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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. the project is close to politics, close. every sunday at 3:30 p.m repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with seestreau. dear friends, this is us, returning with an hour and a half to go before our participation in the espresso marathon. well, your participation may still be available while we are, for example, on the air, well, some 10 00 hryvnias, and we will have a million. yes, actually, i wanted...
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to say that now let's talk a little about democracy, you know, the other day president zelensky gave an interview to the new york times, and in particular he said that i think we are one of the most democratic countries in europe, he said president zelenskyi was so strong, and as if in mockery, you know, of this, some kind of information drives started, let's call it that, it's an investigation of the ukrainian truth about the fact that... it turns out that the state agency ukrinform was actually raided, so to speak, by the president's protégé, it was oleksiy matsuk, it turned out that during his stay people were fired for not wanting to serve prison terms, the so-called notorious prison terms were introduced, which appeared at one time even under medvedchuk and kuchma, when medvedchuk was the head of the president's office there. here is the dark room - that's it
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such a document, where journalists are told how to cover this or that event, which events not to cover, who should be the speaker, who should not be the speaker, you are now seeing exactly this investigation into the ukrainian truth, which was made with the testimonies of journalists, a huge resonance was created publication, we will now talk about it primarily by our guest, but also in addition to all this , for example, a video of torture of prisoners in several prisons at once appeared, which in principle. er, it shows that we already guess that torture remains an absolutely daily routine for the ukrainian penitentiary system, and it is precisely something that is not present in the prisons just west of our border. we see what the same parliament has become, which has ceased to be a subject, where in fact it does not fulfill its role, where there is no coalition government, the government is unaccountable, moreover, the powers of the government have actually been usurped. his deputies, that is, all
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this is actually democracy in the sum, and we see that democracy in ukraine is now severely damaged in fact, such trends, painful, that i have not yet mentioned, i am still anti-corruption bodies, which we, first of all, which event helped us to create, which we were proud of, now there is a huge scandal, and another investigation, is spreading about what is happening in the national. to the national anti-corruption bureau, there is increasing evidence that nabu is leaking information from investigations of the office of the president, again to the government, in order to protect corrupt officials from future prosecutions. so, about freedom of speech and, in particular, about what happened in ukrinforum, a state information agency, will speak with yaroslav ryurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech. he is already with us, sir. yaroslav, congratulations.
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good day. mr. yaroslav, were you surprised by this information that in ukrinform there are, could, could be dark people, and these dark people come down from the top of the president's office? unfortunately, after the appointment of mr. matsuki, such information is already at the level of conversations, not facts, the facts were discovered, that is, presented, the public itself. in the material of ukrainian pravda, where these temniks were actually printed, until this moment the temniks themselves were not there, if they were in the information field, that is , the journalists did not show them, but about the fact that a certain formatting of ukrinform is taking place, which was on the list of white media for a long time institute of mass information,
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which, by the way, still has, for example, the espresso tv channel, yes, but it fell out because of such a fairly pro-government, ah, not... balanced editorial policy, but this information really was, but what exactly is it is carried out by such, well, i would say very crude methods, well, they probably talked about it, if they did talk about it at closed meetings with the ambassadors of j7, and actually the journalists were not ready to go out into the public space, write statements to law enforcement agencies in order to stop it, with what reasons, well, if i don’t take it upon myself to say so now, but well, the fact is the fact, a significant part of those people who ensured that ukrinform, despite the fact that it is a state media center, a state information agency, and ensured the balance of
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the editorial policy, now do not work, and the state as the one who hired, yes, well, lost significantly, because it lost those who guaranteed. the quality and balance of information flows, that's why there was information, but only a few days ago it turned from information into facts that require assessment by state structures, primarily law enforcement agencies. mr. yaroslav, at the time of a full-scale invasion, such arguments are very often heard that information in a country where such a terrible war is taking place should be controlled, and that this is only for the benefit of... ukraine, because the investigation made by journalists about the temniks in ukrinform, and i for our viewers, how could anyone not have seen or read this investigation, or not seen, yesterday we showed on our air, exactly these temniks, which the journalists made public, that there is a topic , which are highlighted, are the desired speakers of the lines,
