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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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pizhenka on the 0504 route or pn20 to the north and open a new turkish direction through the turkish bridge with an exit again to kostyantynka and chasiv and chasivyar will also play a role in this, since they also planned to catalyze the battles during the yar period in the second half of the 24th year , and now we see that they are trying to catch up through khromov on the 05 06 track. for the eastern sector temporarily jagrom, the problem of this city, which is at the dominant height in the region , is that there is not enough, first of all, we have artillery there, especially that it is height, as well as aviation, the russian aviation there plays an important role for the russians in uncovering our planned breakthrough of the defense lines, in addition to this , the russians are trying to push in other
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directions as well, the expert says. for example, by the end of the summer, they received an order to completely close the issue with the robotin speech, as well as from the vermiv direction, if they do not return under their control the territories they lost during the counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine in 2023, then at least by the end of the summer control over staromajorsky and harvestable. siversky mok and the lyman kupyan army will also be under constant pressure from the russians, because without seversk, further actions in the slavyano-kramatorsk direction will not make any sense for them. to implement their plans, the russian military is critically lacking in resources, but this does not mean that they have lost the desire to open several fronts in kharkiv and sumy regions. in order to somehow begin to embody. their plans for
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the kharkiv region, then they had to gather only in the belgorod region in a group of troops bilhorod, at least 100,000 personnel of the group, that is, at least 100,000 only to start and continue, in principle, i will say this, in order to completely take kharkiv oblast under its control, this group could reach even 300 or more thousand , that is, this is a huge group that the russians simply cannot... gather, i am surprised that they did not open a front in the area of ​​the cossacks of logopeni, in general, i thought that if this raid operation began, then they would start precisely from the cossacks of lopeni, but they this they didn't do it, but it is quite possible that they may do it in the near future, they will also open a front there in the sumy region, demonstrating, well, first they will start with sabotage and terrorist activities, as usual, but they will really try to...
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seize some border village in the dark zones, again, and will be operated precisely in the border lane. according to the expert, in order to more effectively counter the occupiers, we need to get permission from our western partners to strike the territory of the russian federation. and now we have such prospects. then we would could make preemptive strikes on their rear locations. that is, we cannot reach those locations where they concentrate mercury. technical force and are actually preparing for these raid operations, if there was such a possibility, then none of this would have happened, and in addition to this other thing, it would also allow us to lower, raise, increase our capabilities to fight against their aviation, strikes on airfields, reducing the use of attack helicopters, attack aircraft, and most importantly su-34x, which use cabs, that is, comprehensively could...we could influence, it was at best
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, in this case we are limited only to defense within our borders. now the process that is going on to approve such a decision, it is quite powerful, it has not been like this since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, so on this wave we can really get such a permission. on may 27, during his visit to the kingdom of belgium, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi visited the air base where the f-16 fighter jets, which ukraine will soon receive, are located. it is known that by the end of 2028 , belgium plans to transfer to our country 30 planes however, there is one condition. according to the head of the belgian government, alexander de croo, the joint agreement on the supply of weapons prohibits the use of belgian weapons. military
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materials outside ukrainian territory, this applies, in particular, to f-16 fighters, which the belgian side uses to strengthen the ukrainian air force. in general... allies promise to transfer about a hundred f-16 fighters to ukraine. it also became known that the czech republic organized a meeting of the leaders of several states that are the leaders in the supply of weapons for the armed forces. and this summit is not in advance announced according to the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygal, together with the leaders of poland, latvia, denmark, the netherlands and the us representative, ukraine's needs for weapons were discussed. as well as the possibility of using these weapons for defense on the aggressor's territory. the ukrainian prime minister reported that he had received support in this matter. we will remind, nato secretary general jend stoltenberg insists that the allies need to review the restrictions on the ban on ukraine
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striking russian territory with western weapons, against the background of border battles in the kharkiv region. what interesting: french president emmanuel macron. er, the current star, certainly not only of european, but also world politics, showed his muscles again this week. during the state visit to germany, where, by the way, the french president specially prepared by studying the german language and studying with a professor of the german language, and specifically in german, he addressed the deputies of the german bundestag. so this week, macron after a consultation with the federal chancellor of germany, olaf scholz. showed a map, a map of the territory of the belgorod region, from which the russian military conducts regular missile attacks on ukrainian territory. according to president macron, the current situation with shelling of kharkiv and the region is unacceptable, and here western partners
