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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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drones hit a military unit in the village of mysove in the leninsky district, the astra telegram channel reports. one russian soldier was also wounded. the aggressors reported to the country's ministry of defense that they shot down 11 drones over occupied crimea overnight. seven explosions rang out loud and in the temporarily occupied luhansk, after which columns of smoke rose, eyewitnesses wrote on social networks. the light went out in some areas of the city. propaganda media write that luhansk was attacked with atakams missiles. they attacked with mortars and s-300 missiles at night, the russians of the kharkiv region. two high-rise buildings, private houses, a dispensary, a recreation center, a branch of ukrposhta and a car service were damaged, the head of the region oleg sinigubov said. the locals were not injured, but the day before three wounded people were taken out of the burning vovchansk border.
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brigade hart. the russians attacked residential buildings with mortars. people were rescued from burning houses, given medical aid and taken to a safer place. responding fighters provided first aid. we loaded it into our car and drove on, well they took two wounded people for treatment, one was seriously wounded, one was injured, and one who was presumably concussed, he... said that everything was fine with him, and they examined him, a local driver took him back. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi delivered a speech at the national assembly of france. he compared the events of the second world war with what is currently happening in ukraine. according to him, europe has ceased to be a continent of peace. nazism is back again. the russian regime does not recognize borders and is trying redraw the borders - added zelensky. your
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combat aircraft, brilliant fighters, which under the control of ukrainian pilots will prove that europe is stronger, stronger than the evil that dared to threaten europe, now, as 80 years ago, we can prove it, the power of our unity, the power of alliance, the power of our common ideals . additional revenues for the first 5 months of this year exceeded the planned indicators by 11%, which additionally gave more than 44 billion hryvnias. this was stated by minister of finance serhiy marchenko in verkhovna rada. and the customs service exceeded the similar indicator by 9% and attracted almost uah 20 billion. therefore, there is hope that such trends. will continue, despite the fact that
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we will have power outages, and business can really feel it, and economic activity will be correspondingly reduced, but the measures that the government is currently preparing, i think, jointly with the verkhovna rada, will allow to minimize these shocks and will allow the business to feel supported, to soften schedules from the nest. promises ukrenergo already from tomorrow, for according to the chairman of the board of the company, volodymyr kudrytskyi , an additional nuclear unit will be launched at night from friday to saturday, and this will add capacity to the power system. the schedules will not disappear, but the time without light will be reduced in all regions. at the same time, ukrenergo changed the shutdown algorithm to evenly distribute the deficit across the country. today, hourly schedules will operate in all regions, emergency shutdowns are also possible.
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a former people's deputy who headed the capital's institute on issues was detained in kyiv of preventive medicine, - reported the security service of ukraine. the official mass- produced fictitious certificates of disability for workers in the coal industry. the potential customers were conscripts who wanted to go abroad illegally. every month, the criminal earned more than 100,000 kroner. this amount was distributed among their accomplices, among them the heads of hospitals, a pro-pathologist and a coordinator. officials of medical and social expert commissions in the lviv region were also involved in the criminal scheme. according to the scheme, first of all, the khylants they were fictitiously registered for outpatient treatment, then they were allegedly diagnosed with occupational diseases, and then assigned groups of disabilities. as a result of comprehensive measures, kyiv is hot.
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the organizer of the scheme and her accomplice from the lviv region, who gave her a kickback in the amount of $32, were detained. during searches of the places of work and residence of the persons involved, more than 40 million coins were found. equivalent, as well as medical documents and draft records. she worked for the enemy and recruited her own children. service security of ukraine in khmelnytskyi region detained an agent group of the fsb. it included a deputy of the local council and her two children - a 42-year-old son and a 37-year-old daughter. they tried to find the placement of mobile anti-aircraft fire groups, as well as warehouses of military equipment of the armed forces. of ukraine. for this, under the guise of family trips in their own car, the official secretly photographed the objects, and the son made marks on google maps. all data were sent by messenger to their curator from the fsb. tasks were performed for a reward.
