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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all. viewers and just now about the most important events at this time. today , it is relatively quiet in the kharkiv direction. the aggressor did not take any active actions. ukrainian troops are strengthening their positions. the day before, 11 battles took place. according to the kharkiv military group, the enemy lost 174 occupiers last day. instead of already knocked out, they try to get fresh strength. in addition, our soldiers destroyed one combat armored vehicle, seven art systems, 12 cars. and
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two units of special equipment. during active hostilities near vovchansk, ukrainian defenders captured about 60 russian invaders. the russians killed one person in the kherson region and wounded two more. the enemy shelled veletenske. a local resident died in the yard of her home. also in the morning, the occupiers attacked the central part of the village of bilozerka. a 55-year-old woman received an explosive injury and a fragmentary abdomen, she is in the hospital in a moderate condition. 81-year-old local woman the resident was hit on the street - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokutin. three shops, a cafe and a car were damaged. ukraine plans to increase the import of electricity from europe by more than 2 g - the government reported. russian strikes led to the loss of 9 gigawatts of capacity. generation, and the enemy continues
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to attack energy facilities, so ukrenergo is forced to turn off the lights. this will buy time to restore the energy system - said prime minister denys shmehal. so far, a five-point strategy has been developed for improvement of the situation in the energy system, in particular strengthening of air defense, repairs of damaged equipment and development of protection against drones, assistance of partners and decentralization of the energy system. we approve the removal of customs and bureaucratic barriers for importing generators, solar panels, storage devices, inverters and other equipment and parts for such equipment into ukraine, support for consumers who will install their own generation, in particular through the provision of soft loans. each regional center should be equipped installations for powering critical infrastructure. we are talking about dozens of mini -thecs across the country. polish protesters
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blocked the movement of trucks leaving ukraine at the rav ruska checkpoint. 12 cars are allowed to enter for 12 hours, as well as four trucks carrying humanitarian aid, the state border service reported. buses and cars in both directions pass as usual . currently, 33 vehicles are registered in the electronic queue for departure from ukraine. the protest will last until 6 june the participants are trying and demanding to reduce the import of grain crops to the territory of poland. helped the enemy. a law enforcement officer from the rivne region will appear before the court. the man passed on information about the ukrainian military and strategic objects to the russians. in particular, he sent data about military units and checkpoints, as well as photographed individual sections of the rivne as, the sbi reported. according to. according to the investigation
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, the law enforcement officer's brother lives in russia, and his nephew holds a position in the so-called militia of the occupied luhansk region. children in priority canada will focus on the return of abducted ukrainian children at the peace summit. prime minister justin trudeau announced this in ottawa. he also promised to provide ukraine with everything necessary to win the war with russia. it is about both military and information. structural support - said the head of the canadian government. ukrainian-polish relations are one of the central topics of the 10th international european forum, which is currently underway in gdańsk. participants of the discussion, ukrainian and polish politicians, political scientists and journalists. they discussed whether the two countries still have common interests and values, as well as whether poland will support ukraine on its way to the eu. the participants were hooked. discussions and issues
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of historical memory and protests on the ukrainian border. but the style in which the polish side reacts to this wiki. in my opinion, it is unacceptable, and it is, and it proves something very important, i am very grateful to mr. kerski for mentioning that when poland joined the european union, there was no blockade by german farmers, french farmers, let's never forget that there is one country and one city. de bandera and pilsutsky are hated with the same crystal burning hatred. this country, this country is russia, and the city is moscow. there is a museum of military childhood in kyiv. the first such institution
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was established in sarajevo, in a city that suffered from siege and shelling for five years during the yugoslav war. children who lived through those times decided that they should document their memories. and how small ukrainians describe their lives, see further in the story. growing up is extremely difficult, growing up during the war it is twice as difficult. the museum of military childhood decided to record this experience of ukrainian children. that's how the exhibition "exit the wall" appeared. museum workers have collected memorabilia and memories of young people related to the russian-ukrainian war since 2014 in order to tell the stories of children from all corners of ukraine. children feel this shadow of war, which, the shadow of destruction, which hangs over our whole society, and it is important for us that their experiences of their childhood do not disappear in this shadow and are included in our future knowledge of war, when war
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will end, and the war will definitely end. this is andriy, his exhibit is the uniform of his favorite team, real madrid. as the boy tells, in 2014, on the day when the spanish team was supposed to play. 30 km from his native kramatorsk, the first battles took place, machine-gun rounds of armored personnel carriers and shelling could be heard. the television sets were already playing russian channels, and the ukrainian tv signal was muted. despite everything, i still managed to watch the match, without sound, with a snowy picture, but the image was there. for 11-year-old andrii, this is one of the brightest memories of the first summer in which the war broke out. well, these were children's emotions. when the whole family is sleeping, and you are quietly very happy, directly emotional, that your team equalized in the score, and then won a crushing victory 4:1, well, in parallel, this context of total misunderstanding of what will happen next, there is already combat action, what to do, where to go, but not
