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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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the victory of ukraine as the restoration of the world security architecture with a tribunal against the aggressor state, because china has its ambitions of global dominance, this is one, two, our key to victory is that nato, the un and this coalition of resolute do everything so that we get an advantage not only there in fighter jets, advantage in technologies, resources, because the economy of ukraine is also important here. which should work, so we need to work now with those who understand that european security is part of their national security, why do you think macron talked about sending troops here because they also need ukraine's experience, they don't want the war to spread to the european continent and nato territory and many other reasons, so we don't need to spread our efforts around the world, but we need to work with those who wants to defeat with us hanna, thank you very much, hanna gubko, people's deputy of ukraine, here.
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convocation, and by the way, in the united states of america they also just said that they are now considering the logistics of how to transfer the troops of the us army to the borders with ukraine, from from the north through rotterdam or from the south through the ports of greece and italy, this is also an important statement that in case of which, you know, we are already thinking how our troops will be with you, these are also signals for putin, like the launch of a ballistic missile by the united states of america, well, literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are from... well, we are starting the second hour of the great ether, a lot of interesting and important information is ahead, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer , we will talk about electricity, tariffs, blackouts, a little later with a guest, well now about the main events. the russians are concentrating their main efforts on the kurakhiv, pokrovsky, kupyan and kharkiv directions, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr silsky, told about this in his official publications. according to him, the enemy is storming vovchansk. and near the time gap in
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other directions, the goal of the russians is to stretch the front line, restrain our army and prevent the transfer of the armed forces of ukraine to other areas. a difficult situation, according to the head of the kupyansk district, there the enemy is trying to break through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine from two directions, the armed forces of ukraine must stop the enemy and force him to go on the defensive, said general colonel sirskyi. in zaporizhzhia , the dniprogez dam road was opened to traffic, it was blocked after the russian missile attack, the restoration work lasted four days, the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, said. traffic is only possible in one lane in each direction with a speed limit of 30 km/h, which will be regulated by patrol officers. drive through only passenger cars and shuttle taxis for trucks will be able to cross the dam, over 3.5 tons are currently prohibited. plenary day,
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the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the first reading supported the draft law that improves the procedure for completing the diplomatic service, 282 people's representatives voted for it, and parliamentarians equated electronic tickets in public transport with paper ones, with the votes of 256 people's deputies. in addition , the parliament was supposed to consider a draft law on the military police, but it was withdrawn from consideration by the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stepanchuk. noted that the draft law was removed after discussion at the conciliation council, where the deputies noted that they wanted to see the general picture of military justice. and a general logic is needed: the military police deals with this, the military prosecutor's office deals with such and such crimes against such and such subjects, military courts deal with this, then and when there will be a general picture, and then it will be possible to adopt the corresponding legislation in turn.
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the bill is obviously raw, obviously has a huge number of flaws, and there are a huge number of comments, first of all in the opposition. it was on the agenda today , but after very, shall we say, emotional discussions in the hall between representatives of the monocoalition and other factions, the monocoalition realized that there was probably no chance of passing, so it was removed today, its further fate is not entirely clear, because it is probably will have to be resubmitted again, i have great doubts that this draft law will quickly return to the verkhovna rada, the diplomatic scandal was extinguished in kraków on the kosciuszko mound, the flag of ukraine was returned, its the other day, the pro-russian far-right deputy of the polish diet, grzegorz braun, took down. he stated that the ukrainian flag allegedly had no place there, and the flag of our country was installed on the mound named after the polish national hero tadeusz kosciuszko after the start.