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now we are showing the actual on the screen, and the unwanted speakers, and the actual list of unwanted speakers or structures, or both. among those speakers there are not only politicians, for example, from opposition parties, and not only people's deputies, but also at lower levels, deputies of district councils, city councils, there are mayors, for example, who in such a, so to speak, informational bathhouse, for some reason have volunteers, got there, for example, the lviv volunteer, the well-known svyatoslav litynskyi, who is not a politician, or, for example, a topic, or , for example, somewhere in dnipropetrovsk region, or a crook. and i do not understand how highlighting the problems of people who do not have water can affect the security of the country? well,
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in fact, it is very difficult to explain such logic here, because when we are in fact the 11th year in the war, the year in the full-scale invasion, it's time to set up a mature communication where we frankly tell people: we have problems, we have losses, but we have reasonable plans, yes, we have strategies, how we we will minimize one and the other, and then people will not have a feeling of rejection of this information policy, the approach when we try russian propaganda and disinformation. which was built for centuries, not years, yes, that is, to mention here and there the tsarist guard, but to kill it with our homegrown propaganda, well, as far as i am concerned, this is a loss a priori a losing option, because in a democracy, well
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, censorship is unlikely even in wartime, and we see it very well, well, if we see it perfectly, well, we don’t hide a needle in a bag, it will definitely come out, and therefore it is more practical for... those who provide the information front , this is really a front, it is to establish sincere adult communication, yes, it can be painful, yes, we have to talk about problematic things and admit that we cannot cope with some of them right here and now, but otherwise, we simply do not what we give the enemy a trump card, he simply does not need to work, well, relatively speaking, as russian propaganda already interprets it, but well, order. real problems, they keep silent about the level of problems, the level of disconnection there, instead of actually going out to people and explaining that we have such plans, we are introducing additional generation, we are asking for savings, but we need to take the next steps, yes, that is there are no mature adults,
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yes, as a result we get the worst thing we can be, which is distrust of the authorities of a warring country, and not, well, distrust between. by the authorities - this is the destruction of unity, which only one can prevent because russia will be able to achieve its tactical and strategic goals. we critically need interaction at the level of... trust between the authorities and society, but it is impossible without a sincere conversation, you cannot build trust on lies. mr. yaroslav, as the head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech, how do you assess whether this is a manifestation of political censorship, what we saw with those prisoners? the facts that are described in the ukrainian truth may indicate that there were attempts to introduce political censorship in concrete. the news agency itself was positive,
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the journalists did not give in to this, if this pressure, as a result, the management of this media center itself has to be changed, that is, the attempt itself was unsuccessful, but from the point of view of the attempt of some representatives of the authorities to introduce, even locally, some censorship. do not approach, well, this is a very dangerous bell for us too, well, it is extremely critical to give an answer to this question promptly, because it already sounds and will constantly sound in our communication, first of all with ukrainian society, i.e. you are hiding information from us, and the second is with our international partners, ukraine is a democratic state, it cannot afford, and in principle it is unacceptable, to introduce some dark circles, to try... to use censorship of civil topics, in principle, well, in the end, military
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censorship has not been introduced in our country, and i consider this to be a strength of ukraine during the war, rather than a weakness. what about those people who were fired, for example, because of their disagreement with this policy, what about those prisoners, whether they will be returned to work, how compensation will be paid, and this investigation is also not only about oleksiy. matsuku, well, oleksiy matsuka, then oleksiy matsuka, you know, i myself am well acquainted with him, and to be honest, this is the history of the public, which gave ukraine many such interesting new characters, such as oleksiy matsuka, they promoted him, sergey ivanov, for example , iceland, or something, i don't know where he is from now, there is the same dorji batu, who with an easy presentation of the public became then a great expert in cosmonautics. and astrology, the question is simply what will happen with the consequences, how or what should be the reaction in
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your opinion, to these manifestations, and in the end, can we also, well, for sure, we assume that similar stories with temniks, not only in ukrinform, but and and and and there the main story is who distributed these temniks, because matsuka in this case was only an intermediary and executor, and initially with the possibility of renewal. or payment of compensation, it is quite possible if the journalists decide to become a party to the investigation, i.e will file statements about the crime committed against them, but many of them already have better jobs, but to be honest, even before the release of the material, when conversations in the journalistic environment about the possible facts of introducing censorship in ukrinform, i called and offered the least available. factors, facts, immediately submit statements about the crime, because only in this way can a journalist be recognized