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a single exhibition, on may 31 the museum presented the first documentary performance about the life of teenagers during the war called winter, it is a reflection of ten... ukrainian teenagers on the events they experience. for two months, the actors trained with theater mentors, pyotr armyanovskyi and andriy mai, to reflect on their experience and tell the audience about it. personally, i came to donetsk in the 14th year, i tell about it in my monologue and tell about how life took me absolutely all over the world, i also lived in dnipropetrovsk region for a long time, and had experience in the emirates, then again in ukraine. and in essence, this performance is a performance about our choice, since i myself chose to return to ukraine. the premiere of the play is already here passed and now the entire theater team hopes that ozimi will become part of the theater repertoire of the young audience. if you want to see vytyny's exhibition,
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it will be held at the shevchenko museum in kyiv until july 28 of this year. free admission. yuliya zubchenko, oscar yanson, dmytro nikiforov, tv channels with... and i want to remind you about our collection of drones and equipment for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight upgraded mavik combo flight models and five mavik 3t. quadcopters - these are the eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward. and most importantly, they help save the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million. and thanks to you, we already have 295 00 in our accounts, so don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. such was the news at this time, our team is working so that
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you will see an updated news release already at 3 p.m., you can read more on our website esreso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. well and then now my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii continue. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, the information day is in full swing, in the next few hours we will analyze the main events of today with you, and as always, i try to remind you, our viewers, who watch us on youtube and on television, that we are relentlessly continuing our volunteer activities and continues now. a collection of uah 4 million to purchase atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, so that they would have
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something to evacuate the wounded, give rides ammunition, this is an important collection, we ask you to join it as much as you can, every hryvnia is important, remember that there are no small donations, and now we will have the opportunity to talk with vladyslav seleznyov, a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine , the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017, mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine. greetings to you too, words. let's talk about the situation at the front. now we see that the situation in the north of kharkiv oblast is somewhat different has stabilized, nevertheless, the russians are preparing, yes, and there is a certain, you know, tense state in everyone, because everyone is really waiting for this such a difficult summer. the russians have announced a major offensive, and now it looks like they are actively preparing for it. your rating? situation, certainly the situation in the north of kharkiv region remains tense, the enemy has now taken
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a de facto operational pause, after suffering very serious losses during the first stage of his offensive campaign in the north of kharkiv region, he is now carrying out the deployment of its forces and means, in particular from the territory of the kursk region, respectively in the territory of the belgorod region, forms a strike group, which in the near future may move again across the state border for reinforcements. pressure on the ukrainian defenders operating in the direction of livka or in the vovchansk region, but i still remain a supporter of the opinion that for the enemy army, the kharkiv direction, as well as the south of the zaporizhia region, are some kind of auxiliary directions, and the main efforts the enemy will concentrate on the eastern groove of the russian-ukrainian front, there are three key directions, the direction to kramatorsk, the pokrovsky direction and , accordingly, the direction to kurakhove, it is there that the mob will... try to exert maximum pressure on the ukrainian defenders in order to realize the key political mission of vladimir putin,
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for which he started the so-called special military operation in february 22, it is about the full occupation of the donetsk region, what will come of it, the answer to this question lies in the level of resource provision of the ukrainian defense forces, that is, if our the army will not lack artillery ammunition, if we have a powerful air defense system, if we finally get an aviation one. component of the enemy, all delusions and plans will turn out to be turned into ashes and powder due to the effective combat work of the ukrainian defense forces, if we lack the same resources, then most likely we will continue to hear not very good news from the battlefield, for example, now the tendency is such that during the day the enemy army is able to advance on some sections of the front 100-200 m, perhaps up to 300, of course, the pace is not too significant, but nevertheless the trend is not very great, and of course... that in order to fundamentally change the situation to a multi-battle, we need not only resources in the form of weapons and military
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equipment, but also ammunition in addition to arming, we need similarly constructed and appropriately equipped engineering fortifications, because there are mysteries that it is engineers and engineering fortifications that carry out two key missions: firstly, they protect the lives and health of our soldiers, well, and secondly , maximum slow progress enemy forces and means, that in this matter there are different opinions. are raging about this, there are many reports of certain troubles in this regard, but i still think that certain decisions have been made and implemented, and therefore, at least in certain areas of the front, there are appropriate fortifications, and they are already working for this , so that the ukrainian army would have a constant strategic defense, and accordingly the enemy would not be able to advance. mr. colonel, we would like to ask you about the enemy group sever. so we understand that they created it long ago, but it is happening now, i understand that the gradual saturation
