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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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western partners that allow the financing of this system, the operation of this system, and against this background, there are really many reasons why our western partners cannot ensure the same effective functioning of the western, let's say, defense-industrial complex of this system, in the united states the united states had its own turbulence for six months, but i have the impression that so far the united states has had turbulence. for some reason, the european partners also expected that suddenly ukraine would surrender, suddenly ukraine would not be able to withstand these six months and would start talk about negotiations, and then it will be possible, in principle, to freeze and end the war, and then it will not be necessary either to launch the military-industrial complex at full capacity, or to support ukraine by spending billions of euros and so on, but ukraine is the united states through new ... once again
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, internal political reasons were forced to make a decision on the allocation of 61 billion. and in these conditions, it can be noted that literally the last days show that the countries of europe, the european union, have also begun to actively to join the allocation of aid, literally every day there are news: spain, portugal, belgium, sweden and so on, are allocating, great britain, france, allocating new and new aid packages to ukraine, the impression is that finally everyone understood, this year ukraine is not giving up , that is, at least until the end of the 24th year, you have to help. next, the 25th year will already be the end of the pre-election struggle in the united states will be seen, but in the 24th year, russia failed to convince its allies that ukraine can surrender, not it was possible to break through the front, but it was not possible to secure an advantage on the battlefield. russia,
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even under the conditions that china is actively involved in supporting russia, economically, and in terms of raw materials, microelectronics, and so on, i said, so i think that the situation will change now, but these six months they are really very were very difficult from the point of view of assistance, well, today there was information from the czech partners who said that in fact the czech initiative is very poorly financed, that is, the first shells are already... on the czech initiative, that is, i let me remind you, this is a purchase at the expense of investments from the european union in third countries outside the borders of the european union very little funds have been allocated for ammunition for ukraine, that is , the first shells will be allocated in the coming days, but from those countries that have declared their readiness to finance 1.5 billion euros this initiative for a million plus shells, so far very few of you. real
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funds, and today the czech side called on those countries that expressed a desire to finance the czech initiative to fulfill their promises. mr. mykhailo, on against the same background, a discussion is being held, and it continues, and today, obviously, tomorrow this discussion will continue about whether the ukrainian army has the right to strike on the territory of russia with western weapons from... the weapons of our western partners, to date 10 countries have declared its position that the ukrainians can use these weapons, but obviously one of the main decisions that can be and that will set these dots is the decision of the united states of america, our main partner and our biggest partner, as washington's decision about...
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providing such an opportunity to the ukrainian army, how will it change the situation at the front? well, in fact, the leader of the western world, the leader of nato, who actually provides 80, about 80% of the resource and military plan of the alliance, influences, categorically, radically influences such decisions, well, for example, about the use of weapons, western weapons against russia. if and while again about this indecision, i would like to say that the indecision of the biden administration, it plays just as badly and has a bad effect on the decision-making of our other allies, that is, if we imagined the decision of the united states, the biden administration, that ukraine , of course, has the right to strike on the territory of russia, because well, i will simply now illustrate what it looks like, that is, at the moment, for example, there is a certain... grouping in
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the direction of sumy, yes and so far they do not cross the border, these servicemen are russian, their equipment can be, let's say, 500 m from the border, and there is no way there... you can hit with american or other western weapons when they cross the ukrainian border and occupy part of the territories, it turns out , now already you can hit these russian soldiers and armored vehicles, so what is the logic, that is , the united states, they stimulate russia to attack ukraine, well, it turns out like this, that is , when russia enters the territory of ukraine, but they are simply invited, enter our territory, because they are americans. .. so they say, and then we will have the right to fight with you, and while you are in your territory and prepare your group, carry out coordination, position artillery, draw up other troops, we have no right to strike on this territory, that is, until you occupying our territory, we cannot, we
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cannot destroy you, complete nonsense, complete delusion, and frankly, i cannot justify or explain, argue, even if i wanted to such solutions. states, of course, they have a destructive effect on the position of the alliance, and on the position of other countries, nato members and non -nato members, that help ukraine, that is, the united states should be categorical and absolutely clear here. if, in accordance with the un charter, ukraine has the right to strike russian territory for the purpose of self-defense, because they climb simply and demonstrate what they want simply. to carry out the occupation of other territories, not only those territories that they occupied, other territories, from other directions, then ukraine has the full right according to all international norms to strike with any weapon, and here the united states is showing, well, an absolutely incomprehensible position, honestly saying,
