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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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the application itself, the application and updating data there cannot be the basis for booking, of course the basis for booking is the employment of a person in the company, and then approval to the lists for booking, previously it was handled by the general staff, now it will be the ministry of defense, so it is necessary to enable all employees of the defense industry to safely update data in such a way that they are not mobilized, if it happens through a mobile application, this is also a solution, we will be grateful if it is really the case, and then collect'. to help these people, because, of course, to to win, we need a strong army, but the army needs weapons, if we take away the people of the defense industry sector, we simply will not have our own weapons and we will win longer. ms. kateryna, what is the current relationship with the ministry of defense regarding speeding up the process of tests, supplies for support or armaments, because there are different assessments with different enterprises, some say that the process has been accelerated, others say that in fact the situation has not changed. or what on the examples of products,
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especially new products, which are created by enterprises that are part of the association technological forces of ukraine. well, the enterprises in our association, most of them already have state contracts, and for them the issue of admission to operation, the ability to supply is not critical, all important deregulations took place already in the 22nd year, and in principle they are enough simple for the market, so that a new product can come out, be created there and... and be applied in the army, i do not see that there is a great demand from manufacturers to simplify these procedures, in the opinion of our association, they work effectively enough, and problems with hereby no, but when we talk about your enterprises, what are the approaches to financing, where do enterprises take money for new projects, if they are interested in it, if it is a private company, and we combine only private productions, usually this is the r&d process
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of developing the latest technologies , it is financed from its own working capital, that is , manufacturers must either finance from the profits they have or attract external private investors in order to attract this capital, the state currently does not compensate for the costs of developing the latest samples, if we are talking about private enterprises, in principle, this is a market model, it is normal, but then we want... manufacturers to be able to earn fair funds in order to invest them later on future developments, because if the profit of manufacturers will be severely limited, of course, their ability to invest this capital in the latest developments will simply not exist. at the beginning of the conversation, you mentioned that the issue of exporting products that are not purchased by the ministry of defense is still not settled, that is, in fact, as i understand it, and further, enterprises consider it expedient to have the opportunity for export, and... the heads
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of the structure still want to resolve this issue, is this how it looks? i would not say that the issue here is only in the power structures, it should in principle be a political decision, so that all types of weapons that are not needed by our army, or for which there is currently no money to buy in the budget, they should be admitted to international market and sell our partner countries there, where ukrainian ones are needed. drones unfortunately, this solution was not yet there accepted, i did not see that any procedures were developed within the state that could facilitate this process. unfortunately, although this is a very important issue, in particular, so that enterprises have more money to invest in development within the country and not go abroad, do not relocate. we, as an association, have developed a legal procedure that we recommend the ministries to consider. i hope that there will be
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working groups in this regard, and we are ready for dialogue and ready to support and help legal position for this to happen. you briefly mentioned the relocation of a defense industry enterprise, is this story becoming more widespread, or has it somehow stabilized, in particular your enterprises that are part of the association, of your association, are they all striving to... have, relatively speaking, such sites on the territory, well, in particular, of the countries of the european union or other states, what do the directors of your enterprises think about this issue, i will be honest here, unfortunately, i do not see a tendency for manufacturers to foresee to work in ukraine, on the contrary, this degree of unpredictability, risks, it is increasing, due to mobilization, due to closed export and admission. to the international market, due to
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the lack of predictable purchases for several years ahead, these are the main factors that still make manufacturers think about relocation, the decision is already... everyone makes their own decisions, of course, there are enough manufacturers who take a patriotic position, stay in the country and work against and not thanks to here, but of course this is such a heroic act, because the industry is very difficult to find resources to especially develop new technologies, it is difficult here, do you feel such fleeting competition from western manufacturers that appear on the ukrainian market over time. products similar to those produced by our enterprises? well, it seems to me that this is a very good trend, that the ukrainian market is interesting for western companies. there are examples of western companies entering ukraine,