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of its personnel and equipment, we understand that currently the russian intervention groups that have captured two bridgeheads in the north of the kharkiv region are insufficient, but they have strengthened there, and we understand that this is not the case about certain suvorov plans of the enemy, but it is about war crimes in the aleppo style. operations, when the enemy enters the firing line and begins to hit civilian cities, in time we understand how it ended for mariupol, we understand what is at stake... there is kharkiv, and at risk are the sums, yes, cities that are as close as possible to the border with the aggressor state. on the other hand, our allies take this matter into account, and accordingly, this tacit permission for the use of western weapons, deep into the territory of the enemy , primarily concerns the military mechanized columns that the enemy would bring
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under the border, and as far as we understand, it is specifically about the north, therefore the enemy group north. the enemy sever group has recently had a lot of trouble due to the fact that finally our western partners were clamoring for what is important to destroy the enemy's military concentration directly on the territory of the russian federation as part of the preventive activities of the ukrainian defense forces, a completely rational approach, because until recently such a story was revealed: the enemy felt absolutely impunity on the territory of the kursk chiryan or belgorod regions, preparing for... to attack our land, to kill, rob, subjugate, that is, to commit the same war crime, and under such conditions, ukrainian intelligence had information about the places of concentration of enemy forces, but we did not powers and the right to use, in particular , weapons from western partners to destroy the enemy directly on his soil, it was at least surprising, now the situation in
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the country has changed, i think that the key elements for the combat work of our... defense forces will be the following things: the first is the location of artillery batteries and batteries of s300-400 air defense systems, which the enemy used, among other things , to strike at our unoccupied kharkiv. places of concentration of enemy aircraft, whether it is an airfield or, possibly, in in the air, enemy planes carrying the same guided aerial bombs that are causing a lot of trouble to the ukrainian defense forces, as well as to the local residents there, well, and i ... think that the key elements were concentrated on key logistics routes or hubs or centers where blorok will be to concentrate their forces and means for further attacks, then this is the most effective option, by the way, we observed certain such manifestations of just such countermeasures to enemy actions , for example, in the middle of the 22nd year. let's remember
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that we only received the first batch then highmars, respectively, rockets to them, and the flower blossoms began. in different corners of our occupied country, where the enemy concentrated his bases, arsenals, where he placed command posts, control and communication points, and after that the enemy was literally forced to change his logistics, to re-investigate a strategic military object with away from the battle line, and only after he had dragged it all away from the battle line at a distance of 80 or more kilometers, he brought it into contact with relief, i think that the same... campaign should take place this time, although again against the background of the fact that ukrainian diplomats continue negotiations with our western partners regarding the authorization of missile strikes on the territory of the russian federation, including with the use of missiles type attacks, or shadow or scalp. i hope that we will finally have prospects for taurus, the enemy will have a lot of trouble in how to protect important military objects, well, as long as
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the ukrainian drones implement this mission, of course, their power is much less than that of missile systems. but nevertheless, our defense forces are working to weaken the enemy's military potential as much as possible, regardless of where the enemy's army is located, whether in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, or perhaps in the european part of russia? mr. vladyslav, look, information appeared in foreign policy that the armed forces of ukraine urgently need a counteroffensive, and they say that this is necessary in order to then go to the negotiation process of the stronger positions, it is noted there. that ukrainian troops will in no way be able to defeat the russian army in a field battle, so kyiv will have to agree to negotiations in the future, which may end in territorial losses for ukraine. well , the publication singled out several scenarios, in fact, in the near future, russia will achieve serious success on the battlefield and impose a peace treaty on ukraine already on its own terms. the second scenario is that the armed forces will be able to recapture part
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of the territory as a result of the peace treaty: ukraine, that is, the one that will be controlled ukrainian authorities, will enter the nat. and in the eu and the third scenario, that no one will be able to achieve success as a result of the peace treaty, ukraine will remain a neutral country, but also with western weapons and not under the influence of the russian federation, how do you assess these three scenarios and which one are you inclined to think that he can it come true i think here we should also mention the assessment of foreign policy experts and other quite influential and not only military experts, but also politicians. of the state level of the countries of the western world, which we in february 22nd 2015, they told that kyiv would not hold out for three days, and the russian army would completely occupy the entire territory of ukraine in three weeks. it has already passed since then. 27 months, the war is raging, the enemy has a rather illusory chance even for success at the tactical level, what am i leading to, we, of course, respect
