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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, is in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, mr. artem, congratulations, glory, congratulations ukraine, congratulations studio. well, another shelling, another criminal shelling, this time, well, at night the enemy shelled kharkiv oblast with s-300 or s-400 missiles, this needs additional clarification. in general, we would like to ask you about this northeastern part of the front, which the enemy recently opened. what is possible, well , look, what concerns, well, i will start with the front first, thank god, the front is stable, it worked to localize the enemy, it is even possible to repel some positions here and there, our brave warriors are not disturbed here, the kharkiv brigades are involved, i am sure that my native fifth slobojansk... this clearly
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indicates that the enemy will definitely not come anywhere, because the majority of them are from kharkiv, and they will fight, well, like crazy hatred of the enemy, and they definitely won't let them take their native place at the beginning of the 20th, well, 22nd year, they definitely wo n't pass, but along with the way we see with... with that, with our successes at the front, vo the enemy goes mad and strikes, terrorist strikes on civilian infrastructure, shelling almost every day, they do not stop, they are done cynically, or at night, when people are sleeping, or when it is peak somewhere in the shopping centers, as was the case with the epicenter, yesterday hit a utility company in kharkiv. there are affected
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people there, it is due to the infrastructure of kartichka, also in the suburbs, a very close suburb, almost the city turns into the malo danilovo community, there is no difference at all, well, geographically, there you just move out of kharkov, you immediately enter the malodanov community, i know very well these places where they were hit, i know that before the war there , children studied at an equestrian school, buildings. it is more than 100 years old, the zoo-veterinary academy is located there, it is also such a higher educational institution, well, with such a rich history, many people studied in this institution and acquaintances, very well i say, i know this community once again, and unfortunately, they they completely burned down that building there, the damaged dormitories there were very damaged, and the residential buildings were damaged, that is, not only with they fight with people, and they also fight with horses, sheep, and pigs, everything that in their
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opinion somehow has some ukrainian roots is pure genocide, it has nothing to do with any military actions, their task is to completely destroy the ukrainian nation as such, but i want to make sure once again that if they fail to do this, there will definitely be retribution, the people of kharkiv will not forget anything or anyone, not a single death. no crippled fate, so i fell into contact with mr. artem ravchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, actually mr. artem expressed himself very emotionally with about what the russians are currently doing in the kharkiv region, and i would also like to ask mr. artem about one more situation, mr. artem, are you in touch with us now, do you hear us, yes. currently, they are reestablishing
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contact, so i would like to quote oleksandr syrskyi, chief of the armed forces of ukraine. he says that the russian occupiers are increasing the number of troops in the area of ​​the settlements of strelecha liptsi and vovchansk, this is the north of kharkiv oblast, where the enemy broke through at the beginning of may, and actually, they would like to understand from mr. artem and ask whether indeed, now there is a certain accumulation and creation of a kind of shock fist of the enemy, or they are trying to actively advance somehow, because it seems that they are now stable. the situation in the north of kharkiv region, but the enemy is increasing the number of his personnel and it is important to understand what his intentions are now, what he actually wants to do, why this number is increasing now, because before that, both experts and our intelligence said that the russians now have an insufficient number of forces for any powerful strike, but now they are increasing this number and it is important to understand why this is happening. mr. artem, can you hear us or are you ready to continue? actually, you stopped at the fact that
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now it is a genocide, so the connection is falling off, now mr. artem and i will try to restore this connection again. mr. artem, i will continue. please, i want to say once again that despite all the attempts, the connection with artem revchuk has been cut off, well, we hope that now he will stabilize the situation, mr. artem, continue to be kind, and i, despite all the enemy's attempts to destabilize the situation in kharkiv , i i think that it will be useless, because the people of kharkiv are already, well, unfortunately, used to the situation that they are. i was very afraid, they had already left, they remained, well, there are still more, plus kharkiv today accepts a very large number of refugees, well , temporarily displaced persons from there, from the vovchan community, from other nearby communities, it struck again, well, for now, artem revchuk,
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deputy of the kharkiv city council, decides technical problems, news from the kyiv metro, so the kyiv metro is increasing train intervals due to a lack of personnel after mobilization, the press service reported of the kyiv metro utility company. so, in the near future , train schedules on all subway lines will be changed, the intervals between trains will be increased by approximately one minute during peak hours and by 45 seconds during peak hours. podzemka experiences an acute shortage of specialists in labor professions, in particular electric train drivers 83 vacancies. electromechanics 48 vacancies, turners and locksmiths in the relevant fields 161 people, almost 7% of metro workers are currently in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, so dear tv viewers, in particular residents of the capital and its
