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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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this truce is not negotiated with the usa and france, and russia with china and there with turkey or saudi arabia, but for this it is necessary to first make the living conditions of the population in both countries intolerable, this is the only possibility to bring to some kind of finalization of the conflict, or putin realizes that he does not have the resources for a long, high -intensity war, then he also tries somehow to do all this, well, now it seems that he does, at least according to his statements, which he has so far. so far according to statements, what are putin's statements, to us it is necessary, it is necessary not to count words, but money, so far so far, but one more statement of biden is interesting, it is that washington does not give the opportunity to hit the united states of america with its weapons in moscow, there, the kremlin, well as i understand it, according to some such plan of objects or cities. ah-ah
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this, conditionally speaking, is also a certain red line that they did not cross, maybe on the contrary, they initially talked about the fact that it is possible to strike only on the border territories, and now it turns out that in the future they will cross and this conditional red line, they will not cross, no , but again, it is rather the crossing of another red line, earlier they said that you can strike only at border positions, now a certain object has been found that you cannot strike at, there you cannot strike at kremlin on putin's residences, on the ministry of defense, on something like that, in general, it would penetrate the territory of russia, as i understand, in such logic it is possible if it is a military object, well , how many 360 km are there, as far as i understand, we were given the opportunity to strike, if it is a military facility, why 360, because we have such in stock types of weapons, there are simply no others, well , even these kilometers, they are very seriously destroying russia's potential, and... and will create
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serious problems for the further destruction of the infrastructure of the ukrainian territory. again, when putin talks about prolonging the war, he still wants it to end as soon as possible. well, a year, well, two, if he understands that it is 10 years, well, he is not a boy, sorry, to wage a multi-year war of attrition without any significant results, he is also absolutely not interested, he is interested in it ending with a result. on her own war is not an outcome, it is a tool to gain empire. if you don't get the empire, you will get only problems, you also start to think about how to get out of this situation, it seems to me, at least, i am not putin, but it looks so logical, many experts, by the way, well, of course, it is in question, i have to say that russia will attack nato there. we have already discussed it with you here, and so we are quite skeptical about it. to the fact
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that, in principle, russia can attack any, even there, let's take the baltic countries, yes, but they are trying to talk about it, is this a possibility, or is it an excluded question at all? well, listen, you just need to realistically evaluate the capabilities of the parties, russia can of course strike some kind of attack on the territory of a nato country, it has such military and technical capabilities, because the question is what will happen next, if nato and russia have... nuclear weapons, then this means that a nuclear conflict between them is excluded. from the point of view of conventional weapons, nato member states, in principle, have an advantage over russia by many hands and times. i remind you again that we we have been fighting with russia for 2.5 years, with old weapons, we hardly receive new equipment. here are all these famous f-16s that we are trying so hard to achieve. to receive from the west,
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these are the same planes of the old batches, however, for the most part, and our pilots learn to fly them, the pilots of the western military forces do not need to be trained to fly f16 planes from the new series, they know how. now imagine that russia attacked someone, and the army of a nato country simply bombed its military facilities on the territory of russia, simply because russia has nothing to answer. for all these they took missiles for all these planes and all this equipment and bombed everything they could, that's how. bombed our territory in february, march 2022, it was not a massive strike, nothing remained, the memory of russian military potential, everything is burning, what will russia do, will they drop an atomic bomb, will they drop it too, or will they just say: oh, you know, we were wrong, let's talk about the de-escalation of the situation in europe, already on whose terms, this is the story of slobodan milosevic, who did everything and did everything. they didn't
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start bombing him, again, if they had there were no nuclear weapons, putin could feel free, but they have them, he can only threaten us, he can't threaten them, again the techies. since they are stronger, well, let's even imagine that his contingent will be stationed in latvia, well , there is nothing good in this, for the residents, we are not talking about this, whether in lithuania, whether he will cut the suval corridor, well, that's how milošovych's troops were in kosovo all the time, while there was a nato operation against serbia, they stood in kosovo, and that, at this time, everything was burning with a blue flame in serbia and montenegro, well, the same will happen to russia precisely, understand, andrei, that is why when our experts talk about... how putin can attack nato countries, they do not take into account such a moment, whether the russian army can capture one or two baltic countries, maybe these are small countries with a small population, maybe it will capture them and at this time there will be a nato operation against russia, if there is no operation,
