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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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the increase in the price of electricity, whether the tariff increase will save our energy, the law on mobilization, what are the main problems ukrainians face when updating data and the international day of children's protection, how young ukrainians describe their lives now. these are the summaries of the week's news, the editors will tell you about the most important things from the press, i congratulate everyone who is with us. the enemy continues to destroy the energy system of our country. so, at night, the russians hit two thermal power plants det. the equipment was seriously damaged, the company said, and enemy missiles also attacked two hundred and critically damaged the equipment. the infrastructure near the stations is also hit. in total, on the night of june 1,
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russia launched 53 missiles of various types and 47 rockets over ukraine. our air defense forces destroyed 35 missiles and 46 drones. the government increased the price of light to uah 4.32. the new tariff will be valid from today until april 30, 2025. will it help our energy, which is being destroyed by the enemy? let's see in the story the increase in the electricity tariff for the population did not come as a surprise. massive missile and drone strikes this spring caused massive damage power system, which only partially recovered after the winter before last. when the enemy made energy the main goal. in general, due to russian attacks, ukraine lost more than 6 gigawatts of capacity, the ministry of energy notes. winter is ahead. the event provides funds. for repairs,
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but they are not enough. from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada , minister of energy herman galushchenko warned a week ago that price increases are inevitable. the decision will be made in the coming week, that is, by the end of may, and the question is that today's level, which is today tariffs, unfortunately, it does not cover, especially by taking into account the losses suffered by the energy system. during the week, a number of media reported: energo has completed the calculations and on may 30, the cabinet of ministers will approve new tariffs. 4 hryvnias , 80 kopecks per kilowatt/hour, if consumption exceeds 100 kv per month. on may 30 , the meeting did take place, but the ministers did not consider any decisions on promotion. instead, prime minister denys shmyhal warned ukrainians that the absence of power outages for several days in a row is rather a coincidence of favorable circumstances. but not
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a positive trend. thanks to solar generation, as well as the exit from repair of two power units of the nuclear power plant. planned shutdowns of consumers have not been applied for several days. but this does not cancel the need to systematically save electricity. if a significant deficit is recorded in the system again, ukrenergo will be forced to return to blackout schedules. the hesitations of the cabinet of ministers caused criticism, in particular among people's... deputies. oleksiy kucherenko, member of the committee on energy and housing and communal affairs, at his meeting wrote on the facebook page: indecision can cost the country dearly. if the government is confident in its decision and it is justified and necessary, then what can be the delay in its adoption? fear of responsibility, which can be a fear if the decision is justified. sometimes not making any decision has much worse consequences. than a wrong decision, and it
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seems to me that this is exactly the case. on the last day of the month, may 31, the cabinet did vote for the resolution, but it already contained other numbers. so, from june 1, the tariff for the population will increase by 60%, regardless of consumption volumes, and will amount to uah 4 32 kopecks per kilowatt/hour. the preferential tariff was kept for consumers who heat their homes with gas. if consumption does not exceed 200 kw per month. we are talking only about the heating period, i.e. from october 1 to april 30. they kept the night tariff for all ukrainians who have a two-zone meter - 2 hryvnias and 16 kopecks per kilowatt. prime minister shmyhal decided not to comment on the unpopular decision. the minister of energy limited himself to a short message to the minister. site increase
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tariff is a difficult but necessary step. the goal is not to be left without light, to maintain the system. a large-scale reconstruction awaits us, which requires huge. forces and funds. all this time, the repair campaign at the generation, distribution and transmission facilities continues. those who cannot afford to pay for electricity services at the new tariff will receive help from the state - targeted subsidies. from june 1, electricity will become more expensive for industry as well, by an average of 25%, which means that prices for goods and services will also rise. a separate history of water canals, electricity is the main component of the cost of water supply. last year, the cabinet of ministers blocked the nkr's decision to raise water tariffs. however, to do this this year means to bring communal water utilities to bankruptcy. raising tariffs can help the industry survive massive enemy attacks and better
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prepare for winter. but the increase in the price of electricity does not mean the cancellation of schedules, turning off the lights. suffered too great losses. energy system, especially in heat and hydro generation. ukraine stopped selling electricity abroad and vice versa, actively imports it from europe. however, even imports do not cover the deficit. at the end of the week, energoatom took out another power unit for repair, and the shortage in the power system increased. and the outages resumed. in the summer and , most likely, in july, when ukrainians turn on the air conditioners en masse, the situation... may worsen, and then the winter will probably be even harder than two years ago. the new law on mobilization has been in effect for the second week, during which time 1,200,000 conscripts updated their data through the reserve plus application. and in
