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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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this is about politics, about the world, we are talking with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet and the head of the council for cooperation with ukraine pawel koval. congratulations! i congratulate you! i am maria gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel espresso and editor-in-chief of the eu sister site. the key news from poland this week is the launch of the eastern state defense program. shield: details of what the biggest operation to strengthen nato's eastern flank since 1945 will look like were presented monday at the polish ministry of national defense. let's try analyze what are the key goals of launching the eastern shield and what is poland preparing for? this is primarily border protection, it is important because belarus actually functions as a part of russia. i always said that. that is, all the time
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during the last months he said that there is no point in building illusions. belarus uses refugees as a specific weapon in a hybrid war with poland. it pushes people against each other, creates a sense of threat and potentially provokes various conflicts. it is, unfortunately. therefore, it is direct border protection, full border protection now, but also in future case of an attack, because it is actually a potential attack. the project is being built just in case it unfolds. today, the main thing that citizens expect from us is security. so, on the one hand, we care about ukraine, we give it all possible support when it comes to defense, but as for the border with belarus and russia, it needs to be strengthened and our forces concentrated so that people feel safe. the program costing 10 billion zlotys with several defense lanes with a length of 700 km, reinforced concrete. hedgehogs, minefields,
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hideouts, bunkers, swamps and forests has already been called the modern polish majino line, although in reality it is something much larger, because it includes electronic equipment, drone systems, etc. and all that is possible, the fact is that the borders must be protected in accordance with what the specific situation dictates to us. a year ago i was on vacation in finland to see how they protect the borders and i saw how the finns successfully combine... what nature itself gives. in this regard, the swamp should also be a physical barrier to the use of natural and technical barriers, because sometimes they are ideal, but in addition to them , electronic means are needed, the most modern and effective ones. everything together gives an effect, for us this is the key. it is very interesting, the minister of internal affairs of lithuania announced the creation of the drone wall project after a meeting of representatives of the baltic states, poland, finland and norway. this means
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that the eastern shield, this polish line of defense, correlates and fits into the european defense system that other countries are currently building. i think that all these elements will be elements of the defense of nato's eastern border and of the european union, in the near future we are talking about terms of 10-15 years. one way or another, but this is the line of defense. poland should be fully ready by the 28th year, that is, within the next three years. but the very decision that this is happening, the very start of the project, is already a clear signal to our colleagues, let's say, in quotation marks in russia. they need to hear that we are ready to produce weapons and defend ourselves, they use fear and we need to minimize fear, people need to feel safe. in order for this to happen, paradoxically enough. none are needed
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attack, it will work preventively, because people will feel safe. please look at what is happening on the internet today, in connection with the operation in kharkiv, we are dealing with an unprecedented online attack on the west, on ukraine, when russian trolls are explaining to people that the west cannot cope. our answer is this: we are capable of producing weapons, we are capable of protecting the border, we can do it, we will not allow our citizens to be intimidated. recently, kharkiv suffered terrible russian missile attacks. it is known that as a result of the attack on construction store, 19 people died, more than fifty were injured. these videos are the epicenter. it is impossible to watch with a calm heart, without tears to look at the footage of the impact, or how children are looking for their parents. mothers - sons, and a little boy takes a dna test to find his father's body. in europe,
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they are discussing closing the sky over ukraine, currently over western ukraine. along a corridor of 70-100 km, having returned directly from berlin, i see that there is an awareness that what is happening in kharkiv can affect the fate of the entire war, that it is necessary to use new measures, new methods of protecting ukraine, supporting ukraine. whether it is possible to close the sky today from a technical and political point of view, i do not know, but in this
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war it also happens that many answers that we were looking for seemed impossible at first, but in two or three months turned out to be quite real. i treat it as a decision of the military, it is they. have to decide which solution is real today, how it can be implemented, because it is necessary not only to declare it, but also to implement it. minister minister of foreign affairs of poland radoslav sikorsky announced the introduction of restrictions on the movement of russian diplomats within the country. sikorsky explains that the government has evidence of russia's involvement in sabotage inside poland. the new york times writes about a number of sabotages throughout europe, emphasizes. that together with a series of arsons in poland, they constitute the elements of a complex special operation game, the purpose of which is to intimidate european citizens in order to reduce support for ukraine. what is known about it? we continue to talk about the fact that
