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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings to all espresso pilots, i'm nayavomelnyk and this is news: six people were injured due to russian shelling of sumy region. during the day, the enemy attacked 16 settlements in the region, inflicting 71 blows, the national police reported. the occupiers fired mortars, artillery, drones, rocket launchers and rockets. two apartment buildings, six shops, two cars, administrative premises were damaged department worlds, cultural center, restaurant and
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cafe. in the kharkiv region, the russian army continues to increase the grouping of its troops, this is especially noticeable in the direction of strelech liptsi and in the vovchansk region. there, the invaders send additional regiments and brigades from other directions and training grounds. however, even these forces are not enough for a full-scale offensive and a breakthrough in our defense, - emphasized the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. oleksandr syrskyi of ukraine. as reported in the press service of the lut police brigade. muscovites are trying to get a foothold in the houses, but the ukrainian fighters push them back and clean house after house. more than 10 people were evacuated in a day from vovchansk in kharkiv oblast. the police almost never come into the city, they work in the surrounding areas, so the residents have to go out on their own, some are helped by the military in... they drive around in
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protected armored vehicles, - said serhiy bolvinov, head of the investigative department of the kharkiv region police. also , 10 relatives of people appealed to the law enforcement officers with a request to evacuate their loved ones from vovchansk. because of their communication problems fate is unknown. and it also cleanses the temporarily occupied mariupol from the russians in the so-called primorye district department of internal affairs of the dpr. the occupiers were fatally poisoned by alcohol, the information about this is being carefully concealed, as the partisans point out, the drunkenness of the putinists increased, all because of the depression, against the background of great losses and constant fear, thanks to their love for vodka, local bottling , the ateshchevites managed to reduce the number of russian soldiers by four people, including officers. espresso tv channel and charity... iryna koval continue collecting
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for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to move confidently forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. every donation you make is an important contribution to supporting defenders on the front lines. uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. i wish you health. we, soldiers of the 100th brigade art intelligence. please you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. searches are carried out at the odessa customs office and its posts. investigative actions continue in the case of the expert. of illegal
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grain - reports rbc ukraine with reference to its own sources in the law enforcement agencies. detectives of the bureau of economic security are seizing documentation, it is already known about four employees who received suspicions. no official comments from bep yet there is no he attacked his wife and child, and then committed suicide. the tragedy happened in odessa. last night, a woman due to domestic violence. her husband called the police. the patrol made a report on the offender and issued an urgent restraining order. he had to leave for three days and not meet his family. in the presence of the police, the man gathered the necessary things and left the house. and already today, near the entrance of the house, he attacked his wife and eight-year-old daughter with a knife when they were returning from a walk. then the intruder ran to the entrance, went up to the 12th.
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jumped from the balcony on the first floor, the mother and child are in the hospital, previously the woman was injured in the abdomen and chest, the girl's back and neck, the investigation is ongoing. i jumped up to protect the woman, what are you doing here , he threw the woman, she fell from the bench to the ground, and pounced on the child, began to beat her, i already saw that he was hitting her with a knife, and the main thing is where it will end up , will continue in two weeks, the sixth administrative court of appeal announced a technical in the consideration of the case of bohdan lviv, today, new evidence was added to it, in particular , an interview in which the ex-judge does not deny that he had a share in an apartment in moscow. let me remind you that bohdan lviv, ex-head of the commercial court of cassation, is appealing the decision to terminate his powers, which was adopted
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on the basis of his russian citizenship. i am sure that the russians are also interested in this case, which is broadcast on the internet. including the special services, i still do not know how certain information appeared in the registers, who finally did it for what purpose, i am sure that it is not journalists did, well, sorry, the scale is not the same, but the fact that it was done against my will, i am sure, made men unfit, in odesa they detained a woman who helped conscripts evade service, for 9 00 dollars she provided a complete package of documents . from medical certificates to a temporary certificate of removal from military registration. the police detained the organizer of the scheme while receiving the first tranche of 500 dollars, and now they are deciding whether to choose a preventive measure for her. according to the results of the searches, in addition to the funds, they were seized
