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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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code, you see the account number, it's very important, the repair directly takes place in the gray area, on the contact line, eh, tanks, bmp, whatever, what is fighting practically at the front and what our defenders really constantly need, so please join, half is already with your help, and we really hope that it will still be possible to close it completely and it will be much easier for our fighters. to fight armed than here and there to look at how the russians are trying to storm, well, i really hope that our guest will be with us now, we will talk about chasivyar itself, because you saw in our map that in that area the russians are trying to storm, they entered certain areas of the city, they are trying to go there.
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moreover, there were also, well, not very well, there were enough of them, well, fierce, i would say, assaults and advances a little south of the time ravine, and in principle they also succeeded there, what they did not succeed in the last time, i do not know , for six months, apparently, it is there in ivanivsk and in klishchiivka to pass, of course, in klishchiivka on... there are still forces of the defense forces of ukraine on the heights around ticks and the habit of staying in klichchiivka itself makes it for the russians, well , you can’t even say that it’s a populated place, it’s just, you know, ruins, that is , it’s not very comfortable for them there, but nevertheless they try to storm there, so to oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general hurundzhu roman dashkevich, joined us in principle, i congratulate you . good evening, and i wanted
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to ask you what you actually know about the operational situation in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, in particular, as i understand it, it everything is happening near the temporal ravine, i already told a little that the russians are trying to storm there all this time, but where are our positions in fact now, what is the channel preventing them from there, were they able to cross somewhere, were they not able to, what is going on? they could not cross the channel, they are trying to do it, but we stop them, and if someone does break through, then he is destroyed accordingly, but today it should be noted that they have intensified assaults with a mechanized component, if earlier they were less applied, that is, i would say so used more equipment, today they are trying
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to break through our defenses with small armored units with infantry, of course, that is , tanks and armored fighting vehicles are directly used, it should also be noted that the intensity of shelling has increased , that is, they increased the number of direct shots from the barrel artillery on our precisely on the chaslyar shade and the number of mortar mortar damage also increased, we still have to take it duvai, because we are talking more about long-range, medium-range artillery , mortars, which work directly at ground zero, play a very important role both in defense and directly in assault operations, that is, the situation is like this, i would say it is more intensified in terms of intensity, and of course they do not leave their attempts to attack where, in principle, at this time and... they beat
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klishcheivka, andriiivka, the direction of ivanivskyi, the direction of bohdanivka, kalinivka, and directly, of course, times. but the fact that they increased, you say, artillery mortar attacks, it means that they some additional forces were brought there, or the weapons themselves were brought there, but how can you understand it, that is, it's just like that, well , they have some kind of accent there, it can be understood that they started spending more. i.e. one gun there can fire 50 shots per day, but today it has already started firing 80-100 shots, that is, it can be said that they have increased the supply of bk, well, bomblets directly, that is, they still provide important importance to our shade of the front, that is why they are trying something like this to increase resources, to say that the direct number of artillery... systems were strengthened, i cannot
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say that, although at the time, when the avdiiv operation ended, some artillery units were indeed moved. in our direction, well, here we can assume that they just hope that some of our parts were removed from the time abyss and a window of opportunity opened in them for an assault fighter, well, it is possible, unless it is so, let's not confirm or say anything with about it, but i think they hoped the kharkiv operation is a distraction and a window of opportunity has opened for them, i understand that this window of opportunity has not opened much for them, well, at least in the time gap itself, because... for now, you see, they cannot advance there strongly, absolutely not, because the units were not transferred from there, those units that protect this direction, they remain in place, and as for the window of opportunity, i would also say that
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when they found out that america had unblocked our aid, and it had already will come to us they intensified their assault actions also so that we... had time to be provided with everything we needed in the amount we needed, and this is exactly what they tried to take advantage of, but today this is the window of opportunity, as you say, for them it is closed mr. oleg, please explain how dangerous the situation with the tick was in general, because it used to be, well, let's put it this way, well, i would call it a gray area, although there... there were some of our units and that's all now, you can say in klishchiivka, well, there are no units of ours the fact, as if the russians managed to do something there more than usual, and this south is very important for them, because without it they cannot implement this, you know their
