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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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45,000 ukrainian servicemen performed defense and combat missions in more than 25 international operations in different regions of the world and in 18 different countries. protected important objects, escorted convoys with humanitarian aid, destroyed snipers and evacuated civilians. where are our peacekeepers now and what were their most difficult missions? let's see in the plot. as an independent state, ukraine joined peacekeeping missions for the first time. in 1992, it was formed from volunteers in just three weeks 240th separate special battalion. the first mission took place on the territory of the former yugoslavia, where a civil war was raging. ukrainian peacekeepers arrived in bosnia on july 15 , 1992. they found themselves in difficult conditions, there was little food and fuel. in addition, bosnian serbs staged provocations and demanded to lay down their arms. in may 1995
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, nato planes bombed several bosnian serb military depots. in response , they took peacekeepers en masse hostage and used them as human shields. ukrainians were among them. salvation of bosnians japi is considered one of the most successful operations of ukrainian soldiers. on july 24, 1995 , the serbs began mass shelling of the region. ukrainian peacekeepers began evacuation. in three days, it was possible to evacuate 5,000 to 10,000 people from the city. during the three years of the peacekeeping operation in the balkans, 15 ukrainian soldiers died. another major operation of ukrainian peacekeepers was the mission in iraq, where all tasks were combat. the ukrainians were fighters of the international coalition against which the guerilla war of islamic militants continued.
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in total, more than 600 passed through iraq servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine. 18 of them died. in the early 2000s, ukraine joined the operation in sierra leone, which is located in western africa. ukraine has been in a civil war between the forces of the central government and paramilitary groups. ukrainians exclusively helped victims of military operations. however, six of our men died during the mission. citizens, the ukrainian mi-8 helicopter fell into the ocean, the entire crew died. in november 2018, ukrainians were involved in large-scale scorpion combat operations, in order to destroy the units of militants, jihadists, who struck on the territory of the democratic republic of the congo. for a long time, the ukrainian helicopter detachment was the only unit that performed flying tasks in the region. the squad transported high-level people, medical and
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critical cargo, carried out evacuation, air reconnaissance and search and rescue operations, ukrainian helicopter crews spent more than 50 thousand hours in the sky, pilots transported almost 2,000 passengers and about 700 tons of cargo. in 2021, before the special operation in afghanistan was joined by representatives of the ukrainian head office of the russian federation. the mission began on september 16, at that time the american troops left afghanistan, but the ukrainians did not leave the region, the operation to rescue people almost collapsed, in the end, our scouts managed to find and evacuate not only citizens of ukraine, but also employees of international organizations. on september 23, the plane with the rescued people successfully landed in kyiv. before the full-scale invasion, ukraine
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continued to participate in peacekeeping operations operations on the african continent, in the countries of the near and middle east, in the caucasus and many other regions of the world. 58 ukrainian soldiers died during the tasks. since 2014, most of our peacekeepers have become participants in the anti-terrorist operation in donbas, the obstacle for foreign battalions to participate in the peacekeeping mission in the country was russia, which was a member of the un security council and had the right of veto. already at the end of february 2022 , president volodymyr zelenskyi recalled all ukrainian peacekeeping missions. despite this, ukraine joined the rescue of people in turkey, where a powerful earthquake occurred in february 2023. more than 50,000 people died in the natural disaster. tens of thousands
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were injured, ukraine sent its rescue team, humanitarian aid, starling terminals and drones there, although our state suffered daily from russian ... shelling, now ukrainian peacekeepers have to defend their native land from russian invaders. indeed, for ukrainians, ukrainian peacekeepers are like a sign of quality in the world, they have incredible courage, skill, skills and human compassion were shown, saving people, stopping conflicts, so a big thank you, with him the peacemaker of all peacemakers, and i now join yuri fizer to the conversation about events outside ukraine, he is ready to tell, yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today in this puria, there will be a lot of information about this again , whether such western partners will allow us