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i can't explain it. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert. friends, we continue our work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on ours platforms on youtube and facebook, and throughout the broadcast we are conducting a poll, we are asking you about whether putin will dare to use nuclear weapons, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your opinion, please write it in the comments below video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think putin will dare to use nuclear weapons, 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free voice. at the end of the program we will sum up this vote. and we have oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on energy and housing and communal affairs in contact. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. greetings, glad to be with you. thank you as
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well. let's talk today, mr. oleksiy, about the situation in the ukrainian energy industry, it is clear that the russians are striking and will... obviously, they will continue to strike our energy objects, but today appeared information about the increase in electricity prices, for some reason the mass media are reporting about this, citing some of their sources: rbc of ukraine, ukrainian pravda, they have some sources in the government, they say that from june 1 the government plans to raise the price by 80% electricity tariff'. energy for household consumers who consume more than 100 kw per month, and for such household consumers the tariff will increase from 2.64 kopecks to 4.80 kopecks, for consumers who
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consume less than 100 kw, the tariff will remain unchanged at 2.64, you can you explain to me why ukrainians are being informed about this by some unnamed sources in... the government through mass media. can't the minister of energy or the prime minister of ukraine clearly explain what awaits the people in two days? can i ask a counter question, but where is our decision-making center? i think that on the bank street, and i think so, i'm even sure, i'm convinced, and you are convinced, and everyone who understands how the ukrainian government and politics are organized, understand that finally... the decision is made precisely on the bank street , moreover revealed the secret to you precisely in the office on the fourth floor, then only in the only office, it is there, you explain to our viewers that this is the office of the president of ukraine, well, of course, of course, that is, that is , the final version must be
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approved, or will not be approved by the president of ukraine, and then it will either become a decision of the government, or it will not become a decision of the government, well, this has been known for a long time, well, unfortunately, we saw the goals there and... at one time with the water tariffs that were originally set there, then there was outrage from the decision-making center there, they were canceled as a disgrace there and so on and so on, that is, what i am leading to... i am not saying that it is bad or bad, i am just saying one thing that i would really like, well, i would like it to finally be recognized officially , legal even, you understand, and so that we clearly know that we do not need to listen to what the minister of energy or the same prime minister says there, that their decision is so much more advisable, and then we will wait for what the first person says and or to trust or not to trust this decision, let us reason. somehow, let them show, or, or if such blind faith does not need to be checked, then
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we will just trust without checking, you understand, because i, as a specialist, and i consider myself not only an analyst, a cybernetician, a statesman, sorry, yes, well, and an experienced professional person, it is very difficult for me to explain this, as from the point of view of energy , yes from the point of view of economy. of energy, because you understand, yes, there is the technical condition of the power system, and there is the financial situation of the power system, and these are two different things, they live their own lives, they do not correspond to each other at all, but from the point of view of making state decisions, then i i completely agree with you, well, we still see a discussion, it is unclear between whom, but i want to reassure you, well, to a certain extent, it is better, how is it better, a bad ending, a terrible ending or? horror without end, tomorrow there will be a meeting of the government, that's for sure, i don't know the time,
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i would really like to know the time, because i asked for this meeting of the government, i sent a letter to the prime minister, i say: please invite me so that i had the opportunity to see the rationale and ask questions, but i myself wonder whether they will be invited or not, but tomorrow, i think, the decision will be final, whatever it will be, or something like that as you said, everyone already knows these magic numbers, 4.8, 2.64. it is like this, or there may be another solution, i will honestly tell you what it can be, if there is such public dissatisfaction, maybe this bar is not 4.8, but the forecast is more like 3.96, well, what am i leading to and there will be no justification, it will only be, so to speak, like looking at the ceiling, what passed, passed, what passed, what did not pass, you understand. mr. oleksiy, but it’s clear why these voltages are increasing , well, there is a lack of electricity in the network, it is necessary
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to recover after shelling, well, that is, what the reason for this? well, look, i say it again, the technical problems are obvious, something must definitely be restored to the lost capacity, the key question arises, i haven’t heard the answer to this question, but according to what financial scheme, at whose expense is it... it must be, because when i hear that the government is going to restore the destroyed energy sector at the expense of the tariff, i want to say that this is not nonsense, it is absolutely wrong, it should not be like that, because the tariff works in a completely different way, you understand, and to put your costs in a one-time increase in the tariff, that is, translate everything to it is absolutely necessary for the population to restore the destroyed stations, hydro transformer substations there. this is wrong, it is not a sanitarium full, you understand, recovery must take place at
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the expense of attracting financial resources, or from the state, or rather not either, but from the state budget, from external borrowings, donor support, loans from international financial institutions, and so on and so forth. and the tariff should cover the cost of this process, but this, if it is stretched over time, and this money must be given... for 10 years, let's say why do we suddenly have to pay for all of this at once, you see, i am not saying that the issue is definitely becoming, standing, and the state undertakes some kind of obligation to restore this energy sector, because there are also many issues here, and that is why the whole argumentation, which has been going on lately, i accept it, i will tell you honestly, this is my vision, i tried to find at least some logic there, some kind of cost, but when i read the government's letter to me... they write that the cost of electricity from the energy atom is there hryvnia 0.7 kopecks, and i quote
