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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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that, its owner, precisely because of this, the russians already realizing that such an ass is sneaking up on them, they are trying to lay a railway right in the combat zone in the south of ukraine, so the ukrainian military chose the most optimal way, this is actually such an operation to prepare the combat space , plans the operation, as it is called by our partners in the armed forces, to isolate the crimean peninsula, what will happen to it, to the enemy garrison, to the enemy group in crimea, i do not know, i actually do not care, well, as history shows, there in there are chersonese, i mean no, that, an ancient greek place. chersonese, and the city of chersonese, and
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we are from chersonese in sevastopol, ugh, where those fleeing from crimea usually gather, this is ua welcom, well, another matter, actually speaking, those who came to crimea with the invaders, i would advised to use the crimean bridge, return home to varkuta and naryanmar. so as not to fall into such a trap. well, when we talk about the de-occupation of crimea, and about the operation for its de-occupation, there are many experts and even the leader of the crimean tatar people, mustafa dzhemilov said that the destruction of the kakhovskaya gest by the russian occupiers, a year ago, this happened, as you know, it, but, let's say this, unfortunately, contributed a lot. in a bad way,
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that our offensive has stopped in the north, south direction and in the direction of crimea, is this really the case, how much do you think the destruction of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power plant by the russian occupiers affected our offensive in the south direction and of course crimea? well, it's really not a secret anymore, here i completely agree with nostavguyu. in the 23rd year, the armed forces of ukraine planned an offensive from kherson in the direction of chaplynka, kalanchak , there to the crimea, it was the shortest route, and apparently the russians knew about our plans, some moles, these same bastards, reported something to them, and they used such a barbaric method. disrupt our planning,
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well, it must be understood that not only the liberation of crimea, they failed, they demonstrated that crimea is actually not needed by them, as a place where people should live, where people should live comfortably, together with the kakhovsky reservoir they devastated the channel itself in the northern crimea, which eventually provided water for many decades. for crimea, made it a fertile land, and as with the return of crimea to ukraine, he would continue his work, so what the enemies wanted, well, actually, they do not need us, nor our people, and even i am not sure that they are not needed they need land, but they need such a martian landscape, on which they would...
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sit like a dog on seeds, but in fact they only need military units there in the crimea, everything else for them is decorations and hostages, we remember how in 14 in the year when the invasion of crimea was developing, they in fact, they used the civilian population as hostages, exposed them to their armed men, when they captured and stormed ukrainian military units, the same way now, isn't there a risk that, okay, we... will still be able to surround crimea, deprive it of connection with russia, and there will remain many armed russians and, at the same time, many ukrainian citizens who will be hostages in such a situation. these are our people who found themselves in such a difficult situation, so... how to be here, it is a really
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difficult question, and our representatives of the authorities, them, the military, er, are warning. residents of crimea, in particular and crimea now, that it is better to leave the dangerous areas because this is a promising zone of hostilities, and return there when the war wave has already receded from this theater, that is, if crimeans who observe the situation in ukraine, from time to time they open a map of air alarms, then they see... ukraine with two, well, with two, the red is constantly red spots, yes, on their land, red fields of constant air danger, this is the luhansk region, and the autonomous republic of crimea, this is such a signal that at any moment,
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at any time, they may be there, be there, may not be there. .. it is safe, so our signal to the civilian population of crimea, which is loyal to ukraine, to provide their families with protection, if possible, leave the peninsula, at least women, children, and if there is a possibility, move away from the russian military units, where it will obviously be fly in and where there can be shooting battles in for some time, then... the head of the security program center of global studies strategy 21 was on the air of the bereber together program
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in ukrainian, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel, we will part with you for a moment and meet again here with another guest. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dollheit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. fm. galicia listen to yours. i remember bitorin. the morning will be
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greetings, i'm andriy yanitskyi, gulsum khalilova, my colleague in the studio, this is a joint, joint bereber project, or together in ukrainian. a joint project of espresso and the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and today in the second part of the program we will talk
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with eskander bariyev, the chairman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center. mr. iskkender, congratulations. salam alaikum. good day. glory to ukraine. aleikum salaam. good day. tuckendraga well, what if we talk about the results of this week and what happened on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, which would you identify this week. violation of human rights on the peninsula, because i know, for example, that recently russia has been focusing on so-called saboteurs and terrorists in crimea, and almost every week they detain so-called terrorists, saboteurs who are planning there on the orders of the armed forces of ukraine or gourmet of ukraine, any operations, terrorist attacks on the territory of akyar and other corners of the crimea, what would you note? well, first of all, i want to say that they are really trying or continuing to persecute