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maneuver, if they were to cover the yar, but the fact that they strengthened there that they still had successful assaults there. how dangerous it is for us, how much this situation is, well, it ’s such that it can be reversed, it’s not possible, what do you think about this, they really strengthened this direction, they threw there like motorized rifle regiments of territorial troops, there we can observe two full-fledged brigades of tc-72 and 88, their infantry, and their storm z and storm battalions are also there. semi-criminal, if we take this direction, in general, this is our southern flank, precisely because klyshchivka, andriivka, ivanovske are held, they cannot cover the times as from the flanks, that is, this flank for them, it turns out, is still
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closed, and this prevents them, of course, to take the semicircle of time and try to storm from several directions, well, and also of course, this is the front... of the front, which is a combination, and of course, this flank is also important for them to take the same offensive actions, this is directly, as the pokrovsky direction and also the turkish direction, which would be critical for our defense there, so what, in order to prevent the further advance of the enemy, you mean, right on this southern flange, klishchiivka, andriiv... but this is the area, what would be the most important thing to provide or strengthen there now from your point of view? well, if you take it that way, i would say so, because our brigade is an artillery brigade, and yet it is still recognized,
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that artillery is a side of war and has a key role during hostilities, then i would say that of course it is shells. these are shots, that is, in the amount in which it is only possible, because the infliction of fire damage is very dense, it restrains the enemy, destroys him even before he begins direct offensive actions, well, if we take the battlefield directly, then also mortar rounds are also very important and in general any provision that helps us to... to hold the defense, to stop thieves and destroy. this also includes the latest it technologies, these are the same drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, i would also add any technical component here, the same rap. well, of course, we need to cover
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the sky here so that, after all, we have, if not at least an advantage, then so that the enemy cannot operate here at all. well, as far as i understand, the tick itself is located in... still in such a lowland and so far more like that, well, let's say, the hills above it are still held by our troops, or not, or i'm wrong, explain this story a little, i know , it is just the opposite, it is a height, a height from which bakhmud itself is controlled, and bakhmud itself is a city, it is really located in a lowland, so when we freed klishchivka andriivka, we created a problem for the russian units that are in bakhmud, and we also for them, they created a problem for logistical communication, this is bakhmud-horlivka, also for that area, which is generally located behind... the railway, that is, the tick - after all, it is precisely in this location, it is the dominant height, ugh,
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that is, in fact, it critical enough, eh such a place that it would still be desirable for us to push back, as far as i understand, tactically, tactically yes, not strategically, of course, tactically yes, and i would not say that they completely took this height, i would, i would so sure, you can't say that, right? everything is not so simple, our guys are there, they are holding on, really very hard, because no matter what, the enemy is numerous, trying to press us, press us, and they, like what we observed before, they really do not spare their people, personnel, they throw them, as well earlier there were these waves, they are going, if earlier we could observe that during their attacks they tried to ... identify our firing points in order to hit them with fire from the same artillery, but today they
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are trying to slip somehow , at least one or two people to gain a foothold there, and then attacks are thrown at these people again , let's say only six or eight people from the group can survive there, but for them it is already a success, even if two people dig in there somewhere , for them it is a success, that is , their losses are quite so significant. but they are not on them they weigh in and try to put pressure on us, and the chasivyar himself is interesting, tell me a little about him, what is happening in the city itself, how many people can be there now, is there still a civilian population there, how is all this happening there? well, the city itself, it is simply being destroyed today, destroyed by any means, before that we observed quite a significant one. the number of cabs used, there were up to 30, up to 40, but then we could recently observe
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the same way that the jet fire system works precisely at the time of the savo yar, that is, as the settlement itself, a priori, these are ruins, if we take the local population that remains there, according to official data, there were more than 600 of them there, today i will not say how many exactly, because i am not sure , what kind of... you can count them, but they are really there, they are really there, just as in my time i have to observe it in bakhmut, they are hiding there somewhere, there are such people who really expect rudsky, this one of theirs the world of rudy, that kashkket they have is turning here and there, there are such people who were left with no way out, because they really have nowhere to go. i am very grateful to oleg
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kalashnikov, the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade, who joined us and told us a lot of interesting and new things. stay tuned to the espresso tv channel, our time is up, we'll see you in a week, but we still have a lot of news to come. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro, urination under control. there are discounts, koko presents may discounts on noshpaforte of 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. fm: galicia.
