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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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the generals lie to the minister, this is standard russian practice, no one there tells the truth, it is a country of lies, so he will be fed a bunch of nonsense, about how great everything is, which will make it difficult to implement any meaningful changes, so i do not foresee that in the near future there will be big changes in the future, he can create better relations with iran and north korea to get more benefits in the future, but that is something else entirely. dear glen, what should we expect in the next month or two, what should we prepare for? not sure what exactly, but something obviously. as the war progressed, russia became increasingly desperate in its attempts to achieve its goals. attacks are becoming more frequent, more and more old equipment is being brought to the front line, and even innovative tactics are being used, such as the use of battle buggies and motorcycles for attacks. thus, to the russian front line. and officers
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are under pressure to deliver. they will try to do it, but i don't think it will involve nuclear weapons. most likely, it will be a surprise attack that will catch us off guard. however, it is worth clarifying one thing despite the fact that the front line is moving forward step by step, in a broader sense, russia is losing. that's right, russia will lose. she loses at sea, she loses on land, because she keeps going. lose your people, if you constantly lose personnel, eventually you will run out of quality personnel who can train and lead. russian losses amount to 7-10 soldiers against one ukrainian fighter. they can hold out for a while, but over time the quality of their powers will inevitably decline. and how then do they want to hold the front line? that, what hasn't happened yet, yes, it's a mass riot of russians somewhere on the front line, where... many
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soldiers just turned around and went back. this had already happened in russia before, in 1917, and it is quite possible that it will happen again. so, going back to my initial point, something is bound to happen, just don't ask me to predict what, because it's beyond my imagination right now. it is important for ukraine to be ready for anything. and this means conducting a thorough scenario analysis to predict potential threats and. development of strategies reaction. we shouldn't wait for something to happen and then try to fix it. we must act proactively, identify potential challenges and find ways to effectively overcome them. thank you very much, dear mr. colonel, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the tv channel. i would like to remind our tv viewers that a retired british army colonel and military expert glen grant was currently working for them.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting you and me, ours country, died at the front, and they...
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need our support like no other, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, they will find. new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria,
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the museums we went to every day were amazing and i really liked the restaurants we went to. i visited the cities of saarsburg, vienna, and linz. this had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. very thank you for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive this difficult and scary moment. the espresso tv channel will be on the air now. myroslav cheh, historian, publicist, deputy of the polish diet of the second and third term. glory to ukraine, myroslava, i congratulate you. glory. well, the key story is the permission to use western weapons in order to deter the aggression of the russian enemy. yes, we understand that the process has not yet been finalized, but the signals are coming
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extremely kind and of course we are waiting for the final approval from the united states, which may not be made publicly. that is, as daniel told me last week. the former coordinator of the state department on sanctions policy, he says: well, there may be such a solution, as with etekoms, i’m already apostorivory, we give permission, and then the russians will find out about it at their military airfields, from which the planes take off with which they bomb kharkiv, well anton, you very correctly said that this is the finalization of the process, because the permission is from great britain, well , the information has gone that starm shadow has already been beaten in the krasnodar territory and that. the russians felt and understood that this is how it is. the french are the same, and president macron said that he allows strikes on military targets in the presence of german chancellor olaf scholz. well, we are waiting for all those minutes, of course, for the decision of president joe
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biden and the democratic administration, but i think that if this has not already happened, then it will happen soon, we will find out after that, how the russians will feel it. probably so, but we will find out, probably, well, let’s be honest, why it took so long, the americans were given a decision about the atakams, not because the atakams will stand and it is such a terrible weapon and so on, because there was another understanding that when you hand over the atakams, this equivalent to the fact that they will be used against targets on the territory of the russian federation, the same as with the f16, well, our ukraine f16, if they will attack the entire territory. of the russian federation that they will be chasing the missiles that will be here are already present on the territory of ukraine, well, it’s pointless, then we should send such expensive installations here, they are the same weapons that are supposed to repel the russian aviation to a depth of hundreds of kilometers from the front line there, if
