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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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and why exactly he gave the name to the whole region, it is the first millennium bc, the early iron age, on the territory of the northern trans-black sea, on the territory of ukraine , there is a big, big shift, political, ethnic, er, there is a mixing of peoples, from nomadism, let's say so, and there is such a people on the territory of ukraine who live quite isolated, known to us from written sources, and in fact, whose culture... remains quite incomprehensible to the greeks and to written sources, and these are precisely those tavry, about which you speak herodotus tells us about the tauri tauri, saying that they were a tribe that did not help the scythians in the fight against the persians, and the persian, persian confrontation for the greek world was a problem of survival, as well as information from written sources and information archeology points to... the fact that the taureans are interesting,
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an interesting phenomenon, because there are no sources, relatively speaking, written about their origin, but what roman sources give us later, they also say that the taureans who lived in the crimea mountains, were engaged in piracy, and even destroyed roman ships returning to the territory of the roman empire in 49 ad after. during the bosporus-roman war. tavry, and actually this aspect of tavry and the name of the peninsula is very important here. who calls brands brands? we don't know what they called themselves, the greeks actually call it that, but who calls crimea taurida? russia, the russians in order to be, the russian empire, in order to separate this greek heritage. yes, this word taurika was familiar to the greeks, but it... was about
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only the narrow coast of the coastal strip, which ended with the crimean mountains, but in order to actually assimilate, rewrite history, after the annexation of crimea to russia , the concept of taurida began to be applied to the peninsula, that is, it is actually possible, as i understand it , to call the tauris one of the first such autochthonous population of crimea, so we can say that this is a mysterious people. but this is a people who, in fact, lived in the south of the crimea, quite isolated, did not mix with any other peoples, actively fought, let's say, with that by romanization itself, even if it is a mixture of destroying roman ships, and who died under unclear circumstances, because later roman sources speak of tauroscythians or scyphotaurus, that is, we can say that this is a population which. mixed, and which testified
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to the actual departure of such great powers as skivsk, as skivsk tribes, as sarmatian tribes to the territory further outside the crimea, and in fact it was, so to speak, the last region, the last, the last refuge in the crimea of ​​great ethnic formations, and it was associated with itself with the impregnability of the crimean mountains and the geographical isolation of this territory. one such interesting people that appeared in the crimea at one time were the goths, i know that even there in the 13th century, when the genoese were already in the crimea in the south, they called this territory gothia, or southern gothia, and accordingly, the goths were a powerful phenomenon, and if my memory serves me correctly, the goths split up in a certain period of time. africa, will lead to spain. actually, what kind of a goth? in the crimea and how long this term
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such as gothia lasted at that time, when the goths appear in the crimea, yes, they appear in the third century of our era, and this is most likely a negative episode for civilization and for the crimean population , because the goths occupy such a position of the elite, the elite in this area and begin to control, well, they begin to control the ancient cities of the polis, if i am not mistaken, but when... the goths captured roman spain, there was a huge amount of this romanized population, and such a small bunch of goths came and then captured spain and owned it, created this kingdom there on those lands, then here the same situation looked something like this, yes, approximately like this, because they are occupying, occupying, offering their services as a military power power to the bosporan kingdom, for example, or form their own kingdom, again in the foothills, capturing. territory,
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which could allow to control the trade routes, so they played a bad joke with what remained of their ability to assimilate, they professed christianity, the truth is in... its format of arianism, and this christian religion coincided, well, it became the reason that mixed marriages took place, and they simply stopped, stopped self-identifying and dissolved with the local greek population, which also professed christianity, but the loss, well, their military power, for some time played a certain role in the kingdom of theodore and there, well, in the abyss. crimea, this, by the way, is the state of feodoro, with the magus capital mangub, it is goth-tatar, that is, it is such a mix of different nationalities, different peoples, but at the same time, the goths were considered the main ones there, yes, because they could offer both property
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support and military abilities, they were actually the backbone of this society, and full stop gothic history is possible. to say , the ottoman empire put it, one can assume so, but on the other hand , their small number put an end to it, because they assimilated, there was no influx of a new population that would be purely ethnic-god, and actually these two factors played on the fact that they dissolved, dissolved and accepted the rules of the game, a more dominant population, especially since the khanate was already such a powerful insulator or such a factor that limited advancement. the roman khanate, which did not allow new people, new inhabitants, or new ethnic groups to come so actively, which would feed these goths. in ukraine, in particular, of course, the main and indigenous people are the ukrainians, but in 2014
