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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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only for the presidential administration, that is , even from a procedural point of view, there is currently no reason to delay this decision, and accordingly, when a limited number of people participate in the decision-making process, this process can clearly go much faster than when such a decision has to go through a joint legislative body, such as, say, congress. we will continue to monitor the situation in the united states. oleksandr, thank you, it was oleksandr krayev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. thanks. informal meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of nato is taking place in prague these days. radio liberty's international columnist rostislav khotyn works at the event and now joins our broadcast. rostyslav, i congratulate you. tell me, please, are they talking about ukraine within the framework of this event, what are they saying , and is it actually about strengthening support for ukraine? many say so, although
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the meeting is informal, but this is the last meeting before the washington summit in july in the american capital, which will be held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the alliance. about he talks about ukraine a lot and talks about the topic of strikes on russian territory with western weapons and talks about the topic of the possible, clearly the minister will discuss the possible placement in ukraine of the french initiative of western troops, their deployment in ukraine and... they will discuss the czech initiative to provide shells for ukraine, collection funds for the provision of missiles for ukraine, and talks, of course , about air defense, and they talk about f-16 fighters, there are key ministers here who are in this aviation coalition, so ukraine is very, very actively discussed, it is about the fact that nato wants to take over all the coordination of military, financial, and logistical assistance to ukraine from the united states of america, which... are the leaders in ronstein, now
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yun stoberg wants ukraine to be the one who takes over this, to be it is nato that undertakes assistance to ukraine, all coordination and everything, so to speak, the main provider, everything under the umbrella of the alliance, this is what is being discussed now, and it is in washington that this big decision about assistance to ukraine and coordination should be made by nato, and here the ministers will discuss at their last meeting before the summit meetings nato secretary general jens stoltenberg is taking part in the event today, what are rostislav luna's statements? today from him, what does he say about the war in ukraine? well, he says that ukraine is now faced with huge challenges and a very difficult situation, this is what he says directly, but nevertheless, ukraine can win, this is a quote, that is, he said that ukraine can still win this war. what is needed for this? this requires coordinated, clear and very strong support from the western partners and the alliance. from partners
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of ukraine, so he so to speak says that ukraine is fighting very bravely and courageously, but help is needed and there is still a chance for victory in ukraine, despite the difficult, difficult situation on the fronts, especially now the escalation in the kharkiv region. regarding the nato summit, which will take place already in july, were opinions voiced today regarding the prospects of ukraine's membership in it? well, it hasn't sounded yet today, but jens stolton. it was heard that there will be a meeting in washington at the july nato summit, there will be a meeting of the ukraine-nato council, i will remind you, this council was was created a year ago almost in vilnius at the summit of the alliance, and it will be like this, within the framework of the summit there will be a meeting of this ukraine-nato council, and therefore it must be concluded that president volodymyr zelenskyi is waiting in washington for the nato summit. further, the western allies also, as some western publications write, expect ukraine to reduce a little. pressure, so
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to speak, in terms of expectations, regarding nato membership, so as not to overestimate the bar of expectations from the alliance, give us an invitation now in washington at the summit, that's all, only nato membership, only now an invitation, they they ask us not to do this, so that there will be no disappointment, so that there will be no escalation, betrayal, betrayal, again, again the west is not ready, again nato is setting us up and so on, so they ask us to be, so to speak, moderate in our expectations and not to ask for much, but... washington is expected to receive some major political signal that ukraine's membership in nato is inevitable, this signal from the july nato summit, it is expected. tell me, please, did you remember what we talked about today and the permission to hit ukraine on the territory of russia, and what exactly are the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of nato saying, what were their positions echoed today? well, the consensus against is emerging more and more. to give such
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permission to ukraine, because ukraine is waging a defensive war against russian aggression, secondly, there is a very strong influence of kharkiv and the kharkiv situation on this decision. that kharkiv is located 35 km from the russian border, and mainly russia strikes kharkiv, the second largest city in ukraine from russian territory, as guided bombs are dropped on territory of russia, then fly to kharkiv, as missiles fly from russian territory, as drones are launched from the territory of the russian federation, as long-range artillery hits ukrainian cities and kharkiv, in particular, so there is such an understanding that russia uses its territory as such such a safe haven for strikes. in kharkiv and other territories of ukraine, therefore more and more western allies of ukraine, partners in nato, are inclined to give such permission. there were two countries that were still in opposition to this, but the situation is changing there as well. the last ones there are indications from berlin that germany may also
