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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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corruptor, you must seek and ensure that he is imprisoned, but abstract corruption is nothing, well, it is possible, although, well, there is corruption, a corruption law, for example, and we can demand that it be changed, but abstractly some corruption, where it is not known who, it is not known where, it is about nothing, you know, there are many anti-corruption investigations that give clear answers, who steals, how they steal, there are anti-corruption bodies. well, unfortunately, this is legislation that was passed in 2016, maybe it's not as applied now as i would like, because i i remember, and well, marina was following this story in the parliament, when anti-corruption legislation was adopted and they said that this anti-corruption legislation was the best in europe, in general there is no better one in the world, well, it was just recently, as kuchma said, well it's all already happened, it's true, but you consider that 2000... the 16th year is a little
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different challenges, it's not the challenges of wartime, when there are a number of temptations. i strongly advise you to pay attention to our colleague yuriy nikolov, who carefully investigates with facts and figures corruption cases. for example, he recently mentioned a very interesting figure that every tenth hryvnia in the budget was spent on road construction in 2020-2021. therefore, there is something to ask. and here we are not talking about abstract corruption, but about corruption with clear names and positions. yuriy nikolov names them very clearly, i strongly advise you to see what he is talking about there. actually, just like denys bigus. i am already silent, that every such, you know, anti-corruption investigation, in our case , then turns into hate, into a run by journalists. journalists, especially male, then it is customary to call evasives. if you, an investigative journalist, you will definitely be called there... of low social
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responsibility and they will talk about some made-up novels there, so this is also a very unhealthy story, and our western partners see it, and when we read any which document, by the way, is there regarding our accession to the european union, it is written everywhere: no pressure to fail, freedom of speech, and then we will talk, friends, what to do with you next. thank you maryna, i will remind ours tv viewers that we are working. live and taking a poll today, we are asking you if you are ready for long blackouts, yes no, if you watch us on youtube, please vote with either the yes or no button, write your comment below this video if you watch us on air grab your smart phone or phone and vote 0800 211 381 if you are prepared for long blackouts no 0.800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free one more short topic i hope we are very
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let's quickly discuss, this is putin, he spoke again at the st. petersburg economic forum about the so-called usurpation of power that began in 2014, well, that is, this delusion, the kremlin grandfather carries quite often, at the same time, the russian dictator called the statements that the russian federation wants to attack nato. let's see and listen to how he generally speaks about hebrews. they invented that russia wants to attack nato, you fools are completely stupid like this table. whoever came up with this is a fool. this is delusional. we protect ourselves in ukraine. we have no imperial ambitions, believe me, this is all delusion. and the threat from
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russia to the countries of nato and europe, you what, look at the potential of nato, look at the potential of russia, why did you decide that we are a madhouse or something? this combination of two phrases is very interesting: we defend ourselves in ukraine, and we have no imperial ambitions, believe me, larisa, will europe believe putin, well, from the point of view of psychology, when a person says believe, then he is lying in general. and in the same place , a little further on, he said that russian, in general, russian bombs tactical, then they are three times stronger than others and yes kilotons, and if it is happening somewhere in europe, then let them think for themselves, that is, he simply contradicted himself, and there is an important point here that he really appeals to faith, because in this way he tries to refute the facts, the facts of aggression, the facts of the attack. including
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hybrid attack, sabotage, cyber attack on countries, on european union and nato countries, so in this case it is exclusive. own speech, it looks like madness. thank you, maryna, how are you? you perceive this as madness, it is clear that putin, well, he lies by default, that is , before the attack on ukraine, he said: "we will not attack, we will not go to ukraine." lavrov said: "no, no, we, we will not do this." should europe understand that when they say: that they are as stupid as a table or what he said there, compared, compared them, or does it mean that this is a signal to europe that he will go there? well, of course, if putin or any russian official says that we have no intention of attacking anyone, we the most peaceful country in the world, that means
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you have to prepare. it seems to me that the best of all these words of putin is refuted recently by the short-term publication of very interesting documents on the mino website. defense of the russian federation, where they announced that they were unilaterally changing a number of maritime borders with the baltic countries and with finland, and it was this document that they then very quickly hid from many neighbors, namely from northern europe and the baltics, the russian federation , made him look at his security from a different point of view sight, and here was a very interesting statement by the head of the armed forces of sweden, who said: well, we have read these documents and we understand that the russian federation is sleeping and sees how to seize our gotland island, and i will remind you, literally a month and a half before a full-scale invasion, obviously the russian federation believed that ukraine would fall in three days, they had a very clearly
