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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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we are starting an information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, the studio is working. to work three people were injured due to russian shelling in kharkiv region. two women were injured in the village of bugayivka. as a result of the shelling , several residential buildings were burned, another one was injured in kupyansk. the occupiers shelled the city several times a day, damaging private homes and farm buildings, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the russians also carried out airstrikes on the village of cherkassy tyshki and the village of borova. houses in nivychchyna. russians
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injured two residents of the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region. the victims were men aged 24 and 48. three times the enemy shelled the border regions with artillery and 10 times hit nikopol, myrivska and pokrovska communities with drones, said serhii lesak, the head of the region. five-story buildings, more than a dozen private houses, four farm buildings, an administration building, a library, and two shops were damaged. a religious institution, as well as a greenhouse, garages, a gas pipeline and power lines, two cars caught fire. the night express, which was going to ukraine, collided with a freight train in the czech republic, four people died and 26 were injured, among them children. it is currently unknown how many ukrainians were on the train. the tragedy happened near the station in the center of the city of pardubice, around one o'clock. p.m. up to
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three hundred people were traveling in the express. the first car was completely destroyed. as the local press wrote, the train drove past the stop sign. previously, this could have been the cause of the collision. hourly schedules for turning off the lights throughout the day will be in effect in all regions of ukraine. if the consumption is higher, then they will also apply emergency shutdowns - reported ukrenergo. on the eve. emergency lights were turned off in 12 regions, energy experts warned of interruptions in the supply of current for critical infrastructure. the situation in kyiv is particularly critical - explained serhiy kovalenko, director of yasno. the reason is that due to the fact that there are many critical infrastructure facilities in the capital, electricity is turned off for household consumers more often than in other regions. oil refinery and oil tank. russia was attacked at night
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by drones, explosions, after which a fire broke out a fire broke out at the novoshakhty refinery in the rostov region. the local governor confirmed that the factory was hit by drones, when the russian ministry of emergency situations allowed the fire to be extinguished, a second attack allegedly took place. in addition, the fire engulfed an oil depot in the belgorod region. it was also attacked by drones. one of the tanks caught fire. the occupation is allegedly liquidated. without serious consequences, - assured the local governor. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 85 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the worst, in the direction of pokrov, the enemy stormed our positions 23 times. attacks most actively near the village of sokil. defense forces are trying to prevent the advance of the enemy. the tense situation is also in kramatorsk. the russians tried 11 times
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to knock out our units from their positions in the districts of kalynyvka, novy, ivanovsky, klishtiivka , and andriivka. our positions were stormed 12 times in the kupyan direction, without success. five combat clashes took place in the areas of the village of liptsi and the city of vovchanchansk. our military is inflicting losses on the occupiers. rocket men and gunners hit 12 areas where the occupiers' manpower was concentrated. weapons and equipment storage area. two points. we are converting our people into donations due to enemy shelling, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are calling to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. and... most importantly, they help
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protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million, we already have more than uah 230,000 in our accounts. don't waste time, join the collection for us. defenders kherson - high water. such an exhibition was opened in kyiv on the anniversary of the terrible terrorist act in russia, the disconnection of the kakhovskaya hpp. the exhibition includes 18 documentary photos and a symbolic artifact - a jug from kherson. the author of the works - documentarian victoria ivleva, went to kherson oblast on june 8 to help people and record the consequences of the tragedy. in the photos. rescue of local residents. visit the exhibition is open until the end of june in the main building of the national museum of the history of ukraine in the second world war. photography always exists in my life. but i just think that
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human life is more important than pictures. i am convinced of this. and i do not regret that some photos could have been made better, but i did not take them. but we helped someone. but we sent several families for. the border, for example, they now live peacefully with their children in norway, i am sure that this is more valuable than if i were looking for some plots at this time, it seems to me so, and today in this a unique sense of time appeared in the space, a time that had already been experienced, that seemed to be past, but today it came alive here thanks to these wonderful, beautiful works. one of the largest democratic elections in the world, the elections to the european parliament, will start on june 6. they will take place in 27 eu member states. how they are arranged and why it is important to know in the plot of our colleague.
