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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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will be after the war with these people, they themselves have to atone for some kind of moral choice, etc., for today, i think it will be fair for you and i to join forces and help those professional journalists who in ukraine fulfill our professional duties with honor as much as possible ties, and i don't think it's a big problem, that's all, it's more of a problem for them personally, for those people who escaped, who broke down, but for us, again, we 're concentrating. on the worthy ones, and i want to emphasize again, many of my own are an example for me colleagues from izyum, from kherson, etc., who perform important work at daily risk, and accordingly, that is why our slogan of the union of journalists of ukraine, journalists are important, is hardened more than ever in the current difficult wartime. thank you very much, once again happy holiday, once again in memory of all journalists who died with weapons in their hands and in the performance of their professional duties. serhii tymilenko, head of the national union of journalists of ukraine, was with us. well, as
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for those people who have made a difficult decision for themselves, it is really everyone's business person, just for the audience, i will say, do not perceive everyone the same, if some people cast a shadow on the profession, they first of all cast a shadow on themselves, people of professions continue to inform, work at the front, fight, die, suffer injuries, risk their lives, gaining some important information about corrupt acts here in tyla, appreciate the journalists, and those who made their choice about... profession, against honor, well, this is their personal matter, we honor the worthy, news in a moment, good evening, we are from ukraine , by the way, i want to say that i thank you very much to our tv viewers, that the spresso tv channel has been the leader among news tv channels for a very long time, for many, many months, in terms of ratings, you watch, you trust, and we try to justify your trust in the way we do... we succeed
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due to the circumstances , in which we now live and work. seven settlements joined the forced evacuation in donetsk region, the corresponding decision was made by the coordination headquarters in connection with the increase in the intensity of russian shelling. this was reported by the head of the region, vadym filashkin, it is about the city of lyman, the villages of lypove, nove, karlivka, stavky, progress and the village of zorya. the evacuation will be carried out within 60 days. families with children or others will be taken out first. legal guardians. the verkhovna rada of ukraine allowed the state special communications to purchase drones, electronic warfare systems and ammunition used with drones for defense purposes. the law also allows the state communications service to organize training for drone operators, as well as to conduct tests and verification of the combat capabilities of unmanned systems. the main thing in this law
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the maneuverability and speed of procurement of those systems that are just emerging innovative and fast are changing, they are brought, they are imported, they are produced by manufacturers, and when they are produced or brought, the codification system of the ministry of defense is quite bureaucratic, that is why we gave the dszzi the opportunity, and in fact, at the beginning of the war, they were engaged in this, only without a law, we gave the opportunity to ... codify these drones through the brave system and through their respective tests, guys, and we also gave the opportunity to conduct training somewhere, we left everything else to the ministry of defense, and most importantly, these actions are only for the period of martial law. one of the biggest crimes of the russians, a year ago, the occupiers blew up the kakhovka hydroelectric plant. it was then that ukraine launched the long-awaited counteroffensive in the south of the country as a result of the war.
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the water from dambe destroyed everything in its path, in particular destroyed residential buildings, structures, industrial and commercial facilities, tens of thousands of people were injured, and hundreds of thousands of ungulates and predators, birds, amphibians and fish also died, now in the place of the former trees and bushes grow in kakhovka gez. in the place of this forest, which used to be the so-called kokhov sea behind my back. now we can see that there is a forest with a height of more than 3 m. well , there is also a project to rebuild or build a new kakhovka hydroelectric power station, we will wait, we hope, and it will be done, now experts are working on it, and the verkhovna rada has ratified the agreement with the european union , so ukraine will be able to receive 50 billion euros of aid for the introduction of reforms.
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the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmehal, thought about this project designed for four-year support that will help ukraine join the european union. this year, our state will be able to receive 16 billion euros. instead of microphones, they took up arms to defend the country, on the occasion of a professional holiday in lviv, journalists were awarded with awards from the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the regional military administration and the national union of journalists of ukraine. certificates of honor were awarded to press officers, military correspondents, and defenders who left their jobs in media sphere for the sake of war. we will remind you that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, russia has killed more than 90 journalists, on the 91st, another 29 media workers are still in enemy captivity. anatoly zhupyna, the editor of novy den kherson newspaper, which
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is published, friends, you understand, twice this year, and which is sent to the left-bank ukraine, in the occupied territory, we help to do all this, is receiving the award today. certificates were awarded to the guys who came to our brigade precisely as employees of the press service, public relations service, who work for coverage the events that are taking place in our brigade, in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, today i was reminded of something from my past life, to be honest, it is difficult for me to associate myself with my work, which has taken up more than half of my actual conscious life. well, now we have a plot for your attention: the war in ukraine, security and the state of democracy in europe and the world, elections in poland and the usa, the main topics around which the discussion took place at the 10th international european forum in gdansk, poland.