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forged seals of various medical institutions and territorial subdivisions of the tcc, conclusions of the vlk, copies of passports and draft records. she was informed about the suspicion. according to the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine, for the organization of illegal transportation of persons across the state border of ukraine, the suspect may face up to 9 years of imprisonment. a blow to cybercrime, law enforcement officers of ukraine together with colleagues from the usa, france, great britain, denmark and germany blocked the hacker services of the world cybercriminal organizations, they helped. we have to attack international companies. we are talking about malicious software that allowed hackers to gain access to computer networks using ransomware viruses, steal data and encrypt it. the victims were then blackmailed by publishing this data in case of non-payment of the ransom,
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the prosecutor general's office reported. in total, as part of the endgame special operation, 91 servers were removed and more than a thousand were blocked. domains. ukraine will receive almost 8 billion dollars from the united states of america. funds will be directed to national budget. this is part of another aid from the american government - said ukrainian prime minister denys shmehal. another 100 million euros will be provided by the european investment bank. this money will be directed to lending to small and medium-sized businesses in ukraine. in general, this year our country has already received almost 12 billion dollars of international financial aid, other partners are japan and canada. the european union approved prohibitive tariffs on grain and oil from russia and belarus, as noted on the website of the council of the eu, these tariffs are high enough,
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in order to suppress such imports into the european union in practice. duties on oil crops will increase by 50%. azernov will be 95 euros per ton, the decision will come into effect on july 1. also , it will not be possible to import russian and belarusian products under eu tariff quotas. at the same time, the decision does not affect the transit of grain and oil crops to third countries. estonia allows the use of frozen russian assets to support the defense of ukraine. the corresponding law was approved by the country's president, alar karis. however, for his... in other words, they will be able to seize the property of only those persons whose connection with the commission of illegal acts is established and sufficiently proven. this means that the mere fact of assets being frozen as a result of international sanctions is not enough to transfer ownership. karis admitted that such
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conditions create additional legal issues, but he called on the parliament to remove ways to alienate, to find ways to alienate russian property to compensate for the damage caused. to ukraine, look for more interesting videos on the espress youtube channel and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts eteru, all news releases, programs and special projects. that can only be seen from us, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share it, comment it, be there. i tell you, see you at 5 p.m., then eteros preso will be continued by my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii. thank you anieva melnyk, thank you. there is a lot of news and events today. the russian invaders , after a long pause, again began to storm
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nestryga island. this was reported by the southern operational command. so, on the left bank the russians of the kherson region resorted to storming nestryga island and tried to storm it, in general, throughout today. the positions of our fighters 19 times. this was reported by dmytro pletenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces. yes, we have... attempted assaults, 12 of them in the orihiv direction, these are several settlements, well, the most in the staromayorsky area. so there were six assaults on krynka. we will now have the opportunity to add valery ryabykh, a military expert and director of development, to ether information and consulting company defense express. we will analyze the main events together with him. mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the dear colleagues. i will start with the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic, the statement that came out literally today, from june the armed forces of ukraine will receive
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from 50 to 100 thousand projectiles per month within the framework of the czech ammunition initiative, do you think that ammunition is enough to cover the need for artillery ammunition for the armed forces of ukraine. here we are we are talking now about only one component and that is only receiving. supplies within the framework of the czech initiative, we do not know how the dynamics are developing in other directions, however, speaking only about this direction, we can say that this is a significant increase in the quality and quantity of supplying our artillery with large-caliber ammunition, and here it should be noted that well, if... even if we take several thousand a day,
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this is an addition for our artillerymen of 2-3 thousand ammunition per day, and this is a corresponding increase in the number of fired tasks and, accordingly, the influence of our armed forces. to the units of the russian federation, which are trying to advance, solving their main tasks of reaching the borders of the donetsk region, and in these conditions , such an increase in the level of ammunition supply, we can just say that it is timely, of course, that it would be better if these the ammunition appeared there three months ago , and perhaps the enemy would not have had the opportunity to develop the success that he is now