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not deeper, then it is very good, but as far as i i understand, this will symbolize the beginning of a new stage of the war, well, at least the russian federation... is trying to present it that way, they are repeating their mantra about the nuclear threat again and again, preparing for the next nuclear tests, they say, well, how only the west will do it, then accordingly the west will already find itself, well, directly on the front line and so on and so forth, the west has gone for it, this means that perhaps there is already an understanding that the russian federation must be restrained by force, well, i will quote and i it is extremely pleasant that i can quote a foreign prime minister. of the republic of poland, radislaw szykorski, who supported president macron, who said in february of this year, said that we need strategic uncertainty, nato troops can be present, and french troops can be present on the territory of russia, and minister shikorsky went further, on
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the territory of ukraine, or already on the territory of russia? maybe we don't know something, yes kaluga, kaluga is under threat, well not yet, but god knows it. world history develops in strange meanders, as we know, different stories, different scenarios, some religious 400 years ago it was like that, so our kaluga, relatively speaking, and i am more concerned about the fact that, you know, there was a victory parade of the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine in sevastopol , built a wall on russian, on the ukrainian-russian border, ukraine in the eu and nato, and what will happen behind the scenes, let the 140 million and let the chinese figure it out. i don't know if they chinese will be called russians, it's not really so, it's not that important to me, well, returning a little to a more serious matter, and it's not only the instructors, minister shikorskyi made such a strong statement, to which russia simply reacted, well
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, not so nervously, he said, well, the russians know the price that the americans put on them when they s... try to apply to use nuclear weapons, they will have destroyed the entire army that is on the territory of ukraine and not only on the territory of ukraine, the americans really said what they were talking about. victoria nuland, who was an assistant to the state secretariat until recently, i think, until march of this year, and she told the russians this back in 2022, anton, so when it comes to such a strategic strategic picture of the war in ukraine, she is already more between more - less formed, and when it comes to nato troops in ukraine or other countries nato, let's put it this way, the nato countries and the structurers, then i would... still pay attention to this first of all, because there won't be, or maybe there are already those instructors in fact, well, when
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you look at it, but how far the situation will go with permits, non-permissions, everything that happens with china and with its support of the russian federation, the americans say extremely strongly that thanks to china, russia has been waging this aggressive war for so long without the support of china, er... technology, finances , and a certain part of electronics and devices different for the military-industrial complex, russia would not have the resources to wage this war, and this is what the americans are very clearly declaring at the moment, moreover, they are trying to convince the europeans of such an approach as well, that is, there is an understanding now that the decision on the war in ukraine, and russian aggression against ukraine is not accepted in moscow, but... it is in beijing, and appropriate, appropriate messages are addressed to them,
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such messages are addressed to them that russia is not capable of winning a war against ukraine, that is for sure, and we will do everything, to ukraine won these wars. yes, well, but at the same time, going back to the history with the instructors, yes, we understand that their number may be uncertain, why are we talking only there, i don’t know, about 100 or about a thousand people, yes, it could be 10 thousand, 20 thousand . military other logistics, respectively there may be victims, while the response to the alleged murders of western instructors is the worst thing there is, that is, the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the killing of peaceful ukrainians, in particular in kharkiv, it is all predicted, in fact it is on... or what else can it be, so that everyone who even slightly understands the nature of this war, the nature
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of putin's regime and today's russia, realizes that the ukrainian people pay the highest price, and these victims might not have existed if everything had been set before, and now that we are talking about systems anti-aircraft, not only, not only, but i read in foreign affairs an article by andriy zagorodnyuk and... on cohen andriy zagorodnyuk is the former minister of defense of ukraine erton cohen is an employee of the administration of george bush jr. plus today one of the leading teachers of military history in america , a very authoritative and authoritative person, well, he directly wrote, in fact, what timothy snyder also says, the war could have ended in the 22nd year, the russian troops after the success of the ukrainian army near kiev, chernihiv, kharkiv, there were 140,000 in october 22nd, and the ukrainian army then numbered 800,000,
