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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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well, let's postpone this topic for now, i think it will continue, well, we'll watch this story, of course, but now there's a new story in russia, which actually shows that, you know, well, their military economy is a little bit better , because somehow they were pumped up so much, pumped up about how long they can fight, and then it turned out that it was necessary to raise taxes immediately, and that's all right now, and well, there's a whole tax reform under... they have taxes on individuals persons, raise taxes for enterprises, well, that is, change in general the tax system is very active, because you have to find money somewhere. today, radio liberty launched a scarecrow that the government wants to rob us all and raise the personal income tax from 13 to 22%. what is proposed is not what is supported by the population. and there was a wait for very, very
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many years, because the progressive system, and we are talking about the progressive system, which we are very familiar with from soviet times, for russian citizens, it is always a fairer system, and now they are telling how wonderful it is in russia taxes will rise, well, i won't describe this whole system now, only one question arises here, you know, everything is so wonderful, and everyone expected it, but why wasn't it done before? putin's next presidential re-election, but something was not done, well, at the beginning of the year, or in general last year, which prevented it, why did it have to wait until the elections were held, and only after the elections were held and no one needed to vote , they did it all, if it’s all so expected and everyone so wants justice and everyone does so, well, congratulations this whole story, the question hung in the air, it is not clear, well, probably... because
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it is obvious, probably, after all, not everything is as beautiful there as they like to tell, and probably not all of it is so directly expected by russian citizens and they are not so satisfied with this story, and of course it is wonderful to watch them talk in the studios about how lucky they are that the war came, and finally everything became perfect for them, including. and taxes. i am happy to congratulate all the intelligent part of the business of working people and our people in general justice, which we talked about many times with you, is finally coming, our state has already directly approached the reconfiguration of the tax system. first of all, it is important to say that there is no war here at all. this was talked about long before the svo. mood can. there was a different one in the country, you noticed
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how people's mood has changed lately, breathing has become easier in the country over these two years, right? it became easier for them to breathe in the country, it seems, how beautiful, well, even more beautiful, as they tell themselves there, as well as all these new taxes will go to social benefits and that's it, and that's what they're for. and you see, it has nothing to do with the war, absolutely, it just came by itself, so that everyone would finally be happy, but in the process of these conversations, uh, it's very interesting how such a discussion came about they had it when one of the guests of the studio in skabiyeva decided to say there, let's somehow collect these taxes right away and send them so that it would be possible to track how they went to social benefits, and the state duma deputy present... in the same studio
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said no, no, this should not be done, what should be followed, no, it is somehow wrong, they are going somewhere there, but then we will see from the result that they went where they should, well, let's have this discussion, it's just great , they can't show us something, it's a pity, don't come to us. maybe, maybe they will try again, well, but you know, here is such a happy simanyan, because of what is happening, her happiness is somehow completely not shared by ordinary russians, ordinary russians somehow do not feel happiness from the last four years and especially the last two years of the war, as it turned out. i have a poor pension, and the prices
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are awesome. and what does the price depend on? i think it is because of our laws, which do not exist in the country, that i have been working in a magnet for the fourth year, so, to put it roughly, look at... how much prices have risen, then it was 30, and sugar and eggs were 30, and now here 120-130 eggs, sugar is now 60 rubles, under 70, people complain, but still buy, they say, they want to eat, well, what do you want to eat, you want to eat, you won’t eat, because everything will work out in principle, it is clear that will go to war, and by the way, this was visible from the last budget, which was... russia, when a third of the state budget is simply allocated to the war, well, by the way, let's take a look at this one, after all, about the distribution, since we already have it there is, let's see, the target distribution, after all, that money was
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dyed, this money is not dyed, it is necessary to strictly monitor what it will go to, or dye, i think, it is unlikely that it is necessary to strictly control the implementation, since these are huge... funds - it is 16 trills in about 6 years, it will be social expenses, and c i have no doubts, although we have not yet seen the prepared project approved by the government of the amendments to the budget, and they all appear there, and it is not necessary to paint, we will see in the amendments to the budget where and for what the additional funds will go, every penny will not it is necessary to paint, this is incorrect, there is a principle of budget formation, it is just right. just, well, i'm saying that actually, according to the result of this year, well, when they adopted the budget of this year in russia, it suddenly turned out that the military budget there grew a little more than three times, so i think that their next will grow even more the additional 16 billion that
