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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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the palestinians who live there do not need guarantees that hamas wants for itself. in many ways, hamas is fighting for the preservation of power. hamas does not fight for nothing. like everyone else, this is a military-political organization for which this is an important issue. and he wants to represent palestine, maybe there in a new face, but here, well, we can see the negotiations that took place with hamas in the israelis. there were several rounds there in cairo, so there were certain concessions, but nothing more, that is why i see that the prerequisites for a long there is no truce here, despite all the statements, well, i understand that president biden would very much like to end this conflict before the elections, the truth is, because this is a big problem for him and for him, i would like to have a summit in italy now, then summit of switzerland, by the way, in switzerland, the global south will raise the issue of... palestine will definitely raise. even
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president zelensky in singapore today had to state that we recognize israel and palestine, we want to be, well, to some extent peacekeepers, even mediators there, we are for humanitarian solution, we tried to direct humanitarian aid to gas, we do not associate hamas with all palestinians, i.e. these are statements that were probably made for the first time on the palestinian topic, if you compare and... the example of october-november 2023, i.e. we have to play on this field, to remember how yasir farafat came to kyiv, to remember diplomatic relations, how he even received awards, there the order of yaroslav the wise from the hands of kuchma, all this was how the organization of the union, the actual resistance of palestine recognized the ukrainian state in 1992, i.e. there are a lot of topics that can be raised, and on this... field both biden
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and all other forces have to play, at least declaratively, the elections in the european union, where the palestinian issue is already becoming a factor, the elections in the united states, china, which here it poses itself very radically, that is, it is simply what is happening, the authoritarian regimes, in essence, this problem, having largely created it, supporting hamas, have shifted it onto the shoulders of the west, and the west has a lot of forces in the west. and believed that the west is really to blame for this, because it supposedly supports one side, and here we have to deal with it by some diplomatic, military, other methods, again cultivating this complex of guilt before the global south and trying to make certain concessions to it, but the more these concessions will actually be, the more china, russia, all others, iran will take advantage of these windows of opportunity. let's blame the west for
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the genocide of someone else, let's put all the blame entirely on the west, that is, somewhere many circles in the west understand this, even among the republicans, by the way, because the same lyn seagram declared that israel needs a victory over hamas, if this is not provided for, then no truce will work, but other forces of a liberal direction with... pacifist such declarative rhetoric, somewhere, well, they either do not understand this, or they deliberately play on it field, and therefore i will emphasize once again, these windows of opportunity through which the west will continue to cultivate a guilt complex, including in russian aggression against ukraine, and they remain open, although, given this sanctions policy is ineffective, different there parallel export and everything else, maybe this is already... a little bit from another topic, but unfortunately, this
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topic will continue to be pedaled by many and remain in such, you know, one of the permanent conflicts, but from which there are a lot of beneficiaries , as well as victims, another issue is that its beneficiaries are far from the conflict zone itself. well, in principle, if you sum up, you can sum up our conversation, say that this is rather biden’s peace plan, it is a plan about intentions, and not... about real possibilities, yes, it is a certain declaration, it sounds good, but then it does not take into account any territorial issues or others, and if, for example, many americans declared that two states are necessary, that is, two peoples, two states, then we are not talking about a full-fledged palestinian state, and even some allies of the united states, whose states there want very much to reconcile with israel. the same saudi arabia
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using as a kind of battering ram in the region, which it often was, will not be satisfied with this, that is, it is a good memorandum, but it somewhere lags behind the current historical... events, and this is a problem that countries of this level have to not create history, but somewhere to chase it and extinguish the conflict when it has already flared up in full, not without their policies and ignoring certain threats. thank you very much, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the department of freiburg university in germany. we will now talk about something important. next week's event, the european parliament elections, one might say, the elections that can change the face of europe. with us are oleksandr golobov, a ukrainian analyst and journalist, he is in germany, denis kolesnyk, a political commentator, he is in france. congratulations, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, mr. denys. now i hope we will see our interlocutors. ot. you know that in fact
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there is such a struggle between the narratives of the european narrative. and so on. i would like to know where you are going, mr. denys, you can see and hear us, good afternoon, of course, we already have mr. denys, so what, let's start with the fact that before these elections, ultraprai for unites in a big way, it is true, and it is such a surprise when we see at the same time marine le pen and george melanie in the same interiors, the interiors of the congress of the fox party, the spanish one, and what this union can lead to those , which... which were recently competitors, well, look, first of all, it is worth noting that in france, led by bradyva, well, in fact, marine lupin, yes, will get more than 30%, most likely in the elections, according to my