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administrative service centers processed about 120,000 applications, which problems are faced by ukrainians who are subject to mobilization. let's see. nine in the morning. there is already a queue of fifty people at one of the capital's shopping malls, there are several of them here, electronic and so-called live, when people independently form lists, some have come to the picking center since the very morning. there were already 21 people in the queue as of 5:40, when i arrived here, i signed up on the 22nd, according to people who, well, it’s not the first day they’ve been here, in a day they make it to approximately the office that i have 207 is needed. employ 15 people. most of the men are updating their data, someone has been sent an order to the company, someone has personal questions. i came today to see what is here and how, i see that there is a queue here, i will probably have to stand, although
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disabled people are allowed through without waiting in line. i don't think i need to join the army, i'm not fit for anything. there are many women in the crowd of men, mostly those with a military specialty. they say, everything happens quickly and without unnecessary questions, i signed up for the electronic queue at 8 in the morning, came here, it turned out that they work from the 9th, but at 9 they started, and really, you know, i was preparing for such trash, there are such very nice women who checked all my documents, updated my data, sent me to the fork, so well, you know, i'll be honest, it's nice. while citizens are actively updating data in tsk tsnapakh and the reserve+ plus application, the verkhovna rada wants to increase the period for updating them. people's deputy volodymyr ariev said on espresso that he has registered a draft law that proposes to extend the deadline for updating data from 60 to 150
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days since, according to the deputy, the tsc system was not ready to accept the number of citizens who update data. currently there is none. grounds for extending this term up to 150 days, at the same time , some force majeure may occur , some, for example, attacks on servers may occur, and then theoretically some problems may arise, and this will be the basis for extending the term from 60 days to 150 another loud statement this week was the news about the reduction of the preparation period. instead of two months , mobilized people are trained for one and a half months, but the ministry of defense noted that the terms of soldiers' training will not change. the updates also affected the reserve plus relationship. more than 700,000 ukrainian citizens were deprived of the status of warrantless search. the ministry of defense advises you
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to re-authorize the application in order to see your updated status. this is our work, the work that we are, that we proactively carried out together with the ministry of the interior. affairs and we saw that such actions lead to the fact that people do not go to tcc, tsp, do not create queues and do not have, you are not obliged. this data through physical contact. the updated military registration document should always be with you, because it can be checked at any time by tsk employees, border guards and policemen. if there are no such documents, the national police may detain and deliver them to the tcc. also, for those who do not want to update the data, the right to drive a vehicle can be restricted. such a decision will be canceled immediately after updating the data. in addition to administrative and temporary. restriction of the right to drive vehicles, do not forget about the criminal liability provided for in article 336
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337 and 382 of the criminal code, i.e. in case of violation of the rules of mobilization accounting, i.e. evasion of conscription for military service, non-compliance with court decisions, as well as in the case of passing a military medical commission and not appearing for combat summonses or so- called dispatch summonses. we will remind that according to the new law on mobilization, all conscripts must update their records. from today until july 16 of this year. you can. already 13 countries have allowed ukraine to use their weapons for strikes on the territory of russia. among them are the united states of america and germany, which previously opposed it. true, american and german weapons can be used exclusively along the border of kharkiv oblast. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg welcomed the partners' decision and added that ukraine's self-defense includes the right to strike. for military purposes on the territory of the aggressor. new records and goals. this
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week, a ukrainian drone attacked a complex of a long-range radar station in orsk, russia, which is 1,800 km from our border. it was loud in other regions as well federation and in the temporarily occupied crimea , our soldiers attacked the kerch crossing. magura v5 naval drones destroyed and damaged. four enemy boats of the tuna type, drones of the security service of ukraine hit the russian radar monitoring the territory near armyansk. an oil depot in the temryuk district of the russian federation was also targeted. there , three tanks with petroleum products burned down. subsequently, the sbu drones hit electrical substations that supply electricity to the crimean peninsula and the water area of ​​the kerch strait. there were also explosions in kazan, novorossiysk and belgorod. it was so hot. a week in russia.