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locating here and even manufacturing their products here. we strongly support such examples, particularly in technological forces of ukraine, there are several manufacturers who did just that, and we add them to ours. unification of ukrainian enterprises, because it's cool, really, when western companies start working in ukraine, paying taxes here, so from the point of view of the private sector, it's a very positive trend there, and i don't think there's a big risk here for the local manufacturer , on the contrary, it strengthens our companies, because they can partner with western companies and adopt their experience. if i understood correctly, that is, there are foreign companies that have joined your association and want to create enterprises here and you support them in this? yes, but these are not foreign companies, legally they are already registered in ukraine, that is, if some international player wants to enter the ukrainian market, registers his company here and supplies a product to the ukrainian army, of course we
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support such companies and teams and are happy to work with them, panikaterina, thank you for participating in your broadcast, for the fact that your... enterprises make products that are extremely necessary for our armed forces, and i would like to remind our viewers that it was kateryna mikhalko, the executive director of the association of technological forces of ukraine, this is an association of enterprises that manufacture products for the needs of the armed forces, these are mainly private enterprises. these were the main military accents of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhii zgurets, thank you to his guests, and now we will continue with a lot of interesting and important information ahead, and now i will ask you to join the ongoing gathering, which i believe, in the near future, we will finally be able to
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to close we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment is working. mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment. in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone. and we also install hydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment. our goal remains the same - uah 630,000. well, i'm literally in a few... minutes, while we, after we talk with our guests, will announce the amount we have already managed to collect, and well, in any case, you have already collected more than half of this amount, for which i am very grateful to you and i am grateful that every time you join this call of ours and
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support the armed forces of ukraine with your money. now one second, we will talk about chernihiv oblast, chernihiv oblast in fact, both initially a full-scale invasion and... it still remains a key and strategic direction, a direction from which the enemy can make his attacks, can even try to go on the offensive, so the situation there must of course be under control and cannot but be not tense, and besides, let me remind you that chernivtsi still, as they say, has not recovered from the wounds inflicted by the enemy at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. ivan, ivan vashchenko, deputy chief of the chernihiv regional military administration. mr. ivan, i congratulate you. good p.m. well, let's start with the fact that the enemy attacked chernihiv oblast, shelled four villages on the border, there were several dozens of shellings, if possible, about the consequences of these attacks, and what the enemy mainly uses to attack chernihiv oblast, are they mortars, barrel artillery
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or any other means of defeat, please, well, the enemy does not stop trying to attack chernihiv oblast, every day we hear... explosions on our border, this week alone the enemy carried out 28 shellings, that is 160 attacks, in total since the beginning of the year the russians have carried out. more than 1,200 shellings, that's almost 700 explosions on our border, it just passed, let's say the first half of this year, mostly the enemy is using mortars and barrel artillery, there are cases of using kamikaze drones, there are cases of using rocket artillery, as was the case a couple of weeks ago the city of snovsk, the center, the administrative estate... of the territorial community was shelled, but we note that the border
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settlements within the koryukiv and novgorod-sivra districts, namely snovsk, are the most exposed to shelling seminyivsk and novgorod-sivrk communities. i 'm going to ask you, because i can't help but ask, now you know, any information about the fact that roads are being repaired or new roads are being built somewhere, especially if we are talking about the front-line area or the border areas. immediately people start saying why instead of buying drones or equipping fortifications, they start building roads, but on the other hand i understand that there are settlements where, say, the roads were destroyed during enemy attacks and people still have somehow to move, in any case they have to people move, in which case machinery will move, roads are being repaired in the border town of chernihiv oblast, please tell us more about the needs for repairs in general, well, you can not only about roads, but about restoration in general, because we know very well what we remember , unfortunately, that caused a lot of damage, and material. first of all for the infrastructure, secondly for the energy infrastructure, so, if you can briefly talk about the roads, what is the need
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now for the repair of these bridges, how large-scale is this work, and secondly, for restoration, which, as i understand it, is still ongoing, because there is a lot to restore, please, it is really a very delicate topic now, especially in the public, public plane, we have to balance between ensuring the livelihood of the territory of chernihiv region and... and assisting the defense and security forces , in my opinion, this balance is somewhat maintained, because we do not see any large constructions on the territory of chernihiv oblast, precisely as for roads, we are restoring bridges, because even on a bad road you can drive, but on a bad bridge you can arrive impossible, it improves our infrastructure. and also we are looking at the routes where it is more necessary for the defense forces to have