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on june 6, the regular elections to the parliament of the european union began. the updated members of parliament will later elect new heads of all eu governing bodies. the european parliament is the main of the three institutions in the eu, together with the european commission and the eurocouncil, it controls these two institutions, elects the president of the european commission, approves its composition, creates committees to investigate violations of eu legislation, and adopts the common european budget. each country determines its own voting date, every five years, between the first thursday of june and the first sunday, this year it is from june 6 to 9. it is interesting that this year will be the first vote for the european parliament without great britain, which left the eu in 2020. citizens of the eu countries elect a total of 720 meps from all 27 member states in proportion to the country's population.
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based on this, germany will send the most legislators to brussels and strasbourg with 96 deputies, for example, cyprus, luxembourg and malta - only six each. a week before the elections, right-wing, eurosceptic and populist parties, according to the european council on foreign relations, were leading the polls in nine eu countries: austria, belgium, the czech republic, france, hungary, italy, the netherlands, poland and slovakia, and were on second or third place in nine other countries: bulgaria, estonia, finland, germany, latvia, portugal, romania, spain and sweden. if forecasts. turn out to be accurate, the share of far-right deputies in the european parliament may increase to 25%, they are predicted to win 184 seats, while the center-left, liberal and green parties, on the contrary, are likely to lose mandates. ema stednyk,
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espresso tv channel. ukrainian veterans went to sports competitions in scotland. as part of the iron warriors team. they will take part in the annual. until june 15, the team has 11 soldiers, seven of them are on prostheses with below -the-knee amputations, other slightly injured, prosthetic athletes will walk 35 km, and slightly injured 85. the team was led by a participant in the russian-ukrainian war, vadym svoridenko, and we set the main goal. but so how rehab definitely, these are the guys, again, a lot of them are active, they're testing themselves, how rehabilitated they are, because it's a difficult, difficult route, here, show for other veterans that look at us, we're the same veterans ,
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if we could, then you can definitely, too, to tell the world again that we are at war and ukraine needs help. the mood, as always, is good, waiting to take part, reach the end of the route and give hope to ukraine for some kind of victory. espresso journalist tetyana yavorska became a finalist of the war in the lens competition from the command of the territorial defense forces of the ukrainian armed forces. mamonova, a medic exiled by the kremlin, entered the finals in the category of interview with material. the worst thing was to tell the guys that we have nothing left. this interview was published as part of the ukraine special project the price of freedom. which espresso launched before the day of independence of ukraine? the winners will be awarded on june 7 in kyiv. this
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is the end of the episode, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, like, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, roman chaika, oksana vysochenska, we are picking up the information relay and continuing our broadcast with analytical broadcasting, we already have the first information from of the air force regarding this night, we remember that in the evening shaheds flew from pidnia, kherson oblast, and mykolaiv oblast, and
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in fact, anxiety covered more than half of our country, because there was also a threat of ballistics, and already at this moment we know that 17 shaheds were killed, thank you to the defenders of our sky, this is wonderful, well, yesterday evening the russian-fascist occupiers carried out an airstrike on selidov, there are... sufferers, says the local military administration, six people were hit in a high-rise building as a result, the same thing happened in kharkiv, for now we will to find out today the results of the use of cabals, which have not been in kharkiv oblast for a long time, but now there are, and in the next few minutes we will also find out for you information from the north of the country, what exactly is happening in sumy oblast, for example, strikes, shelling, this is the result of the past
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days, what was that day like and is there really a concentration of troops near the borders of sumy oblast, that's what i want to know right now, we'll find out in a moment , we remember that there is a power cut in the country, and precisely because of this very often there are difficulties with communication, sometimes it is difficult to call, sometimes online to reach our... speakers as well, but this will not stop us. it was also restless in dnipropetrovsk region that night, two ballistic missiles, two iskander m from russia flew there from taganrog. and we know that, unfortunately, our defenders did not manage to shoot down one shahed, instead , some kind drones in russia managed to arrange fireworks and a celebration. the rostov governor confirmed that the refinery, novoshakh. the refinery was on fire, may still be on fire, and was also reported
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from belgorod, that they also had some fires there, nice or not, we will find out, we will ask our guests what it is there, and how well it burns, how well you can warm yourself, we also have to pay attention, what a wild balances of the power grid, for example, today there will be no emergency and emergency power outages in dnipropetrovsk oblast, and kyiv will turn off the lights for up to 9-10 hours, that's how. it looks like there are questions about the quality of the connection, yesterday, specialists emphasized this, we today we want to find out why the actual telecommunications and mobile operators did not all listen to what was introduced as an emergency plan for last year, in connection with long power outages , in fact, those who provide us
