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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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a large number, and we also understand that this crime was very correctly read in many european capitals, and let's hope that decisions will be made, yes, well, but when we talk about the finalization of certain decisions, in particular, about the presence of western instructors on our territory , this will reduce the logistical burden and at the same time it will allow us to process or train a large number of our recruits as quickly as possible, but there is one more important point: the russians have already announced their criminal intentions to kill or attempt to kill western instructors, and this means it will read correctly in western capitals as well. so, what is the feeling of these new wars and possibly a new stage of the war, connected with the fact that the west has decided, perhaps for itself, the readiness to take serious steps. the first thing i thought about was that they dragged it out for a very long time. in fact, it was about to happen. maybe even a year and a half,
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instead, western capitals tried to use peacetime methods to solve a wartime problem, and now they see that it didn't work, that they tried to do something here, something there just didn't have enough effect to really influence russia to stop the war or to allow ukraine to push the invaders back, so the europeans are now in a situation where they have to... start helping from inside the country to strengthen the training and determination of ukrainian troops. we are slowly but surely moving towards the point where european troops will be forced to take part in hostilities. i have no doubt about it. at some point it will happen, because the alternative is, unless finding a huge amount of ammunition, a huge amount of equipment, a huge amount of everything necessary, be it food, mortars, helmets, clothing. even less likely, in
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my opinion, and russia will continue to move forward, step by step, until we reach the stage where the european capital will say: enough, we are ready to join you and fight against russia, it may take a year, or maybe two, but we are steadily moving in this direction. speaking about the possible participation of our western ground troops allies, perhaps speaking about the aviation of our western... allies, in whatever concept this could be included, we understand, yes, in order not to raise the degree of escalation, it would be necessary to act quickly and quite harshly, for this it will be necessary to use aviation, on the other hand, we also realize that the russian enemy is ready to use nuclear weapons, it was not for nothing that they prepared their so-called strategic doctrine regarding the use of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons and accordingly.
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pace, how quickly it would be done, when we talk about our western partners, and the quantity, quality and range of weapons that could be used, we understand that it was not for nothing that putin now met with lukashenka in belarus, and he also took the minister of defense with him, and in principle, i think, they clearly spoke about very specific scenarios of the military plan, and we understand that it is not only about ukraine, but also about sowalk. and possibly a certain threat to continental europe. as for the nuclear scenario, the point is that if russia can't win the conventional one conventional war, then nuclear weapons won't make much of a difference, meaning there's no point in using nuclear weapons if you don't have conventional forces to back them up . this will not help them at all. in fact, the use of nuclear weapons would very quickly bring down upon russia the wrath of the rest of the western world. that is why it is unwise to even consider
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such a possibility, and as for the meetings in belarus, in reality they mean little, because belarus still does not have a full-fledged army, if we talk about the quality of fighters, then at most there are former night club guards. yes, they have there will be a few good soldiers, but that is nothing compared to the number of soldiers that western countries have, including poland, lithuania, not to mention the troops behind them in sweden. and finland, belarus is not a serious player in this game, so if they are really thinking about crossing the suval corridor, they will have a hard time, because it is an extremely difficult piece of land, i have written and said about it many times, it is very simple if if belarus dares to do so, it will automatically involve itself in war, and what then, especially considering the geographical location of belarus, which is surrounded by both nato and ukraine, in order to get out of...
