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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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greetings to all tezpresso, i'm on javamelnik and this is news: the body of the ninth victim was discovered by rescuers in the novobavarsky district of kharkiv, it was found between a destroyed house and a garage, previously it was... a woman - the regional prosecutor's office said. there it was assumed that during a direct hit of the rocket it was thrown out of the apartment into the street and sprinkled with the structures of the destroyed entrance. currently, they are trying to identify the deceased. also, it has not yet been possible to establish the identity of the eighth victim, whose body was pulled out from under the rubble by rescuers in the morning. let me remind you that last night the enemy fired five rockets at the novobavar district of the city. one of them hit a five by... residential
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building, three floors were partially destroyed. i would like to note that this volume was carried out at night , when people were resting and sleeping in their homes. sorting out the rubble is complicated by the fact that the understory is almost completely destroyed, the search operation is currently ongoing. five people were injured as a result of the shelling of myrnograd in donetsk region. the russians dropped two aerial bombs. to the kindergarten of the victims hospitalized, the national police was informed, the preschool education facility was destroyed, and 12 apartment buildings were also damaged. this is how children's protection day looks like in myrnograd, today in donetsk region, you can see that there is literally a completely new office for the placement of children of preschool age, tonight they hit this very kindergarten, they congratulated the children of donbas. whom they seem to protect
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from the unknown. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation continue collecting for drones and components for art-reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to move confidently forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. every donation you make is an important contribution to support defenders on the front lines. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. traffic on the dniprogez dam will not be restored on weekends. this decision was made after the previous one examination of the damage caused by russia during the massive missile attack - reported the head of the region, ivan fedarov. he emphasized that the government's priority is the safety of people.
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in the coming days, we will carry out all this work, we will report, and for now we will have to use other bridge crossings over the dnipro river in the territory of the city of zaporizhzhia. i can guarantee that all work will be carried out at maximum speed, but the priority will remain the safety of our citizens who will use our logistics component. dniproges a tragic accident in the kharkiv region. two people died. another 83-year-old woman was seriously injured. she was hospitalized, the regional police reported. at the intersection near the village of siryaky, a car and a motorcycle collided. according to preliminary data, the car driver was making a turn onto the main road and did not give way to the motorcyclist. both drivers died on the spot. official visit president
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volodymyr zelensky arrived in singapore to participate in the shan-ril dialogue security conference. it is expected that he will ask the participants of the conference to participate and to support the peace summit to be held this month in switzerland. the head of state also plans to meet with the president, prime minister, investors of singapore and with the united states of america defense minister lloyd austin. this is zelensky's second trip to asia after the full-scale invasion. to ukraine in may 2023, he attended the g7 meetings in japan. bayan player oleg lysenko has been living in the netherlands for a quarter of a century. after seeing the news about the shelling of ukraine, he could not stay away. musician since 2022 organizes concerts, plays ukrainian melodies and collects money for the needs of the homeland. anna will tell what help she gave this time.
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this ambulance arrived in poltava from the netherlands and was purchased by oleg lysenko, a resident of poltava, who has lived in europe for over 25 years, but is worried about the fate of his homeland. they play concerts, the musician not only promotes the ukrainian song, but also collects donations. oleg founded the charity fund music for ukraine and purchased the third medical aid car for the military. such desperate resuscitation on wheels is very necessary for fighters on fronts he is only 6 years old, this is a very good mileage, he only has 50 thousand. consider a new car, nothing used, so she has this one, as i say, mobile, it extends, retracts, special stretchers, then breathing apparatus, also specially made in europe, which
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can be put on the face and give air, pump, they are very modern, the musician's brother oleksandr drove the car and familiarized him with its equipment. and you connect the car here and it does from 220 from the city, it is also good not to start nothing, this car is equipped with everything necessary to save the patient's life and if necessary. to quickly transport him to a medical institution and at the same time maintain his vital activities, thank you to everyone who is engaged in and helps the zsu, the mers car, well , it speaks for itself, i will tell you that it is very
