrainian future of chernihiv oblast, then such an example, let's say, if we take the koryukiv district, it is one of the border districts of chernihiv oblast, just the border with the russian federation, recently there was official information about this from the leadership of the district that, let's say, business, entrepreneurs, its medium-sized business, more than doubled in recent months, in the last possible year, more than doubled a small and medium-sized business enterprise than closes, that is, people not only do not just live, they open such enterprises, including new enterprises, and try to return, for example, people from abroad, specialists so that they work here, and this is, i repeat, the border area, and this is during a large-scale. that is, in reality, people are confident that everything will be
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in ukraine. of course it's all going to be ukraine, but that requires good management decisions, and for sure, uh, maybe the question, i can only assume that the increase in fops may indicate that people are worried about registering officially at work, and in order not to fall under the mobilization, since in fact there is no mechanism. e-e reservation of employees critical for any enterprises and simply do not exist, you are either close to the office of the president, who decided that you will have a booking, or you are not close, and then... it will happen as happened with the chernihiv drama theater, which completely stops its work and its performances, because they mobilized, according to the director, i will even quote it now, actually all the men, he said yes, and accordingly, from our
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theater, it is not clear for how long, but it will be closed, we can practically do nothing, they were taken away. all the men are now in such a state of shock, that is, they have even been taken away 56-6-year-old honored artist kukaverov, here is a 59-year-old theater driver, who is already there, well, literally already at the end of his mobilization age, what do they say about it, and yes, by the way, the youth theater is also canceled by chernihiv already performances due to the fact that there is no one to play, all the actors are taken to the front, this is a bright... really an example of the fact that these decisions, to put it mildly, are obviously not completely thought out, and they are, well, you know, this comparison with khrestomatiinyi the famous one immediately comes to mind an example of this dialogue between churchill, winton churchill, and someone from the government,
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when he categorically forbade any cuts in cultural spending during, well, at the beginning. in the initial stage of the second world war, when great britain was being bombed by nazi germany, and said that what and what are we fighting for if we cut spending on culture, and generally cut the work of cultural institutions, for which we then we are fighting, then this is some kind of first association, really andrii bakirov, the artistic director of the chernihiv theater, he commented on this situation, and 34... if i am not mistaken, the men were, well , called to the shopping center, from this number, it seems that seven of them were sent for further investigation, let 's say so, and the rest immediately went to training centers from the armed forces, in general, the defense forces, and well, we have what we have, that is, this situation, the theater on the one
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hand, this theater, which was subjected to a russian missile strike, we remember this in... . in august last year just in may during may, on the one hand, the theater building was completely renovated, that is, this renovation was completed, now the theater looks even better than it was before this blow, on the one hand, and that is, this is such good news related to the theater, and on the other hand, we see , which actually stops really working, one after another the shows were just canceled that were scheduled for may, 24 years old is the only young actor left, and i just wonder who will teach him to be a good actor if you took away all the best actors who 50 each plus years, which of them will be soldiers there? i don't know, it's simple, but this issue is simply that they are hostages of the fact that they are in the state municipal structure, and they,
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they, they cannot switch to fops and somehow cover themselves from the lists of tccs, yes. .. it turns out that those who are in the most such a situation, when there is no place to hide, so to speak, well, how is it, if it does not sound cynical, they are only taken away, that is , again we see again, again, unfortunately , we see that, to put it mildly, statesmen's thinking is lacking among government officials. more literally, a little briefly touch on the fact that the conflict between brydzhinsk has escalated again. who is talomako, that is, the head of the city, the mayor of chernigov, after atroshenko was dismissed by the court, as well as the head of the military administration, dmytro bryzhinsky, and it is related, there is a long story, well, in a word , lomako accused dmytro bryzhinsky, that is
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in the mayor's office, he does not want to solve the issue with er. transporters, due to the fact that there are some interests, like servants of the people, with land interests sections, the story is complicated, or can you literally explain it in two minutes? yes, it's a complicated story, and when the episode you're talking about happened, obviously, it was connected to the fact that the traffic stopped for a while, the traffic of buses and minibuses in chernihiv, but it continued. well, it lasted about half a day, half a day, and then they went on the routes, and at that time, berezhinsky and lomako, they went to the press and literally said a few phrases that they... reached an agreement, i quote this almost verbatim, but , but why and how they are reached this agreement and what will happen next, but they did not comment, did not explain, and
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in addition they sounded out, or rather, they published such mutual accusations, that is , accusations of what each said, that is , each accused his opponent of that he defends, as it were, primarily the political and business interests of some, well, relatively speaking, his own camp. some kind of political , that is, from one in one case the native home of party slav trosheka, in another case a servant of the people and that is, accordingly, their faction in to the city council, but then, that is, they said a, but here is the important b, that is, how did they come to an agreement, how did it not sound like that in the first place, and now, after this story, we see yet another escalation, another turn, as it were of this aggravation. the confrontation continues again, mutual accusations for one reason or another, so, well, thank you very much for this conversation, mr. oleksiy, oleksiy maslova was with us,
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a journalist from chernihiv, chernihiv, we will now take a short break and then visit the kherson region, stay with us, there are discounts, represent coco, may discounts on voltaren forte, 20% in plantain pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational
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project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson is included live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air. of time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from
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zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join natom in gathering from scratch to life. on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv yat. your place awaits you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed grows. there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your
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house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together. we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. what's up gentlemen?