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calculations , in general it can be somewhere, yes, yes, in france, yes, somewhere, maybe even 33-35%, they will get, this is more than twice as much as,... the presidential party and more than the left parties, the social socialist party, and as for the unification, it is very interesting, marine lupine, as far as i know, she in principle, she spoke about orban's idea, if you are talking about it in a positive way, but it seems that the leader of the italian party spoke, she did not give a clear answer, and it is not yet clear how it will all happen and whether it can happen, but... . in transport is not always such a connection as we want, as we know from our own
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experience, so mr. denys spoke now about the split between the alternative for germany and... marine le pen in the european parliament, which is also such a sensitive moment, because the supporters of marine le pen in the european parliament refused to cooperate with the alternative for germany party, after how one of the leaders of this party actually spoke out with such pro-nazi propaganda, well, this is also an interesting moment, here we have mr. oleksandr golubav, i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr, what do you think, so and so... the split that took place between marine le pen and an alternative for germany, this is political death, an alternative for germany, or on the contrary , its new beginning in new, i would say interiors, and it is definitely too early to talk about political death, ah, because, let's say this,
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an alternative for germany, in my humble opinion opinion, gained now in germany itself, so to speak, the maximum number of protest votes that it is currently given. the moment can at least afford to collect, ah, using the agenda of tariff hikes, well, general populist slogans that are usually used by right-wing populists, mm in the west, that is, and in some ways, relatively speaking, the alternative for germany was similar to what the national front was. and then the national assembly of marine le pen, that is , a party that, we cannot, we, we cannot call it fascist or nazi there, because it is not in any way, it is right-wing extremist, there are already many more people with rights, so to speak of very dubious quality views, but somehow
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this party is trying to be ah, i would say one that does not cause disgust in the majority of voters, it is clear that the majority of voters of the left direction, they do not perceive their inspiration, but at least they do not consider them there, conditionally speaking, directly frank, neo-fascists like, and once upon a time, the well -known a... a golden dawn in greece, that is, who actually almost to the greek parliament, and now the alter alternative for germany has reached, in my opinion, such a peak, because we can now see that the support for this party in germany reaches tens of percent in some places, in local elections in the east of the country, they can even. .. apply already at least to the leading positions in the local councils, that is, it is quite a big jump
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compared to what, ah, where this party started, but it is already clear that this is a certain ceiling, probably more people will not become its supporters, because usually , even if people are radicalized, they will rather go to, say, a party of the left spectrum, to some leftists or to a new one. stars of the political left, of the left political spectrum, although it is difficult to say now whether she is left or right, sarevagen kneh, who founded her own party, and all this, so to speak, pushes an alternative for germany to understand who they really are, because it's just to say that we are populists and use any failure of the government to add points and fuel a little. this is pro-putin rhetoric, it is impossible to grow further, and at the same time,
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this party has gathered a huge number of people who are, well, frank fascists, that is, it is not for nothing that this party is now behind it, so to speak, watching, as they say, but in fact the german the department for the protection of the constitution, well , it is almost like the ukrainian sbu, which deals with extremists, islamists and people who actually want to destroy the state. order in germany, it is already clear that these people who are in the party, they want to show and give it the direction it should follow, and this actually happened, here are these uses of nazi symbols, nazi symbols, let's say words that are very similar to nazi slogans, ah, gestures that are very similar to ziggurats, they demonstrate that there are radicals in this party who want to do ... with it the german counterpart of the same golden dawn, and
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and it seems to me that the reaction of the french, french colleagues, so to speak, reflects this understanding and vision that now the alternative for germany lies in such a question of self-answer, who they are and who they are not, and an attempt to pressure it was inflicted on them precisely for that, because it seems to me that the national... assembly marine le pen does not want to be unacceptable to her own voters. considering the long history of relations between france and france and germany, no one wants to have german, de facto neo-nazis as partners, because even a french nationalist, he is still primarily french. and accordingly, he will definitely not be very happy if he sees. that marine le pein's partners are raising national flags, making national gestures and so on and
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so on, talking about how bad migrants are and how good putin is, please, this is already a rather sensitive topic, which seems to me, again, i not an expert in french politics, but i assume that this is something that is too sensitive, is sensitive for the french voters, and therefore according to the alternative for germany, they don't... would like to have anything to do, at least with the version that is radicalized and turns into a de facto neo-nazi party, the risk of which is already there, but again, we will see it in the near future, because it seems to me that this is the pre-election cycle in germany, which is about to start, or rather, it has already started with the first round, well, the beginning of local elections, in particular in the east of germany. now there will be elections to the european parliament, but all this is for german politics, it is primarily a warm-up