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the key russian operation this year - an attempt to capture or conquer kharkiv. this attack is covered by a huge information campaign built on fear. to realize this goal, sabotage is used, the second fact: the russian embassy in poland is extremely toxic. i say this frankly, i have long believed that they are not doing anything good in diplomacy, they are simply stirring up passions, and the decision of minister aszikorskyi is obvious. i would not like to comment on it more deeply, if such unprecedented decisions are made, then there are good reasons for them. what the investigation says about a series of arsons in poland, which the new york times says are part of a russian campaign of intimidation in europe. i can't say anything more about this, it's not a topic i'm ready to comment on in detail. what are we waiting for
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the results of the investigation? of course, all such things, i.e. arson, found incendiary elements, are taken extremely seriously. we live in a new world, a world where there is no. security, as two, four or 5 years ago, today the services take it all very seriously. each of these cases are subject to investigation, careful study and verification of where they come from. personally, i am convinced that we have an extremely high intensity of propaganda and propaganda-subversive actions on the part of russia, because russia would like to get such an advantage to conquer ukraine this year in the course of certain peace negotiations, but on russian terms. our interest. is to achieve peace, but according to just principles, this means that ukraine should have a clear, good position at the front, it should be able to defend itself and our duty to help in this. you communicate a lot, talk to people, how does this russian campaign of intimidation affect
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ordinary poles, is it having an effect, are people in poland really scared? i think you need to distinguish between two phenomena: fear and anxiety, fear is... really good because fear is our emotional feelings, but based on rational, real premises and experiences of history. we see what the russians are doing and we know what they can do next because we have the experience of history. anxiety is an emotional feeling, which is probably less conscious, that is, based more on a certain kind of helplessness. now let's deal with fear for a moment. what can be done with fear? fear can be turned into something positive - it means that we will develop civil defense in poland, let's be honest, hardly anyone thought about it in the last 30 years. fear is also the basis for informing the public about where the nearest shelter is, building shelters and preparing people to evacuate, not because there will be an evacuation, but so that everyone knows what
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to do, as is practiced throughout the world in countries that are in such a situation as poland, we must wake up. we have been in this situation for many years. similar to the situation in israel, this means that we will be the last stronghold in the east for a long time, especially on the border with belarus and with the ex-kaliningrad and now krulovetsky region. yesterday i was doing a class with students where there was a group discussion about whether children should be given pillowcases that say what to put in a backpack in case of evacuation, i was convinced that in the group of students the majority would say no, because it would cause a certain fear, and i told them, you can feel fear, but let's use that fear and make something rational out of it, we took a vote, i was sure that at most three or four people would say that they wanted to give their child such a gift with instructions. and most of them said: i want to give this to my child, and now we see
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that you can be worried, and you can interpret this feeling as fear and actually do something positive, we are at the beginning of serious thinking about security, it is also the consequences of this war, i a proponent of safety training and preparing people to respond to extreme situations, partly in the training process, if it were up to me, it would happen every year to ensure that people respond correctly, for example to the ... that you describe reminds me of the discussions that took place in ukraine right before the war, at the end of the 21st, at the beginning of the 22nd years, some people thought why this media campaign, why talk about it at all... on tv, i hosted these programs on espresso at the time. we sat in the studio, and some
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experts said: don't scare people, people already have enough problems, let them focus on something more pleasant than thinking about what to pack in an alarming suitcase, and how quickly we needed these suitcases. but i also think that when people are taught how to pack anxiety bags in a timely manner, it can take away the prospect of ever needing those bags at all. personally. i had such a suitcase filled with everything i needed. in my opinion, it is necessary to admit that times have changed, it is necessary to learn to distinguish anxiety from of fear, do not be afraid of fear, just use it to win, because the russians will definitely hail from it. polish military and their colleagues from the baltic states may appear in ukraine if russia breaks through the front. this information is reported by the german media. spiegel cites statements made during the conference. of security in estonia. according to the publication, if the russians manage to make
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a strategic breakthrough in the east of ukraine, the baltic states and poland will not wait for the russians to appear on their borders, and will send their armies to ukraine themselves. what can be said about this new one dimension in the discussion regarding the introduction of troops of european countries into ukraine. maybe this is just currently unofficial information that no one has confirmed, and maybe. in detail, it is not exactly the same, but it shows how the atmosphere has changed, because no matter what, it has already been officially announced that france has sent its instructors to ukraine, so this information is not confirmed, but it indicates the context, it is quite possible that someone with someone so talked, but these are certainly not facts, no politician will say that this is a fact. poland does not plan to introduce troops into ukraine today, and the prime minister clearly denied this, but it does not change the way of thinking about...