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will be collected in taxes will go there, and it is obvious that it will not stop there, it is only the beginning, because there is nowhere for the russian government to get money for the war. except from the russian population, and this is only the beginning, now they are trying to push it through under the guise that they are taking from the rich, so far only, or taking from enterprises, or there taking from business, but it will not stop there, so that when they take from the richer, when they take from the less rich, take from business, then they will simply take from everyone, so wait russians, this is... in the near future, i think, it will become clear, well, we will see each other, there are times when the body
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fm, galicia. listen to yours. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients , feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - controlled urination. watch this week's program of judicial control with tatyana shustrova judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if there is a failure of any european integration for us, we will simply be in this limbo in an infinite number. but why? the vkk keeps unscrupulous judges in their posts. i bought it for what i sold it for. congratulations, this is a program of judicial control,
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and as always, we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend. how is the new judiciary formed in ukraine? and is it really possible to talk about a total update with confidence? experts notice alarming symptoms that may threaten the entire reform. about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. the company of the wife of the head of the kyiv district court of odesa serhii chvankin bought an apartment in maidam for 310 thousand dollars or almost 12 million uah. as reported by investigation info, the apartment was purchased by the company of judge nela golubeva's wife. in dimia, the salary of a lawyer and a teacher of the odesa law academy does not allow for such expenses, as well as the salary of the judge himself. according to the florida companies register, golubeva opened a company in usa last year. in february, in less than a month , the company purchased 105 m2 in maidama,
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a few hundred meters from the coast of the atlantic ocean. previously, the public integrity council in its conclusion about the judge's non-compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics noted that the fortunes of chvankin and his family are of dubious origin. meanwhile, the press service of the kyiv district court of odesa published a refutation of information about the purchase of an apartment in miami, noting that the property was purchased on credit for... 30 years, however the loan agreement was never published in court. the statement of the press service also traces the alleged threat of lawsuits to the journalists who published the news about the real estate registered to the firm of judge chvankin's wife. the higher qualifications commission continues to conduct interviews with candidates for the post of judge and with current themis employees, assessing their integrity and professional competence. and although this is already an updated composition. bcs, which was formed with the participation of foreign specialists and taking into account high international standards, experts and
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public activists notice a decline in the quality of conducting assessments. the commission is increasingly turning a blind eye to non-compliance. we reloaded the highest circle in the commission of judges by 100%. expectations from them, and this is not only the expectation of ukrainian society, because the request to clean up the judiciary has been very relevant since the time of the maidan, since the revolution of dignity, and we have only just begun. this process, or have they resumed, let 's say, the qualification evaluation of judges, which began back in 2015, with a new body that was supposed to finally free us from dishonest judges, and everything started as if it was not bad, but now the percentage of cases, the percentage of judges, in respect of which the public integrity council made a negative decision, that is, recognized them as unscrupulous, with respect to which the higher commission of judges agreed, is currently 38%. of the more than 110 judges who have already passed the qualification assessment, at least 62 had
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negative conclusions of the public integrity council, and more than half of them , despite their dubious integrity, were recognized by the higher qualification commission as suitable for the position and only 22 were dismissed, i.e. in in fact, in two-thirds of the cases , the commission of judges throws into the trash all those facts and all those ee... what was found about the judges, their dishonesty, their property, their previous decisions and so on. this is a bad number, but a catastrophic trend, because if this continues, there is every chance that in a few months, not even years, the supreme court of justice will reach the figures of the previous supreme court of justice of kozyakov, who was actually dismissed for the failure of judicial reform. when the three judges who passed the qualification assessment were dismissed, only 15. the supreme court of justice left in office several judges who have negative conclusions of the state administrative court, for example,
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serhiy babiy, judge of the pavlograd city-district court of the dnipropetrovsk region. in 2018, babiya's wife bought a toyota chr car for almost 800,000 uah. babii says that part of the amount for him was allegedly given to his wife by her mother, and he paid the rest. but in the declaration, the judge for some reason did not indicate either the mother's gift or his own. it was said, i am giving the old one to my mother, we will help... in 2013, serhii babiya's wife purchased shares of a public joint-stock company ebrd company for almost 110 thousand. uah according to the foundation, at that time it had no official income, the judge did not report such shares or income from their disposal in any of the annual declarations. the wife purchased these securities with her own funds. i had nothing to do with this transaction, so i actually sold it for what i bought it for.