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trying to develop, but of course it will help the armed forces unit for the time being of ukraine to solve the tasks facing them today. mr. valery, we would like to ask you about the swedish gift. we understand that sweden has prepared a large package of military aid to... somewhere around 200 million or 300 million billion, i don't remember anymore, well, it's about 13, it seems billions of swedish kroner, in any case, here's the story about what: radar tracking radar planes, we understand, we need them, i don’t know what the situation is with our aviation, well, it’s at the level of some tactical or front-line migs, but long range radar tracking planes are serious, so how can it? affected the situation on the front line? and yes, this is a very significant and revolutionary change,
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especially since we always said, when , for example, we talked and thought about our air defense system, then all the experts noted that the construction of it should also include tactical aircraft modern aviation. which should become an integral part, and the crown of this system should be long-range radar detection aircraft and in... the board, which are supposed to become the eyes of this system and close the gaps that ground radar stations currently have, and therefore the enemy still retains certain opportunities to strike, and hoping for this they are trying
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to implement with the acquisition of such an aircraft, here we are talking, as far as we can already understand. .. about two planes, this changes the situation very significantly, and of course, it ensures the effective use of those f-16 aircraft of the western aviation, which we can get in the near future and begin to use, of course, these are related things , and this, among other things, just shapes to the end. this configuration of our anti-aircraft, anti-missile defense system, and in addition, increases the capabilities of conducting intelligence, well, look, well, let's not try on the skin of the swedish aircraft that has not yet been received, in terms of how we can roughly calculate our forces, a month or two or three next
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year, in 2027, well, it's hard to say here, but i think not here... no one will, let's say, delay it, and it would be better if the appearance of airplanes in 16 and airplanes distant radar detection, they coincided in terms of the training of pilots and crews of these aircraft, well, experts say that in principle, although it is a difficult task to train our... crews for this aircraft, however, it is not such a task that has not been solved , i am talking about the fact that this aircraft is based on the civilian saap 340 and similar, well, aircraft,
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there are enough pilots who have experience flying such civilian aircraft in ukraine, so, in principle, this task can occupy them until training, well several one two there to three months, regarding for system operators, the task here is difficult, but also not solvable, because in principle , the interfaces they use are practically, well, let's say, similar to those used in western-style systems, and here the same radar stations, which we now have in large quantities. we use and here, too, similar operators can come to training in a fairly short time, there are still questions about the technical readiness of such aircraft, but here too i think that there will not be any issues, because these aircraft come from the arsenals of sweden directly, and well, given that this is
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a very important tool, it constantly has, well, i believe in... that it was maintained in proper technical condition, undergoing all the necessary routine work and modernization, so that it met the needs of the modern battlefield, so we hope for a short period of receipt of these aircraft. mr. valery, we would like to ask you about the railway that the enemy is using and is currently building in order to circumvent the possibility of their logistics through the crimean bridge, and we know that they are launching a railway in... the crimean bridge, there are fresh photos in free access, yes, which testify to the fact that they built a railway, and we would like to understand how exactly this alternative logistical route can affect the capabilities of the sick in the south of the state, because we understand that they will be using this railway to bring in everything that is needed, and it will be
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much more difficult for our armed forces to somehow get there with the weapons that we have now, in order to... to interrupt this logistical route, what are your predictions, how it might affect? well here there is nothing new, we know about this story, about the fact that the enemy wants to improve the supply route, this so -called land corridor, and the enemy is also not doing this, let's say because they have nowhere to spend money or something, this is because what they feel really a threat to their kerch bridge and er are preparing for the fact that it may be interrupted, well besides, this kind of diversification, she er will say... they hope that it will increase their logistical support capabilities, here it is well known to everyone that up to 75% of all the logistics