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with telecommunications and information services were obliged . have alternative sources of generation and energy storage banks, and in fact it turns out that in the very first hour many people lose the ability to transmit high-quality 4g internet simply stops working, the only advice from us is to use the law on internal roaming, you can turn off the automatic adjustment to your operator in your gadgets and look for the tower that... still has the ability to transmit the internet and rely on at least some of your generation reserves, but specialists will find out why a whole year has passed and in as a result, in some operators, in some regions, there is simply a catastrophic situation, today, june 6, is the day when we remember a year ago, exactly one year ago, the russians
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blew up the dam of the kagovskaya hydroelectric power station, it has completely changed in a year. environment, landscape, etc everything has changed in the vicinity of the kakhovsky reservoir, now there are willow trees growing there, poplars are overgrown, but the hostilities are very close to the kakhovsky reservoir, the former reservoir continues, the border guards are also fighting there now and not only them, we will remind you of the zaporizhia as, which also complicates the situation, we will talk about this a little later on our airwaves, also today in ukraine... journalist's day, but for the past three years we have not actually celebrated this day, we rather remember now and honor those journalists, those of our colleagues, who died while performing their duties because of the russians, in fact 90 media workers were already killed by russia during these two plus years of full-scale invasion, we will also talk about this
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today on our air, and now we are going to sumyshchyna with us on natalia's telephone connection. kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council. ms. natalie, welcome. good morning, i greet you, sumyshchyna. we understand what is being done by phone, it means that such power outages and the internet is stable, it's just a dream, right? well, with the internet, we really have interruptions, but for work it doesn't distract from working. we both went out and we go out and work. at least in our newspaper editorial office. where i work, how the night passed in the region, how many shellings, well, in the region, i’m not ready to say yet, but in bilopil we slept relatively peacefully that night, yes, we were allowed to sleep, we were allowed to sleep, if there was anything, then a little further, because it was so inaudible, i didn't catch the sound, or
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is it that things are a little quieter now, that sometimes you can sleep, or is it somehow related to you? with the latest news about what will be possible to use western weapons, in particular on the territory of russia, because from kharkiv region they say that it may have coincided, but it also happens more calmly, well, i'm afraid to worry, because unfortunately, in our territory, such events happen in waves, mass shelling goes in waves, literally a week- two, then it becomes a little calmer, this is not the first time, but we hope that this is the situation. tion will be more stable in this regard, we experienced very heavy shelling at the beginning of may, on may 8, may 12 there were shellings with kabs, all kinds of things were thrown at the city guns, hail, but now we only hear explosions in the suburbs or in other populated areas, so we hope that it really works and the measures that are being taken today
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to stabilize our border, that is , if sometimes it happens... calm down, i i understand that this calms people down a bit, and there are fewer and fewer people willing to evacuate, or not? well , somewhere, somewhere it is, we already have several waves, once again there was an evacuation, there was an evacuation from the border guards, from 20 border forces that are in a five-kilometer zone, in fact already 10 forces were completely destroyed, i.e. villages where not a single person lives, that is why we saw these processes of evacuation to bilopol' and many people. they are not scared, they don't want to find themselves in a situation where they have to leave their home, as they say, in slippers on their bare feet, that's why many people left, and the fact that today is more or less a little... calmer, well, how calmer, last saturday we were shelled the city, that's why many people left, but unfortunately many, or fortunately, i don't know how to say it, people
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return to the city, left, lived, returned, because the evacuation process is not like that beautiful and not as it is written and told, people are taken there on buses and put there, but then they live, live and return, because home is home, well, well, but at home there are probably not many basic po... services and needs, as in do you have electricity, water? well, we heard that they will try to help all the residents of the frontline areas with solid fuel, which means that the heating will not be very good this season, well, for now, we thank our energy workers, gas workers , we still have light during the summer, although with interruptions , again the last option... our high-voltage lines were cut, we were probably without light for more than a day, that's why we have light, the gas in our pipes is the one that
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is connected, but in winter, of course, there are very big worries, because we have many broken houses, without windows, without doors, a lot has been raised, how will we survive this winter, it is very difficult and very worrying, about fuel, yes, this is not the first year that such assistance has been provided, but there are certain difficulties with its registration and delivery. not everyone wants to bring that fuel, for example, to the border zone, that is, it is mainly people who work for places, help each other, congratulated, briefly, we know that they have returned to work in the sumy oblast, can pensions actually pay out and receive payments, everything is working, the schedules are the same as they were before the evacuation, are the working hours a little shorter now , well, again... i can't say about the whole sumy oblast, i can only say about bilopol, bilopol oblast, all this was also spontaneously caused by the fact that people were offered to evacuate, to evacuate,
