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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 799 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need , call. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine, on the air of spress news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. two russian radar stations were damaged as a result of a night attack on occupied crimea. drones struck a military unit in the village of mysove in the leninsky district. - reports the astra telegram channel.
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one russian soldier was also wounded. the aggressors were reported to the ministry of defense of the country. during the night, 11 drones were shot down over the occupied crimea. seven explosions rang out loudly in the temporarily occupied luhansk, after which columns of smoke rose - eyewitnesses wrote on social networks. the light went out in some areas of the city. the propaganda media write that luhansk was attacked with rockets. attack com. ukrenergo promises to help soften the schedule of blackouts from tomorrow. according to the chairman of the board of the company, volodymyr kudrytskyi, an additional one will be launched on the night from friday to saturday nuclear unit and this will add power to the power system. graphics will not disappear, but will become softer in all regions. at the same time , ukrenergo changed the shutdown algorithm to evenly distribute the deficit across the country. today, hourly schedules
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will operate in all regions, emergency shutdowns are also possible. the energy facilities were not damaged during the nighttime russian attack, but the enemy does not stop trying to cut off power to ukraine, the ministry of energy reported. an industrial enterprise in the kyiv region continues to burn. rescuers brought in a robot to put out the fire and fire train. at dawn, the enemy attacked the area with mortars and rockets, the head said. of the regional military administration ruslan kravchenko. air defense forces were working. one person died, four others were injured due to enemy attacks on donetsk region. the russians killed a resident of chasovoy yar and injured another. the city was shelled with artillery, the house was damaged. also, one person each was wounded in turetsk, green field and tursky. the regional police reported. a rocket...
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hit kramatorsk, a house was destroyed. sloviansk was attacked from drones, three private homes, a garage, cars and a greenhouse were damaged. and the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on the new economy. during the day, the enemy shelled 10 settlements in donetsk region. at night, the russians attacked kharkiv region with mortars and s-300 missiles. two high-rise buildings, private houses, a dispensary, and a recreation center were damaged. branch of ukrposhta and car service, - oleg synyogov, the head of the region, said. the locals were not injured, but the day before, three wounded were taken out of the burning vovchansk by border guards of the gart brigade. the russians attacked residential buildings made of mortars. people were rescued from burning houses, provided with medical assistance and taken to a safer place. during the day, the occupiers injured four residents of the kherson region. cities and villages of the region, - said
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the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. russian shells hit a hypermarket and a garage. three high-rise buildings, 14 private houses and cars were also damaged. and at night , three shaheds were destroyed over the region. russian special services are preparing a new information and psychological operation against ukraine. prepare articles and films that have to discredit the military leadership of ukraine. in particular, military intelligence. this was reported in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. the russian agency has already received instructions to organize the distribution of materials in the media of ukraine and western countries. the russians allocated 15 million dollars for the implementation of the idea. she worked for the enemy and recruited her own children. the security service of ukraine detained an agent group of the fsb in khmelnytskyi. to its composition. a deputy of the local council
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and her two children went. 42-year-old son and 37-year-old woman daughter they tried to identify the placement of mobile anti-aircraft fire groups, as well as components. military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. for this, under the guise of family trips in their own car, the official secretly photographed the objects, and the son made marks on google maps. all data were sent by messenger to their curator from the fsb. tasks were performed for a reward. thanks to this, all three fsb agents were caught red-handed while they were spying on the firemen. air defense groups. according to the investigation, the deputy is in the field of view of the russian special service got into it at the beginning of this year because of her pro-kremlin activity among her classmates. after the recruitment, the woman involved her son and daughter in criminal activities.