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of the occupiers are tied to railway transport, here we are talking about the construction and commissioning of a section of the railway, which will make it possible to run trains directly there from the rostov region, bypassing mariupol and connecting with the branch, with the one that descends there from donetsk and volnovakha to the south and then goes along the southern route, and this is, let’s say, the first test launch now, but the analysis of those photos shows that the enemy has here, despite the fact that he currently testing this trunk, some limitations. in its application, we are talking about a single-track highway, in addition, this highway is not electrified, and here, in principle, the enemy takes this step deliberately,
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in order to, well, let's say, make it more reliable by using locomotive traction, well, besides the fact that it is a single-track path means that... it has certain capacity limitations, it is somewhere around 10 trains per day, and besides, the analysis of the images of those trains that are currently moving show about what this track has so far, i i think that there will continue to be restrictions on the maximum load on the track, and this means restrictions on the number of cars in these trains, this is a new problem, well, i will say, not a problem, it is a new one... a submission for the armed forces of ukraine to take into account just that , how the enemy will provide logistics for his troops in the south of the mainland of ukraine
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and for this group in the kherson and zaporizhzhia regions, and i think that just these changes in the functioning of this railway will lead to the correction of the plans of the general staff and accordingly. on introduction of banks of targets and new directions for launching strikes with the aim of disrupting these logistics, that the enemy will be able to establish the smooth operation of this branch in the near future has not yet been said, but such a prospect exists during the course of this summer, and the main task is precisely to prevent it putting it into... regular operation, how promising is the destruction or suspension of those works, maybe there are some other substations there or something like that? well,
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considering that this is an unelectrified road, there is no substation, the enemy deliberately left, in order for it to be more reliable, however, there are certain bottlenecks, in particular, in these newly built areas, there are at least two bottlenecks, that is... across the kalmius river and across the mius river, and therefore, let's say, these closest, the largest ones, let's say, bottlenecks, they can become the object of strikes by the forces of the defense of ukraine, as well as a task for the actions of partisans and subversive intelligence groups as well. and if we speak, for example, briefly, we literally have one minute, mr. valery, if we talk about this potential, it is significant history. yes, the supply of heavy artillery shells to the enemy and so on, we understand that they will pull not only through the isthmus? yes, of course, that's why they invested
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a lot of money there to build this highway in order to ensure logistics and diversify supply, how it will turn out further, it will depend on the availability and availability. the number of weapons in the defense forces of ukraine, and in principle, if there are enough long-range weapons, this highway can be controlled in order to prevent a significant increase logistical capabilities of the enemy. in addition, in connection with obtaining permits from our partners, the sinking of logistics centers to a greater depth is promising. this highway may somehow appear at a certain time to be of no use. thank you, valery ryabik, military expert, director of
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information and consulting company development. was on our airwaves, thanks to mr. valery for the clarification, here is the information that has arrived, france may announce the sending of instructors to ukraine as early as next week, and will apparently announce france will make its decision during the stay of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi in the country next week. the reuters agency writes about this with reference to sources, and they say that paris hopes to form and lead a coalition of ukraine that will offer such assistance. kiev in the military effort, even as some of its european union partners fear that this could make direct conflict with russia more likely. such information. now we have a short break, after which we will continue ours information day we will talk in particular about the shallowing of the dniester river. photos are circulating on social networks where the river has almost completely dried up, and what is the reason for this,
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or can it somehow threaten our ecology? and the main thing is what it is connected with, and it is connected, i will say a little bit of a spoiler, it is actually connected with russian attacks on the power system, but you will learn about everything in order in just a few minutes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but if you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, there is a solution, garden trimmers recors unpack the tv, have time to order for a special price. at a price of only 999 hryvnias. corce trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. even women can use them. but just look at how
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connections with... russians that detectives were looking for in lyudmila kropyvna's house? what were they looking for, there was no search, and according to what scheme did the servant of themis get an apartment for her parents in kyiv? father and mother lived like this in ternopil. on thursday, may 30, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, with even more analytics. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.


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