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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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in the programs themselves, when they tell how ukraine is now hit somewhere, they tell how the civil infrastructure of ukraine is being destroyed. all weekend, our air defense systems knocked out objects of the critical infrastructure of the kyiv regime with precise strikes, explosions rang out over the entire territory controlled by kyiv. a series of strikes hit dniproges, zaporizhzhia region. the ukrainians published footage of the arrivals at the power plant. well, all this is even more disgustingly told by skabiyeva, who literally says that to return ukraine to the middle ages, that is, not to destroy any military targets, not to hit military facilities, no, that's exactly what it sounds like, to return ukraine to the middle ages. the russian air force launched another massive missile attack on ukraine. a total of 53 missiles of various types were launched. goal'.
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naval and land-based, for the first time in a long time calibers were used en masse. so you can return to the calibration term again. and here, you know, it’s just a matter of putting aside all the talk that ukraine will hit some airfields in... kursk or some other region with the military, and next to these conversations about how to destroy ukraine, return the people of ukraine to the middle ages, and then, you know, it is even more unclear, actually, why everything is not being fought against russia, and because it is clear that it simply has to go there to fly in order to avoid these conversations, because only impunity allows all these conversations about... the middle ages, you know,
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in general, they are so, well, you don't even need to watch some ukrainian tv channel, it's enough to watch, just pick one up, open one the program of the same skabieva, so that you can hear it first about returning ukraine to the middle ages, and then to hear that ukraine will hit military facilities and say, well, what's wrong? after that, ukraine should strike military facilities in the depths of russia in order to simply stop. russia's attempt to return ukraine to the middle ages, how else, this is the only normal reaction of any country, when the country is being destroyed, to strike in response, and everyone should understand this, and it is not necessary, i say, look, even there to listen to ukrainians, it is enough just to open a gear with kabievo and just to watch it in a row, as you and i watched it now, because all this was literally in one program, and... actually, you know, sometimes they are
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in their eyes talking about the genocide of ukrainians, about how to destroy the ukrainians, they are already starting to diverge to such an extent that it even causes a problem for those collaborators they have warmed up in russia, there was a scandal the other day with one of the broadcasts of the first channel, when they have one of... who is also a military type experts simply called all ukrainians second class, but even the problem well, the fact that they call ukrainians names is fine, but he called the collaborators who work for russia so that they are also second-class, they just sit, waiting for russia, they are second-class people, that is, you understand what he is saying, which can simply be crossed out all these talks about going there to release someone, some...
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russian-speakers, no, they consider these people to be second class, worse than russians, and it is obvious that they do not release them, those zhduns who are waiting for russia there, they do not fired, they just go to rob them, and that's it, that's it practically, well, not really hiding all this, well, this wonderful expert told me, and then yesterday, you know, there will be a noise in the environment of fugitives and collaborators, such that the first channel of the state-run russian television had to apologize, well, actually, around this, around what it was all about, let's take a look now. the incorrect phrase of one of our experts was cut out and became the subject of a large public discussion. as
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it turned out, our enemies took advantage of that. i have a very low opinion of ukrainians, because i don't see them rebelling, doing something like that. i have a much lower attitude towards them than towards russians. because i see no rebellion, no disturbance, i will insist that these people, unfortunately, are second-class people, if it suits them that their children are dissected for organs, that their wives are sent to the morgue, on the other hand on the other hand, they are ready, at best, to wait for russia, the russians, let them do everything they have to do for them, these are not the belarusians of the second era world war ii, the propagandist is literally infuriated that ukrainians do not believe... the fictions of russian propaganda that someone there is dismembered for organs and all women are sent to brothels, this is what infuriates him and means that ukrainians are second class, well, it always seemed to me the opposite, that if ukrainians do not believe russian propaganda and consider it delusional, then this indicates