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politicians, political scientists, historians, journalists, public figures from european countries and ukraine. our correspondent maria chernyakhivska will talk about the results of the event. europe with a view to the future - this is the name of the forum that took place in the solidarity center in gdańsk. the participants discussed ukrainian-polish relations and the main question: do the countries' values ​​and interests remain common. they also talked about the prospects for the expansion of the european union and how the war in ukraine affects this process. i am convinced that by the end of june we will start negotiations on ukraine's full membership in the european union. these negotiations will end in success not immediately, but after a certain time. period of time, and the question for us is what is the period of time, we all would like it to be a short period of time, to get it over with quickly, but we understand that these are going to be very difficult negotiations, especially when we are talking about agriculture and in particular our relations with poland. anti-ukrainian forces are doing everything possible to ensure that ukraine does not have
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support during its accession to the eu, ukrainian forum participants explained to those present. forum is happening literally on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, we understand that... and authoritarian, anti-european, they want to increase their state of sitting the european parliament, they want to form an agenda, a new agenda, this was voiced most clearly by hungarian prime minister orbán, who said we are for peace, that is, he just forgot to add that he is for russian peace, peace, and not for peace in europe, in fact, anti-european and authoritarian forces want to increase theirs. influence and it is a challenge not only for ukraine, but also for of all europe - experts say. against this background , one of the discussions was on the topic of modern global alliances, it was about whether countries have created pro-democratic alliances and what are the signs of anti-democratic ones. european politicians, analysts, and experts
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are now very seriously paying attention to the problems of populism in politics and public life, and to the challenges posed by new modern information technologies and the internet. social networks, that is, those things about which we may not always delve into them, but which already have a huge influence today, obviously the elections in the united states of america, the trump effect, the problems of the unity of the european union, the case of hungary and so on, we do not know how the united states will support us, i hope that everything will be fine, that the support will continue, but the support of the countries of the european union and the leadership of poland in this support are extremely important to us, and in fact, our future is connected with this. in the basement. a public discussion took place at the forum, in which polish figures and politicians of various levels took part, in particular the deputy danuta hibner of the european parliament, who believes that polish mps in the eu should support ukraine on the way to membership, and europe should demonstrate unity. it is very important that we
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quickly show putin in the context of ukraine, as well as moldova, what our political order is in europe, he should see it specifically, where ukraine is. and where russia is, we have to take care of it, the experts also spoke about the elections to the european parliament, which will be held in poland this sunday, and about poland's leadership in the eu. it's a reality... when we dream of ukraine's membership in the european union, of course, dreams and believes that poland will support us, so the victory of the democratic forces at this stage is very important for us. on the other hand, the european union is currently building a new defense architecture, and there will be a new defense commissioner. perhaps it will be a pole, this is also very important, the future of ukraine depends on these elections, where the european parliament in poland depends. experts also mentioned the need. in the defense capability of poland and solving the issues that concern the polish demonstrators. maria chernyakhivska, ihor
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antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. well, well, we continue the great ater and now it's time to talk about the world about ukraine, what he said, what he did most importantly, yuriy fizar, most importantly gathered for us. good evening, yuri, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. so, about this. china again calls for peace. negotiations, and here it is not clear which ones: elections to the european parliament have started in the eu, and trump is once again threatening with the third world war. my name yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine, and i'll start in a moment. there will be no peace talks in switzerland, we are still far from peace, there will only be a preparatory process. german chancellor olaf scholz said this today during a speech in
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the bundestag, according to him, while the russian leadership still believes that it will be able to achieve its goals on the battlefield, therefore he called for all efforts to help us repel the aggressive russian onslaught and defend themselves, and it is for this, says the bundeschancellor, that he decided to allow the use of german weapons for strikes on targets on russian territory, and at the same time... olaf scholz added a quote: "according to international law, ukraine has the right to defend itself against attacks on its territory against its cities and its citizens. china supports any efforts that promote peaceful resolution of the crisis, just like the crisis in ukraine". this was stated by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of china, mao ning, during the briefing. further. most interestingly, mrs. mao added that the leadership of the people's republic of china will continue
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to advocate for peace talks and at the same time, will maintain contacts with all interested parties, making the necessary efforts for a political settlement, and here again the crisis. well, let me respond with two words to... well, first of all, maonin knows very well that this is not a crisis, not a ukrainian crisis, it is a crisis, except in the head of putin, as well as of the majority and, ultimately, of all russians, even those , who shout abroad that they are against the war. well, and secondly, then why do n't they, i mean the chinese, go to switzerland, and even though i have also there are some very skeptical sentiments about what will happen in less than 10 days in bürgenstock, switzerland, anyway... the leaders of the countries will meet there, who will try, at least somehow, to help
