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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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to prevent further progress. the armed forces of the russian federation achieved the greatest success in klishchiivka, which they seized from the north and southeast and thus knocked out the zsu from this village. the situation returned to what it was almost a year ago, when our soldiers held the commanding heights to the west and south of the village, the enemy below was looking for a gap where he could hide among the destroyed village houses. postavdiyiv front. here the front line was changing most dynamically. russians want maximally expand your offensive in the direction of pokrovsk, kostyantynivka and toretska. it is for this reason that they continue to make their way to the north of ocheretina and at the same time expand their flanks to the south and west. there is a possibility that, while attacking novooleksandrivka, the russians have a plan to go further to vozdvizhenka to cut the t-0504 route in the section between pokrovsky and kostiantynivka. in this way, they can perform several tasks at once and try to get behind the defenders of both chasovoy yar and kostyantynivka. and also begin covering
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the garrisons in turkey and new york. currently to cutting the track, the russians need to break through more than 10 km, and this is definitely not a quick task. so far this week , the enemy has occupied the space between arkhangelsk and novooleksandrivka, and also increased the control zone between solovyov and sokol. it was in this area that the 47th brigade of the armed forces launched a number of counterattacks and recaptured several plantations. on the nasela road, the dovereshis completely occupied not... tailovye and umanske and began an offensive on yasnobrodivka and novoselivka persha. at the same time, the armed forces are trying to build up their defenses porizhtsiv vovcha, which in this area forms a natural barrier for the offensive of the invaders. southern front. active battles are taking place all along the stretch from the finished coal mine. the russians go on the offensive wave after wave. if near vogledar the front has practically not undergone any changes, then in the direction of berdyansk , the staromai zsu is already fighting for the central streets of the village. in the nearby
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cropland, the enemy is also making its way to the center. the occupiers have already reported that both villages are under their control, but the defense villages are currently fighting back. after 10 months of fighting in the tokmat area, the village of robotyne almost completely fell into the gray zone. the resists again control its center, and the armed forces hold on to the northern, western outskirts, but do not retreat. left coast of kherson region - krynky. the reshists once again reported the capture of krynkiv for the 10th time. the zsu did leave the village, but only in order to expand the zone of their control in the direction of the cossack camps, where they hung a blue-yellow flag. the occupiers reacted by forgetting about the ban from the armed forces of ukraine to gather more than three people, for this reason paid in the kardeshanka district, hymers broke up a column of occupiers on the march, who gathered a bunch of equipment in one fist. the russians are also trying to recapture positions on the dnieper islands, in particular to knock out the ukrainian armed forces from nestrega island, which has been
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under ukrainian control since recently, and they are losing at least 100 soldiers a day in the water here. destruction of russian air defense in crimea and russia. what the armed forces of the american attakam missiles do not regret now is the liquidation of the ppu throughout the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine, with a special emphasis on the southern direction too for the crimea. this week, rockets landed in air defense near the airfield of saki, novo fedorivtsi, simferopol, as well as near aluchta, where they hit either a satellite communication facility or a radio station. electronic warfare. in addition, our drones twice intercepted russian long -range radar stations, voronizhd in the krasnodar territory near armavir, 500 km from the front, and voronizh-m in the city of orsk, 1,800 km from the battle line. these strikes significantly weakened russia's anti-aircraft and anti-nuclear defense system, and also significantly reduced its capabilities monitor and control the situation in southern ukraine and crimea. our
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military did not spare five atakam missiles to completely destroy all the latest s-400 installations along with the radar, which they blocked near the village of klenivka in donetsk region, 40 km from the front line. a huge explosion and detonation took place in luhansk, what was destroyed there is currently unknown, but the burnout zone is visible from space. we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, has already joined us. russian-ukrainian veteran war, and we can already talk to him, congratulations, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, well, you know, i want to ask this, you know, maybe a little general question, but if you saw our map, you can see that almost all over the front lines, the russians are now trying to use this kind of time, when we still lack both ammunition and people, and they are advancing, and in this context, it is interesting, this is...