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it will be the collapse of the united states, and the united states cannot afford a collapse, because it is also an economic collapse, it is a collapse of everything, the dollar, the economy, after that you can arrive. curl to china, and the russians understand this very well, and there will be a demonstrative whipping, demonstrative, but no one will shoot at the kremlin, the kremlin will be all beautiful, you can stand, walk, go to, what do you call, to gum, and there on big screens you see the message that the airfield in wengels has been destroyed, and in 15 minutes the airfield in... until comrade and in 15 minutes a military unit flies hf 17:05 can you wrap me these wonderful, so to speak, underpants from a chinese company , hello, because somehow i want wear them under
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pants against the background of such information. this is how it will be, even putin can go for a walk in the rubber at this point, no one will touch him, if you... think that putin is such an idiot that he can't calculate these simple things, then you are wrong, russia always attacks the weak, mind you, they once dealt with a strong enemy, if they miscalculated and considered someone weak to be weaker than he is, what happens in the russian-ukrainian war, and in the war with japan, and in the wars with turkey, always happened when there was weakness ... immediately russia was losing all its own opportunities and potential, whether it was involved in long wars, but of course, you know, it is a great feat to attack small georgia, which has a smaller population than some russian region and show what heroes we are here, how they are heroes, a hero is not a person, which
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is trying to fight with a child, and shows that this little child, she is running away from her and wants to negotiate peace somehow, that's all... if you have 140 million in your country or 120 and nuclear power and everything, and you start war with a country with a population of 2-3 million, just about what courage, wow, you just know, incredible courage, you just wonder, and the same with ukraine, even this war with ukraine is a shame, a country that can use its nuclear potential to wipe humanity off the face of the earth within a few hours, is at war with a state in which there is no... residential blocks were destroyed and this is proof of russian power, you see, it just doesn't fit on your head, but they are like that, it's always been, well
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, that's of course, because it's the logic of a gopnik, and if with there is someone stronger, oh, come on we will talk about the peaceful coexistence of the people. well, what if we draw an analogy between china and taiwan? here we draw this analogy, you said that the united states of america will react and must react, and here the question is not even that russia... will invade or strike a nato country, purely in theory. we well understand that china, in the person of xi jinping, has certain plans on the table, which lie, at least in them, regarding the occupation of taiwan, well, it
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is called, it is difficult to call it an occupation, regarding the military solution of the taiwan issue. in they call it in their own way, but what the united states of america does then depends on that. to what extent they will be ready to fulfill their obligations that they have regarding taiwan, but they have these obligations, and there is also a policy of strategic ambiguity. the people's republic of cathay does not know. what will the united states do, that is, in theory, they can similarly strike at the military bases of china, they can strike at those military bases from where they will strike at taiwan, they can introduce their fleet and sinking the fleet of the people's republic of china may help the taiwanese on the island itself, but again i don't think it will happen for the simple reason that an attack on taiwan could cause the collapse of the prc economy, and sidzheng ping is not an idiot either, he understands this very well . you see, between taiwan and china, well
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, this must also be realized, unlike between russia and ukraine, the integration of the economies of the mainland and the island is so serious that a forceful solution to the issue can simply become, i would say such a boomerang, that is why the chinese all time will blackmail taiwan, that if the taiwanese will advance to the idea of ​​independence. it may lead to a forceful solution, but if a certain status quo is maintained, i don't think they will risk a military strike, anything happens, but i think we will see chinese military strikes in other places, in the philippines, where there is no such thing a clear understanding that there will be an economic conflict, there may be a clash of some military force, america, and china also has its own territorial interest there. but here
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it's just so stupid to go to taiwan, well listen, and the chinese have already tried to take it many times, it's that they didn't try, they tried, and what do you think their army was weaker than taiwan's, they still knew , that there is a certain red line that cannot be crossed, and that was during the time of mao zedong, who was a much more serious person than, than... xi jinping, well, times were, a little bit different, so, again , i can give you guarantees only with an adjustment for the mental state of the people who are in charge authoritarian states, but to be honest, zidzenpin seems to me to be a much more adequate person than putin in terms of his behavior, all zenpins are unlike putin, the big apparatus school, putin's problem is that he does not have this school, and all dzimpinevos. yes, you know, sidzembi was already born not in some spitting alley in
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leningrad, in the family of one of the leaders of the communist party of china, he is a prince, yes, he had moments of repressive, repressed father, re-education, but they were all there , this is such a story, but he is partisan prince, and this is a special caste of people, you know, if you understand how these people generally look at the world, they look at the world differently than these people who do not make a party... career and do not grow up in party families , and this applies to all hermetic organizations, so the principle of the communist party of china is just such a hermetic sect of people with great experience and understanding of their capabilities, like some party nomenclature in the soviet union or even the princes of hamas, these are completely separate people, so with them very difficult to negotiate, but together with this, they imagine a situation in which the entire infrastructure, an authoritarian organization, is located. well, that is, we still came to the conclusion that there is no direct analogy,
