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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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we welcome you, give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. i congratulate colleagues, mutually, and how exactly the partisans of the atesh movement cleanse mariupol of muscovites, i'll start with this, all the details in a moment, don't wait. also , the occupiers poisoned themselves to death with vodka in the so-called primorye district department of internal affairs of the dpr, which is also clearing the temporarily occupied mariupol from the russians. information about this is being carefully concealed, as the partisans point out, the drunkenness of the putinists has increased. all because of depression against the background of the great loss and constant fear. thanks to their love for vodka, the place. spill, the ateshivites
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managed to reduce the number of russian soldiers by four people, including officers. russians killed a man in the village of veletenske in the kherson region. during the shelling , a local resident was on the street. he was taken away by an ambulance with serious injuries, but the man died on the way to the hospital, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokutin. the russian army continues in kharkiv oblast. to increase the grouping of their troops, especially this is noticeable in the direction of ostrilech liptsi and in the vovchansk district. the invaders transfer additional regiments and brigades from other directions and training grounds there. however, even these forces are not enough for a full-scale offensive and breakthrough of our defense, emphasized the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. as reported in the press service of the police brigade, people from muscovites are trying to gain a foothold in the houses, but the ukrainians, ukrainian fighters in...
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push them back and clean house after house. more than 10 people were evacuated per day from vovchanska in kharkiv oblast. the police almost never enter the city, they work on the outskirts, so residents have to find their way out on their own. some are helped by the military, taken away on protected armored vehicles, serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigation department of the police of the kharkiv region, said. also , 10 years have turned to the law enforcement officers. people with a request to evacuate their loved ones from vovchansk due to communication problems, their fate is unknown. and the spresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation continue collecting for drones and components for art reconnaissance 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. both during assault and during
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reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. every donation you make is an important contribution to support defenders on the front lines. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. strike on cybercrime. law enforcement officers of ukraine together with colleagues from the usa, france, the netherlands, great britain, denmark and germany have blocked the hacking services of global cybercriminals. organizations, they helped the russians attack international companies. we are talking about malicious software that allowed hackers to gain access to computer networks using ransomware viruses, steal data and encrypt it, then blackmail victims into releasing this data in case of failure to pay a ransom, the attorney general's office said. in general, as part of the endgame special operation, 91 servers were removed from...
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more than a thousand documents were blocked. children's long rounds against tysa. in transcarpathia , border guards detained four men who wanted to enter romania illegally. in social networks, they looked for people who allegedly help them escape abroad. for $4,000, the organizers of the scheme gave the men two inflatable rings and showed them where the river was, the state border service said. on time. made administrative protocols, law enforcement officers are looking for so-called mentors. in ukraine , the compensation program for farmers for demined land has started - said first vice prime minister yulia sverdenko. she noted that the state will reimburse farmers for 80% of the costs, as well as pay compensation to those who have already cleared their plots and participate in the state program. agrarians can take land
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that has already been demined by certified mine action operators. acute shortage of personnel, intervals will be increased in kyiv. traffic between subway trains on all subways , people will have to wait one minute longer in off-peak and 45 seconds in peak hours, the capital metro reported, changes, the schedule had to be changed due to the shortage of workers, all due to forced migration, specificity, professions and mobilization. about 7% of metro workers currently serve in the ranks of the armed forces. they are strong when we are close to the day. children's protection charitable foundation zaporuk collected 10 stories of boys and girls who overcame cancer. young patients of the western ukrainian specialized children's medical center met to support those who have just begun the fight against this disease.
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you can visit the exhibition and read the children's stories in the exhibition space of the forum lviv shopping center. their need to be supported somehow. so that they had at least some motivation to do it, i was supported by the fact that i went home, could talk to someone, go for a walk with friends, today we came to clearly show that cancer is not a sentence, that cancer is treated and it must be fought until end, came to support those who are currently being treated, and to show by their example that you should never give up, never... always fight, fight, and it will all work out, everything will work out, and it's real to overcome. here are 10 stories of children who overcame cancer. very important to remind about these children in order to support them. we all live in such
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difficult times now, and we all need support, and we believe that this exhibition will be such a motivator, not only for those children who are currently in the hospital, but... for all of us, because, in fact, it is about difficult periods, about challenges that must be overcome and have the courage to overcome them. in kyiv, the award named after lesya tanyuk was presented. this is an award for a significant contribution to preserving the historical memory of this year's laureates in the material of my colleagues. writers, artists, directors, public figures, as well researchers historians and scientists. the les tanyuk prize for preservation of historical memory is awarded every year for a special contribution to ukrainian culture and history and for the stability of a civic position. the enemy is doing everything to make our culture die, to make
