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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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corridor of the armed forces of ukraine in the black sea, how ukraine managed to restore trade on its own during the war. we are talking about this on the bbc, live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. many missed this victory, but it is extremely important for the ukrainian economy, because it was possible to restore the main trade route through the black sea and export not only grain and agricultural products, but also restore other ukrainian exports. how did this become possible? do you remember the black sea grain initiative, it was signed in istanbul with the mediation of the un and turkey, separately from in russia, separately with ukraine, in the summer of the first year you are full. war, this agreement unblocked
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the export of ukrainian food. in this way, they tried to stop the jump in world prices for grain products, after russia actually closed the black sea to ukraine. so, on the initiative of the un, ukraine was then able to start exporting its grain. such a grain corridor of the un worked for almost a year, until russia withdrew from the agreement. what happened next? already a month after russia's withdrawal from this agreement and its termination, ukraine independently... laid its corridor in the black sea, the first vessel whose safety was guaranteed only by ukraine came out of the sport, and since august last year, the zsu corridor, as it is called, began to operate. in fact, now the route runs closer to the shore, because in case of something, it is easier for the military to cover the ship. in this way, in more than six months, ukraine was able to export more cargo than in a year of the international grain initiative. these are the data of the ukrainian government. my colleague. anastasia
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zanuda investigated how ukraine managed to restore trade during a full-scale war this restored corridor is called the armed forces corridor among government officials and experts. because it was thanks to the actions of the ukrainian military that it was possible to regain control over the western part of the black sea, there were many components in this and the return of control over the island of snakes, we remember it, and the so-called boyka towers. and the so-called cotton in sevastopol, western crimea, dzhankoya, i.e., where the russian weapons are located on the one hand, and on the other hand the monitoring of the black sea, a purely military component. the second component is this the creation of a very interesting insurance system that covers not only ordinary risks, but also military risks. thanks to this insurance system , it was possible to reduce the cost. ship insurance
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from 3-4% at the start of this initiative to less than 1%, that's a lot of money. ukrainian banks, ukreximbank and ukrgazbank, and half of private western companies led by lloyd's of london participate in it. this mechanism is called the unity facility, it started working from november last year, already from march this year. thanks to it, they began to insure not only grain, agricultural products, but also all other cargoes, that is, it is ore, it is metal, and it is even container transportation, which also began to recover. it must be said that traditionally insurance, especially marine, er, also with military risks, is of course not only about the economy, it is about security, by the way, the headquarters of the international maritime organization is also located in london, that is, here... it must be understood , that we
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have such a very interesting tandem, a powerful tandem of economic and security means, each of which separately and all of them together worked for what would seem to have succeeded to achieve the impossible, to restore ukrainian exports, a country that from the very beginning in pre-war times focused on exporting its... goods to world markets, to restore it during the war, in fact in the war zone. and by the way, you can read anastasia zanuda's article on the restoration of the maritime trade route on our website. an unnoticed victory, how ukraine managed to resume exports through the black sea. look for it with such a title. this article contains a lot of interesting information, which, unfortunately, we will not have time to talk about on the air. so, cargo insurance. an important component of the work
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of the black sea corridor is insurance in the conditions of war, but let's talk a little more about the military component: blow by blow, the ukrainian armed forces pushed the russians out of the black sea, this... was a long battle for control over its western part, as it unfolded, columnist oleksandr khara analyzes. the first important moment was the destruction of the cruiser moskva, which provided, in fact, such an anti-aircraft umbrella over the theater of war. second, it was the liberation of snake island, because on it in addition to weapons, the russians installed a surveillance system on the island. in order to control everything that enters and leaves the ukrainian, black sea and danube ports. next, it was a sweep by our special services, the so-called higher boyka, there was also special equipment for monitoring the air, surface and underwater situation, then there were several strikes and the landing
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of ukrainian, ukrainian spitnaz on tarkankut, it was destroyed, which means that the radar systems were also destroyed, well and other means that allowed the russians to... see and control situation, plus several strikes were also carried out on the headquarters of the black sea fleet on airports, airfields, i apologize, military ones, and most importantly, of course, this is the innovative use of naval drones, which sank up to a third of the black sea fleet of the russian federation and drove it away not only from the northern in the western part, where the sea lines of communication of ukraine with the outside world pass, even... and now the russian black sea fleet is mostly located in novorossiya, by and large this is the strategy and step-by-step actions of the forces defense forces allowed to unblock the export of ukrainian grain, well, then we can also add diplomatic, let's say, negotiations with