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an attempt to expand the front in the kharkiv region and do something there, it really helped them in this general offensive of theirs, or after all it didn't... only our forces were distracted, but also theirs, what do you think in general, what do you think, we've already passed several weeks, well it's passed, we can already see some results in principle, was it worth it, well they they are trying, well, first of all, they wanted not to capture kharkiv, because they perfectly understand that with such forces and means that were concentrated there, it is the 18th division, the 138th brigade, the african corps, that is, there are 40... to 50,000 russian military personnel with the appropriate equipment to capture the city of kharkiv in such numbers, they perfectly understand that it was impossible, but they created two bridgeheads at a depth of three, to be more precise, 5-7 km at a latitude of 1315, this is exactly the front along which
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the brigade can advance, the brigade advances according to the textbooks, according to the military statutes on the front of 10.5 km, if these two sections of to connect the two platforms, then it will be the offensive front of the division, that is... 40 km, why did they do it, well, they wanted to, it was the first wave, you just saw a video and there, well, not a video, there was a report, and there it was said that waves of figurative offensive actions are taking place, well, that's it in general it is typical of the wave after wave of offensives, this was the first wave of the offensive on kharkiv, they used approximately 15% of their personnel, judging by the official reports that we received from the... well, the general headquarters, how many groups there are fighting, well, you can it is easy to easily calculate how much they contributed, about 15%. now they have stopped, well we have stopped them, of course they would like to advance further, but these two platforms give there a theoretical opportunity
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to try to advance further and approach, as they would like, to a distance of 5-10, well 15 maximum kilometers to the city of kharkiv, then it would be possible, as in the 22nd year, they already did this... they used to apply aimed and artillery aimed artillery fire from barrel artillery on kharkiv, but it is you who are now talking about this bridgehead in the liptsi region, which they there they walked and walked and didn't quite get where they wanted to go, well, yes, well, look , you can look at the map there, if you show two bridgeheads there, uh, they are exactly, well, these bridgeheads correspond exactly. again according to the rules, charter, textbook, they are 13-15 km wide 5-7, well, that's how it should look a bridgehead so that you can try to take further offensive actions from it, each bridgehead is a front for an offensive
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brigade, that is, everything here is as written, as they say, so here is another question, in our country, as we are told, there was a rate of the supreme... the heads of the military-civilian administrations of the respective territorial communities there reported directly, and they, well , not of the territorial communities, from the respective administrations, and they reported that it seems that the fortifications were built, well, as required, as prescribed by the rules, i.e they are powerful, they are connected, they are equipped with everything necessary, well... let's see, we hope that this is true, well, as a last resort, a temporary special commission has been created in the verkhovna rada, which will investigate the issue of fortification, the issue of disembodied aircraft as well, and i think that this commission will work quickly, it is not possible to drag out these studies for months, and we
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will hear already, if it is not under the seal of secrecy or on or for official use, we write information about what is there, as far as they are these fortifications were built as it should be well, let's see, the enemy will definitely continue offensive actions in kharkiv region, he did not achieve his goal, he fulfilled only the first part of this goal, he created a bridgehead, then he still needs to advance towards kharkiv, but whether he will be able to or not, it depends on, well firstly, from how many forces and means the enemy will use there, secondly, from how many forces and means we will have, will we have the necessary amount of weapons that our partners should transfer to us and or not? how many well-built fortifications, if all this is from our side must be fulfilled, fulfilled by at least five minus, as they say, at least by or four minus, at least, it means that it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to approach the shelter of kharkov for artillery shelling, well
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now, in fact, there are battles in the area of ​​vovchanska, along porizhka, vovche, in fact, it turns out like this, well, it's just like some watershed, but in the area of ​​liptsa something is happening. i found your comment interesting, that they are in order to shell kharkiv, you know, that is, it seems that the only goal in general of this entire offensive, it is to reach the artillery so that... simply, well, chaotically destroy the city, and this is already a goal that can be said, well, it has a hybrid nature, psychological influence and, well, attempts, i would say yes, well, somehow to undermine some kind of psychological resistance of the population and, well, to sow chaos, something more like that, that is, some such terrorist goal in essence, well, they at least ... want to turn kharkiv into a conditional gray zone in order to worsen our opportunities in general along
