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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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45 program judicial control with tetyana shustrova on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. event very much, we will inform you about the amount of air time in the espresso studio live by marta oliyarnyk. and andin borkovskyi, we will now have the opportunity to talk with the spokesman of the national guard of ukraine.
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ruslan muzechuk, in fact, we already see mr. ruslan on espresso and thank him for the opportunity to talk. mr. ruslan, we welcome you to our slava ukraine broadcast. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, we have received information that the greatest treasure of ukrainian poetic modernity, serhiy zhadan, has joined your ranks. yes, we would like to ask, maybe you have some additional information about serhiy zhadan. and the unit where he will serve now, er, of course, serhiy zhadan, he is not a new person for the national guard, especially for the 13th charter brigade, which has already been performing tasks for a long time on the front line and which er, let's say, a year ago it fully became part of the national guard, because serhiy zhodan himself, he was among those people who constantly helped the brigade during the time.
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directly from the 22nd year, when it was formed from volunteers, and later, as she was a member of the national guard, of course, there was a lot of support for him during his creative activities, and directly this is his work, communication with soldiers, this is his work and communication with other media persons, and with volunteers, which is aimed primarily at that is to give recognition to the brigade itself, aimed at helping it by all necessary means, and of course, directly, when we talk about helping the brigade, it is not always weapons and ammunition, sergey himself, let's say yes, even thanks to his creativity, he repeatedly became the person who allowed the soldiers to rest in some places, to distract themselves from the performance of official combat tasks, because he... really
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made many visits to our soldiers, in particular the 13th charter brigade, well very cool, in any case we can congratulate both serhiy zhadan and the brigade of the national guard of ukraine, charters with a rather valuable addition. take care of our national treasure, well, here we understand the situation on the battlefield, and now we would like to proceed to the analysis actually what is happening on the front line, right? yes, let's start with... we understand that some areas of kharkiv oblast are accountable to you, i.e. national guard servicemen work there, please let us know what is happening now, the situation around vovchansk is of particular interest. now we can see that over the last few days the situation along the front line, in particular the northern borders of kharkiv oblast, is under control, a lot of work has been done in recent weeks in order to, let's say
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, stop those attempts of the enemy's offensive, those advances that he planned to implement, and accordingly, other units were introduced here, which now perform defensive tasks, strengthen the defense in various directions, we see that the enemy continues to make assault attempts in the direction of the settlement of liptsi, and this is directly his assault activity in relation to the settlement of vovchanstsia, as well as battles in the place itself, in particular. on the northern outskirts and northern sections of the city, as well as around with the aim and promotion, with the aim of occupying more advantageous positions, in general we see that it is quite active our units are operating here that use unmanned aerial vehicles, ranging from fpv drones, from drones that use drops, and now we see that the activity of the enemy, it is mostly in groups of infantry that are trying to... advance here,
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are used to camouflage of a forest strip, landings and forest strips are also used to mask the equipment, as for the equipment itself, it is mostly not armored vehicles, but... cars, golf cart-type cars and other light automotive equipment, which, the task of which the enemy is used to transport ammunition and carry out logistics tasks, our fighters note the rather active use by the enemy of unmanned aerial vehicles of the operational-tactical level, such as zal's eagles in order to conduct aerial reconnaissance and the front edge, and the enemy is also trying, let's say so about... aerial reconnaissance and into the depth of our defense in order to detect positions, logistics and so on, and we, in particular, even yesterday during the day two unmanned aerial vehicles of this type were shot down, this is only by military personnel of the national guard, and
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as for the defense forces in general, more than 100 unmanned aerial vehicles of this type have been shot down on the front line since the beginning of this week. that is, we see that the enemy's activity, which is trying to conduct, in particular, intelligence, is quite large along the entire front line, in particular, in the kharkiv region. actually, dear mr. spokesman, we wanted you to share some non-classified data about the north, so we understand that not only the kharkiv region, but the neighboring region sumy region, also under the enemy's sights. we know that the enemy tried to form, i do not know at what stage this formation of groups is now. troops, so in any case , the enemy regularly fires at sumy oblast, and we understand that, well, maybe there is a certain additional threat to sumy oblast, in general, that we have in the northeast, chernihiv oblast and