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drawn up plan, they voiced it on the air of 60 minutes, about how they would then land on gotland, put reb nativskyi and... baltic countries, glory be to you, lord, our friends have made their conclusions and are very actively preparing for a full-scale invasion, that is, they have drawn conclusions from those conclusions, as, unfortunately, ukraine did not prepare on the eve of the 22nd year. thanks marina, larisa, maybe he plays the role of crazy? i mean putin. he really plays this role, but he plays it very well, well, it's game theory, there's even a madman game like that. gives its profits, we have to notice that what is madness is the contradictions that the psyche is not aware of, a healthy psyche is always aware of contradictions, and here he is in this speech, where he says that we are crazy, he gives these contradictions at the same time, thereby he proves that i am crazy, be careful, i am capable of
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anything, but with crazy terrorists all over the world they act as one way, they are simply killed, destroyed and all, so this sword is us. with you eh, but our sword must probably be strengthened not yet the sword is not in our hands, but for now we are a sword in the very, very trembling hands of the west, but they are coming to their senses little by little and sooner or later we will be sub' object and soldier shoulder to shoulder. marina, i mentioned that putin is a terrorist, well, a classic terrorist terrorizes not only ukraine, but also threatens other countries and europe. and the united states of america, why are they not treating him like a terrorist, they are not negotiating with him, they are simply being killed. well, first of all, look, everyone understands that russia, despite the fact that it is, well, a country that has lost its place in civilization, it is still a nuclear country, and no one
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wants to have these excesses with nuclear weapons. it is necessary to understand very clearly that putin will have his way position, obviously, until the physical end. and if you look at it that way. on the official biography of his parents, he still has 10 years left in him, this is a completely sober assessment, plus with the medical care that vladimir putin has, but you know, we are not a sword in the hands of the west, we must be the sword that we sharpen and with which we hit the target exactly. we are a nation of warriors, and it's too bad, you know, that our diplomacy, now called yermak, somehow reduced our role to a country that trades corn from africa. countries, we are a sword, and this sword has to be sharp, because we will finish the russian federation, but we understand that it has been a long game, maybe there will be another phase of the war with the russian federation after the temporary truce there, and then we have to prepare for the final battle. thank you, maryna, colleagues, thank
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you for participating in the program, larisa voloshina, maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, thank you for an interesting conversation and for an interesting evening, in our studio, so ee... we conducted a survey, friends, throughout our broadcast and asked you about whether you are ready for long-term shutdowns light, the results of our television survey, 20% yes, 80%. no, on youtube we have a ratio of 33% yes, 67% - no. that's it, friends, i put a full stop, i say goodbye to you until monday, at 8:00 p.m. we will meet as usual on the air of tv channel uso, there will be a new verdict, there will be new guests, please come, it will be interesting, and for now i wish you a good weekend , take care of yourself and your loved ones. goodbye. there are discounts that represent
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that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of changing processes the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. trying to understand the present and predict the future for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let's do better we will have even better roads. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv
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and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear viewers, i am from... this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. and i and my colleagues with you for the next hour and 45 minutes will sum up this informative day and this informative week a lot of important and interesting information is waiting for you and us today. plus, i hope we will have the opportunity to listen to the president of ukraine and supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. he is now in normandy, where he had a conversation with president joseph biden about the military aid package that the united states of america. will be transferred to ukraine in more detail, serhii zgurets will tell, and i am asking you to join the gathering that we are announcing today. therefore,
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our people are being converted into to give the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and equipping the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine for artillery reconnaissance. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary quadcopters. these are the eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide... an opportunity to confidently move forward, and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect uah 2.5 million. yes, the amount is not small, but i know that we will be able to do it on the accounts already. is more than uah 216,000, don't waste your time, join the collection for our defenders, so we are waiting for inclusion from normandy, a lot of important, interesting information, and now we will listen to the direct speech of our defenders. i wish you good health, we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their
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components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory. glory to ukraine, to the heroes. so, i ask you to join me, i will remind you more than once today about this collection, and i know that apart from we, our soldiers, have no one to rely on. in terms of financial support, let's support morally, of course, constantly, but let's support both informationally, what we do, and financially. well, more about the package of military aid from the united states of america, the development of drones and many other important topics that are directly. or is indirectly related to the war, my colleague serhii sgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day, will speak. sergey, i congratulate you, please start greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today we will start with the loud promise of president macron to transfer mirage 2000 version 5 fighters to ukraine, about
