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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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errors, well, let's say so, at such a state level, for example, how to remove the irrelevant status on the wanted list, also we are now taking the necessary actions to upload all the reservations, so that absolutely all the reservations, absolutely all of our citizens who have that's right, were displayed correctly, and we will also in the next few months implement a functionality that will make it possible, without making a physical visit to the tsp shopping center, to correct your data through electronic requests to other registers, as you know, on the backend, or, let's say, the base the system for the reserve is the oberig register, which now has electronic integrations with our main seven state-level registers, and we can place a functionality in the reserve+plus, which will provide the opportunity to make a request to tck employees without a physical visit, who will make an electronic request to another register, this... will be compared to
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how a citizen brings, for example, his paper or his certificate, or something else, directly to the tsc. as soon as possible, we will implement this functionality and remove absolutely all visits. i want to say that the reserve plus has to become a fully electronic tsc, we strive for it, we are moving towards it, and we will do it. finally, panikaterina, i still wanted to ask you about the protection of personal data, perhaps there will be some initiative to strengthen responsibility for unauthorized interference and disclosure of... personal data, and in general , we would like to ask you to comment on the case of the lazy odessan people who got into the oberig system and they started messing with the data there, so i promise you, i will immediately record your manipulation regarding the intervention in the registry, actually there was no interference with the oberig register, on the contrary, this situation became known due to the fact that we in the functionality of the oberig register...
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see certain anomalies, we see that persons who are officials of the tsk tsp, who have official access to these registers through their electronic signature, this is a narrow circle of officials who are determined by the tsc, and the main tasks of this register are to provide transparency and track such corrupt elements. you know that every change in the register, every entry, including the entry of colleagues from odesa, is confirmed by a personal electronic signature of the worker. it is very easy for the ktsp to track this digital trail and pass this digital trail to law enforcement. we see that this case was just like that. the official improperly used his right to make changes to the amulet, this right was granted to him by the state, he actually had this right, but he violated and abused his official position and made false entries in the register. we quickly followed it up, passed on the information. law enforcement agencies, and now this
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person will bear criminal responsibility, and it will be absolutely with all the officials who will come up with or who will decide to document themselves with an electronic signature and enter unreliable data, in fact the obereg it officials prevented a corruption scheme, and for that i thank them very much, i wanted to ask, in general often, well maybe not often, maybe often, perhaps not only in odesa, similar cases have already been recorded, and whether there will actually be more. other, possibly similar , facts should be reported to the law enforcement agencies, was this not the first such situation when someone tried to intervene in this system, and aitishniks actually recorded it. yes, once again, i would like to separate the concept of interfering with the system, there is no room for interference in the system, there is not much room, because the employees of tsc tsp have the exclusive right to enter data into the register of charms with their electronic signature. we constantly cooperate. with
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law enforcement agencies, we have an absolutely complete exchange of such information with them in real time, and all officials who will violate their job instructions, the norms of the criminal code of ukraine, and so on, will be tracked and transferred to law enforcement agencies, the exclusive competence of investigation, proof, etc., regarding these cases, abuse of official position, etc., and the qualification of these situations are exclusively for law enforcement agencies. but we fully monitor such situations and cooperate in order to very quickly do such, stop, let's say, such situations. thank you and your team, and all the people working on the digitalization of these processes in our country, kateryna chornogorenko, deputy minister of defense of ukraine for of digital development, digital transformations and digitalization was on our airwaves, we are now going on a short break, after... and we
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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign. inclusion experts from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 for espresso. infoday espresso in rozpala, we are adding now to our ablution of viktor chumak. the military prosecutor of ukraine in 2019-20, a military expert. glory to ukraine, mr. viktor, we congratulate you. glory to the hero, good day to all. well, first of all, we would like to ask you about your vision of the situation with the investigation of the actions of the command of the 125th brigade in the kharkiv region. yes, we understand that the situation
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is actually complicated, and here the question is whether it is for the command of the 125th brigade, or in general for the logic of the formation of the defense line and so on. i do not have access to this information. well, when the civil service in its essence begins to investigate such things that belong to the ... petition of the military, well, with the appropriate access, so how do you see the case? well, look, you probably have it on your broadcast, when we talked about the responsibility of those people who are responsible for the fortification structures in the kharkiv region, i said that, in principle, everything related to the front field everything concerns minefields, it is basically the responsibility of the military, that is, the responsibility of that brigade. directly