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sumy oblast. as for the activity of the enemy in general, in particular in the direction of sumy, we see this activity, which concerns the involvement of his sub... divisions, which conduct demonstration actions, which are carried out by others tasks, in particular along the border, this is the first thing that concerns shelling and the work of subversive and intelligence groups, then sumy, it has always been, recently in the center of attention, which specifically concerns the attempts of subversive and intelligence groups to penetrate into the territory of ukraine, and of course that we attempted sabotage activities were also seen. reconnaissance group in the kharkiv region, not only along the border, but also along the line of combat, from our side, from the defense forces in general, of course, measures are now being taken to detect such attempts and to to try to strengthen the defense in those
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directions that may be dangerous for that, in particular with regard to the activity of the enemy, and of course, this is interaction, constantly working out interaction with... different units, because units are now involved in sumy and chernihiv regions, which carry out tasks and, let's say , of a defensive nature, work on tasks related to strengthening the border, this includes the armed forces, the border guards themselves, as well as units of the national guard and our special forces, which, by the way, showed quite well as an element of, let's say , such a maneuverable defense, even during the offensive on kharkiv oblast from 10'. of may of this year and the activity that followed in the following days, thus, taking into account, let's say, the threats, taking into account the data obtained as a result of reconnaissance by our neighboring units, such measures are taken in order to fulfill
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those tasks in the event of a threat , which will not allow the enemy to advance, and now a lot of attention is being paid in general to building up the component of unmanned... apparatuses of the national guard in each military part, the appropriate divisions have been created that use drones, this is, of course , conducting aerial reconnaissance, detecting, if necessary, anticipating the movement of the enemy, let's say, changes in his forces and means in the construction of certain, let's say, maybe there orders, and the second - of course, those drones , which are used to inflict damage, to destroy. and personnel and equipment, which can possibly be used in one or another direction. mr. rechnyk, we would also like to clarify with you about the situation near the temporal ravine, we know that the units the national guard is also involved there, and what is the humanitarian situation now, is it now, in principle
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, realistic to deliver certain products, medicines and the like for the population, how many people are left there now, as regards in general eh... solving issues, which concern the evacuation of the population, and of course, the provision of basic needs, such as food, medicine, of course, that this task is primarily local. military-civilian administrations, our military personnel, other components, and the national police and the state emergency service, they are involved for carrying out evacuation at certain stages, and of course, if there is a need to provide direct assistance to the population, to provide assistance to people who are either under fire or under threat, then of course the armored vehicles of the national guard, other units, and... fighters, the main the task is, of course, maintaining the defense, defense on the flanks, and where
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the enemy is trying to carry out frontal attacks, based on the situation along the temporal ravine, in the area of ​​the temporal ravine, of course we can say that the enemy's activity continues to be quite on a large scale, and these are not only attempts at assaults, and of course the use of aviation, during the last days we also see that the enemy has activated certain actions below the half...yar in the area of ​​klishchiivka and andriivka in order to try to improve their tactical position, thereby making it possible to create certain prerequisites for activity in the ivanivsky district, this settlement is also further south, closer to the temporary yar, but at the same time our servicemen receive defense, repel these assaults, as for the assaults themselves, here we see that the enemy is using more armored vehicles, sometimes tanks, some... five tanks of our brigades were destroyed in this direction last week, that is, the enemy is using them to
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intensify assaults and, in particular, to create an impression from closed firing positions. thank you, ruslan muzechuk, spokesman for the national guard of ukraine, was live on twitter. now we have a short break, after which we will continue our information day. today there are many events that require analysis, so stay with us so you don't miss anything. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, easy to use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast, three recorс are light and very powerful, mow the lawn near fence, along the line of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim. bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers,
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new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. hello, well how are you there it's normal, slowly. so... they gave us nine new tanks, guess what, turn on the video link now, i 'll give you a tour, come on, we 'll be here for another two weeks, i'll give you a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the station in grozhovka, you will say that you will be allowed to go to a student, yes, a student, my call sign is that, so here
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near the station in grozhovka, i will say that you will be allowed to go to a student, such a student. nine there, nine tamkivka, grozhovka, here, student, student, today you are not you observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite
