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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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degree of severity. june 4 is the day of commemoration of the children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. news. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now i will tell you about the most important events. searches are being conducted in the building of the kyiv city state administration, the media reported with reference to sources. the inspection is conducted by the state bureau of investigation of the deputy chairman of the kmda kostyantyn usov. he is suspected of extorting a bribe from a truck carrier on a systemic basis. there are no official comments from the sbi yet.
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kostyantyn usav was appointed deputy head of the kyiv city state administration in 2021. he took care of the issue of capital transport. and to the situation at the front. street fighting continues in vovchansk, as the spokesman of the khortytsia group yuriy povh reported. according to the espresso tv channel, the situation remains tense, battles are taking place in urban areas. the russians will use... the tactics of small groups under the cover of artillery work. 11 combat clashes took place in the last day. the enemy struck 17 in the direction of our positions aircraft and one missile strike, as well as 28 strikes by kamikaze drones. the enemy uses equipment to a limited extent, as our artillery inflicts heavy losses on them. and in the southern direction, the enemy has accumulated forces, but they are not enough to break through. line of defense,
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said dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the defense forces of the south. according to him, the enemy has reduced the number of assaults, but the tendency for escalation is not decreasing. the occupiers launched six unsuccessful assaults in the orichiv direction. on the left bank of the dnieper, the enemy attacked the krynyk five times, suffered losses and went away the occupiers use all available weapons, including artillery and aviation, but suffer losses. specialists will be trained to work with unmanned aerial vehicles. the victory drones team, together with the ministry of defense, offers ukrainians to master drones and subsequently sign a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. the idea of ​​the initiative is to train the recruits even before they put on the military uniform. for training , they offer theoretical courses, testing and later receiving a report from the part. in the future, they plan to open about 10 similar ones centers these are multi-rotor directions
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, fpv directions, bomber directions are large, and so are the pallets of this type of scouts. we will not teach, it is taught by others, we teach such as valkyrie, as someone may have heard, this action was joint with dignitas on the ars, such scouts are there up to 40 km of action, a person first learns. is tested, realizes that it is suitable, experts understand that yes, this particular person can be a bpla operator, and the person is then registered and is absolutely predicted to fall into a specific military unit, to a specific position related to uavs, where she uses the new skills she has acquired further. in the oblasts and in kyiv, special schedules of emergency shutdowns were introduced, ukrenergo noted that due to... exceeding the consumption limits
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, they are forced to apply emergency shutdowns. special schedules will operate in donetsk, zhytomyr, mykolaiv, kirovohrad, kharkiv and khmelnytskyi regions. in the city of kyiv and the kyiv region, interruptions in power supply to critical facilities are possible infrastructure. i note that such special schedules are applied by order of ukrenergo when the situation in the power system is extremely critical. the restrictions will remain in place until consumption levels... return within the limits. ukraine plans to increase electricity imports from europe by more than 2 g , the government announced. russian strikes have resulted in the loss of 9gt of generation capacity, and the enemy continues to attack energy facilities. therefore, ukrenergo is forced to turn off the lights. this will buy us time to restore the power system - noted prime minister denys sh'. now
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developed a five-point strategy to improve the situation in the energy system, including strengthening air defenses, repairing damaged equipment and building defenses against drones to... barriers for importing generators, solar panels, storage devices, inverters and other equipment and parts into ukraine for such equipment, support for consumers who will install their own generation, in particular through the provision of soft loans, in each regional center must be equipped with facilities for powering critical infrastructure. we are talking about dozens of mini tets across the country. the draft law on the use of the english language in ukraine was adopted in the verkhovna rada, it was supported by 236 deputies. the document establishes the status of english as one of the languages ​​of international
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communication and defines the categories of positions for which candidates must be proficient in it. learning english will become mandatory, including in preschool institutions. all information. must be duplicated in english at railway stations, bus stations, airports and seaports. also the law offers to broadcast films in english in cinemas, and in case of non-payment of tickets , the state will compensate part of the funds. as for hiring in the public sector, first of all, there are defined categories, if we talk about district and... oblast state administrations, then we are talking about managers and their deputies, and the implementation period is 2 years after the end of martial law. and we are not talking about re-certification of everyone, only when hiring, more english in
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kindergartens, from september 2026 to all children in kindergartens will be taught english, but there is a difference whether it is... preschool, middle school and senior. it seems to me that one of the basic principles that should be followed by the ukrainian state is violated here, that the ukrainian state can and should finance exclusively ukrainian cultural product, exclusively ukrainian culture, when we will now give money for people to go see hollywood, well, it seems to me that hollywood can do without us and without our resources, instead we don't give any pennies, we don't give any programs specially created so that people have the opportunity to watch ukrainian cinema. polish protesters blocked the movement of trucks leaving ukraine at the rav ruska checkpoint. 12 cars are allowed to enter for 12 hours, as well as four trucks carrying humanitarian aid, the state border service reported. buses and cars in both directions