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before the main thing, before the elections in budapest, which are already waiting for us soon, and actually how they will position themselves , the alternative for nyme will not position itself precisely in these elections, it seems to me, and will determine whether this party will become truly radical, or it will still try, i don't know if it's possible at all, but... after all, to preserve at least this mask of decency, which their french colleagues are still trying to preserve plus or minus, and it can be assumed, in principle, that in the case... .the emergence of an alternative for germany in the new members of the european parliament, well, it seems obvious to me that it will appear there, you and i will watch for the emergence of a new far-right faction in the european parliament, there are already parties that are ready to become partners of an alternative for germany, and these parties , who have never been far-right, so it follows
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that now there will be far-right and far-right, ugh, and look, if i am not mistaken, and the representatives of the alternative for germany are already in the european parliament, they are, i mean, if they keep the mandates, they just went to other factions from where they were kicked out, but this is a very interesting thing, because we'll see if it's possible, in my opinion, it's not a very likely story for one very simple reason, historically. be that as it may, whatever commonalities between the german far-right and other far-rights may be, europeans remember very well that a few decades ago germany brought them a very right, i will express myself very diplomatically, and accordingly,
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if someone will see them in league with and... those new germans, yes, who are openly sycophants, who openly use slogans that can be attributed there to the ss and so on and the like, they will thus condemn themselves to the loss of political points and votes in their own countries, and accordingly, and such a political force has a chance to gain even a little more points, respectively, as outcasts of the european union for... some radicalized german voters, but at the pan-european level, at the level of the european parliament, this just marginalizes them very much, and i will not be surprised that the alternative for germany, even if it builds some kind of ultra-ultra -right faction, it seems there are already several of them, in fact, and among the varieties of the ultra-right
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, political observers who follow the european parliament still have to choose, and... it will still be a marginal faction, which not much that affects. it should be noted that even now the alliance for democracy and freedom, if it is called, to be honest, i do not remember the exact name of this association of the faction to which the deputies of the fd once belonged and to which the deputies belong of the national assembly, and they are loud, they can be heard, but since they are in the minority and , moreover, in such a significant minority, they have little influence on anything, except that they, well , we understand well, this allows the russian special services, for example yes, sending your agents there under the guise of assistants of these deputies allows you to try
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again to promote russia, china and other friends of these right-wing parties. at least move forward, promote your agenda, shout slogans from the podium for that in order to please our own voters, but in general, again, we have to be also well - at least at the moment this faction, it does not decide anything, not that the par- european parliament itself would decide a lot, but the influence even this is quite a relative influence. european institutions such as the european parliament in the extreme right are still minimal, and it should be noted that european voters feel this very well, which is why they are actually quite reluctant to go, at least not as willingly as they are to national elections, go to the polling stations, usually
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during the elections to the european parliament, because they also feel that the importance of these elections in their humble opinion. not as big as if we are talking about national elections in each individual country, but the situation when far-right forces now hold more parliamentary seats than it was in the previous composition of the european parliament, when such leaders of europe will be considered to be the leaders of europe , will have a psychological effect on europe parties marine le pen, giorgi melani, matteo salvini, spanish, portuguese, and austrian ultraprai. they are all increasing their votes, they are just growing like a boom, well, i would still look at the results, it seems to me that in different countries there will be enough... i am afraid to predict something now, because with ultra-left voters there are always the problem is that, at least before, there was a problem that they were in no hurry to openly
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declare and say that they vote for these far-right parties, as my french friends once said, and the national front, then it was still called the national front, and this a party which, for which no frenchman will say, does not say that he votes, but everybody... knows that my neighbor voted and i voted, but at least i do not think it indecent to speak of it for the time being, unless we are between this neighbor, not in the general circle, but as good friends we talk about it among ourselves and say that the damned migrants have flooded france, something must be done, here is such a classy woman like marine le pen, after all, the faithful daughter of her father, so would say, will definitely bring order to our beautiful country, that's it. and because i i can say, but it is difficult to predict, i do not dare to say that, for example, all of them are, all the right-wing parties
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in europe will gain a huge number of votes, but i can definitely predict that it is probably in germany that, unfortunately, a noticeable increase in the seats of the afd in compared to the previous composition of the european parliament, the forecasts are still here... unfortunately, they are disappointing for us, but in principle it can be assumed that europeans really, when they vote for the european parliament, it is such a vote of protest for many, because they believe , what nothing will seriously change in their lives, but the absolutely, in principle, absurd idea that anti-jewish parties like the afd, the national front, and more precisely the national assembly, they promote themselves very strongly , that is, in fact, it is a party that they despise... declaratively despise european institutions, and want to destroy them, and that is why, in principle, they are trying very hard to project themselves on this topic, because for