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us withstand this russian aggression against us. well , yes, and with regard to skepticism, because, well, at least what this peace summit started with, when it was based on the ukrainian 10-point peace plan, now a lot has changed there, and well, is this the path to peace, this this summit is in switzerland, i don't know, but at least... a step for sure, so then why don't the chinese go if they are for this peace? but the leadership of hungary has finally decided whether they will go to switzerland, and if they do, who will represent them there? we will be represented at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs and i will represent budapest. such a statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, on the sidelines of the so -called st. petersburg international economic forum. according to him, official budapest is participating. in any event where peace is on the agenda, that's why they decided to go to burgenstock,
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but at the same time, minister sijarto said that it was a pity that russia was not invited to switzerland. well, today a very important four-day event for all of us began in the european union. the elections to the european parliament started there, which have of great importance, during four days from may 6 to 9, citizens of eu member states will elect their representatives to the european parliament. voting is only in the netherlands today, polling stations tomorrow. will open in ireland and the czech republic on june 8 italy, latvia, malta, slovakia will vote, while the rest of the countries will elect their representatives on sunday, june 9. vasyl and i will talk about why it is important for us, what are the forecasts and much more, with dmytro shkurk, ukrinform correspondent in brussels. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. welcome
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to the studio. kudos to ukraine, thank you for joining us today. glory to the heroes, let's hope. it will be okay, mr. dmitry, please tell me, come on, let's start by explaining to our viewers who is currently being elected in each individual country of the european union, well, look, representatives of the leading political forces in each country take part in the elections, they can be any political forces, they can be, for example, social democrats, christian democrats, right, left, centrists, greens, even representatives of ee... right-wing and left-wing radical groups, the main thing is that these elections to the european parliament are currently causing quite high public interest in practically all countries of the european union, because in conditions where, let's say, foreign policy the circumstances have worsened significantly, european citizens feel that it is the european
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union and european institutions, such important ones as, for example, the european parliament, that are capable... well, first of all, to protect their interests, and secondly , to ensure the influence of europe in solving some global affairs, but at the same time it is worth noting that, for example, the rise in popularity of right-wing forces, in particular , is connected with a certain regionalization, let's say , of the interests of europeans, when they definitely remember international problems, but at the same time, for them... social issues , issues of their daily life, for example, those related to migration processes, migration crises, they are very significant and affect their pre-election moods, thus the representation is very broad, we remember that recently, for example,
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the president charles also intended to participate in the council of europe. in the elections and for the time being suspend even the performance of his duties as chairman of the european council, but after that he changed his mind and will continue to perform his duties until the end of his term, studio, mr. dmytro, well, from what you said, there is a chance , the possibility that many eurosceptics and populists may enter the european parliament this year, well, if the elections are over. with such a result, how can this result change, or at least affect ukrainian, ukrainian-eu loans, especially, in particular, in the issue of supporting ukraine during the war. well, let's talk about the right forces first. indeed, let's put it this way, right-wing sentiments in the european union have increased, and we saw this
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in the results of the elections, for example, in the same netherlands and in italy. came, came to the right-wing government under the leadership of miloni, and strictly speaking, this is a pan-european trend that we have to reckon with, we have also seen the strengthening of right-wing positions in france, where the political force under the leadership of marie le pen is confidently advancing, but i would not, let's say, dramatize the general situation that the next parliament... it will consist exclusively of right-wing forces, er, they will indeed be represented, they will strengthen their representation, but this representation will not be, let's say, critical, there is such, you know, monitoring the previous one, which updates the data every day, uh, what would be the composition of the parliament if
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the elections were held today, well, actually, they have already started, but we will only have final conclusions. on the evening of june 9, but for now, well, for example, if as of today, really, let's say, the right-wing forces in the european parliament could gain about 144 seats in the european parliament, that's out of 720 possible, in fact, it's a strength , which cannot be ignore, but it should be taken into account that the right-wing forces are not alone in in the european parliament, the european people's party remains the leading party that maintains its leadership. a right-wing centrist, which, strictly speaking, has the largest representation in governing bodies, in particular the european commission, and other executive