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convenient to operate and to drive, and a plus to everything that equipment is now necessary for the front, for everything, because you yourself understand that... there are many lives to be saved, and time for it to be spent less. oleksandr lysenko turned to the head of his community to find a brigade that needed such a car. and it just so happened that after we went to yampil, oleksandr ivanovich called me and said: there is a car, and the choice fell by itself, so it just happened that way, that's probably how fate happened for this the car ended up in the 48th brigade. the car will be disguised as a pixel, supplemented with the necessary medicines, and it will go to save the lives of the military, and the volunteer musician is already preparing for the next fundraiser to purchase another car. the man understands that our victory depends on every ukrainian, wherever he is. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for
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espresso tv channel. digital weapons against russia, the central intelligence agency launched the "war and sanctions " portal for international defense day. 100 children there opened a base for russian and belarusian kidnappers of young ukrainians. currently, there are already 245 people in it. the portal contains a dossier on each accomplice of these crimes with reinforced news links. the gur press service promised that the list would be published regularly complement. the authors of the portal also noted that according to official data alone, the russians have stolen at least 20,000 ukrainian children since the beginning of the war. there is also information on the website. about the sponsors and accomplices of russian aggression and about almost 3,000 foreign components identified in the weapons of russia, iran, and north korea. with ukraine in
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their hearts, in the temporarily occupied melitopol , graduates came to the last bell with badges of the coat of arms of ukraine. the corresponding photos with the letter arrived from the occupied territory. the children boldly showed that they see their future in native ukrainian city. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, as there are live broadcasts of shows, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share it, comment it, be there. this is how things are at the moment, the news editor will meet with you already at 18:00, we are working on the final issue, and then there will be an informational marathon with mykola veresny.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, today is june 1, 17 hours, 10 minutes and 35 seconds approximately, so, well... the first of june is good news, it's children's day, the bad news is that western agencies reported there that the russians want to take ukrainian children to their territory and there change something in their heads so that they are not ukrainians, but russians and so on, well, this is also bad news, another bad news this week, yesterday we buried sashko martynenko, the head of interfax ukraine, this is a great loss for the ukrainian audience, for the ukrainian press, ukrainian media. this, strictly speaking, is about what i wanted to say at the beginning, at
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the very beginning, and now we will understand what is happening on the ukrainian fronts and what is happening on the fronts of cooperation with our allies, now dmytro snigirov, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative you're right, we already see him, mr. dmitry, thank you very much for finding time for us on saturday, and here's mine. the first question, and it is so difficult and easy, i don’t know, at the beginning, somewhere in the first year, one and a half or two, there were constant calculations of how many missiles russia has, how many left, how many they can use, how many they can't use, somehow now these calculations have stopped, the missiles are flying quite often, especially in the spring of this year and already at the beginning of the summer, we know that from yesterday to today quite a lot has arrived, this is because ukrainians now... understand that there are many missiles, that is , it is impossible to count them, and then why
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count them, they will continue to fly, or we, or we can roughly imagine how many of these missiles russia has, how many they can buy, as much as they can, they can produce please, mr. dmitry, thank you for the invitation, let's start with the fact that the exact number of missiles is known, another question is that at one time the national security and defense council reported that the number of missiles... was limited, most likely it was a mistake in my opinion in information support of missile attacks, the fact is that the military doctrine of the russian federation clearly states the preventive nature of missile attacks on the energy infrastructure of the enemy with the aim of forcing surrender, there are no other interpretations, respectively, to tell the ukrainian society and the the audience about the lack of rockets when it goes against the military. trina of the russian federation, it was a bad thing. currently, this error has already been corrected and more
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realistic statements are being made regarding the number of missiles and, accordingly, further scenarios. it is not necessary to thank your tv channel for giving the opportunity to convey information. i insisted that the rocket attacks, unfortunately, will continue. now about that, we can imagine. but there, iran can deliver such a number of missiles per month, north korea can supply such, russia can produce such, and we can roughly imagine how many missiles are at the disposal of russian thugs? well, let's start with the most dangerous weapon from my point of view, this is the s-300 missile, which the occupiers use to terrorize civilian ukrainian cities. first of all, we are talking about kharkiv, the range of damage is up to 2,003 km. aeroballistic trajectory, along which only patriots or sampti can work, which the ukrainian
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side almost has, but the main thing that is striking is the number of missiles, according to the ukrainian society, they are about 700, well, that is unlimited quantity, not limited quantity, moreover, mr. mykola, let's talk about the fact that i am solving two questions for myself, the maximum shelf life is 30 years, and most of them have a shelf life. 5-40 years, this is still the development of the soviet military-industrial complex, and accordingly the russians went the way of actually saving budget funds, instead of disposing of them, they decided to modify the s-300 anti-aircraft missile systems for striking ground targets and are currently terrorizing ukrainian cities with them , quite a lot, and it is worth talking about what c300 is about 30% of all means. lesions that are produced on the territory of ukraine, this is enough. plus, let's