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okay, but where did she get these funds? this is the question. at his wife's. all the time there were free funds. the public council of virtue draws attention to the ties between judge serhii babii and the current people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, member of the verkhovna rada committee on legal policy oleksiy demchenko. in particular, together they were the founders of a law firm and even jointly own an office with an area of ​​111 m2 in dnipro. i stopped my participation in the society of communicating with demchenko sporadically. continued, on a formal basis, i am a member of the working group of the ukrainian parliament on the issues of proper financing of the judiciary, which was created by the decision of the legal policy committee headed by mr. demchenko. from 2018 to 2021, the judge and his family members repeatedly traveled to russia, according to
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the public council of virtue, at least six times babii crossed the border with the aggressor country and returned to ukraine. at least in a week. babiy himself explains this by the rules of border registration and allegedly incorrectly entered information into the system. the judge's file includes nabu's information and the airport of departure dnipro, the airport of arrival sharmershen, the section of the russian border is indicated. have you crossed the border with the russian federation? no. did not cross, no crossed this explanation was fully satisfied by the vkks. in february. in 2022, serhii babii tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics council thoroughly studied his biography and found him unscrupulous. the ethics council, which was engaged in the reform of the supreme council of justice, which, together with international experts, recognized that, more precisely, it did not give a recommendation on the criterion of integrity, and recognized the judge as unscrupulous in fact. the higher committee of judges at the qualification
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evaluation says: everything is great, great judge, you can continue to work until the end of yours. in updated, reformed judicial system of ukraine. often, the higher qualification commission of judges turns a blind eye to the judges' smearing of drunken drivers. themis officials use a common scheme of prolonging the case, and then simply closing it because the time limit has expired. this is a well-known evasion scheme to avoid responsibility for drunk driving, the result is accidents, fatal, including, literally not so long ago, there was a story about... a 17-year-old girl who was killed by a drunken scumbag, sorry, behind the wheel, which to that, six months before, the judge did not take away the law, in spite of all this, the higher commission of new judges, recognizes them as virtuous. thus, the supreme court of justice retained the judge of the solomyansk district court of kyiv, ada pedenko, who, according to the calculations of the public council of virtue, actually amnestied 21 drunk drivers, and the judge of
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the slavyansk city district court of the donetsk region, alina honcharova, who... closed about 100 cases for drunken driving, judge goncharova, who closed more than 50% of the cases she had on drunken driving due to the statute of limitations, that is, this means that most of the cases that you consider in this category, you consider so badly that they are closed and the term simply expires. last november, the higher qualification commission of judges and the public integrity council agreed on a joint list of markers that testify to... compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics, as well as the principles of their application, however, the vkk seems to have decided to ignore the agreements. drunk driving are indicators written in black and white in criteria that are jointly agreed upon the highest commission of judges and the public council of integrity, which are indicators
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of dishonesty, that is, both bodies agreed that if there are such cases, it is not honest, decision. opposes the decision of the same, the same body. if this trend continues, the entire qualification assessment, and hence the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine, will be in jeopardy. qualification assessment of judges is one of the priorities. the reset of the vkks was one, there was number two, the reset of the vkks ivrp of seven points that we needed perform to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on joining the eu. that is , in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then there will be no european integration for us, well, that is, we will simply be in this limbo for an infinite number of years in the status. candidate, and we will surpass the turkish language simply by this parameter, which has been there for 25 years. so, currently, whether
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the judicial reform will continue in ukraine, and thus the path to the european union, depends on the quality of the work of the higher qualification commission of judges. and on i have everything today. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you exactly in a week.
