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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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a serious section of the front, the enemy on that side is real, metal hedgehogs are real, minefields are real, reconnaissance drones are real, and there is a large number of our troops who are drawn up, they are drawn there, mr. ivan, i apologize, unfortunately we have little time, but just to clarify, do you believe that the sending of troops or instructors, or as you said, to demarcation with belarus can happen in the near future, in general, i believe that it is possible, there are no problems for this, there is no fantasy. thank you very much, stay with us the contact was ivan stupak, a military expert, former sbu employee, with whom we talked about more and more permits from ukraine's western partners to use western weapons for attacks on the russian federation. well, in the meantime, ukraine can probably make concessions regarding its own peace formula. and all this in order for as many participants as possible to take part in the future summit in switzerland. the european publication learned about this from its own sources.
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true, the journalists were able to familiarize themselves with the preliminary text of the final decision of the summit, well, the author of the article, serhiy sydorenko , notes that if kyiv approves the communique in its current form, it will give the green light to the promotion of alternative plans for achieving peace, which will certainly take less into account ukrainian interests. this article also mentions that one of the eu diplomats expressed surprise as to why ukraine is ready to make concessions regarding its own peace formula. a quote follows. yes, we have invested a lot of effort in your peace formula, but in the future we will not be able to be greater ukrainians than ukrainians themselves. well, bye bye, the chairman of the committee the verkhovna rada on foreign policy oleksandr mereshko said on the svoboda ranok program that the final document that will be signed in switzerland may differ from the one that the media has already seen. and he expressed hope that ukrainian interests will be respected in the final version of the communique.
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i would like to remind you that the peace summit will be held in switzerland on june 15-16, and according to the president's office, 107 countries and international organizations have already confirmed their participation. so, is there still time to correct the final document of the summit and how dangerous is the current consensus, which is reported in particular by journalists. we invited ivana klympushents, a people's deputy of ukraine and head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, to discuss this. good evening. good evening. so, let's go. we are saying, is it really so necessary for ukraine and to achieve peace that as many participants as possible take part in the swiss summit, or does their number really play an important role here? of course, it is important for ukraine that its position, its understanding of the situation be shared as many countries of the world as possible, but at the same time you and i must also understand what to put pressure on the russian federation, to oppose the russian federation. and we
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can defeat the russian federation only with the help of precisely those partners who share democratic values, who share the need to preserve international law as a basis for the continued coexistence of the world, and we cannot count on what exactly is this type of active. proactive help can be provided by someone else, and besides that, we also understand that no one will do the main work there instead of us, diplomatic efforts are absolutely important, and it seems to me that for this , ukraine should, as it has been doing, use as much as possible all platforms, unfortunately, in many respects incompetent international organizations, including and the same organization of the united nations, but when we... know that there on that site we
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have more than 140 countries that support the ukrainian position, then try to blur it and always propose some hybrid methods and rely only on what exactly only in this format we would like to promote our interest, well, it seems to me that it is quite risky, but do you really see the threats that kyiv could make concessions and... really consider, subscribe to the fact that other alternative plans will be considered , the achievement of peace, in particular, there is actually a peace plan from china on the table, which does not involve the withdrawal of russian troops, and i also want to mention here that serhiy sedorenko, the author of this article, as an international journalist, he emphasized that in its public of diplomacy, kyiv has always said that our formula for peace has no alternative and forced, so to speak, allies and partners to say exactly that. such ukrainian
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formulations about this, but now it turns out that kyiv is probably going backwards, that's how you see it, and you know, i would really, really... like to believe that in gonytva the pursuit of beautiful pictures and big numbers , there the involvement of high-ranking representatives of various countries in a summit, which i think is premature, i was very surprised when, if i am not mistaken, it was announced in january that switzerland ready to host the summit, and it will take place there in the coming months, i was absolutely convinced that this was some kind of... probably, well, false information, somehow it will be corrected and it is unfortunate to realize that in fact it was really, well, a given, with which, on which ukraine worked, and we see that now we can drive ourselves into such
