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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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they could not do it for some reason, and they are not very happy about it, we have such people, i don't know, both in luhansk and everywhere, well, on the left bank, of course, in the kherson region, it's 100%. eh, what is the news from kherson? well, actually, the news very rarely changes, only, unfortunately, very often only in the direction of better, worse, there were shelling again, kherson is alive again for whole days. under shelling, nevertheless, it is possible to contact relatives and friends very often, especially now we are very often in contact with the kherson region, directly, there beryslav, the liberated right bank, the shelling became very dense, they became rare, but they became more focused, louder, and according to what our friends tell us, only powerful, that the holes
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they create are simply incredibly large , and beryslav and the right bank in general is, after all, the area where there are a lot of fields where farmers work, that is, the work is complicated by these crazy shellings and very big, very crazy consequences of these shellings, well, actually the shelling does not stop, it was interesting history in... by what saldo himself wrote about it, watermelon city, your publication, writes about it, about the fact that in the cossack camp, in the cossack camp, the camp, that's right, the cossack camp, the camp, yes, the ukrainian flag of the knife appeared, and water tower, and eh, it was there for a while, here, and then it was somehow removed, here. and
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they said that it was ukraine that dropped that flag from a quadcopter on magnets, or does it really look like that? well, this story is generally very gratifying, because first of all we know that the cossack camps are one of the first villages on the left bank, it is very, very close to the krynks, already quite well-known in ukraine, a few days ago there was information that... our military installed the ukrainian flag on the water tower, but apart from the fact that it was written a lot, we were in no hurry to write about it, because it - firstly, it is not the first time , secondly, i would still like some more information about setting the flag, because setting the flag does not always end in dismissal, it is like such a marker, such a very powerful marker of what ours are there, but when saldo wrote about it, turned it on hysteria, about the fact that they took down the flag, it became
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clear that first the flag had been hanging there for several days, the locals know how open this area is, they were there before, now there is practically nothing there, well , there are still some in the cossack camps, in the krynks there is simply nothing, not a single surviving building, it is just such a scary bridgehead, there are still some in the cossack camps, but this is an open area without high-rise buildings, where the wind is just constantly very powerful, very often. and if the flag, that is, in this place the flag hung for several days, and saldo says that it was thrown from magnesium, with uavs on magnets, in this case the flag would simply not hang, that is, they let it hang for several days, and i think that this is a very nice story about the fact that they are far from always able to remove the ukrainian flags that hung our military, that is , something is happening there that is beneficial to us. well
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, it seems to me that vladimir saldo, as a man with an iron will and, so to speak, with such unrusted bowls, he can be easily picked up somewhere with such a magnetic copter and transferred to the left bank, because people already miss him, well, they want to talk with him over the dnieper, over the dnieper, maybe even then, well, then here he is. the amount of iron iron, you know, she might just be playing a bad joke on him, but yeah, so to speak, this one actually, it raised, well for me again it activated another question that we all know very few answers to, and do we there are still people present on the left bank, in what condition is this bridgehead, whether there is really something in the wells, well, look, ours are definitely present on the left bank. this is confirmed by
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official representatives, very powerful battles are going on there, eh, when we recently did such a small analysis on berislav and... well, i mean where the de-occupied territory, then those who are closer to the dnieper line, they report that that very powerful shelling is going on there, the russians are shelling very powerfully, but they are being fired back at them, i mean our military, their military and for their military purposes, ours are definitely present there, they have expanded the bridgehead a little, of course no one says so.. . to what degree they expanded, but in a new tiling, the russians are hysterical, they are trying to be, i mean the key collaborators, not the military, but the key collaborators are trying to be closer to skadovsk genichesk, because it seems to them not so
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dangerous there, constant rotations towards the very beginning of the left bank, i.e. this is a krenkin trick on the part of the russians, that is, ours... they are definitely present there, and since the russians did not want to fight back, this island is not cut off, it is one of the key ones, they did not succeed, ms. yevheniya, thank you for the conversation, yevheniya virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication watermelon siti was with us, and now we will move with you from kherson region to kharkiv region, galina kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, we will talk to her, mrs. galina, good morning, what is it like in kharkiv region, in kharkiv? congratulations, actually this night in kharkiv itself was more or less peaceful, although yesterday evening at around 11:00 p.m. we heard an explosion, it is not yet known what it was, well, but both in recent weeks and last day, and kharkiv and kharkiv region were subjected to shelling by
