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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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be deterrent mechanisms, at least, i think that in the us they understand this, in any case, any movement, everyone, all ammunition under control, any movement, as soon as it starts, you will see, it will immediately appear in the key the information agencies of the world, because then the americans and those intelligence agencies that have access will immediately leak this information, they will immediately leak it all into the information space, because there is no doubt about it. that you did not doubt, so now you have to understand that even without nuclear weapons , our people are being killed, and the number of dead in in principle, on the part of russia , the number of dead in nagasaki and in cherasim has already exceeded, that is, you understand the scale of russia's losses in the war against ukraine. yes, mr. valery, and it is clear that there are two important summits ahead for ukraine - this is the global peace summit, which
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will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland, and in july the nato summit, the anniversary summit of the north atlantic alliance, regarding the first summit, the global peace summit, three of the 10 points of zelenskyi's peace plan have apparently been agreed upon for consideration at this summit, but latvian president edgars rinkevičs says that ukraine's victory in the war should be based on the ukrainian peace formula, and he stated this at the security forum in riga, in response to a question about what he means by ukraine's victory. i have a very simple answer to your question: we support president zelensky's peace formula, this is the first. second, ukraine should become a member of the eu and a member of nato, that's what the complete victory of ukraine in this war will mean for us. well, that's how the president is. latvians quite
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clearly articulated what victory in this one means war in ukraine. at the same time, we see how china is also trying to promote some kind of peace strategy and says that 26 countries of the world seem to support this peace strategy, what will happen at the global peace summit, obviously we will see if, in your opinion, it will be parallel. .. a summit that china will hold in the interests of russia and present some more peaceful plan, well , in order to say that not only zelensky has a peaceful plan for ukraine, but also china, and simply put, russia. well, first of all, we will really see the result, the main thing is to it was not blurred so that the plan was peaceful, the main one, the one that represents ukraine, there are certain risks there now that there may be some kind of
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joint document blurred that blurs this position, but it is possible to bypass this situation, i think, diplomats working on it now. in relation to china's attempts, china is seeking the surrender of ukraine, everything is very simple, well, it understands that ukraine will not agree to this, so it is satisfied with such a prolongation of the war on the one hand, on the other hand , it is not profitable for china to include what i said and it will be irreversible, if other countries join this war, then china will lose, china will lose the situation, and putin will lose, so now is the right moment, they want to record the victory of russia, that is, from a weakened russia, which is beneficial to china, they are already there with them soon the party members will be removed, that is, i mean in terms of energy, china is playing, well, if we talk about us, then against us today, regarding all these statements about the number. well,
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these are empty statements so far, this is not a peaceful plan of china, there are three positions, stop it to fight, let's put it this way, here's what, what putin wants, to leave the rumpled and stop, what else to talk about, what kind of security umbrella, what 's next, china is not doing anything about it, so i believe that it is absolutely not unprocessed seriously, if we talk about the importance of china. his position is really important, that's right, it's just in support of russia. we have problems, of course, we also have problems with china, in fact now we do not have any such understanding and do not know what to do with it, that is why president zelensky has already made such harsh statements, but apparently probably, in principle, it is necessary, we will have to understand that, well, to understand that china, unfortunately, is not on our side. these and it will be necessary
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to take some kind of measures in order to at least reduce this situation and these threats from his side. now with regard to the various... peace plans, well, the situation is still such that the peace plans are far away, that is, no summit or any meeting, it will not yield results yet, and the peace summit should not be formulated with any inflated expectations, the fact that what will happen next depends on the position of many countries of the world, and it really goes like this a struggle for minds, for them to understand the threats to their countries. it is a pity that the intention to hold the summit fell on a completely different time than it was planned, after all, we thought earlier that sometime in the summer there would be some opportunities to really stop the war, but there is no such thing, china will take the initiative, they
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will gather around brics, brics, which is now so strange, from five countries, it has turned into, there is ethiopia, there is iran, that is. then other countries, plus, well, there are, of course, middle eastern countries, joined, some format of partners, that is, they form an anti-american coalition, so anti-american, well, in principle, it is logical, the world is going this way now, on that path, it is divided into two parts: the authoritarian group of ee is led by china, and here he is crouching down the representative of one vassal country that simply surrenders to china. all of russia, i.e., and then everyone who depends on or is interested in supporting china, and the allies of the usa, nato, the european union, japan, new zealand, australia, i.e. south korea, now there is such and such a distribution, and in principle , attempts will be, what
