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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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dollars, and they obviously expect transparency, accountability, and also predictability from the ukrainian authorities, when effective team members, those who show results, those who really fight corruption, overcome it, and actually work for a substantial strengthening our defense capabilities are released without adequate... explanations and it is not clear what the reasons are, and also just a few weeks before the most important reconstruction conference, but it all looks really ugly and very frivolous on the part of the ukrainian government, well in fact, look at kubrakov, was he fired there , or did he fire in a couple of weeks, but a day's rent is paid in a day, so in fact he fired, but he was supposed to be present at this reconstruction conference, and you are also in berlin now, as far as i understand?
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that is, you will, you, you will be able to evaluate the participation of the ukrainian delegation? yes, absolutely, well, that is, for hire, this is one and was one of the top officials who works on issues of reconstruction, restoration, and literally until the last moment, his participation in the main conference on reconstruction and recovery was not agreed. obviously, this raises a lot of questions for our partners, yes, i am currently in berlin, i will be participating in... both days of the conference tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, obviously, from the stage, our partners will not openly express their displeasure diplomatically, but what is heard on the sidelines, the questions they ask the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian civil society, obviously express a significant concern for the processes taking place inside us. literally in an hour, maybe even less before the start of our broadcast,
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an order appeared in the office on... on the website of the president's office that yulia sverdenko, the deputy prime minister, will be the head of the delegation, and there is already a composition of this delegation, without hiring, of course he quit. see, in the cabinet of ministers , nayem's resignation was called an attempt to avoid an important report on the protection of energy facilities. in particular, the ukrainian media liga wrote about this. citing government sources. and that's exactly why, they say, nayem didn't go to the conference, because he was supposed to report to the fool. how about you such an explanation? eh, this explanation actually looks very strange to me, because i remember very well the winter of 22-23, and it was kubrakov's team, nayem's team, these were the people who worked on getting power equipment, transformers, who helped us to survive the last winter, in fact without blackouts, that is, their contribution to the strengthening of our... sphere of energy, well, that is
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, you can judge by their actions and their results, so to be honest, it looks more like coming up with a reason to actually justify political decision, political pressure before such an important event and to try to put on a good face with a bad game, and what is behind it, you say that this is a political decision, and what is behind it, what is the motivation of those who... and actually, who made the decision , you know, guess? well, obviously, and this, in fact, many media also write about it, experts say that there were certain misunderstandings between the president's office and the team of the ministry of reconstruction, and obviously, the decision was made in the president's office itself, and because of the fact that the recovery team in... they had a very
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there are a lot of your own contacts with international partners and when you have your own contacts with international partners, it harms your career in ukraine, the truth comes out, right? well, unfortunately, the head of the president's office yermamak, he wants to a certain extent to monopolize international activities, to control these contacts, so unfortunately, in today's conditions , it looks like a minus of a career in this team, how interesting. and we literally have little time left, and what do you expect from the conference in berlin? i am a very short excursion into history, because the first such reconstruction conference was held in lugano, then there ukraine asked for 750 billion, this approach, to put it mildly, did not really impress the donors, and ukraine returned home without money, there with only words of support, in london, i remember i remember, a year ago a similar conference was held, then rostyslav shurma, who represented the economic bloc and a player in the president's office, stood out. and he said that it was necessary to simply
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abolish cash, and then there in a wide space, this is how the conference with reconstruction, unfortunately, and what do you expect from the conference in berlin, some... perhaps breakthrough solutions, well, in fact, i am waiting, and this is what i will talk about from all available opportunities, it is of course air defense, air defense, because what reconstruction can we talk about if we cannot protect critical infrastructure objects, our cities and actually protect our energy, first of all, this is the reconstruction of our energy, because russia wants to destroy it in order for our cities to be undead rhymes next winter, and us both equipment and air defense are needed to avoid this worst-case scenario, and of course the german side plans to invite many businesses because they want the private sector to invest more in our rebuilding economy now. well, good