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the military aid package from the united states and indeed about the production and specifics of the rebuke. on the battlefield from the leading ukrainian company of the manufacturer of the viryi drone, more on that in a moment. so, french president emmanuel macron announced plans to transfer mirage 2000 fighter jets to ukraine in version 5. according to him, the modernized mirages will give enable ukraine to defend its territory. and airspace, ukrainian pilots and technicians will undergo training in france, it will last until the end of the year, and it will take only 5 months, that is, very quickly. the french president has not named the exact number of fighter jets yet, but we know that in such versions of mirage 2005,
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the french have 27 single-seaters, and there are also several two-seaters that can also be used for training. in addition, we know that macron promised to train 4,500 ukrainian soldiers in france, this actually one full-fledged brigade and confirmed the readiness to send french military instructors to ukraine, but it is not about training soldiers in the combat zone, as macron said. but let's return to the planes. so, it seems that the air force of ukraine will not only fly f-16s. but on mirages 2005. what kind of plane is this? this is actually a fourth-generation fighter, which has undergone a number of upgrades there, and can actually perform an air defense mission, strike ground targets, guided and unguided weapons, although it will be difficult for him
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to repel russian tactical aircraft, because the mirage has radar and missiles, which are still ... well , significantly inferior to what the su-35s have with their locators and their weapons, but the mirage can effectively hunt russian cruise missiles and shaheds, it can strike with long-range bombs, on cream, for example, the same hummers that we will get from france, and most importantly, this plane can be a carrier of cruise missiles, scalps and stormshadow. and hit enemy targets at a distance of up to 300 km. by the way, f-16 planes they cannot do this, because they are not adapted to these missiles. so, the french fighters can be considered as a certain strengthening of the capabilities of our air force, but i will still say that the presence of two types of light fighters and mirages and f-16
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does not really look optimal from the point of view of logistics. the variability of arsenals and the entire cycle of training, but in any case we see that most likely it will be exactly two types of light aircraft that the air force will have. i didn't see that by the way comments from the air force, although at one time commander leschuk said that in fact one squadron can be formed from 2,000 networks, that is 12 machines that will perform the same function as the su-24m that are used. for scalp and storm shadow missile launchers, so in any case it's an interesting initiative, we expect to see these planes in the sky. of ukraine will destroy the enemy using primarily storm shadow and scalp cruise missiles, at this time it was also announced that a new package
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of military aid would be provided by the united states, this was announced today, the package is extremely interesting, because first of all, the volume of 225 million seems like a small amount, but the saturation of the package clearly meets the needs of what our military needs on the battlefield, it is just ammunition. to hymers, artillery ammunition, mortar ammunition, armored vehicles, in particular , the transfer of 200 m-113 battle tanks was announced there, the previous package was 400, that is, now we are actually talking about a total of 600 of these battle tanks, which are urgently needed to increase the mechanization of our new brigades, which are currently being created , and while we are waiting for the american one we are actively using the weapons that are about to enter the battlefield from the new package. fpv drones, literally the other day there were such hysteria in the russian public due to the fact that in certain directions it is declared that our forces have
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an advantage over the enemy in the number of drones, there are four to one, six to one, but we understand that in any case the enemy will now try to ensure some kind of parity there or take some actions against related to the counteraction of our power, but in... we understand that war is the speed of adaptation on the battlefield, this will determine the nature of hostilities. so, next we will talk about how ukrainian drones are created, how they are purchased, how they are updated, and oleksiy bobenko joins us, he is the founder, manager and ideological inspirer of the vyriy dron company. mr. oleksiy, welcome to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear. i hope you're... hearing now, or if you haven't heard from us now, and now i'm hearing from you, i've introduced your
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company as a leading company that currently manufactures a number of different drones that are used on the battlefield, i'd like to could you tell us a little bit about what types your company is currently producing, which ones are in the greatest demand and how they actually improve in the process of use? yes, i still didn't hear everything, but it seems, as if everything is necessary. from the main, now it's plus or minus a typical lineup, like everyone else, it's fpv drones, ordinary, and 8-10 inches, it's such a massive, simple, understandable thing for any pilot in any division. the next thing is something new, it’s self-guided television drones, before that we basically made thermal imaging drones, but now it’s just so how did they prove this technology, ah, they started making all the drones that were just