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the last for the justification for this latest government resolution, and there the hryvnia is already 70 kopecks, that is, the cost price of an energy atom has increased by 70 kopecks, for some reason it has increased in 2-3 months, you understand, and why they are by 4.8, there is no economic justification, because if already calculate the cost price, then it is closer to my number there 3.8, 3.9, i am ready to prove it on... on the government to anyone, anyone who studied arithmetic in high school, and today i call it what the government is trying to introduce an energy tax. military and energy tax on the population, the consumer during the state of emergency in ukraine's energy sector, and note, i'm not saying, well, maybe during the war the price of war increases, including for the population, but then you have to understand that if it's a tax, then i want justification, how much money do you want
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to collect, how do you want to use it for restoration, because we are talking about... a colossal amount: 35 billion kv per year is consumed by the population, if we increase it by 2 games and 10, then we increase the tariff , yes, this is an additional 74 billion hryvnias, additionally, you understand, additionally we we have to pay 74 billion hryvnias with you for a year, where are you going to take them, show me guys, you are able to spend them somewhere on energy, well, i think, i have a huge doubt that... they have appropriate projects, appropriate readiness and appropriate justifications and agreement, well, here it is 100% that it does not exist, well, it is possible, and that is why, unfortunately, i want to state that there are more myths, more such scarecrows, that it is necessary to increase and everything, whether it will save or not, and i cannot guarantee, and the prime minister cannot guarantee, and the minister of energy cannot
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can guarantee that this tariff increase is impossible to disconnect, impossible to limit. he is not affected by the fact that we will be without electricity, there will be blackouts and there will be restrictions to our great regret, and therefore, believe me, i am extremely dissatisfied and confused, and i do not accept what is happening now, i am not the state administration, it is some kind of amateurism, which during the war, well, it, it is tragic, to a large extent , well, probably, mr. oleksiy, it is connected with the monopolization of the energy market and, well, in fact, today we have the number one monopolist - energoatom, i hope you understand, it is in electric power, and in gas - it is nak-naftogaz, in energoatom, it is today against the background of the fact that state-owned thermal power plants and hydrogeneration are destroyed, well , it has the lion's share, it is one - clearly occupies a dominant position on the market, and in fact, i assure you that 90% of the lobbying
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is from the energy atom side of this increase, that is 90%. it is the ministry and energoatom that demand this increase, and not without showing us why it is necessary, because the rationale does not withstand any criticism, believe me, there is such a primitive justification on two pages, i would be ashamed to prepare such a resolution, whether this plan, which shmyhal talked about at one time, can save the current situation in ukraine, do we need 100 or more of these... there is no such plan , then i have a question for prime minister shmigal, how many such stations have been installed in the last year and a half, well, they started attacking the power system on october 10, 2022, destroying it, the blackout was on november 23, 22, one and a half years have passed,
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show that you already done according to this plan, well, at least one or two stations you... built, which were launched, which also work in the power system, and they are distributed and so on , these are general conversations at the level of the presentation of completely empty gases, you understand, and their plan was completely different, they presented their strategies in luhansk, in london, so detached from life, let's build nine blocks and nuclear ones, come on, let's go, only you and me, sergey, i'm sorry, well, i'm sure we won't live to this moment, you understand how much time do they have and how much... this money, we need to build these buns, that's why there is no plan, there are such slogans, well, the space is like this, and this reminds me, i do not hide, by the way, the infamous 20x20 program, the sign of oil and gas, when something was promised there, 20 billion cubic meters in the 20th year, everything will only make the market the price of gas, well, remember what happened in the 16th year, well, they made a market price for
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gas, no 20 billion, they failed everything possible, koboliv and vitrenka made a lot of money. now they are going to court and nothing, and naftogaz is in losses, naftogaz is in solid losses today, i have the same situation with the complete lack of control over the activities of state-owned companies under the so-called corporatization brand, because we recently corporatized energoatom, and you know what corporatization is, it is to hide information about the company's activities from the owner as much as possible, which you and i are theoretically in favor of, you understand. you will soon not receive any information from nak naftogaz or energoatom regarding the use of these funds, they will operate with some paradigms, market prices, say what the market prices are. in europe and so on
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etc. now it is not enough that some kind of increase had to be done according to a completely different scheme, first of all for the wealthy who consume a lot of electricity, you understand, when in... consumption is 500, 1000 kv, there they have to pay closer to the market price, those who consume 150 kwh each, i wouldn't bother them at all, because it's not enough security, you know, in this situation, i would leave them the old price and so on and so on, but this was not done, by the way, 100 kw, so ask your friends, who fits into these 100 kwh, i think no one 10, well somewhere up to 10%, that's it. but a pensioner in a one-room apartment, who saves on everything, sits in the dark, cooks food once a day, without a working machine , without all these electrical appliances. mr.