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their mother tongue to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and... caring people in the evening at espresso. 25 february 2022, the second day of the full-scale invasion,
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the millerovo military airbase in the rostov region burns. and who did it? asked sarcastically on the page of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. this was almost the first attack by the armed forces of ukraine on enemy territory. according to journalist yuriy butusov, he was hit by tactical rockets. point u complex. then the aggressor lost several ships, planes and helicopters. from the first days of the great war, the defense forces did not hesitate to strike on the territory of russia, and the enemy, who planned to capture kyiv in three days, suffered losses. but the means of destruction were running out, the enemy adapted, and the western partners, who after the retreat of the russians from kiev, finally decided to supply ukraine with weapons, established a strict taboo, no strikes against russia. territory we believe that the equipment and facilities that we provide to ukraine, and that other states provide to ukraine, should be used to return ukrainian
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sovereign territory. in his conversations with mr. umirov, minister austin talks about how best to use these tools. we think, that it is within ukrainian territory. in the summer of 2023, the washington post newspaper reported that... russian volunteers who raided the belgorod region a month earlier allegedly used tactical vehicles provided to ukraine by the united states and poland, and carried rifles made in belgium and the czech republic. official brussels then even started an investigation and turned to ukraine for clarification. pipets! the defense forces continued to strike enemy territory with drones of their own production. airfields, military bases, oil storage facilities, and
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in the last six months, oil refineries. once, drones even flew to the kremlin. but the ban on the use of western weapons, in particular long-range missiles, which exceed ukrainian drones in both speed and power, remains in force. and this is significant. weakens the armed forces. the laws of war say that when the enemy concentrates forces for an offensive, they must be thinned out with pre-emptive strikes, but ukraine has no right to do this, and that is why the russians felt confident in the belgorod region preparing for an offensive in the north of kharkiv region, and now they are not afraid of strikes from the su, concentrating in the area of ​​the city of suja, in the kursk region and creating a threat to sumy. president zelenskyy has repeatedly requested the event. review the strict rules that significantly weaken ukraine. i do not believe that there should be any bans, because this is not about the offensive
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of the ukrainian army using western weapons on russian territory, this is protection, this is just like the pre-emptive sanctions that we all talked about before a full-scale invasion, it's the same thing, it's a warning. there are certain developments in this matter, but so far they are minimal. the baltic states and some other allies strongly support the authorization to strike russia with western weapons. the germans are categorically against it. chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament. appealed to the government to lift restrictions, and great britain, perhaps the first, has actually already done so, the kingdom's minister of foreign affairs david cameron brought good news to kyiv in early may. ukraine has such a right, just like russia strikes inside ukraine, you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it defends itself.
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however, the key word in this matter is the united states, which is the largest supplier of weapons to ukraine. during a recent visit to kyiv by us secretary of state anthony blinken, he was asked why the us has not yet revised its approach. blinken answered evasively. we did not encourage or create opportunities for strikes outside of ukraine. but, in the end, ukraine has to make decisions for itself, as it does is going to... fight, or how it will wage war in defense of its freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity. according to the new york times, blinken supports lifting restrictions on strikes at least on border russian territories, but there is no unity within biden's team on this issue. the us president himself has so far taken an extremely cautious position, saying that it is necessary to follow red lines
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in order to avoid a direct conflict. a group of congressmen from the republican and democratic parties appealed to the minister us defense secretary lloyd austin , the speaker of the lower house of congress, mike johnson, also expressed his demand to review the ban against restrictions for ukraine. on may 22, at a hearing in the house of representatives, the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, republican michael mccaul, even showed a map of russia and marked areas where american attack missiles could reach, if the united states had the courage to authorize such strikes. the administration of the president, his adviser jake sullivan, limited the use of weapons so that ukraine could not defend itself and fight back of russia that is why i would approve the use of long-range and short-range radio systems of referees, as well as hymars. while you, tie the hands of the ukrainians. however, so far
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the official position of the usa, in particular the pentagon, is the same as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at a press conference following another ramstein this week, defense minister lloyd austin avoided answering the question of whether ukraine could use american air defense systems to shoot down planes bombing kharkiv kabami from the russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called prevent escalation, according to some military experts, it is precisely because of this strategy that ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as president zelensky noted, the military decisions of the event are delayed by a year, and these delays cost ukraine human lives and territories.
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under what conditions can ukraine defeat russia by attacking enemy facilities. this is part of self-defense, which two other states have allowed to beat ukraine on the territory of muscovites, and what preventive measure did fomida borysova choose? good evening, in the final issue, the espresso team talks about today's highlights. anna yavamalnyk is with you. ukraine can win the war against russia and only under the condition of permanent.


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