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wish. yes, thank you very much. olena galushka, member of the board of the anti-corruption center. we talked about expectations from the reconstruction conference in berlin, where the recovery agency team did not go. reconstruction of ukraine. thank you very much. well, a new one has been elected in the european union european parliament. as expected, the far-right eurosceptics improved their result, but the traditional centrist parties retain their overwhelming majority. now they are trying to form a coalition. now you can see exactly how the seats in the new european parliament were distributed. the european people's party won 185 seats, the most next. there is a progressive alliance of socialists and democrats, followed by the party "renew europe", and together these three leading parties receive, according to experts, more than 400 seats out of 705 that are in european parliament. at the same time, these elections turned out to be a failure for the french president, who prematurely dissolved his parliament, and
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also pushed the party of the german chancellor to third place and brought the worst result in the history of the political power of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, although it remains in the leaders. what trends are indicated? the results of the preliminary counting of votes, in which countries the right-wing parties were not supported, says correspondent zoriana stepanenko in the european union. the last and main day of the european elections. 21 people voted on sunday countries of the european union, among them the largest and most influential, which have the largest number of seats in the european parliament in proportion to the population. voters care about migration, climate change and their own well-being. compared to the previous elections 5 years ago, the list of priorities has been supplemented by the security of the continent against the background of russian aggression against ukraine. obviously, the war in ukraine with russia continues, so security is very important to me. we must be sure that nothing threatens europe.
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hopefully some hot heads in europe calm down a little, because we are taking a terrible risk, because russia cannot lose. political preferences of voters vary from country to country. as well as the ratings of their elected officials differ, for example, in poland , the centrist party of the current prime minister, who relatively recently won the local elections, is ahead of all. among the big, ambitious countries, among the leaders of the eu, poland has shown that democracy and honesty triumph here, that is where europe triumphs. less reason to cheer for the german government, chancellor scholz's party finished third, giving way to opposition and far-right alternatives for... germany, which was not prevented from getting more than 16% of the votes by pre-election scandals and accusations of possible connections with the kremlin, but the real triumph in these elections is in the right wing of france. we are ready to restore the country, protect the interests of the french, put an end to mass
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immigration, make the purchasing power of the french a priority, and begin the reindustrialization of the country. marine le pen, who at one time called the annexed crimea. russia and its french national association received more than 30%. closest competitor far behind, and this is the list of the incumbent president, who received half the number of votes. because of this, emmanuel macron decided to dissolve the parliament early. at the end of june , the french will choose a new one that matches their mood. this is not a good result for pro-european parties, including the presidential majority. the extreme right -wing parties, which in recent years have been opposing... significant progress in our europe, whether it is economic recovery, general border protection, support for farmers, aid to ukraine, these parties are achieving success everywhere on continent right-wing parties also lead in italy, austria and belgium. the belgian premier, in whose country
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parliamentary elections were held at the same time as the european ones, is resigning for the sake of the success of the right. the voices of the right will definitely sound louder in the european parliament, where political groups are formed from the national parties of the left. it was the right-wing forces that secured the best result in these european elections, judging by the increase in the number of their seats in the european parliament, but they still did not manage to win a majority here. arrangement key forces. remains unchanged. centrist and liberal pro-ukrainian parties retain the largest representation, despite a slight loss of mandates. among the right-wing are those who openly support russia and supporters of ukraine, but the scenario in which one or the other will be part of the coalition is considered unlikely. therefore, despite the success in the elections, the right-wing parties are unlikely to be involved in the distribution of the highest positions in the eu. the leaders of the eu countries have yet to agree on who will take them. therefore applicants are approved by the majority in the european parliament. from brussels zoryan stepanenko, radio liberty.