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guests, well, calculate your time, the intervals between the arrival of trains may be a little longer. yes, we are now trying to restore contact with artem revchuk, a member of the kharkiv city council. is mr. artem in touch with us? he is gone now, but by the way, i would also like to ask mr. artem about the tragic news that came from the kharkiv direction, a woman from lviv, iryna tsebuk, a hospitalist, was 25 years old, our colleague in the workshop was a journalist, graduated from the journalism department of lviv polytechnic, since i once knew irina personally, and it was very unfortunate and very sad to learn that yesterday during the rotation in the kharkiv direction she was gone... well, irina is an example of indomitable women, i would say so , among those ukrainian women who, by their own example, demonstrate how they fight for their own country and independence. iryna was born on june 1, and literally in a few days she was supposed to have a
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birthday, but unfortunately, she did not wait for it, she was supposed to turn 26, and now she will always be 25 years old, and actually the department of the entire lviv polytechnic. sympathizes with iryna's family, and we, of course, our espresso tv channel team also sincerely sympathize. this is really a great loss for all of us and for all of ukraine. may her memory be bright, may she rest with god. well, we will inform you, dear tv viewers, about important news. yes, france can announce the sending of instructors to ukraine as early as next week. that is, i will repeat that france... may make a similar decision next week, well, but let's see, let's go back to kharkiv oblast now, artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council is in touch with us, mr. artem, so speaking of the front line in the kharkiv direction, in particular in the north of the kharkiv
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region, this is the red morokhovets hlyboki lukyantsi, and the second bridgehead the enemy is vovchansk and bugruvatka in the direction. stickers, where is the news coming from now? well, i will repeat myself once again, the line is stable there, the fraud is applied for such an essential impression, well , i think that the one, the one who follows the numbers and keeps some statistics there, can compare, what happened before the beginning of this kharkov operation of theirs, and now, well, we know that they wanted to take vovchansk in two days , to go out there to and there closer to kharkov, what... to be able to launch artillery strikes on the city itself, but thank god, our armed forces, well, thanks to the intelligence there , they read all this into their plans, prepared the troops in advance, moved them, well, in the direction of the threat, they planned everything,
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they localized everything, and now, in principle , the enemy is being hit by fire, i mean there is a line stable, there, well, in my opinion, there surprised us. there can be none , please tell me, mr. artem, here is the tragic news that 25-year-old hospitalist iryna tsybuk died on the kharkiv route during rotation. do you know anything at all about this tragic incident, because, well, during a rotation, we understand that this means that some units were supposed to leave, other units came in, and at the time when this rotation was taking place, the enemy most likely struck some blows, or in fact, there is some information about when it happened and, in fact, what the enemy could have done there, if you know anything about this, well, actually, i just heard from the news today about this tragic case about... i offer all my condolences to the family of the deceased, very sad news,
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unfortunately, such girls, well, young people and boys are dying, and this is the flower of the nation, which should, in principle, build a new ukraine, in my opinion we should preserve all these people as much as possible, but unfortunately, as they say, war takes away the best, well, it is very tragic, and there in my brigade too, maybe you heard there anton derbilov on... also died, well, a lot of boys and girls die, as for the rotation, yes, well, in fact, if you take the experience of withdrawing and establishing brigades there, this is exactly one of the vulnerable points, when some military units are replaced by others, because there is an increase in the crowding of people, they must show positions where that how, tell the details, where there is there. well, as if leaving, where else is something going on there, these are all the nuances, those units
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that leave must report to those units that enter a given position, and as a rule, the enemy often takes advantage of this and strikes just at that moment, because well those who enter, well, they still do not understand the operational situation, that is, it is such a very vulnerable stage when, well, in... war. thank you artem ravchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was in touch with us. we are now going on a short break. after it, we will have the opportunity to talk with the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. we will ask about today's night attack by the enemy, where the enemy was aiming, and what the consequences were, you will find out about all this in just a few minutes. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws are unpacked. exactly for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for
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meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you draw your own conclusions. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv iv. the tv channel's information day continues, we are now adding ilya yevlash, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, to our broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. speaker, we welcome you.