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everyone to join nato in collecting from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction. well, an extremely important meeting has begun in france, when we talk about honoring the memory of those who died in the fight against nazism, yes, and now we have the anniversary of the landing of our allies in normandy, accordingly, the president of ukraine has now arrived in france, and the key story, this is the second moment of european politics - these are the elections to the european parliament. myroslav is in touch with us now. czech, polish publicist, historian, deputy of the polish diet of the second, third term, glory to ukraine, mr. myroslav, congratulations, yes, the connection is a little, a little unstable, glory to ukraine, mr. myroslav, congratulations, heroes, glory, congratulations,
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i see that my internet is unstable unfortunately yes, well, whether you or us, in general the world is not now... but let's hope that as a result of the elections to the european parliament , the situation in europe will at least somewhat stabilize. let's look at a small plot together and proceed to the analysis. on june 6 , the regular elections to the parliament of the european union began. the updated members of parliament will later elect new heads of all eu governing bodies. the european parliament is the main of the three. institutions in the eu, together with the european commission and the eurocouncil. he controls these two institutions, elects the president of the european commission, approves its composition, creates committees to investigate violations of eu legislation and adopts the common european budget. each country determines its own voting date, every five years, between the first thursday of june and
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the first sunday. this year it is from june 6 to 9. it is interesting that this year from is the first vote for the european parliament without great britain, which left the eu in 2020. citizens of the eu countries elect a total of 720 meps from all 27 member states in proportion to the country's population. based on this, germany will send the most legislators to brussels and strasbourg, 96 deputies each, for example, cyprus, luxembourg and malta only six each. a week before the elections. parties, according to the estimates of the european council on international relations, led the polls in nine eu countries, in austria, belgium, the czech republic, france, hungary, italy, the netherlands, poland and slovakia, and were in second or third place in another nine countries: bulgaria, estonia, finland, germany, latvia, portugal, romania,
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spain and sweden. if the forecasts turn out to be accurate, then the share. ultra-right deputies in the european parliament may increase to 25%. they are predicted to win 184 seats, while the center-left, liberal and green parties, on the contrary, are likely to lose mandates. ema stednyk, espresso tv channel. well, thanks to our colleague, emma statnyk, clearly, clearly, and most importantly concisely. myroslav chak, contact us, historian, publicist, deputy. the polish diet of the second third term, therefore the elections to the european parliament and emotions, so we understand that now all the populist right-wing radicals have started walking around europe. different parties, well, not a fact, i have no way to prove that they are financed by the kremlin, but there are significant suspicions and reasons to talk about it, in any
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case, the key story is that the qualified good old parties will pass and create a certain majority, what are the prospects and in general, if we talk about emotions, how is it all going on in poland raging now? well, of course, emotions during elections always exist, in this... this year , the european union is competing with many crises, many challenges, and of course, there are great emotions among the voters of the european union, taking into account the fact that in 2019, a certain the trend was determined by the green parties, everyone talked about the crisis, well, the climate, they talked about the transition to green energy. that is, there was a slightly different agenda, and accordingly, green parties and liberal parties gained more votes, and therefore the european commission, which was formed in
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the 19th year, paid great attention to the issues of green energy and green transformation of the economy of the european union in general. in 2024 , the picture of the world changed radically because russia invaded. with the rocomartad war against ukraine, and this radically changed the whole situation in the world, and in particular in europe, because a great war has come to europe, which has not been seen since the second world war, the end of the second world war, respectively, the next parliament and the next european commission, which will be elected by the european or approved by the european parliament, the first its main topic will be the issue of security, therefore ... it will be created, as they think, all the positions of the european commissioner for defense issues, so that such issues, of course, as war, as migration
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problems, they form the agenda on the agenda day of many countries, there is probably a correction in several countries, which you mentioned in the material, this is not a new phenomenon, in fact , the phenomenon was already present in the 15th year. it also affected brexit, the withdrawal of great britain from the european union, but i would like to say yes, the old parties, they have weakened a little, like the european people's party, it is such a christian party that refers to the christian-democratic heritage, and the social democrats are not lost their positions, they are traditional parties, but if you take their predicted total result, then they are gaining somewhere... more than 300 mandates, this is a lot, because up to half of the european mandate, and they are traditional allies and
