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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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such, in principle, some kind of space in which they can continue to live their childhood, and i saw it, children want, well, children understand that circumstances have changed, but they cannot stop being children, they cannot stop wanting to play, learn new information, some study, some do sports, cannot stop wanting to communicate with their peers, that is why we conducted this , we immediately focused our activities on such psychological psychosocial help, then it is all about creating safe environments for children, from whom they can get quality professional and psychological help, or get quality psychosocial help - this is the kind of help, when it's either group work with children, it can be by topic, it can be by age, but it's all about direct work with children, to help them relieve stress, to help them deal with their emotions, which they may not be able to share with anyone else. as well as this
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intervention already in crisis situations, unfortunately, we have a lot of appeals about suicidal children's thoughts, self-harming behavior, there are messages from children about violence against them, including sexual, parents ask that the child does not sleep, or her behavior has changed dramatically to such an extent that the mother does not understand what is wrong with her to do, that is, it is such a direct ee... the help of a psychologist and in the same and also the creation of these opportunities for children to play, develop, learn new information, communicate with friends, and for this we are opening our locations all over ukraine, now they are in 14 cities, if i'm not mistaken, there are a lot of them concentrated in the east, in the north and in the south, there are also in western ukraine, we also hold summer camps. and we also conduct
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rehabilitation programs for mothers and their children, for those mothers whose husbands are captured or missing, disappeared or died. why for mothers and children? because a mother who endures such a difficult situation in the family, she cannot give normal support to her children. for younger children, most often the mother is the key person from whom they want to receive all this attention. therefore, our task is to support mom, to help her survive this period and not to lose. connection with your children, going through this period, but what would you advise parents of children who are near the war zone, in our country now it is kharkiv region, it is sumy region, donetsk region, zaporizhzhia region, kherson region, partly even some other regions , which, relatively speaking, are tangential to the constant shelling, you need to talk about it with children, you need to explain whether it is necessary
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to give birth to as many of them as possible, what is your advice to our viewers who are watching now and to parents in general, with children must say because any void will still be filled with some information, if this information is not given by you, then someone else will give this information, or she will receive it from possibly not very correct or channels or telegram or other yes. social network, so this is generally the key thing that should happen between parents and children at the time of crisis, because first of all, depending on the age, children are still very dependent on their parents, well, the transition age is a slightly different situation, but the younger the children , they seek an explanation from their mother, and what is the key here? to talk is not to know the answers to all the questions, no one knows the answer to the question when the war will end, no one knows the answer to the question when it... will be over, no one knows
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the answer to the question, will everything be the same as the next will be, what will be tomorrow, uh, these are such open questions, and maintaining an honest relationship between the child and you, when you can say, i don't know, but i'm there, is to give the child the understanding that there is a connection with you, and you you don't know, but the child does not think for himself, the child does not will think that mom doesn't care about me. or the child will not think about the fact that it is probably my fault that the mother feels so bad, that is, any empty place can be filled with the child's guesses, and the child very often takes on another such feeling of guilt, that is, the mother she gets angry every day, cries every day, maybe i'm doing something wrong, maybe i need to help her more, that is , this is already a warning of such a situation and , plus, it is also a warning of a situation so that the child does not receive a completely different destructive information you do not want to receive.