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glory to the heroes, welcome to the studio. well, first of all , we would like to ask you about the consequences of the enemy attack, how many enemy... uavs, how many enemy missiles were neutralized, and in general it was some kind of another enemy raid, so whether it is some new additional one, i don't know, the strategy is being applied, and maybe they somehow decided to focus on some other additional regions, yes, that is , about eight s300 or s-400 missiles seem to have flown to kharkiv oblast alone, well, the information is being clarified, well, in fact, about some new there is no need to talk about tactics, because... he keeps his efforts constant between some breaks, as we see, when the enemy uses shahedis, he manages to analyze, plan some kind of next attack, accumulate efforts, and here, as we see, in the next such a combined strike the enemy struck at our civilian objects and military ones, including, in particular, this night almost the entire blow was confined to
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starakostyantynov, where the enemy concentrated its efforts, this and strike uavs of the shaheda type, exactly 30... strike fighters were eliminated by our mobile fire groups of the defense forces and 11 more hastu-1 cruise missiles, which the enemy fired from tu-95 strategic bombers of the saratov region, the constancy of all actions is maintained, that is, they constantly use these bombers from this of these launch lines, we managed exactly seven missiles to destroy, of course, that we have recently seen better results, however... the main reason why it is not possible to shoot down all 100% is, as we all understand and know with you, the shortage of precisely the installations and ammunition, since in such strikes massively, when the enemy constantly makes their combined massive attacks, of course, there is never enough
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strength and means to repel such powerful enemy attacks. in addition, we constantly resort to maneuvering tactics. moving in order to ensure the life and health of our citizens as much as possible, to preserve our critical infrastructure facilities. in particular , the enemy that night also used its s-300 anti-aircraft missile systems in parallel with the shahed raid and cruise missiles hitting kharkiv and directly in the kharkiv region with their strikes, this is also a stable tactic for the russians when they try to strike... strikes at our infrastructure during such massive attacks. air force commander lieutenant general mykola leshchuk highly praised the work of our military, in particular , electronic warfare units, anti-aircraft missile units of the air force, and mobile fire groups of the defense forces of ukraine were involved in repelling the attack that night. mr. rechnyk, well, we can only fertilize our air forces, which
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they knock down 100% of the shaheds, because you know, well, 100% knocking down is from'. fantastic really, we understand that it's a huge job, but you know, well, it's still interesting to understand what helps our air force to deal with these shaheds so skillfully, we may have increased the number of mobile groups, do we have any secrets that now we cannot reveal what actually affects the effectiveness of the beating of the shaheds, well, of course, the secrets that we cannot reveal are constantly kept, especially since during such an active period of such... active of hostilities, repulses, yes, of course, we cannot tell all the details, but we can say with confidence that for more than a year, yes, how much the enemy uses his blows. uavs, our mobile fire groups have already gained quite valuable experience, which we use, and actually demonstrate this almost every night, when
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the enemy tries to mass attack our energy, in particular, other objects with their drones, in fact, it is a fairly high-precision weapon, so that moves now given coordinates, which can do enough a lot of damage, relatively inexpensive compared to...bastic missiles, for example, or cruise missiles, but it may cause no less damage, of course, our defense forces manage to shoot down these drones, but quite often they can be damaged, yes , which deviate from the intended course, may fall near, for example, an object, or an undetonated warhead may fall, which can wreak havoc, so we constantly report ... the threat of an air attack on our air force platforms in the telegram, whatsapp, and we urge people to go down, but to shelter, however, of course, that even
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if we manage to deviate the drone from the given trajectory, the consequences are much simpler than if it were a direct hit directly on the object where the enemy's trajectory was set, dear mr. spokesman, the swedish aid package, we understand that the radar... stations are installed on the corresponding aircraft, now i will tell you the nomenclature of the asc 890, it is important, well, if we manage to work this whole thing out, we understand that on the one hand the enemy will begin to watch for those planes and this means strengthening the air defense system, but in general we understand that the matter is extremely important and let us hope that sweden will be joined by other countries that have similar aircraft, how it can affect the tactical situation on the front line in one direction or another and in general, how easy or difficult will it be to protect those planes there, i don't know on the ground
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or in the sky, from enemy attacks? well, of course, the action plan for the preservation of these aircraft will be developed by our military leadership, which is already in the period of a full-scale invasion, they know the enemy's tactics, of course, that war is about losses, losses on both sides, including us... we understand that any technique, it is not immortal, let's say so, and for this it will be necessary to use a set of measures to protect such aircraft, including the same methods will be applied to the f-16 aircraft, which should soon arrive in ukraine. of course, this will be a serious enhancement of our, our eyes, if you can say in the air space, because these planes, they are actually flying radar. which can see low-flying targets from above, exactly as the enemy now uses shahedis, for example, they try to fly in the mouths of rivers,