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to use their weapons on the territory of the country, aggressors, poor trump, in every sense this word and idiocy in russian, my name is yuriy fizar, this is the world. ukraine, i'll start in a moment. well, let me start with this, another security agreement this time with portugal, it was concluded the night before by president volodymyr zelenskyi and the head of the portuguese government luiz montenegro, according to the document, ukraine will receive a package of economic and military aid in the amount of 126 million euros in... 24 this document will be valid for the next 10 years. the agreement also obliges portugal to support reforms in the defense sector of ukraine, at the same time determines that the priority will be the assistance and support of the basic needs of ukraine at one time or another. well, that is, so that you
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understand, they will ask the leadership of ukraine what is needed at some point in terms of some kind of financial assistance, military assistance, and they will give exactly what is... most needed at that moment. ukraine is experiencing perhaps the most difficult moment since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and ultimately the entire russian war in ukraine. and therefore has the right to self-defense, which allows her to use western weapons to launch strikes on the territory of russia. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said this in an interview with christian amanpour on the air of the american tv channel cnn. according to him. wars are always unpredictable, therefore the north atlantic alliance does not expect a major breakthrough of the aggressor's troops, but the defense forces of ukraine should still be able to strike back, even on the territory of russia. next, we will hear jens stoltenberg in direct speech. it must
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be remembered that this is an aggressive war. russia attacked another country, this is a senseless violation of international law. namely, according to it, ukraine has the right to self-defense, which also includes the right to attack targets outside ukraine, including legitimate military targets in russia. well, i said at the beginning that today there will be a lot about the fact that, it seems to me, the west has also reached a consensus and is preparing this decision to allow us to hit the russians on their territory in order to prevent them from entering our country. well, that's why... you'll see how much today such decisions, he said as follows: french president emmanuel macron called on his european colleagues to allow ukraine to use the received weapons to attack targets on the territory of russia. he said this the previous evening during a joint
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press conference following a meeting with german chancellor olaf scholz in berlin. the master of the elysee palace also emphasized that the transfer to the ukrainian defense forces is far-reaching. weapons will not cause an escalation on the battlefield, as some fear in europe, well then, let's hear the host emmanuel macron's elysee palace in direct speech. how can we explain to the ukrainians that we give them weapons so that they can defend their cities, but at the same time we prohibit them from hitting targets on the territory of russia, so we need to allow them to be neutral. all military facilities from which missiles are launched in the direction of ukraine, while the ban on hitting other targets in russia, which are civilian facilities, should remain. so, when ukraine is attacked for specific purposes in russia, and we really want to help it, then i think
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that we should let them do it. well , emmanuel macron said one more thing. volodymyr zelenskyi is going to visit him in paris next week, and... said the french president, he, very specifically, this is his quote, will say what the french authorities intend to do with this permission and, ultimately, with further support in... ukraine , well, during this meeting between macron and scholz, there was another very interesting, well, intriguing, i think, statement this time from the mouth of the head of the german government , olaf scholz, i must say that it pleasantly surprised, it was not so direct, but veiled, which seems to me that olaf scholz also changed his mind, not to give us, not to allow, not to allow us to strike with our weapons on the territory of the country of the aggressors. let's hear the bundeschancellor in... according to
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international law, ukraine can do what it does. we must speak frankly about this: she was attacked, and therefore she can defend herself. i find it strange when some argue that she should be banned from defending herself. neither we, nor other european countries, and also friendly states on the international arena, this has never been demanded and we will not demand it. of course. there are questions about what we do with the systems supplied by the us, france, germany and other countries. but all these states have established rules according to which the use of their weapons must take place within the framework of international law. well, so that you understand, earlier olaf schols said: "no, no, no, no, you can't use german weapons to strike, for example, in the belgorod region, or kursk, or bryansk, no, no , no, only russians who... are on the territory of ukraine, he now says, he turns to international law and says that according to international law, ukraine has