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bodies of the european union. in addition, it should be added that the influential party of european socialists and democrats, and others, for example, the greens, the left, who traditionally... may not always agree with each other, but, let's say, none none of them questioned it expediency of the existence of the european union and such an institution as the european union. but anything that is european and directed in one way or another against the dictatorship of putin is definitely called into question by russia, and the attitude of the citizens of the countries of the european union towards the war. russia against ukraine and whether it can affect the war to what extent? well, look, the attitude,
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euroscepticism, let's say, it is a habit not only of the russian federation, there are quite a lot, quite a lot of right-wing forces that are also now going to of the european parliament and they occupy openly. anti-european positions and sometimes even their position completely coincides with the russian side, but we can mention, well, for example, such forces as an alternative to germany, according to the forecast, they can get 16 seats in the new composition of the european parliament, well, i do not know how much can be attributed to of the right-wing radical forces, the hungarian fidesz, but they also account for 10 seats, you know, a rather specific position of hungary to what concerns europe and ukraine, in particular, the french reconquista, the polish
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confederation, bulgarian revival, and by the way, to all the parties i just listed, the current president of the european commission, ursula fondern, who is now the leading candidate, the so-called special candidate from the european union. party, as we have already discussed with you, is one of the most influential political forces now in these elections, it absolutely denied any cooperation with these ultra-radical, we can say so, fascist-leaning, party forces, which , unfortunately, will also be represented in the european parliament, but we can already say that it will be, they will have an absolute margin. positions in this parliament and will not have a significant impact, by the way, if we talk about the right-wing camp, well, for example, the same
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political force of the italian melon prime minister, she always advocated for the support of ukraine and against russian aggression, that is, the right to direct parties is not yet verdicts, by the way, with this party in particular... the president of the european commission and i so hope that she will also head the european commission in the future, although this is still not guaranteed and will be decided by the results of the elections, but she ready to cooperate with them and seek some understanding. mr. dmytro, we are running out of time, but please tell me, is it possible, well, rather, she influenced how much the russians can influence the course of the elections, their outcome. propaganda: russian propaganda, it is very indirect, especially since the european union is doing targeted work
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in order to curb any, shall we say, attempts to influence consciousness or carry out information manipulation against european audiences against european voters, it gives has its own grounds, there is an act. so-called from digital services, which provides for a certain code of conduct, including for global social platforms, which, as a matter of fact, account for the main flow of such, let's say, disinformation and attempts at information manipulation, but in general i can say that the level support among the citizens of the european union for ukraine remains, even despite the fact that we are already in the third year of its... bloody brutal war, which also, let's say, imposed certain economic and social restrictions on citizens of the european union, the level of support of europeans for
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the fight. of ukraine remains very high, well, actually, about 80% are in favor of humanitarian aid, another 60% support, for example, the european union's purchase and supply of weapons to ukraine, even the same, say, hungary, which is now deliberately blocking the provision of military aid to ukraine within the framework of the so-called european peace fund, which is huge. an amount that exceeds 6 billion euros at the moment, even in this country, 45%, at least, of the population, they support, let's say, giving ukraine a military, well, mr. dmytro, thank you for participating in the program, thank you for the clarification, and it is important for us, and it was dmytro shkurko, correspondent of ukrinform from brussels. well,
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vladimir putin is talking about nuclear weapons. he is doing so because ukraine is now talking about strikes against russia, and the causal president of the united states of america, joe biden, does not know how to react to this, the president, the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, said on the air of the american tv channel fox news, and therefore, he added, it can lead to everything before the third world war. of course, we blame this on the version of the 45th owner of the white house, who has a good chance of settling in the main american estate. for another four years, of course, there is joe biden, but trump himself once again emphasized that he, here is his quote: will settle the situation around ukraine and settle it quickly, this would never have happened if he was the president, but the truth , will he be the president, he has a chance, but will it be because of the criminal case in which he lost and three more that have not yet begun investigation, but there are no verdicts yet, well, that's
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all for today. the world about ukraine is only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps to restore. control of urination feminost uro, urination under control. fm - helechyna. listen to yours. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. from knee pain, try dolgit cream.
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joint pain ointment there try also dr. theiss warming cream with comfrey, a proven remedy, there are discounts, represent unbreakable discounts on troxevazel 15% at pharmacies plantain, bam and save. what to expect from the peace summit in switzerland? will this summit change the course of the war in ukraine? especially after as joe biden stated that nato membership is not necessary to ensure peace in ukraine. most importantly, today at 21:15 velikiy lviv will speak in the project. the field where he will get it.


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