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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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this border with russia, this zone will become a buffer zone in the future, because it is impossible to get closer, of course, it would be good at the distance of iskander there, strategic bombers, i would, of course, drive past the urals if possible, well, but it turned out, but at 320-400, so that the iskanders are somewhere on the edge, yes, this is in the future, in the future, i am not saying now, but in the future you will see, this will be a very important element. so where, if they threaten you with nuclear weapons, if they send ships to cuba, it is not known what is there will take these ships, that is, you understand, the historical parallels, what signals putin is sending, that is, in this and in this position, he will show weakness, well, firstly, it will be a historical mistake, and secondly, it will lead to problems for everyone these countries, not only ukraine. i'll remind our viewers that we 're live and we 're doing a poll today, we're... today
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we're asking you about lights, are you prepared for long blackouts, yes, no, it's pretty easy on youtube if you're on tv watch us, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you are prepared for long blackouts, although i don't know how you can be prepared for this, but at least we will ask you: 0800 211 3871, no 0800 211 382, ​​please write in the comments under youtube, under broadcast on youtube, what do you think about this, and of course, comment on our companies, we read your comments, we are interested to know what you think about what was said and heard on our broadcast, let me remind you that today we are visiting a diplomat, an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine valery chaliy, and you, mr. valery they said that putin is constantly trying to blackmail. and the nato countries
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understand that sooner or later putin will go to war against the north atlantic alliance, the countries of the north atlantic alliance, in the large forum that took place in st. petersburg, the so-called economic forum, the russian dictator at a meeting with foreign journalists in which threatened western countries with nuclear weapons, let's listen to what he said and how he said it. it's such a tough subject: the united states, the only country that used nuclear weapons during world war ii world war hiroshima, nagasaki, 20 kilotons. our tactical nuclear weapons are 70-75 kilotons. this is such a tactical nuclear weapon. let's not argue not only about use, but also about the threat of use.
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for some reason, the west believes that russia will never use it. we already have a nuclear doctrine. look at what it says. if someone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we will consider it possible to use all the means available to us. you can't treat it lightly, superficially, you have to treat it professionally. i i know that you don't really like to comment, mr. valery. and in general, well, what he says, but i will still ask, and what does it mean to have a professional attitude to the topic of nuclear weapons, in putin's variation, i, as a world, should discuss this with him professionally, well, what he translates, that what did he say, if you think i'm not crazy enough not to give this order, then you're wrong, i 've already sighted in order to... drag everyone
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along, look at me, you see , what a maniac i am, then i can go further, that's what he told them, in his opinion, this is a professional assessment, because in fact, if you speak professionally, what was said there, you cannot threaten, at the same time they are constantly engaged in this, not just threatening, there his deputy in the security council declares that he announced the launch of a strategic strike of nuclear weapons in london and paris. po, i don’t know, he called washington, but what is it, it is prohibited by all conventions, as professionally, professionally, if you are concerned with this, then after such a statement, you must completely bomb everything that they come here with conventional weapons deliver, deliver, if it is professional, but the answer should have been professional, he mocks that there is no professional response to his threats today. and
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he is mocked by the fact that you see how we, we russians, can send death, as he already said, that we don't even need to mobilize, 46,000 of them came to us voluntarily. they themselves want to fight, death is coming, well, lies, well, a liar, well, what is not clear is that this is a person who simply lies, that is, he is a professional kgibist, he creates all these schemes himself, and in these schemes he takes advantage of weakness perception, let everyone be afraid, he called it, you see, he calls it 70 k-ton with numbers, well, who knows, for example, whether they can do anything at all in russia, they declared these exercises that... they were driving somewhere, the americans in response, they took and conducted tests of tactical nuclear weapons in a different way, without detonation, that is, they, i don’t know the details, but the americans, you gave some information about this in zmi ee, yes, the origins of zmi, and what, my, well,
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my conclusion, which i have done with the communication of specialists in this field that in order to to use nuclear weapons, and it is necessary first... to understand, to test whether they will not explode in the event of such actions somewhere on their territory, that is, we need to conduct some kind of test, which did not take place in 1996, if i am not mistaken, in russia, that is, it is the first, the second, there is one such moment, putin understands perfectly well, the very first attempt to use a tactical there... a nuclear charge, whatever, there is no difference, that is, that's all, that's it, it's the end of his story, because i do not think that china in this situation will behave as it is now, it is clear that the usa is doing it differently they will do anything, he is warned about this, so he basically gives it all, he