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you said, to dilute the position of the peace formula, but i think that it is necessary to also understand that we should also be... those things that seemed to be key before may now be less important, on the contrary, other positions will be more sensitive for us, so i would generally be at the center of peace i didn’t make a single document there , you can make statements in various areas of food security, energy, and the exchange of sovereigns, but what you definitely shouldn’t do is... give up your positions, because i will say one thing, always very difficult in the last period, when there is really exhaustion, and this it is felt that we have the resources of our non -eternal and diplomatic activity and
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foreign work, well, at the front, that is why the impression is that they are already exhausting and it is not known what will happen next, but the enemy also has the same... history, so we will have to still endure and , including, improve their abilities in foreign diplomacy to work not only non-standard in form, but also effectively in content, to be flexible, to use contradictions between different countries, to use the interests of countries, that is, to use all possible ukrainian resources for in order to work in the chinese direction, we should not let go of this direction, here we simply need to achieve a dialogue with china in other ways, perhaps? well, what concerns the global peace summit, as swiss president viola amhert says, in
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the next peace conference, russia can already take part, and i will quote you, mrs. president of switzerland, it is clear to us that we will not sign a peace treaty. according to the results of the conference. for peace , both sides must sit at the negotiating table. russia could be present at a possible next conference. in her opinion, the swiss summit will become the basis for further negotiations. in this situation, viola amhert says that peace should be signed between the two sides, although in our understanding, it should not be peace in the classical sense of switzerland, still... there should be a capitulation of putin in the current situation, there is the difference, mr. valery, between the fact that russia should, well, capitulate in the current situation, and the two sides should sit down and sign a peace agreement? well, to be honest, i see a different scenario
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than surrender, let's keep it simple for now honestly, we do not yet have such factors to talk about capitulation, but... about the de-occupation of the territory of ukraine and compensation and everything else, it is necessary to stand on this and move, is it possible to talk about it with putin at the table. negotiated, well, i think not, i do not imagine such a situation either from his side or from ours, that is, is it possible to do it in another way, of course it is possible, you remember these grain agreements in istanbul, but formally there is no sat at the table behind one another, signed two different agreements, but in fact they made such a deal multifaceted, so i think that the mechanisms are there, i am a supporter, or rather i think that this war. if we are not talking about this stage of a large-scale, but a long, long war, which
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may decrease in intensity, it will not necessarily end with ukrainian-russian negotiations of some kind, as everyone around now wants, if we really create a coalition and put pressure on, i don't remember something i want the americans to negotiate with someone in iraq, do you remember who they were negotiating with at the negotiating table? they are not there with anyone they led, according to me they did not, but the americans, the usa, also did not lead, they did not lead, but why should they lead here, and where did milosevic end up, in the gas, and as they negotiated, planes flew in and bombed all the bases , yes, it was tough for the serbian people then, but still there is a negative perception, but at the same time, serbs want to join europe and nato, by the way, many do, so... i think there can be other scenarios, absolutely, which we cannot even see now, but there must
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be factors for this, these factors do not exist, now we do not we are talking about the capitulation of russia, we are now talking about throwing it out of our territory, we are not talking about the destruction of moscow, maybe many people want it, but it is an illusion, it is an illusion, let's be honest, that is, we are not talking about it, the history of us then he will decide, we should put up a barrier on our... borders with russia, so that this evil will never enter our territory, and if he wants to try, he will get hit in the face again, that's what we need to do, i want from fence them off, maybe these are my emotional wishes, let them live there as they wish, they just don't come to us. at the very end, very briefly, if you can say a phrase about biden, that he was always against ukraine's natovization, does this mean that... well, in the near future, ukraine will not receive an invitation to join the alliance? i don't know what president
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biden said, i remember that we had statements, we have a charter, signed a long time ago between our countries, on strategic partnership, and in joint statements the americans always said that ukraine would be in nato , so i think he was speaking in the context of a specific issue, i would i didn't focus on that now, we understand. that certain conditions must also be met for this, and obviously not, this is not a statement that could stop the future historical process. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chaly, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center. friends, we continue to work on the espresso tv channel, and now we will look at the intermediate results of ours. survey, today we ask you about whether you are ready for long-term turn off the lights, so 19% yes, 81% no, in 15
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minutes we will return to our broadcast again, news from our colleagues from the bbc awaits you ahead, then we will have a journalism club with the participation of larisa voloshino and maryna danylyuk yermalayeva, we will talk about zelenskyi and sociology, about zelenskyi and his participation in the normandy meeting. the word is a lot of topics, wait, we will return to the studio in 15 minutes, there are discounts, present, unbreakable discounts on eden, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and saver. try flebodia 600, pink french tablets for acute. hemorrhoids 600 treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts