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need to act decisively. first of all, this concerns the revision of the existing ban on the use of western weapons outside the sovereign territory of ukraine. and a miracle happened: president macron, followed by german chancellor olaf scholz, announced that the ukrainian armed forces have the sovereign right to use the western weapons for attacks on military facilities in the territories of regions neighboring the kharkiv region, in particular in the territory of bilhorodchyna. however, here macron made one caveat: ukraine has the right to use western weapons exclusively for strikes. on russian military facilities and not a single missile or bomb should fly over a civilian facility, president macron said. a similar statement was made by representatives of other partner countries, in particular the kingdom of sweden, as well as the republic of poland, which gave ukraine
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official permission to use the product produced by it weapons for strikes on russian territory where the command of the armed forces of ukraine deems necessary. to this plan. so far, decisively mastered in washington. official representatives of the white house repeated it again. they are not currently considering the possibility of granting ukraine permission to strike on russian territory, as this could lead to unnecessary escalation. however, as we see this week, the ice is still falling. and the reason for this is the barbaric attacks carried out by the russian army against kharkiv and the entire kharkiv region. in particular, a blow to... the market epicenter, as a result of which, as of today, 16 people have died. this week , the bloomberg agency, citing its own sources, reported that the foreign ministers
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of the european union are discussing how to find an acceptable compromise at the peace summit, which will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland. for the word. interlocutors bloomberg for the eu is an important issue of how to proceed to a possible meeting between the leadership of ukraine and russia in saudi arabia already in the fall of 2024 . at the same time, china and brazil are trying to put forward the idea of ​​holding an alternative one the summit, which president zelenskyi has already called a parallel platform aimed at disrupting ukraine's diplomatic efforts. more details on this in our next story. all the efforts of the russian federation to disrupt the peace summit in switzerland speak of the fear of kremlin dictator putin. this is written by european truth, referring to the spokesperson of the eu foreign policy department,
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peterestano. according to him, the eu fully supports the idea of ​​a peace summit and considers its goal very important, because it is seen as a source of inspiration for future peace. process attempting to undermine the summit's effectiveness with parallel events only shows how putin fears the summit. this is an important event. we work with partners from ukraine. with switzerland and others to ensure the highest level of representation and the largest possible number of countries participating . for us, this is a peaceful event of the year, very important for ukraine. we will continue to work for its success. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi reported during a press conference in madrid that 90 countries had confirmed his participation in the peace summit in switzerland in june. now 90 countries have confirmed their participation and we continue to work with world leaders for wider representation. it is there
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at the summit that we will see who in the world really believes in international law and is ready to defend it effectively. every leader who does not want the continuation of this war and the further aggression of the russian federation can demonstrate at the summit his real interest in peace. russian propaganda continues its attempts to discredit ukraine on the eve of the summit peace in switzerland. this is what military expert oleksandr kovalenko says for new voice. varv launched a narrative that the ukrainian authorities allegedly refuse to return ukrainian prisoners, choosing some privileged ones from general lists. it is strange to hear such a thing from a country that regularly breaks up negotiations and agreements on the exchange of prisoners or dead bodies. but russia has decided to make a bet now and on this topic. like, how can you listen to this country. by her formula of peace, if they did not want their own captives. yes, russia aims to achieve no
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not only the external discrediting of ukraine before the peace summit in switzerland, but also the creation of internal destabilization in the social environment. however, kovalenko is convinced, such emissions will not harm ukraine at the international level. our partners have complete information about how many requests there were to the russian side regarding exchanges and what they were. proposals, just as the partners know who blocked, blocks and will block all these initiatives, because for russia, prisoners are not prisoners, they are hostages in russia's understanding. putin is also allegedly ready to negotiate a ceasefire in ukraine on the current front line. this was reported by reuters, citing russian sources who agreed to comment on condition of anonymity. one of the high-ranking sources of the russian federation said the following. putin can fight all he wants, but putin is also willing to call for a ceasefire to freeze the war.