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as a result, all three fsb agents were caught red-handed while they were spying on anti-aircraft fire groups. according to ... according to the investigation , the deputy came to the attention of the russian special service at the beginning of this year due to her pro-kremlin activity among her classmates. after the recruitment , the woman involved her son and daughter in criminal activities. the perpetrators are currently in custody and face life imprisonment. a strong explosion occurred at a gas station in armenia. as a result of the incident seven people were injured, two of them are in intensive care in... in a very serious condition, aza tutyun radio reports. it is noted that a tank with liquefied gas could explode. the law enforcement officers have already started an investigation under a number of articles of the criminal code, including suspicion of negligence. and
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the espresso tv channel calls to donate and help the armed forces of ukraine. join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade. of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch we plan to purchase is eight improved models maviks fly combo and five maviks 3t. after all , unmanned aerial vehicles are eyes in the sky that monitor safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, and they also help protect the lives of our military. so we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias, save time, join the collection for our defenders. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website spreso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube, and literally in a moment meet my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi. we will see you
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at 3 p.m. on the morning of the 9th, there is already a queue of fifty people near one of the capital's shopping malls, there are several of them, electronic and so-called live, when people independently form lists, some have come to the picking center since the morning. there were already 21 people in the queue as of 5:40, when i arrived here, i signed up on the 22nd, according to people who have been here for more than the first day, in a day they make it to approximately the office i need 207 to work 15 people. majority men are updating their data, someone has been sent an order to the company, someone has personal questions. i came today to see what's going on here and how, i see that there
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's a queue here, i'll probably have to stand, although disabled people are allowed through without waiting in line, i don't need to go to the army, i'm not fit for anything. in the crowd of men... women, it is mostly those who have a military specialty, they say, everything happens quickly and without unnecessary questions. i signed up for the electronic queue at 8 in the morning. came here, it turned out that they work from the 9th, but at 9 o'clock they started it, and really, you know, i was preparing for such a thrash, there are such very friendly women who checked all my documents, updated my data, and sent me to vylk. so you know, i'll be honest, it's nice, i'm impressed, while the tsc, tsnapakh and the reserve plus application, citizens are actively updating data, the verkhovna rada wants to increase the period of their updating. people's deputy volodymyr ariev said on espresso that he has registered a draft law that proposes
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to extend the deadline for updating data from 60 to 150 days since, according to the deputy, the tsc system was not ready to accept that number of communities. which update the data. currently , there is no reason to extend this term to 150 days, while some force majeure may occur. some things may happen, for example, attacks on servers, and then theoretically some problems may arise, and this will become the basis for extending the period from 60 days to 150. another loud statement this week was the news about the reduction of the training period: instead of two months , mobilized people are trained for one and a half , but in the ministry of defense noted that the terms of soldiers' training will not change. the updates also affected the reserve plus relationship. more than 700,000
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ukrainian citizens were deprived of the status of warrantless search. the ministry of defense advises you to re-authorize the application to see your updated status. this is our work, our work, which we proactively carried out together with the ministry of internal affairs, and we saw that such actions lead to the fact that people do not go to tcc tsc. create queues and do not have, are not obliged to correct this data with the help of physical contact the updated military registration document should always be with you, because it can be checked at any time by tsk employees, border guards and policemen. if there are no such documents, the national police may detain and deliver to the shopping center. also, for those who do not want to update the data, the right to drive a vehicle can be restricted. such a decision will be canceled immediately. after updating the data, in addition to the administrative and temporary restriction of the right to drive vehicles, do not forget about
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criminal liability, which is provided for article 336 of the criminal code, 337 and 382, ​​i.e. in case of violation of the rules of mobilization accounting, i.e. evasion of conscription for military service, failure to comply with court decisions, as well as in the case of passing a military medical commission and not appearing for combat summonses, or so-called dispatch summonses . we will remind that according to the new law on have to update their credentials by july 16 this year, plug and play, verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. greetings to all espresso viewers, informative day. begins his work, in the next few hours we will analyze with you the main events of today,
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there are many of them today, i would like to remind you that zelensky is currently visiting france, biden will announce a package of military aid to ukraine in france, and how will the talks end , so between zelensky and macron, we will find out all about this during today, and now we will analyze the situation at the front, so i am attaching oleksii hetman to the etr. yura of the reserve of the national guard of ukraine and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, we will talk with him about the current situation at the front, about the help of the allies and, in general, about what we should expect in the near future. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. let's start with the fact that our allies have allowed limited use of their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and at least what we hear from guests who connect to us from kharkiv region, this has already paid off. the results are that no rockets pass over kharkiv for the s-300 s-400 installations, and this
