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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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of the anti-hitler coalition celebrated the 80th anniversary of the landing in normandy, and during the speech at the ceremony, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, drew parallels between d-day, that is, the day of the landing and or the beginning of the military operation, the allied landings in normandy and the war in ukraine. let's listen to what the president of the united states of america said. ukraine was captured by the tyrant. ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage. experiencing great losses, but still do not retreat. the united states, nato and a coalition of more than 50 countries are firmly on the side of ukraine. we will not go. because if we do that, ukraine will be conquered, and it won't end there.
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ukraine's neighbors will be under threat, all of europe will be under threat. make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are closely watching what is happening in ukraine. will we allow this illegal aggression to flow with impunity? we cannot allow this, to surrender to robbers, to bow down to dictators, it's simple unthinkable mr. valery, one more thesis was missing in this speech, that russia must be defeated, just like ... fascist germany at one time, why do world leaders, drawing analogies between the past and the present, still not twist this thesis, well, the answer simple, because the fascists did not have time to make nuclear weapons after fau, and in principle, i also have a question, these parallels that are given, they seem to be logical, because... it is clear that
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what is being said here is that the fascist, in essence , like nazism in germany and now the fascist regime in its manifestations in russia, but despite the fact that the allies were great, this is when the final stage of the defeat of fascism began, that is, not only the nazis, but in general the victory of the second world war, it was still a long war, but it was already such a step that... had already been taken, and i will remind you that indeed hundreds of thousands of allies and americans died, and this is the duping of neptune, overload, and all this was very difficult, but they went for it, and now what a parallel, well, in victory, i like the parallel that grandpa, the victory, we did it together, by the way, the ukrainians were also involved in this victory over the... but at the same time there is no
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real understanding, what parallels, if ukraine is alone, the point here was precisely that all allies united that is, i lacked a phrase, not that there is something about russia, but i lacked a phrase, we together, not only will stand with ukraine, but we are now, we are now involved in this matter, that is , now the day has come when we will not we can simply watch as the ukrainian people, bleeding , fight for our european country security, we cannot watch, be aloof when ukraine. the people are there now, while we are celebrating here, they are fighting, we have to enter this war and win, well, this should have happened, but it did not happen, well, but the anti-putin coalition did not immediately enter the war either, and it has been since the beginning of the second world war to this
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day, where 5 years, almost 5 years, and this is also a question, that is, if we draw these analogies, then we are now from the second world war. war, what stage are we at now? well, you know, it's better than me that all these analogies limp, that is, i see recently, a lot of comparisons have been made with other moments with the soviet-finnish war, that is, there are just a lot of analogies closer to us, and in principle, to put it briefly, such countries that individually cannot really, well, i admit it, but symmetry with russia and a nuclear country, many times more territory, many times more population, weapons, that is, it is obvious to me
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that the victory must be collective, and actually these countries dragged on for a very long time, waiting, well, for the fact that... the soviet union will take its steps, and then with some lesser costs human pressure from all sides, i think that if what i said is from finland, then they often say that it is necessary to stop there at some stage, to agree to fixing the situation, because there are many victims, just as the winter war in finland showed , that the soviet union, when it received this consent. before the truce with finland, he immediately, what he did, literally a few days later began to demand more and did not allow finland to even sign an agreement with sweden, that is, then he demanded that his proteges become the leaders of finland, and then finland
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was forced to receive support, or did she take such a step from the fascists, that is , in fact, after the distribution of spheres of influence, after the second one. finland ended up on the other side, and then it lost essentially all the territories that it once gave to the soviet union, that is, these analogies should be understood by those who now think that if we fix the situation somewhere, as putin wants, then we will win something, some kind of pause, and the grandfather analogy is victory, victory, what i said, it must be achieved together, together with allies, today you... you know, there is not a single ally in ukraine, because an ally is someone who signs an agreement with you about the union and enters the war. the supply of weapons and aid are not allied relations, they are partnership relations, this is all very well, but such wars,