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them, in principle, there is such a scapegoat, and now it is probably a little more ukraine, which has taken all financial resources and so further and therefore, it is similar to the opinion of these honorable gentlemen and ladies, and... for them, this is really an opportunity to declare themselves and, let's say, relatively unmotivated voters who are generally satisfied with the european union, but not that they are very concerned about it, they just don't come to the polls at the same time as people who believe in conspiracy theories that the european union is some kind of masonic lodge that wants to deprive them of their unspeakably great sovereignty, especially when it comes to germany and france, which in fact, for two... they are already deciding what the european one will be union, and what it does, here, here in such a situation, we really see that the voters of these
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parties, protest parties, so to speak, they go to the council to vote in order to show their face, so to speak, to the european union, respectively, again, and because of this, we usually have larger factions of the right in the european parliament, respectively. to each country than national parliaments, this is a rather absurd situation, but so to speak, usually in percentage terms the european parliament has a larger fraction of the far-right of almost any country the european union, which has the far-right, here , than in the national, simply because this is the way many europeans are dissatisfied. the union, to have our say, to show that we, we do not like the european union, we oppose it, and we will simply send
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people there who will actually sabotage the work of this institution, or try to defeat the enemy from within, so to speak. thank you, mr. oleksandr. so, we talked with political viewers denys kolesnyk and oleksandr golubov in this part of our program about upcoming elections to the european parliament, now we will literally take a break for a few minutes. but you, please, leave interesting dialogues with us ahead. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war, and what is the world doing? two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day. two hours, a great broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart people and those who care, in the evening for espresso. this world will be judged by children, georges bernanos. according to
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the office of the prosecutor general, as of may 27 , 2024, 548 children died and at least 1,351 children were injured of varying degrees of severity. june 4 is the day of commemoration of the children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means. give him a ride, a bka ride, a ride for the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yar. we continue
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the program "politko" on the espresso tv channel, it is hosted by vitaly portnikov, our guest is mykhailo gonchar, an expert in energy and security relations, the president of the strategy 21 global studies center. well, let's try to assess the state of ukrainian energy on june 2, 2024 , mr. mykhailo? well, it is obvious that this state of affairs after six massive combined missile-drone attacks on... or since march 21, what it can be, especially since the main capacities of shunting generation, heat, first of all, hydropower have just been destroyed, and now the last blow has also come to solar power plants, this is, in principle, i would call it that, to a certain extent, the iraqi scenario 91- th year, when
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the connection... the united states systematically destroyed the energy infrastructure of iraq during the gulf war, there was only 3% of energy generation left after the american strikes, so somewhere such a goal roughly puts it on the enemy in our case, well, one way or another we have a different picture, the power system , even if it is in a difficult condition, continues to function. therefore, when they say that there is a difficult winter, i would say that there is a difficult summer ahead, before we get to the winter, and what can help stabilize the situation at all? well, stabilization of the situation, it happens constantly, so to speak, after each successive attack, but it is stabilization on such rather shaky foundations.
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to talk about the fact that it will be possible to somehow fundamentally stabilize, well, it is not possible due to the fact that the destruction has been caused, it is already closed, so to count on the fact that somewhere there at one fine moment after, let's say, a series of summer repair and restoration works, everything will be restored, well , it is not necessary, there is no need to have any illusions, there is some understanding of what, in principle, they are. .. be alternatives to energy development in such a situation? well, i probably wouldn’t start talking about development now, because after all, what has happened and is happening now is, as it were, a situation of saving the energy industry with the aim of preserving what is, what is, and in particular, before everyone, of course, now the important task is
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that which concerns nuclear ... energy, it is the basic generation for us, and now nuclear power units must go through summer periods, traditional periods of preventive repairs, where reloading of nuclear fuel is required, this is very important in in the context of that next winter, and development, development will continue, because here it is clear that the strikes will not end either today or tomorrow, so be it. what to develop, we need to protect what we have and what remains, this is a priority, well strictly speaking, this is not news, nothing, and here the way out was fundamental, only one remains, that is, to strengthen the level of protection by means of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, critical infrastructure facilities, and this includes...


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