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racist aggressors, yesterday these shellings were periodic, they were aerial bombs, yesterday the golf club eh... in kharkiv, which had already been bombed, was restored in the 22nd year, but was damaged again, yesterday a village was also damaged, which for some reason has been subjected to constant shelling from russia in recent days, this is a village near kharkiv little danylivka is so famous because one of the institutions of higher education, the zoo-veterinary institute, is located there, it was once called the old so-and-so, and there such large fields were specially created for them, well, yesterday they bombed a farm there, one wonders why? pigs were raised there, actually, for mine the view is that the russians from kharkiv are now doing this strategy, if, for example, a year ago and in recent months they bombed critical infrastructure, well, mainly there are energy facilities, facilities related to
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water supply, in the winter they started sharply in kharkiv to bomb all kinds of public housing, hostels, hotels. that is, this infrastructure was destroyed, so that even now, when internally displaced persons are transported and evacuated from vovchansk, skupyansk, and they are settled in kharkiv in those dormitories, it is also a problem to settle them, it's for them, but now i can already see that in recent days they have suddenly adopted a strategy of bombing the civilian population, because this situation with the epicenter supermarket, which has become... it's may 25, when it's just saturday, exactly on saltivka , in broad daylight, that is , saltivka is the area that suffered the most, and in terms of construction, people go to buy something on saturday to repair windows, doors, some
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plumbing systems, and this is understandable, and at this time survive, second moment, printing house, typography, the third moment, the printing factory and... what is the situation: they are hitting the places that create, form kharkov brands, because the printing house was a kharkov brand, all of ukraine knew that kharkov had a very high quality of book printing, and here it was like this, this cycle of production was closed, it was a large printing house, secondly, on may 27, they survived a confectioner near the biscuit factory , a biscuit, we call it that, a biscuit. tersk factory and this is, you know, our brand, the sweet brand of kharkov is called delis, it is like this chocolate wafer cake, which kharkiv residents take as gifts to others, they say, it is ours, and only our biscuit makes it, well, what prevented our kharkiv confectionery brand, which we held on to, and this biscuit, they are still in
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their 22nd year , when almost no one was working, they had already opened, they were working under shelling, we went, bought marshmallows and that delize there, and it was so good for the soul. and these brands of kharkiv, these peaceful brands of kharkiv are now being destroyed, millions of rockets are being thrown to destroy the brand of kharkiv, this is interesting now situation, er, probably because they. used to come to kharkiv and also buy those cakes as a memory of kharkiv, but now they can't, so i thank you for the tip, that's not even the point, there's also the central park, too, where they always came, every sunday in belgrade they came to the central park, they didn't have such beautiful, clean parks with such attractions for children, they went to that epicenter supermarket, because it is very big and very high quality. the construction workers shopped there, they bought our sweets, that is, everything they ate
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i liked it, they are destroying it now, you are right, well , they probably didn’t buy the books, because they don’t like them in the ukrainian language, but that is why they destroyed this printing house, they actually say that schoolchildren will experience not only kharkiv and kharkiv region, but the whole of ukraine , this is a blow to the typography, to the kharkiv printing house, and also between residential buildings, a hundred began to be beaten, and in the very center of the city. there again the educational institution is located, where they have already beaten twice near the naukova metro station, there is also the university of engineering and economics, and again it is just in a residential building, it's good that it didn't hit the house itself, but nearby, because these aerial bombs, they are a little wrong by 50 meters, but it was in the residential building, they already lost everything, but they were aiming at the civilian population, madam.. i read such a journalist from kharkiv, you probably know her, elena
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pavlenko, she writes such sketches about the life of kharkiv, and they sometimes differ from how she tries to portray kharkiv as such, that it is so unbreakable, unbreakable, i explain that this steadfastness is expensive costs people and what it is it takes a lot of strength, he says, but what are we to do, we live, we walk, we have to walk, we have to go to work. in order not to go crazy and we have to somehow protect ourselves, and she also wrote such a post yesterday, you just mentioned saltivka, and now i think that the whole of ukraine knows this district of kharkiv, and she says that now is the honeymoon of saltivka with the ukrainian language , as he was at the beginning of the invasion, he has already passed, and the saltivka speaks russian again, according to your observations, as it is in kharkiv, do you note for... you some such a rollback and what people said , they said, what is the difference, in what language, well, look,
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regarding saltivka, first of all, there are not many people there in northern saltivka, and even yesterday there were reports that looters are being caught who are climbing around those apartments and something is stolen and sold, that there is such a situation, few people live there, houses are destroyed, the central saltivka, now at the moment, what i note in the last days, when shelling of civilians began. are so strong, i note that very few children ended up on the streets, but in the center we have very few people, children, there are fewer of them in the sleeping areas, but there is simply not such a children’s clamor as there was, there are children, but not so many, so i understand that they could have been taken somewhere to some closer villages or to the poltava region, well, kharkiv that's how it is taken out, and the question is that, according to my observation, it was young mothers, children, and young people who were crossing over. into ukrainian, or people 80+, because kharkiv