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there is no direct analogy, because again there is another economic cooperation, by the way, you notice that russia still continues to supply its gas through ukraine, and now they are looking opportunities to agree to continue this transit, at least on certain routes, such as transnistria, let's say, i think there will be some more. searches, and this despite the fact that we have practically more economic integration there is none, and still even this moment of integration is always taken into account during war. now imagine that the integration between russia and ukraine is one thing, the integration between china and taiwan is something completely different, dozens, hundreds of times more important than the integration between russia and ukraine and for the world economy, for the economy of the chinese people's republic you name everything. totally agree here, we have a short break,
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of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. the project is close to politics. around the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with seestre au. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on spresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts, analytics from a major of the armed forces. as make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. watch the news at 9 p.m., the results of the week. the upcoming global peace summit in switzerland has already polarized the world. a new package
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of american military aid to ukraine worth 225 million dollars and mirage planes from france. defenders of ukraine, the work of snipers of the first separate special brigade named after ivan bohun. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. saturday politklub pryamiy oter, we'll be back after short break and we still have 10 minutes to discuss another important topic. we live in europe. therefore, it is clear that we need to talk about the elections to the european parliament, and this time, these days, we see in europe, in the european union, the triumph of right-wing forces, right-wing, center-right, or such radical right-wing forces, for the first time in a rather
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long period of time, now elections are gradually taking place in various countries, well , in particular, we talked about france on the program, elections are taking place in italy, in hungary, well, tomorrow everything will be over, tomorrow everything will end, as this shows, the radicalization of europe, new political forces that gain leadership positions and profess right-wing views, europe is becoming radicalized, people's views are changing, i don't think so, first of all there are elections to the european parliament - always a protest vote, because most people who go to the european parliament elections know that their vote will largely change nothing in their own countries, but take the opportunity to express their disagreement with the current government in this way. although when they come to the national polling stations, they look at the situation completely differently. time. second, the very formula for summing up the results
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of the elections to the european parliament is significantly different from those formulas used in the majority of european countries. to sum up the results of elections to national parliaments or presidential elections. because it implies respect for, let's say, the interests of the regions. there are federal ones, some priorities, there are party lists, there is a need for the importance of voting for a party, for a specific candidate, for each the country has its own, here it is common, that is why, by the way, marina lippen's party always wins in the elections to the european parliament, and always loses in the elections to the french parliament, the same people, because the counting procedure is completely different. votes, so if we say now that marine le pen will obviously win the elections to the european parliament, it means nothing in her real destiny. do you remember nigel
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farage, the leader of the uk independence party? he was a member of the european parliament, and that was always the main thing at the time of his political activity, as a member of the european parliament, he headed this party and fought for exit. great britain got out of the european union, and where he is now, you don't know, he is now as the leader of the reform party, trying to get into the british parliament, but the trick is that he always tried to get into the british parliament and never got in, because it's one thing to choose in great britain, there were elections to the european parliament based on party lists, that was voting for the party, and another matter was individually he won an election, he was never... well, he wasn't elected, the man who led the party that led to brexit was always at
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the door of the house of commons, and everyone accepted that, but we still can't deny it , that the political forces of the right wing have significantly strengthened their presence for ten years, yes, but they are also changing, well, first of all , it is absolutely obvious that... the elections will be won in any case, let's say, moderate conservatives, but the influence of the right will increase, but these rights are trying to shift, if you will on the left, just before the elections to the european parliament, marine le pen appeared at a joint political event with george meleni, and they are rivals, well, meleni's truth was virtual, marine le pen is actually in madrid at... the party congress at the vox party rally, but she not only did she do that, she excluded from the ranks of her group in the european parliament deputies of alternatives for germany, that is, the more radical right-wing forces