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and the entire defense sector, one million 100,000, give us weapons, and it would be all over the place, and the same thing is happening today, fortunately conscious, it seems a little different, this war can be ended, and it is necessary to limit, limit the victims, and why are the statements of president macron so important, and what he said, what general syrskyi said, is so important... the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, that everything has already been signed, and macron said: wait, wait, i am here with zelensky about everything i will tell you everything, but it won’t be there. syrskyi told me, that’s why he said that, we will tell you about everything on june 6, when president zelenskyy will go to the commemoration of the landings in normandy, the landings in normandy, it will be the 80th anniversary of the landings in normandy, then macron , as the master of this, uh, announces to us the whole world, and how we will end this war, and now, turning to instructors, security and so on, and i... i remember so very well the year 2021 and the discussions will come or not
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russian troops, american instructors the british were on the territory of ukraine at that time, and a decision was made that washington and london would first withdraw their instructors, not only them, then the embassy, ​​as you know, and then it was realized that the west does not actually believe in ukraine, the scenario that should be played out with those.. . i thought that it was just my great indignation at the time, and i think that in politics it is simply not possible to do so, but that was the understanding of the situation, today there is a different understanding of why structures are important, and you, anton, are absolutely right , it doesn't matter how many there are 100 or what is important today is that they are not sent here by the western countries or will not be sent by the western
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countries so that they die on the fronts in ukraine, this is obvious, and this means covering the sky in... ukrainian security, so that they are, because they will the first targets to influence western opinion, le pen has already said, you see, macron is preparing us for this, so that we take part in the war and so on, doing such a policy, populists and various friends, friends of putin, orban generally stated that this is what it is , what they allow, irresponsible and so on, we are that we understand what we are leading to instead, and then we fix what we said in your anton program, it begins. in the west's understanding , these decisions, all of these decisions that we talked about, should begin the final stage of russian aggression against ukraine. duda, tusk, the polish political community, the polish military, they will be ready to put their signatures, their signatures on those documents that would, for example, allow polish instructors to join this
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international contingent, polish instructors must, of course, and so on, that is, and this should be. present, because out of attention to history and to friendship and everything else, instead today we will say that poland is facing the prospect of, well, such a prospect, we all call it a hybrid attack by russia and belarus against ukraine with the participation of thousands of refugees or migrants from the eastern , from the middle east, who all have a russian or 90% have a russian visa, that is, people selected by the russians to attack ugu. polish, the polish border with belarus, and maybe also with hezbollah and the taliban, so to speak, on the belarusian policy, on the policy maybe on the krulevitsk or kaliningrad section of the border between russia and poland, that is , what i am getting at is that, in fact, today poland should be focused on the defense of a common front against russia and its ally
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lukashenko, belarus, at this critical point, it is called. the plans that we will attack through this isthmus all the way to russia, which have already been voiced since 2009, we will reach berlin, no one has de-actualized, they want to implement it in moscow, poland is now focused on this, well, they want to and maybe, we understand, these are also two big differences, so the key story here is the readiness to quickly deploy troops, the readiness to react quickly and not allow, but i won't either. respect this danger, it is very right, myroslav, that you mentioned it, yes, because putin went to lukashenka, took the new leadership of the ministry of defense with him, and for two days or a little more, they held some meetings of their own, we understand , that they were not talking about potatoes, about human potatoes, in their understanding, i apologize for saying so, but they that's how they treat people, it's not for them, no
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, you and i, anton, are not people, we are you, you who are subject to... destruction as unnecessary, these are such people, yes, yes, that's how they think, and of course that poland has to be focused, since lithuania is also digging trenches, estonia, latvia, they are building wow, their native land, the germans, believe me, will deploy their brigade in lithuania, that is , to meet how putin or lukashenko wants to go against lithuania, because lukashenko there are three months ago or four, he was on this border, but with lithuania, on the border with lithuania, belarus with lithuania, he said, because to us... the sovalsky crossing is 40 km, and this, this is how much, this is not so much, ugh, that is, we understand that they, due to the fact that they do not succeed, and various efforts, as they think, plans in ukraine, they don't want, as it seems to them , to strike nato and show that nato