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was very strongly russified precisely in the 1960s, when the entrance exams to higher educational institutions were translated into russian, although before that they were in the ukrainian language, and it was then that kharkiv began to be russified en masse, and here is the first generation, if it still remembers the ukrainian such kharkiv, and therefore, of course, the issue has now become less. because mothers and children are leaving again, the point is not that, a rollback, not a rollback, but this category of people has gone, and the more so the vacation has begun, they will wait somewhere again to see if something will happen, if something will improve, or not, well there is such a situation, i agree, there is such a situation, in fact, olga dymenko, the head of the city department of education, writes about it, says, by the way, that out of 100... something like 100,100 seems to be 4,000 students who are registered in schools,
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in fact, about half of them are no longer in kharkiv, and they will not come for the last bell on may 31, but 35%, that is, a little more than a third of the students in general are already abroad, eh, and the situation is so complicated, for example, the same underground schools can currently provide only approximately 300 students, eh... a safe opportunity to study safely during offline and offline, the situation here is not easy to conclude . a story you've probably heard, ma'am halyna from kharkiv said that a couple who were in the epicenter, who were among those who were wanted, turned to the police, a husband and wife aged 67-6, turned in because they say, don't look for us, we are alive, they were in the garden section of the garden and didn't hear what happened at all, they only
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realized that something had happened when glass started pouring down on them, it's amazing. story, we are glad that from that list, those who are wanted, there are minus two, that is, they are a plus, they are alive, and everything is fine with them, there would be more stories like those searches, mrs. galina, in conclusion, tell me, this is a very big supermarket, and the couple was lucky because one bomb did not explode, it was discovered, and here, too, the situation is that they were lucky, and it's very good. those stories give me goosebumps. thank you, mrs. galina. let the day be calm and without all kinds of stories. let there be more positive stories, just those that are dictated by life itself, but not dictated by russia. thank you, it was halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council. we are going on a short break, we will come back and talk about zaporizhzhia. in fresh
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join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized unit. armed forces brigades. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots understands aita, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills stacks of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our roll call. this is the espresso marathon. andriy lesya vakulyuk. we work in this studio for you until 12 o'clock, now we are talking to serhiy lyshenka, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. mr. sergey, good morning.
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good morning. how did the night pass in zaporizhia and the zaporizhia region? this night has passed long enough well, quiet, but no significant shelling was recorded, and even on the demarcation line, according to the morning summary, there was a little less shelling than in the summary. usually less than 300, this has not happened for a long time, huh, what is the situation at the front now, what do you hear? ah, well, the situation at the front today, in principle, is stable, due to the fact that the enemy, in principle, managed to create a large gray area near the robotic one, the enemy is trying with all its might to improve the tactical. position, to seize some additional territory, to gain a foothold, actively they use motorcycles for this, but to date there is no success, there was an attempt
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a few days ago, and on the part of the recruiter to advance a small tokmachka, but also accordingly unsuccessful. appeared three times in a row for a pension at the post office by myself, ugh, then all pension payments are suspended, why do they issue such orders, you don’t know, the point is that yes, we have heard about this information, but it is interesting that something like this not heard in other regions, but occupied ukrainian ones, so there is an opinion that this is a way to steal a pensioner's pension. if a person is ill and cannot appear for a pension, then accordingly his pensions will be returned to him on legal grounds,
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so this know-how and this balinskii, whether as a pensioner, ukraine accumulates a pension in his accounts and people will be able to whether their heirs will receive it later, the russians will deprive them of their pension for 3 months. in general and pensioners russian pension is it more or less that they can buy now in berdyansk, for example, the russian pension is slightly larger than the pension in ukraine, but due to the fact that the prices in the occupied territory are higher compared to the prices in ukraine, the purchasing power of this pension in principle remains at at the same level, maybe even somewhere a little lower, because... certain medicines are much more expensive and pensioners cannot buy them, and this is an important thing for a pensioner, that is, if the pensioner receives the same pension, relatively speaking, on the account