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listen to yours. the camera your country is located in an area where during the great national during the war, the foot of a soviet soldier stood, and we will not leave this region. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. from pain in back, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream
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or afghanistan, the modern russo-ukrainian war is quite well documented and rewritten. it will be very difficult, my surname is rudenko, this is a review of an official military video, and i deliberately emphasize the word official video, because in the conditions of an information war, the sending of fakes and evaluative judgments, due to the pursuit of views and reposts, it is the official sources in these conditions that give even if the content is censored to a certain extent, but it is reliable, but it should be remembered that simply... talking about the war is only half of the story, no matter how cynical it sounds, even about the war you have to tell an interesting story. the kupyan direction is considered one of the most difficult, although on the other hand, it is easy now. however, units of the 43rd separate
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mechanized brigade kept the pressure of the enemy for a long time, inflicted losses on him and were able to significantly improve... their tactical position. it is worth noting that such successes are the result of constant training, in particular with the involvement of specially invited instructors. watch another video from the series frankly about the war on the youtube channel defense committee of the armed forces of ukraine defenders of independence. and a small trailer: the 43rd separate artillery brigade and the 43rd separate mechanized brigade. these are two different formations in the armed forces. it is necessary to have a team. was a father's heart, i'll just say, the problem is, you love your child, you always love him, no matter what he does, good or bad, when i see that i need to raise my voice, or reprimand, or somehow punish without humiliating, in no
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case, in no case personally no, i can also encourage a serviceman, when i see... that a person tries, shows initiative, there, well, or there he risks his life, then there will be an appropriate attitude towards this person, and in the future as well, most importantly, combat training and combat readiness, these are the two components, which, behind which there is one big word: victory on the battlefield, even in... in the conditions of the training ground and the shooting range , the weapon works in quite extreme conditions. i think there is no need to explain that in the conditions of active hostilities, the intensity of wear and tear of any weapon increases exponentially. and if the weapon, even through some if a little thing goes wrong, then in the conditions of war it can end very badly. yes, indeed,
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a serviceman should know his weapon and be able to carry out minor repairs. however, not all damages can be... repaired in the field, as a special tool or even a workshop is required. the video from the 14th brigade of the national guard of ukraine is about such a weapons workshop, and most importantly, about people, people with golden hands, who give damaged or broken weapons a second life day and night, without holidays or weekends. and if not war, one could joke that weapons are tired of killing, but in reality, weapons are a tool, if you are against it. uses weapons to seize other people's territories, the defense forces of ukraine use them for protection. churupovyort, bolgarka, haykovyord. let the carpet there to the mortar unscrew, many people do not have to unscrew the ratchet due to the impact, we unscrew the caps, tighten the shock absorbers , everything is a quarrel, a semi-automatic skirmisher, weld
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a saw so that it fires, because skirmishes happen, well, how often does it strike, it does not go into production under it i welded a couple of points with a semi-automatic machine, put a petal on it, dusted it, and it continues to shoot, and i think that while the car is starting, the suitcase arrived , you threw away some battery brushes , threw away the grinder, got into the car and drove off. the air defense forces of ukraine turned out to be that dark horse, the efficiency and effectiveness of which surprised not only ukrainian civilians, but also many western experts, and some russian pilots were simply hit by it. what is harder: shooting down a plane or a helicopter? in what cases are russian pilots? launch rockets at their own infantry, how many enemy planes are on the combat account of the unit, which plane the commander wants to shoot down and who should be in the cockpit at that time.