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using the folds of the terrain, for example, in order not to fall into the range of our radars, and in this way we can fix them even in difficult areas of the terrain , where we can detect them even on approaches, including, in addition, this aircraft can serve as a reliable... target indicator for our future aircraft that will arrive in ukraine, detect targets, illuminate them, also he can see, for example, enemy radar stations that emit radio signals, find their coordinates and transmit them to our command posts, of course , all this in the complex will strengthen our capabilities quite a bit, russia also has such aircraft, these are a50, drlv, which two of them we have already
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... delivering their airstrike. mr. rechnyk, if we return to the topic of russian shelling, in recent days, we have already seen the second mass attack at night, now, if we are talking about these extreme attacks and in... in general , in the last possible month, does energy remain a priority goal now for our enemy? well, from what we see, the enemy's main goal remains, it is energy facilities, critical infrastructure facilities, the enemy does not abandon the goal of completely disabling our main strategic facilities, and as we see that the attacks even these drones, including them, are chained to them, but with the skillful... efforts of our defense forces, which include the ground forces, the border guard, the national guard, tro and other forces, we still manage to eliminate this a threat
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flying in the form of shaheds, and succeeds. to protect our facilities and, in particular, to prevent the intolerable conditions that the russians want to create for ukrainians on our territory, of course, that the russians are trying to wear out our air defense systems in this way, for this we need more different complexes, this is not only patriots, which, of course, we also need, and medium and small radio systems, which would be able to cover both critical objects and our civilian cities in order to protect... our citizens from air attacks, dear mr. speaker, well , if we are already talking about covering our skies, we understand that there are alternative ways, in particular, the involvement of air defense systems, our allies, our friends, our neighbors, all countries that oppose russian aggression and help us with weapons, the question of convergence, i'm just a person, so to speak, a little far from that, but when
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we talk about the real one. cooperation, logistics, data exchange and so on, as much as possible, right? well, of course, technologically there are such possibilities, but i would not like to go into the details, since this issue is more of a political, diplomatic level, yes, but technologically it is possible, and everything depends on the extent to which it will be possible to agree, to agree, to reach some common denominators, so together with our allied countries, which are near ukraine. mr. speaker, i wish we had two more minutes, but it is important to pay attention to kharkiv and our frontline cities. we know that the enemy is now actively using cabs and only systems, modern anti-missile defense systems, allow us to fight them. but we understand that the enemy must bring its aircraft closer to a certain distance in order to carry out such strikes. how close they fly now to the borders of our state and to carry out their next war
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crimes. well, if... we're talking about kharkiv oblast, so we are currently monitoring the almost constant presence of enemy tactical aviation there, which can enter three or four planes at once and drop guided aerial bombs, we have seen publicly available videos when the russians published videos at a time, one court 34 can to drop four guided aerial bombs weighing from 200 to 500 kg, of course, it is enough to fight the bombs directly. difficult, and if you count by missiles, then of course they aim to use up all our reserves, and of course that is will lead to catastrophic consequences, as was the case, for example, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, when russian aviation was able to fly over our peaceful cities with impunity and bomb them, so the most effective goal is to fight, first, directly with the planes themselves, second with airfields and third with their production, of course, which the russians have quite
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a lot. all that remains are these bombs, namely the fabs, which they modify and make of them into controlled aviation bombs, they arrange special devices on them, and they have thousands of these bombs, therefore, we must adequately and rationally dispose of our means, and of course, the most important thing is to scare russian tactical aviation away from the border, for this we need various forces and means, including air defense systems, yes, in particular patriot, which the president spoke about, which would be able to serve as such... a supporting factor and protect our kharkiv and not only kharkiv, but other front-line cities from such barbaric raids by russian tactical aviation. thank you, ilya yevlasha, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, eteri espresso worked for you. well, now we will gradually move on to the news. it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so it's time to find out the most important information as of this moment, and we are happy to pass the floor for this to our
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colleague, the beautiful anna yevyi menelnik, who... is ready to tell us everything. anna eva, we welcome you, pass the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. congratulations, mutual colleagues, and how exactly the partisans of the atesh movement cleanse mariupol of muscovites, i begin from this, all the details in a moment, don't sweat it. and also cleanses from the russians the temporarily occupied mariupol in the so-called primorye paradise-department of internal affairs of the dpr, the occupiers were fatally poisoned by vodka. information about this is being carefully concealed, as the partisans point out, potinists' drinking has increased, all because of depression against the background of great
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losses and constant fear. thanks to their love for local vodka.


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