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represent unbreakable discounts on penistyl 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii zgurets and how the world lives? yuri feder is already with me, and it's time to talk about what is outside within the borders of ukraine. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war morchivka is next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechchenina, our art viewer is ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests
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of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good . the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. as our patriarch kirill once said, from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is a holy war. moscow patriarch kirill declares a holy war against ukraine, and the ukrainian parliament has been unable to agree on banning the russian language for a year and a half. russia's full-scale war with the aim of destroying everything ukrainian, and fsb agents under the cover of the uocp are still working in all corners of ukraine, undermining national security from inside. we remember the patriarch and pray for him. prohibition of the russian orthodox church is a condition for our victory in the war with russia. i
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would simply pack these priests and send them back to russia. about who protects the russian world, who needs the kremlin? church in ukraine, and what needs to be done to stop its activity? in the new film , the russian orthodox church is investigating. the last fight. on saturday, june 8 at 22:00 at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about recent changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal examination program on the espresso tv channel. congratulations, friends,
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the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel. in this issue we will talk about the following. do not let nazism return. zelensky in paris called on the french to help ukraine in the war it is having existential significance for europe. will the world unite against putin? stupid like this table. a furious putin has scorned those who warn of a possible russian attack on nato, as he has already done with ukraine. who knows? kremlin dictator. threats to the presidential rating. the level of trust in zelensky continues to decrease. does the president's political project - servant of the people - have any prospects? that's all about it. for the next 45 minutes we will talk in our studio. i want to remind you that we
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work not only on the live air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us there. live, please vote in our poll, it's like this today: are you ready for long blackouts, yes no, it's pretty simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv or on other media, you can call the phones if are you ready for long blackouts 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free please vote. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. today, as well every friday we have a traditional journalism club, i want to introduce today's guests, this is larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist. mrs. larisa, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. and maryna danyliuk yarmolayeva, a journalist, political commentator,
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media consultant, author and host of two youtube channels centornet and showbiz , obviously, should join us. will happen a little later, so what happened today in france, today, president zelensky after participating in the celebrations timed to the 80th anniversary of the landing of the allies in normandy, he spoke before the national assembly of france, and he declared that nazism is returning to europe again, and for russia it has become new. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said, when europe is again being tried to be reshaped by force and people are saying that some... or other peoples supposedly do not deserve to exist independently, all this is directed against ukraine today, but in order
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to be directed against others tomorrow , one can even see the sequence of how the aggression can proceed, the baltic states, poland, the balkans and so on, this russian regime does not recognize borders, it is not enough, even... europe, it has already destroyed syria and chaotic the sahel, it invests in terror and undermines life where it can reach, where it does not meet resistance. larisa, well, zelensky is basically saying what we all feel about nazism, and about the fact that the new cult for russia is this nazism, and that this nazism is returning. to europe, do europeans hear zelensky? i think, hardly, because it is precisely this kind of tangentiality to russia
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as something cultural, as something that works here cornerstone and fundamental for other wild peoples, it is not for nothing that when a russian was arrested in france, in fact, a person with a russian passport who planned a terrorist attack on... the foothills, but they say he is a chechen, we saw how many western media and politicians , when they explained the riot, they said that they were not russians, that is, the culture, here they are wild people, and russia is actually trying, without saying this, to pretend that it is the only one who can restrain this asian game and save europe , that is, not us, we say, it is us. it's us it we do, look at what russia is doing in terms of psychology, it's what freud called, the psychosis of small differences, russia is actually
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imitating us in all its propaganda, an ancient nation, they are not like that, a kind of nobility, even where a soldier does not have a child does not offend, then this is our soldier, where they do not surrender, or honor prevails, these are our soldiers, not theirs, and they talk about themselves like this... they are us, as if they are that russia, and in principle, freud said, that exactly where one nation claims heritage, the cultural heritage of another nation, it is similar to psychosis, where for a sick person you have to kill the person you are imitating, because as long as he is there, your impersonation is obvious, and this is what they do, so we say that their conflict with us is existential, it is about what. .. that after removing us the then kyiv-madhorods, the russians, everything turned out for them, and they then, what is the essence of our death for europe, why is it dangerous, not even because the russians will go in
