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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children. a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no other, need our support. loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really loved how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip has affected me quite a bit in...
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positively i have become more cheerful, thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart, let's give memories together that will warm hearts and will help to survive these difficult and scary moments. anastasia kucherenko, 12-year-old suzanne osman and 15-year-old angelina panfilyuk. all these girls disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and for quite a long time it has not been possible to find out where they are. that is why i really hope for your help and, of course, i mostly appeal to the residents of the kherson region, which is not controlled by ukraine. i know that you have problems with the broadcast of ukrainian tv, but
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maybe you are watching this program on social networks, therefore, i am asking you to look carefully into the faces of the missing girls. anastasia kucherenko looks about 16 years old, she has dark pink hair and brown eyes. a child disappeared in the village of nova mayachka in the village of kherson oblast at the beginning of the occupation. since then, there was no news about nastya kucherenko. suzanne osman, a 12-year-old girl. she has dark hair. and dark eyes, a child lived in the village of bekhtery, this is the skadovsky district of the kherson region, which is still occupied. the search for the child continues from february 2023. and this is 15-year-old angelina panfilyuk. the girl lived on the right bank of the kherson region in the beryslav district in the village of dudchany. the territory was occupied almost from the first days of a full-scale war, but in the fall of 2022 it was liberated and it was during this period that it became it is known
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about the disappearance of angelina, where the girl might be now, no one knows, maybe the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe to russia in general, that is why your help is very important. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of anastasia, susana and angelina, or maybe you just saw these girls somewhere, let us know right away, even a small piece of news can become very important. magnolia children's tracing service. you can call at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free of charge. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i told you the stories of only three children who disappeared because of a full-scale invasion of russia. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several...thousand
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requests for help in the search, of course, the vast majority of children have been found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and it is possible to help find them. each one believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. maybe you will recognize someone and help in the end to find and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the child tracing service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers, who are the most frequent. they just resort to running away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can definitely prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is about the importance of talking with children not only about everyday topics and matters, but also about your own feelings,
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experiences and fears. frankness, in opinion specialists, will help not only open up to the child, but also sometimes even get support and help. sincere interest in the child's personality, because often all our conversations with children, and especially with teenagers, are reduced to several topics: cleaning, evaluations, maybe some other material moments, but something completely different is important to them, it is important for them to talk about feelings, about experiences, about the world, about the way things are, on the other hand, they may not be ready to be the first to do it, and it's your turn, you have to be the first to be talk about your fears, your doubts, your hesitations and feelings... and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, not only will it allow the child to open up to you in the future, but it will also help you get support, get help, feel needed and beloved in his own family. we have created a resource where you can
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report any crime against a child anywhere, anytime. just go to the site and report. and... let's launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. fm, galicia. listen yours, try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids (plebodia 600), treat hemorrhoids without any ouch. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to
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lives. of course, the news story reports about them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly assess the events. analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m., studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to be up to date with the economy. of news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. selyam
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aleykum, welcome to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar. i gulsom khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitskyi work for you in the studio of the atp tv channel and the tv channel. hello, congratulations, congratulations, and as always, we urge you to donate to... the armed forces of ukraine, in particular to the 48th mbsh named after noman chelybykhan, which set the goal of liberating crimea, if you see qr codes today during the program on your screen , immediately go and donate, transfer funds, they are extremely necessary, and if you watch us on youtube, then subscribe, set the bell, comment on this broadcast, we come to the comments already after the broadcast and... answer questions about the essence of the program, and today, as always, we will traditionally
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talk about what happened during this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, we will talk about the results of this week in crimea, and of course the first part of our program, it is devoted to the military aspect, precisely in the temporarily occupied crimea, everything that happened and all the operations that carried out armed forces of ukraine, gurmo of ukraine in occupied crimea. pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine. contact us. mr. pavle, congratulations. greetings aleyka. salaam. good day. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. glory. let's start with fresh news. two russian radar stations were damaged as a result of a night attack on occupied crimea. the drones were amazing. military unit in the village of mysove in the leninsky district, the telegram channel reports