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mostly young women with children worked at the post office, they left, took vacations and temporarily stopped, but today, from the 5th , people are being taken to the post office in the mode of home delivery of a mobile branch, in any case , in bilopilla, the surrounding areas... in fact, they did not improve the delivery of correspondence, but the intervals became a little longer, if before they were delivered twice in a week, some villages, now once a week, and people are warned about it, ms. nataliya, thank you for being with the viewers of espress early on nataliya kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, the community that bravely endures shelling, evacuates, and then returns home. a short pause, we will continue, we will collect information from the kharkiv region. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the diary of the deceased paramedic iryna cheka tsyboh, a story
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of courage and a firm position. energy security expert andrian prokip with advice on how to survive power system attacks. the story of ugandan dictator idi amin's path to bloody madness. interesting stories and qualitative analysis with the country. in the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. fm halychyna. listen to yours. many people went in the spring. i also. i found a job easily through acquaintances. a new country, and the salary is good, the escort immediately collected the documents so that they would not be delayed at the border, but i did not see the passport anymore, we were taken from house to house and forced
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to work for maintenance, and without money and documents, how to return, and what now, you've been taken advantage of, don't be afraid, call 527 for free and confidentially, turn on well, that's when everything is the way you want it, click and... now you rule the game, bird and you're on a tv show. oh, what need. megugo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. with faith in the future, persevering, every day. we are making efforts to win and make our dreams come true. let's overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our victory. this is exactly what the films of the rivne international film festival city of dreams from june 5 to 8 in rivne are about. chamber and organ music, come and watch ukrainian and foreign art and documentary films. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on euros.
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fast soft cups 20% in pharmacies of traveling mothers and saving vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. what to expect from the peace summit in switzerland? will this summit change the course of the war in ukraine? especially after joe biden said that
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nato membership is not necessary to ensure peace in ukraine. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv, a platform where everyone gets a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is. and the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the zero to life atv fundraiser for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv. this is exactly the fee for which we are now encouraging you to join it. you yourself have heard what the defenders say.
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here is the qr. when it appears on the screen, please let me know how much you can, 93 separate organized brigade kholodny yar, in the meantime we will try to find out what kind of explosion occurred yesterday in the city of kharkiv, how is the situation in kharkiv oblast in general, with us member of the kharkiv city council bohdan tkachuk, mr. bohdan, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, what did you hear about the explosion residents of kharkiv, is this a gunshot again or something, well... there was a report about the shooting down of some kind of rocket, no more information is provided, well, we can conclude that there was no impact on the city, because there is no information about hits or damage or victims, that's why the issue doesn't get worse, maybe some kind of missile or drone went astray, ugh, according to statistics, kharkiv was shelled three times more in may than in april, 76 times, this is
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exactly about the city. i speak, but we read in various informational resources, maybe you are us will you confirm or deny that the last few days in kharkiv are a little calmer compared to the previous period, do they no longer dare to fly so close to terrorize kharkiv? well, look, it's been five days, or five days, or five days , kharkiv has not been shelled by anyone. by type of weapon , no rockets, no shaheda, none of this arrived, did not cause any damage, it gave a little rest to the people of kharkiv, the reasons here are obvious, this is permission to fire in the border zone of the russian federation, these are those the losses that they bear of the s-300, s-400 complexes, there was information about the iskander, which complex was destroyed, whether it has been confirmed yet
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, i cannot say, but this is the information. was, in addition, it must be understood that the military operations on these northern shades of the front are accompanied by quite heavy aviation support, which the russians bomb these settlements there every day, as well as our defense lines, ah, they need it for support, let's say, the actions of their military, and here already, as it seems to me, they are not up to kharkov, let's put it this way, without senseless strikes on the city, because at such a distance, these fabs do not differ in accuracy, but just what you show, they hit where they hit, and i understand that they lost the sense of scaring the people of kharkiv, because no one here was scared, so we suffered losses, so on 76 fired several times last month, but it did not help the russians to advance on the front or, let's say, force us to abandon our
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own city, and by the way... in the eye - very much.


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