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pass as usual. currently , 33 vehicles are registered in the electronic queue for departure from ukraine. the protest will last until june 6. require to reduce the import of grain crops into the territory of poland, the increase of the excise tax on tobacco products, the verkhovna rada supported in the first reading. 249 deputies voted in favor of the tax code, according to the bill, excise taxes on cigarettes will be tied to the euro, not the hryvnia, people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak said. next year , the tax will increase by 23%. this year, the increase
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will take place only in case of devaluation, due to the changes next year , more than 600 million hryvnias should be added to the budget. the rate will not be in hryvnias, but in euros it's also normal, because if our foreign currency is correspondingly more expensive, we receive more money in the budget and we don't need to constantly do indexation, secondly, it will be a conditionally net increase in excise tax rates for several years, since we did not index for a long time before this excise rates prescribed by law, first year 25th. indexation will be slightly higher next year. and let me remind you that june 4 is the day of commemoration of children. before this date , the children's voices campaign was organized in lviv. an installation of angel was placed in the city center, which the townspeople decorated with symbolic bells, and the residents of mariupol decorated
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the trees near the garrison church with homemade doves. those present also joined in the memorial prayer. since 2014, russia has killed at least we brought such pigeons, which our children made, with bells, that is, it symbolizes. the voices of children who died, because 92 children of our mariupol people officially died, that is, it is a very large number, today it is very symbolic, there are even more bells, because we still place them on trees, who are on this square, and in this way we show the whole world that it is necessary to see that the moscow navala does not just kill boys and girls, it kills innocent children who could just be in their houses and homes and did not have time to go to shelter. that was the news. for now, i'm iryna koval, i say goodbye and see you tomorrow, i wish you a quiet and peaceful evening,
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you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our social networks and watch us on youtube, well and then, my colleague, vasyl zyma, continues on the air. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. few people can overcome allergies. tsytrilev neo. protects against the most common allergens. in the latest
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events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso . verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more. analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings,
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dear viewers, i hope you can see us and there is definitely light in at least a certain number of viewers. this is velikiy eter on the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zamaya , for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues are with you. so, biden spoke about how he sees peace in ukraine. macron will announce the appearance of the french in a few days instructors on the territory. of our country, prices are rising, how do tariffs affect it, and the dollar is growing, oleksandr morchavka will talk about this. in addition, there is a lot of important information, they came to klitschko with searches and... from the state bureau of investigation, who is being searched and what they are looking for, and about the events at the front in detail, and also the weather from natalka didenko, when and how it will flood and why after all, they decided to deviate from the schedules and return to emergency blackouts, what is the situation in reality, we will talk about that to speak, but now i will hand over the floor to serhiy sgorts about the situation in the key areas
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of the front line and everything related to the war. serhiy, good evening, please speak to you. greetings vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our section we will talk about the strengthening of air defense, and in more detail about the new missiles for the strela-10 complex in continuation of the frankinsam projects, about the expectation of the italian sumpti and about combat operations on the front line in a conversation with our military about it in a moment. i will start ours a column on the topic of the search for new weapons capabilities that work, that is, fight, but remain unnoticed, and then unexpectedly fall into the frame. the armed forces of ukraine, or more precisely, the belotserkiv anti-aircraft missile regiment, showed a video of the osa anti-aircraft missile complex, which received
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new missiles. this sam is now actively used primarily to destroy such. enemy targets such as enemy cruise missiles, drones, in particular eagles, this is usually done with the help of still soviet stocks of missiles, which in fact are not so much a lot, but this video shows that, in addition to standard missiles for the osa air defense system, this complex is equipped with r-73 short-range air-to-air missiles, this is actually another manifestation of that already known to us... concept of frankins, when combining things that were previously incompatible, because the r-73 missile is actually a short-range missile for aircraft, but now it has been attached to the mirror chaos and it can be assumed that now from this complex it is possible to shoot down air targets and somewhere at a range of 12 km, the main thing is that the homing head
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captures an enemy target, and a 73 missile at that can be made in ukraine, because the homing head and... some other things can be made by our enterprises, so i think this project can be scaled, and now we are waiting to add to the osa air defense system, which are short-range zerks, other already long-range anti-aircraft missile complexes from our partners, we are talking about the fact that it has now been announced that italy will transfer to us another battery or complex called sam... these are one of the most modern examples of long -range air defense systems, it is adapted to fight with planes, and with cruise missiles, and most importantly, even with ballistic missiles like the russian dagger, and with certain indicators, this air defense system is even better than petrio,
