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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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as it remains now, it remains ukrainian, and thanks to the fact that the armed forces of ukraine continue to hold back the russian offensive. oles mylarevich, deputy, deputy commander of the akhilez attack unmanned aviation complex battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade is already with us, mr. oles, we congratulate you, we wish you health, glory to ukraine, health, glory, today those guys who defend vovchansk are not are able to wear embroidered dresses, because they are dressed in a pixel, because muscovites rush there. actually. which one the situation in kharkiv oblast, mr. oles? the situation is tense, but under control, the enemy is trying to advance both in ovchansk and in lyptsy, we are working closer to lyptsy, in ovchansk there are some of our units, our brigades are involved, they are trying to advance, take these lines, but they are not succeeding, the task is to defend lines is executed, at the first opportunity such tactical counter-offensive actions are always applied. in order to return or capture
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the positions that are needed. how many enemy army are there? a lot, a lot, they are are constantly rolling back to russia, they are recovering, thank god, we reached our international partners, remember, you were there on the air a week or two ago, and i said that the americans are coming, we are communicating, we are conveying information, the information has reached the right place, for now it will be a little better, we can work. he said that in fact ukraine has already started the first phase of its future counteroffensive, that is, it immediately began to hit the belgorod region and various other regions with mortars and other means, from where are receiving reinforcements now in kharkivsk. in
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the direction, well, this must be done, this is not a counterattack, it is simply necessary to suppress their telesupport, their launch sites, s-300, s400, all their physical, well , warehouses, well, chains of support, because they are moving to the border, calm down, i told you about it, they cross the border and there are several kilometers already on the line of contact, so we could not work in their rear, now we can, in that donbas we understood that there is the first, second, third line of telev software. they worked with the types of weapons that they can get, there was no such thing here, only the first line, but now the second, the third will fly through them, it will definitely be done, what do the sticky people look like now, what does vovchansk look like, what do the ruins look like, there can’t be anything else there, then, this is when the place becomes under the center of hostilities, then, well, this is an old video, yes, by the way, it’s not a village, it’s a little closer to lipka, there...
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a deep house, yes, i don’t know , whether he is whole or not, but then we released him, yes, mr. oles, what are your needs for your unit, our most important need is motivated, intelligent people, whom we invite to our unit, and accompany through the training center to us, so what i say every time about this, if you have decided to serve in the army, but you think that now, or think that now you will be invited to... don't wait, apply to our battalion and you will be in the coolest team, friendly and high-tech, get a profession that will help you a lot in life in the future, be competitive and secure, and so technical means, of course drones, all these meetings we hold are supported by private companies, people of course support, well, there are various small elements that we will finalize the drones, and we buy a lot of them, we use them, the mobilization company. which is currently ongoing,
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has it somehow affected the number of people who apply to your unit? well, there is a complex of factors, of course, and thanks to you, we can say 92 brigade on the air, here we are there, we are dressed normally, we work, we have results, we show, it works, because our guys, when they get to the training center, now the next group has come, they say that those who are next to them, they are begging, they don't know the slop anymore, i know the brigade. here, there is a good attitude towards the staff and here it is not just to serve there, you know, to work here, but it is interesting, they want to come to us, they will ask, but already in the training center it is impossible, because you have to come there already having documents that after training , people will go to us, so only you will cross with troops somewhere in your place, you will not get to us if you keep three the subpoena, or even if you don't have it yet, you need to contact us at the early session, and we will then... say how we are needed, there is,
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there is competition among the brigades, it is necessary, this is a whole policy of mobilization, it works so individually for everyone, and that's normal, but why not? competition, who ranks first among preferences? no, competition among divisions, if a person is smart, motivated, of course, everyone wants to invite him to their place , it starts with who brought the document first, who negotiated first, or there with the initial in the center, or there with the military commander, well , there are many nuances here, well, what is paid attention to when there is such a struggle for a person, well, you know, you see a person, you look into his eyes, everything is clear that ours, or to communicate, if a person i filled out the form, we talk by video, not by phone, by video, so that we can see each other, and then we also understand our, our, we sometimes say, listen, you are doing well, but we
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no longer have such a position, already busy, you are not suitable for anything else, we wish you all the best there, this also happens, because they apply, now many people call, but we really want to select the best, because... then it's easier to work, here everything depends on the intelligence and responsibility of the person, that is , you say to see the eyes, to feel if this person, well, roughly speaking, is breathing with you the same air, does he have the same views, and physical form, it has the same meaning, well, of course, of course, mine was a case when they say, the driver is from god, he wants to come to you, but the weight is 200 kg, i say , listen, i... in general , i do not recommend in the army with such a weight, a little prepare yourself in civilian life, then, because with such a weight you will definitely not survive here, with all due respect to the physical characteristics of a person, this should not be allowed, but everything else in principle is not critical, well, that is, but someone