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everyone is starting to think that the matter is not only in ukraine, it is in us. the head of the polish foreign ministry said in london that... ukraine has the right to attack strategic targets inside russia. on may 27, this opinion was repeated by nato secretary jen stoltenberg in bulgaria, but italian prime minister george maloney and german chancellor olaf scholz oppose it . why are the positions so different on this issue and what are the prospects for understanding? i have been telling german politicians for many months that this war cannot be waged without the ability to strike strategic targets. it is impossible to wage a war without the protection of ukrainian skies, it is impossible to wage it
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without combat aviation from the ukrainian side, that is obvious. you don't have to graduate from a military naval academy or other military training, you just need to start thinking. if we want to reduce the costs of this war, we must help ukraine. aid to ukraine can be translated into specifics, i.e. by providing good ammunition. but also by providing aircraft and providing missiles that can hit targets in russia, you know, i often say to german politicians: ukraine did not occupy russia, it did not attack the...
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russia is threatening nuclear weapons in response to this discussion, and you know, i will tell you a little bit from my own life, about my conversations with my father , my dad is now in kyiv, he is the director of the ukrainian theater dzerkalo and an active public figure, we call on the weekend, discuss the news, and recently my father says: did you hear that... our guys say, sikorsky speaks on behalf of the americans, says if russia strikes, then will receive such a blow that it will come to an end. this story is such an illustration of modern polish-ukrainian relations, and, by the way, it is also about the fact that ukrainians recognize sikorsky as their own, and, by the way, pavel koval, because hundreds of thousands of ukrainians watch this program of ours. oh, that's for sure. what can we
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add to this discussion, seriously, about nuclear blackmail from the side. of russia, and when this did not happen, there is nothing new here. we must also learn to live with russian nuclear threats. the only paradox of these threats to russia is that they can threaten only once, that is, they can implement their threats only once. you can blackmail only if you threaten, and therefore they will not do it, but will continue to threaten again and again. how quickly a decision can be made at the event. today it is clear that this was a mistake. year, after the withdrawal of the russians from kherson, then they also started to scare again, they scare when they are afraid, when they feel that the end is near, let's not have an illusion. if there are these conversations, it means that their agents from various parts of western europe know what european politicians began to think seriously, because everyone thinks logically. i mean, it makes no sense to endlessly supply ammunition to the front, if the enemy has
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the ability to manufacture it, it is necessary to strike at the places of production, and it looks like russia is slowly... must understand that there is a breakthrough in the west, that's why they are starting to threaten , because if threats begin, then it is not a sign of strength, but of weakness, but they have been doing it ever since they got nuclear weapons, so did the soviets, and so does putin's russia. ukraine feels advocacy of its security on the part of poland, for which we are extremely grateful to you. i would like
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to use such parameters to calculate the time, i don't want you to think that i am talking about this so calmly, that maybe the chancellor will make a decision in a few months, i am not calm, but what can a politician do, i started talking about it at the end last year, as well as other polish politicians. that it must be done here and now and yet something constantly fails, but every time it works out in the end. what will happen in this case, we wait and press.
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elections to the european parliament will be held on june 6-9. marine le pen, matteo salvini. sara wagenkneft and other politicians from all over europe are waiting for the possibility of revenge from far-right forces. according to polls, they can get about 25% of the seats in the next european parliament. what will this european parliament be like, how big is the risk of a significant advantage of far-right forces, and what would this mean for europe, poland and ukraine. there is no such threat, they will not get a majority in the european parliament, there will be a little more votes of the far-right, but it will not be decisive. i i carefully follow what... what is happening, i think i know european politics well, i was a member of the european parliament, in that capacity i came to ukraine to meet the protesters on
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the maidan, i think i know these mechanisms well, don't worry, there is an np , a little bit of the left, a little bit of liberals, today i see that those parties that have a rational attitude to security will win, putin tern will not win, they are fighting today, they want to show that they are so strong. and again, the nicer dog growls louder, they are just showing off threat, it's part of the russian company we talked about, but it won't work. thank you for this program, pavel koval, maria gurska, watch our programs in polish on pavel koval's youtube channel, in ukrainian on espresso every sunday at 3:30 p.m. and at 10 p.m., and also read our interviews in polish and ukrainian on sestry eu i'm a little off today. you have a cold, be healthy, thank you,
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selyam aleykum, welcome to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tv channel. i am gulson khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitskyi are working for you in the studio of the tv channel. today we will tell you, as always, about the first military results of last week in crimea, and we will talk with the army general, the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010 by mykola malomuzhe. mr. mykola, congratulations. congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, well, mr. mykola, of course. i would like to start this broadcast with the latest and most current news, as you know, yesterday gurmo of ukraine reported on a successful operation that