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our partners, since we changed the entire line of communication closer to the coastline, and in fact, leaving ukrainian ports , these... they go through the territorial waters of other countries , and i want to remind you that these are primarily romania and bulgaria, nato member countries, and so on, turkey understood. and of course, any, any attack on such a civilian ship can cause a response not only of this country, given that they are members of nato, all of nato. and that is exactly why it deters the russian federation from direct aggressive actions in the territorial waters of partner countries. of course, the russians can try to strike odesa and the port infrastructure, as well as the infrastructure on the danube, but it is clear that our air defense systems and systems that destroy rockets and shahedis and any other
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russian means are already practicing here. in fact, the world is studying the ukrainian experience of fighting at sea, which in the black sea was made ukrainian to the military, that's what... the columnist from the american analytical center rand scott savitz told about it. combat at sea is important in this war, but it is primarily a land war. both air and sea are important, but ultimately this is a land war between two nations that share a very long border. so in this land war, where over the last year each side has achieved a lot. limited advance, the sea side of the war was the most dynamic and dramatic. the most significant aspect of the current struggle in the black sea is that ukraine, a country that doesn't actually have a traditional navy in the form of large warships
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has been able to achieve what we call no-access at sea very effectively. that is, she was able to. harm russia to use naval power in most of the western black sea and even in its central part. ukraine has achieved this with surface drones loaded with explosives that strike warships at sea or in port, with missiles, mines and other means. thanks to a complex of actions, ukraine has protected own access to the sea, while limiting russia's ability to attack. strikes from the sea on land targets, as well as the specific tactics, operations and technologies used, they can be a clear indicator of the direction in which the naval war is moving. in south asia, for example, great attention is paid to the symbolism, in fact, to the defense of ukraine. there, small
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countries facing threats from china say: we can learn from this and perhaps imitate some of ukraine's technologies and tactics. but they also admit that they can take an example from ukraine's will to resist, when putin expected a quick victory, but it didn't happen, because ukraine united to... fight back. the small countries of east asia and other countries of the world have recognized that they too can fight aggression if someone tries to attack them. so i think it's very important for the world as a whole. and in addition to the concrete military lessons and the importance of security for all of europe, there is recognition that this is changing international politics and naval warfare around the world. ugh. and if we talk about trade, then lead goods by sea cheaper than overland or the danube river route. we
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will talk about alternative ways of ukrainian exports a little later, but sea transportation is cheaper due to volume, a larger ship, more cargo. actually, we are talking about the volumes of transportation along the corridor of the armed forces in the black sea. in 9 months, 50 million tons of goods were transported through this corridor. this is 1,737 ships, less than in a year. these are the data of the administration of sea ports of ukraine. how do these transports take place? there is very little information for security reasons, but if it is very simplified, the mechanism is as follows: several civilian ships form a caravan, then the coordinating military headquarters assesses the risks at sea and in the air and, depending on the conditions, gives the ships permission to pass. but still, the sea corridor remains extremely risky, while russia strikes at ukraine, in particular targeting the railway and port infrastructure, so it is important for ukraine to keep other avenues open for trade. routes that managed to be laid during a full-scale war. this way makes
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it possible to export now not only grain, as it was with the grain corridor, under the patronage of the un, turkey, and with the consent of russia, it is possible to export ore, metals, and other goods, in fact, all that ukraine can offer to the foreign market is... not only more foreign exchange earnings , which is the number one benefit of ukraine from the restoration of this export route, it is also sales markets for ukrainian industry, it is jobs inside ukraine itself, that is, it is keeping the entire ukrainian economy afloat, all this increases budget revenues, and i remind you that exactly from budget revenues, namely from of our economy... the armed forces of ukraine are financed, that is, first of all, it is
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an opportunity for ukraine to finance expenses related to security and defense. well, in addition, it can also be better opportunities for importing goods. it should also not be forgotten that during the war we imported a lot, imports exceed our exports as of now. cheaper import route means. perhaps lower prices on store shelves, of course, all this does not mean that you can abandon the danube route, or overland through the borders of our western neighbors, in particular of poland, absolutely all experts, both economists and security experts said that they should be preserved, they should be developed and even have not only as an insurance, but also just... alternative, more profitable routes for some part of the goods, of course , i
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think that during the war, everyone understood that it is absolutely necessary to have not only plan a, but also plan b and c. i think the value of these, at least three, at least three directions should be preserved. well, i can repeat that you can read my colleague anastasia zanuda's article read on our bbc website. about how ukraine managed to restore exports through the black sea, there is much more information than we will have time to tell on the air, and indeed, ukraine has restored not only exports, but also imports through the black sea. currently , salt and fertilizers are brought in via this route, but imports will increase if container transportation is fully operational, much larger volumes, then we can talk. well, subscribe to our pages in social networks as well, so as not to miss the news. more important news on facebook, instagram, tiktok, youtube you can watch our broadcast if you suddenly