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the entire front line , because in addition to the emotional impact, what will happen, if such a boryneboje thing happens, we understand that a large number of people waving in kharkiv will have to leave, i think that there will be a partial forced evacuation, at least of children, well, if there is a danger of extralite shelling, well , we hope that... it won't come to that, but you have to prepare for the worst case scenario, that's the normal rule, when we prepare for the worst case scenario, it doesn't mean we expect it, we determine that if we're prepared for the worst, then whatever which is not the worst will be good for us, because we were preparing for the worst, so everything seems to be obvious here, will they succeed or not , what will happen there, what, what is their goal, well, until they added there, well, at least, five more times . as much as is there, then you should not expect them to surround or capture kharkiv, but to bring it closer, they will
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try, those fortifications that we have there, well, again, we are leaning against the means of anti-laundering defense, we are leaning in f-16 planes, because the fortifications, no matter how well they are built, if the russians are use gliding bombs, there are fab-250, fab 500, fab 1500, then this bomb will destroy even a very... well-built fortification and there is a danger in this, well, yes, the audio at least showed absolutely exactly what the question was and there was an excellent line of defense , but when aviation and bombs are used, it doesn’t help much, it just deters a little, except that, you know what, well, in pursuit of their terrorist goal to attack kharkiv, the russians are not only there on us, yes influence they are basically the same. something has to change, that is, something has to change in the perception of this russian aggression and among our
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allies, and now we see that these discussions have intensified about whether it is absurd, when all of ukraine sits and waits for russian troops to gather near border and they will start incursions across the border, which in principle has been happening here since 2014, vice... you know very well, the same situation was in zelenoghirya, when they were shooting, it was 2014, summer. the russians are shooting across the border and attacking our troops who are on ukrainian territory in zelenoghirra, they are shelling them with cannons, by the way, the defender of kharkiv at that time, then today, general drapaty, who was not yet a general at that time, was there, and here they are, our troops in that place near the border. got into literally the same situation, that the russians are calmly standing there with their guns, calmly shooting across the border, and we are just
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watching this whole picture and thinking what will happen next, but now 10 years have passed, the situation is essentially the same, the russians are gathering near the borders, and we are waiting for where they will move further, to sumy region, to kharkiv region or somewhere else, or maybe they will go somewhere else, and this should somehow change the perception of our alliances. to a certain extent, we can see, yesterday there was such a, well, rather resonant statement by french president macron, who said that yes, ukrainians have the right to use western weapons to attack russian military targets on the territory of russia, he said this in the presence of scholz, yes, well, that is, the head of germany , who is categorically against this, as we know, that is, this is already an interesting discussion, ot... i also want to talk now, ot sweden gives us help, and we are there, what we see there, we see very interesting things there,
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we see radio reconnaissance and guidance aircraft as 890, we have never had these aircraft, just never, we always wanted to get them, because they allow you to see at a distance of 450 km what is happening on the territory of russia, and this, well... under strengthens the air defense of ukraine, it also includes air-to-air missiles, rb-99, which can be used against aircraft and ground air defense systems . they are practically there gave their entire supply of tracked armored personnel carriers of a certain brand and 155-caliber artillery shells, well , let's say a little bit of a whole bunch of different things, that is, there is a billion dollars in my opinion, if i'm not mistaken, it's a euro , euros, even more, there is a billion euros,
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and the total aid to sweden is 3.78 billion euros. for this entire period, and i wonder what this assistance, this package of assistance and all these discussions tell us about, what next, what can we expect in general? well, you know, it seems to me that first of all there is well, well, come on, scandinavians, well done, they, let's remember that denmark made the kingdom of denmark, that they gave us all their, let's say, there was not much artillery, but everything that was was handed over, even mortar systems. well, now sweden is also following the same path, so this is good news, they understand how dangerous russia is for these countries, including, so they understand that it is better to help us with weapons, finances, including, than to use their own soldiers, their armed forces in order to deter the offensive
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russia is already on that territory, well, i don't know, the finns will slow down for some reason. although they should remember well what happened there during the russian, soviet-finnish war and how much it is the soviet union, how dangerous it is, well, do they have something there, well, let's see about permission or not permission, well, you know , you brought up the topic that there is a lot to talk about here, well, let's try briefly, to give or not to give permission, well, i think, we keep saying... to attack with western weapons, well, so far scholz does not give us permission to use taurus missiles, which we do not have, well, what are we talking about, well, it does not give permission, it means it does not give, it does not give missiles, it means it does not give, germany is in the first line in terms of the help that is given to us by our, among european countries, that's why it's not worth fighting him, she doesn't want to, she's got something stuck somewhere in her head, well, so be it, we'll