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the right to self-defense, and self-defense includes deterring the advance of the aggressor's troops precisely from his, from his territory, that is, from russia, so it is possible as soon as possible from time to time we will hear some more statements by olaf scholz, which i frankly want. but in the administration of the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, they do not want the situation to escalate. on the battlefield in ukraine, the official representative said about it the day before during the briefing white house karin jeanpierre. yes, she answered a journalist's question about whether joe biden is ready to lift this very ban, which i have been talking about a lot today. at the same time, she emphasized that american officials have not changed their position and are not going to allow it at the moment. then a short direct speech. mrs. jeanpierre, we believe that ukraine should have everything necessary for self-defense, and this is our position,
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and this is what she said today, yesterday evening kyiv time, and at the same time, the washington post publishes a very interesting and again still intriguing information, the military military columnist of this newspaper, david ignatios, who has very good insiders in the white house, reported with reference to his sources that butsim - joe biden's attitude to this permission has changed, and perhaps in the near future he will also allow the use american weapons for shelling targets on the territory of the aggressor country, and all this is due to the change in the situation in the kharkiv region, well, at least that is what david ignatis writes, i really hope that it will be so, at the same time he also noted that will be allowed to hit the targets of the opposition. short-range weapons, but only short-range weapons, but vasyl, what's the difference, really,
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to fire at these terrorist troops standing behind the fence on their territory, it will be enough even, well, the weapons that hit there, well, literally there is 30-50 km, and that is enough, so we are waiting for it, and by the way, there is more in this article, i mean the article of the washington post, david ignatios, there is one more interesting piece of information, the leader of china xi jinping was there. ready at the beginning a full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, to supply arms to russia, david ignatius was also told by sources in the white house, according to information released by him, because of this, anthony blinken, the us secretary of state, called mr. siu in march 22 and warned him, that the united states would retaliate. after that, according to the columnist's sources, sidzenpin refused to make direct calls. russian arms stockpile, and, according to the columnist, the chinese leader became very angry and instructed
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the former vice-premier of the state council of the people's republic of china luche to control covert assistance to russia in military operations. in beijing, of course, all this was denied, and rather, it was called outright disinformation. well, don't say that, but there are people who know how to surprise with their behavior, their statements, and such... we can include the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump. during a meeting with donors as part of the election campaign, he stated that he would bomb moscow and... beijing if russia and china invaded ukraine and taiwan , respectively. this was reported by sources of the newspaper the washington post, and more. they also reported that he greatly surprised his donors with this. journalists of the publication do not provide any other details. i will remind you that the ex-owner of the white house, who has every chance to settle there for another four years, has repeatedly
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stated that he will be able to end the russian-ukrainian conflict, as it is called in russia, within 24 hours. taking office as president, after all, trump often calls it a conflict, and the rich are also crying once again about trump, his wallet is so stupid that he has to spend money by selling his property, for example, in order to pay the costs, all the costs of the lawyers who defend him in all four cases, he even had to sell. one plane, this was reported by the american mass media, and they said that it was a small plane from his fleet, although it costs a lot, 10 million dollars, and as we can see, donald trump's problems are serious. well, at least 90 balloons were launched the day before from north korea in the direction of its
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southern neighbor. at the same time, on the air the bullets that fell were waste including excrement. garbage, not political propaganda materials, as claimed by pyongyang, the general staff of the republic of korea, south korea, said about this, the military said that they were taking all necessary measures, and also advised local residents not to approach the objects that fell and to report their detection by the authorities and the police. it is also known that some circles are still hanging in the air. here , only one thing remains a mystery for everyone: what was the purpose of launching from balloons to drop on the territory of the southern neighbor, for example, excrement, why, because earlier in hinyang they said that they would drop propaganda leaflets in response to the fact that seol dropped propaganda leaflets on the territory of north korea, well here, in general,