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less logistical shoulder to move there and cover certain of their positions there, we are closely cooperating precisely in terms of logistics with the units that provide the defense of chernihiv oblast, regarding the restoration, indeed after the launch of the program, there is a recovery . chernihiv region is slowly in... recovering, mostly we are talking about the fact that the housing stock, apartment buildings and private estates are being restored, there are many large projects social, which we also plan to restore, design and estimate documentation, but we understand that this is a large resource, and it will be after the victory, obviously, i would like to ask then about the fortification, again, no one will issue a no.. . the scope of these works, nor the places where these works are carried out, nor the characteristics,
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again, of those engineering constructions that are made and fire points there, in any case, we understand that this is something that cannot be talked about, but in general , especially after this, loud, unfortunately, tragic story with kharkiv oblast, i am not drawing any conclusions here, and there is no such right, a temporary investigative commission has been created, maybe there were no violations, maybe there were other reasons. the fact that the enemy managed to advance somewhere faster, somewhere not so fast, but in any case, all the border regions of ukraine, seeing that the enemy can again enter the place where he was expelled from, or where he had already been, and understand that the need high-quality fortification and , above all, people's understanding of where these fortifications are, where there are some mini-fences, where you can walk, where not it is possible, and that people in principle understand that even in the event of a second enemy attack on chernihiv oblast, they will have time there to at least evacuate, so whether these works continue and... just so you know, there were not those photos that they taught about kharkiv region,
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even then no one even fully explains what this photo is, but photos always evoke emotions when these dragon teeth are piled up by the road, who brought them, some brought them, someone did not have time to install them, or not should have been installed, you know, no one is interested, as they say, they say, you see, they haven't finished it, so it's important here that everything is finished in chernihiv oblast and that there was, again, first of all, the opportunity to take a blow, even if the enemy accumulates forces and means there, but for the people, there was an opportunity, at least i say so. .. for evacuation in the event of a critical situation again, that's why both business and the public are involved here. certain regional services subordinated to the regional administration, local communities, technology first of all, perhaps people in order to join the construction of these engineering such a necessity, is it used, please, it is very difficult to ask questions, i will try to answer as simply as possible, of course, i may
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be a little dramatic now, but you know, our society is filled with... experts from event to event. at first we saw counterattack experts there, now we see experts, engineers on the construction of engineering barriers. we can only say that the work on the installation of engineering barriers is ongoing, as it began after the expulsion of the russians from the territory of chernihivts, chernihiv oblast, has not stopped like this for a day until today, and does not plan to stop. fortification, let's say, it is of different types, of different complexity, of different barriers, of different intensity in all areas, dangerous, those that have been determined there by the military command, the regional administration, the work is joint, territorial communities, district administrations, regional administration, security and
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defense forces , local business also helps if possible, the work is systemic. it's not chaotic, something is out there, we, you know, as we say, extinguish fires, no, this work is systematic, i say, i repeat, it started there 2.5 years ago and continues to this day with various degrees of engineering barriers. i, please tell me whether, well, obviously, this is a relevant issue for chernihiv, as for any region where there were enemies who mined the territory, and when they retreated there for other reasons, somewhere... it is more, because the enemies were there for a long time, let's say, in the kherson region, on the right bank, in the mykolaiv region, in the kharkiv region, they managed to drive them out of the chernihiv region a little earlier, but did the problem of mined areas remains and whether this demining process continues, here the question is, of course, first of all it was important in order to carry out agricultural work, it was important to understand that there are no remnants or
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unexploded shells, or mines again , and for people, in order to move between populated areas, you also need to, well, obviously understand. that the territory here is clean and there is no threat, please, really, we find gifts from the russians to this day, and no, there is no such week that rescuers or the state special service of transport carried out some demining there in the territory around chernihiv itself, where the russians were standing, if we talk about the border, then they add to us every day... shells, including unexploded ones, this is really a problem for of our agricultural enterprises, which are mostly located on the border, there are still a number of undivided plots of land in the depths of the region, as well as missiles and various russian means of destruction there fly into