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made life a little easier for the people of kharkiv, but we understand that globally we are expecting some bigger results from this resolution, how do you think it might affect the situation at the front? well, if we talk about permits, then the permission to use weapons of their production only in the kharkiv region applies. american weapons, the ban on using french or british weapons, well, there are no restrictions on where we can use them, that is, you can attack all military objects according to international law, without attacking, we are not going to do it civilians, civilian objects, residential buildings, what the russians are doing on our territory, how much it can affect, well it has already affected, unfortunately, we still want to believe... that some weapon will magically solve, magically, excuse me,
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solve all the issues on in war, some kind of permission will give an opportunity to immediately defeat the enemy, yes, unfortunately, it does not happen, all these things add up, all our successes are made up of small steps, and this is just another step, like nothing so special, yes, but on the other hand rackets c300 c-400, which were destroyed by our means of impression, well, the point is it was. they don't fly over kharkiv oblast anymore, a little thing, no, it's not a little thing, i think it will be the same eventually with other ballistic missiles, because the s-400 and s300 are... ballistic missiles, we all, we all are already we know very well, these are converted anti-aircraft missiles, perhaps these will be strikes on iskander launchers. further, it is quite possible that we will be able to, and there are already talks about this and a kind of permission to destroy the planes of the russian federation over the territory of refi, which are trying to attack our country, whether they are not
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trying, or they are just flying there so that in a way to ensure the impossibility. to attack the russians for the sake of the region, kababs, other weapons that they use, that is, step by step, step by step, and such seemingly small, small things, but well, these are serious, these cannot be considered small, these are serious things, but by itself, one kind of action, it cannot bring, give a significant advantage, but the complex of these actions, all together, yes, it, well, you know, it is like in any, in any business, whatever you do practice, whatever you... do, you won't master it right away some science or some action, little by little, every time you continue to study, or you continue to do something in any business, and it eventually gives results in the end, not at the beginning, not in the process, at the end, well, they even say who doesn’t it is necessary to show half-finished works, so this is very good news and whether they will give us
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the opportunity to attack other objects, not only that. in kharkiv region, meaning the united states, i am sure that we will receive this permission, well, it is not exactly a permission, it is better to call it a green light, because the americans hesitated for a long time whether to give us such an opportunity may not be given, and they took such a first small step in this direction, it is possible, but only hymers and only in kharkiv region, and by the way, biden’s latest statement did not alarm you, well in the good sense of the word, because yesterday biden said about the kremlin and... there is such a thing, yes, he said that, well, this is a political statement, well , with the weapons that we have from the united states, we cannot even shoot at moscow, well, well, of course, to the kremlin, so it's more of a global audience, let's say, maybe even on the russian audience, that in order not
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to blame the united states, we know that many countries do not like the united states very much and will now leave, the accusation that they gave weapons to ukraine to destroy there architectural monuments in the russian federation, the civilian population, that's why he said things that they obviously did, that they wouldn't allow their weapons to be used around the kremlin and moscow, well, even if they did, we still wouldn't use them, because they don't get there, our italians look the funniest here, friends, partners, who are very vocal... they say, but we will not give permission to use our weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and this is why it looks funny, because there are no such weapons that could be used on the territory of the russian federation federations, rockets or something long-range, well , you see, a political statement, that’s right, political leaders have to make political statements, sometimes they even look old-fashioned
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or a little strange, well, nothing, it’s big politics and there are its own rules, we understand that, sir oleksiy, i want to... tell our viewers that the negotiations between biden and zelensky have already begun, we will monitor what will happen at the end of these negotiations, but we will continue to talk with you about the current situation at the front, the situation near the worker in zaporizhzhia is now very restless and very alarming, this speech, which ours were able to recapture as a result of the counteroffensive, it is unfortunately decreasing, and the situation there is very , very difficult right now, we would like you to appreciate how important it is ... a performance for our armed forces in order to keep this bridgehead on the south of our state, since now the enemy is trying to push through there, and yesterday there was information that the work for this is now a gray area, well, the point is, why does the enemy need to level this line, not because he likes straight lines, but because this is an advance was in the direction of takmak, and
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takmak is a railway hub, and here is this takmak railway, militopol jankoi, while... there are no detours there, if it is cut in one place, then bypass this damage, or is it part of the destroyed track will be impossible, and if we recall our offensive actions year therefore, if we look at these sorovikin lines as they were built on the dibstate map, we will immediately see that they were built exactly parallel to this railway, that is, the russians protected this railway as an important logistical route, and now the farther they will be... our troops from the takmak, from the railway, the more difficult it will be for us to keep it under fire control, so it is quite clear that what the russians are trying to do, they are trying to... push us as far away as possible, especially since we have struck the ferry crossing in kirchi, these are related things, this is also the railway, there is a statement that we