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the perpetrators are currently in custody and face life imprisonment. and our people are converted into donats due to enemy shelling. tv channel. espresso and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling for participation in the collection of drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we have to collect uah 2.5 million on accounts that are already over uah 350,000, so take your time and join the collection for our defenders. the european commission initiates negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu to begin in june, reports
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the financial times with reference to three informed sources. they claim that they can make a statement in this regard even today. they want to start the process by july 1, when hungary will take over the eu presidency. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi delivered a speech at the national assembly of france. he compared the events of the second world war with what is currently happening in ukraine. according to him, europe has ceased to be a continent of peace. it returns again. nazism, the russian regime does not recognize borders and is trying to redraw borders, zelenskyy added. your combat aircraft, brilliant fighters, which, under the control of ukrainian pilots, will prove that
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europe is stronger, stronger than the evil that dared to threaten europe. now, as 80 years ago, we can lead it to... the power of our unity, the power of alliance, the power of our common ideals. an eight-year-old boy was rescued from the russian occupation. now he is safe with his parents. doctors and psychologists are working with the family, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, said. since the beginning of this year , it has been possible to enter the territory controlled by ukraine. return 108 children from the kherson region. you can find more information on our website youtube channel, there is a live broadcast of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also short videos on hot topics in the schorst section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. also
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, read more news on our website and on our social networks. join, bet yourself. such was the morning in ukraine, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. new norman format. zelensky arrived in france for a meeting with... biden and macron, what decisions to counter russian aggression can be made by the allies during the commemoration of the anniversary of the landing in normandy. the right to self-defense. after long discussions, the majority of western countries approved ukrainian strikes with their weapons on
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the territory of russia. does putin have opportunities for a symmetrical response? prepare for the cold. and darkness, due to russian shelling, ukraine lost a significant part of its own electricity generation, will the new tariffs for the population help to restore it? glory to ukraine, this the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour, we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's also talk about the emergency situation in which the ukrainian energy industry is now, and about the summit, or rather not a summit, but a meeting. in france, where the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy is celebrated,
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volodymyr zelenskyi is there, and his meeting with joseph biden is already planned there, this is the first meeting that takes place in june, zelenskyi has the second in a week to meet with biden already on the sidelines of the g7 summit in italy, we will talk about this throughout our entire broadcast today, but before we start our big conversation about... watch the video of how tonight the defense forces of ukraine attacked the novoshakhty oil refinery in rostov region, explosions were heard there, a large-scale fire took place, this is not the first time explosions have been heard at this oil refinery, local mass media reported on drone attacks, this plant specializes on re-production of petroleum products. is the largest supplier in the south of russia, let's see how it all turned out, our oil tank
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was blown up, it's burning, full, our oil tank was blown up. the oil is on fire, i went outside, i'm standing, i'm filming, it was flying in all directions, glory to the ukrainian forces. and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work not only live on the tv channel, but also on our
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youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today , we are asking you about whether you think the increase in electricity tariffs is justified. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion that is considered unambiguous. the answer is yes no, please write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the increase in electricity tariffs is justified 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is ivan plachkov, chairman of the all-ukrainian council. minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in 2005-6. mr. ivan, i
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congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations, good health to everyone. first of all, mr. ivan, let's talk about the current state of the energy system of ukraine, and that obviously most of our tv viewers may not be able to see us now, because there are power cuts, there is not enough power. on everyone in the power system, and lights are turned off in various regions, and obviously it will be for a long time. how would you characterize the situation we are in as of june 6, 2024. ah, the situation is extremely difficult, i would say, a critical situation in the power system, why? after many such massive missile strikes on the energy structure of ukraine, and