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talk, the iskander daggers are just like that, according to various estimates, from 40 to 80 missiles have the possibility of production, and we are talking about the monthly production of cruise missiles of this type, so i emphasize once again that despite the entire range of economic sanctions against the country the occupier, they, unfortunately, with... could establish the production of cruise ballistic missiles, including with the use of western components. here the most painful topic for us is why at the moment, despite... all the sanctions pressure, western companies are still cooperating with the russian federation, i understand that there is, i have a simple answer, we should have joined nato and then there would not be these questions and there would be no answers, so when someone somewhere criticizes the event, i prefer to criticize myself, the ukrainians who , according to
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polls, did not want to enter. in nato, well , now we have missiles instead of nato, russian ones, well, what are you going to do, you are not going to do anything, mr. mykola, well, let's talk about the fact that, unfortunately, at the time of the collapse of the soviet union, we got the most shalin air defense system, why , unfortunately, because during the time of independence, all the ministers of defense joined in getting rid of the air defense system, but it was not on the largest scale during the time of the ex-minister of defense hrytsenko, when the systems... bpu were actually sold for a fortune, that's why it's so basic, yes, i understand all this, but all of them are very many experts, and you, i'm sorry, mr. dmytro, say that there is something on the mountain bad things were happening, and i say that in there was something wrong with the people, if the people said, let's join nato, and let's not sell weapons to any minister, then
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probably something would have some result, so it's not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head, no, not from heads, but... but i don't want a discussion, i want to ask you, fierce battles are going on 20 km from kharkiv, and there the village is so sticky, as if it is an important village for russia, and i have a question, will the ukrainian defense hold its own, and whether they will continue to be, maybe sluggish, but the advance of russian troops is under threat maybe it won’t just be kharkiv, maybe kharkiv will be defended by the ukrainian army, but the shelling is enough and they are sweating so much... and there are so many victims, but they will just shoot from artillery and have to evacuate kharkiv, and this is a very big logistical problem, moral and logistical, i would call it that. what do you say about kharkiv, mr. dmytro? let's talk about moldings, let's say, moldings, in which their key meaning is dominant heights, and accordingly, control over dominant heights
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allows each of the war parties to keep significant territories under fire control, taking into account the fact that up to kharkiv 2 , the residential quarters of kharkiv are under fire even with the use of barrel artillery, not to mention rocket artillery, therefore the importance of the defense of this settlement is key, further progress is suspended, including due to the redeployment of the operational reserves of the armed forces of ukraine, and in particular the divisions of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. which were introduced in ovchansk and, accordingly, in the direction of lepka, who have practical experience conducting hostilities in the conditions of urban development, the non-accidental number of casualties of the occupiers increased from 800 per day, as reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. we are currently reading 1300-1500. it was possible to impose on them the successful character of the battles precisely in the urban development. urban, urban battles
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are battles of high intensity, where the losses of the attacking party are in the ratio of one. up to five to the side that holds the character of active defense. currently, we control these commanding heights, that is, liptsi belongs to the ukrainians, the ukrainian army is there stands and the dominant heights are occupied by the ukrainian army. yes, and we are monitoring them, and there is currently no further progress. as for plans in general, mr. mykola, let's talk about the fact that up to 50,000 are concentrated in the kharkiv direction. occupying troops, and this along the entire length, this grouping of the north, so-called, it is also around kharkiv and sumy, that is, they are stretched across the entire section of the ukrainian-russian border, this grouping is not enough to solve the issue of the operational encirclement of kharkiv. i will explain why: the group of russians, which was concentrated
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during the fighting in the avdeivka area, numbered up to 80,000 personnel. the total area of ​​avdeivka is 29.3 square meters. while the area of ​​kharkiv is approximately up to 300 km, we can calculate that, accordingly, even 50 thousand, if they are all thrown in the direction of kharkiv, is not enough to solve this, this task, accordingly the question arises, what then are the tasks of the tactical level, creation of a tension zone, diversion of operational reserves of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from other areas of the front, first of all, the donetsk direction... and, accordingly , the creation of an atmosphere of panic and chaos, what you talked about, forcing the civilian population to leave kharkiv, kharkiv region, kharkiv is estimated to be inhabited by locals. authorities 1,300 without taking into account forced migrants, that is, the number is even higher. let's imagine what processes this can provoke, this is the actual