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international children's day is celebrated on june 1. the holiday was started in 1949 in paris. at that time , the issue of the health and well-being of children in the post-war period was particularly acute. therefore, the main goal was to draw attention to the needs and rights of children. unfortunately, today in ukraine all this is being violated by the russian occupiers. according to official data, first. of the full-scale invasion, 550 children were killed, another 1,356 were injured, and 50,000 were orphaned due to the kremlin's aggression. in there is a museum of military childhood in kyiv, the first such institution was opened in sarajevo, in the city that suffered from siege and shelling for five years during the yugoslav war. the children who lived through those times decided that they should document their memories, how they describe their life to little ukraine. let's see: growing up is extremely difficult, growing up
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during the war is twice as difficult, the museum of wartime childhood decided to record this experience of ukrainian children, that's how the exhibition "going to the wall" appeared. museum workers collected memorabilia and memories of youth, associated with the russian-ukrainian war since 2014, to tell the stories of children from all corners of ukraine. children feel this shadow of war. what a shadow of destruction that hangs over our whole society, and it is important to us that their experiences of their childhood should not disappear in this shadow and be included in our future knowledge of war when the war is over, and the war must be over. this is andriy, his exhibit, the uniform of his favorite real madrid team. as the boy says, in 2014, on the day when i was supposed to play the spanish team, 30 km from their native kramatorsk, they were grinding. the first battles, machine-gun rounds of armored personnel carriers and shelling could be heard, the russian channels were already playing on the tv, and
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the ukrainian tv signal was muted, but despite everything, it was still possible to watch the match, without sound, with a snowy picture, but the image was there. for 11-year-old andrii, this is one of the most vivid memories of the first summer in which the war broke out. these were children's emotions, when the whole family is sleeping, and you are quietly very happy. it's really emotional that your team equalized in account, and then in general a crushing victory 4:1, well, and in parallel this context of total misunderstanding, what will happen next there. there is already fighting, what to do, where to go, but not as a single exhibition. on may 31, the museum presented the first documentary performance about the life of teenagers during the war called winter. this is the reflection of 10 ukrainian teenagers on the events they are experiencing. for two months, the actors trained with theater mentors, pyotr armyanovskyi and andriy
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mai, to reflect on their experience and tell the audience about it. i personally i came here in the 14th year, i tell about it in my monologue, and i tell about how life took me absolutely all over the world, i also lived in dnipropetrovsk region for a very long time, and had experience in the emirates, then again in ukraine, and in essence, this performance is a performance about our choice, since i myself chose to return to ukraine. the premiere of the play has already taken place, and now the entire theater team hopes that ozimi will become part of the theater repertoire of the young audience. if you want... to see the exhibition exit the shadows, it is being held at the shevchenko museum in kyiv until july 28 this year. free admission. yulia zubchenko, oscar janson, dmytro nikiforov, espresso tv channel. this week, ukraine honors the memory of patriarch lubomir husar. he headed the ukrainian greek catholic church for 10 years. after
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the death of pope ivan paul ii. lubomir huzar was considered as one of the contenders. to the papal throne. the cardinal is still remembered with great respect for his virtues, the development of the ukrainian church and our state. we share our memories of patriarch husar with you. lubomyr huzar was born in lviv in interwar times. in 1944, his family left soviet ukraine. the future patriarch grew up in the united states of america, where he received a religious education. at that time , the ukrainian greek catholic church was banned in the soviet union. in 1977 , cardinal yosif slipy potaiky from the vatican ordained three bishops for the ukrainian church, one of whom was huzar. it became known about his ordination only 19 years later. cardinal lubomyr huzar returned to his homeland after the declaration of independence, in 2001 he was appointed
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head of the ukrainian greek catholic church. that summer in... in the history of ukraine , pope ivan paul ii came to lviv, and the guzar was also involved in his visit. and then his beatitude lubomyr advised president leonid kuchma to invite the pope to ukraine. only the lord god knows, and the narrow circle of people, what obstacles there were until the last moment for pope ivan... to come to ukraine, but his word was final: i am going, and he came to ukraine. one of the main tasks of lubomir husar at the head of the church was its revival and distribution in all regions of ukraine. it was under his leadership that the church formally ceased to be galician or western ukrainian, but
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gained national significance. then the throne of the head of the church was moved to the capital and construction began. of the fiery cathedral, it was very difficult, but there were many difficulties, there were many obstacles, even from the side of the people of kyiv, who were persuaded to create obstacles, but he never persuaded others, there to shut their mouths, to disperse them, he went out to them in the square and said, i thank you very much that we you are doing very good advertising, after the death of pope john paul ii in 2005, lubomir husar. considered as one of the contenders for the papal throne. however, huzar refused this idea. in 2011, bishop huzar publicly announced his resignation from the post of head of the church due to health problems. however, he continued his church and public activities. on the 20th anniversary of the referendum on the independence of ukraine, huzar