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russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. as a symbol of solidarity between poles and ukrainians, the fact that brown's actions are a provocation was noted yesterday by people's deputy of ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi. russia is doing everything possible to finance far-right parties. two days ago, a deputy from the far-right party the polish diet was torn down by the ukrainian flag on mount kosciuszko. this is the same party that conducted various anti-seym actions in the polish sejm, which initiated the blocking of the ukrainian border. then the farmers blocked the border without any reasonable reason. well, of course, let us remind you that the kosciuszko tsu uprising against russia. ukrainians also actively supported the ukrainian empire, and it was such a joint struggle, which, unfortunately, turned out to be unsuccessful, well, but still, we tried then, well, first of all, the poles tried then, a bribe for the right to work for route, the sbi reported the suspicion
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to the deputy director of one of the departments of the kyiv city state administration, well , now it is the military administration, who demanded a bribe from the kyiv truck carriers, and the businessman who helped the official to organize also received the suspicion. this dishonest scheme was brought to the attention of the law enforcement officers by the wife of a serviceman who managed a transportation company that served one of her capital routes. the woman complained about threats from the official that he would terminate the contract, if she does not pay him a ransom, or simply speaking a bribe. the company had to give the official 40,000 hryvnias every week, i.e. 120,000 hryvnias per month. he rated himself well. the intermediary entrepreneur was detained after receiving the next tranche. let me remind you that the day before, the state bureau of investigation conducted a search of the deputy chairman of the kmda, kostiantyn usov. so far, a number of
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searches have been conducted, during which documents and equipment confirming illegal activities were seized. the kmda official and his accomplice are suspected of committing a criminal offense offense, they are threatened. punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term of up to 10 years, a pre-trial investigation is ongoing, the possible involvement of the official's management in the implementation of the criminal scheme is being checked. i say 40 thousand per week, 120, 160,000 per month, 400 dollars, that was the estimate. well, that's why we hope for an honest and independent investigation of this story. the project of a temporary structure in the city of kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. detonated by the russians, is ready for implementation, the general director of ukrhydroenergo ihor syrota announced this. he reminded that a year ago the government made a decision to develop a project for the temporary connection of the left and right banks of the kherson region and to stop the operation of the hydropower reservoir; currently they are waiting for the deoccupation
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of the territory to start work. syrota also noted that the consequences of the russian occupiers' detonation of the kakhovka hydroelectric power station will continue to accumulate, in particular, the lack of water in... the south of ukraine for agriculture and industry. well, we hope that it will be possible, of course, to implement this project as best as possible. all depends, of course, on the events at the front, in order for the events at the front, by the way, to take place more efficiently, i will call you once again, when you see the qr code, support the armed forces of ukraine, support this collection, it is, by the way, just right for the military, who are in the zaporozhye and soledar directions, not far from the places we were talking about. comprehensive recovery for young ukrainians, in preparation for the international day of children's protection , a renewed broken kids rehabilitation department was opened in lviv. this place will help children from the age of several months and coming of age, how the rooms were arranged and how many patients will be admitted here, my colleagues will tell.
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16-year-old vasylyna prytula is learning to walk with a physical therapist. the girl is recovering in the hospital after the accident. september 11. well, i fell out of the window from the fourth floor, well , i was hit by the window, i fell, i arrived at this hospital, they put an external fixation device on me, with which i passed for two months, well, i was in bed for two months, and now i am here for two weeks for rehabilitation. vasylyna, one of the first patients of the children's department rehabilitation of unbroken kids, a renewed center was opened in the lviv st. nicholas hospital, children from all regions are here. war-affected countries and those with particularly difficult diagnoses can receive comprehensive medical care in one place, the war gave an impetus to an absolute change in approaches to rehabilitation, and the rehabilitation that was before, it did not meet the requirements
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with which we collided, so it was necessary to update absolutely everything, we work with children with landmine injuries. with splinters injuries, with children after stroke, craniocerebral injuries, with spinal injuries, children after injuries, children with body burns, children after limb amputation. in the new department, a physical therapy hall was equipped: a swimming pool, an occupational therapy kitchen, a psychologist's office, a room for recovery of nursing skills and a room with vr technologies, the ward fund is designed for 20 beds. at the same time , 42 patients can undergo rehabilitation in our department, which takes into account the workload of our specialists. that is why we work in a structure multidisciplinary team, which includes physical therapists. occupational therapists, psychologists, prosthetists, orthotics, speech therapist,