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it conducted in the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula and it became known that there they destroyed russian high-speed boats, these are qataris, and tuna, if i am not mistaken, and two of them were destroyed, a fish name, a fish name, yes, and what does this mean for us, why the russian okupa. used these boats as far as that really a very powerful strike on russia, on the russian black sea fleet? well , first of all, we have to talk about the fact that we destroyed exactly the logistics route, this is exactly the ferry crossing, and this was our second question, well, what are the boats, because the enemy has two routes, the eastern one, we know that, donetsk, zaporozhye direction and the crimean direction, this is the kerch bridge, which... is currently used to a limited extent for the delivery of equipment and armed ammunition and the ferry, they expect that for some period we will destroy the bridge completely, so they worked out the full
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logistics via steam ferry. which we actually disorientated and destroyed a huge part of, not only that, there were a number of blocks in such a way that it is now almost impossible to carry out repairs, it simply blocked the movement of ships and at the same time we destroyed the security, just these two tunas, it was security from our drones underwater, sea, surface-type and air-type, that is why precisely these ships were destroyed in the format of a common, so to speak, i once... path, as well as about the protection of this path, this is the important result that we now they stopped the supply of equipment and ammunition through this route to the territory of crimea, kherson, and zaporizhzhia regions, and one more moment, they lowered the level of combat capability of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, it consists of strategic, respectively, ships, frigates, missile systems, which you
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repeatedly dropped, well and of course these... boats, which provide precisely the protection of strategic objects, including ferry crossings, and it is possible to use them in the format of conducting some remote operations, that is, they will no longer be really threaten us. mr. mykola, well , earlier there was a lot of talk about the need to destroy the kerch bridge, over which armed russians were also thrown, but recently, well, probably because so much in the media about... it was reported that it is visible from satellite images , that heavy equipment is currently not being brought in via the bridge, they are guarding it and accordingly decided to strike at the ferry crossing, this means that the bridge will no longer be hit, or the bridge is simply our next target, they
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will be in... contacts are also being conducted by preparatory special operations, but i believe that today we will neutralize almost all strategic objects on the territory of the crimea, which is the black sea, these are the launchers of missile systems and, accordingly, such as the triumph - these are rockets , they have reworked their ground strikes and air targets, this onyx, these are radar systems, which literally overnight also... strikes on the territory of crimea, these are ships, these are, accordingly, a grouping of troops, so just limiting the activity and the bridge, this once again reduces the combat capability, but when will we destroy it, like this the main question, i frankly, today we have to stand on the front, we do it in strategic directions, destroying the enemy's reserves from 1,200 to 1,700 every day, and in a week it's 12,00, that's three brigades at least in a month, that's 30,000,
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an entire army. and this is undermining powerful russia, no matter who says that it is not undermining, it is undermining, i know the russian military well, it is a powerful blow to their, so to speak, offensive aggressive positions, but we are in the second stage, and this, i think, is the second half year, the end of the year, we move to strategic offensives operations, this is a new strategy of waging war, but after receiving weapons and ammunition from the usa, europe, purchasing on foreign markets and our own military equipment, destroying these facilities on the territory of crimea, we will move on. to strategic strikes along the border and to enter the crimea, and at this moment to cover the kerch bridge at once, if they rebuild or rebuild a straight crossing or two, then the crimean peninsula will not turn into a fortress, but into a big trap, no one will be able to escape there by bridge, or ferry crossing, well, it can't a small number of ships, the more we will destroy them today every day, and we will destroy precisely the strike groups, these are airfields, well, the type, as
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belbek, we have already said at once, including various types of aircraft, bombers, rockets, just aircraft, especially those from mich. 31, which launch rockets and daggers that fly even to kyiv for a few minutes, and we simply destroy the infrastructure of the airfield, planes, as well as iopators in other places, other military facilities, ammunition depots, control headquarters, rails, which control all water area, almost the whole of our country. therefore, at the moment, it will be a one-moment powerful complex strike by foreign means (strome shadow), scalps, respectively, atakams, our systems, precisely, these are ionics, these are drones of various types, including ballistic and naval ones, of course, these are different types of weapons that will be launched during the liberation of the peninsula, this is a testament to the truth for the kerch bridge, it will simply be destroyed out of respect, mr.
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mykola, i have... one more question, here is the russian eye yesterday.


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