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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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official military video, see you next week, goodbye, i congratulate you, this is freedom of live, my name is vlasta lazur and today we will continue to talk... about mobilization, by the way, the ministry of defense recently reported that 710,000 ukrainians had unjustified status in search in the registry, the ministry of defense claims that this error was corrected thanks to the reserve plus application and advises you to re-authorize to see the updated status. we are talking about how the mobilization process has changed today, but first about the situation on the front in the donetsk region, russian...
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troops carried out four mechanized attacks by the forces of companies and smaller units in several operational directions, this is stated in the current report of the american institute for the study of war, the russian military did not achieve significant success, the review says, but they were probably checking the reaction of ukraine after the battles in kharkiv oblast. analysts came to these conclusions after studying videos published online on may 27 and 28, which show russian troops carrying out intensified mechanized attacks east of temporary far east of novopokrovsky near novomykhaivka and in staromayorsky. presumably, these attacks were aimed at assessing the reaction of ukrainian forces and their defense capabilities in the donetsk direction. observers also emphasize that in recent days, russian troops have reduced the pace of attacks in the north of the kharkiv region and increased the pace of attacks in the direction of pokrovsk in the avdiyivka region. ukraine cannot defend itself. its future depends on the decisions of its defensive western allies, who shape the agenda of the ear. in other ukrainian cities and
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along the thousand-kilometer front line, writes the british edition of the bbc. international columnist jeremy bowen states: ukraine is experiencing the most difficult crisis since the beginning of the war. the coming summer will bring a sense of anxiety, crazy queues for military service, like two years ago, it is long gone, the exhausted ukrainian army needs new forces. russia is taking advantage of the shortage of ukrainian air defense and mercilessly hitting the civilian infrastructure. russian factories produce more weapons and ammunition. than western allies of ukraine. the initiative is long-lasting wars passes between the participants. russia is now making every effort because it feels it has a window of opportunity before ukraine gets new weapons. one of the main questions of this dangerous summer is whether russia, with its size, weight and tenacity, is capable of inflicting a battlefield defeat on ukraine that will change the strategic equation of this war. ukraine and its allies believe that... russia does not have sufficient combat
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power to do more than seize limited territory at the cost of great human and material losses. but, remember, a year ago, the time when hopes for ukraine's summer offensive were too high. now russia is stronger, and without qualitative changes in favor of ukraine, moscow will do everything possible to get deeper into this war. anastasia blyshchyk, spokeswoman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, has already joined our broadcast. anastasia, good evening. i wish each other health radically? well, look, despite the fact that the russian occupiers have stepped up in other areas of the front, the main blow is still in the pokrov direction, here the assault actions do not stop for a moment, since our 47th separate mechanized brigade, here and it has been almost 7.5 months , so much here and assault actions. now we are watching how the russians again
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switch to buggies and motorcycles, before that they actively stormed with armored vehicles, only in the lane of our brigade, it could be 12 units of armored vehicles in just one day, and they chose such tactics that they chose the main strike, but they moved at the same time in two or three directions of the strip of responsibility of our brigade, to divert attention, but they replenished our statistics very well, the guys will receive bonuses for destruction. equipment, after all, in a month, about a hundred units of armored vehicles were destroyed by soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, our bradley crews, pronron operators are working, well, of course , our artillery is also actively working now, and here is what is said in the report today washington institute for the study of war, they are analysts they say that now the pace in the kharkiv direction has decreased, the pace of attacks has increased in the direction of pokrovsk in the district.