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because it is more mobile, it has a range of destroying planes there at a distance of 150 km, and.. . ballistic targets at about 35 km, which is even better than patriot. when we will receive it, this is an interesting thing, because, relatively speaking, the italian press, in particular gzitala stumpa, wrote that this complex has already been handed over. on the other hand, we know that there have been reports that this complex will be transferred, at least fast enough until june 13 before the meeting of the g7 countries. so we hope that in fact these reinforcements of our air defense will happen quickly enough, then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, where last day there were 137 combat clashes, the day before yesterday there were 60, the last day was 137, that is, we are talking about an increase in dynamics on across the entire
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front, and before we get to our guest, i'd like us to announce another one. gathering held by our channel, we invite you to join the new gathering for fighters the air reconnaissance brigade of the national guard of the frontiers needs mavics and fpv drones, the required amount is 3 million uah, now you see on the screens a qr-code by which you can transfer funds, and your help is extremely important. and now vitaly lytvyn, an officer of the brigade's intelligence department, joins us. of operational assignment rubizh of the national guard of ukraine, hero of ukraine. he received the golden hero star in june 22. mr. vitaly, welcome to the espresso council channel. to see and hear, dear studio, dear tv viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, no once i spoke with the officers of your brigade and we mainly talked about the situation in
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the bakhmut direction, your unit is special, it can be used and applied in other directions in view of the needs of the military command, so i would like you to give a description of the direction in which you are where are you and where does your unit currently have to do the left part of the tasks? i want to say that our rubizh offensive guard brigade is currently being used in several areas, namely kharkiv, kupra and liman direction, and that is, we perform the lion's share of tasks in all these three directions, because each of these directions is very important, and we teach there completely 100%. as we can see, our air reconnaissance of our brigade is collecting on... i want to explain a little to the tv viewers how we use them, that is , we use the 3t mavics to adjust the artillery so that the enemy, when he conducts assault operations, cannot get close to our
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units, to our defensive positions in order to destroy it directly on the approach to these positions, and we use fpv drones, because we understand, i want to explain, when fpv drones became so popular, when we had a shortage of artillery ammunition, and we realized that irpi drones could... make up for the shortage of this ammunition and effectively destroy dugouts, destroy equipment, equipment that moves and to fire this technique during a storm attack conducted by the enemy. now we can see the footage of our second operational battalion, this is the lyman direction, the enemy there used armored vehicles during the assault, as we are, there is another video on the internet, you can watch it used a tank, it was called a barn, it was covered on all sides, and how we all laughed at those braziers at the beginning of the full scale invasion, but they are... effective against fpv drones, and if you don't use booster ammunition, these tanks you can’t even destroy it, and they are coming very close to
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the front edge of ours, and this tank was destroyed by our infantrymen with direct shots from 50 m, convenient grenade launchers, we fired two shots and this tank was destroyed, and here it is fpv drones and mavics, they help in destruction of the enemy on the approach to our positions. mr. vitaly, what are the specifics of the enemy’s actions now, is the number of armored vehicles decreasing, or on the contrary increasing, well, in particular compared to a month or two ago, because there are different assessments of the situation, now it is said that there is still more the enemy uses manpower without the support of armored vehicles, you know, this can be followed not even by time, but from direction to direction, for example, in the liman direction, the enemy carried out offensive operations with the support of tanks, bmp and others armored vehicles such as beter in the kharkiv direction, where our units also operate, the enemy did not use armored vehicles there, he used a very large number of infantry there, for example, in
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the kupyan direction, the enemy wants to use his sudden actions there, and he used buggies there, that is, he sends one bug with a detachment of infantry, if they are successful, they send two more bugs with infantry, and they move on, that is , improve their own, develop success, so to speak, if they are not successful, just one ba with infantry... is destroyed and the enemy stops conducting assaults, that is, the enemy's army is very experienced, teams at the brigade level are experienced, they have combat operations behind the shoulders of the introduction into the temporarily occupied territories of our country, this is syria, and many servicemen of their country also took combat operations in chechnya, in georgia and in other countries, that is, they are experienced commanders, and they can use their means very cunningly, both manpower and equipment, suddenness, that is, they approach it, so to speak, as an artist. as they see they use it that way, and in the kharkiv direction, i want to stop at it now, there the enemy was such on the internet that
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aptialadinovtsi, kadyrov’s deputy, said that he wants to use it, he will use his units with honor where the russian federation wants to use them there, and as for me, this is an indicator of the low morale of the troops of the russian federation in the kharkiv direction, because when we encountered akhmat's units. then they stood behind the units of the main units of the russian the federation and controlled them so that they would not run away, and now we can see that there were shots in vovchansk, i don't remember which unit, that they were simply russian, the russian federation, their servicemen were simply moving towards the defense forces of ukraine with their hands raised, and yuriy botusov also had many videos where he interrogated military personnel of the defense force of ukraine interrogated prisoners and they also emphasized the low moral absolute state of things. of russian troops in the kharkiv region, mr. officer, i would like to ask you about such a thing is related to the training of personnel, but a little in this context.