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change its position, in particular chancellor olaf scholz, and in washington, according to the american press, joe biden is ready to give ukraine such permission for strikes on russian territory, but there are a few aleps there. the first, but that these should be strikes only on military facilities in russia, the second, but that they should be strikes on those military facilities from which missiles are launched there or drones over ukraine, that is, on those that participate in aggression and strikes on ukraine, objects. further, so that it is not far from the ukrainian-russian border, not somewhere very deep in russia there, and not far, and also, so that it would not be that ukraine did not hit on the civil infrastructure, of course, on the energy infrastructure as well. in russia, so that a consensus is emerging more and more about giving ukraine such permission to strike russian territory with western weapons. well, if there is a consensus on giving the go-ahead for strikes on russian territory, then what about sending troops to ukraine, have they talked about it, have
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they mentioned it, are there any prospects for it at all? see when french president emmanuel macron. on the second anniversary of the beginning of the russian aggression against ukraine, he announced this initiative to send western troops to ukraine, then it was perceived as some kind of madness, that is, something so improbable. now it’s all being sketched out, outlined, so to speak, within some real such framework, that is, it is expected that president zelensky will visit paris, maybe even next week, and there will be some kind of decision by france to specifically send the first military instructors to ukraine, some countries from the first day of macron's initiative... you support it, like, for example, the baltic countries there, or poland, or some others, so in principle it no longer looks like some kind of dekun idea like that , no, it is being outlined in real terms now, and already the french may in june the first french military instructors be in ukraine, but it is not about
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the fact that they will participate in some western troops or units in specific combat operations on the front line, no, it is about what they will be engaged in training and educational functions, train the ukrainian army. further possible demining, maybe some help with air defense, maybe some other auxiliary functions, maybe they will not be located somewhere far from the front line, far somewhere in western ukraine, but the initiative of emmanuel macron and a possible decision already about the announcement next week about a possible sending the first group of french military instructors, and this is a nato member country, of course, a nuclear country, to things, so it can be a reality soon enough and... it doesn't look like something completely unbelievable, no, it's becoming more and more a reality. rostyslav, i still want to clarify, what are they saying about shells for ukraine, were there any statements today, will there be more, maybe? yes,
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there will be more of them and they will be. the czech initiative is working, as the representative of the czech government on ukrainian issues , tomasz kopechny, said, i was at his briefing, i asked him, in particular, when they will come, he says that... in june next month the first batch of projectiles is due to arrive on the czech initiative, it is from 50 to 100 thousand projectiles, they are very important, critically important for ukraine, due to the fact that no one canceled the postulate of military forces, that artillery is the god of war, this was also in the 19th century, both in the 20th century and in the 21st, it remains so, so drones play a bigger and bigger role, but nobody canceled the artillery and its importance, so the czech initiative, it saves the ukrainian artillery, the armed forces. because there was a shortage of shells for one shell that ukraine produced, russia produced six, even the ratio was one to 10, even what a gap, so ukraine also saved, protected these shells so that they were spent very, very meticulously, so to speak, so the czech initiative is already there, maybe up to a billion euros have already been collected ,
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five or six countries jumped on this initiative, including portugal, germany, denmark, canada and... ireland, and the czech republic itself, of course, but a dozen countries that want to participate are asking for another taco. but money has not yet been given to give, so that ukraine will have somewhere around 100-2000 shells per month get to the end year and already the first ones, as i already said, the first of these shells will arrive in june, so the czech initiative is working, so they took a little long pause, there was a pause, because it was necessary to collect them all over the world, it is not only collected in nato members, on the contrary, it is collected outside the eu, outside nato, in particular , the western press wrote about south korea, south africa, turkey, and other countries that are kept secret, there is a very strong competition with russia, firstly, russia is trying to sabotage . the czech initiative, and secondly, we need to act, said the czech representative, because where, if we didn't
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buy first, then russia caught up and bought them, so here time is also important and money is important. rostislav, thank you very much, this was rostislav khotyn, radio liberty's international commentator on the informal meeting of nato foreign ministers. thank you. according to internal nato estimates, europe has only a fraction of its anti-aircraft capabilities. defenses necessary to protect its eastern flank, which indicates the extent of the continent's vulnerability. he writes about it financial times with reference to sources. according to their data, nato countries are able to provide less than 5% of the air defense capabilities that are considered necessary to protect the alliance members in central and eastern europe from a full-scale attack. meanwhile, in zaporizhzhia, soldiers of the 141st separate infantry brigade, who work on air defense systems, cover the front. drones of the russian army. watch the report of radio svoboda. how