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directs these words to his society, fooled by propaganda, or to those who remained there and... and to such right-wing, left-wing radical groups abroad, well, actually those , who then write in the newspapers about these statements, then they spread a lot about this topic from these statements, you see, there are already russian statements, the others are worthless, well, in principle, if the spokesman of the pentagon declares some serious things, then on that the whole world is watching, and the spokesman of the russians... and they are there destroyed 100 hymers, 500 patriots, that is, well, well, well, what are we talking about, and i do not, i claim that putin is lying in this situation, because he knows perfectly well about the agreements that he has in including
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washington and beijing on nuclear weapons, and he knows very well that if he applies, well, you know, that's the story here. everyone thinks that this will be the end of the earth and everything else, but it will actually be the end of something else, it will be the end of the fact that it will be pandora's box opened and very quickly two dozen will appear in the world, or even more nuclear states, that is, even in this situation , russia will generally be silenced very seriously , and then they will simply be dismembered, starting with china and others, well, because no one... will tolerate it anymore, so it still somehow affects someone, i don't know , on whom it affects, it affected us in ukraine very seriously in the 22nd year, it affected our partners at the end of the 22nd year, now those experts who gave an answer in america, here i read these statements, well, they
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react to it very calmly, because they understand that the first ricochet will hit putin. fast by putin, so the second, other words that he repeats there 10 times all the time, when these are threats at first, and then he repeats, no-no-no, russia will not use, like karaganov, sergey karaganov, well, he is such an apologist this promotion of the topic of nuclear incinerator strikes, and they played out the scenario today that he asks putin a question, and putin says, no, we will not use these weapons, we have enough of our own ... conventional forces to achieve the result, you understand, yes, that is, it is all a game, and god forbid, he will come to someone such a decision, well, i think that there can also be deterrent mechanisms, at least,
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i think that in the us it is understood, in any case, any movement, everyone, all charges under control, any movement, if only will begin, you... you see, it will appear immediately in the key intelligence agencies of the world, because then the americans will leak this information immediately, and those intelligence agencies that have access, they will leak immediately. this is all in the information space, because it is without a doubt, so that you do not doubt, so now it is necessary to understand that even without nuclear weapons they are killing our people, and the number of dead, in principle, on the part of russia has already exceeded the number of dead in nagasaki and hirasim, that is, you understand the scale of russia's losses in the war against ukraine, yes, mr. valery, and right away. that there are two important summits ahead for ukraine, the global peace summit, which
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will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland, and the nato summit, the anniversary summit of the north atlantic alliance, will be held in july. regarding the first summit, the global peace summit, three of the 10 points of zelenskyi's peace plan are apparently agreed to be discussed at this summit, but president of latvia. edgars rinkevichs says that ukraine's victory in the war should be based on the ukrainian peace formula, and he stated this at the security forum in riga in response to a question about what he means by ukraine's victory. i have a very simple answer to your question: we support the peace formula of president zelenskyi, this is the first, second, ukraine should become a member of the eu and a member of nato, this is what a complete victory will mean for us. ukraine in this war, well, that's how the president of latvia articulated quite clearly,
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what does victory in this war of ukraine mean. at the same time, we see how china is also trying to promote some kind of peace strategy and says that 26 countries of the world seem to support this peace strategy, we will obviously see what will happen at the global peace summit. eh, do you think there will be a parallel summit, which china will hold in the interests of russia and present some other peaceful plan, well, in order to say that not only zelensky has a peaceful plan for ukraine, but also china, and to put it simply, in russia, well, first of all, we will really see as a result, the main thing is that it should not be blurred, that the plan should be peaceful, basic, the one that ukraine represents. there are now certain risks that some joint document may be
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blurred that will blur this position, but it is possible to bypass this situation, i think diplomats are working on it now. in relation to china's attempts, china is seeking the surrender of ukraine. everything is very simple, well, he understands that ukraine will not go for it, so he is satisfied with such a prolongation of the war on the one hand, and on the other hand dragging it out for a long time for china. also it is disadvantageous to included what i said, and it will be irreversible, if other countries join this war, then china will lose, china will lose the situation, and putin will lose, so now is the right moment, they want to record the victory of russia, that is, from a weakened russia, which is beneficial china, they are already with her there, soon the party members will be with them, that is, in terms of energy, china is playing, well, if we are talking about us, then against us. for today, regarding all his statements about the number of countries, well, these are empty statements so far,