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a dead end by insisting on, for example, on the adoption of some resolution, i am convinced that this summit... when it takes place, it can be a good one , a good, serious site, but not necessarily if uh, well there, the final document does not take into account the principled positions for ukraine, it is not necessary to adopt it, and it is obvious that it will depend on the position of ukraine, as the initiator of this summit, it will depend on whether any document will be adopted at all or not, and this is also a way out, or well, to find other other options for that... this summit will end, but it's just, well, let's say, there, decide that this is the only way of that, of further diplomatic work there, which ukraine can move, despite or alongside, with its
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military effort, it seems to me wrong, moreover, i would like ukraine to do such a number of, well , redundant, in my opinion, you know, even redundant diplomatic ones... because we are blurred, it simultaneously blurs other tasks facing us. it seemed to me that membership in the north atlantic alliance and invitation to nato is a fundamental guarantee for our future security, and i would, for example, focus much more seriously on this, and we sign some agreements, calling them security agreements, agreements with a large number of countries, in fact it is agreements that... well, they are important, but they are about providing assistance to ukraine, they are not any security agreements, and we present them here as some crazy achievement, we are focused on the peace summit, and at the same time we are not working, well, in the same volume and with
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the same efforts at the same site of the united nations organization, well, let me remind you, we lose time when we do not complete the internal purchases of... arms, or not enough, we do not complete, to put it mildly, fortifications along the demarcation line and the front. well, actually, i just wanted to add here for context that obviously, it does not depend only on ukraine whether they are ready to see it in nato, from the statements of the same joe biden, we have to conclude that they are not ready to see ukraine as a member of nato, at least that its security can be ensured without membership in nato, in fact, maybe this... also one of the topics for conversation when the president of ukraine and the president of the united states will meet, i wanted to ask you about the summit itself, but you yourself said that it might be premature, but surely it is really important for kyiv to come up with its formulation and his vision of how to achieve
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peace in ukraine, so as not to allow other countries, which may sympathize with russia, or may not want to invest too much in this or that eye. in order not to give her the opportunity to force kyiv to make some compromises, so in what format would it be more appropriate to conduct this, this format of the peace summit, maybe not at the level of leaders, but then in your opinion? and look, i believe that the proposal that was voiced by president zelensky at the group of 20 summit, when he voiced his peace plan, and it gave the opportunity and... the form on which they began to work, and it is obvious that they began to work there at the executive level, and it was necessary to continue, precisely in this way, if they have already chosen this path, then in this direction this
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work in order to exit on some potential solutions, rather than gathering a summit, as a result of the fact that we want a greater number of heads of government there. or countries to see at this summit go to the erosion of what is fundamentally necessary for us, this is the biggest risk, and what? definitely not only depends on us, but definitely us we understand that we have already proved that there are impossible things, thank you very much, i apologize, unfortunately, we have little time, ivanna klympush tsensadze, the head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, was with us. and in europe , the ratings of right-wing political forces are growing. surveys show that their representation in the next convocation of the european parliament may approach a record high. usually. it is eurosceptics determined to restore relations with russia. what can
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the european elections in june change for brussels, kyiv and moscow, what is the threat the european parliament is likely to see an increase in the number of right-leaning votes, and what are the dangers of this trend? asked zoriana stepanenko, rfe/rl correspondent in the eu. the rostrum from which loud and frank political statements in the european union are often heard. mr. putt. you crossed so many lines in this war that you will be remembered for the worst reasons. there should be a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against ukraine for putin and his regime. the european parliament is a legislative body that did not lack determination in condemning russia and supporting ukraine. this term recognized russia as a state a sponsor of terrorism, called to expand sanctions against it, and to give ukraine everything it needs so that it can continue to fight. i consider it a scandal that europe is opening its doors to ukraine, and the eurocouncil is not even
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able in such an urgent situation to make a decision to send several air defense systems to ukraine. the european parliament does not determine the eu's foreign policy, does not have the right to vote on sanctions, and its harsh resolutions are not binding. their approval is rather a demonstration of political will, which, however , often coincided with the relevant decisions. the european parliament was the first to call for ukraine to become a candidate, and we were the strongest supporters of starting negotiations on its accession to the eu last year. as the elections are approaching, the debate is intensifying whether the updated composition of the european parliament about the ukrainian course will retain the highest ratings among right-wing populists and eurosceptics, some of them well-known, in nine eu countries, according to the estimates of the european council on international relations. pro-russian sentiments. france deserves