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can you confirm or deny this? that's right, they are very actively storming with the help of armored vehicles, well , if we talk about the last couple of days, then they switched more to infantry. assaults, but before that it was just daily assaults involving armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers and tanks. and what is the purpose? the goal, actually, well, of course, if we talk about the global goal, they are interested in this track, myrnograd, pokrovsk, kostyantynivka, they they want to control this route, in the future to enter large logistics cities, such as pokrovsk, kurakhova, but of course, we are doing everything now to prevent them from achieving this goal. anastasia, maybe you know, i don't know. are the fighters of your brigade present there, but, for example, so far western military analysts say that russian troops have captured 60% of the city of krasnohorivka in donbas, do you know anything about this? no, this is not our line of responsibility, there is the line of responsibility of other units of the armed forces of ukraine, in
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our case it is now on the map of the district just ocheretino, the area there is closer to solov'ovo, this is our area of ​​responsibility, we are just right. i understand , we are showing the map, anastasia, and the western press is coming out with rather alarming reports that ukraine is currently experiencing the most difficult crisis since the beginning of the war, whether the military agrees with such a statement, but it is difficult for us, of course, that we sat without help for six months without artillery shells, it was very difficult, because then that entire period of time. that here we were in the avdiiv direction, now this the pokrov direction, the artillerymen were in critical situations when there were very few artillery shells, then fpv drones were deployed, and we thank the volunteers who helped us, but now i will say that the situation has improved because at least we have something to shoot at, there is something to beat,
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our gunners are working actively, how exhausted are the military, i am now talking about people, about the human factor, very exhausted, you are very exhausted. not everyone wants rest because there has to be a rotation, but we understand if we talk about our 47 separately mechanized brigade, because we have been without rotation for almost a year, we were in the melitopol direction, took an active part in the counteroffensive, then we had a very short time for rest, less than a month, and we went to the avdiiv direction, and we understand that now, it is unlikely that i will lead us out of this direction, because we have american armored vehicles, that is, the bradley infantry fighting vehicle. these are abrams tanks. that is why we want as many brigades as possible to receive such help as we did. and do you expect, do you expect, that in the near future, the british press is there, and i am quoted by the bbc, they write that the summer promises
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to be troubling, do you expect any serious increased offensives from the russian troops in the near future? we are waiting, of course, we are always on the alert, we understand, we follow the news, we understand that... we read the news that the russians are now raising their reserves, we understand that they may launch an active attack like this again, that is of course, we are all on the alert and, as always , we are doing our best to eliminate the russian invaders as much as possible. you know, anastasia, we are following the process very carefully now mobilization, how tsc work, many people criticize us for this, but look, this is our work, now. intensified mobilization is underway in the country, and here are a number of experts with whom we have already spoken, they say that there is hope that if after this process is completed, or some stage of it is completed, then it will be possible to talk about demobilization, about the establishment of clear terms of service, to what extent is this
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demobilization process, or at least the establishment of clear terms of service expected by the military, how much do they hope for it now? well it is clear that you want to have specific terms. and that's why we don't see that people are actively mobilizing now, because there are no clear terms, people want to know what awaits them, because joining the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is a serious step, and you have to think about it before it is necessary to prepare, and when a person does not know what will happen next, when he does not know how far he will go for this war, then it is difficult. of course, we all count on demobilization, but we understand that... in the near future we will not be told about some specific terms, i will explain for our audience, as far as i remember, you were mobilized as a volunteer, it was your desire to join the armed forces, now there is a lot of talk, you know, about the fact that people can go to the front not
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unmotivated, against their will, we see how people flee from ukraine, particularly from the war, and we see these conflicts. with tsc employees, that's what we will talk about today. tell me, please, what the military at the front say about it, to what extent they have fears that unmotivated people may soon fill their ranks. nothing, we will give them motivation, teach them, in principle, we are working on this now, because our recruiting department is also working, and we always encourage people to join the armed forces of ukraine, we guarantee training and what kind of training they are now, even there before my the unit is currently being replenished, and when i joined the lavzas, my studies and i stayed at the training center for two weeks, then there were such deadlines, now it's a month, now two, now... they are sent to study abroad, well, i even envy these people, because my
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training period was two weeks in total, and i immediately went to the izyum area, then it was one of the hottest areas, and at that moment the counteroffensive began of the armed forces of ukraine, and therefore join, join the ranks, join the 47th crimean organized brigade, we are glad to invite everyone, besides, we have something to fight for, there is also equipment of... western models, these are our legendary bmp bradley and tanks, and teach the most important thing is that we have very powerful, cool instructors who have powerful combat experience and who know what to share, because our brigade knows how to both attack and defend, and this is the most important thing. anastasia, thank you very much, you know how to motivate, anastasia blyshchyk, spokeswoman of the 47th separate mechanized brigade from donetsk region, joined us. at the time when russia launched a new offensive on the kharkiv region,
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a brigade arrived from other directions to reinforce the ukrainian troops, among them was the 57th, a separate motorized infantry brigade, also the charter brigade of the national guard of ukraine, which was created in the 22nd year specifically for the protection of the kharkiv region, and now many of these fighters, who then fought back in the kharkiv direction and took part in the kharkiv counteroffensive, are again repelling russian attacks on this territory, as do the military work? near vovchansk, this is kharkiv region, look, move away, shot, shot, shot, normal, normal, everything. shot, shot! during this offensive, it
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all changed a lot, so to speak, more shells, more work, more responsibility, too, if, well, not only if you think for yourself, you think more about what kind of people. it can be either i want peace already so that they run away from home again, two sons, two grandchildren , i want this for the family already as a couple, now i can find out through contacts.