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the suval corridor, the russians will need every soldier there. the american brigade will simply come in from behind, close the port and seize all means of air defense. so there is not enough in russia. troops to raise the stakes now. european forces will most likely have to enter ukraine, but i don't think that will happen within the next year or in the near future. i think macron made it clear that if we again we will see the possibility of a second attack on kyiv, or if odessa is captured, then the french troops will start to do something, but until then such a prospect is somewhere on the horizon, and i personally do not think so. that we will see european forces in action, but they are already beginning to understand that perhaps they will have to intervene, i would like to ask you what the current modern fortifications should be, so we understand that we have thousands of kilometers
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of front, there are sharper areas, there are areas that are calmer, relatively speaking, but in any case in this case, we understand that there must be some general logic to what is called military fortifications. so, how do you think it should look and how long should it take to build it, yes, because we understand that they built the surovykin line quite quickly. on the other hand, we also understand that it is possible to build the maginot line in one direction or another, but the enemy can always bypass one or another of hadrian's wall in another direction, and so on. the most important thing about fortifications is not that they should just be long straight rows, but that they... should be concentrated at key points where the enemy is likely to want to break through at key defensive points, should be placed by the operational command, not by local builders, not by the decision of the mayor or anyone else, but by the decision of the commander who defends that territory, he
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must ensure that these defenses are built where they are needed in the form in which they are needed, in the direction in which they are needed, and in such a way that they cannot be ... possibly bypassed, if fortifications are built in a straight line, then as soon as the straight line is broken, you will have to move to the next straight line. therefore, at high points and in places difficult for the enemy to reach, much more complex structures are needed. this could mean actually fortifying some cities, meaning not just using the buildings, but deploying something around the buildings. currently, the development of defense structures is taking place, i would say in simple terms. in fact, much more thought needs to be given to where to build fortifications, where to place anti-tank ditches, as well as anti-tank blocks. but the last thing it is necessary to take into account not only the land, but also the human component in relation to defensive structures. everything you do is aimed at making
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the terrain difficult, the most important are the soldiers who go into that difficult terrain and defend it. you can build as many defenses as you want, but if the soldiers... you send there are not properly trained to defend their land, if they are not properly equipped and equipped, then their positions will be overrun very quickly by the enemy, and then you will need more one moat, so it is very important that we do not forgot that in the end it's about people, that's right, it's about people, and defense structures are a tool to protect these people, there are no people, there is no protection. a new logic of war from the side. putin's new plan, maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't, well, in any case , we saw that the minister of defense of russia , shoigu, was thrown out of office and someone, in principle a cybernetic economist, was installed in his place, we understand that a certain redistribution is taking place now influences and possibly the new
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so-called military logistics of the russian federation, i do not know how it will all turn out look, well, the situation is quite serious, because we understand that the russians have not proposed anything new, but... meat assaults, mechanized convoys, i don't know how much equipment they have and a new minister of defense who has to fix that what is called the russian economy or the russian military economy and russian military logistics, what could be the scenarios on the part of the russians, and what should be the counter-response from our side and from the side of our western allies, it is interesting that the comments that appeared after all these changes , show that we still... very much understand what is happening in russia. analysts consider two explanations. on the one hand, there is the view that this is some grand plan by putin to prolong the war by appointing an economist to improve the efficiency of the defense industry for a potential five- or ten-year conflict against nato.
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on the other hand, there are those who claim that sholga was removed because he steals too much. several generals were involved in corruption. so. on the one hand it is a big war, on the other hand it is the same war, but putin cannot allow that so much is stolen is probably because he wants more money to go to his cronies who encroach. on defense contracts to profit from the war. in both scenarios , the goal is to keep the money flowing because people are making very good money at it. i don't think that an economist in the ministry of defense will be able to dramatically influence the situation. if he was capable of this, we would have heard about it by now. he doesn't have the skills to change the training system or the supply system, or understand how the generals are deceiving him, because he shouldn't forget. that all the russian generals are lying to the minister, this is standard russian practice,
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nobody tells the truth there, it is a country of lies, so he will be fed a bunch of nonsense, about how great everything is, which will make it difficult to implement any meaningful changes, so i do not foresee that there will be big changes in the near future, he can create better relations with iran and north korea to get more benefits in the future, but... this is something else entirely. dear glen, what can we expect in the near future a month or two, what should we prepare for? not sure what exactly, but somewhat obvious. as the war progressed, russia became increasingly desperate in its attempts to achieve its goals. attacks are becoming more frequent, more and more old equipment is being brought to the front line, and even innovative tactics are being used, such as the use of battle buggies and motorcycles for attacks. in this way , pressure is put on... the russian front line and officers to achieve results. they