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do these weapons show themselves here in air target hunting? very good. good machine gun, good shows itself well, like kanik turetskyi, but there are some changes in him, minimal, small. yes, destroyed whole, small-sized ones. lance hall. it doesn't count, you can say, but what counts, well, there's some chess there, for example, that is, there is also something between you that counts, it doesn't count, it's a small goal, you know, and chess, it will be so much brighter, and the last days , what do you have to face more in the direction, with what goals, the plancet is such that it is already a dispute. even from the shaheds, different people let go, they go at different speeds,
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different height, so it doesn’t have much of an effect, i think, but it’s better not to let the butch die, run away, a very good weapon, an american ... large-caliber 12.7 machine gun, to hit, what qualities are needed, well, i’m so i understand how to calculate flight, speed, the same way as air, the same way to hear where it is flying from, first calculate where it is flying from, the direction, the course, the most difficult thing is what happens, well , it has been like this for hours, you note some changes in
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the environment, which can be with some markers to be that something is happening, every day everything the majority of uav planes are more marked, there is a lot of reconnaissance, now the weather is very good, so they started flying more, more anti-aircraft missiles, maybe a mistral. stinger, if anything, i would like to hunt a plane, a helicopter, well, two at a time, a helicopter, or maybe a drying rack, god forbid, until now there was no experience with such planes and experience, they don’t fly in yet, they are afraid while we stand, be afraid to fly, and finally. the news that appeared just recently is the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, as well as the president of the united states of america, joe
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biden will sign a bilateral security agreement on the eve of the global peace summit, which will be held in switzerland in june, the financial times reports this with reference to its own sources, they say that a few days before the peace summit, biden and volodymyr zelensky will meet on the sidelines of a large meeting g7 in italy. and they will sign this bilateral security agreement, and i urge you to like this issue, leave comments, your thoughts below , and svoboda live will be back on the air already tomorrow. see you there, there are discounts, we present coco discounts of 20% for tizin in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. in the latest issue of the magazine ukraine, the main threats to the unity of society, find out how to prevent the enemy
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vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets and how the world lives. it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to catch up. economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news, alina chikchenina, our art viewer is ready to say good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader
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of the crimean tatar of the people, contact us , mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people. espresso in the evening. events, events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, and model them. your future every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we are looking for 14-year-old oleksandra kozlova from the kharkiv region. information about
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the girl's disappearance came back in june 2022 . the child was last seen in the city. vovchansk. where oleksandra may be now is unknown. maybe she was taken to occupied territory, and maybe to russia. therefore, it is very important to know even the smallest details about the disappearance of a child. attention to the photo. here, sasha is obviously younger than her 14 years. she has dark hair and brown eyes. if anyone has seen her or knows where she may be, please call the magnolia children's helpline immediately. by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot. service looking for children in telegram. and now i want to once again tell the amazing story of seven-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother in odesa in the city of
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balta. and imagine, it disappeared at the end of 2020 . the police say that the child was kidnapped by her grandmother, lyudmila holinska. and for more than three years, it is not known where the woman is hiding the child. it has been established that in december 2020 on the territory of the baltic district. a woman in odesa region kidnapped her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golinska, and their exact whereabouts are still unknown. ludmila hollinska mykhailovna was born on 01.04.1968, height is about 162, 170 cm, dense build, the skin is healing, hair color can change, light eyes, has visible birthmarks in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that it was already during full-time. after the war, the child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union, and later the police said that the girl's alleged abductor, her grandmother, could
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be in kyiv, of course, if you follow her trail, there is a high probability of the child's whereabouts, but sophia's grandmother carefully disguises itself and constantly changes its own appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize it and help me install it. location and most importantly, in this way it will be possible to find sofiyka golynska. i am appealing to everyone, especially kiyan, if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she may be, please call us immediately on the magnolia children's helpline on the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free, what about seven-year-old sofiyka , now it is very difficult to describe her appearance. imagine, the girl's mother last saw her little one when... her it was only 3.5 years, until then i do not know about my fate of my child, in what condition she is, what she looks like, then she was
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20 meters tall, she had blue eyes, er, she was dressed for the last time . it is impossible to recognize, so please look carefully at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair hair, approximate height 110-120 cm. in these photos, she is about three years old, but this is one of the last pictures where sofia is about 3.5. of course, the girl's mother has her own videos.