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didn't understand my feelings because i was happy when i heard her that we were being redirected here,
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well it's in the moment, you know, wow, i'm going to protect my home, and then i realize, blah, well, again, again, it's the start of full scale, only now it is much more difficult with this, the enemy has come here on my land, well, what is my motivation, i am not born a warrior, i wasn't born a person who wants to kill, but i... objectively understand that i have the motivation to stand to the end and do everything in my power to make the enemy just go away, and ideally to do so, so that he would never want to come here again, as they say, there is no position, but we are now, well, we are talking about mobilization and the work of the tcc after the new law on strengthening mobilization came into force. where, in the end, under the conditions of the new law, is the line between the violation of human rights and legal work employee of tsc. we have already
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talked about this in part the day before, and in particular, how the work of the tsc has changed after the adoption of the law, we are now talking about everything. we will discuss this again, but first the report of radio liberty. the management of the west operational command offered our colleagues, the correspondents of radio liberty , to spend the day with the employees of the uzhhorod tsk, where people who, in particular, returned from the front after being wounded, work. take a look. my war began on february 20, 4, 50 in the morning. the student explosions were near kharkov, i myself am from kharkov. and then i understood that the war came to our house, went to the army, unfortunately, it so happened that during the assault he caught a couple of bullets in the right side, six months of treatment, alive, almost fit for duty, and after 128 he was transferred to the uzhhorod rtcc tsp, in fact, i am
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a jurist, it is correct that a specialist in law is my experience, and banking activity, like all men, i considered it right and necessary to protect my homeland, it’s simple, this is old konstantinovka, while performing some tasks i ended up in the hospital and at the moment i am here. by the way, i haven't seen the surveillance cameras, it seems that we have already been filmed, the first time i went with the guys last year, i went to the alert, and it was almost a similar situation, i
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asked the guys who had been there before, where are our boys, where are our volunteers, and they... the answer is that they graduated in the summer of 22, unfortunately, now there are many times more girls who want to serve in the armed forces than boys, i’m joking that girls have balls, well, we work, we do our job, we gather people, we motivate, we send him to the training center, we don't have anything else, if we don't do it, then... there will be a poor person, now you have a document, a passport, and that's it, now i have a car, it's waiting for me, i'm going to ladies, we have martial law, look now, you first of all, you understand very well that you are violating everything that can be violated, and i have been there for whole days, excuse me,
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please, you are proving to me why you you take me out, well, i work the same way as others. excuse me, hello, brother, look at the amulet, data, i’m just like a wanted man, i dodged, that’s all so, listen, i came to the woman for family reasons, seriously, so he most likely planned to go abroad, these are all illusions to the woman, to bake cliques, to play football on the border, well, we have already been through this, well, i have such an inner feeling that it rarely lets me down and at the moment i was 100% trained, i understand that there are no explosions here, but it can't be like that, but i hear everyone every day, every day there, i came here for a couple of days, really for a couple days, i
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understand you, and back there again, i had my passport with me and i had with me. you agree to come to the family, then i came to the family to see, to do my business, to go back to where i live near nikopol, there are constant hostilities, and in order to take part in the war, it is not necessary to do all this because tsk, the fact that tsk has spoiled its face a little, that's why people don't treat them the way they probably should, but where did it come from? let's wait a little longer, oleksandr bondarenko, head of the public relations service, joins our broadcast. sumy regional technical committee and sp, do you hear or see me? good evening, yes, good evening, hello, i see, yes, i see you i also see, we just showed material from
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uzhgorod, where our journalists, well, watched, or rather worked together with tsk employees, look, our topic is mobilization and how the work of tsk, the work of military commanders, actually changed after the adoption of the law on mobilization, oleksandr , how has your work changed in the last 10 days? well, as the head of the service with the public, i work more, because now we communicate a lot with citizens and mass media, but if you take, for example, the first week, then in the first week there is a lot changed, a lot of things remained unchanged, well , first of all, what remained unchanged were the notification measures and the mobilization measures in particular, that is , the mobilization process continues, and we send... mobilized people to training centers, where they undergo general basic training, and as for the entry into force of the law, it came into
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effect on saturday the 18th, already on monday there were queues and mostly these are people who are clarifying their data, who work at enterprises that are prohibited, or who have a postponement, communicating, these queues are just right. i'm just i emphasize the attention, we show from time to time, well, for example, i approached people and asked them which of them came specifically for the summons and precisely in order not just to compile their data, but to pass the military medical commission and go to serve in the armed forces , that is, of the 30 interviewed, there were no such people, the vast majority are people there, 40-45 plus, and well, 50 years old and all of them... they are employees of enterprises that their employer sent them to update their data. ugh. but look, actually against the background of these queues and against the background of the fact that people only have 60
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days to update their data, everyone, including those who are booked, those who were limited in eligibility, but now it looks like the tsk system may not be ready to accept the entire number of people in two months, at least this is already assumed by the deputies who actually passed this law. and they say that there may be a need to extend the deadline for updating the data, so in advance, what can you say, it may happen that it will be necessary to extend this deadline, or now you see that you will have time, the system will have time to update the data everyone? uh, look what we see now, we see now, that law-abiding citizens appear in the territorial collection center, that is , those who have a deferment, and those who are booked. that is, those who are not horrified by the hostile propaganda that is spreading among the masses, regarding the work of the tsk, we