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continue the conversation, we'll make arguments, but eh, which way... here i'm sorry to the scalp and stormshed scholz rockets, that's why britain has said they don't mind us using their missiles against the military objects, on military, on russian military objects, wherever they are, let's use this word to attack the territory of russia, we don't need it on the territory of the russian federation, from the word in general, as they say, but to attack a military object objects, wherever they are, temporarily occupied, on the territory of russia, on the territory of belarus, in antarctica. on the arctic circle it doesn't matter according to all international laws we have the right, we have the right to do it, i said even more, it is our duty. further let's go to the french, let's go to the scalps, they also gave the go-ahead that they don't mind us using it on military objects, there were even talks and discussions about which objects we should destroy first, with the americans
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it seems, well, this kind of politics here is a little bit, well, maybe a little bit american. maybe we don't understand a little, because blinken, the foreign minister says that it is our right to shoot, the spokesmen of the president of the united states says that no, it should not be done, the speaker who hindered us from helping, johnson has been saying for several months that in general there is a need to wipe the earth from the forest in moscow, that is, they are giving contradictory information from the united states from official sources, this is not what propagandists are saying, that’s all... well, people of the first rank, let’s say yes, civil servants, and that's why you can choose the information that you like the most, that's why it's interesting, stormshedov, sorry to interrupt, we just literally have a little bit of advertising left, and stormshed's scalp, if you say, well, it's real that they they can, where they can get it, well, if
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we assume that, for example, there is no longer this problem, then we can use them, but where you can, you can look, there and... according to different estimates, different modifications up to 1500 km, they can fly there are 200, 300, 400 , again, there are a lot of modifications, these rockets are not just one such rocket, but they are made of a single sample, they are, well, you know f16 there are 15 modifications, for example, that is , depending on what rockets will be sold to us, and we will go there we will shoot and choose we have all goals written down, we even set priorities, which goals. it is necessary to destroy first of all the ones that are most dangerous for us, well, then it depends on the weapon, if there is such a weapon, we will destroy, if there is none, then we will destroy what we can, where we can reach, we need to reach as far as possible. the more, the more, you, the more it will be useful for us, and harm for the russians, well, and the last one, if i understand it correctly, if there is no time left, well, if possible literally briefly, literally briefly, well, i
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would give such a very simple argument for those who does not want us to attack the territory of the russian federation, well, we went to the borders of our country in 1991, and the russians, on their side, on their side, continue to shell us with artillery or shells, we can destroy their artillery and... their rockets, is it also not possible, or should they shoot, well, it is a simple question, the logic is that we turn on the logic simply, very strangely, that is , they are standing and shelling our cities, and what should we do, well, on such an intriguing note when we all thought about scalpshed thanks to you and in fact, where all this together with the storm scalp of the storm sheds can fly, we are going to take a break now and we will come back to talk later. i think so more about the times with our other guest. thanks to oleksiy hetman, who joined us and intrigued us a little. so there's a pause on the spresso tv channel. verdict with
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serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you you can express your opinion on the bad day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. your place is waiting for you. the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks,
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swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you always. daughters, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard it is victory, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation
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united around you, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda, we already came up to the very snake, the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. so we return to ours conversations, i will remind you once again about our collection for the repair of armored vehicles, please join it, because this is the repair of armored vehicles in
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the combat zone, you see here the qr code, you see the account number, it is very important, the repair is directly carried out in gray zone, on the contact line, tanks, bmp, whatever, what is fighting practically on the front and what... our defenders really need all the time, so please join, half is already there with your help, and we really hope , that it will still be possible to close it completely and it will be much easier for our fighters to fight armed than to watch the russians trying to storm, and i really hope that our guest will be with us now, we will talk... talk about the actual chasivyar, because you saw in our map that the russians are trying to storm in this area, they entered certain districts there.