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as an injured party, only in this way can he be reinstated in his rights, if, in principle, he goes through the case only as a witness who gives data about cases, then well if the renewal of his rights is unlikely, and in the end, as a witness, he cannot apply for the renewal of his rights, because... he is not in the status of a victim, but with regard to other cases of possible censorship, i also urge you not to remain silent, because in fact, what is tolerated there, ah, such unacceptable actions, they simply stimulate their maximum spread, and now it is very often compared with the times of yanukovych, thank god, we do not have such total, if not disrespect for the work of journalists, as soon as... there are facts obstruction, law enforcement agencies they promptly open the proceedings, but here
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the second question, the next question, is whether we go after the customers of such actions, in the vast majority of investigative actions no, we do not, at most they are the executors, and how is it possible, well actually at least there to bring to political responsibility those which stimulate and allow this, it is not to remain silent, it is to unite, well, alternatives to journalistic self-government, so that your... colleagues protect each other together, well, if it simply did not exist in the world, then the authorities would always try to deal with certain a ... i do not have i mean physically cracking down, thank god, we are no longer at that stage of development, but trying to somehow limit access to the information field of those who disagree, who demonstrate a different position, if there is not a strong journalistic environment behind it, which also may well to be there to have
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different positions, both pro-government, and oppositional, and generally neutral, but... an attack on any of the representatives of the sector itself will be perceived as an attack on the entire sector, and in this case, then even a thought can be prevented in principle , well, come up with an idea about that it is possible to somehow try to censor independent media in ukraine. god forbid we return to the times of yanukovych, because ukraine is currently in a big war, and it can be very difficult for our country. yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom. the word was about the prisoners in ukrinform and about what is happening with freedom of speech in ukraine, let's go for a short pause, instead of going for a short break, i'm in a hurry, now we'll talk with volodymyr balin, vice-president of the association of international road carriers, let's talk about drivers who abandon trucks abroad and that they want to equate them back to kidnappers, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, eh, why,
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why such an equation, how do the drivers actually perceive it? well, let's put it this way that today our industry is the only one that the carrier can decide to put the driver behind the wheel and the driver will leave on the way, but the driver gets behind the wheel in order to do the transport work, he has to take the load, return, he is responsible per car, per cargo, according to customs of the code, so when a person gets behind the wheel of a truck or bus with the intention of leaving it abroad, i believe that he is doing it deliberately. and for that he should be punished, because in fact we can compare drivers who don't do it and those who do, and people who are fighting on the front line today, and there are people who, who are wanted by the police, tsk and khulyants, so is the situation here, they have the right to leave, but this right is solely for the purpose of carrying out transport work, when they manipulate their right to impersonate the carrier,
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who invested money in a truck or in a bus, which according to... before the client, plus before all customs authorities for the fact that he has to take, for example, from ukraine to germany, he is obliged to the ukrainian, polish and german customs officers, and he has to fulfill it, and the driver solved his question, left the territory of ukraine, and even then believes that he can get on any european truck, for example, polish or lithuanian, it will work. our goal is that such a driver, such drivers know that this is an illegal trip abroad, and if it is so if he does, then... we will look for him through interpol, and he will not be able to get a job in a european country. and tell me, please, is it easy to learn to be such a driver of a truck, a large track, is it possible to easily replace such people, is there a shortage of people, it is very difficult, this is a very difficult question, we have a shortage of drivers in the world of 2.6 million. therefore
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in fact, this issue is not only because wartime. now it really is with the spread of mobilization, with its deepening, now many people are being laid off, it is true, unfortunately, there have been more cases when people leave vehicles on the territory of other countries, that is why we have a problem, he really must have certain skills in addition to the category, get a certificate of professional competence of the driver, which is recognized in european countries, if he goes , for example, to poland, then he must get a polish spk there , that is, there are procedures, they are not easy, it really... takes time, so it is very important for us, if we take the pre-war period, before the full-scale invasion, a person, as a rule, had a category, studied, came to a company, ukrainian, i worked, gained experience, and after that i got fired there and went to poland, lithuania, well, for example, in poland at the beginning of 2022, 123,000 drivers worked for polish companies, from the point of view of mobilization