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that ukrainians are quite intelligent people, and they still have not only, you know, some kind of tv, which one... they pray , i have some impressions of life, and in general they are able to distinguish lies from what is in reality and are able to filter this russian propaganda, but you see, a russian propagandist for him is that people of the second class, that is, people of the first class, russians, they are in this whole delusional believe, and that is why they are literally beautiful for russian propagandists, because you can hang noodles on them endlessly. on your ears and everything will be fine, moreover, it is even funnier to hear about how someone there revolts and does not revolt, so you literally on your tv broadcasts here a little bit not every day you tell how the ukrainians jumped on the maidans, there is no such thing in rosyushki, so who rises up and who does not rise up, in the end, and
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then what is the point of these conversations, well, this is such a delusion, but when he started apologizing, well, you know, this is the story , which... was even worse than what he said as a result, because he did not apologize, he said that these are stupid ukrainians, these collaborators of his misunderstood that everything was to blame, literally the ukrainian general staff, and you will laugh, but the british special services, it was not he who slapped his tongue, but his literally, probably the british special services somehow influenced him, and finally, it is not his fault. and the fact that russians are fascists and say fascist slogans on the air is putin's fault, that's what this propagandist agreed to, that's what he said, that there are only russians, that's the main nation in russia, and with what
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the propagandist is to blame, this one, he says, i just kind of repeated all this, so he apologized, that is, everyone, everyone is to blame for him, including putin, who... he himself is the first to promote some fascist slogans, but this one the propagandist is not guilty of anything, but literally everyone around him, well, you know, the typical behavior of a russian person, just typical, when they did not attack anyone, they were provoked, that's how putin provoked him, and he talked such a swan into himself on the air, and in the end it was so funny that even those who were in this studio began to say: that somehow he said something a little wrong and somehow it can't be said, well, in short, another one came out, i consider a scandal, i must apologize if me misunderstood the ukrainian people, for me the term that i always use is
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maloros, it is not a ukrainian, although i have never, unlike many colleagues, allowed myself to use such expressions as khohol, or in relation to poles, pshek, that i i meet on... some resources, the fact that i was then dressed in the merch of putin's team strengthens it. this was immediately adopted by tsipso from the submission of the information and psychological processing center of the main directorate of the general staff of ukraine. not only that, it was sponsored, i referenced chindita's 77th british brigade, who made the most of this situation. moreover, accusations of fascism, unfortunately, have been going on in our country ever since the president formulated the concept of "russian house". it was an incomplete quote, because then i argued my point of view, and oleksandr germanovych behaved inappropriately in the discussion, interrupted, tried to shut his mouth. there is no need to keep quiet, no one keeps quiet, here we
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say that tsipso took advantage. no, agree that our pubs are also on fire. wait, nikita. i didn't interrupt you, but this means that we have this problem here. they definitely have a problem with the fact that they are absolute fascists, no one doubts that, moreover, this one who told how he sat in the merch of putin's team, because yes, this is not a random person, this is... a respected propagandist , who is literally, well, in the kremlin pool, and he actually says, so what did i say, but my colleagues say it is even worse, and i did not say anything special, and this is also the pure truth, and in principle , i didn't even have to go far, but after this scandal something happened there a day passed, and already another propagandist at solovyov's told about the fact that if the poles speak the polish language, then they must be destroyed. because really, if someone doesn't speak russian, and suddenly the poles speak polish, then what to do with them,
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we have to drop a nuclear bomb on them. let's take poland as an example, as the most so close to us, as the biggest such real candidate, to be, a small one, a small, unlimited theater of nuclear war. there will be 20 large cities, hardly, even if you count that for each city... it is necessary to allocate two warheads each, this is only 30-40 warheads. 30-40 warheads. what is 30 warheads? this is just a volley of one iskander division, 16 launchers for each two. 10-15 minutes, and poland, as a state, and poles as a people, will disappear from the face of the planet along with their language. well, if this other propagandist is also caught with his words, he will also tell... that it is probably not him who is to blame, but putin, who two years ago told about the fact that there are only russians and no one else.