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set such previous ones there, say maybe even some other barriers, not only demining, but also other engineering barriers and so on, that's why i think that the fact that this investigation has started is absolutely normal, it's normal. practice, i think that surely someone is negligent, i will not talk now about the qualification, how this whole story will be qualified, because i do not know, i do not have access, as you correctly say, to the case materials, but at least negligence, we are here we see, and therefore this negligence must be investigated, further on to establish there, it was, let's say this, it was coldness, or it was a much bigger betrayal, now regarding the service, again we return to... we don't have any civil service, military service and so on. there is military counterintelligence, for example, yes,
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we understand that such things, i am asking you very much, do not confuse sin with unrighteousness, well, i am begging you, i am simply begging you, do not confuse sin with unrighteousness, you understand, counterintelligence should be engaged in counterintelligence, identification of criminals, rather, by identifying saboteurs, spies and so on, regarding the investigation of crimes. listen, she does not deal with such things and should not deal with counter-intelligence with such things, you understand, because such things should be dealt with by the state bureau of investigation in the u.s., which is responsible for all war crimes period , well, forget about counter-intelligence, forget to talk about something about the fact that there are civilians there, there is no such thing, any law enforcement... body, it has the appropriate degrees of admission, access to military secrets, access to state secrets, precisely
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the investigation, the investigation itself, and this is already a state secret, it is a state secret, and therefore they also have the right to access, or rather, have the right to carry out any actions there as part of the investigation, including the seizure of secret documents, in including the seizure of other documents of a certain nature, holding. to interrogations with people who have such permits and so on, well, simply put, let's not confuse there that some civilian is investigating some military personnel there, this is our law enforcement system, it is built in such a way in this way, if you want us to have a military police to grant it the right to conduct investigative activities, to grant it permission to conduct investigative activities, this is... another question, this is a question of choosing a law enforcement system, this is a question of choosing
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a military system of justice, this is not a question of a military nature, it is not a question of who, who likes or dislikes something, it is a question of political expediency or political tradition, and let 's not talk about political, by the way, but about political expediency, you things, the word political expediency was very rightly said, because now i have in mind the post... maryana bezuglai, she specifically attacked the generals, in particular sirsky himself, regarding the actual situation in the north of kharkiv oblast, and we are afraid, well i personally have such a fear that this investigation does not have a certain political undertone. look, in my opinion, the actions of bezuza fall under the signs of a crime, which is provided for in the corresponding article, this is discrediting the activities of the military formations of ukraine. definitely, in my opinion, actions bezugholi fall under this, i think that the sbi
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should also, in principle ee, well, at least violate, not infringe, but register a proceeding, the corresponding criminal proceeding, i know that there is an appeal on this matter to the sbi in relation to the actions of bezuglo, that is and investigate the same, because it is not possible, it is not possible within the framework. activities, political activities of ms. bezovloya, even as she is, there is a member of the verkhovna rada committee on defense security and intelligence, intelligence, to write such sentences. such things discredit military commands, such things basically demoralize and stuff . if we are at war, we are at war. and therefore, in principle, any journalist and any politician should limit themselves within the framework of such and such activities in order not to discredit the military.
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if you have the relevant data, ms. bezuglai, you can contact the state bureau of russia in the same way. if you think that there are certain crimes, but not to do it in the way she does it, that's my opinion, and i think a lot of people will agree with me, especially the military, especially during the war, because whether we want it or not, but in principle, censorship and self-censorship for politicians and journalists during the war should exist, mr. viktor, and finally we wanted to ask you about the situation in... the pokrovsky direction, which in to our general staff, it was described as extremely difficult, the enemy has become extremely active there, has this or that operational task been assigned to them, or should we expect some additional difficult news? well, look, the situation is such that i understand that this is the main direction, that's all
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everything that happens around is basically an accessory, that's why i would focus. focused all the attention, well, our attention, on this command, the command should have its priorities there, and it knows how to do it right, but i would say yes, that i would focus informational attention on this direction, because this direction is the main thing for russia, well, at least it seems to me to be the summer campaign, because their summer campaign, well, i understand that the summer campaign should be a campaign to leave the administrative cordon. to donbass, well that's all, thank you, viktor chumak, the chief military prosecutor of ukraine from 2019 to 20 was on our air, now we are going on a short break, after it we will continue our air, there is a lot of interesting and useful information for you ahead, so don't switch
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mrs. victoria, we congratulate you. good day. yes, on may 24, the shevchenko court of kyiv closed the case regarding the dispersal of peaceful protests from november 30 and december 1, 2013. this year, as we remember, it was a long revolution of dignity, and the case was closed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations of this extremely loud case, how do you assess such a conclusion in general, and what was the course of the court session, of course, it is very sad, because the victims wanted to receive a fair verdict. case and the case has been under consideration in the court since 2015, in this case it was calculated that