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is powerless, because that's what it's all about. different, yes... further, a big request to close the sky over western ukraine by your own means, and it can be done, and when it will be, it is justified not because they protect the conditional gas transportation system of ukraine or the suburbs of lviv and the city of lviv itself or other cities in western ukraine, but french instructors, british instructors, training grounds, wherever they are, it just suits us, right, anton, if the sky is protected from the side of poland, and not from the side of poland, it will be. fly russian missiles, because it was the same, then we will feel safer, and those air defense equipment will go closer to the front, ukrainian ones, there will be enough chemistry between the political elites, because of course i am not... "we love, we don't love, we communicate, we get offended, well, it feels like we're now back on the plain, as if everything is fine, even, somehow it
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's going, but we understand that there must still be private decisions on the part of the higher political elites of poland and ukraine well, we have come very close, and i can communicate this with great pleasure, that work has begun on the security, so-called security agreement between poland and ukraine, president." with prime minister tusk, they talked for an hour about it, the situation in the kharkiv direction and so on, that is, there is understanding at the same time of poland, why, among other things, the threat to the isthmus of suva, but on the other hand, if kharkiv were to fall or kharkiv was to be surrounded, that's a million people, well , waves of refugees will again pour into the territory of poland, what to do with them, and it won't happen, but the military must calculate everything and the politicians, however, that is, there is something to talk about. well , president zelenskyi said, well, it ’s great that we are removing various sharp corners, actually in our relations, and thus returning
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to a clear trajectory, bilateral relations, but please close the sky, well, i think, i know that relevant measures are being taken and military developments, legal points are also calculated in cooperation with nato, because, for example, there was such a conference in warsaw somewhere ... weeks ago, and a representative of the nato headquarters mons in belgium said , that it is a great request that poland share its patriots with ukraine. well, but using polish patriots to protect ukrainian skies can also work to protect french instructors, allies, british instructors, right? and belgian, and belgian instructors and so on. yaroslav, at the beginning of our conversation you mentioned that there is a feeling that... different formulas are being sought, this is how they are discussed, we understand that some are public, but some are not public, we understand that western negotiators, they have
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experience , well, we understand that a forum dedicated to the peace formula will be held in switzerland, we understand that there will be an official public reconciliation and there will be a non-public reconciliation of intentions, capabilities, and so on, we still do not know whether the representatives will go, attention, not the united states, they will be there, it doesn't matter whether biden will be there or not, i think that... all the points have been worked out, that is , american diplomacy is just very good , american negotiators, the question of the people's republic of china, who will leave from it, yes, because china recently, together with brazil , jointly produced an adjusted communique, compared to the so-called chinese plan, which was about everything and nothing, yes, that is, that china is for everything beautiful, sovereign in the world and for the peaceful resolution of any what solutions, although at the same time china is now what is preparing his great fleet. the chinese armada, which can, i emphasize, can be used against aggression against taiwan. well, no need to exaggerate the fact that the navy, when
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the president, every time, every time the president of taiwan takes office, right there in 5-7-7 days the people's republic of china conducts large military exercises off the coast, well in that taiwan strait, yes there are not many kilometers from the chinese mainland. and by the way, if it’s not the guys, you won’t understand who is the boss here and who is the first here, then we won’t show you much, this just such a good old chinese ritual, it is yes, it is a ritual, absolutely it is a ritual, well , of course, without diminishing the whole threat and so on, but it is a ritual, secondly, i think whether there will be a representative in switzerland or not , china does not play already a big role, of those 10 or 12 points there will be both. three and it should be in the final, final document: nuclear safety, shipping safety and exchange of prisoners, everything, well, this is public, this is a public