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thermal imaging, homing drones, and it doesn't affect the cost much, but i think we'll see in the coming months how much it affects the performance, it this is the first, and in general, well, there it is... right there, there are different, different model series in terms of sizes, in terms of the weight that it will lift, and so on, and then there are a number of repeaters, communication systems, and we are now began to produce, well, already many thousands, many thousands of flight controllers, regulators of revolutions, drone communication systems, this is in ukraine, and well, it turns out great in terms of the fact that we can quickly and firstly... we also introduce new frequencies, which, i think, both the enemy and the units will soon learn about ours, well
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, the enemy will find out the second, as you understand, or he will not find out, how will he be lucky here, oleksiy, and in general in the near, near future, yes, i wanted to ask about what will happen in the near future, you say and in comparison with last year, last year in october, i think you said that the company produces about five thousands of drones per month, how much has the production capacity of your company increased this year? yes, look, well, unfortunately or fortunately, well, this is definitely the right decision, sometime in the winter we made a decision not to talk about the quantity, it has... increased and the drones have increased both in quantity and in quality, this is conditionally a completely different product, because the drones we made in the fall, the beginning of the fall of last year. these are
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basically the drones that formed the basis of the people's fpv course, and now they are just very different drones, with a much different one, well, almost everything, although the drones of those iterations also remain relevant in many areas of the countryside, unfortunately, i cannot say in terms of quantity, because, well, for obvious reasons, but they are larger, fortunately, but they are still not enough . oleksiy, i would like to ask about the optimization of the procurement procedure, because i watched your interview, you said a lot of interesting things that, relatively speaking, the approaches of the defense procurement agency, the approaches of the ministry of digital, the approaches of the military units are different from the point of view of the vision of those drones , which they want procurement, what needs to be done to ensure just such a rational approach, to really take into account... the interests
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of the basic military user on the battlefield? yes, look, there is only bad news here, because, unfortunately, there will not be a simple solution, it simply cannot be, because this is such a global reform of procurement of the ministry of defense and it cannot, well, or the ministry of statistics, because the ministry of statistics, just at the beginning joined this procedure, for which, i think, the whole country should be grateful, despite the fact that there are also shortcomings, as everywhere. and what needs to be changed from simple is this more decentralization, that is, as it looks now, so very briefly, the decision is made in this way, from below there is a signal that it is necessary to buy such and such such and such drones, then in the general headquarters a decision is made about which, what should be the priorities in needs, what this need should look like, and the formed need is already going to those structures that will
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purchase, that is... either the ministry of statistics and their purchasers, or the ministry of defense and their purchasers, and further purchases are already taking place according to how much funds have been allocated, that is firstly, for a very long time, secondly, this too slow, it's too slow, and what was relevant does not always reach the front, well, conditionally, that we are the drones that we supplied last year, some weeks. that's why i found it with the guys near kostyantynka, and there was a date that the drone was made, it was six months old, and they say that they just received it from the management, that's a long time, and drones are really getting old, we're there now , suppose we change the frequencies, and they will become obsolete in six months, and if even now the newest drone is released in six months, it will already
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may be a little outdated, a little... not relevant, so it's important to speed up here, and even the president said about this that you can't have drones sitting in the warehouse, because it, like any innovative weapon, works as long as it new and there are no means of fighting against it, therefore the main thing is the decentralization of procurement, conditionally, so that more can be procured locally, locally these are actually military units, or units of the direction, if there is such an institute, and the second is... the speed of rotation , that is, they bought drones, they are fast came to the front, it is clear that it will not be through the state, as it will be through volunteers, but we still need to speed it up, it is impossible for drones to depend on warehouses, they simply become irrelevant. oleksiy, do you have such, well, a close connection with the military, because not all manufacturers for some reason seek to contact the end user, and sometimes this creates such a gap of misunderstanding, because, relatively
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speaking, it is necessary... one thing, but stamped what else does your example show, how do you avoid these problems? and look, we do, we have, ah, this, well, in general, technical support and communication with the military directly, we have different people from the company, both developers and people from the client department, go to the front, communicate with the military, see firsthand their needs, sometimes go out and test it in combat conditions fortunately, it is not so difficult with drones, i myself travel periodically, test, look at the results, make corrections constantly, but this is not enough either, we are now greatly expanding this client- oriented department, which will communicate specifically not with buyers, but with users, that is, with the military, and here it is important to be relevant, well...


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