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chernihiv oblast and possibly remain here, therefore we still have the process of demining, i think, for years, yes. also the fact that the war continues and the russians do not stop for a single day so as not to shell one or another settlement on the border territory of the chernihiv region. yes, and then there are also questions about the state of the energy sector, we understand that the enemy is striking various regions of our country, planned blackouts continue, there are schedules, sometimes these schedules do not work, for example, they do not turn off the lights, what is the situation on chernihiv oblast, here the question is not only that... what is given to the world or not given, is it everywhere there are enough resources and opportunities to direct this electricity, as they say, to deliver it to certain settlements, which or which restrictions are quite significant for chernihiv oblast, or are they tolerable? this is a very ungrateful topic to comment on the issue of energy itself, i will also say that everything is fine, the russians
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will add something, i will say that everything is bad, they will say what you are doing here, so i will, let's say, avoid the... question and say, we we are doing everything possible to ensure that the residents of chernihiv oblast suffer as little as possible from the consequences of russian attacks on ukrainian power system thank you so much for joining, thank you for your comments. ivan vashchenko, deputy chief of the chernihiv regional military administration. well, we understand that in any case the work continues, at one time the enemy caused great damage, great trouble to chernihiv oblast. we know how many people died, how many were destroyed. and the infrastructure, and cultural monuments, and farms, there were heroic stories of people who delivered, say, food. there are still some things in chernihiv, which was actually for a certain time, well, about two weeks during this invasion, chernihiv was in complete isolation, when the bridge was destroyed in
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complete isolation, and it was very difficult to survive then, and the fact that this area is recovering, that it is living, that it is trying to, well, recover, at least to some extent level, it's very good, and it's also good that the fortification works are going on, you know, in this war, time is of great importance and lessons. are of great importance, again, the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i think, will explain over time, even, well, to society first of all that's all, yes, but i will understand for myself, as for the authority, for the parliament, what happened in the kharkiv region, is it possible that there were no problems with fortification there, maybe there were some other problems, but in any case, well, obviously something was, if the tsk of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, a parliamentary temporary investigative commission, was created, which means that those regions that are currently under threat of a possible russian invasion are chernihiv oblast, this and... this is kharkiv oblast again, but it is still possible with in another direction, it is time to reassess something and continue to work more actively, because a good defense is always, you know, a guarantee
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that you will be able to make a good attack later. and the next topic, so we thank mr. ivan once again for the work, first of all, of the chernihiv regional military administration, the community of chernihiv oblast, and for the comments for our gtr. well, now we will talk, our guest will join us in just a few moments, with whom... we will talk about disgusting facts, well, obviously, which have been voiced, maybe they still need to be explained to someone, maybe and there is no need, perhaps everything is already clear, the shameful facts of the return to ukrainian journalism of such a phenomenon as temniks, temniks, as a phenomenon in ukrainian journalism, i was already working as a journalist then, i have been working as a journalist in principle since 1998, and the concept of temniks from appeared even under leonid danylovych kuchma, it developed very actively at the time when the head of... temnyk is such information, such unofficial documents, which
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are sent from, well, let's say, then the administration to the president, under yuchenko, it was the secretariat, i don't i know about priyushchenko's dungeons, that's why i'm just saying, now it's the office of the president, but it's actually this building on the bank, and from there they are directed, well, first of all , to the editors-in-chief, as they say, the top... managers of one or another mass media that the government has influence, obviously , either financial or some other influence, documents are sent, what can be said, what can’t be said, and what can’t be said, who can be invited to the ethers, who can’t be invited to the ethers, and the facts of the existence of darkmen were revealed in so very respectable, in fact, very historically long and very an agency that has made a name for itself, is actually very high quality. great long-term work, this is ukrinform, during the time of its leadership by such a man as oleksiy matsuka, and now in the
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mass media in ukrainian pravda , an article appeared based on this fact about the existence of these dark men, and here they talk about the topics, there even were, well, you can always explain , that is , when you get these dark articles, you can always spread them somewhere, put them out, journalists wouldn't be journalists if they didn't do that, and topics. the course of mobilization on territories of the region, speakers such and such, unpopular speakers, chief of staff, such and such, unwanted speakers, such and such, carrying out decommunization and decolonization, they send such information to journalists, what to talk about, speakers, so and so, so and so then, unwanted speakers, here is such and such, let's say, there is a speaker and so on, and so on, and many, that is, in principle, if it exists. and these facts are there, and i think the journalists who voiced it, who made it public, they understand that these facts are there, and if it exists, it's a, what anthony blinken said,