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this is no non-peaceful plan of china, there are three there are positions, to stop fighting, let’s say this , that’s what, what putin wants, to leave the ground and stop, what else to talk about, what kind of security umbrella, what’s next, china is not involved in this, so i believe that it is absolutely it's not like it's undeveloped... seriously, if we talk about the importance of china, it's really important, its position, it's like that, it's just in support of russia. we have problems, of course, we also do not have any such understanding with china and do not know what to do with it, so president zelenskyi has already given in to such harsh statements, but probably, probably in principle, it is necessary to understand that... to consider that china, unfortunately, is not on our side, and we will have to take some, some
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measures here in order to at least this situation reduce these threats from his side. now with regard to the various peace plans, well, the situation is still such that the peace plans are far away, that is, no summit or any meeting, it will not give results yet, and... and the peace summit should not have any exaggerated expectations , the fact that what will happen next depends on the position of many countries of the world, and there is really such a struggle for minds. in order to understand the threats to their countries, it is a pity that the intentions of holding the summit fell on a completely different time than it was planned, after all, we thought earlier that sometime in the summer we would already have some opportunities to really stop the war, but there is no such thing, china will take the initiative, they will gather around
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brics, brics, which is now such a strange country out of the five. it has changed, there is ethiopia, there is iran, that is, other countries, plus, of course, there are also middle eastern countries, have joined, some format of partners, that is , they are forming an anti-american coalition, such an anti-american one, well, in principle, it is logical, the world is going that way right now, it is divided into two parts: an authoritarian group led by china, and here he crouched down, the representative is sitting alone.. a vassal of a country that simply surrenders to china, the whole of russia, that is, everyone who depends on or is interested in supporting china, and allies of the usa, nato, the european union, japan, new zealand, australia, that is, south korea , now it goes like this, like this distribution, and in principle, the attempts will be, what
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you said, to dilute the position of the peace formula, but i think we have to be... also understand that we also have to be dynamic, those things that seemed to be key before can now be less important, on the contrary, other positions will be more sensitive for us, that is why i would generally not make a single document at the peace summit, you can make statements in various areas of food security, energy, exchange of information, but what is here... you definitely don't need to do it, then give it up of my positions, because i will say one thing, it is always very difficult in the last period, when there is really exhaustion, and it is felt that we have resources of ours that are not eternal and of diplomatic activity and work
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in foreign affairs, well, at the front, that is why the impression that they are already exhausting and... it is not known what will happen next, but the enemy also has the same story, so we will have to endure and also improve our abilities in foreign diplomacy to work not only non-standard in form, but effectively in content, be flexible, use contradictions between different countries, to use the interests of countries, that is, to use everything possible. ukrainian resources in order to work, including in the chinese direction, we should not let go of this direction, here we simply need to achieve a dialogue with china in other ways, well, here is what concerns the global peace summit, as the president of switzerland viola amhert says ,
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russia can already take part in the next peace conference, i will quote madam president. switzerland, it is clear to us that we will not sign a peace treaty agreement based on the results of the conference. for peace , both sides must sit at the negotiating table. russia could be present at a possible next conference, in its opinion, the swiss summit will become the basis for further negotiations. in this situation, viola amhert says that peace should be signed between the two sides, although in our understanding, it should be... not peace in the classical sense of switzerland, but there should still be putin's capitulation in the current situation. there is a difference, mr. valery, between the fact that russia should well capitulate in the current situation, and the two sides should sit down and sign a peace agreement? well, to be honest, i see a different scenario
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than surrender, for now let's just be honest, we don't have one yet. there are such factors that we talk about surrender, but about the de-occupation of the territory of ukraine and compensation and everything else, it is necessary to stand on this and move, is it possible to talk about it with putin at the negotiating table, well, i think not, i can't imagine such a situation either from his side or ours, that is, is it possible to do it in another way, you can, of course, you remember istanbul, these grain agreements, but... but there they did not sit at the table behind one, they signed two different agreements, but in fact they made the deal so much planned, so i think that the mechanisms that is, i will increase it. well, or rather , i think that this war, if we are not talking about this stage of a large-scale, but a long, long war, which may decrease in intensity,