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the cities there are trying to go, moreover , also, well, not very well, there were enough of them, well, fierce, i would say, assaults and advances, a little south of the temporal ravine, and in principle there they also eat they succeeded, what they failed to do last time, i don't know, it's been six months, probably it's ivanivsk and klishchiivka to pass, of course, in klishchiivka. our forces of the defense forces of ukraine are located on the heights around klishchiivka, and this makes it difficult for the russians to stay in klishchiivka itself, well , you can’t even say that it is a populated place, it’s just, you know, ruins, that is, they are not very comfortable there, but because no less, they are trying to storm there, but oleg kalashnikov, chief of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade, joined us in principle
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general khurundzhy roman dashkevich. i greet you, mr. olezh, good evening, and i wanted to ask you what you can do about the operational situation in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, in particular, as i understand it, everything is happening near the temporal ravine, i already told a little about the russians there all this time they are trying to storm, but where are our positions in fact now, what is the channel preventing them from, were they able to cross somewhere to... were they able to, what is going on, they could not cross the channel, they are trying to do it, however, we stop them, and if someone still breaks through, then he is destroyed accordingly, but today it should be noted that they have intensified assaults with a mechanized component, if before they used it less, that is, i would say yes, they took care of the equipment more , that's
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what i'm trying to do today... with such small armored formations with infantry, of course, somewhere about breaking through our defenses, that is , both tanks and armored fighting vehicles are directly used. it should also be noted that the intensity has increased artillery shelling, i.e. they increased the number of direct shots fired from the barreled artillery on our naosky site, and the number of mortar and mortar damage also increased, we still have to take it into account, because we are talking more about long-range, medium-range artillery radius of action, mortars, which work directly at ground zero, play a very important role both in defense and directly in assault actions, that is , the situation is like this, i would say it is more intensified in terms of intensity, and of course they are not abandon their attempts to attack where, in
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principle, from... at this time they did, it is klychiivka, andriivka, the direction of ivanitskyi, the direction of bohdanivka, kalinivka and directly, of course, times. but the fact that they intensified, you say artillery and mortar shelling, it means that they brought some additional forces there, or rather , they brought the weapons themselves, that's how, how can it be understood, that is, it's exactly the same, well, that's some kind of accent they have such a place, it can be understood that they started. more simply spend shells, that is, one gun there in they can fire 50 shots per day, but today she has already started firing 80-100 shots, that is, it can be said that they have increased the supply of the back, well, the battles of the complex directly, that is, they still attach important importance to our shade front, that is why he is trying to increase something so resourcefully, to say
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that he will send immediately. the number of arteological systems themselves, i cannot say that, although at the time, when i finished, the avdiiv operation ended, some artillery units really were moved exactly in our direction. well, here we can assume that they simply hope that some of our parts were removed from the temporal abyss, and this window of opportunity to storm opened in them, well, it is possible, except that we will not confirm anything now. to say about this, but i think that they hoped that the kharkiv operation would distract them, and now a window of opportunity opened for them, i understand that this window of opportunity did not open much for them, well, at least in the time frame itself, because while what do you see, well no can they advance there a lot, absolutely not, because the units did not roll over from there, those units that protect that direction, they stay in place,


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