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the 110th separate mechanized brigade posted a video dedicated to the brigade's anti-aircraft missile platoon on its official youtube channel. now, as always, we will show a small fragment of this video. i remind you that you can watch its full version by scanning the qr code on your phone. on the screen, selected a position, made reconnaissance, determined the direction, to the joy of all of us, the enemy plane was destroyed, there were helicopters and airplanes, we also destroyed them, the enemy cannot be underestimated either, there is at least a major or a lieutenant colonel sitting behind that rascal, i don’t know, someone will somehow not understand, but it drags on, it drags on this duel, this danger , if we say so, zero at the height, then we are also working. from zero, with a dozen destroyed enemy aircraft on our account of the unit, the infantry enters the shelter, and we go out the other way under these nurses, makes
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a launch, and there is already 80% that the missile will hit these, to our joy, when they catch the gava, then we i don't mind either, often they work off their positions to zero, and it's clear that they are afraid of getting closer, and then they hit theirs with nurses. may 2022. the battle for siverskyi donets, more precisely, for belogorivka. dozens of destroyed equipment, broken pontoon crossings, desperate attempts by the russian army to force the river, strikes by manned aircraft and drones, and literally tens of thousands of artillery shells per day. a moment of history. as of the beginning of may 2022, the transfer of western artillery. to ukraine just started, so the armed forces of the russian federation had a critical advantage, both in the number of barrels and in the number of shells. taking advantage
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of this advantage, the russian command planned to create a bridgehead in belogorivka for an offensive against the north, but the plan of the russian general staff was not implemented accordingly. in the area of ​​bilogorivka, the enemy was opposed by various units, including the paratroopers of the 80th airborne assault brigade. and the video, which was recently published on the official page of the brigade, tells about these events. we were sent there as part of the rtgr company and plus mine battery we arrived somewhere in the bakhmut district, stood there not far away, and as if we were waiting for an order. and it's just that at a certain moment the plans changed and we were ordered to advance to the area of ​​the crossing, well , for the infantry company, well, the airborne assault company was ordered to advance to the crossing for reinforcements. well, we all, like the artillery that supported this company, appeared together with it, arrived there at the place, the company, well, if the company understood, they immediately attacked in battle order, occupied
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the lines there, because already at that moment, well, i can’t to say exactly, but there already at that moment the russians were already throwing, at that moment there were already pantons and the troops were already starting to cross, that is, our company was already, roughly speaking, going into the attack, it was already on the attack from the east, well , similarly, at the moment while the company was entering, we had already taken up firing positions there in that district and began to work out, we return from history to the present, but territorially we remain in the same place. previously, there was a reserve here with unique flora and fauna and clean air. now the red book plants of the silver forest are mowed down by splinters shells, and instead of rare wild birds , drones are densely swarming. the situation is such that enemy positions are clearly visible thanks to... drones, but the occupiers, using their drones, are also watching the ukrainian military. the first presidential brigade of the national guard of ukraine bureviy.
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posted on its official youtube page videos dedicated to the work of drones in forest conditions. this is an ordinary patrol. in all this, i am trying to see moving thermal signatures, it is something like that little, tiny white pixels that we call peepers. eye. our target sees any movement, if we see a group that is moving, that’s a plus, we transfer the data to ours, and then they already work on it, forms are made on 3d printers with the help of volunteers, we also bring our own bull, well to transform it into something else, a person gets used to... and can
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survive in any conditions, survive and , with some effort, build comfort and coziness around him. of course, this statement has a lot, but, but love is the sharpest a feeling that helps one feel human in war, helps one live and breathe. when you know that they are waiting for you at home, you are not afraid of bullets or mines, nothing is scary. these are the words of the chief sergeant of the anti-aircraft missile battery of the 68th brigade. oleksandr fell in love with valeria, a girl from the border town, and later he confessed to her. this is how a new ukrainian family was born. the official page of the separate 68th hunter brigade reminds all its viewers that the army is not soulless robots, but living people. and these people, in addition to duties and skills, have a desire and feeling. therefore, we, as a whole creative team , wish the young people victory. i am already a wife.
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we met in the mykolaiv region, i did not serve in the 68th brigade at that time, i served in the 12th separate rifle battalion, and our unit came to help in the defense of such a city as voznisemsk, after our guys repelled an offensive in voznisensk in the mykolaiv region , we retreated to the village of bratskoe. and stood for protection, on the approach to, the nuclear power plant, yuzhnoukrainskaya as, and stood in this village for a very long time, and already all the people who lived there in this village, they became like family, we began to communicate with each other, and the boys who served with me in my rifle tank, they introduced me to this beautiful girl. yes, when announcing this
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video, i specifically emphasized the fact that living people serve in the army, because as it has been said more than once, the army is a section of society where all people are different, with different views on life, different levels of wealth, different levels education and various civilian professions, and that is why the content generated by the defense forces ukraine is also very diverse, from serious analysis of the history of sharp... in the format of videos from the scene of events to training courses and beautiful love stories. so every viewer will find something they like. i encourage you to like this video, and if any wall is close to you, subscribe to the official channel of the relevant formation or unit. if you think that some brigade or battalion has been overlooked, write about it in the comments. because this is not the final, this is definitely not a parade, this is a review of the official military video.
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see you next week, bye. i welcome you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, and today we will continue to talk about mobilization. by the way, in the ministry of defense. ukrainians had a wanted status in the registry without any reason, the ministry of defense claims that this error was corrected thanks to the reserve plus application and advises to re-authorize to see the updated status. however, we are talking about how the mobilization process has changed today, but first about the situation at the front. in the donetsk region , russian troops carried out four
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mechanized by forces of companies and smaller units on...


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