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part, and maybe there will be another part that is not public, or just all the decisions adoption, no, there will be no decisions there, chancellor shortz said that there will be no decisions to be made about peace in ukraine, switzerland will not be made there, it is about something else, i really liked this initiative, i think it is ukrainian. .. diplomacy did a great job of everything that was needed with that, there it is necessary to show that the global south, the so -called global south, does not all stand on the positions of china and russia, on randramodi, for sure, but a large part of the countries of the global south are interested in to be present at the platform offered by ukraine, together with its western allies, and the main event has already taken place there, i hope that it will not change, a representative of... india will be present, and india today in all parameters, economic, military and so on, is playing a big role on this global chessboard, and it is definitely not
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one hundred percent. is ready to replace china, in particular in what is called human resources, the factory or workshop of the world, and so on, and india is ready, but india still needs to work on itself, and in particular, perhaps the litmus test will be russian aggression against ukraine. it's not a litmus test to the end, but that's why we remember that india, unfortunately, also helps russia, because it buys a huge amount of oil from them, even though it says it pays in rupees. it is necessary to invest in the territory of india, well, such tricks, let's say indian ones, i would say that even a little further, i read western commentators and in hindus, the elections are still going on in them, yes, that's right, the prime minister and the parliamentary elections in india, according to the prime minister, young people will be re-elected, then everyone points to it, and so on so it will happen, it is about something else, the decision that india should
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compete economically. china's competition has already been accepted, western firms are leaving china, going to india, india is developing its advanced industries and so on, it is present in the labor market and so on, and according to all demographic projections, the population of india has now exceeded the population of china, not only the quantity, but also the quality, so we understand that the chinese population is significantly... let's not say about quality, it’s just about demographics, about age composition, well, because quality is what it is, when it comes to population or something, let’s not, it’s true, the chinese population is very old and they can’t recover, and the indian population is simply progressing geometrically quantity, let's go back to the swiss summit, that is, we understand that
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if only those three blocs will be discussed... well, it concerns, for example, nuclear security, which means that all the rest of the decisions have already been made, maybe they will be, instead, in the final, or i understand, because the president zelenskyi talks about this, there will be no mention of them in the final document, instead there will be three aspects against it, as i understand what president zelenskyi says, after this, the final document, work on their implementation will continue, that is, on freedom of navigation. well, the armed forces of ukraine almost drove away the russian fleet, sank the black sea fleet, let’s say so, well , i’m sinking a large part of it, and so on and so forth, successfully, yes, that is, freedom of navigation, are you for it, do you sign for it, or does china guarantee that it whether it will be implemented or not, do you guarantee that there will be no use of nuclear weapons, and now think
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about it, putin and his comrades have to sign... that he will never use nuclear weapons, well, he signed the budapest memorandum at the time, not like this , and the nuclear doctrine of the russian federation, where they prescribed very specific, but now the plan is different, that this paper will be handed to him today by comrade all, and he will no longer joke here and say that it is not written like that, and this document, he is not understands what is written there, you have interpreted it badly comrade everyone, russia will not joke like that, it has definitely changed, how much has it changed? well, if he can’t be very strong there, then this is not a situation where putin, having devoured those petro-dollars and so on, and thinking that europe is weak, america is weak and so on, we can challenge them, because behind their backs in us china, you have to sign it in chinese, in its hieroglyphs, and not in plain english, that is, these are different games, these are eastern games, well, yes, we understand eastern games, yes, that they mean, for example,
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putin, but it means, what if swiss the summit will not be fully dedicated to the peace formula, well then, it will be dedicated, instead we are talking about the final document and what will happen next, and how do you think further negotiations would take place, in what format, or could it all be somehow, it's quiet there, well, it's all in diplomacy, of course, that the public is slowly developing, a certain number of states will be formed, which will be supported by these three points, according to the ukrainian formula. and then some other meetings take place in some other places, it is discussed, and what is it means? before the us election or after? before the american elections, after, it does not play a role at that moment, because america's position will be voiced regarding ukraine in the so-called security agreement. the significance of the vote on providing aid to ukraine, bipartisan in the house of representatives, what happened on april 21.


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