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certain assessments of western experts, but we do our job, so any of those options, who will distribute, will distribute this edition, they have the right to exist, but will they be implemented, i think it is worth asking here from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general sirovsky, from the ukrainian forces. defense, because it is obvious that the key mission entrusted to the ukrainian defense forces is the complete de-occupation of all territories of ukraine in the 1991 border. of course, this is not a matter of even a reasonable, let's say, reasonable time span. most likely, the war will rage for quite a long time, but the key factor that determines the success or failure of the ukrainian army on the battlefield is the availability of resources. of course, that's what we have a lot of alarming news, because i often hear from experts who... mediocre communicate with our american experts, and this is the opinion: they say that the americans are ready to hand over just enough weapons to us so that we do not lose in a confrontation with
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the russian army, but not are ready to give us enough weapons to win this confrontation with the russian occupiers, of course this is a challenge that we must also take into account when adapting our actions, but the key is that not only western aid works for our victory . yes themselves also work at the enterprises of the ukrainian defense and industrial complex, and here it is worth intensifying this whole process, because it is really important when domestic manufacturers produce the component that serves our victory at will, i think, and why, by the way, mr. vladyslav, we we are not developing our military defense system in sufficient quantity, because it is correct, but yesterday, i don't remember who said it, but they said that, well, we have now waited for permission to use western weapons, that's good, but why didn't we work on own... weapons, in order not to ask permission from someone to beat on the territory of russia and defend yourself? i will start from the moment when everything began: on february 15
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, 2015, the signing of the so-called second minsk agreements, the then president of ukraine , petro poroshenko, later admitted that it was a forced step, but it was aimed at giving ukraine has time for the development of the ukrainian defense and industrial complex and for the transformation... of the ukrainian army, so that it is ready for further russian aggression, or how rationally this period of time was used between february 15th and february 22nd, each of us can draw our own conclusions, but then in february 15th we got the same, the same time frame, the same operational pause, and accordingly a different path than improvement of our defense-industrial complex, i see no other way. because we can reproach our western partners as much as we want for their delays in the supply of weapons and military equipment and for non-compliance with the commitments made
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regarding the volume of supplies of weapons and military equipment, but first of all we have to focus on our own defense capacities on industrial capacities, because here i have to remind our theory, ukraine at one time launched rockets into space, it had a fairly powerful defense and industrial complex and it is possible... to restore what has not been lost and work on the creation of new enterprises , including those enterprises that manufacture modern weapons, inheritance, equipment, the same drones, because the current war is a war of technology, equipment, and this fact, we also have to take into account how successful it will be the implementation of this campaign, again, we are all witnesses of these processes, we will see later, but the fact that we all need to unite is the contagion of our joint victory for me. it is obvious whether it can be done, again only time will tell. finally, finally, mr. colonel, i would like to ask you whether there is a feeling that the enemy is preparing to open new additional
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areas of the front? well, he can rave about it all he wants, but does he have the resources to carry out these missions, the answer is obviously no, although i was somewhat surprised by the statement mr. omeyev, the minister of defense of our country, they say that 3,000 russians are on standby, but where are they hiding and whether they are still at the front... i do not know, although, again, insider information says that now in the theater of hostilities as part of the the enemy has already deployed more than 500,000 of its own forces, just a few weeks ago we operated with a figure of 469,000, that is, an increase occurred, but it did not occur at the level of 200 or 300,000, this increase occurred by several tens of thousands, does it have to be here now harvest army additional resources, i am such i don't see any trends, and again it is included... the expert colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017 was
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on our airwaves, we are now going on a short break, after it we will continue our information day, stay with espress. thinking about a new mattress, but what's stopping you? have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver it directly to you. we perfectly combine innovative technologies and modern
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i came here, roughly speaking, from yes, i have been to moscow before. but how does the son of the ex-mayor of odesa manage the temporarily occupied territories? our russian person, she always used to fight against any difficulties. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, june 4 at 5:45 p.m. the verdict with serhiy rudenko now features even more analytics, more important topics, and more top guests in a new two-hour format. and earthly experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate
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mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of that separate mechanized brigade armed forces let's stick together. the tv channel's information day continues, which is currently analyzing the most important situation on the fronts. extremely heavy fighting continues in the donetsk direction. the occupiers storm the yar times, climb the city in columns, using a large number of armored vehicles. this is reported by the thing.


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