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asked about the reuters report at a press conference in belarus, putin said peace talks should resume. let them recover, he said, adding that negotiations should be based on realities on the ground and on the plan agreed during the previous attempt to reach an agreement in the first weeks of the war. not based on what one side wants. at the same time , ukrainian foreign minister dmytro kuleba said on x that the russian leader tried to derail the ukrainian-initiated peace summit in switzerland next month, using his entourage to send false signals about his alleged willingness to stop the war. the leadership of communist china, as well as... the idea of ​​holding an alternative swiss the peace summit, where and when it should take place,
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has not yet been clarified, however, russia warmly supported this chinese-brazilian initiative. the ukrainian side considers the efforts of china and brazil an attempt to disrupt the swiss peace summit in mid-june. however, china does not hide its desire to saddle the topic of peace talks in ukraine. and tries all the time to drag as many countries as possible to this negotiating platform. however, this already has at least one problem. in addition, the leaders of several countries, including president lula of brazil, as well as pres ramaposa of south africa has refused to go to switzerland for negotiations. at least one of the leaders of the global south , indian prime minister narendra modi, has already supported the idea of ​​a swiss peace summit. and announced that he would certainly be present there. according to the ukrainian side, this sends
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a strong signal of support for the idea of ​​the summit, which was developed by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. it is also important to understand that the global south is currently not united in the idea of ​​negotiations regarding ukraine. understanding this, representatives of the european the union proposed the idea of ​​holding an additional summit, which may take place in saudi arabia, where it is planned to invite, in addition to ukraine, a representative of russia. however, to date , there is no response from the kremlin regarding this idea. russian dictator vladimir putin himself, who is actively engaged in purging the russian high command, is also actively signaling his readiness for peace negotiations. however, this week he announced that, as they say, the president of ukraine is illegitimate, so the kremlin cannot hold a conversation with him going to as the negotiator with whom
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moscow is ready to start negotiations, putin named the speaker of the verkhovna rada. of ukraine ruslan stefanchuk. however, the ukrainian speaker has already answered this with a clear refusal. russia's attempts to delegitimize the ukrainian top political leadership are not accepted by most of our partners. therefore, it seems that the attempt of russia and its partners to disrupt the swiss peace summit will fail for now. what happens next? further negotiations should begin. on one additional site. most likely, it will be exactly that saudi arabia, which once hosted similar talks that took place in jeddah at the end of 2023. the main condition of any negotiations is the clear observance of ukrainian conditions before the start of these negotiations, where, as we know, the key
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prerequisite is the complete withdrawal of russian troops from the borders of the sovereign territory of ukraine. itself. moscow has definitely repeatedly stressed that it is not going to agree to it in any way, and not only the russian dictator putin, but also his foreign minister, levrov, has said so. however, as we know, the meeting between putin and lavrov in beijing, which was carefully prepared for a very long time, did not bring any tangible result, any economic agreement, as well as any political agreement that would attract... to the level of breakthrough, the kremlin in beijing never managed to achieve it. after all, dictator putin himself recognized this when, during his visit to uzbekistan, he tried to compensate for the losses that russian diplomacy suffered in the chinese direction. meanwhile, china itself is increasingly signaling that
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it does not perceive russia as a full-fledged one partner and tries to solve his own problems. one of the events. events became the holding of large-scale military exercises of the people's liberation army of china around the rebellious island of taiwan. it also became known this week that china was unable to persuade the new military junta in the african state of gabon to complete the construction of a chinese naval base. this is primarily the result of american diplomacy actively thwarting beijing's attempts to expand its military presence in africa. continent if china managed to build naval base in west africa, it would be a serious challenge for the american armed forces. so china is increasingly distancing itself from russia, concentrating on solving its own problems. regarding ukraine, china has repeatedly signaled that it is ready