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it disappear. and every preservation, every act of preservation of culture, determination of the best in the field of humanitarianism is exactly such an act. it is very important to preserve our culture and preserve our memory. this year , four laureates were awarded, and the director of the museum became them revolutions of dignity ihor poshivaylo, historian oleksiy sokyrko, deputy director of the bykivnyan graves reserve tetyana sheptytska and local historian ivan monolatii. when your work is noticed not only by colleagues in the workshop, not only by some scientific and artistic circles, but... after all, such a serious audience and such an honorable jury, because the list of those who award the prize is long, and these are people from different industries, and these are truly iconic people for ukraine, it is incredibly pleasant, honorable and
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at the same time responsible. history is an endless process, culture is what creates our nation and not only our nation, it is important in view of the war, because... that in the conditions of a military-political conflict, the strings of culture, the strings of history or museology, they intensify. determines candidates for the chapter prize, it includes figures from various fields of culture, historians and scientists. the award is focused on the high professionalism of its recipients. the society knows that awarding is determined honestly, that the criteria are mandatory, that... that if any of the members of the chapter is related to the awardee, then he does not participate in determined the winner, other, other, other, i think that already over these years such a cohort of people has formed who have become famous in
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society thanks to such awards. the award was established in 2018. all-ukrainian human rights organization vasyl stus memorial, the national theater center. read on our site espresso tv, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, also support our youtube channel and subscribe to our channels on social networks. before meeting! the information day of the tv channel continues, so what, the key events on the front line are us tried to analyze, but we will return to this topic. in the course of today's broadcast, now we will talk about the situation in ukraine, about a big scandal with
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a certain resonant dimension, so we will talk about freedom of speech and about the return of dark men, dmytro barkar, media expert of the institute of mass communication, will be in touch with us now, glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, glory to the heroes, welcome to the studio, welcome dear tv viewers, i am forced to correct the institutions of mass and... information, well, for accuracy, the institute of mass information, yes, look, well, the story is scandalous, i remember those blessed times, during the time of president leonid danylovych kuchma, when the prisons were cut by all the communes of laziness, that is , starting from the leaders of the kuchma administration, letting it all down business, so to speak, at the bottom of the news agency, then it was scandalous. unpleasant, but it was not some kind of special news, and over the years we have already weaned ourselves from such pressure on
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freedom of speech and freedom of the media, and here we are saw the worst manifestations of what are called temniks to our tv viewers, well, i want to explain, that is, these are lists, stop-lists, we let them in, we don’t let them in, we take comments on those, we don’t take comments on those, and on those topics we we take only those, then and those, then comments, or... in those, that is, this scandal is not only internal-ukrainian, although the story , of course, was generated in our country, but we understand how painfully our western friends and partners react, associates and so on, that is, where there is freedom of speech, it is a no, no just some, you know, verbal formula, that is, it is written there in the constitution, and it should be punished, accordingly, encroachment on the freedom of speech, also with all the severity, accordingly. criminal code of the united states or i don't know there one or the other i don't know brussels. mr. dmytro, you have the floor. well,
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first of all, as far as the legislation is concerned, our legislation also prescribes both prohibitions and punishments for violating these prohibitions regarding interference, obstructing the activities of journalists, that is, trying to screw them up. reduce, prevent freedom of speech, as for the temniks, well, the big plus of the current story is that this word, as soon as it appeared, appeared in the media in relation to another media, has already become a scandal, this is a special bright news, well , actually a scandal, that is, us.. . we are not at the same level as in
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the times of leonid kuchma you mentioned, when it was a certain normality, it was necessary to go through a separate media and media community, in general, a certain way to prove and explain to society that temniks are evil, and in what way the value of freedom of speech itself, now there are better, deeper ones understanding and... and by the media itself and society as a whole and the price of freedom of speech and in general what dark people are and what is their evil, that is, we are still somewhere at a higher and better level than in those distant times, but it is clear that there is nothing a good society, mr. dmitri, two revolutions, and in particular freedom of speech was paid without... exaggeration with blood, yes, and here we are talking about those who died on the maidan may
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their memory be blessed, and here we see an attempt monopoly, that is, it is about the state agency ukrinform, that is, a state agency can be managed manually and someone will determine which journalists are forced to work there, so i don't know what the situation is like there, i don't know, the situation with salaries, some kind of social packages, but they work there and they are forced accordingly. the instructions of his previous leadership and i don't even want to think, you know, what other manifestations are there in other fields related to the means of mass information, it's not easy. with the media, well, fortunately we don't have that many state media, and on the other hand, it seems to me that it is not so that the employees of the same ukerinform were forced to, a large part
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of the team left this job precisely because of this situation, before these people left, they resisted, part of the team that resisted remained at their jobs, and again after all, it was precisely this opposition that led to the fact that this story became public, spilled out, and we see that there are personnel decisions, and now these dark people in this media... are not there, they are not used, and even when they were , er, there is, we definitely don't know everyone details and details, or, but we cannot even claim that they were, that is, these instructions of the stemmen, that they were at least once carried out by someone, and if they were, then it was definitely not oil, and this, by the way, is very interesting