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the verkhovna rada of ukraine spoke and approved that there are three more indigenous peoples, the karaites, krymchaks and crimean tatars, if we hear about the crimean tatars, we know more about them. heard more about them and know about the crimean khanate, the karaim and krymchaks are a big mystery for most ukrainians, who they are, where they are from, how they came about and why they are indigenous peoples of crimea. i'll start from the end. why are they indigenous peoples of crimea? because unlike other nationalities living on the territory of crimea, these representatives, these peoples did not have another statehood or another territory that would be connected with their area. well residence, this is a very important factor, that is , there is no diaspora anywhere, and they did not create another statehood and did not belong to other states, except outside crimea. the karaim and krymchaks are also in such a unique position that
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their ethnogenesis, that is, where they came from and what their origin is, has not yet been determined ethnically. for today. today, according to statistics , there are approximately 2,000 karaites and less than 2,000 krymchaks living in the world, and in ukraine in particular, this is very little, that is, for the ethnic group in order to to be preserved, it is, well, in fact, in a few decades, it may completely disappear as an ethnos, or dissolve into something larger, and that is exactly why this was a very good opportunity at the legislative level for... that there are such peoples and to try to activate their study and preservation of their cultural heritage. again, in the history of the study of these peoples , the fact that the greater part of the source base of documents created by the representatives themselves and
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the examples of writing, books, other signs played a very important and negative role of such epistolary heritage are in st. petersburg, in the library. named after soltykov shchedryan, and they are not freely available, they are not available for research, the representatives of the karaim and krymchaks themselves worked on their own history, but there is still no clear point of view where they came from, it is assumed that these are peoples of turkic origin, but a big role is played by the presence of judaism there, the confession or non-confession of judaism and admixtures of islam, the history of the karaites... you can even study help with the help of the museum and monuments that are outside the crimea. the karaim are very interesting because, for example, there is a museum of the karaim in halych, ivano-frankivsk region, and you can familiarize yourself with the cultural monuments and
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peculiarities of the life of the karaim families who lived at the beginning of the 20th century. according to legend, the karaites found themselves on the territory of western ukraine at the invitation of danylo. danylo, and because they were good merchants, and they were engaged in trade here, karai. i will interrupt it like this, that is, it turns out that at the moment when king danylo lived, at least. was more, well, because if there were such a small percentage of them, it is unlikely that danylo would somehow be able to cooperate with them, or would know in principle where the galician was, and where the crimea and the karaites were, because the karaites had already settled in the 13th century, let's say the role of trade controllers and between the eastern, between the crimean khanate and turkey and, accordingly, the western regions, they traded such goods that were relevant at all times and... for example, it was all an industry among them, for which they, so to speak , answered, this is cultivation and trade
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tobacco, yes, crimea, they were also involved in salt trade, it is interesting that in the 19th, even in the 19th century in the russian empire, three karaite firms were engaged in the tobacco trade, exclusively, here, and as sources indicate that on 80 karaite families came to halychyna to... the second large karaite community is located on the territory of modern kharkiv oblast, and on the territory of kharkiv oblast you can see their religious building kinasa, which was called where you can see the peculiarities of belief. regarding the krymchaks, the situation is much different more complicated, because the krymchaks were exterminated in 1941 by the german occupation authorities on the grounds that they practiced judaism. and therefore they are accused of orthodox judaism, although this is also a local population that
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was formed on the basis of ethnic elements that were connected with the khazar khaganate, yes, that is, in the khazar khaganate, i remember, there is still religion, elites, this actually there was judaism, yes, that is, in fact, it can be said that these former could have been... leaders, well, that is, the descendants of the leaders of the khazar khaganate, or is it just a little bit like a theory more, it is more like a theory, but judaism came to the krymchaks precisely because of the power and the capabilities of the khazar khaganate, in relation to the khazar khaganate and these turkic peoples, they unite both the karaites and the krymchaks, due to the fact that there is no final version of what happened as jews, as representatives of jewish families... lived on the territory of the crimea and how could the ethnogenesis of these
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communities take place, right? i just thought to myself, it is interesting, the ratio, whether there were any such cases, maybe there was coexistence or cooperation jews, that is, jews, and actually krymchaks, as people who also profess judaism, that is , did they have any such moments of coexistence, there must have been moments of coexistence, because they both... both peoples were engaged in trade, but they had a striking the difference in belief, because the krymchaks recognize only the tanach, and that is why there are actually differences in worship, eh, what is interesting is that, for example, the karaites are not, do not belong to judaism, because the very name karaim is their ethnic self-name, and it is connected with the fact that in the profession of faith does not need, it does not need anyone, and that is, karaim is the one... who reads, that is, they independently read the sacred books and independently interpret them, actually this is from
