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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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of the whole world, but he calls the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence: the phrase putin took away ours is a phrase that reassured ukrainians, they wanted me to tell them that. on january 23, 2024, yurii bardash received a passport with a chicken, already on may 22, the security service of ukraine informed the former well-known ukrainian producer of suspicion under four articles, in particular, for justification. wars and calls to change the borders of the territory of ukraine. in response to this, bardar announced that he was looking for those involved in this decision. considering his actions and publication in telegram, it can be assumed that the former producer has not yet been released by the mushrooms. well, he will have to undergo a rehabilitation course in a ukrainian colony. and this collaborator has not received the suspicion yet, but is diligently working on it. worthy films with a patriotic upbringing, mood, which... show exactly
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the role of russia, that it is a big country, with great opportunities and everything is available to us. meet yevhen ivanovich maksymov , born in 1961. in his peaceful life, he was the organizer of a perennial festival amateur cinema kino kimeria. he also became famous for destroying the kherson art cultural center and helping to transfer the premises of the former cinema, in which the center was located, to the control of vladyslav mangru, the ex-chairman of the kherson regional council, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of activist kateryna gantyuk. prior to that, maksimov was the director of the regional communal enterprise kino-video rental. when the boot of the occupier set foot in kherson, maksymov decided to change his ukrainian passport to a russian one and start a new chapter of his life, a treacherous one and worthless. but first it was done by shortmap. his betrayal became known when the kupupants fled from kherson to the left bank of the dnieper. maksimov ran with them, and at the same time, it was not for... to seize the equipment from the
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"jubilee" cinema. maksimov settled with the equipment in nova kakhovka and began to take care of the cinema of russia, which used to be called ukraine. this is a part of his interview, where the traitor says that the so -called colleagues from the temporarily occupied crimea helped install the stolen equipment in the local cinema. thanks to my colleagues from crimea, thank you very much from feodosia of the krym cinema, who volunteered to help us, i literally brought them the other day. from there, technicians, engineers, and for a short time maksimov took care of cinema issues, he was promoted when russia held illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, this traitor received the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson regional duma from putin's united russia party. thanks to the personal initiative of the secretary of the united russia party and the senator of the kherson region. two beautiful autonomous clubs came to kherson oblast. progenitor can often
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to be seen in occupied genichesk at backward film festivals that he organizes in honor of the occupiers and russian figures. as part of the united russia party and children's sports project, we presented a film about a beautiful athlete for our schoolchildren. we, in turn, want to see maksimov as the hero of another documentary film, about how traitors end up on the dock, and then behind bars. in ukraine. he is wanted, he faithfully serves the regime of murderers in the swamps. our russian people are always used to it to fight any difficulties, and the more these difficulties, the more the function of patriotism is included. this is volodymyr ruslanovych, born in 1975, from bodelan, odessa. he is the son of the former mayor of odesa, ruslan bodalan. in 1997, he graduated from the odesa state polytechnic university, obtained the qualification of a specialist in the field.
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engineering mechanics. in 2010, he graduated from the st. petersburg academy of management and economics. he was a member of the maritime party and the party of regions. in 2002 and 2010, he was elected a deputy of the odesa city council. in 2012 and 2014 participated in the parliamentary elections, but never became a people's deputy. since december 2010 , he held the position of head of the main territorial department of the state emergency service in the odesa region. but the events of may 2 ended it. at this position. law enforcement agencies opened criminal proceedings against the suspect. the investigation believes that it was the firemen's inaction that caused the mass death of people in the odessa building of prospilok. being near the scene of the fire, bodelan ordered his subordinates not to send rescue units there. the first fire engines arrived to building only 40 minutes after the fire started. in no case will i dare and do not intend to cast a shadow on the results of the expert commission. ukraine, the national police
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declared him wanted. in 2017 , information emerged that he received russian citizenship and works in crimea, temporarily occupied by russia, where he holds the position of head of the so-called crimean branch of the federal cousin institution, the center for strategic studies of civil protection of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation. when russia unleashed a full-scale war, vladimir began to appear on temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. cheers, cheers, cheers. as it turned out, he was appointed deputy of the fake governor of the kherson region and head of the representative office of the kherson region in moscow. i can only be proud of this patriotism. we thank russia for accepting us, and this is the first time for us. and i hope that we will never let russia down in this.