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better than its historical record of legal and illegal immigration and crime. deserves better than a spike in the budget deficit. the surge in the popularity of the right is primarily linked to the improvement of life in europe, dissatisfaction with migration policy and conditions for farmers in particular, who again protested in brussels this week. we are here with all european farmers with an important message to our politicians: to improve legislation in the interests of agriculture. of the 720 mandates in the european parliament, polls predict that the right-wing forces will win almost one and a half hundred, and over fifty more may go to non-aligned politicians, in which there will be room to maneuver to the right. however , experts do not predict that this will significantly affect the external course of the parliament, although they assume that the ratings of the right will be preserved. to growth i would be very careful in
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assuming that the future european parliament, even if the far-right wins more seats, will be markedly more pro-russian or anti-ukrainian than the current one. under no scenario, which hardly anyone foresees, the extreme right will not get an absolute majority. analysts doubt that the two right wings will merge into one in the european parliament super power they have a lot in common and... too many different divisions, in particular in their attitude to russia, conservatives and reformists, in whose ranks the italian premier's party criticizes moscow, identity and democracy with marine le pen's party on board for establishing relations. despite the loss of some mandates, centrist political forces will retain leadership, according to polls. the one that finishes first will nominate a candidate for the presidency of the european commission, the most influential body of the eu. ursula funderlajen, known for her pro-ukrainian position, has a chance. for the second term, however the intrigue of who will get the position continues, voting in the european
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elections, which has already started, ends on sunday, from brussels zoryan stepanenko, radio liberty. well, this is where svoboda live comes to an end. at the very end, i want to urge you to like this broadcast, as well as subscribe to the youtube channels of radio liberty and radio liberty ukraine. thank you for watching, this program was hosted by sashko shevchenko, and svoboda live will be back tomorrow. fm, galicia. listen to yours. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you are in charge
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citramon pills darnytsia. 10% in pharmacies for travel memories and savings. vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zema, it's a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhiy zgurets, and how the world lives, yuriy fizar is already in front of me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, please. hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morcha in the hood with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chekchenina, our tv viewer, ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests
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studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day. in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. a ride to bc, a ride to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of the times. we are looking for two sisters, liana and nelya kopalenko from
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kharkiv region. liana turned 14 in march , and neli is now 16. nazis. the girls are clearly younger in the photos, but i really hope that this will not hinder their search. information about the disappearance of the sisters came back in june 2022 from the border town of vovchansk, when it was occupied by the russians. almost two years have passed since then, but during this time there was no news about the kapalenko sisters. it is possible that nelya talyana was taken back then to a territory not controlled by ukraine, or even to russia. therefore, it is very important to know even the smallest details of their disappearance, if suddenly someone has seen the girls or knows about them, at least some information, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no the ability to call, write to the chatbot of the
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child tracing service in telegram. i also want to tell you a story. year-old sofiyka storzhuk, which also disappeared in kharkiv oblast. the child was last seen in the city of kupyansk, which was under occupation until september 2022. information about the disappearance of the girl appeared when the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast, but it is not known where sofiyka might be now. it is possible that the child is also in territories not controlled by ukraine. i hope that with your help we will be able to find the girl. let's take another look at the photo of 13-year-old sofia. she has blond hair, thin lips and an oval face. if suddenly someone has seen the child, or knows where she is may be there now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search service hotline at the short number 11630. and i would like to ask for a moment of your attention, this is 15-year-old
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ivan bastryukov. the boy also disappeared in the city of kupyansk, but in august 2022, about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. ivan looks 15 years old. he has an oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. if... anyone has seen the boy, or knows where he might be now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's helpline at abbreviated number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. let me remind you, if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, there are also... children who repent and, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers, who often just run away. we talked about this
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topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can definitely prevent it sudden escape of the child from home. tell the child who he can turn to in case of need. of course, ideally it could be you, the one she should turn to when she feels the need to... but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with other things, and what to do then? agree on this in advance, think together with the child to whom he can also turn, maybe it will be another adult from the family, maybe it will be one of the teachers, or the school psychologist. in addition, coordinate with the child the anti-crisis a plan for how to act when she finds herself in a situation that could be threatening, and if it happened on the street. where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work out an anti-crisis plan to