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missed it live. well, i say goodbye to you, next time watch our broadcast at 9 pm, congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel, the second part of the program, the verdict, my name is serhii rudenko, and today we will talk about the following. a global summit without china. beijing does not want. to discuss the kyiv peace formula without moscow's participation, what is president zelensky bringing to the summit and what results can be expected? mobilization scandals. the cabinet of ministers can deprive the reservation of a part rescuers of the state emergency service, and employees of defense enterprises are already being served with summonses. when will the government
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put order in mobilization? the scandal surrounding censorship in ukrinform. who and... why tried to introduce dark circles in the state information agency, which is included in the list of the most transparent and responsible media. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, participate in our survey, today we ask you about whether you understand the principle of booking from mobi. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your thoughts about how and in what way mobilized people are booked in ukraine, please write in this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you understand the principle of booking from mobilization 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382. all calls to
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these numbers are free, vote at the end. we will sum up the program this vote. today we have people's deputies of ukraine on air. i am glad to welcome to our program yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. we have certain problems in connection with ms. people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our ether, good evening, thank you for inviting us, we have a power outage in kyiv right now, so you know, we are also in kyiv, we,
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we understand you perfectly, thank you for joining us, despite such a difficult situation, which is. with electricity, and we should have mykhailo tsimbalyuk on the phone, please let me know if he is on the phone, we are waiting for mykhailo tsimbalyuk to be connected and to restore contact with evgenia kravchuk, and if she is already on the phone yazka, also tell me, you see, we have a problem now with the inclusion of our guests, due to a power outage across the country, mr. yaroslav, since we are asking our... viewers and tv viewers whether they understand the principle of reservation against mobilization in ukraine, i will ask you and me whether you understand the principle of reservation against mobilization and is the existing system satisfactory to you? no, it is not clear, moreover, i am convinced that in our country
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you will not find any person, including a high one. a gardener who would sincerely answer otherwise, because this system is enough chaotic, and as far as i'm concerned, this is a matter for the ministry of economy and the ministry of defense as well, to bring order there. an elementary example, you remember recently, the scandal with circuses about the fact that our circuses were booked as an important defense enterprise or important for... for defense capability, this, this reservation, this decision i found by chance when i was checking that well, for enterprises that are necessary for defense capability, or another example, it is the same with bookmakers and with other companies, well , first of all, we just need to somehow
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rank, well, we can’t equate a conditional defense enterprise to a circus, with all due respect to the first and second, well... it should be renamed there so that people don’t laugh, and secondly, well, there is a sufficiently opaque system, and your colleagues from the bihus program , they made a great article about how representatives book sushein there and so on, so as not to walk for a long time, who has internet and electricity, or at least the internet, go to workua or olx now and select vacancies with reservations, you will see there many. shop assistants, gardeners, cleaners, drivers, well, that is , i mean not military drivers and not even for... logistics, yes, but ordinary ones just there to transport one or two managers of the company conditionally, well, excuse me, but how did they get this reservation, and why didn't the others
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get it? therefore, this system is really quite chaotic, and it seems to me that people who criticize it are not populist, but with such examples, well, they are right, none of my colleagues, neither from the government, nor from the opposition , is logical to me. i cannot explain such approaches, but unfortunately, i cannot explain why, having understood the problem, we still do not solve it. thank you, mr. yaroslav, your colleagues mykhailo tsimbalyuk from batkivshchyna and yevheniya kravchuk from servant of the people have already joined the conversation. mrs. yevgenia, mr. mykhailo, i am glad to welcome you to our broadcast. and well, since we are asking our viewers and have already talked to mr. yaroslav about whether he understands. the principle of reservation from mobilization, because our survey to our audience is exactly what it sounds like: do you understand the principle of reservation from mobilization? let's have a very brief
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exchange of ideas, do you understand how this principle of armoring from mobilization works, if it is not clear what needs to be done and why exactly this principle , there are always some questions to this principle, mrs. yevgenia, please welcome. it's just a problem with communication, i didn't hear the whole conversation, but from the answer of my colleague yaroslava, i understand that even the people's deputies did not fully understand the criteria, because in fact the criteria are not defense capability, but the so-called criticality of the infrastructure, and this is a broader concept, than defense capability, moreover, in the context of our committee's industry. humanitarian and information policy, it is even broader and more incomprehensible, because in reality we are approached by, for example, representatives of creative industries and various fields, well,