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can no longer find a common language with those forces that were previously considered more radical, that is, over time, the conservatives are moving to the center, and the ultra-right understand that a niche has become vacant and are moving... it is moving to the left, they become right-centered , they become right-centered, that's exactly why, no, and plus, we also have to remember that some of them, becoming the authorities somewhere, as in italy , in the same place, essentially with three of the three political forces now form a coalition, including the right-wing radicals, but they went to the center, relatively speaking , because they are the power and they can no longer afford to do so. just the slogan, as soon as as soon as the far-right or far-left is at the helm of power, he immediately begins to experience huge problems in terms of
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his slogans, this is how it happens, by the way , with the far-left supporters of prime minister sanchez in spain, he created a coalition with the far-left parties , sumar, this is the former ultra-left movement podemos, but were forced to agree with many of its non'. decisions, and also moves a little closer to the center, remaining a real ultra-left with the possibility of becoming more radical, and this is such and such a brownian movement, therefore in fact, i think that marine le pen would like to become like george melena, she would like to become the president of france and a center-right, and by the way, if i'm not mistaken, marie le pen is no longer ... allegedly going to run for president and there she is preparing someone else, uh, i can't remember the name, i'll have to look,
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but her boys. is also moving forward, she understands that she has no chance of becoming president, and this person may have, because he is younger, because he is younger and less radical, and they don't say, no there is no political ground for marine le pen, of course, that is, there is such a story, then again, all these radical rightists, who are no longer as radical as they were. they are forced now again to find a common language on a fundamental issue, which is very important for us, there is a real split in them only on one issue, the issue of the attitude towards russia, and this is the issue of money, and it turns out that these ultra-right, who did not take money from moscow, are much more popular than those of the far right who took money from moscow, but let's look at the balance of forces, say meleni and salvini, salvini is famous. close
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political ties with russia, and maloni does not, the prime minister is still maloni, not salvini. the same in france, marine le pen is gradually moving away from his traditional sympathies for vladimir putin. it is also an absolutely obvious thing, so in this sense, if these far-rights move to the center, they immediately begin to realize that good relations with russia spoil their future political reputation. mastodon. such as the late silvio berlusconi, could, could to hold on to the hems of vladimir putin's jacket until their last dying hour, but they understood that their time was running out, and for them, relatively speaking, the old mutual scheme, which had been worked out for ten years, was more important than the political future, and now you imagine that you come to such a party as a young activist, and you understand that if you continue to talk about how good russia is, how it is the custodian of european values, nothing will shine for you, and you
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want to be... not just a member of the european parliament and not just deputy national assembly of france, you want to be prime minister, and you understand that with this background, you will never become prime minister or minister of anyone, you will forever spend time in the opposition, like, by the way, marin lippen did not hold, but now let's see how the austrian freedom party will be there, let's say, which is getting rid of this train of ties with moscow, it is gradually returning to active political life and becoming the... more popular party in austria, that's why it is also very important point that we are talking about we have to say when we talk about the elections to the european parliament, but without a doubt, you are absolutely right here, andriy, that in the coming days you and i will really realize just the social component, how many people in europe are really ready to support the ultra-right and ultra-left, and ultra-nationalists, this we must also not forget about these parties, party movements, i think that now
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in the new european parliament the influence of... the far-right will increase, which will be closer to the centrists, now the centrists, the influence of the far-left will weaken, and to weaken, by the way, surprisingly, the influence of ultra-national parties, which also have their own special group there, which dreams of the independence of certain european territories, this is also such an interesting moment, thank you, thank you mr. vitaly, thank you to our viewers, of course, for what happened during these two hours with the espresso tv channel, the saturday politko... and we wish you a good evening, peaceful days and may you be well, we will see you in a week.
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today about the hottest areas on the front, what to expect from the global summit of peace, about help in the framework of the pda procedure and much more? i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, iryna koval is in the studio, and this is the news, the results of the week. and let's start with the situation at the front. the situation remains tense, but under control. in the night summary, the general staff indicates that the hottest remains in... the opposite direction. the enemy does not stop trying to find weak points in our defense. with continuous assault actions, he is trying to wedge himself into the order of battle of ukrainian units. fighting continues in the districts of novooleksandrivka, yevgenivka and sokol. the defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation and prevent the advance of the enemy, the general staff informs. combat actions also took place in kharkiv, kupyan, and lyman.
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seversk kramatorsk kur.


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