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moment, mr. dmytro, and let me stop you here, because ukrinform has long been on the list of transparent and responsible. media, but the last list, we do not see ukrinform in it, accordingly, this indicates that there were still some, that is, comments on the work of the media, that it did not get into this list, and in fact, we would like to ask you whether the institute of mass information saw certain signs that the editorial policy has been changed, that there is a distortion in the presentation of information, and that is why ukrinform is on this list. this year it didn’t make it, well , that’s exactly what happened, because it’s about the white list, which is compiled by the institute of mass information, and, let’s say, during the compilation of this list, such a thing as information policy is also taken into account, but in the first place in turn, we proceed specifically from
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the content that we see, from its quality, and we will see. a certain dynamics of changes since last november 2023, we recorded a sharp increase in the number of mentions of the head of the president's office yermak, and then by december of the same year 2023 , another jump took place, and this was already an increase of 60%. the number of mentions of this person, i.e. already since march of this year there has been a certain drop, because then at the end of the year a study by the institute of mass information was published, which indicated an increase in the number of mentions of the president and the head of the office and
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on increasing the share of the so-called parquet. among the news, i.e. those news that do not tell about the activities of the authorities in an unbalanced way and often not objectively, but simply about statements, i.e. these are materials that have certain signs even of commissioned ones, we do not call them commissioned, they only have certain signs, that is, we see complicity, at least complicity, of the media power in this case... the presidential branch of the president's office, and actually until this february 2024, we saw this very high level of such materials, then a decrease in the share began to occur such parquet news and mentions of
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the employees of the president's office in the first place. the head, about the head of the president's office, maybe, maybe we don't know for sure, we weren't inside the editorial office, but maybe this was already the result of internal resistance. mr. dmytro, does the institute of mass information currently see attempts to stifle, suppress, muffle the voice of free media, or are we currently at the stage when we are already starting to roll back a little, and how can we counteract this now, or have they gone second by the way, understand? so that having, well, quite powerful tools in the form of the same telethon and so on, that they want to replace a certain informational agenda with the one that is profitable in this way. for some , we didn't see dark people, for example, from the telethon, but if we count the number, for example, of the presence of the opposition, it is disproportionately smaller, we have two minutes,
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literally, yes, unequivocally, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have seen unambiguous attempts by the authorities to monopolize the information space in one way or another methods, and of course the single marathon is one of the most visible and most obvious manifestations of this situation. i don't even, i don't even think that there are directly dark people on paper, everything happens much easier, because there is a financial argument, and it works in this case, but what can we oppose except, you know, actually to give publicity to these processes, internal resistance is not... consent to such actions, attempts, by and large, i will say a bad word, to bend the free media, i.e. new methods of countermeasures, it seems to me,
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in recent years, we did not invent how we in previous circles sought freedom of speech and freedom of the media, so we will continue to record all these things, all these manifestations, talk about them, report them to the public. publicize, and we, as journalists, as media workers, this is our main weapon, yes, the word and publicity, and we will fight this way. thank you, dmytro berkar , media expert of the institute of mass information, was in touch with us. now we offer you to watch the plot of our colleague yuri fizer, he recorded an interview on the topic of multiple sclerosis. today is just the day to fight with multiple sclerosis, this is a huge problem for many families, this is a serious disease, so we ask you to be serious. attitude towards this disease and you can find out more information about this disease already after the pause, which will last literally a few minutes in the interview of yuri fizer. gasoline
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kors trimmers for everything. from uah 999 call greetings, my name is yuriy fizar and this is espresso-interview. anyone who watches the espresso tv channel knows me as an international columnist, so today i won't be quite in my role. after all, you can say that i will not be in my role at all. i will talk not about... international news, but about medicine, and not about medicine in general, but about one more part of it, about neurology, and not about neurology, in general, i will talk about only one disease: on may 30 every year, the world celebrates multiple sclerosis day. many people around the world, in general in ukraine, in particular, are tangential to this, in a certain way, i am also tangential, that's why i want more people to know, or at least
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understand this... disease that many fear, many people do not understand, so that at least they understand her, and whether the devil is as scary as he is portrayed, and today tatiana ivanivna negrych will help me with this, doctor of medical sciences, professor of neurology, head of the department of neurology at the lviv national medical university named after danylo hala, halytskyi, and head of the russian sclerosis center at the lviv regional hospital. tatyana ivanovna, congratulations, thank you for joining today. good afternoon, yuri, it's very nice. seeing you in this role, seeing you on television, we appreciate what you do as an international columnist, but i am extremely grateful that you have given the opportunity to cover and re-engage in such an important issue, to shed light on the problem of multiple sclerosis and make it more understandable for the general public, especially for patients and their families. well, let's start then from the very beginnings, start from the beginning, but yes, what kind of disease is it, what is it? and how is it
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diagnosed? multiple sclerosis is an extremely serious disease of the central nervous system, that is, a disease in which the brain and spinal cord are affected. what causes it is currently not known for sure, but there are a number of risk factors, provoking moments, including a viral infection, a special role is given to the epstein-barr virus, a certain genetic predisposition, certain geographical conditions of a person's residence, from those last factors, it is... smoking, vitamin d deficiency, but all these factors, they affect the sum together, and it is certain that there must be something completely different, the main provoking moment that causes the processes of demyelination, that is, the destruction of nerve cells, neuro processes, is still unclear and undisclosed to this day.


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