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of such a scale, are not won and are not completed without the involvement of all forces, and it will be, but what you say, at what stage are we , well, unfortunately, we have not yet come to... how did it happen there, we are waiting somewhere until all these partners of ours finally understand that we still need to do this to come already, but the fact that there were no russians this year and at this anniversary already in the 80th anniversary, this already shows that no one will ever agree on anything with putin, or is it just that in the current situation of the 80s.. . is happening this way, because the 70th anniversary of the normandy landings, as far as i remember, was the first meeting between president poroshenko and president putin after poroshenko was elected president, and i remember how poroshenko simply did not want to approach the putin and there they
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were simply brought together, so that they could at least say hello, we exchanged a couple of words there, and if we remember those days, we really did. but i was there and i remember very well all these moments, who was with whom, who approached whom, and of course then there was putin, and now... there is no invitation, although the french talked about the fact that they probed the soil, how it would be perceived, if he is invited, well, of course, not putin, because then an arrest warrant should be issued for putin there immediately, someone else, that is, for russia to be present, because russia or, say, those people who were in the soviet union from the rsf , they took participation in joint actions with the ukrainians, with the belarusians, with other, er, all our peoples of that period in the victory over nazism, simply, well, in fact
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, russia has now won this victory for itself in its understanding, on may 9, they did it with some kind of fascist march , it’s very strange that such historical changes have come out, and that’s why they really perceive differently now how it all turned out, perceive it in a completely different way, well, if there was no war against ukraine and crimes and the already issued warrant by the hague court , of course it would be in a different way, but be that as it may, then the illusions that existed then, and indeed, you remembered correctly, it seems on the seventh, it was the inauguration of president poroshenko, and before that... a meeting in normandy, and there was hope, on the one hand, the europeans, that they will
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somehow be able to push putin to a realistic assessment, and on the other hand , what else happened there, that in fact barack obama gave this, consciously, if he gave this initiative, or essentially pushed these problems away from himself, handing them over to the europeans, and that was a mistake. and this mistake is not repeated now joseph biden, although he worked with him as vice president, but you compare what barack obama said then and what joseph biden says now, because 10 years have passed, 10 years have flown by, and illusions about the intentions of putin and the regime, is no longer there, so perhaps these years were needed for reflection, sometimes we say that in that period or another it would have been possible to do one way or another. well , periods are made by people, and here is what i say even today, that i would like it to be
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so, that it would be decisive, well, not ready, not ready, these are all a lot of factors for this influence, that is why normandy now and normandy 10 years ago are two completely different situations, two different situations, the only thing that is repeated is that ukraine was alone then, and now it remains alone. then, of course, we fought for there to be some kind of pause, to get the production of weapons in ukraine, you know, then many programs were launched, which, among other things, gave us the opportunity to advance somewhere further on neptune, on our missiles, and in our boats there started with the same manpads, the same javelins of the americans, that is, we still... they used that period to avoid saying that, but today is a different stage, it is at
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a new level, if they were needed then, it is possible to immediately provide these weapons in the same amount as now, they would have stopped the war if they had provided us with this amount of weapons then , then of course it would stop putin's intentions, because he was standing, he had 175-180,000, now , according to estimates, 550,000 in ukraine in... around ukraine, that is, a completely different situation, so this is another lesson that everything should be done in advance, preferably without waiting for any actions, then the reactive position, by the way, now a lot of people are discussing not even the volume of support for ukraine, but the dynamics, the timeliness, that it is necessary not to react to russia's actions, but to anticipate these actions, well, zelenskyi spoke before the national... assembly today france, he said that he rejected the possibility of territorial concessions
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to russia until the end of the war. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said? can putin win this battle? no, no, because you and i have no right, no right to lose. can this war die out on the lines that exist now? no, because no lines for... do not exist that 80 years ago that now, and if one himself, try to draw temporal lines, it will only give pa... before the new war, it is the same now as when the evil unfolded their aggression against their neighbors. in the 1930s, hitler crossed line after line, and so does putin today. mr. valery, the president of ukraine
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says that you and i have no right to lose, and again, well, despite everything, it is not enough. theses about how we should win this entire war both in the current conditions and with participation a country that is a nuclear country, but there is no , no, it is not pressed either, as far as i am concerned, and there is no answer to that, but how, how does ukraine propose to end this war, or do you understand what zelenskyi means, when he ho... that we have no right to lose, but how to win? well, what the president of ukraine stated is, in principle, the official position, and it is a statement of two things: firstly, that if there is a pause, the war will not go anywhere, that is, it is an illusion, if there are any agreements