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allowed this person , she passed in the lk, well, i don't know if they passed there or not, it was at an early stage before the arrival of wax, they thought they were mobilizing and so on... there were already preliminaries, that's why they turned to us. mr. valesyu, now the russians, who, as i return, are attacking on your part of the front, are they are currently using the technique, what are their tactics now in general? their tactic is to bomb everything they can, and they move in small groups of infantry, because we have a very tight line of defense here now, and they are trying to find something there, some gap there, it is impossible to do, but they have orders to move forward , here they move, they move in small groups, and they die, that is, what i recently happened to hear about, how four cabs fly through the plantation, fall exactly like that, and then immediately after that
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the infantry assault of these positions, which , by the way, was repulsed at the time, the fighters who survived after this attack, that’s that, that, that’s basically how you are... they are fighting, yes, yes, this is what it looks like, for the most part, so here we are waiting for aviation to that the system to shoot down their planes on the approach to the landing beach, well, thank you very much, mr. oles, oles mylarevich was with us, the deputy commander of the strike battalion of the hiles bpak of the 92nd separate assault brigade, we talked about the situation on kharkiv direction, where heavy battles are taking place? about those who want to actually mobilize to the 92nd separate assault brigade and to the battalion of unmanned attack air systems achilles. the new law on mobilization has been in effect for the second week, and during this time 1,200,000 conscripts
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updated their data through the reserve plus application, about 120,000 applications were processed in administrative service centers. what problems do ukrainians who are subject to mobilization face? let's see. on the morning of the 9th, there is already a queue of fifty people, there are several of them, near one of the capital's shopping centers electronic and so-called live, when people independently form lists. some have come to the assembly center since the morning. there were already 21 people in the queue as of 5:40 when i got here, i signed up 22nd. from the words of people who have been here for more than a day. during the day, they are in... most of the men are updating their data, someone has been sent an order to the enterprise, someone has personal questions. i came today to see what is here and how, i see that there is
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a queue here, i will probably have to stand, although disabled people are allowed through without waiting in line. i don't i need the idea of ​​joining the army, i'm not fit for anything. there are many women in the crowd of men. it is mainly those who have a military specialty, they say, everything happens quickly and without unnecessary questions. i signed up for the electronic queue at 8 in the morning. i came here, it turned out that... they work from 9 o'clock, but at 9 o'clock they started, and really, you know, i was preparing for such trash, there are such very nice women who looked over all my documents, updated the data, sent i'm on a fork, so you know, i'll be honest, i am pleasantly surprised, while citizens are actively updating their data in tsks and the reserve+ application , the verkhovna rada wants to increase the period of their updating, which proposes to extend
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the data update period from 60 to 150 days, because, according to the deputy, the tsk system was not ready to accept that number of citizens , which update the data. currently, there is no reason to extend this term to 150 days, while some force majeure may occur. some, for example, attacks on servers can happen, and then theoretically some problems can arise, and this will happen the reason for extending the period from 60 days to 150. another loud statement this week was the news about the reduction of the training period, instead of two months , mobilized people are trained for one and a half months, however, the ministry of defense noted that the training period of the soldiers will not change. the updates also affected the reserve plus relationship. more than 700,000 ukrainian citizens were deprived of the status of
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warrantless search. the ministry of defense advises you to re-authorize the application in order to see your updated status. this is our work, the work that we do, that we proactively do conducted together with the ministry of internal affairs, and we saw that such actions lead to the fact that people do not go to the tsc without creating. and do not have, are not obliged to correct this data with the help of physical contact. the updated military registration document should always be with you, because it can be checked at any time by tsk employees, border guards and policemen. if there are no such documents, the national police may detain and deliver to the shopping center. also, for those who do not want to update the data, the right to drive can be restricted means such a decision will be canceled immediately after. data update. in addition to administrative and temporary restrictions on the right to drive vehicles, one should not forget about
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criminal liability, which is provided for in article 336, 337 and 382 of the criminal code, i.e. in case of violation of the rules of mobilization accounting, i.e. evasion of conscription for military service, failure to comply with court decisions, but also in the case of passing the military medical commission and not appearing for combat summonses, or so-called dispatch summonses. we will remind that for by the new law on mobilization... all conscripts must update their credentials by july 16 of this year. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon. ihor romanenko, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine. the lieutenant general is already in touch with us. let's talk now about the front and military aid. mr. igor, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. mr. general, we already know from russia, russians, even russian. the so-called war correspondent oleksandr kots stated that,