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those who form the core of politics in the european union and the european parliament, determine a certain putsch, they will be a little short of a majority, instead now the discussion is not even about what will be the majority, because the majority is enough. it is predicted that they will remain in power and will determine the course and composition of the governing bodies of the european union up to the present permanents of european politics, instead the whole discussion is going, and how to take into account these programmatic postulates and programmatic demands of more right-wing political forces, and we will have to look at the position of mrs. prime minister meloni from italy. with whom she tried to come to an agreement, and it seems that no one canceled these agreements, the current head of the european commission ursela fondelein from the european
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people's party, who will run again for the position of head of the european commission. mr. moroslav, please tell me , there is no feeling that europeans, i mean european voters, they are somewhat let's say, they focus on populists, miro. what is the difficult situation on the european continent now, because we understand that there is a migration problem, we understand that there are now attempts to influence green energy itself, on green on green politics, which not everyone likes, and actually there are certain challenges that are facing european politicians, but then again, there are also european voters, if we describe this average average static european citizen. so what does he expect and who is he actually ready to vote for? there is no european average static statistical voter,
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because there are different. people's political views on this is what democracy is, that is, it is impossible to say that there is only one such portrait, there are right-wing, there are more conservative, there are left-wing voters, that now the demand for absolutely, cannot, cannot be described with one mask, that is, to say yes, let's europeans think like this, it's a completely wrong way, i'm sorry, i say it so harshly, but i know that in ukraine they like this, this is the opinion, in europe that, well... we completely agree, so does ukraine, she it also happens to be very different, well, but but the key story, when we talk, for example, about the beginning of the big, without exaggeration, extremely important and perhaps even nervous tour of our president volodymyr zelensky, is normandy, france, then the g7 summit and
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, accordingly, then the swiss story. that now on the agenda, we understand that two key meetings and conversations should take place, these are president zelenskyi, president biden, well, these are key meetings, of course, with attention to what is happening in ukraine, well, few are actually present in the public space, i do not say about espresso this is how it looks to others, that is, i understand that president biden, president zelensky. who will sign a security agreement between the united states and ukraine, we know from the words of the secretary of state anthony blinken, who said that this agreement will be signed for 10 years, there will be firm commitments of the americans to support ukraine, military, financial and on the course of ukraine, the foreign policy course of ukraine, this is a very important document, in fact, i
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think that it will be equal. that's about this strategy of victory, which to which presentation the congress obliged the american administration of john biden, joe biden, as when the law on aid to ukraine was passed in april, we forget about these facts, but they determine the order in american-ukrainian relations, well, this is firstly, secondly, tomorrow the president zelensky, and here we return to europe and the meaning of europe and elections. to the european parliament, will be on an official visit to france, will speak before the lower house of the french parliament and with president macron, they will announce new initiatives france, regarding ukraine and the vision of france, the future of ukraine and both regarding the european union and nato, as well as aid and ending the war on ukrainian terms of ukrainian
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victory, this is a very important visit and... in fact, when you look at the elections to the european parliament, then i would say that this will be the last such very strong in france, the european chord, er, the ukrainian chord, which will reverberate, i am more than convinced of this, on the entire continent, and then it will be possible to talk about a certain agenda for the next european parliament is of the new european commission, then of course there is the summit... in a big simplification, well, then the peace summit, i want to say that the intrigue persists, there is the biggest intrigue - so to speak, we also know the result, that the representative of india will come, and this is a very important
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conversation. which diplomacy, but it still seems that the song is not finished and the intrigue persists, and whether there will be any, maybe as an observer, i don’t know, but in any case the representative of china, let’s see, the news came today, let’s see, the message that the minister is going to come to switzerland, minister of foreign affairs of hungary, i.e. the high representative of hungary, well, orbán himself will not come, but the minister of foreign affairs of hungary will come, so what else is there. as a result of this very tournament, we preserve, preserve , preserve intrigue, thank you, myroslav, myroslav chech, a polish politician, was on the espresso airwaves and we thank him, in the meantime, we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who prepared from the newsroom the fresh issue, which i think , they are already ready to present so that we know the most relevant information at this moment, iro, we love you we congratulate you and congratulate you on the holiday, today is the day of the journalist.


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