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let me remind you that sofia is now seven years old, of course, she already speaks normally and expresses her thoughts. if you see a child who looks like her somewhere, or see her grandmother. who is suspected of abducting a child, do not delay and immediately dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service 1163. calls from any mobile operator are free you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, important information can always be transmitted with the help of the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish
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the criminal, stop crimeua. you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, i'm natalya leonova, congratulations. by the end of the year, ukraine can receive up to million shells as part of the czech initiative. these assessments were shared by the us secretary of state antony blinken, the chief diplomat of the us, who is participating in the meeting of foreign ministers of nato countries in prague, noted the vital role of the czech republic in supporting ukraine. i want to especially congratulate the work of the czech republic in finding around the world the necessary ammunition that ukraine needs on the battlefield, including 155
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and 152 mm caliber shells, this is critical. importantly, by the end of the year we expect the czech-led initiative to provide almost a million shells for ukraine. nato foreign ministers gathered in prague to prepare for the alliance's 75th summit in washington in july. the meeting is taking place against the backdrop of increasingly loud calls to lift restrictions on ukraine's use of western weapons to strike military targets in russia. the two-day meeting in the capital of the czech republic should first of all focus. to agree on an initiative to help ukraine, which will be announced at the washington nato summit. our colleague from radio svoboda, rostyslav khotyn, is monitoring the progress of the meetings in prague. congratulations, rostislav. congratulations. rostislav, the informal meeting of foreign ministers is taking place on the eve of nato's jubilee summit in july in washington. what are the discussions focused on and what solutions should ukraine expect from this meeting? well, first of all, jen stoltuk of nato. what
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will happen in washington during the summit meeting of the ukraine-nato council, this is the first time at the summit , in fact, after vilnius, the entire council will meet, that is , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi is still expected in washington, the first moment, the second moment, nato wants to take over all coordination military, financial, logistical assistance for ukraine, that is, from taking away leadership and coordination from the united states and leading, so to speak, this ramstein. all informal, so that it was formally under the umbrella, under the leadership of nato. one more point, this is also the last meeting of ministers before the summit, and therefore they are agreeing on the last candidates, so to speak, for membership, for nato secretary general, who will replace jenes stotenberg, and the consensus here is that it will be mark rutte after all. the prime minister of the netherlands, against him so far only one country is speaking, it is viktor orbán's hungary, so apart from hungarian
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objections. everyone has already agreed that mark rutte will be the next secretary general of nato, also with regard to ukraine's membership in nato, so they are sending such a signal to kyiv, now members of the alliance, to reduce the bar of expectations, there is no need to overestimate such expectations as the invitation to the summit in washington, otherwise everything else will be a defeat. no, no, no, nato members say, calmly, without exaggerated expectations, but ukraine will receive a clear political signal that its membership in nato is inevitable. rostoslav, the lifting of the ban on the use of western weapons by ukraine on the territory of russia is one of the issues discussed by the ministers today. on the eve of the meeting in prague , nato secretary general jen stoltenberg called for the lifting of this ban. let's listen to his statement. we see that the russians have the opportunity to be on the russian side of the border, which in this case is more or less the same as the
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front line. they can hold... artillery, rocket launchers, planes, ammunition and fuel, and be at least safer than they would be if ukraine could to attack them there with the most advanced weapons it has got, and so i think it's time to review some of these restrictions so that the ukrainians can really defend themselves. it must be remembered that this is a war of aggression, unleashed by moscow's own choice against ukraine. rostoslav, how do they react to this minister's statement? previously, a dozen countries, including great britain, france, denmark, finland, removed any restrictions. are there signs that the rest of the allies, primarily germany and the usa, are inclined to such a decision. yes, indeed, the consensus is being built little by little, now germany and the usa are against it, well, italy is still a little less than a nato member country, but in principle a consensus is being built. germany is already,
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so to speak, moving towards... giving the go-ahead for the use of its western weapons on russian territory for ukraine, as well as america , there are already more signs that the joe biden administration is leaning towards this, but there are several buts: first , ukraine can strike only at military facilities, secondly, only at those military facilities on the territory of russia, with from which missiles are launched, drones take off, aviation with guided bombs, that is, those that are used for strikes on ukraine, in particular on ukraine, in particular on kharkiv, here is one more moment, ukraine. cannot strike very far from the border, but only at military facilities on the territory of these regions, which are close to ukraine, and the latter cannot strike at civilian objects, of course, and cannot strike at russia's energy infrastructure, so the consensus is being built, and more and more countries are inclined to give ukraine the right, the legal right to strike back on military facilities on russian territory. natalya, thank you rostyslav for your work.


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