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that's how they usually are, well, directly, let's say, people who, well, are ready to say anything, but do not want to bear responsibility for their words, as well as russia in general, which is destroying ukraine, talks about the fact that it is necessary to destroy not only ukraine, but also other countries, and when incomes ... before something flies towards them, they begin to tell that they, how, how, it will be, maybe some debris will fall on civilian objects, what a pity, so you don't need to pay attention to all this, you just need to put them, you know, in place, and this is the only option in principle, somehow bring them to the point that they had no more intentions to destroy either ukraine, so that the ukrainians would disappear and not speak the ukrainian language, or poland, so that the poles would disappear and not speak the polish language, or some other countries, which they constantly also
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tell about estonia, latvia or someone else, so that they don't speak their languages, so that this doesn't happen, the only way to drive these russians, just to where they should be, in their swamps, and that's it, see you. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong tv unboxing saws are just for you. they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 999 uah. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order right now, there is an opportunity. free delivery. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you
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two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. why was the ukrainian producer bardash suspected? i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before. but as the son of the ex-mayor of odesa, he owns the temporarily occupied territories. our russian people are always used to fighting any
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difficulties. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, june 4 at 5:45 p.m. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn , have proven that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who
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pilots a uav understands aita, cooks, treats, repairs, coils and... kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. see this week in the collaborators program. why was the ukrainian producer bardash suspected? i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before. but how? the son of the ex-mayor of odesa owns the temporarily occupied territories. our russian people are always used to fighting any difficulties. greetings, i am olena kononenko and this the collaborators program is about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today there will be many new faces of treason, who are asking to be slandered throughout ukraine. but let's start with
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the well-known seller, music producer yuriy bardash. after a full-scale secondary. he fled the country, first hiding in georgia, where he compared ukraine with nazi germany on his social media pages, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to crawl all the way to russia. i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before, but not with the awareness that i am here forever. here forever. now bardash is sitting in the pig capital and runs a telegram channel where he calls for the capture of kharkiv and kyiv. he believes that the descendants of russia will study how a quasi-great power ruled the history of the whole world. but he calls the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence. the phrase "putin took ours." it a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted
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me to tell them. january 23, 2024. yuriy bardash received a passport with a chicken, already on may 22 the security service of ukraine notified the former well-known ukrainian producer of suspicion under four articles, in particular, for justifying the war and calling for changes to the borders of the territory of ukraine. in response to this, bardash said that he was looking for those involved in this decision. considering his actions and publication in telegram, it can be assumed that the former producer is still not released the mushrooms. well, in ukrainian... he will have to undergo a rehabilitation course, and this collaborator has not received the suspicion yet, but he is diligently working on it, worthy films with a patriotic education, mood, who
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was born in 1961, in his peaceful life he was the organizer of a long-term festival amateur film kinokiria, also became famous for destroying the cultural center kherson art and helping to transfer the premises of the former cinema, in which the center was located, to the control of vladyslav mangru, ex-head of the kherson regional council of prosecutions. until 10 years of imprisonment for the murder of activist kateryna hantsyuk. prior to that, maksimov was the director of the regional communal film and video rental company. when the boot of the occupier set foot in kherson, maksymov decided to change his ukrainian passport to a russian one and start a new chapter of his life, treacherous and despised, but first he did it with a shorthand. it became known about his betrayal when the occupiers fled from kherson to the left bank of the dnieper. maksimov ran with them, while not forgetting. to grab the equipment from the yuvileyny cinema. osiv maksimov together with the equipment in nova kakhovka and began to take care of the cinema of russia, which used to be called ukraine. this is a part of his interview, where
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the traitor says that the so -called colleagues from the temporarily occupied crimea helped install the stolen equipment in the local cinema. thanks to my colleagues from crimea, many thanks from feodosia of the crimea cinema, who volunteered to help us, here i have been bringing reports literally for days. technicians, engineers, and for a short time maksimov took care of cinema issues, he was promoted when russia held illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, this traitor received the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson regional duma from putin's united russia party. thanks to the personal initiative of the secretary of the united russia party and the senator of the kherson region. two beautiful autonomous clubs came to kherson oblast. what the... rodinets can often be seen in the occupied genichesk at backward film festivals that he organizes in honor of the occupiers and russian figures. as part of the united russia party and children's