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, after all, these charges, which are five people, will receive punishment and will serve it, since these crimes are serious, they are felony and, accordingly , the accused have the right to such a request, they declared it. we have a very bad connection with ms. victoria, i will ask our editors redial and reconnect with ms. victoria because i think our audience is not very comfortable listening to ms. victoria because we can't even hear well while we 're connecting with ms. victoria, i want to remind you that it's about the night itself the dispersal of students by berkut activists, this was still the phase of the euromaidan, when there were peaceful protesters, because... students, i myself was just that night there in kyiv, so i know very well the events of that day and that evening, and actually , when i saw that this
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case was closed actually because the deadline had passed a long time ago, my emotions were at that moment, i will tell you, very much so, well directly, i would say, at such a level that i just wanted to use foul language, because it hurts a lot, when you know that your loved ones, your... there are friends with whom you studied together, they were there too, and one of them was even injured, and here 10 years pass, the case is closed, and i will remind you that at least 80 people were injured then, at that time, st. michael's cathedral received beaten students who were running away from barkutsy, who beat them with batons, and today we have, unfortunately, such a not very pleasant end, but we understand that there may be an appeal, that most likely it will happen, and we wanted to. i would like this appeal to pass some kind of fair verdict in this case and not turn a blind eye to the atrocities that were taking place at that time in essentially the center of europe, on the independence square, and i would like, of course,
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that the people who everything was carried out, who organized it, who ordered it to be done, so that they would be punished. do we have ms. victoria? is deineka in touch now? actually, we would like to, ms. victoria is not here now, so as of the night of november 30, when the action of the security forces took place. about 400 protesters remained in the square, as i said, they were mostly students. the action, by the way, gained a large scale, in fact, the next day, it was december 1, when ruslana lyzhichko said that we were gathering the maidan, i remember, then on december 1, a huge number of people gathered, and it was then that it happened the beginning of the revolution of dignity, namely after this night, and if we do not now achieve justice for what... actually the events that essentially started the revolutions of dignity, then the question is why it all happened. ms. victoria, are you in touch with us now? i hope the connection has already been restored. well, i told
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our viewers a few words about. in fact, on this night, when many students were injured, therefore, as we understand, none of those who committed this crime will now be punished, in this particular case, which is closed, they will not be punished, because this is not the only case related to the events of november 30 after the crackdown on the maidan and after december 1 in the events on the bank dispersal of demonstrators and journalists suffered then, that is, it is precisely in the case that was closed... on may 24 , no one will suffer, and an appeal is possible in such a case, that is, is there still a chance to somehow change the course of events? yes, yes, yes, there will definitely be an appeal, the victims will file, i will also file as a representative of the victim, and as far as i know, the prosecutors will also file the same, the deadline has not yet expired, and accordingly an appeal will be filed and the appeals court will consider yes... our
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appeals, and the rest of the cases wanted to ask you, we understand that they closed only one due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, in fact, in fact, many cases were already closed, because it was already about may 24, that is, i understand that many were closed, and precisely on the 24th, since it was a meeting on that case , which was closed, one case was closed, but as of today... many cases have been closed, because in many cases, where the term of prosecution is 10 years, accordingly , the accused have the right to apply to the court with such a request for closure , and the court is no different, if there are none obstacles, if such terms were not interrupted, the accused were not wanted, they did not commit any crimes during this time and there is no, they
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do not have a criminal record. repaid, then accordingly the court, well, let's say so, is obliged to consider and close this, this case. in this case, the situation was exactly that the accused, they were not wanted, they were not transferred, they did not commit crimes for which they would have been punished, accordingly the court assumed that this is a classic situation, in which he and closed the case, but in fact it was very busy many. specifically regarding the events on the maidan, which are already closed to this day, and some of them have already been reviewed and passed by the appeals courts, and some are still pending in the appeals court, let's say, i have three cases that will be appealed the court hearings are scheduled for the summer, well, the only hope is that the appeal will still have a different
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view on the matter itself. consideration of these cases, thank you, victoria deineka, lawyer of the victims in the case of dispersal of the maidan in 2013, long ago 2013, so we understand that more than 10 years have passed since all these events took place, and now i remember them, and it feels like it happened yesterday, yes, well , in general, the decade was extremely concentrated, yes, we understand , that this is far from the end, tragic events, heroic events, and there are more and more of them and... and well, i don't know, 20 years ago, no one could have thought that something like this could happen on such a scale and with such saturation with multifaceted events, i say from heroic to tragedy, well, but on a great pity, this is not the end, well, such a turbulent era. well, now let's move on to the news, actually now anna yevamelnik, our colleague will be ready to share with us the most important information as of this
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moment, and... we welcome you, we pass the floor and traditionally ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about . thank you, colleagues, the news editorial team is ready to tell about the main events of this hour, and i will start with the muscovite attack on the kherson region. all the details are below, stay with us. two people were injured by russians in the kherson region, the enemy attacked novodmytrivka from a drone, as the regional military administration said, as a result of dropping explosives , the men received contusions, explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as shrapnel wounds to their arms and legs, they were given help.


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