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this traitor does not want to let his bloody idol down, so he is improving the work of russian state institutions, russifying the temporarily occupied territory and believes that the russian federation is a great power, he is a russian man, and will be devoted to serving it. budeland kisses his passport with a chicken and blows dust off it, and calls ukraine enemy territory, which russia is allegedly forced to tolerate. we create history, we stand on the side of truth. when the truth is behind us, nothing scares us. vladimir, you better not leave russia, because they will catch you like a rat and put you in prison for a long time. and pray that russia will need at least some time. of your services, because you yourself know what they do with those who are no longer needed. it was a program collaborators and i are olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after the russian
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ship. see you in a week on espresso. exclusively. on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society: the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. process analysis. that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second
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presidency of trump will be terrible. project for those who care and think, politklub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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lubomyr huzer was born in lviv during the interwar period times, in 1944 his family left soviet ukraine. the future patriarch grew up in the united states of america, where he received a religious education. at that time , the ukrainian greek catholic church was banned in the soviet union. in 1977 , cardinal yosif slipy potayki from the vatican ordained three bishops for the ukrainian
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church, one of whom was guzar. it became known about his ordination only 19 years later. cardinal lubomyr huzar returned to his homeland already after the declaration of independence. in 2001 he was appointed the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church, that summer, for the first time in the history of ukraine , pope ivan paul ii came to lviv, in whose visit... the guzar was also involved, and then his beatitude lubomyr advised president leonid kuchma to invite the pope to ukraine, then there is only one lord god knows, and the narrow circle of people, what obstacles there were until the last moment for pope ivan paul ii to come to ukraine, but his word was final, i am going. and he came to ukraine, one of the main tasks of lubomir husar at
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the head of the church was its revival and spread in all regions of ukraine. it was under his leadership that the church formally ceased to be galician or western ukrainian, but gained national significance. then the throne of the head of the church was moved to the capital and the construction of the patriarchal cathedral began. it was very difficult, it was a lot of difficulties. there were many obstacles, even from the side of the people of kyiv, who were persuaded to create obstacles, but he never persuaded others to shut their mouths there, to disperse them, he went out to them on the square and said, i thank you very much that we you do very good advertising, after the death of pope ivan paul ii in 2005, lubomir husar was considered as one of the contenders for the papal throne, but husar refused this... idea. in 2011, bishop huzar publicly announced his resignation from the post
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of head of the church due to health problems. however, he continued his church and public activities. on the 20th anniversary of the referendum on the independence of ukraine, huzar initiated the creation of the initiative on december 1. the participants of the movement called for development ukrainian state. and two years later, in 2013, in during the euromaidan events, cardinal huzar, despite his poor health, often went to the center of the capital to a crowd of thousands of people, when students were beaten and people started shooting for yanukovych, i remember, people did not know how to react, whether they had the right self-defense or not, i remember that situation, and he came out with representatives of the initiative on december 1 and said that ... when the government treats people like this, people have a full moral right to defend themselves with weapons in
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hands, it was a nation that protested from the bottom of its heart, said: that's enough for us, we have to be ourselves, we have to be people, our task is to transmit whose ideals, starting from when... for tens of years, he remains a moral leader for an entire generation ukrainians prominent ukrainians call respect for the archbishop a social phenomenon. he never flaunted his universities, his knowledge, his titles. this already testified to his great humility. dignity, humanity. because at times there were such cases where the blessed one is of bright memory lubomir you have three or four diplomas, it's just a matter of taking it in a frame and hanging it on the wall and so much more, when you don't have good
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contact with people, it's in vain, people are smart, there are people with experience, but people with a conscience are an extremely rare phenomenon, and in this sense lubomyr huzar is an absolute unique. due to a serious illness, patriarch lubomyr died on may 31, 2017, at the age of 85. he was buried in the crypt of the patriarchal cathedral, at the request of the faithful, in february 2024, the start of the process of beatification and canonization of the patriarch was announced lubomyr husar, that is, his recognition as a blessed and holy person. at the initial stage, it is a collection of information about the glory of holiness, writing a biography, a servant of god, and when a sufficient number is collected. these materials, which would confirm both the glory of holiness and