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you always have to talk to children, and this is an absolute myth, that it is better for them to create something like that, and if it is a dropped bomb, then we will say that it is thunder, this is the creation of this illusion over the child. this is self-deception, this is when an adult cannot dare that he will have, well, that it is difficult for him, yes, to admit his own inability, er, to solve a situation, and, and such, not talking to children, on the contrary, drawing her some kind of parallel world, they will only create a distance between children, during the war children it is very important to feel that they are not alone, very important, it is possible to survive. any ordeal, to survive them alone is a thousand times more difficult, by the way, i would like to mention the movie house of chips, yes, you also joined the actual team of creating
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this movie, by the way, now our viewers can see, yes, if i'm not mistaken, the trailer for this movie, in the 19th year actually. this was the beginning of the creation of this film . of social-psychological-psychological rehabilitation, the film "house of chips" tells about children from difficult families who entered a shelter near the front line, they spend nine months in the shelter and either return to... their parents or end up in a boarding school or foster family oh, and this film, by the way, won the oneworld human rights documentary film festival in prague, so it's quite a large-scale work, actually, which i wish
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more people would see, and it's relevant now, that is, despite the fact that what is going on about 2019. about other years, starting from 2014, when the invasion of donbas, the invasion of crimea began, it is relevant, and of course we have to understand what started then, it is a connection with what is happening now. this story, it was, de facto, built into this film... in the co-production of denmark, sweden, finland, ukraine. actually competing for an oscar in 2023 , right? please correct me if i 'm wrong. so then, if we're talking about this
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movie, to what extent, again, what happened then is rightful to what happened what... is happening now, have the state, charitable foundations, and public organizations taken into account the mistakes that were made then, or are they taken into account now, or has the experience, which, in particular, we saw in this film, been transferred to the current terrible events. well, it would like everything to be taken into account, but we live in such realities that we are aware every day that a lot... is not taken into account, and it is also true that in 2019, when we started filming in lysychanskyi, and this was at that time 30 km from the front line, i.e. it was like that city, well 30 km, yes it is 15 minutes and you are already there at almost zero,
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well, 30 minutes from lysichansk, but that is , it was that city that lived such a rear life, but in constant... such a connection with the front line, because sometimes shelling could come from there, but even at the beginning of the 14th year, lysychansk suffered a lot and there were deaths and casualties, and unfortunately, i think that this is the last quality documentary footage from lysychansk in principle, because after we finished production in the 21st on the 22nd, and even at the age of 20, they already fought for the oscar, and after that losychansk was occupied and heavily bombed and is now virtually destroyed. these children from this shelter that we filmed, they were evacuated, i think that a certain part of the lessons, in particular regarding the evacuation of institutions, well, they were probably learned, because anyway, i think that the donetsk and luhansk regional military gained the most experience administration, because at that time the regional military administration was already operating there, and
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they actually lived in this reality, divided into peace and war, literally the front line, and i think that a lot of specialists from... the region and those organizations, and we, as a foundation , worked there then, so we definitely took our experience from there, and when on the first day of the full-scale invasion, well, we there from... realized that we are all now living in reality full-scale invasion, we understood exactly what to do from scratch, at the same time, many organizations of foundations, and only there gained this experience, because it was completely new, ee at the state, national level, i think that there are definitely not taken into account a lot of the lessons that could be taken into account there in terms of mine safety training for children, this it was possible to do it a long time ago with all the students of the school and it would not be necessary now to urgently teach all the children about... a grenade, how not to get injured by a mine or ammunition, training in first aid in emergency
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situations, this is very important, how to apply a tourniquet , how to hide, the same shelters in schools, they were not ready not only within ukraine, but also within the regions, even the nearest ones, yes, kharkiv, dnipro, zaporizhzhia, this was not arranged, despite the fact that the armed conflict had been going on for 8 years at that time, so, well, if so, the 14th-22nd. so very i hope, and we are doing our best to ensure that all lessons are learned in the future, but it is not as bright as we would like. of course, we have what we have, going back to the vulnerability of children, which age group is most vulnerable, there are different circumstances, we understand, there are when children are close to the line. front, there is a moment when children move somewhere with their parents,