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will try to do it, but i don't think it will involve nuclear weapons. faster than everything, it will be a surprise attack that will catch us off guard. however, one thing should be made clear: even though the front line is moving forward step by step, in the larger scheme of things , russia is losing, that's right, russia is losing, it is losing at sea, it is losing on land. because it continues to lose its people, if you keep losing personnel, eventually you will run out of quality personnel who can train and lead. russian losses amount to 7-10 soldiers against one ukrainian fighter. they can hold out for a while time, but over time the quality of their forces will inevitably decrease. and how then do they want to hold the front line. what hasn't happened yet, yes, is a mass revolt by the russians somewhere along the line. the front, where numerous soldiers simply turned around and went back. this had already happened in russia before,
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in 1917, and it is quite possible that it will happen again. so, going back to my initial point, something is bound to happen, just don't ask me to predict what, because it's beyond my imagination right now. it is important for ukraine to be ready for anything, and this means conducting a thorough analysis script to predict potentials. threats and development of response strategies. we shouldn't wait for something to happen and then try to fix it. we must act proactively, identify potential challenges and find ways to effectively overcome them. thank you very much, dear mr. colonel, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that now the retired colonel of the british army, military expert glen grant, was working for them. there are discounts presented
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miroslav cheh will be working on the air of the tv channel now. historian, publicist, member of the polish diet of the second and third term. glory to ukraine, myroslava, i congratulate you. glory. well, the key story is the permission to use western weapons in order to deter the aggression of the russian enemy. yes, we understand that the process has not yet been finalized, but the signals coming in are extremely good, of course, we are waiting for the final approval from of the united states, which may not be and is not made publicly. that is, as former co-ordinator daniel frith told me last week. nator of the state department on sanctions policy, he says: well, there may be a solution like with etecoms, but later, we give permission, and then the russians will find out about it at their military airfields, from which the planes take off to bomb kharkiv, well, anton, you very correctly said that this is the finalization of the process, because the permission is from great britain, well, the information went that
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sterm shadow has already been beaten in the krasnodar territory, and the russians felt it. and understood that this is how it is. the french are the same, and president macron said that he allows strikes on military targets in the presence of german chancellor olef scholz. well, we are all waiting for the moment, of course, for the decision of president joe biden and the democratic administration, but i think that if it has not already happened, then it will happen soon, we will find out after that, how the russians will feel it, probably, yes ... we will probably find out, well, let's be honest say, why did it take so long to give the americans a decision about attacks? not because atakams will stand and they are such a terrible weapon and so on, because there was another understanding that when you hand over atakams, it is equivalent to the fact that they will be used against targets on the territory of the russian federation, as well as with f-16, well, ukraine's f16,
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if they will hit targets on the territory of the russian federation. that they will chase missiles here, which will already be present on the territory of ukraine, that's it irrelevant, then why should you send such expensive installations here, they are weapons that are supposed to drive away the russian aviation conditionally, to a depth of hundreds of kilometers from the front line there, if not deeper, then it is very good, but as far as i understand, it will symbolize the beginning of a new stage of the war, well , at least the russian federation is trying to do it that way. present, they repeat their mantra about the nuclear threat again and again, prepare for the next nuclear tests, they say, well, as soon as the west does it, then, accordingly, the west will already find itself, well, directly on the front line and so on and so on, the west has gone for it, this means that perhaps there is already an understanding that the russian federation must be restrained by force,
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well, i will quote, and i am extremely pleased that i can quote the prime minister of foreign affairs references poland's radisław sikorski, who supported president macron, who said in february of this year, said that we need strategic uncertainty, nato troops can be present and french troops can be present on the territory of russia, and minister shikorsky went further, on the territory of ukraine, or already on the territory of russia, maybe we don't know something, yes, kaluga, kalugav is under threat, well, not yet, but god knows, world history. is developing in strange meanderings, as we know, different stories, different scenarios, which were worthy 400 years ago , that’s how it was, relatively speaking, kaluga is ours, and i’m more concerned about the fact that, you know, there was a victory parade of the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine, a wall was built in sevastopol in russian, on the ukrainian-russian border, ukraine in eu and nato, and what will happen behind