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the point of view of traditional religion from judaism, this is unacceptable behavior, let's say so, therefore here we have such a very in the religious situation itself there is a very interesting ethnic diversity, because the place of residence, the presence of three great facts... of christianity, judaism and islam causes that these two peoples are indigenous, but choose two opposite paths on the ways of development of their own spiritual culture. on the basis of the fact that the krymchaks practiced orthodox judaism, we do not have their religious buildings, which were called kalas, they were destroyed both by the german authorities, later by the soviet authorities, they are also mixed, and you can see and learn about the kinases, kinases.. . this is an interesting feature, the kinases are oriented towards jerusalem and
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the karaites pray, taking off their shoes when entering the temple, yes, women also have a separate room, and you can see it all that way today, and finally, we will move on to the people of the crimean tatars, the largest people, if i am not mistaken, the largest of them, actually a non-ukrainian population, not in ukraine, in turkey, now the crimean people live the most. tatars, some ukrainians to the end, not even that they believe such a myth that the crimean tatars are the descendants of the mongol-tatars, who at one time came to the crimea and stayed, and here they... stayed, why us, for example, they say , to call the crimean tatars the indigenous people of crimea, if they are the descendants of the mongols there, in fact, the crimean tatars and the mongols have absolutely nothing in common, and the crimean tatars were formed on the basis of previous peoples who lived in the crimea, namely on the basis of whom, that is, who are the ancestors of the crimean tatars, from which peoples was this people formed? modern researchers
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of the crimean-tatar history of the history of both, let's say, sides, ukrainian and crimean-tatar... are of the opinion that the crimean tatars absorbed the heritage of all the peoples who lived, starting with the kemerites themselves. the big one is the skivsky component, the big one is the sarmatian one component, khazars, avars, huns and all, even partially the remnants of the greek population, because among the crimean tatars marriages between greeks, rums and crimean tatars were common. crimean tatars are not such a homogeneous phenomenon. so they were formed on the basis of the nagai people who came to the northern black sea region, to the steppes of the northern black sea region, and ethnically they were divided into three large groups, just like the scythians, the scythians were divided into three, so the crimean tatars were divided into their turn on the steppe, coastal and mountain, and actually
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crimean tatars, as a single monolithic ethnos in our understanding, appeared only in the 40s in connection with deportation, that is, their facts... make the political regime one, one community, in the 13th century, in the 12th, in the 11th century , these were three different groups that were united by a commonality of material culture and beliefs, but ethnically, that is, ethnogenesis and their, well, their peculiarities, they were different, and they consisted even in everyday life, in crafts, in the way of life. economic, it was a very big difference between them, if i am not mistaken, in one in some scientific article, i read that the polovtsians, who studied history well at school, knows how the polovtsians, together with the russian princes, fought on the kalka river against the mongols who came in 1223, and the polovtsians are the main ethnic group around which all other
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ethnic groups joined and formed the crimean tatar people, i.e. to what extent... there is a really great role of such nomads, for example, as the polovtsy in the formation of the crimean tatar people. eh, the kipchaks of the polovtsy, they played an important role, so important that writing crimean tatars, it is based on their own, on the polovtsian, on the polovtsian basis, so, for example, the same can be said of the karaims and the kipchaks, the crimean tatars, i apologize, what unites them is that their writing is based on the judean square... writing, that is , the polovtsy, yes, they play a very important role in the formation of the crimean tatars as an ethnic group, as a group that will live in the crimea and engage in the actual, form the basis of this crimean khanate. you talked about the fact that there are three options, not options, three ifs parts of the crimean tatar people, and each of
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those parts were somehow separated from each other, they were separate, we know, in the same way... they used the example of the scythians, that there were different tribes in the scythians, and one of the tribes, the royal scythians, she, it was the main one, that is, it ruled over all, we also know that the crimean khanate there was a dynasty of hirays or hirays, and that means it was also representatives of one of these specific parts of the crimean tatar people, who ruled all the others, subjugated others? no, the giraev dynasty, to understand the giraev phenomenon, you can compare it with the history of the ukrainian people, that the rulers in kievan rus were representatives of the rurik dynasty, they came from scandinavia, yes, but the population they ruled was slavic and they never, well, no, no, no, let's say so, no, the varangians did not play such an important role, because they were only a dynasty, just like with
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the herai dynasty, the crimean tatars were a population that formed the basis of the crimean... khanate, but the khans were actually representatives from another dynasties and other ethnic groups, and therefore, later on, assimilation takes place in the same way as the processes took place in kyivan rus. today, people were talking about the peoples who lived in crimea even before the formation of the crimean khanate: karaites, crimean tatars, krymchaks, greeks, goths, armenians and many others, each of them left their contribution to the history of crimea. we talked with our guest, this is... anastasia aukova, candidate of historical sciences, at the center of the department of archeology and history of ancient civilizations of the lviv national university ivan franko. thank you anastasia for your conversation and your work. thank you very much for yours. educational activity, well, i remind all those who not only listen to our program, but also watch it on youtube, be sure to subscribe and do not forget to comment and like, allergies are not