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hryvnias, then he becomes much poorer. i am alone i know that in melitopol pensioners can buy products that can later take away their health, and some kind of oncology may appear, because they discovered, and it's not even local, some... service companies, but russian razkachestvo, specialists conducted a study that all kinds of cheese are brought there, for example, fresh tomorrow, or slavic lace, in that cheese, in those sour-milk products, as it turned out, meat glue is added to moscow, because it makes this product cheaper, of course, this is the first time i've heard such a thing . well, this is the same soviet know-how, toilet paper in a sausage, glue in cheese, etc., so
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it’s actually very easy to explain here, the fact is that , like the low purchasing power in the occupied territories, logistics are quite expensive, because even compared to the territory of the russian federation, transportation is more expensive, because people go to an area close to the war zone and this is included in the cost of the product, then accordingly... entrepreneurs are looking for a way to bring the cheapest product to sell it at the prices at which they can buy it, because they simply will not be able to produce a high-quality, expensive product buy, well and as a result of this, the entrepreneur’s expenses will be , let’s say, go bankrupt, etc., therefore the cheapest products, the most shitty products are brought to this territory, because that way people will be able to buy them, because they are needed anyway, that’s why it’s like this... naming is of course in of these products, a beautiful kuban milkman, well, russian milk, fresh tomorrow, i already said that, svyatayevo, a green village. well, then
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there are ekoniva ecomills, but you know that they don't give this meat glue just like that, but because the sourdough was from abroad, imported, and now there are no imported leavens in russia, so they are content with meat glue, well, as a result, people then ee, and i won’t say that this is somehow ugly, then people stand in line at the oncology clinic as a result, so and so happens, such an improvement from muscovites , well, nevertheless, there are... who, who probably like all this, who cooperate with them, there are those who think that it is very good, but this is a very small layer, moreover, there is a certain trend, even those who are greedy, those who have been waiting there in this area русский мир, some of them are already starting to move to other cities, and in particular, many people go to st. petersburg, moscow, look for work there, that is, they behave like typical
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russians. who cannot live in glubinky, because there is no work, nothing, move to moscow and other big cities, i.e. people were waiting for russian measures in order to move and live in moscow, what prevented them from doing it before that, a big question? our viewer asks why there are no videos from the occupied territories, it is interesting to see what people there think, what live, well, first of all, to get some kind of video from the occupied territories, it is not so easy, because there are already several stories about how journalists are abducted, roku tried to go through belarus, it seems, and somehow there is a way to go to russia, and then come to the occupied territories and shoot a report there. only yesterday or the day before yesterday, the ministry of defense of russia finally confirmed that roschyna was indeed taken as a prisoner and she is in russian captivity, here is an example of a journalist who took a risk more than a year ago, and that's it
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she... she is now on the lists except for exchange, journalist riya melitopol, anastasia glukhovska has been in russian captivity for ten months, this is also the price of working in the occupied territories and getting some information from there, of course, journalists are all they somehow manage to find out something from some local people through some social networks, some local publications, but it is not so easy for journalists to go there, so this is the answer to you, why we don't have some video world. many, but nevertheless, we, for example, are trying to find some photographs or videos with andrii to show that it is happening there, and in the end, we are talking with mr. serhii, mr. serhii definitely has more information, because somewhere he has some acquaintances who have some acquaintances there in the occupied territories, and in this way something happens, well, in fact, a lot of people have acquaintances in the occupied territories, i personally and those who left left there, including their close relatives, relatively speaking,
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parents stayed there, and the children left, accordingly, people communicate and information is transmitted, let’s say, at the level of just information, but photo-video is really a big problem of transmission, because people’s phones are constantly being checked, that is, patrols, etc., plus the very fact of shooting some public point information will definitely be conveyed to the enemy about what... what is happening, how it is happening, because people still report when they see that hristov is filming and so on and the like, so some videos from family events are forwarded, and to film, relatively speaking, to get on the phone, to film the center of melitopol, it is guaranteed to get an interview at the fsb, why was it filmed, for whom was it filmed, who needed it, and so on and so on. you see, despite the fact that a large part of ukrainians are stuck in soviet times, but 30 plus years of independence. they turned
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those ukrainians into independent people, and now it's hard to imagine what it's like to live in the soviet union, what's happening there now in the occupied territories, it's just a return to those times. mr. sergey, thank you, serhii lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was with us, dear friends, and it's eight in the morning, which means that kateryna shirokopois is coming with us and will talk about the news that happened recently. congratulations to olesya, congratulations to andria, in a moment i will tell you about the successful work of the ukrainian air defense forces at night and the new one. the resounding statement of the chief diplomat of the eu, josep borel. news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. all except one, our stables at night.


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