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sports project, we presented a film about a beautiful athlete for our schoolchildren. we have ours instead, we want to see maksimov as the hero of another documentary film, about how traitors end up on the dock, and then behind bars. in ukraine, he... is wanted, in the swamps he faithfully serves the regime of murderers. our russian people are always used to fighting any difficulties, and the more these difficulties, the more the function of patriotism is included. this is volodymyr ruslanovych from bodelan, odessa, born in 1975. he is the son-in-law of odesa mayor ruslan bodalan. in 1997, he graduated from odessa state polytechnic university, obtained qualification of a specialist in the field of engineering. mechanika graduated from the st. petersburg academy of management and economics in 2010, was a member of the maritime party and the party of regions. in 2002 and 2010, he was elected
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a deputy of the odesa city council. in 2012 and 2014, he took part in parliamentary elections, but never became a people's deputy. since december 2010 , he held the position of head of the main territorial department of the state emergency service in the odesa region. but the events of may 2 ended his career. at this position. law enforcement agencies opened criminal proceedings against bored woman the investigation believes that it was the firemen's inaction that caused the mass death of people in the odesa building of prospilok. being near the scene of the fire, bodelan ordered his subordinates not to send rescue units there. the first fire engines arrived at the building only 40 minutes after the fire started. in no case will i dare and do not intend to cast a shadow on the results of the expert commission. but by all accounts, what i saw directly at this fire, it could not have caused the death of people. later, bodelan fled the country,
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the national police declared him wanted. in 2017, it was reported that he received russian citizenship and works in crimea, temporarily occupied by russia, where he holds the position of head of the so-called crimean branch of the federal kuzen institution, the center for strategic studies. of civil protection of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation. when russia unleashed a full-scale war, volodymyr began to appear in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. as it turned out, he was appointed deputy of the fake governor of the kherson region and head of the representative office of the kherson region in moscow. i can only be proud of this patriotism. we thank russia for accepting us, and this is the first time for us. and i hope that we will never and... nowhere let russia down in this. this traitor doesn't want to let his bloody idol down, so he adjusts the work of russian state institutions, russifies the temporarily occupied
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territories and believes that erefiya is a... great state, he is a russian man, and will be dedicated to serving it. budeland kisses his passport with a chicken and blows dust off it, and calls ukraine a hostile territory that russia allegedly forced to endure we create history, we stand on the side of truth. when the truth is behind us, nothing scares us. vladimir, you better not leave russia, because they will catch you like a rat and put you in prison for a long time. and pray that russia will need at least some time. of your services, because you yourself know what they do with those who are no longer needed. it was a program of collaborators and i, olena konunenko, if you want to talk about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this email address or just on facebook. together we will send all the traitors on the trail by a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. taking the wounded from
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the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join us in collecting from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. summer. it is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to give a real one a fairy tale and a bit of peace for children, a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support. because
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they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new one country, with a new culture, they will find new friends, and the most important thing is that they will get to... the requirement of qualified psychologists, and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every
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day, it was incredible. and i really do liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. this world will be judged by children, georges bernanos. according to the office of the prosecutor general, as of may 27, 2024, 548 children died and at least 1,351 children were injured of various degrees of severity. june day commemoration of children who died
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as a result of armed aggression. of the russian federation against ukraine. 18:00 in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now i will tell you about the most important. higher events. searches are being conducted in the building of the kyiv city state administration, the media reported with reference to sources. the inspection is conducted by the state bureau of investigation of the deputy chairman of the kmda kostyantyn usov. he is suspected of extorting a bribe from a truck carrier on a systemic basis. there are no official comments from the sbi yet. kostyantyn usav was appointed deputy chairman of kyiv city state.


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