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they realized that the leaflets are not they won't work, that's why they decided excrement will work, wants to harm from the series. at least something, well, unless it is, and finally, so that you understand how rotten a neighbor, who seems to live somewhere in the last century, we have from the east in in the irkutsk region, which is far in russian siberia, still russian, an art object dedicated to the exile of joseph stalin to siberia was installed. stalin placed the inscription on the cliffs of mount kitkai next to the village of novaya uda, where in 1903 one and a half months took place. joseph stalin, a deputy of the legislative assembly of the irkutsk region, of course from the cprf, told about this, and there is also an altanka, as local journalists say, it is even said that it was invented, the devil knows, the murderer of hundreds of thousands of people loved to walk and was put on even the phone similar to the one that he himself liked to smoke, moreover, there is a museum of joseph
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stalin in this village, i think of it as nova uda, yes, and i wonder, is everyone there? residents know that stalin has already died in principle, but vasyl, how sick are these people, and the problem is that there are still so many of their sick people left there, well, that's it, well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch under any circumstances, only in the broadcast of our... greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine,
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drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country. portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think, politklub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. good evening, we are from... so, we continue, and now it is very important to talk about our money, because it directly concerns us, oleksandr morchivka, next to me, oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, vasyl, we are talking today. about ukrainian taxes, or taxes from ukrainians, from the ukrainian economy, what the government is planning and when new mechanisms will be launched, about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchevka, congratulations,
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this is a column about money in wartime. today we are talking about filling the state budget with taxes, which are going to be implemented in the government. they are talking about a value-added tax, in particular for fops, they are talking about increasing the excise tax, they have already started talking even about a tax on second-hand goods. well, we are joined by oleg penzyn, economist, executive director of the economic discussion club, we will understand this topic. good evening, good evening, but i think we are a little bit off with the secondhand tax hurry up, it definitely won't be there, although the latter will definitely appear. mr. olezh, it is important to talk about the fact that... that the state budget should be filled, but in what way, what options for filling the coffers exist within our state in addition to
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the tax burden? no, well, look, in reality, you and i have, and by the way, are currently actively using bonds of the domestic state loan, well , for example, the minister of finance announced that during the war. government, ministry of finance, government were able to attract up to 1/3 hryvnias at the expense of domestic state loan bonds. apart from that, well, there are other ways, we have already talked about taxes with you, there is a radical way to fight against the shadow economy, but i think that this issue is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. i... understand that all the methods that exist today require stricter control, stricter application, especially in war conditions, we are also talking about the fight against corruption, we are talking
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about other methods, including probably and in first of all, the fight against shadow business. mr. olyche, but the fight against the shadow, how much it could bring to the state budget, if the relevant bodies really worked, and the economic security bureau received its reboot. can there really be a significant amount here? oh, listen, look, at the moment we have about 38% of the shadow sector of the economy, if you transfer it to taxes, well, calculate, the state would have the opportunity to receive up to 1 trillion 700-800 billion in addition, that is, it is extremely an important sector, extremely, which has, in fact, this is the resource that today is theoretical. can be used in order to fill the budget, because, well, when we talk about taxes, these are taxes for someone who pays them anyway, and we understand how difficult it is for business, but
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to use this resource , to extract these funds, at least partially, from the shadow economy, this is a very important task today, sir, but how to extract, what methods are there, to arrange some kind of mask show, in what way, is there a certain methodology, so that the figure. grew and for example, are you really talking about this trillion, that would be the same as for domestic loan bonds? well, in fact, yes, well, look, we have already discussed bep's work with you, right? there are mechanisms, er, let's say , to improve the taxation system to one degree or another, which would maximally promote er payment of taxes. we have sectors that are white, that pay well, we have sectors that, well, let's be... verts have a very large share of shadow business, in fact, the methodology of tax formation can create a situation in which white