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will certainly soon, very soon, destroy the karschen bridge, the road along the railway, along the azov coast, which the russians have not yet completed, and in them, if the kerch bridge is destroyed, the kerch ferry almost does not work. the unfinished railway to the fazovsky coast and we control the new melitopol-jinkoy railway, then there will be no more supplies to the crimea, and for the dnieper grouping on the left bank of the dnipro river in the kherson region, there will simply be no how, that's why the russians understand it perfectly, for them , well, you can even consider these railways rocket roads, and they will fight for them and push us there, they will spare the strength and... there will be no means, for them it is extremely important, well, stay there is no way, but now you can see it perfectly on the map, the kerch crossing has already been prepared a little, the bridge too, and further on
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there is only one road and under our fire control, that is, you cannot actively transport anything, the russians understand this, that is why there are fierce would, i don't well, for another reason, well, you can have conspiracy theories, you can invent something else, but from the russians’ point of view, this is a completely logical action and it is quite understandable, mr. oleksiy, whether we will be able to refrain, well, let’s see, it would be better to refrain here, but again, at what cost, because it would be very, very good for us to control this expensive barrel artillery. mr. oleksiy, the situation near ugledar near maryinka, the enemy has also become very active there now, and we understand that he has a desire to go to kurakhov in order to open a larger a bridgehead in order to capture the entire donetsk region. how do you assess the situation in this direction and actually how is the enemy developing his offensive there, what can this give him? well, putin's political statements about the need
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to control the donetsk region, you know, there are none for the military, well, who has been there or who wants to visit there, well, go and see where you can see this administrative border, it is only on the map, the military does not operate administrative and even state borders, they operate. awkward positions for the conduct of hostilities, so to say that the russians want to go directly to the er borders, well, this is what putin says in order to be there again, this is a political statement, they want to take more convenient positions in order to really try to surround the coal strike , which they cannot take head-on, it is in a very convenient position, there is a commanding height and there are approaches, everyone is shooting at each other, the russians tried several times to storm it from the east, these assaults ended in... so they also fully understood this from a military point of view points of view want to bypass it in order to somehow hone in on the group that is there, whether they will succeed or not, well
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, again , you should not look at a topographic map in order to understand in which positions we are and in which position the enemy is trying to advance, the fight is for those positions that are convenient for... offensive actions, they have it, well, there are heights, water obstacles, forests, well, everything is there , this is all spelled out in the military statutes, textbooks, how to fight in the fields, let's say so, that's why the administrative borders of donetsk region are putin's political statement, i'm sure that the russian military, they also trained in approximately the same way as other military, i don't think that people there do not understand at all, as they say. let's talk very briefly about the situation near the pokrovsk temporary fence, what
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is happening there now in your opinion and how is the enemy there now behaving, is there a threat of something like that? in general, everything is clear, we were just talking about the railways, which we are trying to control. which we are destroying so that it will be difficult for the borisians to make logistical movements, they want to move to kostyantynivka, this is obviously a powerful railway hub, we actively use it for various purposes, for equipment, transporting people, well, everything that is necessary, and they are trying, well, you can see here, there is a short distance to konstantinivka, they are trying to advance there in order to worsen our logistical possibilities, logistical opportunity is not just there good or bad, it is very important for the trick. everything necessary on the front line, because you have to bring it in all the time, you can't immediately bring to zero a large amount of anything, anything,
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food, water, there... it's impossible, because for this you will have to make some kind of large warehouse, and it will be vulnerable to enemy mortar or artillery systems, so it is necessary to bring them in small batches, but this must be done constantly, but every few days you have to bring them in and bring them in small batches, this is how it works, and if it gets worse logistical possibilities, if the route will be longer or the route will be longer, well, that is, the time is short... then this can affect the combat effectiveness of the unit, because we already understand that if you run out of cartridges in the machine gun, then you need them to be brought and to there were additional ones, today it is necessary, not in two or three days, that is why there is such a struggle for the logistics of the outpost, it is very important, well, i hope that they will not be able to advance to kostiantynovka, because we need to keep the defense there very seriously, thank you, oleksiy hetman , reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran
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russian-ukrainian war. was ethere espresso, thank you mr. oleksiy for the analysis of the situation, now we are going on a short break, but after it we will continue our information day, there will be a lot of news today, so there will be a lot of talk about current information that is important now, but i also want to remind you that , that now the qr code has appeared on the screen, this indicates that we are continuing our collection in order to collect uah 4 million and buy quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade. so we ask you, please join, remember that every hryvnia of yours, really, every hryvnia of yours is important, if there are many of us and everyone donates a hryvnia, it will close this collection, and we understand that, in reality , there are no small donations, that's true. now a short break, after it we will continue, be with espresso. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you thought about it?
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