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the secretary-general, when he came to ukraine, that you should not become a small russia, or most importantly, after defeating russia, not become similar to russia, or not become a different, smaller russia, yes, this is important, because the temniks are, well, this it's the soviet union, it's a dictatorship, it's all that... what are we fighting, actually, or what is our government telling us that we are fighting, because it is not known who is fighting for what? i clearly understand what the armed forces of ukraine are fighting for, for freedom, for independence, for democracy, for our lives, for theirs, for our lives, for lives their families, first of all, they fight, they think about families, first of all, not about me, about, but i am grateful to them, i understand what they are fighting for, but what are certain people fighting for people sitting on streams, temniks writing, i don't know, maybe they are fighting for something else, but in any case... the existence of such phenomena as temniks, it simply returns us to the times of the late kuchma, well, such a middle kuchma , because he had one term and another term, the late
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kuchma is our history, but... and this, in principle , became known to the ambassadors of the big seven in ukraine about the existence of these dark people in the respectable agency ukrenform, which was actually taken under control, this is again, i am retelling it from the words of a journalist, a journalist who worked at ukrinform, after she left there, was either forced to leave, or did not agree to such working conditions, she voiced this information in general, that is, she endured it, and this is very good, in fact, as well as public at the time. having been instructed by their information that let us expand the fate of state-owned or state-funded channels channels on the public airwaves, public is not state television, it is public television, it is what we finance, it is what is done for us, and it is television that should show our life, what we are interested in, not what that is interesting to certain people, for example, in the office of the president, or in the cabinet of ministers, or somewhere else that would be interesting, and the public... and
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says: we will then go out, we will expand our slot, that is, our time on the air, we will talk about our own, and we will not say how everything is good, but we will show how everything is bad, like a certain military man, let's say, can't get medical help, or he's being played football, he can't get some allowances or some other things, or what kind of trouble is there in such a village, or what kind of trouble is there in such a district center, well it doesn't sound nice, it can't be put to some kind of very patriotic music, and call it? for victory, no, but this is life, and society then set such conditions and acted in a journalistic way, but because journalists, actually, they are free, we do not need them first of all, i can not be a free journalist and have much more finances , but free journalists, yes, they are needed by you, our dear viewers, because they say in time, as the espresso channel said before the great invasion, that there will be an invasion, the enemy is gathering forces, get ready, at a time when someone else was telling you that there would be no
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there are no threats, and this is a normal situation, nothing like this happens, but we, free journalists, have always said this, and there is power in this, and in this there is power, and therefore the existence of these dark men, again, it is, first of all , it is such, it crosses out european prospects in principle, because europe - it's not only about money, but once upon a time viktor yanukovych, when he came to vilnius, we already had the espresso tv channel working then, by the way, and we were broadcasting from there, and he asked for a lot of money, i don't remember whether it was about that or something about... 60 billion, some terrible sum, he was then told that europe is not about money, europe is about values, and we won't have much time either, but thank god, ms. natali ligachova, head of the public united media detector, get in touch with us, ms. natalya, congratulations i congratulate you, i kept the attention of our viewers here as much as i could, but i understand that you will tell more professionally and clearly about this situation, and i will briefly ask, the fact of appearance, the appearance of facts about
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the possible existence? temniks in ukrinform, voicing this by journalists, what is the attitude towards this, what should be further actions, and how did such a phenomenon become possible in the first place? well, the appearance of the dark men happened when a new leader came there, as we understand, he did not hide it, appointed by the office of the president last fall, oleksiy matsuka, and i can’t say that this is already so systemic phenomenon. yes, that is, so far we know about such and such a form, when we tried to submit in writing the lists of people prohibited from being invited to the airwaves or the pages of ukrinform, we know about this only on the ukrainforum, and it must be emphasized that , after all, it all received opposition of journalists, some of them turned there to the media detector
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and mass information institute, we reported this information. a meeting was held at the western embassies, and just then the events related to the sbu's pressure on and there were taking place the pro-government officials did not understand who the investigative journalists of nikolov and the bigus team were, then a meeting was quickly held with the g7 envoys, where maryna sengaivska showed the representative these documents and spoke about the pressure exerted on the journalist. the team of ukrainform and this definitely became known immediately in the president's office and they retreated, that is, as i understand it, these temniks were an attempt to implement them, but they still could not implement them, well, unlike, for example, there from the time of kuchma, when these temniks sprat years were realized, unfortunately, at the same time i...


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