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astra, mr. pavle, what does this mean, why exactly these targets, why was it so important to damage the radar stations, well, this is evidence that the airspace of the crimea is being cleared, being prepared for the next strikes on important military... enemy objects in the crimea peninsula, this is one thing and this is the main thing, well, remember how corridors were created for our missiles and our aerial drones, for strikes on sevastopol, on an object in the sevastopol district, in dzhankoya, the same is now being carried out in the depths of crimea, well, i did not want there would be predictions to deal with, statements representatives of gurmo, for example, about the preparation for the destruction of the kerch bridge,
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the crimean bridge, are completely included in this paradigm. that is, now we see such a systematic destruction of russian air defense and radar systems, that's right, i would like to add, if we see on the map and our viewers saw on the map, where this cape is. that is, this is already the sea of ​​azov, this is not the western part of crimea, this is already the eastern part of crimea, close to kerch, and in fact, well, this is the territory that is inside the occupied territory, that is, for to hit these radar stations with sea drones, well, it was necessary to pass the kerch strait with this sea drone, or to launch them in some way from the occupied territory, this is an extremely difficult operation. mr. pavle, we see these systematic defeats, and
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now in the sea of ​​azov, does this mean that we can also hit targets directly on the territory of the russian federation? actually, why not, we do it regularly, cotton is making noise not only there in belgorod oblast, in bashkiria, near the urals, but also in rostov and krasnodar. marked by such beautiful, i would say, fireworks and bonfires, which also testify to the fact that the russian occupiers in crimea will not receive fuel and lubricants in the near future, because their ammunition warehouses are also being emptied, such an... unconventional way, so the enemy's logistics are destroyed , even not only the crimean
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bridge, it is the key to securing the hostile occupation group in the crimea, it is the kerch ferry crossing, it is also the ships, amphibious ships and transport vessels of the black sea fleet, which the enemy trying to deliver ammunition. not that in the occupied crimea, there is a whole complex of objects that simply need to be neutralized, well, this is already such a safari. player, yes, and yesterday, mr. pavle, it became known that the ukrainian navy destroyed a russian tugboat in lake pangolyu, the crimean-tatar lake, yes, gentlemen, and here the more interesting thing is not that the tugboat was destroyed, because it was completely crossed, and, but that, that ukrainian naval drones have already overcome these russian ban
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barriers, which we understand are still in... novorossian ports and other ports where russia hides its ships, does this mean that everything, that is, these ban barriers of russia no longer work, and our naval drones can get any russian ships in the ports of akyaru or the ports of novorossiysk? well, not quite so, because the new barriers are nets of a kind that are placed above the surface of the water on... on such buoys and which prevent surface targets from moving into one or another water area, if you look around sevastopol, for example, it is no longer only the entrance to the sevastopol bay, and there are several in the southern bay, there are barricades in several rows, and on the northern
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side, etc., the enemy considers, well, traditionally... such a defense system to be the most optimal, well , in combination with anti-sabotage measures by boats, helicopters patrolling the sea, our guys tried to break through these bon barriers and really broke through, and to say that 100% success is not true, of course, first of all, in order to break through, well, it is like a cumulative blow. someone has to, one drone has to break through, sacrifice itself to break through the barrier, the second is already and the others are breaking through in a closed water area. nevertheless, in the sevastopol bay, remember, er, regular raids relatively, which had their result. er, the enemy is trying to improve this system, well, for example, in
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the same notorious crimean bridge. barges are already on display, barricaded or whatever you want to call them, that is, instead of these buoys, there are whole old rusty barges that you have to pass through, well , you can hit such an iron ship, of course, but how long will it sink, and it is obvious that such the method of protection can, well, from the point visionaries... maybe even better, but somewhere you’re just trying hard, well, actually, let them collect, we will destroy everything in a row in different ways, the enemy invents new, new methods of defense, we invent new ways of defeating and bypassing him, they tried
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use helicopters at the crossing of the sea to destroy our drones, they began to install... anti-aircraft missiles on drones, we install anti-aircraft missile systems if necessary for remote damage to the coast, so we are developing, we will achieve our goal anyway. well, it's really interesting, relatively of the russian system of jamming our naval drones, last week they 32 times, this was an unprecedented case when they raised aviation in the sky to destroy our naval drones, and on the other hand, we understand that groups 13 they always modify our marine babies and so on, but still, as it seems to you, the russians have already come up with such a system of countermeasures against our naval drones, or not yet, until they understand how to counter it, well, they are always inventing, and this is natural,
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when there is a new means of defeat, they are looking for it the methods of combating it, mainly in what they do, are quite classic, old ones like mesh barriers, boom barriers, search and destroy by patrolling the entire sea, that is, this is such a traditional anti-sabotage, anti-sabotage defense, but our drone operators and not only drone operators , observe... new ways of protecting the enemy and find tactical techniques to bypass them, find ways to break through such enemy defenses, here are a few examples. we have already pointed out, and there is not only this, this radio-electronic struggle is complex the use of air and sea drones, so so far in this competition, as the sailors