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a sufficient amount of documentary biography, we have at least two cases where people believe, in their opinion, that it was a miracle, that is, we call a supposed miracle. at this stage, it is still difficult to say whether it can be called cases that can prove these two things, theological and scientific. cardinal huzar remains a moral authority for different believers. confessions and religions, his sayings and teachings were dissected into quotes, one of them became a credo for millions of people, and remained the cardinal's dream until the end of his life. there are very few people in the world, and my dream, so to speak, even my prayer, i will sincerely tell you, that i would be a person, a good, normal person, vasyl zima’s big air, two hours of air time,
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two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and... how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. today in the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, the landing of allies in normal. the former partners in the anti-hitler coalition now demonstrate unity in the fight against putinism. what did presidents zelensky and biden agree on on french soil? mirages in the ukrainian sky. macron promised to replenish the air fleet of the armed forces french
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-made multipurpose fighters. are there restrictions on the use of western weapons by ukraine? the nuclear club of the kremlin. putin said the west was wrong to believe that russia would never use nuclear weapons. why the kremlin dictator is again grasping for his last argument in the confrontation with the west. glory to ukraine. this is a verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. in the first part of our program, we will talk about the foreign policy results of this week. we will have a diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, valery chaly, as our guest. the second part of our program will feature journalists
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larisa voloshina and maryna danyliuk yaermalayeva, the traditional friday journalism club at ssp. let's talk about sociology, about zelenska and sociology, about hearing and the people and sociology, and about democracy and sociology. however, before we start our big evening and our big conversations, i suggest you see how today is president zelenskyi's speech was greeted with thunderous applause by the national assembly of france during a speech on new threats in modern europe, zelenskyi switched to french. the deputies of the assembly gave a standing ovation, well, obviously, not only to president zelensky, but also to the courage of the ukrainian people, let's see how it all turned out, to france,
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i am very grateful. thank you for supporting us to protect life. thank you! friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us now on these platforms, please take part in our vote. today we ask you
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about this, are you ready for long-term blackouts? everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own. answer option, please write in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers if you're prepared for extended blackouts: 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. so, today we have a very large foreign policy. evening with the participation of valery chaly, diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19, chairman of the board. of the crisis media center. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. a hero glory. let's start our conversation with
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a meeting in normandy, where former members of the anti-hitler coalition celebrated the 80th anniversary of the normandy landings, and during speaking at the celebrations, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, drew parallels between the day where, i.e. or the start of a military operation, the landing of allies in normandy and the war in ukraine, let's listen to what the president of the united states of america said. ukraine was captured by the tyrant. ukrainians fight with extraordinary courage, suffer great losses, but still do not retreat. the united states, nato and a coalition of more than 50 countries are firmly on the side of ukraine. we will not go. because if we do it, ukraine will be conquered, and
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it will not end there. ukraine's neighbors will be under threat. all of europe will be under threat. make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are closely watching what is happening in ukraine. will we allow this illegal aggression to flow with impunity. we cannot allow this, to surrender to robbers. mr. valery, one more thesis was missing in this speech, that russia must be defeated, as at one time fascist germany was, why world leaders, drawing analogies between the past and the present, still do not twist this thesis, well, the answer is simple, because the fascists did not have time after... to make nuclear weapons for the fau, and in principle, i also have a question, these parallels that are given, they seem to be logical, because it is clear that
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what is being said here is that it is fascist, in fact, just like nazism in germany, and now the fascist regime in its manifestations in russia, but with the fact that it is the grandfather of the allies, this is when the final stage of the defeat has already begun. fascism, that is, not only the nazis, but in general the victory in the second world war, which also lasted a long time still a war, but it was already such a step that had already been taken, and i will remind you that indeed hundreds of thousands of allies and americans died, and this is operation neptune, overload, and all this was very difficult, but they went for it, and now what is the parallel, well... i like the parallel in the victory, what a victory, we did it together, by the way, ukrainians are also involved in this victory over nazism,