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initiated the creation of the initiative on december 1. the participants of the movement called for development. of the ukrainian state, in two years years, 2013, at the height of the euromaidan events , cardinal huzar, despite his poor health, often went out to the center of the capital to thousands of people. then, when they beat students and started shooting people for yanukovych. i remember, people did not know how to react, whether they have the right to defend themselves or not, i remember that situation and... he came out with the representatives of the initiative on december 1 and said that when the government treats people like this, people have a full moral right to defend themselves. with weapons in their hands, it was a nation that was sincere heart protested, said, that's enough, we
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have to be ourselves, we have to be people, our task is to transmit our ideals, starting from the cradle, for dozens of years he remains a moral leader for a whole generation of ukrainians, respect for... the bishop prominent ukrainians call social phenomenon. he never flaunted his universities, his knowledge, his titles. this already testified to his great humility, politeness, and humanity. because at times there were such cases, when the blessed liu of bright memory, you have three or four diplomas, is it frame and hang so much on the wall . when, when you don't have a good one. contact with people, it is in vain, people are smart, there are people with experience, but people with a conscience are an extreme, extremely rare
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phenomenon, and in this sense lubomyr guzal is an absolute exception. due to a serious illness, patriarch lubomyr died on may 31, 2017, at the age of 85, he was buried in the crypt of the patriarchal cathedral, at the request of the faithful in february 2024, a proclamation... or the beginning of the process of beatification and canonization of patriarch lubomyr huzar, that is, his recognition as blessed and holy. at the initial stage, it is a collection of information about the glory of holiness, writing a biography, a servant of god, and when collecting a sufficient number of materials that would confirm both the glory of holiness and a sufficient amount of documentary evidence, we have at least two cases where people believe, as they think , that it was a miracle, that is, we call it a supposed miracle, at this stage it is still difficult
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to say whether it can be called cases that can prove these two things, theological and scientific, cardinal huzar remains moral an authority for believers of various confessions and religions, his sayings and teachings were disassembled into quotes, one of them became a creed for millions of people and... remained the cardinal's dream until the end of his life, there are very few people in the world, and my dream, so to speak, even my prayer, i will sincerely tell you that i would be a person, a kind, normal person, we talked about the main things in a week, so that with... know about the most important things, more, see espresso, read our site and be sure to subscribe to our channels in social networks, i also call on all viewers
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rheumatism. dolgit is the only yellow cream. with pain in the joints and back, exclusively on the air of our channel, greetings friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make it up, they help to understand the the present and predict the future. world,
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trump's second presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and i, taras berizovets, am with you today in our program, the battles in kharkiv region continue. f-16
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will soon be in ukraine. china and brazil disrupt the peace summit. ukrainian drone flew a record distance. the russians are gathering a new group of troops 90 km from the border with ukraine. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy announced this on may 26. at therefore, according to the same russian zetbloggers, in the kharkiv region, despite the ongoing battles, the russian troops were defeated in the offensive launched by them. so we will talk about the situation at the front and new threats in our next story. the occupiers continue to increase the grouping of their troops in the direction of the main strike of the liptsi gunner and in the vovchansk area, by transferring
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additional regiments and brigades from other directions and from training grounds, but these forces are not enough for a full-scale offensive and breakthrough of our defense. about may 30 said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. at the same time , military expert oleksandr kovalenko believes that the russian army has not abandoned its plans to seize the territory of ukraine in 2024. the most important directions are the pokrovsky direction for them, the expansion from ocheretyn to the south. and its flank along the actual left bank of the vovcha river, as well as the canal, and thus the creation of such a large enough security buffer for the southern flank from ocheredin, which will allow them to immediately choose three promising directions, along which they will try to go, either at 05:11 in the direction of pokrovsk, or through vozvizhanka
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on the 05... 4 route or pn20 to the north and open a new turkish direction through turetsky platzdar with an exit again to kostiantynka and chasiv and chasiv will play in this also has its role, since they planned to catalyze the battles during the yar era in the second half of the 24th year, and now we see that they are trying to get hold of the eastern sector through khromov in the 05-06 earthquake. temporary ravine, the problem of this city, which is at the dominant height in the region, is that first of all, we lack artillery there, especially that it is height, as well as aviation, the russian aviation plays an important role there for the russians in opening our upripran breakthrough of the defense line, besides this, the russians will try to push in other directions as well
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. expert, for example, by the end of the summer they will have...


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