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resources, everything is crazy and potential, i think i think that's why the question is very simple, there really is a shortage... which is not only in our country, but also in european countries, including poland, lithuania, i mean, i mean, if an experienced tire driver was mobilized, i don't know, tsk stop , the employee literally told me yesterday, that they were returning from international competitions and they were stopped in yanov here in lviv and everyone was checked, although they were returning from spain or from france, i no longer remember, and even then this communication took a lot of time for them with representatives of the tsc, but also a lot of cargo was stopped. tyr, and i don’t know what happened to those tyr drivers, well, let’s assume that they were mobilized right there and then, sent somewhere to morshyn, i don’t know what happened to the cars there, well, i’m just assuming that it’s just a hypothesis, and in such . case, whether they can be easily replaced, for example, there by 18-20-year-olds who are not subject to the draft? well, unfortunately, today it is impossible to put a driver
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on a truck until 25 years old, if it carries out international transportation, there was really such a problem a month ago, in particular at the lower gate, many cars stopped, drivers were invited, so to speak , to tsk, for example, mukachevo , there they changed their registration and sent them to landfills, such a situation was and still is, but, to be honest, everything now depends on the tolerance of the tccnik in relation to the drivers of commercial vehicles, because really we we understand that every citizen of ukraine, including the driver, must have a military registration document. if we are talking about the border, then the border guards clearly said that if a person is under guard, we will not let him out, that is, the car has arrived, the driver is under guard, the police are called, tck and the carrier are taken in all these cases. must find another driver to put in to complete the transport work, but we are now talking to the carriers, hereby recommend any way to verify that their
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drivers who leave behind the wheel of their trucks or buses are not in the coast system as a way to evade, and then they will be able to go, because there will not be any problems and questions for them, but again, if you take my native kherson region, part of kherson region is occupied, the drivers of skakhovka, they went on the flight even before ... on february 4, 2022, accordingly, all military registration documents were left at home, and now they need somewhere, they worked these two years more or less normally, traveled abroad, there were no questions and they were not wanted, but now, to move around the territory of ukraine, not even behind the wheel of a truck, just go to the store, they must go to any tsc, update their data, get appropriate temporary or some new military registration documents there, because the movement of men from 18 to 60 years old... across the territory of ukraine in any way is prohibited without these documents, this is a direct norm of the law, so now there are really long, long queues at the same tsc, because it is precisely such relocated enterprises that use
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the hired labor of drivers from those territories that have faced such a problem. i am asking you very briefly, women, to become drivers everywhere already in companies, for example, on other tv channels , women are trained to be operators, to stand behind the cameras, or to be directors, to what extent? a minute, we have, we have several companies that have publicly stated that they are doing this, this is a real story, this is a global brand, because there is a shortage of drivers in the world, as well as a global brand, reducing the age from 21 to 18 years for men to work, there is an infrastructural problem, and we as carriers will work to find such willing ones, train them and... so that they work for us, but there is a question for the state, we have a very big infrastructural problem, when a person, a woman , will drive a truck, she will drive on the road, she will go to customs
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terminals, and there are not always appropriate conditions there, because she is, after all, more needs slightly different conditions, what our male drivers are used to, and we need to work on this already together with the state, and i think that this is very correct, and in principle, the movement is in the right direction here, there is a deficit, we need it somehow... fill in. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation. volodymyr balin, the vice-president of the association of international motor carriers was with us, they talked about us, about the truck drivers and what would happen if a large part of them mobilized. dear friends, one more hour of our marathon ahead, stay with espresso. we have several more interesting topics. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but if you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, kors garden trimmers, unpack the tv,
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11:00 am
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. krymsky tuna from gur. at night, ukrainian scouts destroyed two enemy amphibious transport boats of the tunets type. our fighters attacked the enemies with the help of domestic magura v5 naval drones. reported in the main. management intelligence, the occupation authorities also announced the damage to two ferries, a railway and a car. let me remind you that the residents of the occupied village counted up to 20 loud explosions at night. on the air of the espresso tv channel, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine vladyslav seliznyov assured that the consequences of this attack for the occupiers are very painful. their mission was to close all infrastructure from the sea.


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