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wrote that immediately after receiving permission to strike with western, western long-range weapons in russia, as kots writes, the enemy is trying to suppress the command of the seyever troop grouping, permission to strike with western high-point, desk-point, probably weapons along the border was received and the same... should be implemented, this is news from russians, yes, this is a very good step in order to increase our efforts, increase the potential of defeating the enemy and hit at the appropriate distances, it was the hymers that got involved, and the artillery, german and american, got involved for inflicting the appropriate... damage, and we remember that 80% of damage to the enemy target
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is achieved due to the use of our artillery, but this is not the range of the atakams, not up to 300 km, and in general, such use is only in border areas, well most likely in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, and now there are nohairs up to 80 km away. keep in mind that in recent times the effectiveness of scalibur is a projectile that costs 100 thousand for a large one. as well as corresponding projectiles on hymers decreased from 70 to 6% due to the use by the russians of their means of radio-electronic suppression, therefore a fundamentally important step in granting permission from a military and technical point of view is, let's say, not
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the full realization of this kind of opportunity, we fundamentally need missiles for... action, both at the front in general, and especially, let's say, in the kharkiv direction, already now it is possible for a promising, sumy or any other, as well as permits for the entry of f16s, which we have been hearing for more than six months, how all this is moving, how there is improvement in the english language and all the rest, fundamentally we need an application in the potential of exactly... such means of france's decision to send military instructors to us, britain is also thinking about it, is this the first step to the fact that some contingents will be gradually stationed in ukraine, in your opinion, is this a promising direction? well, this is the initiative of france and
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the president, we remember that it was sometime in february that he made the first such... the use of weapons technology, first of all american, german, yes, the initiative of the french regarding the use of military personnel, well, first of all instructors, but how important. the beginning and we see that since this time, that is, the statements of the french president, many countries, not all, but a large number of countries have declared that they will not support and are ready for this, it is especially clear that they are carrying out such an initiative, countries, which most feel closeness,
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let's say, and the temperature and meaning of war, breathing, if you will. and these are the poles and the baltic countries, of course, that is, they went further than statements regarding the instructors, they declared that they would be ready to use their troops without waiting for the russians to break through there or to advance somewhere along those borders, to meet them already on our territories, why? because according to primary before the start of the nato war, they had to wait for the nato, well, poland and the baltic countries, when the russians enter, they will advance, and then the nato reserves will be drawn up and they will be expelled, but after looking at what is happening in these territories in ukraine, they fundamentally raised the question and nato
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agreed that troops should be brought to these countries, but it is business as usual. ponativski is still unclear and not fast for the battalion in these countries in poland, in romania the battalion will not solve these issues , taking into account the fact that after the martial law of the second world war, europe rested there from the point of view of security and did not invest funds and did not take measures to raise potential of its security, and now all this must be given to them, ukraine gives such time, the third year and... a great price for such assistance to our allies in europe, and therefore, understanding such approaches, they these countries have gone further with their troops and are preparing for such steps, this is very important, because again, the rest will be drawn up by the situation that is on the front right here in ukraine.
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the question that i've already raised today, i'll try to address it to you as well, is... the question, uh, gave an interview, frank ledwich, a british, uh, a british specialist, ex- intelligence, military, and uh , he was asked by journalists about why ukraine keeps a bridgehead on the left bank in kherson, and here he, for example, believes that it is, that it is vanity, moreover, he even called it... it is an extremely reckless decision to keep the bridgehead there until now, i believe that we have huge losses, ukraine, i mean, the armed forces of ukraine, the best brigades , are suffering heavy losses, and here are his thoughts further , that to make a breakthrough and bypass the russians from the flanks with a unit, there is not enough density
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and strength, firepower and manpower, everything that made this operation justified, this should be stopped immediately and people should be directed to where they are really needed, how do you military, how do you see the situation now? on the left bank, do you see the need and prospects there, or is it really what mr. ledwich calls the gambler in las vegas who has lost too much and is now sorry to get out of the game. well , in order to talk about the excitement, he needs to go there and feel the excitement, whether it's heavy combat, firstly, in order to be more objective, secondly, i... opposed and argued the position due to the fact that last year the resource for one direction cont the offensive was divided into as many as four, that is
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, two on zaporozhye, and it was given to fight to general zaluzhny, one to nabahmud, it was given to general sivsky, and even at the end, in august, when it was obvious that the counteroffensive would not... take place, they captured bridgeheads, this is, to put it mildly, an irrational approach, and the natov already in july began an offensive, as you know, the fourth will be the anniversary of june, and scattered these resources, and well, as it was confirmed from the point of view of both theory and practice, it was ineffective, and the fourth direction, and this was the most important at the time promising until russia... it was flooded with water, after that it was flooded, after that opportunities began to appear, when the water subsided, this is firstly, secondly, an assessment at that time, which means that