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call fire and armor, our fire is winning, and it is obvious that the russians, well, if this is not panic, then i do not know what, actually, instead , to perform the task by... meaning, the only task remaining for the russian black sea fleet is to preserve itself. well, if we already neutralize the tugboats, then soon there will be no watercraft at all, only passenger ones, in the occupied, in the occupied crimea, but i would like to say about the article that appeared in authoritative edition of the economist in the uk, as it actually says that ukraine is making crimea such a trap for russian troops and for the russians, with the
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strikes that are currently destroying and blocking the crossings through the kerch strait, and with future strikes we are sure kerch bridge, crimea will simply turn into a territory on which a lot is accumulated. enemy force and enemy means, why is this being done, what can ukraine then do with it, start some negotiations at this stage about that they leave the peninsula unarmed, for example, or simply neutralize this channel of supply of weapons and power to the eastern front, how do you see this picture, why are we turning crimea into a trap for the russians? and they themselves transformed it, actually speaking, there were soviet-russian officers, and not only pro-russian ones, so to speak, the legend
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was that whoever owns the sea of ​​sevastopol, the crimea and sevastopol, dominates the black sea, well, you can, it was it is real there somewhere in the 17th, maximum 18th century, when there were sailing ships. in the wind rose, etc., and for our time, when the black sea, already at such speeds and distances, it became a basin, er, small, er, it no longer works, and, er, crimea remained only a threat for a possible fight against ukraine, well, in the 14th year, before the 14th year, it was we who said that if russia crawls to us in the crimea, then actually... this is the first stage of the conquest of ukraine, but crimea has a weak point, even two, these are isthmuses,
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this, this island is actually it is connected to the mainland by two, two such necks, it is a trench, which, if you plug a cork there, then, strictly speaking, it becomes closed vessel, well, on the other hand, they are now another crossing, this is the kerch transport crossing, the same, the crimean bridge, and the port crimea-port kavkaz crossing, if you also cut the logistics on the kerch strait, then, strictly speaking, crimea becomes. a suitcase without a handle, on the contrary, it not only helps in attacks on the mainland, but only burdens the owner, it is because of this that
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the russians, already realizing that such an ass is sneaking up on them, they are trying to lay a railway right in the combat zone in the south of ukraine, so ukrainian... military elected well, the most optimal way, this is actually such an operation to prepare the combat space, a planning operation, as our partners, the armed forces, are called, to isolate the crimean peninsula, what will happen to it with the enemy garrison and the enemy group in crimea, i do not know, personally speaking well... already, well, as history shows, there they have chersonese, i mean not, the ancient greek place chersonese, but the city of chersonese, and
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we... from chersonese in sevastopol, uh, where, usually those fleeing from crimea are huddled together, that's ua welcom, well, that's another matter, actually those who found themselves in the crimea as an invader, i would advise to use the crimean bridge, return home to varkuta and naryanmar, so as not to end up in such a situation. pasci, well, when we talk about the deoccupation of crimea, and about the operation regarding its deoccupation, a lot of experts and even the leader of the crimean tatar people , mustafa dzhemiv, said that the destruction by the russian occupiers of the kakhovskaya gesture, a year ago it happened, as you know, it well, let's say so, unfortunately, it contributed in a very bad way
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to the fact that our us... would have stopped in relation to the north the southern direction and the direction of the crimea, is it really so, as you think, to what extent the destruction of kokhovskaya hess by the russian occupiers affected our offensive in the southern direction and of course the crimea, well, it’s really not a secret anymore, here i completely agree with mustaffaguy, in the 23rd year armed forces of ukraine. were planning an offensive from the kherson direction in the direction of chaplinka to kalanchak there to crimea, it was on the shortest route, and obviously the russians knew about our plans, some mole, these spies, they reported something to them, and so they used such a barbaric way, to disrupt our planning,
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well, that’s it... we must understand that not only the liberation of crimea, they disrupted, they demonstrated that crimea is actually for them, as a place where people should live, where they should live comfortably, people at all was not needed, together with the kakhovsky reservoir, they emptied the canal itself into the northern crimean one, which eventually provided water for the crimea for many decades, made it its fruit. his native land and how he would continue his work upon the return of crimea to ukraine, so what the enemies were trying to achieve, well, actually they don't need ours or our people, and even i am not sure that they do not need land, but they need such a martian landscape, on which they would sit like a seed dog, and in fact
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an army. they only need parts there in crimea, everything else is scenery and hostages for them, we remember how in the 14th year, when the invasion of crimea was developing, they actually used the civilian population as hostages and put them in front of their armed men, when captured and stormed ukrainian military units, the same is true now, is there no risk, that's okay, we will we still be able to surround crimea? deprive him of his connection with russia, and there will remain many armed russians and at the same time many ukrainian citizens who will be hostages in such a situation, on the one hand, i understand that these are our ears and this is a partisan movement, a resistance movement, on the other hand, these are also hostages, these are our people who found themselves in such a difficult situation, so how can we be here? this is a really difficult
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issue, and our representatives of the authorities, their military e.


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