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for example, some architects or artists, well , talents that are born for centuries, let's be frank, or writers, which are born for centuries, can they be called part of the critical structure, well, obviously it is very difficult to choose, because it must be a state enterprise, or in the case of the information sphere, it should be some kind of critical, critical media for informing citizens, which is absolutely understandable and correct, because in fact informing citizens is a critical infrastructure, but really these criteria are quite blurred, and... sometimes what appears in the press, it infuriates citizens, but obviously those enterprises that are known, well, in the care of various ministries, cannot
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be selected under one criterion, another issue is, for example, the booking of fops, yes, self-employed citizens, some categories really there are critical, indeed, these are... artificial specialists who are in the country, but they do not fall under the state enterprise or at all, how to ban the fop, if 50% of the employees are booked, the fop is one person, so really, well, questions there is a lot, and the demand for justice is great, but it should be obvious that this balance between the economy, between culture, between information policy and the fact that everyone... should go to immobilize, well , in order to understand why, why we ask about this, here is one sufficiently revealing
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fact: leading public and private enterprises of the defense-industrial complex appealed to the government not to mobilize officially employed workers during the verification of the data of the utc for booking, which is stated in this message, despite the participation of such specialists in the performance of state contracts with the state customer. in the field of defense and of particular importance for the military industry, immediately after passing the vlk, such employees are given a mobilization order without the possibility of booking, i.e. people go to the tsk to update their data and show that in they have a reservation, they are told that the reservation is not working. mr. mykhailo, how do you assess the reservation system that is currently in place, and is it a system or is it a set of some circulars that were adopted in... and now glovo can reserve its employees, and let's say , defense-industrial complex. cannot,
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because when they go for this reservation, it turns out that they are given combat summons, in my opinion, there is no system, but reservation is definitely necessary, because for a successful front, a successful economy must work, and today it happens chaotically, it all depends on how the head of one or another enterprise will be able to solve cases in the military local administration, then apply... vertically to the ministries, to the cabinet of ministers, and only there they approve what percentage, which employees, which enterprises can be reserve and in fact they reserve, in connection with the entry into force of the law on improving the military accounting of the immobilization reserve, in general , at first the cabinet of ministers canceled all reservations, now it seems that they have extended it for a period of three months, and this is actually...
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a big problem for the state, a big corruption component, and here it is necessary to actually write those regulatory documents that simultaneously provide a mobilization reserve, and on the other hand, guarantee not only critical infrastructure, not only military to the industrial complex, but also to other important industries, so that they work, pay taxes, and so that such things do not happen that, in fact, eh... civil society does not understand the approaches, so far the cabinet of ministers, how about me in this plan lost communication with society and with the heads of local administrations, and none, he emphasizes, the head with whom i communicated on the ground, can clearly explain neither the principles, nor the system, nor approaches in general, but once again i outline what i started with, definitely a reservation is needed, but this should be put in order, and we
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are waiting. such proposals from the cabinet of ministers, because this is their competence. thank you, mr. general, mr. yaroslav, for quite a long time, within the walls of the verkhovna rada, the issue of introducing economic banning was discussed, i know that your colleague natalukha commented quite actively and promoted this possibility of creating an economic reservation, as if until... before that there was no agreement in the upper echelons of the government, and this issue has now been completely removed, you know for sure, for sure, whether are there any other variations in the introduction of economic protection, or does this create inequality for other citizens of ukraine who cannot afford economic protection? well, look, any reservation creates inequality, and basically war is that
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a very ... unfair thing, and secondly, with all due respect to my colleague natalukh, but this is not a matter for parliament, and any desire, as you called it, of the higher echelons of power, which i understand is slightly higher than the verkhovna rada in a parliamentary-presidential republic, it is wrong to transfer this issue to the parliament as an unpopular one, because any mechanism for election. colleagues, this is the prerogative of the cabinet, at least two government decrees will calmly decide this, again, they can come up with any criterion, i am not a big fan of you economic reservation, trite because i just don't see how we can explain it to people, but again, it's not my problem, it's the government's problem, they have all the power and all the leverage to
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solve it. why do they talk about it and not do it? well, i don't have a cultural answer here either. i also don't understand why you can't go out to society and say: don't wait, it won't happen, it's not true and so on. this is the worst situation when everyone learns about it from rbc, if i'm not mistaken, and a then come out again, my colleague says. no, it seems that there are still discussions there, but once again, here is economic harrowing, harrowing according to the code of civil procedure, reservations, what was mentioned today by the head, there it is due to the action of the siti, well, these are the tidbits of one big one, i cannot call it a system, because here it is agreed with a colleague, there is no such system, but it has, well, it...


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