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oleksiy, the end itself is very brief, volodymyr kudrytskyi, chairman of the board of ukrenergo, says, that the energy system of ukraine can be restored at the expense of investors who can compensate for the damaged capacities in two or three years with the development of green distributed energy. however, this will happen under the condition of liberalization of prices on the electricity market, as well as the creation of transparent conditions that would allow investments in the energy sector to be a theoretically correct purchase. came in, and it pays off enough projects, they pay off in 4-5-6 years, but this primarily leads to market pricing, first of all. for the population, what is market pricing, look at the price of electricity in neighboring poland, across the border or in slovakia, and the same price is offered here tomorrow, i
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ask mr. kudrytskyi, volodymyr, is it real or not , tell us to introduce the polish price for electricity tomorrow, well , it's probably unrealistic, and that's why i 'm coming back again, that these are good theoretical slogans, which, unfortunately, have very little to do with reality, and here... sergey's last thesis, look, if the government needs money so badly to restore the state-owned ukrhydroenergo, the state-owned trypil station, the state-owned zmiiv station, then let them do it all in private joint-stock companies , let them issue securities, and i do not rule out that i personally would like to become a shareholder, i think thousands of ukrainians would like to become shareholders. ukrainian energy companies, it would be very good, believe me, it is so strategic investment, that is, make me a shareholder, i will invest in your company, but why
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should i rebuild your company at the expense of the tariff, i do not understand, thank you, mr. oleksiy , for the meaningful conversation, it was oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, we continue to work on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, let's look at the interim results of our survey, today we ask you about this, whether you... putin for the use of nuclear weapons, so the results of the interim in a television survey, 31% yes and 60%, 69% no. in 15 minutes we will be on the air again with our experts, with political experts maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko, news from our partners from the bbc is ahead, we will be back on the air in 15 minutes, stay with espresso. there are discounts represented by
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coco may discounts on nozhpaforte 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and ochad there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on relief 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad. big ether of vasyl zima, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and what is he doing world, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuliy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morcha . with us oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. leaders
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who have become many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. see this week in the judicial control program. illegal. enrichment or connections with russians, what were the detectives looking for in lyudmila kropyvna's house, what were they not looking for during the search, and according to what scheme did the servant of themis get an apartment for her parents in kyiv? father and mother lived like this in ternopil, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel on thursday, may 30 at 5:45 p.m. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. by. brush
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your own the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth individual. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. threat to the sumy direction.
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is opening a new front in the north, why do the leaders of ukraine talk about these dangers with western journalists, and not with ukrainian society. coalition of determination. already 10 european countries have allowed their weapons to be used on the territory of russia. will putin dare to carry out his threats in response. constituent conference. at the first peace summit that... ukraine will bring only three questions: will the global forum bring real peace to ukraine? let me remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who now watch us live there. subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you the following question: will putin dare to use nuclear weapons? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube,
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or yes, or? write your opinion if it does not have a clear answer in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if you think putin would dare to use nuclear weapons (0800-211-381, no), 0800-211-382. all calls these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our experts, political experts, maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences, mr. maksym, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, and viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, mr. viktor , i welcome you, thank you for joining our conversation today, good health, good to see you, so gentlemen, as we ask our viewers and tv viewers
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whether in... they think that putin will dare to use nuclear weapons, let's exchange opinions on this in the format of a close poll, what do you think about nuclear weapons and putin, let's start with mr. viktor, please, i think that driven, he once said the same thing about his the life story that i once saw a rat that was cornered and it swam at people, i have, by the way, also such a case. i was, i served when i was in the navy, i also saw a cornered rat swimming, well, fighting back, er, i think cornered putin is capable of everything, including the use of nuclear weapons, but it can only really be when, well, let's say, there, uh, we will knock them out of the donbass there, or passes into their territory, that's the first, and secondly, there may be another case completed right away.
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well, okay, putin says, i click.


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