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the scenes there, let those 140 million be sorted out, and let the chinese sort it out, i don’t know if they chinese will be called russians, it’s not really so, it’s not so important to me, well, returning a little to more serious, and not only instructors, minister shikorskyi made such a strong statement, to which russia simply reacted, well, not so nervously, he said, well, the russians know the price that the americans set for them when they try to apply it. will use nuclear weapons to have the entire army destroyed, which is on the territory of ukraine and not only on the territory of ukraine, the americans really declared what victoria was talking about. who was the assistant secretary of state until recently, it seems until march of this year, and she told the russians this back in 2022, anton,
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so when it comes to such a strategic strategic picture of the war in ukraine, it is already more or less formed, and when it comes to nato troops in ukraine, or nato countries, let's say, nato countries and structors, then yapska addressed himself as follows. pay attention to this first of all, because there won't be, or maybe those instructors already are in fact, well, when you look at it, how far will the situation go with permits, non-permissions, everything that happens with china and with its support of the russian federation, the americans say extremely strongly that thanks to china, russia has been waging this aggressive war for so long without the support of china, its equipment. finances, and a certain part of electronics and various devices for the military-industrial complex, russia would not had little resources to wage this war, and this is what the americans
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are very clearly declaring at that moment, moreover, they are trying to convince the europeans of such an approach, that is, there is an understanding now that the decision on the war in ukraine and russian aggression against ukraine is not made in moscow, but it is accepted in... beijing, and they are addressed with appropriate, relevant messages, messages are addressed to them such that russia is not capable of winning a war against ukraine, that is for sure, and we will do everything so that ukraine wins this war. yes, well, but at the same time, returning to the story of instructors, yes, we understand that their number can be uncertain, why are we talking only there, i don't know, about 100 or about 1000 people, yes, it can be 10 00, 20 thousand, 30 thousand and so on, that is, the key story - this is the solution. a political-military decision, and in particular we understand that if there will already be contingents of instructors who will be in charge, i don’t know whether military airfields or some other, i don’t know military, other logistics, accordingly
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there may be victims, while the response to the alleged murders of western instructors about well, the greatest grief that there is, that is, the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the killing of peaceful ukrainians, in particular in kharkiv, it was all predicted, in fact, it is the worst that can... happen, because everyone who even slightly understands the nature of this war, the nature of putin's regime and today's russia, well , he realizes that the ukrainian people are paying the highest price, and these victims might not have been there, if it had been earlier, everything was put in place, and now we are talking about air defense systems, not only, not only, but i read in foreign affairs, an article by andrii zagorodniuk and elton cohen. andriy zagorodnyuk is the former minister of defense of ukraine, erton cohen, an employee of the administration of george w. bush, plus today one of the leading teachers of military history in
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america, a very authoritative, authoritative person, well, he directly wrote, in fact, this is what timothy snyder says , the war could end in the 22nd year, russian troops after the success of the ukrainian army near kiev, chernihiv, kharkiv, kherson. was 140,000 in october 22nd, and the ukrainian army then numbered 800,000, and the entire the defense sector is 100 00, give weapons, and it would be all over the place, and the same thing is happening today, fortunately, the consciousness seems to be a little different, this war can be ended, and it is necessary to limit, limit the casualties, and why are the statements of president macron so important , and what he said that general syrskyi said so the commander-in-chief of the failure... in ukraine, everything has already been signed, and macron said: "wait, wait, i will tell everything about everything here with zelenskyi, but syrskyi will not be there tell me, he said so, we talk about everything
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let's say on june 6, when president zelensky goes to celebrate the landing in norma, the normandy landings, it will be the 80th anniversary of the normandy landings, then macron, as the host of this, announces to the whole world, how we will end this war, and now returning to the instructors, security and so on, and i remember very well. i remember the year 2021 and the discussions on whether or not the russian troops, russian, american instructors, british instructors were on the territory of ukraine then, and the decision was made to withdraw first by washington and london their instructors, not only them, then the embassy, ​​as you know, and then there was the realization that in fact the west does not believe in ukraine, the scenario that should be played out with those javelins. enlavs and so on, this event should have been repeated, the scenario from afghanistan should have been repeated, that is, by bringing out or in syria the destruction of cities and so on, extraordinary
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victims, i thought that it was just... then i remember my great indignation and think so in politics, you simply cannot do without being responsible, but that was the understanding of the situation, today there is a different understanding of what the structures are are important, and you, anton, are absolutely right, it doesn’t matter how many there are, 100 or so, what is important today is that the western countries are not sending them here or will not be sent by the western countries so that they die on the fronts in ukraine, this is obvious, and this means the sky cover of ukrainian security. for them to be, because they will be the first targets to influence western opinion, le pen has already said, you see, macron is preparing us for this, so that we take part in the war, and yes, populists and various friends, friends of putin, are doing such a policy. orban generally stated that it was they allow such and such, irresponsible and so on, we understand that, instead , what we lead to and fix what we said in your antenna program begins.