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on freezing, that is, it is an illusion , then everything will be even, it will be even bigger, more will unfold and... then it will be very difficult to avoid complete encroachment by the russians and putin's regime, and the second point is that he calls on his partners to realistically assess the situation and make efforts now, this is the official position regarding the occupation of the territory and access to the borders, it has not changed, as the president of ukraine emphasizes, because a lot has been said about the fact that on the eve of all those peace summits there, the issues have been narrowed down. well, here such an emphasis is clear in france that no one refuses these positions, but secondly, well, i have my own vision, it's not that, let's say, today there is an opportunity to implement it right now, but i'm sure that such a war is within the framework of
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international law... it is considered local between a large country so asymmetrical a local war, but it is already regional in some manifestations, it is also global in cyberspace, that is , this war is so multifaceted, and this type of war at this stage can be won by involving a coalition of countries, that is, it has already happened more than once when there is a coalition countries, when available aggressor. and this coalition adopts a set of measures in the form of economic sanctions, well, that is , an embargo, in simultaneous political isolation and a military coalition with the involvement of powerful countries, including those that have nuclear weapons, that is, in principle it is clear, it should be a coalition of countries that protect
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european security, what is the coalition of countries that protect european security, at least it is on... which includes the usa, which includes canada, well, there are european participants, including nuclear countries, the usa, great britain, france, i.e., this is a winning formula unequivocally, i.e joining forces, it means, it means, well , what they can't understand yet, but they will get to it, at some stage, this is actually entering the war on the side of ukraine. because putin's ultimatum was not to kyiv, he was to washington and brussels in the 21st year on december 15, the documents are there, this ultimatum was made by him, and in some parts it has already been destroyed, well , first of all, by the lack of an answer to it , if such a capitulation, and secondly, sweden and
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finland are already members of nato, there still remains to accept ukraine and it is possible to close this entire history, so... i think it will not be otherwise, that is, there are two ways, in this war there are only two ways, well, in the war i mean, in the confrontation, which is difficult to determine in the period, how long it will be, but this one is the capitulation of ukraine, and the second is the defeat of russia, through the actions of a joint coalition of countries led by the united states, the same france, germany, britain, that's all, when we come to it, this is an important issue. everything rests on the fact that i do not doubt the victory, i do not doubt, i am only a big problem, the resources of the country of ukraine, this well... you can't restore people's lives, and professional soldiers and those who are motivated and know how to fight, you can't bring it back, that's why
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our partners have the logic that we will continue to lead to exhaustion now, and i i can already see it, for next year, it is wrong, i believe that they need to understand the situation better, and concentration of efforts and bold actions can absolutely lead to... a result, and this must be done, how to convince them of this? well, you see, when they got scared that it might come back into their territory, the supplies went supplying us with weapons, as soon as they see that war may come to their home, some steps are taken, so we have no choice, we cannot create conditions in which we allow an invader to pass through our territory to strike somewhere else , which could have been, by the way, unfortunately, here he is... near us, so we have to convince, we have to show these scenarios, and for me they are obvious, it is obvious that nato will collide with russia, they somehow think that they
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will avoid , the secretary general declares, there is no direct threat, why there is no direct threat russia, nato, because ukraine diverts all these forces to itself, just as the commander of the norwegian army says, we have two or three years, because... in fact, all those who stood by us, about this land component, all ukrainians here were dismembered , that is, russia removed everything from all points, well, excuse me, yes, if so, now it turns out that ukraine also provides the guarantor of the security of the nato countries, where we came, and these bravura statements then, well, excuse me, again , weapons, weapons are wonderful, and without them there is nowhere. and your help is important, but not so are winning, that's why they will be here, sooner or later there will be nato troops in this war, and america will be, well, maybe i don't know which countries, but
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the europeans will definitely be there, only our neighbors will definitely be there, because if poland, romania, slovakia, the baltic countries, if they delay, then a war will come to their territory, that will be all, only it must be faster, otherwise the exhaustion of ukraine. well, it is not in the interests of us ukrainians, let 's be honest, that's why i want us to share this responsibility for the future of europe, but they pulled this strap against such a strong, in principle large country with nuclear potential. mr. valery, just in the last two weeks, ukraine has received permission to use western weapons for strikes on the territory of russia, biden has confirmed that... these give permission to strike missiles 200 miles deep, well 300 km deep into russia, he says about the fact that we did not give permission