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rehabilitation nurses, 90 benefactors contributed to the opening of the updated rehabilitation department, spent more than uah 100 million on the arrangement of offices and the purchase of equipment. without thinking, we supported the rehabilitation department, it is one of our main areas of work, we invested more than 40 million, not only here, but also vanbrovkin e. for adults. almost half a thousand patients every year receive help here from rehabilitation specialists and with an updated department. this number will increase to 1,200 patients. to receive treatment at unbroken kids, you must have an electronic referral from a doctor. rehabilitation is free for children under the program of medical guarantees of the national health service of ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. we continue, i bring in yuriy fizer, an expert on ukraine, and there is something
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to talk about and listen to you, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, there really is a lot to talk about, a lot of events, in particular i will talk about when russian money will finally work for the ukrainian economy, china continues to promote its peace plan and what the leadership of georgia is very afraid of, about this and other things in a moment in the section world about... ukraine. well , i would say there are two busy weeks ahead, almost, and maybe even a little more, and all the events will be related to ukraine, the support of ukraine by the world community helping us. well, everything will start tomorrow. volodymyr zelenskyi will meet with joe biden, not even once, but twice during the week. during the briefing, the national security adviser of the us president, jake
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salevan, said. responding to reporters aboard the presidential plane. he said, in particular , that one meeting will take place already this week on the grounds of the celebrations dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the landing of the allies in normandy, this is northern france, another next week in italy, during the meeting of the leaders of the countries of the so -called group of seven, which we still often called big seven. and by the way, during this, i will tell you right away that jake sullivan said this during a meeting with journalists on board the presidential plane during the flight from the united states of america to france, which means that the president was also on board joe biden, who already landed in france the night before, and mr. sullivan, when he was talking on board with journalists, was also asked about the permission to use american weapons on the territory of russia. interestingly, he called such a decision common sense, but at the same time
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refused to clarify whether american weapons and ammunition have already been used for such strikes, but added that during the meeting in normandy, joe biden will talk about many things with volodymyr zelensky, but one of the main topics is the strengthening of our air defense, are they going to give do we still have the united states of america? something is unknown, but if he will speak, we are waiting for what he will give. and also about france. so in this france, president volodymyr zelenskyy also plans to meet with president emmanuel macron. host of the elysee palace will receive our president on friday, june 7. this was reported in the press service of the french leader. both leaders will discuss, in particular, ukraine's military needs. in general, volodymyr zelenskyi. will come to france for a two-day visit, tomorrow he will take part in the ceremonies
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dedicated to the landing of the allied landing forces. well, after that he will meet with the president of france, i don't know, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow there will be a meeting with joe biden, but two more words about emmanuel macron. anyone who watched the column "world about ukraine" yesterday, remembers that i reported with reference to some french sources that tomorrow emmanuel macron has to say something very important. for ukraine, namely that he is going to, plans to send french military instructors to us, the main question now is just how many, when, who and where they will be... stationed, so maybe tomorrow the master of the elysee palace will explain this too . we are waiting for you to be the first to know about it. let's go further. russian billions can start working for the ukrainian economy and for the restoration of ours countries. western countries are considering giving us a loan that will be repaid
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with income from frozen russian assets. this was reported by the minister of the united states of america. janet yellen, at the same time, she emphasized that this issue is currently being discussed at the level of the group of seven, according to the main american financier, the preparation of such a plan is at the final stage, so ms. yellen expressed hope that it is possible that this plan will be finalized before the g7 summit in of italy, which will take place next week, well, that is already there are some developments, and this is already... she made it clear that the plan is not just being discussed, let's somehow try to help ukraine at the expense of these percentages of frozen assets, no, the plan already exists, it is just being refined and maybe already through in a week, we will find out how much they will give, what they will give, how it will go, well, this is very good, and besides, the financial times , citing its own sources in the white house
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, reported that the united states, regarding this loan, is ready to give us 50 billion dollars and... exactly the collateral for this loan will be the eyes percentages, well, but at the same time, official washington puts forward conditions to the european union, and quite, as i will tell you, a normal condition, they ask that the european union not do as it has been doing so far, renewing anti-russian measures every year, well, renewing anti-russian measures every six months sanctions, but for him to do it now on an indefinite basis, well, i... let me remind you that now there is a lot of russian frozen money in the world, more than 300 billion in europe itself, 200 of them are more than 200 billion euros, and mostly they are in on accounts of the belgian company euroclear, this is such an international depository, the russians put money there, they were going to receive interest there, if they did not start a war, maybe