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columns, maybe they will go, maybe not, the problem is in because they will finally, in their heads, have the absolute right to destroy the world, to destroy that one europe, as the bearer of some values ​​hostile to russia, that's the point, while we... they are not completely subjective in their own way in their criminality. these days there are a lot of analogies, analogies are made, 1944, june 6, the landing of the allies in normandy, the anti-hitler coalition, people help together, both the soviet union and the allies to fight fascism, not only with germany. with fascism in general, did you expect that at this, at this, at this meeting in normandy, at least it will be heard, listen, well, it is very
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it is similar to what happened 80 years ago, and we need to create a coalition that will set itself the goal of killing modern fascism, even if they are afraid to call fascism there racism or russian nazism, or did you expect that, what kind of farewell v. .. in these analogies, even if it sounds like it, it is not really, i am very impressed that the ukrainian president was invited to this meeting, because what do they explain, the same french, we traditionally have representatives of the anti-hitler coalition, that is, the soviet union, then of russia as a legal assignee, but when we say that where there is liberation, where there is a personification with something bright that defeated evil, that is where ukraine now appeared in this place, the question is not that we were recognized as the legal successor of the soviet union, or that we replaced russia , no, we were recognized as those who are able to protect... to
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sacrifice themselves for the sake of humanity, and not those who, in principle, just stir things up, that is, it is a very interesting story when hitler is now compared to putin with hitler, and that is already, well, when they say new nazism, then in principle putin is equal to hitler, and we understand what else half a step, and they will see stalin sizenpi, sizimpin, it is wonderful, it is absolutely wonderful, we see that this is going on for many countries, such as france, it was a great shame for them, when at the time of the signing of this capitulation of hitler, there there was a question, the french, we lost to you too, well, they say, with such contempt as you, although we understand that france was ambiguous in this war, and for the french , it is very important now, because what macron is doing, he is correcting historical mistakes, well, how he positions it, they began to call ... hitler,
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putin by hitler, and they finally recognized ukraine as a historically important country for the existence of europe and european values, by the way, hitler also tried to correct the historical mistakes of the first world war and wash away this shame, which, as he believed , the germans had, but in this given the situation , it is good that there were no russians at these jubilee events, although it is clear that russia aspires to be the rightful successor. union, but no less ukrainians died and no less, four ukrainian fronts, yes two belarusian, not a single russian, so this is about that the french, now i am following what they are saying, they are talking about exactly this everywhere, ukraine, the four ukrainian fronts, ukraine has more right to be here in normandy, and marina danylyuk yarmalayeva joins the conversation, maryna, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, colleagues, i'm glad to see
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that you have light and everything, everything is fine, you have a connection, and fasting, let's knock on the table, and that everything will be during this broadcast, everything well, we are talking about today's speech of zelensky in the french parliament, about the way he called on the europeans to fight, the french, rather, to fight against nazism, which, according to him , is returning to europe, whether , in your opinion, the europeans now listen to ukraine and zelensky, in particular, and if we draw analogies that we one way or another , we have been hearing for the past two days what period europe is currently in, regarding ukraine? as you may have noticed, emmanuel macron, he used these celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy and the liberation of france to his advantage. you know, when i was watching...
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this live broadcast of samaha beach, i had the impression that it was not once there that the united allied forces liberated france, on the contrary, france is a super cool country that was still worth fighting for, and therefore all the allies decided to direct their forces to to liberate france, it looked very beautiful against the background of how emmanuel macron was demonstrating the power of his own defense industry, and there were planes flying by in the background. all this showed, well, this was the advertising of the military-industrial complex for everything the world, so i can say here that emmanuel macron worked out his theme for advertising france 100%, and what is very important, you know, just recently i found a video, cut out a piece of how emmanuel macron thanked the brave ukrainian people, at such celebrations, for the words a french president who claims leadership in
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europe and ... who is now in his second presidency using it to strengthen the status of france in the european union, it sounded very good. it seems to me that at a certain stage mr. president is not very good there understood that it was not specifically about him, but about the ukrainian people, but eh, even more so, i was pleasantly surprised by this statement, plus macron made such a nod towards the russian federation, he said there that there are certain countries that want too change border that is , it was still a message to the russian federation, i can say that zelensky’s speech before the french parliamentarians was quite coherent, he continued the topic started by emmanuel macron, so i have no complaints about the speech, but you know, what i noticed, when they showed a close-up of the various delegations, i would like our ukrainian delegation to be in nice suits too, and not in these
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olive-colored fleeces, which are already ... boring plus , let's be honest.


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