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about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zurets. but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the carrot field war with me and the news sports yevgena pastukhov talks for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news, alina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. extraordinary look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and
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in america they also say, let's make better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. maria gurska meets with the head of the polish foreign affairs committee every week the sejm, authorized by the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics, about the world with maria gurska, every sunday. 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestria au. congratulations. on wednesday, putin
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met with foreign news agencies. well, you know, this meeting itself, in principle, you can say, it is like that a separate action carried out by russian propaganda, because after a very long time , they showed that putin is already becoming some, you know, a figure with whom you can talk, at least for the time being decent to journalists, or semi-decent, and this in fact, very bad, because before, of course, there were some general press conferences of putin, where, well, foreign media attended the meetings, well, they were given the floor, of course , one or two questions, i mean the western media, but that's it. .. a narrow circle did not have such meetings for a very long time, and in fact, it is not completely clear why the western intelligence agencies agreed to go there, because just going there,
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well, you know, it turned out to be enough, well, ambiguous, i would say, even humiliating, well, first of all, let's see who went there western agencies, not all, well, but here are the main participants who were there, and how they were represented. i invite to continue our conversation the editor-in-chief of global news of the british news agency reuters , ms. samia nahool, samia has traveled through a huge number of hot spots and it has been very difficult wounded in iraq. the head of the news service of the german press information agency is visiting us. agency martin romanchyk. by the way, martin does not know about our country for nothing, because in the 90s he worked as an in-house correspondent of dpa in moscow. i think it would be logical. not to deviate far from the european topic and give the floor to france, france, which quite officially allows the sending of european troops to the territory of ukraine.
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the editor-in-chief of european information is visiting us. correspondent in moscow, and quite logically now let's go to the country that is the leader in the number of sanctions against russia, this is the united states of america, 35 thousand sanctions have been imposed against us. joining us today at this table is james jordan, the editor-in-chief of the news service for europe and africa of the american news agency associated press. jordan. well, in principle, these are not the last people in the structure of these agencies, in the end i humiliated them as much as possible, because this whole meeting, first of all, it did not take place in some government institution, but in a commercial institution like gazprom, that is, in the big gazprom mansion that was built there in st. petersburg, well, and secondly, they sat there for half a day and... i would
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say with such a slightly mocking intonation to them, well, putin teased them a little when he came, that you sat here for half a day, well, well, i couldn't part with miller, i see him very rarely. if i may, i want to congratulate you all, you must have been kept in this tower for half a day. i apologize to you. very informed people here, i can't even imagine that i could tell you what you did don't know why did these, in principle, respectable western journalists come to putin to...
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what did they, what did they want to hear there? it is completely incomprehensible, because sitting in these companies, which they ended up in, are propagandists from belarus, iran, and china, these people heard exactly what they had already heard, well, during these two years, i don't know, hundreds of times and from the very putin, and from all the russian propaganda, and now it was thrown in their face in the most offensive way. form, well, because, you know, you don't have to go to people who did not shake hands at the event, well , as a result, we heard another set of delusions, we have never had any special relations with mr. trump, but what is happening in the states, you all know perfectly well, what is happening there in the course of domestic politics struggle, they are burning themselves from the inside, their state, their... after
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the second world war, the federal republic of germany was never in the full sense of the word a sovereign state. it is even surprising that no one in the current german leadership defends german interests. it is clear that germany does not have full sovereignty, but the germans do. i understand dependence in the field of politics, information policy. some big publication poked everywhere, i don't know where you work, but the ultimate beneficiary overseas, some american foundation, i applaud these american foundations, who implement this policy, well done, they hold the information glade of europe so tightly, we just led by the nose, but we did not start this war, the war began in 2014 after a coup d'état and
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an attempt to suppress those who were... disagreed with a coup with guns, we didn't attack, we defended ourselves, if you want to stop the hostilities in ukraine, stop supplying weapons, and these actions will stop within two months, three months at the most, three months at the most, that's what they've been saying all this time , all the things that you 've seen 150 times already, but for that you had to go and embarrass yourself there, you know, obviously, it's kind of, you know, an element of reflexive management, that is, and it's basically the result of that interview with tucker carson , which putin gave there a couple of months ago, precisely for to literally lure some such people to this meeting now, well no...


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