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paralysis of ukrainian logistics, this is ukrzaliznytsia and highways, plus the burden on central local budgets, but the main thing is the panic that kharkiv residents, respectively, in case of dangerous scenarios will be carried deep into ukraine. okay, now you are talking about sumy region? have already started to talk, the washington post informs us that russia is accumulating troops for an offensive in sumy region, that is , this time the washington post, well, let's say, it is wrong, there is no such, such a danger there, shall we say so or not , what do you say, mr. dmytro, mr. mykola, let's talk about the fact that not only, unfortunately, the washington post has been wrong for the past month, this is already some unhealthy trend on the part of the media, our strategic partners, the sumy direction, according to data... there is no reason to say that this is an invasion group, an invasion contingent, that is, if there is
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an escalation, it is appropriate in the plans of the russian occupation army, then we are talking about creating a zone of tension in the border areas again, that is, advancing deep maximum up to 10 km in order to repeat the factors i have already listed, this is a distraction. panic among the local population, etc., and i just want to ask you right now, here is a list of countries that allowed shooting at russia, yes without restrictions, and those that allowed, not allowed without restrictions, those who allowed them much more, who tell ukraine that they can hit western weapons on targets in russia, moreover, there is a controversy, for example, secretary of state blinkin says that ... you can hit, and the president of the united states joe biden says: yes, but with limitations. germany says that it is possible, but with a limit. here we see the map, those countries that say yes are denmark,
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the netherlands, estonia, sweden, the czech republic, the usa, namely blinken, great britain, poland, latvia, lithuania, finland, norway, canada and france, but italy, and the united states in the person of biden, spain. against germany , the chancellor with a restriction, and well, hungary will obviously have some kind of unity, is this the kind of democracy when someone votes yes, someone against, someone for, someone against? what is your point of view? mr. mykola, well, there is already a shift, but let's talk about the fact that the decision of the united states, in my opinion, is solomon's decision, i will explain why, on the one hand, they give permission to strike on the territory of russia, but the range of hitting targets is limited to 70 km. tactical and technical characteristics of hymers, instead, as i already said said that the main danger for kharkiv and
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the civilian population is the shelling with the use of the s-300, it has a range of 230-250 km, that is, this permission does not give any practical result at the moment of the destruction of the launchers, while the president of ukraine is asking for civilian . countries to provide us with air defense systems, then, in my opinion, the actual solution to the issue of neutralizing the missile threat would be to not shoot down every missile, because it is expensive, mr. mykola, i told them, 700 missiles to the s-300, you know how many nato can to produce rockets for the patriots, but for now the decision to increase production to a thousand has been made, already an imbalance, right? accordingly, this thousand will be for the entire nato bloc, we will get a few hundred, not a solution, the solution to the problem is striking the launchers, they have them thank you
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very much, thank you very much, dmytro snigerov, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative of the right right, now we will have news, i will once again repeat my thesis at the end that there will not be news, there will be advertising, i apologize, now there will be commercials, then we will talk about north america, about what is happening. in the politics of the united states, internal, external and so on, but i just want to remind you how to join nato, the question about what to do, where to go, russia would never have attacked ukraine , and now advertising. attention, a profitable offer. order the smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. shops have ordinary light bulbs cost more than 200 uah. and we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no
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to restore control over urination. feminost uuro: urination under control. the journalist who joined the zsu is political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from major. armed forces how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want
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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis. interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. good health once again, with you
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mykola veresen, ladies and gentlemen, it will be... we are waiting for oleksandr krayev, director of north america programs of the foreign policy council , ukrainian prism is called. and good health, mr. oleksandr, thank you for finding time for us on saturday, thank you very much. yes, congratulations, good evening to you. good health, so look, father, when, when the secretary of state of the united states , anthony blinken, says, "shoot where you want," and the president of the united states, joe biden, says, "no." wherever you want, but shoot only from kharkiv oblast to somewhere there adjacent territories, did i decipher it correctly, that you can shoot, but, but the united states will not admit that they see where the ukrainians are shooting, i always thought that this is exactly what diplomacy is, to say no, no, we are against it.


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