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russia is trying to completely destroy, first of all, electricity, the electricity sector, we lost a large amount of generation, well, we remember that our zaporizhia nuclear power plant is occupied, it is 600 mw, we know about that we have destroyed, well, i would say almost all 90'. percent of thermal power plants that operate on coal, it is about 7 thousand megawatts, we have destroyed kokhovska gest, dnipro-ges, kremenchukska. these centroenergo power plants, you can see their condition on the screens, that is why we do not have a deficit, we have a large deficit of generating capacities, and taking into account the fact that two power units at the nuclear power plants were taken out for repair some two days ago, as part of the preparation for the fall season, and
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the high temperature in... it contributes to that increase in electricity consumption, there is a shortage, and even the import of electricity from european countries in the amount of 1.7 to two hundred thousand does not allow to balance the system, so the energy industry is first of all in order to avoid a total blackout, this is the first in order to so that the equipment at working power plants, because if there is a deficit of generation, the frequency drops, and this threatens emergency situations, including at nuclear plants, they apply a very large amount of shutdowns, restrictions on
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the supply of electricity, here on sorry, that's it the situation is like this and it will be like this, well, for quite a long time. president zelenskyy stated that the issue of protection and restoration of the energy sector should be the main issue to which total attention should be paid at all levels of government. let's listen to what zelensky said. report of government officials on energy and the possibilities of protection and recovery. everyone and at all levels it should be given not just the maximum, but the total attention of all responsible officials. mr. ivan, total attention, is it enough to restore ours energy possibilities, well, at least half of what the russians destroyed. well, look , not only total attention
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is not enough to restore this, but also and even and... well, if we, we, we, somewhere calculate the amount of money we need for financing, it, it is calculated not by one, by tens of billions hryvnia, then we need time, in a month, in three, in six months, even in a year, it is impossible to restore such a volume of generating capacities and substations. that's why and even here the protection of those objects that are working there today construction facilities, whether it is the first degree or the second, it is impossible, and we said about it from the very beginning, whenever there were conversations about some structures that
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protect, the only effective protection is air defense, today, the first thing is necessary.. strengthen air defense, i hope this will be done by the existing working energy facility, secondly, which means total attention, we need to coordinate the work of the energy complex by the central executive authorities, i do not see this, because there is no profile the vice-prime minister for energy for energy...
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that i think that he does not even have time to calculate, calculate this task, therefore it is necessary to change the organizational structure of energy management in order to make it vertical, because today energy is no less important for of our country than the situation at the front, because it is the existence of the country, and as for the recovery, it is years, years, years, yes. you know, i am not even thinking about this period, the summer period, we are facing, especially in the middle of summer, very big problems, i am thinking about the next heating. season, how will we winter, we will not be able to build generation, we will not be able to increase the import of electricity, unfortunately, these are the realities of how we will
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winter, now we need to prepare and think about how cities will winter, how the city of kharkiv will winter, who will tell me, when all heating is destroyed, how the city of kyiv will winter, if we do not rule out... more blows to our energy infrastructure, and if there will be a cold winter, and if it will be -15 and there will be no electricity in the city there in some on some mass of 10-15 hours, what will happen with the heating system, what people should do, how utility workers should act, interaction with local authorities, with city mayors , etc. unfortunately, i don't see anyone conducting it, only slogans, everyone needs full attention and so on, it's not enough. i
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will ask you, mr. ivan, about this, you have a lot of experience in managing energy companies as well, you were the minister of fuel and of energy, the current government is turning to you for advice on what to do in this situation? no, well , i'm not there... it turns out, i think that maybe it is, there are many other specialists, many experienced energy workers and so on, it's not a matter of principle, it's a matter of principle now to hold exhibitions, some organizational actions, that's specific, you need to appoint such a position, here is a person for the position, the first vice-prime minister of energy of the fuel and energy complex. second, to make an interagency commission at the level of the central executive body where there will be a minister of transport, a minister of finance, or the first deputies of the economy, and so on.
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next, in each oblast, create such and such an interdepartmental commission headed by first deputies and coordinate this work online. well, i will say, this is a disconnection. they are needed, they are necessary, but they are not organized , they are some kind of situational reflex, it is necessary to make a schedule of blackouts that will work, let there be no electricity for 5 hours, for six, and for four, but people must understand that during these 6 hours will not be, after that there will clearly be electricity 4 hours and we will be'.