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business will be able to work well and pay more, and shadow business will be much more difficult to work in those conditions in which it does not work, well, here we are talking about changes to the tax code, but for some reason the government is going to change the tax law by introducing an initiative to increase the tax in addition the cost, particularly to small businessmen, of an increase in military levy, which will be a burden on the businesses that directly pay this levy, no, well , actually, let's be so clear, the government is following a path that will give money quickly, and it must be understood in that situation that its proposals are proposals that can fill the budget, starting from july 1, we are also talking about... increasing excise taxes on tobacco, we are talking about increasing excise taxes on fuel, we are talking about increasing excise taxes on alcohol, that is, this is the easiest and fastest
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way to start receiving income today, why is it so important, we heard the press conference of mr. marchenko serhiy, minister of finance, who is clear said that even within the limits of the funds specified in the state budget as taxes and revenues from taxes and fees, due to the fact that there were big problems with military and technical assistance at the beginning of this year, the state was forced to overspend the funds that then at the end of the year should be directed. for the monetary receipt of our soldiers, that is, today it is extremely necessary to increase these receipts as much as possible, and it is probably not a secret for anyone that each mobilized budget costs uah 10,300. if we want to mobilize an additional 100,000 people, we in any case, it is necessary to find 130 billion hryvnias somewhere in the state budget, so these are extremely important issues. well, really, you are talking about fast money, as much as it...
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gives to business, to taxpayers, in fact, raising excise taxes on tobacco, on alcohol and, in particular, on gasoline, well, we will talk about gasoline a little separately, but here are the big tax payers , which are in the top 10, will soon be forced to pay a new excise tax, listen, let's be honest, by and large, both vat and excise taxes are small business tax is a tax on you and me. because you and i are the ultimate payers of those expected increases. look, please, this tax tax proposal, there is an increase in taxes on the income of the enterprise? no, there are those taxes that are going to be imposed on specific people, and that's why it's extremely important to approach these, let's say, offer formation carefully, because when you buy anything, you're going to pay instead of 20. 23
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when we're talking about value added tax will be deducted from your income not one and a half military levies, five, that is, it is a tax on you and me, so i think that business in this situation will simply be transferred to our shoulders, well, if we talk about consumers, then alcohol, tobacco, fuel, that is, this excise duty will be paid by ordinary ukrainians when buying these goods, i understand correctly, to what extent, how much can growth take place? what is the figure for the increase in excise duty, well, in particular on tobacco and alcohol, and then we will move on to fuel. well, look, when you and i are talking about the tobacco market, the situation here is generally very interesting, why? ago that, well, this market is one of the few, which sits extremely strongly in the shadows, well, probably, we all know with you what we are talking about, and according to official data, no, an additional payment to
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the state budget. the tobacco market alone last year amounted to uah 30 billion per minute, despite the fact that the total volume of excise revenue is 80. well, that is, we must understand how important the issue of the correct redistribution of taxes between different segments of the tobacco market is today, in order to , to maximally stimulate people, ee to pay taxes and make it as simple as possible for them to decide whether to take ee... shady products or take those products from which taxes will be paid in full, well, the consumer often does not understand where there are shady products, shady products, or buying somewhere in certain small markets, where in fact such shady products are sold, it is quite difficult for an ordinary consumer to determine whether it is possible to have any recommendations to clearly pay excise duty, buy excise goods and
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pay tax directly, see... in in fact, the ideology of tax policy formation consists in the fact that there are one hundred percent clean, transparent markets, and there are markets in which the level of the shadow sector is sufficiently high, that is, the actual stimulation of the purchase of goods from light markets, markets that work 100% in the light sector, precisely and there is a mechanism that can allow to increase the receipt. taxes, well, for example, when you and i are talking about tobacco, there is an alternative to the usual twain cigarette. twain is absolutely one hundred percent, light market, and when you do enough serious diversification, gradation of excise tax, in relation to tweens, in relation to ordinary cigarettes, you stimulate the consumer, in the case of more...
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city excises on tweens to buy.


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