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the otras would, but not possible, they would definitely receive it, well, now katyuzi deserves it, their money will work for our economy, although with... in the end, we would not like it to be so, but if it is so, then it is good. it is a pity that china decided not to participate in the peace summit in burgenstock, switzerland, but it shows the attitude of the heavenly government to the russian war in ukraine. this is the general secretary nato's jen staltenberg said in a podcast of the gdr radio station. at the same time, he also emphasized that after the start of the full-scale invasion of the russian occupation forces into ukraine, officially. beijing supported russia's military-industrial complex by selling advanced technology, microelectronics, microchips and other dual-use equipment. in addition, according to the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, the authorities of the people's republic of china have not yet condemned russia's actions; immediately before the invasion, moscow and beijing even concluded unlimited partnership agreement. therefore,
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the question is on the table. berga, a question from europe, a question from the united states, how long can it be and how long will the world tolerate it, well, but probably will tolerate it, will tolerate it until it sees some window of opportunity to convince the heavenly authorities to change theirs and start putting pressure on putin in order to withdraw troops from ukraine and stop this war. now, unfortunately, we do not see this from beijing. about vovka, speech, about... china started about china and will continue. sino-brazilian peace the initiative is supported by 26 countries of the world. a total of 45 countries perceive it positively. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of the celestial empire ivan i from all the countries that expressed their opinion. he named only turkey, well, because he said it during the after-party with his turkish colleague
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hakan fidan. but all of us can confidently name at least 10-20 such countries. according to the head of china's foreign policy department, russia and ukraine separately confirmed most of the content of china's peace plan. for those who yesterday i did not see the world of ukraine column, i will remind you that this sino-brazilian plan consists of six points, but the most important one is not among them: the withdrawal of all russian troops from our territory and the restoration of the territorial integrity of our country. by the way, this statement of van has already been commented on by the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. on the page of the foreign policy department of our country, this reaction was laid out, and this is what, in particular, the first few sentences literally say.
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let's hear it. china rightly declares respect to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all the countries of the world and determination to fight for peace with all their might. a global peace summit will be held in switzerland next week. we believe that all countries that sincerely seek the restoration of peace should work together for its successful implementation. rather than making efforts to undermine the summit. the participation of a high representative of the people's republic of china in the summit could be a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to achieving a just and lasting peace in ukraine, restoring its territorial integrity integrity so far, i have not seen the reaction to the reaction, but something suspects that tomorrow, maybe there will be, somehow in beijing they will react to it. well, very good, vasyl, said hanna govko, with whom you spoke literally... before my broadcast, before the news, she said that china, why does it not want to join the world leaders in bürgenstock, and why does it not want to support
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the ukrainian peaceful plan, because he does not want a victory for ukraine, because a victory for ukraine would automatically mean the defeat of russia, and he does not need a bloodless russia, he needs russia, china, meaning russia, which needs a lot of resources, needs a lot of help and will be paid by china. for this aid to go, that's why and plus russia, which is destroying its population, and it is clear that when there will be no population in such rich territories, there will be someone to occupy these territories, there is one country with a population of more than one billion 200 million, well, i’m just saying, by the way, these videos showing how russian women should marry chinese men, by the way, this is popularized in russia, well, that’s also a fact, if it didn’t sound pricey, unfortunately, well, there are territories there, indeed the south of siberia and even a little higher there... the southeast of siberia, i wouldn’t say so, and even a little higher there, well, china would not be against it, if the conditions were so favorable, somehow would
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that these territories were his again. let's go further: the united states of america may be threatened, unfortunately, by a terrorist attack, similar to the terrorist attack in kroc city hall near moscow a few months ago. this was stated by fbi director christopher wray during a hearing in the senate appropriations committee. the us congress, while one of the main american intelligence officers called the possible threat coordinated, but neither about when it might happen, nor about where and who might be behind it, mr. ray did not say, by the way, the american special services warned the russians about a similar terrorist threat before the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow, but the russians are predicted to pass. because who is telling them about it, the united states of america, well, how can the united states of america say anything to the russian special services, who know everything about russia, well
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, they played along, they have what they have, and we now we are moving a little closer to us, the further, the more strange news, unfortunately from georgia. maidan in ukraine had catastrophic consequences for the country. this was reported to georgian journalists. in the statement of the head of the georgian government, there was a whole series of russian narratives, such as the power in ukraine was appointed from the outside, management of ukraine was also conducted outside its borders, this caused the fall of the economy, and then it led to the war. therefore, the head of the georgian government once again emphasized that he will do everything to prevent a similar maidan in his country, and added that the law on foreign affairs was recently adopted.