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our compatriots, they are persecuting such articles as sabotage, espionage and involvement in the battalion named after noman chilijikhan, regarding the video you are showing, well, first of all, for now, here is our opinion that this is a staged video for to scare people more. and because, well, really, if we talk about how they provided information, they detained people who were allegedly previously considered and were previously considered as being involved, as melitopol people, which five melitopol people, who were previously convicted in the russian federation for terrorism and that they there they cooperated with the special services of ukraine, but in general, when we talk about
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the fact that they are doing, well, it is true, it is also searches, it is the continuation of persecution of citizen journalists, it is also arrests, and here i would say more about , that they still continue to persecute representatives of the crimean tatar people, and not all the information we are talking about can be made public. because the relatives of these people, well , they really ask us not to talk about it yet spoke out loud because they were interested in being released in the first place. iskkenderaga, and why is this being done? i remember that in the 14th year there were similar stories when, well, even then, not even russian law enforcement officers, the so-called occupying forces, even some volunteer brigades of theirs, captured some people, accused them of preparing terrorist attacks, i
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remember i see, there at the new post office in okear in sevastopol, they took out, they took out some kind of shields, like the protesters used on the maidan and claimed that it was almost some kind of weapon, although it is clear that the shield, on the contrary , is used for defense for attack, and then such a rush was felt, including through... the tv channel of this russian citizen chaly nts, there was such a rush of panic, panic, such moods, fears. so that the local population was afraid of the so-called friendship trains from kyiv and some people from bandera, nazis and so on, but now why do they have this panic and this fear? well, first of all, when we talk about the 14th year and if we analyze all these processes, i myself completely agree in
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because it is necessary to analyze so that we can clearly talk about the dynamics, about their condition, about them. yes, the 14th year is really the period when they did not have, let's say, such official village structures on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and they tried to use the so-called defense forces there, defense forces, there were folk wives and so on, although we understand that representatives of the fsb, representatives of the rural structures of the russian... federation took part in all these wives, in addition, they, as in the newly occupied territories, it was done, let’s say, without, let’s say, not providing institutions for the protection of human rights, that is, it is meant when the prosecutor’s office system, the police system there, and the judge system are created there,
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so that every citizen or resident could could apply to demonstrate, and for this they did it in order to, and by the way, they also repeated it already in the newly occupied territories, it also happened in the territory of kherson region, zaporizhia region, and in order to really, let's say, intimidate people and to there was no pro-ukrainian civil movement. next, they are already creating a so-called law enforcement system, and now, among them , systems have already appeared on the territory of khersonsk. oblast, they held a genetic trial, and here it is, well, is it good or bad, here is exactly the question, yes, on the one hand, let's say, when we talk about civilian hostages, that is, these people who do not belong to the category of military captives and do not belong to the military, why? because
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they are there without a court, without a court decision, without such decisions. well of the occupation system of the occupation authorities in order to be able to use these documents, why are they detained or kept in the cities of no freedom, are they cellars or there are death camps of some kind and the like, and from this point of view it can be said that here for human rights defenders there is more opportunity to protect people on the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson region, on the other hand, they are trying to demonstrate in this way between'. native society that they are creating these institutions, and here we need to understand that, as for crimea, at this time in 10 years they did create these institutions, but despite all this, we see a different approach, and primarily in relation to the representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, when immediately after the decision of the un international court of justice , they began more and intensified
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the persecution of representatives of the midjliz korultai system and the like. in this way, they try to intimidate people, well, i think it is more related to the fact that for them, in 10 years, they have created all the institutions, law enforcement structures, there is the fsb and other things, they still can't, don't can cope with the fact that anyway information is sent from crimea to the competent authorities of ukraine, to the defense forces of ukraine, where the armed forces are located. of the russian federation, whether military facilities or new facilities of any kind, they cannot, let's say, control the situation when they provide information about explosions, video footage , etc., and that is why it is very important for them, including still haven't been able to fully take
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control when such purely civil resistance appears, when we talk about... there the appearance of, say, colors the ukrainian flag or there are yellow ribbons or other such symbols of ukrainian here and there or there crimean tatars or liberets kremia, it is precisely for them that it is very important that they intimidate people more in this way, so that, let's say, the number of people that could would take full control later, more control would be possible. a person, this is happening in crimea now, then they promise that they will release, people try not to talk about it aloud, they really release, but
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on what conditions, we still do not know, and so in this way, i think that they are trying to spread the system, let's say, whether it is knocking, or reporting, or reducing the circle of people who can create resistance, and therefore i think, just like that... this is a purposeful policy of the occupiers. well, you know, i wonder what the russian occupiers want from teenagers. recently, the crimean tatar resource center reported that during the occupation of crimea , at least 28 cases of persecution of minors were recorded. well, if i understand correctly, whether it is more of an administrative matter or something else, why minors are detained in crimea, for what cases, what... well, first of all, when we talk about society, about the future in this or that society, and generally focus