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internally displaced persons, and there are children who are in a deep body, but the anxieties are constant, you have already mentioned the shelter, kindergarten, school, the child is always like they say, sometimes to a shelter, then to classes, in this context , the most vulnerable group of children is what age, ugh, well, look, about vulnerability. you can't think only by age and only by geography, first of all, the most vulnerable are those children who have disabilities or serious illnesses, and for whom the availability of this or that drug or medicine is literally a matter of life and health, and then, if the supply of your medicine has stopped because of the war, then it doesn't matter whether you are in kharkiv or you are in lviv, you are just tomorrow you can't die, so first of all , the most important are those children who either cannot... move independently, or are completely dependent on medical support, or have severe forms
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of disability, and even not severe, if they are basically children with disability, and this is such vulnerability, well, if it is objective, they cannot be responsible for themselves, the second such important reason for vulnerability is if children do not have parents, if the child lives with elderly relatives or under the care of grandmothers, well, that is, if a child in... a situation of what there is no adequate adult nearby who will take her by the hand and take care of her, either in a front-line location and arrange a shelter and take care of her, or take her and take her away, that is , in principle, children who do not have an adequate adult nearby, this is also the most important such criterion of vulnerability, because you can even be in and somewhere and not and not directly under the bombs, but you simply do not have adults who will follow you. take care, age is also such a criterion of vulnerability, and it is definitely those
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children who are of the youngest age, yes, at one year, the child cannot get up and go to his shelter, he cannot take care of himself, so it is obvious that a child who is left without a mother nearby, or this one, immediately falls into vulnerability, these children who cannot feed themselves, if something happened to the parents, then they... are the most vulnerable, and in general, the vulnerability of children is measured by, first of all, the presence of an adequate adult nearby. ms. elena, i would like to talk about the most difficult topic, it concerns kidnapped children from the occupied territories, their return, the complexities of this mechanism, how important is this context in... in your work, how many children, so to speak,
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maybe there are some calculations, at least approximate, now stolen by the russian federation, how much we return, can we really return, this context, it is very painful, maybe you can explain here professionally, well, this is such an issue that is currently being debated and discussed by the whole world, because it, well, it is a war crime, child abduction, illegal. deportation, keeping in the territory of russia those children who are ukrainian-ukrainians, obstruction they are being evacuated, we all understand that deportation is preceded by what, obstruction of evacuation, failure to... provide unreliable information about the possibility of evacuation, spreading the information that if you go to ukraine, everyone will be shot there, because you and you will immediately be recognized as traitors, well, that is, it is so posh, first of all, it is such a psychological information attack that there is no exit for people in that direction, in the direction of ukraine, and the physical blocking of these exits, we all know about the shootings of evacuation corridors and the obstacles to
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checkpoint, yes, all these filterings are absolutely illegal, hence the subsequent export. deportation is definitely a war crime, and before that there are even international criminal courts. or a figure, the ukrainian official side operates a figure of 2,000 children who were illegally taken out or detained, and illegally deported to russia. i didn't count these numbers, and well, we all rely on, yes, we trust this official figure that ukraine operates with ... cases, some left with their parents, some in a camp there and are kept somewhere in vladivostok, and some, and here you see the vulnerability, that is, the most vulnerable are those children who ended up there without adults without
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families, these are children who have the status of orphans, or children from whom, who had a warehouse there... the family situation is very difficult and the parents did not take care of their removal in time, eh , eh, well, this is definitely all illegal, eh, but how to return all the children, now the whole world is thinking about it, because an international coalition of helping countries has been created in ukraine in the negotiations to return ukrainian children, currently 388, if i am not mistaken, up to 400 children were returned, this is also official ukrainian... statistics, there is such a website children of war, everything is there, everything is official, all the official figures, it is extremely small, about the need to return them all, and as soon as possible , the whole world is already speaking, and the un, and all possible platforms, from all possible platforms, this is heard, but russia is playing its own war, for it the law is not the law, and for them it is a tool of manipulation,