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it will not necessarily end with ukrainian-russian negotiations of some kind, as everyone around now wants, if we really create coalition and pressure, i am not something i remember that the negotiations between the americans and iraq were conducted with someone. do you remember who they were negotiating with at the negotiating table? they didn't negotiate with anyone there, they didn't negotiate with milosevic, but the americans, the usa, didn't negotiate either, they didn't negotiate, and why should they negotiate here? and where did mylosovych end up, in the gas? and how did they negotiate? planes flew in and bombed all the bases. yes, it was harsh for the serbian people then, but until now there is a negative perception, but at the same time the serbs. want europe and nato, by the way, many so i think there could be other scenarios, absolutely, that we don't even see right now, but there have to be factors for that,
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there aren't those factors, right now we're not talking about russia surrendering, we're talking right now about throwing her out our territory, we are not talking about the destruction of moscow, maybe many people want it, but it is an illusion, it is an illusion, let's be honest, that is, we are not talking about it, history is for us. then he will decide, we should put up a barrier on our existing borders with russia, so that this evil will never she didn't enter our territory, but if she wants to, she'll try, she'll get hit in the face again, what do we have to do, i want to distance myself from them, maybe it's my emotional desires, let them live there as they want, just don't come near us . at the very end, very briefly, if you can say a phrase about biden, that he was always against... natovization of ukraine, does this mean that ukraine will not receive an invitation to join the alliance in the near future? i don't know what president
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biden said, i remember that we had statements, we have a charter, signed long ago between the countries our strategic partnership, and in joint statements, the americans have always said that ukraine will be in nato, so i think that he spoke in the context of a specific issue, i would... not focus on this now, we understand that for this certain conditions must also be met, and obviously not, this is not a statement that could stop the future historical process. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chaly, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center. friends, we continue work on the tv channel. a little bit and now we will look at the intermediate results of our survey, today we are asking you about whether you are ready for long-term blackouts, so 19% yes, 81% - no, in 15 minutes
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we will return to our broadcast again, news from our colleagues from the bbc, then we will have a journalism club with the participation of larisa voloshina and marina danyliuk yermalayeva, we will talk about zelenskyi and sociology about... zelenskyi and his participation in the normandy meeting, in short, many topics, wait, we will return to the studio in 15 minutes, there are discounts, they represent, unbreakable discounts on psilovalzamgel, 15% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. try the flaybody. 600 pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids 600 cure hemorrhoids without any oh there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on
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citramon pills darnytsia 10% in pharmacies of travelers you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is the great ether nad. airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important, two hours to learn about war, about military, front, component, serhiy zgurets, and what is the world living on? yuriy feder is already with me and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrecher, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandar morchyvka with me and sports news, i invite you to conversations of yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of loved ones. on the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests
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of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of... the crimean tatar people is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace to children whose world has been destroyed. war, these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel help children recover faster after
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loss, children feel... emotionally better, i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to go down. learn and help, remember that yours donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who have lost a loved one, because their parents went to defend our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this trip had an impact on me. quite positive, i became more cheerful, thank you very much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart, let's give memories together that will warm hearts and will help to survive these difficult and scary moments. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. in this issue we will talk about the following. do not let nazism return. in paris, zelensky called on the french to help ukraine in a war that is of existential importance for europe. will the world unite against putin? stupid like this
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table. crazy putin. spoke disparagingly of those who warn about the possibility of a russian attack on nato, as he has already done with ukraine. who will believe kremlin dictator? threats to the presidential rating. the level of trust in zelensky continues to decrease. does the political project of the president - the servant of the people have any prospects? this is all we will talk about in our room for the next 45 minutes. studio, i want to remind you that we work not only on the live air of the tv channel, but also on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us live there now, please vote in our poll, today it sounds like this: are you ready for long blackouts? yes, no, on everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv or on other media, you can call us by phone.


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