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since the formation of the rubizh brigade, it was created as an operational brigade under the best standards, you were trained in cooperation with canadian instructors when we talk about military intelligence, and now the question arises again that more foreign instructors should come to us, but during this time and our military has gained such experience that our foreign partners probably do not know about it yet, in your opinion, in what way... to ensure this maximum synergy of foreign experience and the accumulated experience of our military in order to ensure the most effective training of new units and new commanders. look, our brigade, the guard brigade, are being created according to date standards, that is , the organizational and staff structure of units was the same as in the united states of america and partners and members of nato. and when i took canadian courses. by
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nato standards of the scout course, i want to tell you, these were very experienced instructors, but in mine unit, i personally already had a lot of experience behind my shoulders in introduction to anti-terrorist operations, in the operations of the joint forces, and on these courses i managed not to acquire new skills, to systematize my own, and you know, that's how you hear me, hear, hear, absolutely ok, so we hear, i am sometimes asked if we can be considered the strongest army in the world, i say the strongest. that we cannot count on the army in the world, but we can certainly count on the most experienced army in the world, and that is, all the instructors who come, because we have demobilization, we have a very large number of personnel who need to be trained, and these instructors, they provide the basis, and then already in the military units , the instructors, if they sharpen this stone to a more perfect level and to the level of application of modern warfare
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on our territory, because he war changes. we have a very large colossal experience of the war with the russian federation, and you know, this experience is also very important for our partners, and these instructors, for example, our brigade, it is during of a full-scale invasion, many exercises were held abroad, and the instructors say that they are also interested in learning some skills and hearing stories from us, and it is precisely our experience and realizing it, because we have experience, that is, no nato member country, no country ... the world has not fought and has not conducted such full-scale hostilities, which we are currently conducting on our territory with the russian federation. you are the commander of an intelligence unit and would like to ask what are the features of the tasks that your unit performs within the permissible limits, and whether this the experience is scalable, or each operation is unique, and actually everyone here has their own path, their own history and their own practice. eh,
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you know, this experience, everyone has their own, but it can be scaled, that is , situations can arise in the future, only, that is, now we are also assembling 3t mavics, these are copters with devices, thermal imaging devices, which are used at night for the use of reconnaissance units at night, i.e., the pva and laser sighting devices used by our scouts of our brigade, this is technical. advantage over the enemy, this is a professional advantage over the enemy, which we can effectively destroy at night, that is , scouts are used at night, we carry out as reconnaissance e measures, we go around the enemy's consolidated strongholds, we carry out assault actions and sometimes perform tasks, er, hold joint support points in the hotter directions of these or other lines of battalion lines of defense, revolving lines of defense, eh ot role eh... the commander in
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the process of carrying out the mission or the task, were there unique cases when everything went according to plan, or each operation is actually an adaptation and response to reality, which is sometimes completely different from what was planned before the exit. eh, look, we had an operation that is still going on, everything was going according to plan, the commander of the reconnaissance group was seriously wounded, he was evacuated according to the plan, that is, it is being worked out, several plans at once, that is, such special operational actions that under certain conditions they are practiced and performed. before any operation, it is necessary to carry out effective reconnaissance, study of moral and psychological enemy positions, position points, main firing points of enemy artillery, reserve positions of enemy artillery, and then execute. if we conduct effective intelligence, then er...


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