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because children are always the first a tool of manipulation, everyone becomes disarmed, once when it comes to children, you cannot, in any way, adequately talk to the party that says, well, we have your children, that's why it's a tool of manipulation, and so simply within the framework of the law, which is broken , russia will not return. the context, abduction, adoption, in fact, the stay of children on the territory of russia, this is a violation of international law, this is a violation of a whole series of conventions, and russia is essentially responsible for this. bear responsibility , including under international law, or now there are movements in this direction to condemn, for example, the same hague court, so the court of the united nations organization, which is often mentioned, often talked about, there is a movement to do this and ultimately find russia
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guilty within the framework of the international rights, and she could bear it, whenever it happened. direct responsibility for their criminal actions against ukrainian children, well, there is a movement, i think that this is still more the responsibility of official structures and, first of all, the prosecutor general's office, and everyone investigative bodies that collect this entire evidence base, but what i see is that the evidence base is constantly being collected in order to convict, the evidence must be collected, it must be properly prepared, collected and transferred. and a lot of work is currently underway on this, and we have even now started a project together with the prosecutor general's office, when we, our psychologists, also provide additional training for investigative prosecutors on how to interview children in such a way as not to retraumatize them. because this is such additional knowledge that is needed now prosecutors, and these are new challenges that we are facing, that is, there is definitely a very
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large circle of people working here, i know that there are also a lot of invited international experts to different working groups, at different levels from the office of the president to the general prosecutor's office, the ombudsman and so on next, it goes on, but all the international experts with whom i have not spoken say that it will be a very long process, we just need not to completely get rid of the illusion that we all see, in front of our eyes, a crime is happening, all of us we know how lying russian is propaganda and what they do, we all understand this manipulation. but there is no tool to take and say: well, sorry, you violated this, that, that, go to prison, it will be a very difficult process, and it is long, long. and especially everything related to international courts is a very long process, that is why there is one, one road
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that we are on, all of us as a country, yes, not only us there, there is the collection of this dockyard base, everything, and it should be parallel also a parallel track by which we will improve our domestic legislation and pass judgments on those people who we also know who are guilty of war crimes, whom we can ... identify and in principle develop our internal national legislation in the context of punishing the guilty. very briefly , the last question: how can we prevent the abduction of ukrainian children by russia in the future, that is, what mechanism should we use here, legal, for example, morally legal, including in order to... still minimize such actions in the future? well, of course, this international publicity, it helps at least a little bit, yes, about this
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to shift the weight to our side and keep it in some kind of field is the enemy, but both this and this must be done, it is very good that so many countries declare their support for ukraine, there is no civilized state in this world. which has not declared its support for us, and all these topics are discussed from the un to the parliament of the smallest european state. er, this international track, it is very correct and important, er, but, er, experience shows that, well, unfortunately, with the instrument of law and the law , you cannot talk with russia only with this instrument, that is, er... there is simply different logic, yes, they read it the other way, and it is always different for them, and they will have an explanation for any violation of their law, that is, it is propaganda, it is a machine
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that, a propaganda machine that works specifically for to paint everyone a different picture of the world in which they live, so the advantage at the front is, i think, the key factor of pressure, i completely agree with you, this is a current logic, and we need to do everything to de-occupy our territories, and for this we need to help the whole armed world forces of ukraine. mrs. elena, we sincerely thank you for joining the broadcast, a difficult, important topic, but a topic that needs to be discussed and emphasized on any international platform. olena rozvadovska, specialist in the field of protection of children's rights. the co-founder and head of the board of the children's voices charitable foundation was on the air of the espresso tv channel. we will meet with you
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in the following interviews, in the following programs, also with important guests, and we remember that we must do everything in order to ukrainian children returned to ukraine. thank you, goodbye.
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hour and bring to your attention the news broadcast on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, and i will just now tell you about the most important events at this time. in the south, the enemy has accumulated forces, but they are not enough to break through the ukrainian defense line - the spokesperson of the southern defense forces reported dmytro pletenchuk. according to him, the enemy has reduced the number of assaults, but the tendency for escalation is not decreasing. in the orichiv direction, the occupiers carried out


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