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it was necessary to focus on one direction in general and to switch in july, to switch to strategic defense already in july, and not to fight until autumn with small resources and with heavy losses, now the situation, since everything? it happened, it is necessary to start from other positions, that is, the bridgeheads are captured, the enemy is pressing, the situation there is deteriorating, and it is necessary to determine whether there is a resource to maintain such positions for another month, i would say two, and the question is not only in terms of time, in the situation that is developing, i.e. whether we will be able to work together with our allies, if they help us, and we we will call for the mobilization of the largest number of troops, to stop the advance of the enemy, but this is the first thing, and
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secondly, to gather resources so that already this year the pine trees, for example, carry out de-occupation actions, why i am in more detail, because then they can be useful precisely these are captured. us territories of the left bank, and then it will be justified, i.e. characterizing the situation at the present time is a time or a tactical assessment, which is what the british intelligence officer does, and if we approach this strategically, the final assessment should be made after our military and political leadership can answer those questions , which i formulated, i.e. questions in resources. it will be enough to disrupt the second stage of the russian offensive, or at the expense of the fact that we now form a defense system, and if even after
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that we can gather some forces by autumn, which will then carry out de-occupation actions, where the importance of these bridgeheads will be very high, now they are of a tactical level, and if there will be a reserve, a resource for carrying out an offensive with... cutting something that did not happen last year, because they hit with melted beams, now the concentrations should be fisted, fist at least in one direction, then it will be expedient, and now we need to focus on the fact that if it is most dangerous to carry out actions in these directions and protect our military, marines, e in relation to e initiative of the czech government peter'. pavila, who found for us shells for the armed forces of ukraine, and these shells are already beginning to find their way to the front, as far as i understand, how
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helpful they will be. how will they increase the actual amount of capacity here for artillery? the fact that the situation with ammunition is improving in some, the most difficult directions, such as, for example, avdiyivka, let's say chasovyar, such as the kharkiv direction, that is, there is not enough for everyone, but i emphasize this, not at the expense of the czech initiative, the czech initiative suffered after... significant pressure from the russians and inhibition, because they identified all the countries that take part in this, they put pressure on these countries in any way, in the end they got interested in funds, that is, they overbought these positions, raised the prices, and what was showed, used the fact that even if the prices
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were listed, let's say... in electronic form, funds, but it was possible in suitcases, yes, the russians have a lot of practice, in suitcases funds, bags, suitcases, so to deliver there in suitcases, then this definitely had an effect on the harmonization of these processes, this is, firstly, secondly, the share is large, all the ammunition was from the countries of asia and africa, where if there was no war, there would be no war, and they were stored there in poor quality. and after they enter the czech republic, they need to be slightly restored there, that is, positions by 50%, this also slows down these processes, but despite this, the czechs say that from the black moon we will still receive 50 - 100 00, i say, god forbid, we need them, because ammunition is the component that can
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directly... and immediately affect the improvement of the situation at the front, even with those artillery means that we have, and we need large -caliber projectiles, both nato 155-105 and soviet 152-122 calibers, and that is why it is fundamental, and we know that the enemy is in this if he himself produces there 200, 15 million ri. estimates, well, a small number of their allies help faster, but they help them faster than a large number of ours. 30,000 to 100,000 per month, is it a lot or a little, we literally have a minute, it is tangible, i will tell you that the russians use 10,000 per day, and we use one, now the situation has improved, well, we can four, somewhere possible. six per day and then
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calculate arithmetically and see if it is a lot or a little, it will be felt, i understand that this is still help, but the russians, i emphasize once again, use 10 00 per day, per day, yes ihor romanenko , the founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, the lieutenant general was with us, mr. igor, thank you, dear friends, the air alarm is spreading, at least for now it has been announced in the east of ukraine, be there. uh, be careful, follow the safety rules, we, in the meantime we are approaching 10 in the morning, which means that we will watch a fresh selection of news, and it is already ready, kateryna shirokopois will tell you what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, kateryna, you have my word. greetings olesya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you about the gas explosion in a high-rise building in vinnytsia and the new diversion that the north koreans arranged.
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kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news on espresso tv channel. in the morning , a gas explosion occurred in one of the buildings in vinnytsia. the spokeswoman of the regional police, zarina, informed about this mayevska as a result of the explosion, the windows in the apartments were broken. and damaged balconies, information about the victims is currently unknown. emergency services are on site. volodymyr zelenskyi met with the head of the pentagon lloyd austin, they talked about the defense needs of our country, the strengthening of the ukrainian air defense system and the f-16 coalition. it was also discussed during the meeting.


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