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on youth, on young people, on teenagers, as they perceive, and indeed, we are witnessing how actively they engage in militarization policy, propaganda policy, anti-ukrainian policy, let's say such politics, but despite all this, when teenagers appear who... use other sources, who try to create, well shoot a video there, or make some there, well, let's say, show, we understand that teenagers and young people are more of such maximalists, and they try to do what they can do, and here it is very, let's say, dangerous for them, i would say, and these are indicators of the fact that among the youth that they tried to educate and are trying to educate, there are teenagers who do not take their position, and here they are, well, first of all, they really
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try to intimidate parents, they open administrative cases or in relation to the teenagers themselves, or in relation to parents, and in this way they try, well, let's say, to educate another part of the youth and children and teenagers in order to... demonstrate that they are in control of the situation and that there will be fines or administrative arrests, and so on, including to put pressure on parents not to allow these processes, and so when we see 28 cases, in my opinion, this is a lot, because this is what they recorded, and here i ... i want to say that we we do not claim that all this is all, all information is complete, we may not have additional information yet, we may have many more of these cases,
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but this demonstrates that there is a young generation in crimea that takes, let's say, a pro-ukrainian position that does not agree with the policy of the occupying power in the territory of crimea, and this is very important. well, that is, together with this, we understand that the militarization of children in crimea, children in crimea, continues. for example, two or three weeks ago, we saw that the russian occupiers forced 35 children to pass through this immortal regiment. in artek , they forced the children to do it, that is this is a violation of international law, etc., how to deal with it from kandrag, i know that... the resource center and directly the krymsterskyi mijlis always records these violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children, etc., and even submits
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all this data to international courts, but everything anyway, how does it directly affect what is happening in crimea? well, first of all, i want to remind you that we provided and continue to provide information about how things were during the period of occupation. well, deprived of the right, and the children are indeed a violation of the convention on the rights of the child, and right here, we need to talk about the fact that the children, that is what you are showing on the screens now, and this really happened in the artek, and children from different regions are involved, including from temporarily occupied, new, temporarily, temporarily occupied territories, including from the territory of the russian federation, but that's exactly what i want. to remind that on june 1, the day of children's rights, they, including actively demonstrated, let's say,
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including and to what extent... children are programmed and demonstrated the militarization of children, which is exactly after all, it contradicts all international norms, and it is very important for us to simply fix it, document it, and because children, they should not be politicized, they should be provided with, let's say, normal child development, getting an education there, getting there... all the benefits that can be, but we see that the occupiers are turning these children into future invaders there, future, let's say, criminals, and this is true, this is a crime, and we are trying to demonstrate this, we are trying to document this, and this we we are trying to inform the international society, and it is really important here
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to pay a lot of attention to this, because this is a growing generation that, well, let's say, is already traumatized by the ideological and propaganda work that the russian federation is doing, mr. iskander, very briefly , but i still want to have time to ask one question, the occupiers dismantled the monument to pyotr grigarenko, about this back in may, it probably happened, maybe on may 18, about this... we only knew about it later, and i have a question, isn't it all monuments which they didn't like it, they destroyed it back in the 14th year, why did they now get their hands on the soviet right-winger who defended the crimean tatars, and this is some kind of signal, special, symbol, why did this monument stand for so long, if they didn't like it so much to the occupiers, do you have a version, and look, look, a minute from
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the kendrag, ugh, ah... literally minutes, well , first of all, i want to say that starting in 2014, they tried to dismantle or clean up some works certain memorial signs are connected with deportation, with law enforcement activities and so on. as for the monument to petro grigorenko, we are currently collecting additional and complete information, i think we will have it, so they have now started some work there and in this way they are trying to demonstrate that they are... conducting, as it was on the boulevard lenin but, the monument to pyotr grigorenko was constantly brought flowers, and it was installed back in 1999 by the crimean tatar national movement, and thus the crimean tatars constantly came and put tickets, so i think that they didn't do it immediately to upset the population, and they were waiting for a time
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when, well, let's say... more after the population is more pressed, but i think we'll still go back to in this case, and after we collect more complete information, we will provide what and how to do so that this monument does return to the city, and we will talk about it later in other programs, thank you, iskender bariev, chairman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center, was in on the air of the program beraber, together... of the ukrainian joint project tv channel atr, well , we will meet with you next week, don't switch, stay tuned, class.
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news time in the studio of iryna koval on espresso tv channel. i welcome all the viewers and tell you about the most important events. at this time. occupants hit a private house in poltava region. rescuers rescued a woman from the rubble. she was hospitalized in serious condition, - said the head of the regional military administration philip pronin. now all the details of the shelling are being clarified. evacuation continues in sumy oblast. in bilopil, rescuers are helping residents to move to safer places. this was reported in the state emergency service.


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