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to act in line with the 12 points of the xijin pin, which were announced by the chinese foreign ministry on the first anniversary. russian invasion of ukraine. journalists of the american the new york times outlined the reasons why vladimir putin is carrying out purges in the highest russian military command. according american journalists, putin decided to demonstrate the activity in response to growing dissatisfaction among the russian military with the methods of the so-called svo. and periodic outrage over incompetence and corruption at the top of the russian military. the publication also notes that the arrests of high-ranking officials are unlikely to eradicate large-scale corruption in the russian military department. however, they can make high-ranking officials twice afraid of arrest, at least for
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a certain period. more about cleaning at the russian command in ours. in the next plot. there is a purge at the ministry of defense of the russian federation. the fsb conducted an investigation into corruption cases involving the deputy minister of defense and heads of departments. therefore, a few weeks ago, the kremlin dictator putin dismissed shoigu from the post of defense minister and appointed andriy bilousov, who is called the curator of the economic bloc in the government, in his place. he was tasked with reducing corruption and optimizing military production for... the protracted war against ukraine. at the same time, how writes the guardian, shuigu's resignation and his loss of protection allowed the fsb , the russian security department responsible for internal investigations, to eliminate influential officials. in power former british defense attaché in moscow, john forman, believes that putin has lost his temper. therefore, further arrests may continue. shuigu
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and gerasimov gave a buffer, but now putin decided that he needed to do something. shuigu mostly kept the fsb away from the ministry throughout his tenure. and the rest were very few. if the fsb gets angry, who knows how far they will go. during russia's war in ukraine, shoigu and gerasimov were repeatedly criticized by pro-war supporters for the army's failures and their inability to root out widespread corruption in the armed forces. this dissatisfaction reached the point that in the summer of 2023, the founder of wagner prigozhin initiated an unsuccessful uprising against the military leadership. interdepartmental rivalry runs deep in russia. shuigu's execution may have given the investigator of the facebook investigative committee an opportunity to clean up filer of criminal cases against the upper management, trying to get promotion and praise. however, the purges of the vrf do not
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end there; in just one month , four high-ranking defense officials were arrested on charges of corruption. this is considered the most significant repression in the ministry of defense in recent years. the purge began on april 23 with the arrest of former deputy defense minister timur ivanov on suspicion. in receiving a bribe - writes a british newspaper. the kremlin, of course, denied any assumptions about repression in ministry of defense. the fight against corruption is a consistent work, it is not a campaign, it is an ongoing work. later , yuriy kuznyatsov, head of the personnel department of the ministry, vadym shamarin, head of the communications department of the rf general staff, and volodymyr verteletskyi, who headed the department in the state defense department, were detained. order of the department. even before the arrests, former russian air force lieutenant glip irisov said that an fsb source told him that the purge of the ministry of defense would be caused mainly
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by the failures of the russian army in ukraine. for serhiy shuigu, the ministry of defense came under the strong influence of his personal network. from the senior commanders to the lower ranks, key positions were held by shuigu's chosen ones, friends or friends of friends. he even created numerous. deputies specifically for their allies, among them the mistress of sergei shoigu, who headed companies that earned millions of rubles from contracts with the ministry of defense. the overall quality of the military suffered because funds were regularly embezzled. military exercises often existed only on paper, as the allocated money was withdrawn. following dismissal of the entire team of the former minister of defense sergei shoigu, similar purges began in the russian general staff. the main goal pursued by putin is
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undoubtedly to sow fear and panic among russian corrupt officers in uniform, as well as to send a clear signal to the army. he said that the kremlin sees and hears everything. and those who steal from the russian army and prevent the successful conclusion of the so-called special military operation will be punished for this, however, as we know, putin never goes to the end, and all this resembles a big imitation, the main purpose of which is to put dust in the eyes of the russian military, but following the dubious logic of putin's previous actions and reading the pessimistic forecasts of russian bloggers, you draw a conclusion. the russian military is unlikely to believe in this delusion. ukraine could hit up to 50% of all over-the-horizon radar stations of russia,