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we are coming back and we are now waiting for yevhenia virlych to join us from kherson, while yevhenia is not on the phone, in the meantime i will tell you that we invite you to join the project from scratch to life, this is a combined quad bike, you probably know, you remember, we have already been collecting them for several weeks, two or three, and in... we have already collected more than half of the necessary amount, but the amount we have there is quite large, as far as i remember, more like two four million, and 4 million hryvnias, and we are collecting for the 93rd separate one of the mechanized brigade is a cold ravine, you see the wounded fighters, you see how these atvs are actually needed to transport wounded ukrainian soldiers from
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the front line, from the contact line for... to deliver them quickly, speed plays a decisive role here, except also, atvs, they are very helpful because they can move at high speed and a less visible target for drones, because drones are really changing, changing this war, have already changed this war, they make it difficult, they make it difficult to evacuate, you all see, of course, a lot of videos of those drops from drones on... on russians, on russian soldiers, grenades of some kind and so on, but in fact our enemies have a lot of such videos, the front is also very saturated now on both sides fpv by drones, and of course the evacuation speed plays an extremely important role here, these atvs are very necessary, they are quite expendable, as you understand, and not super cheap, so
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i urge you to donate, see... you are these two account numbers , which can be typed manually or scan if you have a suitable smartphone that supports this feature. actually, support our soldiers, and we want to close this collection already and move on to the next one, yes, because in reality the end of the war is probably still a long way off, but we can't say with you for sure, and no one can say that, except maybe... putin, but he probably doesn't know about it either. ah, in the meantime, i want to tell you that, telegram reports that zelensk, that zelensky was asked not to expect ukraine's membership in nato this year, this is not very good news, since membership in nato is the only guarantee, for sure.
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a good guarantee that ukraine will be protected, and this is the opportunity to enter into some negotiations that we have, that is, this is the only thing that we can, conditionally speaking, bargain for, well, but it is obvious that our allies, in particular the united states , now we are not ready to risk a direct collision with the russian federation, this is of course a big problem, we are grateful for the help we have, but, but this oil is not enough. so, we already have yevgenia virlych, ms. yevgenia, congratulations you, good morning, tell me how you are doing, and i am better than in kherson, this is 100%, but we probably all have the same things in ukraine, now, well, but yes, the same, but someone really has worse, i think that there is a big difference between, for example, lviv, uzhgorod, kherson, i don't know, in the end
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mariupol, where people are so... there are some who may have wanted to leave, but couldn't do it for some reason, and didn't we are very happy about this, we have such people, i don't know in luhansk and everywhere, well, on the left bank of course in the kherson region, it is 100%. what now, which ones news from kherson itself? well, actually, the news very rarely changes, only, unfortunately, very often only for the better, for the worse, there were shelling again. kherson lives under shelling all day long, nevertheless it is possible to contact relatives and friends, very often, especially now we are very often in contact with kherson oblast, directly there berislav, the right liberated bank, the shelling became very dense, they became rare, but they have become more targeted, louder, and according to
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what we are told on...


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