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for the strikes on moscow and the kremlin, probably not yet, but macron has already said that france will hand over to ukraine mirage 2000 fighters and will conduct appropriate training for ukrainian pilots within the framework of new military cooperation. with kyiv to counter the russian invasion, let's listen to what the french president said. tomorrow we will start a new cooperation program and announce the delivery of a series of "mirage 2000 french combat aircraft that will allow ukraine to defend its land and airspace ". starting tomorrow, we will begin the pilot training program and deliver these aircraft by the end of the year. mr. valery. what do you think motivated our western partners? move to a new stage of cooperation with ukraine
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, give permission for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, the situation with kharkiv, the offensive in the kharkiv region, or some other motives that prompted our western partners to reconsider their position? well, i think there are three main factors: the first is what i already mentioned, it is the fear that... the war will come to them, that is, well, let's be honest, they began to analyze the situation, that if ukraine is not helped in this way, this is positions, sorry, giving it all, pulling with planes, as we see again, that is f16, even if the planes come there or there is already something, then pilots, now the question has arisen, that is, the mirages have declared, it’s all fine, so why... only now, that is, before they said that only the f-16, and the mirage is not needed , because it is necessary to consolidate all this, and the f-16, we adopted such a position, now it suddenly
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appeared, although... i know that training on other planes of pilots was already in france, so maybe it will somehow go faster than ee from the f-16. further, why then the swedish hryvnias, then it was not possible, which taurs can raise, they said, because the f-16, that is, you you know, well, it’s clear to me, i understand that it’s all difficult, i understand that it’s mostly not a part of logistics, that there are only 12 pilots by the end of the year that our... usa can prepare, when i hear that, i, well, i'm upset because, well, again, the us can train 12 pilots by the end of the year, well , what are we talking about, well, what the us and 12 pilots, well, what, well, well, who are you telling this to that's all, it's only a political decision and that's all, now the president of france declares that by the end of the year there will already be mirages, well, that is, look, with the beginning of summer, until the end of the mirage year, and what else
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in the 16th? they come to us for a year and a half, then i have a question, that is, they need to end all the games in this strategy of regulated escalation, it can end badly for them, for them, not only for us, that is, this is the first moment, the second, really on the border is not ordered, when there is no possibility to strike on the territory of the enemy, and weapons are accumulated there and strikes are carried out from there, then... of course, according to international law, this is allowed, if our political decisions were such, they were, we know, publicly, even we said that we negotiate with the americans , that is, how we use these weapons, not only with the americans, with all countries, it is true, this is a very weak position, very weak, and uh, i have mind you, in agreements, for example, security ones, i would by no means prescribe all the obligations of ukraine not to use this weapon against russia, as is the case, for example, in
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the agreement with bergia. on the one hand, they give f16, on the other hand, it is not possible on the territory of russia, but how, in what way, with missiles, shoot down those planes that drop guided bombs on kharkiv, which, what should he hover over the border and what to do next, well, it is absolutely obvious to a non-military specialist that this is a delusion, who will calculate which f16, belgian, danish or dutch is flying there, that is, what are we talking about? i'm so tired of all the maneuvers, i'm tired of these conversations, because it's often, well, a bluff, often it's, if it's a bluff in terms of supplies, and we don't know everything, that's great, great, but let's see what's being done, on each site the ministry of defense, the us pentagon, france, germany, they every time they publish how many weapons were provided, i understand that they don't publish everything, but basically they publish it all, what kind of war is this, do you remember this under? the world, when
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hitler fought for the allies to show the germans how much they were leasing, the numbers, where, in what terms? well , frankly, i'm very concerned about this, because on the one hand, this is a report to the taxpayers, i understand, but no taxpayers, i remind you, pushed for all these lists to be on the websites of the ministry of defense, it's kind of strange story, they when they saw, something was wrong... such blows are inflicted uncontrollably and hit civilians, in kharkov, sumy oblast, then of course they were forced to do it under pressure, now i would say that now the good side, eh , well, they consider there that you can’t attack the kremlin, moscow, but 320 km deep into russian territory around the entire border, because i didn’t see any objection anywhere, around the entire border with russia,
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this z... zone will become a buffer zone in the future , because it cannot be allowed closer, of course it would be good at the distance of iskander, there are strategic bombers, i would for the urals, of course, drive them if possible, well , it worked out, but for 320-400, so that the iskanders would be there somewhere on the edge, yes, this is in the future, in the future, i’m not saying now, but in the future , you will see, this will be a very important element.


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