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but at the same time there is no real understanding, what parallels, if ukraine is alone , the point here was precisely that all allies united, i.e. i was missing the phrase not what is there about russia. and i missed the phrase, we will not only stand together with ukraine, but we are now, we are now involved in this matter, that is, the day has come when we cannot simply watch as the ukrainian people , bleeding, fight for our european security, we cannot watch, be aloof, when the ukrainian people are there now, while we are here celebrating, fighting, we have to enter this war and... we could, well, it should have happened, but it didn't happen, well, but the anti-putin coalition is also not at once entered the war and it has been from the beginning of the second
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world war to this day, where 5 years, almost 5 years, and this is also a question, that is , if we already draw these analogies, then we are now with the second world war, so we are now in which we are at the stage, well, you know, it’s true for me that all these analogies are limping, that is , i see recently a lot of comparisons with other moments, with the soviet-finnish war, that is, there are just a lot of analogies closer to us, and in principle, to put it briefly, there are countries that alone are not can actually er, well, i admit that it is asymmetric with russia, and a nuclear country has a much larger territory, many times more population, weapons, that is, it is obvious to me
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that... that the victory must be collective, and in fact these took a very long time countries, uh, waiting, well, for the fact that the soviet union will take its steps, and then, well, with some smaller human costs, press from all sides. i think that if what i said is from finland, then they often say that there is a need at some stage... to stop, to agree to fixing the situation, because many victims, the winter war in finland just showed that the soviet union, when it received this agreement to an armistice from finland, it immediately did what, literally a few days later it began to demand more and did not allow finland to even sign an agreement with sweden, i.e. then it was demanded that his protégés become the leaders of finland, and then finland
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was forced... to receive support, or did it take such a step from the fascists, that is , in fact, after the distribution of spheres of influence, after the second world war, finland found itself on to the other side, and then it essentially lost all the territories that it once gave to the soviet union, that is, these analogies should be understood by those who now think that if the situation is fixed somewhere, as putin wants, then we will... win something, pause , and the analogy from grandfathers is victory, victory, what i said, it must be achieved together, together with allies, as of today, you know, there is not a single ally in ukraine, because an ally is someone who signs an agreement with you about alliance and enters the war, supply of weapons, aid is not an alliance relationship, it is a partnership relationship, it is all very well, but
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such wars, such... headquarters are not won and are not completed without the involvement of all forces, and it will be, and what you say, at what stage are we , well, unfortunately, we have not yet reached the dday, as it happened there, we are waiting somewhere until all these partners of ours finally understand that it is still necessary to come to this dday already, but the fact that this year and on this anniversary already in the eightieth year... there were no russians, this already shows that with putin no one will ever agree on anything, or is it just that in the current situation, the eightieth anniversary is happening this way, because the 70th anniversary of the landing in normandy, it was the first meeting, as far as i remember , between president poroshenko and president putin after poroshenko was elected president, and i remember how poroshenko simply didn't want
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to approach putin at all, and there they were... simply brought together so that they could at least say hello, exchange words, exchange a few words, well , if i remember those days, then really i was there and i remember very well all these moments, who from who approached whom, and of course, then it was putin, and now there is no invitation, although the french talked about the fact that they dug up the soil, how will it be perceived if he is invited, well, of course, not putin, because putin then an arrest warrant must be issued immediately, someone else, that is, for russia to be present, because russia or, let's say, those people who were from the rsfsr in the soviet union, they took part in joint actions with ukrainians, with belarusians, with others, by all our peoples of that period in the victory over nazism. just, well
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in fact, russia was hoarding this victory in its own mind, on may 9 they did it with some kind of fascist march, it is very strange that such historical changes have taken place, and that is why they really perceive it differently now, somehow everything has turned around, they perceive it completely differently to another, well, if there had not been a war against... ukraine and crimes and a warrant actually issued by the hague court, then of course it would have been different, but no matter what, then the illusions that existed then, and really, you are right remembered, it seems, on the seventh it was precisely the inauguration of president poroshenko, and before that a meeting in normandy, and there was a hope on the one hand of the europeans that they
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would be able to... in some way pretext.


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