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the smallest detail, and the more detailed it is, the greater the chance that it will work, and the greater the chance, that you will save the child from some great danger. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. place at any time just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. welcome to the air. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time, i and the host oleksiy kovalenko. the us, nato and allies will not back down from supporting ukraine, because that would mean forgetting the lessons of the second world
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war, when the free world united in opposition to a dictator. this was stated by us president joe biden during the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy, one of the key allied operations in wwii world war ukrainians are fighting. the usa, nato and a coalition of more than 50 countries stand strongly by ukraine. we will not back down. because if we do it, ukraine will be conquered and everything will not end there. neighbors of ukraine. will be in danger, all of europe will be in danger. we cannot allow this, give in to the aggressor, bow down to dictators, we simply do not think so. numerous world leaders
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and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, are taking part in the celebrations in france. more about the events in france, the meeting of the ukrainian president with the leaders of the event let's talk with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupany, who is with us live. can you tell us about the meeting in normandy, who is present at these celebrations? well, actually, celebrations are taking place on both sides of the english channel, that is, 80 years ago, the alliance, that is, the allies of the anti-hitler coalition, the united states, great britain, as well as canada and other countries , together landed on the shores of normandy on june 6, 1944 and began the liberation of france, and then the rest of europe from german
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occupation. and actually, it's not like meetings world leaders, as celebrations to which these leaders are invited, and these are celebrations, but very sad, because they take place first of all near military cemeteries, only american soldiers, tens of thousands died there, so it is on the one hand, it is a celebration. victory of freedom, but on the other hand, it is also a tribute to thousands and thousands of victims. bohdan, leaders of countries in france make a direct comparison between hitler's aggression and putin's war. please tell us about these parallels that we heard today. well, actually, you just did already heard about how he spoke, how he drew parallels between the struggle against ... hitlerism
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during the second world war and what the american president called the invasion of the tyrant. also, the french host of these celebrations, these events, today in france emphasized that ukraine is waging a just war, the same war that the europeans waged, defending themselves from the tyrant adolf hitler. so yes, facing a war that has returned to our continent, facing everything they fought for being called into question, facing those who whoever claims to want to change borders by force or by rewriting history, let us be worthy of those who landed here. your presence here today, mr. president of ukraine, proves it.
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bohdan, numerous meetings are planned between president zelenskyi and world leaders during these celebrations. what to expect from these meetings and what does the fact that putin did not receive an invitation to france mean? well, first about putin. that is, russia could probably participate in these celebrations at some level, although traditionally the russian president came here in the past years and the so-called norman format of negotiations with ukraine originates precisely from these solemn celebrations, at which putin came and conducted negotiations, now they said that due to russia's war against ukraine,
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putin's presence here is impossible. a separate one is impossible because putin has a warrant for his arrest from the international court of justice, and france should execute this warrant, arrest the russian president, but when it comes to events, this is not a conference, it is not a summit in itself, although the leaders use the opportunity to in order to to meet, negotiate and make some rather serious announcements, for example, today in an interview with french television, the president. macron confirmed that france plans to train the ukrainian military and i will not rule out that this could happen on the territory of ukraine, which will be a very serious step that worries moscow very, very seriously, and also new, what he said today in an interview with french television, it is that france is preparing to provide ukraine with combat aircraft, mirage-2000 fighters, modern, powerful.
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fighter jets in addition to the american f-16s that ukraine is preparing to receive, so these are serious announcements that have appeared in connection with this gathering and these celebrations in france. bohdan, you have repeatedly emphasized that there is a lot of symbolism in these meetings, but you can still summarize what all these meetings mean for ukraine, for the ukrainian issue, from a symbolic point of view. for ukraine. it is a show of support, that is, the fact that the american president spoke so firmly that as the allies helped to liberate europe from hitler, so only now the western allies will help ukraine, obviously very symbolically and very worrying, probably the kremlin leaders who...


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