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the same with ukraine, well, not the maidan, it didn’t become ukraine’s problem, after the maidan everything would have been fine actually, if not, well, it was n’t bad for a while, and thanks to our heroes who went to the ato, but well... yes , you know, this is still said by people who definitely have no ties to any state, they accuse us of the fact that someone appointed someone in our country, in fact , they elect presidents in spite of everything, in spite of everything , people elect them, but you know, vasyl, on this statement kubakhidze, the prime minister of georgia has already reacted, you know where, in russia, in the ministry of foreign affairs, there is already sand, no, no, masha zakharova, masha zakharova stood up today, read this statement by kobakhidze and said, why can georgia say such a thing. but armenia is now talking some nonsense after losing part of its territories, and armenia does not want to now, but we should take the example of georgia, and by the way, georgia, georgia is now strengthening another
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law that... that the ban on mass gatherings, because this would negatively affect something, the ban there, traditional values, well, purely russian, what is the phrase traditional values, what are they, by the way, i can't find out, that is, each country has its own, but there are certain values ​​that are common to russia, at least the most important value - it's not don't kill, in my opinion, yes, i think that russia had a traditional value to study, this is the main thing, don't kill, don't steal, don't wish the good of another, beautiful values, why russia just doesn't , doesn't, doesn't profess them and doesn't implements russia is spinning like a frying pan. lawyers for the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump is being asked by a court to overturn an order barring him from publishing comments in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels. this was reported on tuesday by the cnn television company with reference to the motion of the defense. journalists immediately explained that this restriction applies to donald trump's public statements about
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witnesses related to the case. prosecutors, judicial staff, their family members and jurors, and lawyers say that this may limit trump's rights for a while. that is, what was banned to trump? trump went to social networks and said: "ah, what a bad judge who did something there, ah, what a bad prosecutor." the court restricted him, forbade him to publish such things, and now they say that, well, it is wrong to do this, and he should be given back such a right so that he can now. writing again on social media about what a bad judge he was who convicted him according to the same article i already said about payments to porn actress storma daniels. well, in conclusion, very quickly, the new nizhny novgorod is in touch, the day before it was not bad there. according to local reports means of mass misinformation, the fire occurred in a workshop for the production of metal-plastic windows. later, the regional ministry of emergency situations officials even specified that
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the area of ​​1,250 square meters was burning. meters, the smoke was very strong, so 19 vehicles and about 100 firefighters worked on the spot, and over time they even ran out of water for extinguishing. it is funny that at first the russian media said that there was a fire in the private sector, some house caught fire, but when they saw that the smoke from one house caught fire, which caught fire too much, changed their message. well, that's all i have, in the world about ukraine section, everything is fine... always only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. american university kyiv has started recruitment for master's degrees in management, business and it. the educational institution says that they are eagerly
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waiting for... students and emphasize that the acceptance of documents will continue until the end of august this year. one of the most interesting advantages that we offer for the master's program is the double degree, because our educational program is synchronized with the program of arizona state university, our partner and leader in the field of technology, our students can choose a double degree, one from arizona state university and the other from american university key. the university says that one of the main reasons for pride is the internship. starting in the summer of 2024 , students have a unique opportunity to complete paid internships at american companies, online or directly in the us. this gives students a competitive advantage on the labor market in the future. all cost for travel, visa and accommodation in the united states are covered by employers. in addition,
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i will receive students. we are a private, tuition-free university, but we also provide not only the knowledge and skills that will allow you to build a long-term, successful career in your chosen field, but also help our students find summer jobs that pay more than enough to cover a year of study with us. this is also part of the american approach. according to the rector of the university, it is important for them that students felt free and could study. from anywhere in ukraine and the world. another great advantage of our institution is the learning management system. most of our classes are available online in digital form and this provides flexible options for working students who sometimes do not have time to visit campus and attend classes. the university began operations three weeks before the full-scale invasion. but mr


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