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the financial times also writes about the difficult situation in the ukrainian energy sector, they write about the fact that the russian federation disabled or captured more than half of the power plants, which caused the largest power outage of the first full-scale war, quoting the british publication: we must prepare for... in the cold and darkness, said the publication's source in response to what such destruction predicts for ukraine in the coming months. at the same time , the ministry of energy replied that the article in ft has signs disinformation and ipso in the interests of russia. the article uses references to anonymous sources in the ukrainian government, this calls into question the reliability of the information provided, because it is not confirmed by official sources. for example, an unnamed representative of the ukrainian authorities claims in the article that we should prepare for life in... cold and darkness , such a statement is aimed at spreading fear and panic among the population, where, mr. ivan, is this the limit, when they are telling the truth that we waiting for next winter and what
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is called russian and a dog, you know, i don't want to comment on the information of the ministry of energy, it's primarily service information, and uh, well, well, they don't see it, they see it, i think it's their mistake, whether it 's inconsistency, i don't know who works there, today, they know the law, they don't know the law, they know how many generations we lost, and well, it's difficult for me, i don't want to comment on it, i want to say, let's there is arithmetic, i told you how many generations we lost, the first, the second, uh, we, we confident that we are confident that we have what, that there will be no more missile strikes. on the energy infrastructure, i'm not sure, so we protected all the energy facilities, we don't know, maybe we protected them, even if
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there will be no additional ones... i already gave an example of what could happen, but how will it be to winterize the city of kharkiv, let the ministry of energy say where there is no heat generation, it is completely destroyed, the kharkiv thermal power station-5 and so on, there is a boiler house and everything, in kyiv the thermal power station is damaged, they are, it is winter, it can be cold, it will be minus 15 there, 5 hours if there is no electricity, there will be no heating in the house for 5 hours, what will happen to this heating system of the house, it will freeze, if it freezes , the pipes will burst, and what and what and what next, what do we have in peacetime there was alchevsk, in peacetime there was alchevsk, they just probably don't remember and don't know what it is, that's why i 'm talking about understanding and training... we need
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to make points of invincibility in large cities, which will be there, there will be many people of some mass, so that they wait, maybe a week, maybe a week and a half, until the energy companies fix it after there are problems with the heat supply, there should be diesel, heat, food, medicine and so on. and we, well, just imagine, i just really, really worked a lot, i survived many heating seasons, and we had massive problems in peacetime, when the margin of safety in the energy industry was 40, 30-40%, and now we have a minus 30-40% margin of safety, so we need to think about winter so that it is
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not like eh... before the war, that's all well, rest, go for a walk and so on, and then what happened at these stations and so on, yes, and now, we must understand that we have a war, that energy is destroyed, that they will try to destroy us even more, and i will tell you one more thing, i don't often say this, look at our gas situation, today ukraine transports gas to europe. we all know that the contract works, we transport to austria, er , to hungary and slovakia, 30 billion there. this contract expires in the new year, on january 1. please tell me what can stop it russia to attack our gas transportation system, our gas pumping stations, main gas pipelines, and so on. we, we, we... can we
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expect it? yes, and they are already attacking our gas storages, and if we have more problems with gas, we rule it out, we do not rule it out, we must prepare, think through, calculate the toughest, most difficult scenarios, think it through as much as possible, prepare, and if not if it happens, thank god, and if it happens, we must be ready to get out. with minimal consequences, losses from this the situation, unfortunately, the slogans and that of the leadership is not enough, that everyone's total attention and so on, total attention is not enough, 24.7 organizational work of all authorities must be done. on june 4, the verkhovna rada partially lifted the moratorium on
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tariff increases, so the government can... increase heating prices, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, bank finance, tax and customs policy, yaroslav zheleznyak, said in an interview with radio nv . let's listen to what zheleznyak said. this is a small insight. parliament yesterday partially canceled this meratoi. this was spelled out in the new law, which, of course , no one is chasing after amendment after amendment, and nobody noticed this amendment, well... surely the deputies should read the law, i already yesterday, when i reread it, that we voted, well, i i saw this, i am sure that this is a partial cancellation of the moratorium on tariff increases, although not for household consumers, that is , not for the conditional population, but for industry, it is laid down there, so i think that not only for electricity we should expect such a surprise from the government, mr. ivan, it is obvious that
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the increase in prices for... electricity and the change in prices for


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