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will talk about it separately now, because it is not all propaganda, you understand, yes, yes, yes, and what do we see , this is what, for example, well, in small, well, towns, it’s called, we have regional territorial assembly centers, for example, yes, and there are people like there in lypova the valley is a department. theirs, and in the departments i talked to the chief, he says, well, this is the first day, he says, well, monday, but this has never happened, 40 people came there, that is , i say, well, don’t create congestion, well, that is, well and this is again who came, these are the people who have a deferment, who have received detailed data, that is, people who have come to the tcc, again i asked questions about electronic queues, of course in such small departments, well she, well, as they say, she doesn't work , she doesn't. she is not needed, that is, she is but the people who, well, as he puts it, are some young guys there, young people who can be digitized there, you know, they can go to the mobile there, and the people who are older,
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they don't use the queue, again, here in the city of sumy, the city territorial center is nearby, i approached the people who were standing in line, i asked them if any of you had heard about the electronic queue, everyone who stood physically in line, that is, they said no, we did not hear, but they came in person to be exact. your data, well, we can here to say hello to the state communications, to the ministry of defense, that they didn't inform, look, no, actually, you know, even that we can say hello to those resources that exist regarding e-education, and to people who, the older they get, that’s why they use it, so to speak, my impression is that those who are younger use electronic queues, well, again , there is a lot of such in terms of electronic queues, i say, if in small areas, that is, it is not in demand, then in big cities, well there in regional ones centers, there are as many as six, for example, there is the city of sumy, there are difficulties, in which,
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first of all, people... register in an electronic queue, they spend 15 minutes in the electronic queue for each visitor, ugh, actually it is very a little time, so that they have time to do something, they will clarify the data, because you know, in addition to the data related to the phone, email address, well, the address of residence, there is also one for the medical commission, if the person has not passed, then this is also a clarification of the data, and how is the reserve plus related to the relationship, huh? within 60 days is enough just indicate that your data is current, yes, but in order to completely update the data, you need to physically come to the territorial assembly, if you have not been there for one hour, five years, 10, and to update the data, you really need to submit all the documents, and as for this is the inconvenience and dissatisfaction of electronic queues, i.e. a person who comes in an electronic queue, she counts on the 15 minutes that
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she signed up for, but next to... the queue, we also have a physical queue, that is, people also took up the queue, and the specialist is alone two turns, well they agree, they are already going together, that is , it turns out, or is it correct? the load has increased manifold, in general, in general, look, a lot has increased with the law. and within 60 days , the number of people who update their data has increased, for example, as for employers, yes, for example, being an employer, sending your subordinate there to update data, well, for example, for me, as an employer , it will be an indicator that he will come from there, and i will see that something has changed in him, at least this barcode will appear pasted in his accounting documents, that is, he absolutely, he, he is not mandatory for citizens there, it is needed for the territorial
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procurement center to... well, it is easier, more efficient and error-free to update the data and compare them, entering them into the database of the aoberig register. oleksandr, we can just move on, because you mentioned propaganda, which is really there there are various videos circulating on the network, we analyzed them in detail yesterday, because somewhere there really is no, there was no conflict there based on the delivery of a summons between civilians and troops. it was reported that there was a conflict, somewhere a person was really stuffed into a bus and then taken somewhere. come on, now there is a "reserve plus" application, a person can update his data to reserve plus. in what cases is a person taken to the tcc immediately after checking documents on the street. what could be the reason for her to be taken to the tcc immediately in a bag. if a person has updated the data in reserve plus, this is a sufficient reason not to...
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keep it in the tcc, or is it not enough? well, first of all, according to the new legislation, a person must have registration documents with him, that is, it may be that a person does not have registration documents, again, this accent that someone's shopping center is a garden in the bush, not a shopping center is a garden in the bush, and the police, which is in the alert group, as part of the alert group, must be the police is mandatory now, it is mandatory, it offers, that is. if you do not have documents with you, then according to the current legislation, this is generally an offense, that is, a fine must be issued immediately, a protocol is given, a fine is issued, which, well, for example, from our own experience, when we issued a notification, the citizen did not have
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documents, and we simply issued him a summons so that he did not have accounting documents, in he had a passport that identifies a person, but there were no official documents, when asked why, that is, he said that he had recently been to the tsc and left his documents in order for him to paste this and that barcode, and if, for example, you you meet a person, and he has already updated the data in the reserve plus, that's it, you just watch. and you let her go correctly, but again look, at the beginning of our conversation i said that measures are ongoing, both updating data in accordance with the law that was adopted, and those measures for alerting, for mobilization, which were if a person, what does it mean, updated his data, the person installed the reserve plus in the application on his mobile device, yes, entered the code, registered and confirmed his phone, email address, yes, we...


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