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which are responsible for the conventional south-southeast direction. this was the assumption made by the defense express publication, commenting on the strike by a ukrainian drone on the voronish mm radar in the city of orsk on may 26. experts claim that the drone flew a record a distance of 1,800 km and was able to hit the strategic eyes of the enemy. more about this operation in our next story. on may 26, a drone of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine attacked the voronesh m long-range target detection radar station, located in the city of orsk, orenbur region of the russian federation. ukrainian pravda reported this in the morning of may 27 with reference to its own sources in gur. this attack is considered a new record, because the ukrainian drone covered a distance of more than 1,800 km to the object.
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the ukrainian drone reported a distance of more than 1,800 km to an enemy target, setting a new record for the range of damage for kamikaze drones. the immediate consequences of the uav strike are unknown, and there is no official confirmation from the group either. however, the russian public reported that the drone fell approximately 30 km from orsk in the territory of the novoorsk district. sources in law enforcement agencies confirmed the information that the ural-56 fell into a uav near orsk. the target of the drone may have been a military object. there are no injuries or deaths, as well as destruction of infrastructure. the regional authorities report that so far there is no reliable information about it. operational services are investigating all the circumstances. it is noted that voronesh m- is a member of
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the russian ta' family. stationary over-the-horizon radar stations of great capability, they are designed to detect space and aerodynamic objects, in particular ballistic and cruise missiles. the station operates in the meter wave range and has a detection range of up to 6 km. prior to this new record, the most distant target attacked by a ukrainian uav was an object in the city of selavat republic of bashkortostan-rf from a record distance of 1,500 km. it happened where. in may , the interlocutor of the sbu reported for ukrainian pravda. according to sources of ukrainian truth, it was a drone of the security service of ukraine, which reported a distance of 1,500 km. gazprom naftokhim salavat is one of the largest oil refining and petrochemical production complexes in russia. it specializes in the production of gasoline, diesel fuel and other types of petroleum products. then
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the head of the region, radii khabirov, announced the drone attack on... the refinery in bashkotorstan. russian media published a video with smoke from the fire and reported that there were no casualties in the incident. as we can see, the war did not stand in the way of the development of modern ukrainian technologies for the production of long- range drones. the current record hits at a distance of more than 1,800 km'. meters are demonstrated. the ukrainian uav program reached a fundamentally new qualitative level. the russians are already expressing very serious concern, especially given that they have deployed a large production of iranian drones in yelabuz, tatarstan. by the way, this week western media reported that the russians began to actively use citizens of african countries for the production of uavs on their territory.
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in particular, it turned out that more than a thousand natives from the countries of the african continent are working on the collection of iranian shaheds. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thank you for being with us, glory to ukraine and together to victory. there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on troksivzin 15% in pharmacies plantain to you. and
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savings. glory to ukraine. dear tv viewers, the studio zahid program is on the air of the tv channel. we will analyze the most important events of this. week, in particular, we will talk about high geopolitics, how it will affect the internal ukrainian situation and the situation on the battlefield, we will also talk about the russian-ukrainian war. today's guests of the zahid studio are retired british army colonel glen grant and member of the polish sejm of the second and third term, historian and publicist myroslav czach. glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, a military expert, will be on the air of the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear
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sir colonel, good.


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