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the final stage of russian aggression against ukraine should begin with these decisions, all of these decisions that we talked about. duda, tusk, the polish political community, the polish military, they will be ready to put their signatures, their signatures on those documents, which would, for example, allow polish instructors to join this of the international continent, must, of course, polish instructors and so on, that is , this one must also be present, because... attention to history and to friendship and everything else, instead today we will not say that poland is facing a prospect, well as such, we all call it a hybrid attack by russia and belarus against ukraine with the participation of thousands of refugees or migrants from the east, from the middle east, all of whom have russian or 90% have russian visas, that is, people selected by the russians to attack the polish. and
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the polish border with belarus, or maybe the same from hezbollah and the taliban, so to speak, on the belarusian policy, on the policy, and maybe on the krulevetsk or kaliningrad section of the border between russia and poland, that is, what i am getting at is that, in fact, poland today should be focused on the defense of a common front against russia and its ally, lukashenka's belarus, at this not so critical point, it is called the subilskiy crossing. he did not go anywhere, the russian plans, which have already been announced since 2009, that we will attack through this isthmus all the way to berlin come on, no one has de-actualized, they want to implement it in moscow, poland is now focused on this, well, wanting and being able, we understand, these are also two big differences, so the key story here is the readiness to quickly deploy troops, the readiness to quickly react and not allow, but i will not
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take this one lightly either. danger, very rightly, myroslav, that you mentioned this about her, yes, because putin went to lukashenka, took with him the new leadership of the ministry of defense, and they for two days or a little more, they held their own meetings, we understand that they were not talking about potatoes, about human potatoes in their understanding, i apologize for saying so, but that is how they treat people, it is not for them, you and i, anton, are not people, we are you you, who are subject to destruction, are not needed, these are such people, yes, yes, this is how they think, and of course that poland should be concentrated, as lithuania is the same, they are digging trenches, estonia, latvia, they are building wow, their native, the germans, believe me, will deploy their brigade in lithuania, i.e. meet like putin or lukashenko will want to go against lithuania, because lukashenko was there three months ago or four on this border, but with lithuania, on the border with lithuania, belarus with lithuania, he said: "oh, how much
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more, suval." uhu, that is, we understand that they, because of the fact that they do not succeed, and various efforts, as they think plans in ukraine, do not want, as it seems to them, to strike at nato and show that nato is powerless, because that's what it's all about, and now, going back to those instructors, what could be poland, and the ukrainian authorities and experts have turned it around different and so on about... means to close the sky over western ukraine, and it can be done, and when it will be, it is not justified by the fact that they protect the conventional gas transportation system of ukraine or the suburbs of lviv and the city of lviv itself or other cities in the western ukraine, but french instructors, british instructors, training grounds, wherever they are, everything just suits us, but, anton, if the sky is protected from
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the polish side, and not from the polish side , the russians will fly. rockets, because that's how it was, then we...


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