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rostislav khotyn, the international editor of radio liberty, joined our broadcast. rostyslav, good evening. good evening. i have this question for you. of course, we listened to detailed material from zoryana, but what conclusions can and should ukraine draw from these elections to the european parliament. and what are these results about? elections, in principle, ukraine is told, well , it will be a european parliament friendly to ukraine, such a solid mainstream central majority of about 450, even up to half a thousand deputies, let me remind you that the european parliament has 720 deputies, and a simple majority is needed, 361 votes, and there are 450 out of 500 deputies, then the second conclusion, the pro-ukrainian politician is very sympathetic to ukraine, supports during the war, for eu expansion, ursula fonderline. has a great chance to be re-elected for a second term, further, now the race is on who will lead
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other institutions, such as the eurocouncil, for example, is there a head of european diplomacy, or is the position of commissioner for defense of the european union, commissioner for enlargement being held for the first time, so now there will be a struggle for these positions, it is important that there were also pro-ukrainian politicians there, it is obvious that this european parliament, which has just been elected, will vote somewhere at the end of its term for ukraine's membership in the european union in... and further, this parliament is also mostly in favor of the further expansion of the european union without delay, which is beneficial ukraine. also, another conclusion for ukraine, it is necessary to work not only with the mainstream, there with the european people's party or there with the socialists and democrats, it is necessary to work with everyone, as ukraine works with everyone in the european union, the 27 eu members, because there are no unimportant ones, all are important, even small countries, the same in the european parliament, who did it? who works with the far-right, who works with the far-left, but no one, everyone goes to parties
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friendly to their menstriam factions and convinces those who are already convinced, but instead of also meeting with members of the european parliament, who may not be so inclined towards ukraine , who will tell the european right and extreme right, well, you are eurosceptics, you are populists, but why do you love putin, who will convince them that it is necessary turn away from russia, only ukraine? but this work is practically not done, further, there are forces also on the right spectrum that support ukraine in the war, but are quite skeptical about ukraine, ukrainian membership in the european union, here is a good example, for example, the polish party of law and justice, further we must not lose time, because the voting and the presidency of hungary will be very important, which ukraine may miss these six months, but then in the 25th year, poland will vote in the first half. it is necessary to make up for what will not happen in hungary it is done, lithuania - the 27th year, latvia - the 28th
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year, so that ukraine can reach the year 2030, how is such a benchmark, so to speak, a beacon for ukraine's membership in the european union in 2030 possible. also, the conclusion is that now the situation looks like that the western balkans, perhaps, will join moldova together with ukraine, so that in principle ukraine has already taken the western balkans forward, leaving a little behind, and so on. one conclusion is also that ukraine, moldova, coma, georgia, but georgia is slipping and nobody can wait for georgia will be, ukraine and moldova are dragging moldova along with it going to the european union, and it is necessary to somehow fix this in this european parliament in the new year 2030, as possible such a mobilizing, disciplining factor for european institutions, and for ukraine, for eu membership. actually, thank you, rostislav khotyn analyzed the elections to the european parliament that took place last year. thank you rostyslav. we have everything for today. i encourage
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you to subscribe to the radio liberty website. like this broadcast. in this way, you will support our work. well and tell us in the comments how much you liked the topics of the current broadcast. you can leave questions and wishes in the chat under this video. svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear, and a place of bravery in... no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end of our life. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their
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ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mom. well, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherniyka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts, which represent unbreakable discounts on stzfin of 20% in the pharmacies psylanskyk, bam and ochadnyk. mikay is good, it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. megu, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts, they represent. unbreakable discounts on foam steel. 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the usenorchevka war policies and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become like a day to many , next to me, she is ready to talk about the weather this weekend, as well as respected guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good
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day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, everyone. pick up the wounded in time from the battlefield - it means saving his life, giving a lift to bc, giving a lift to the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for... for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. greetings, i am asking for your help in finding this guy, his name is aurelio gonza. in this photo he is with his mother. here they are
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happy and smiling. the family lived in the city voznesensk, mykolaiv region. when... this photo was taken, the boy was still studying at school, talking and hanging out with friends, in other words, he was living the usual carefree life of a teenager, but in the summer of 2019, everything changed, the life of this family was divided into before and after. on august 17, 2019, aurelio went missing, that day he left the house for a walk and didn't come back, no calls, no messages, the guy... just disappeared. at first, his parents assumed that he had decided to leave home, but to this day there is no news from him. when aurelio disappeared, he came to us his mother asked for the help of the search. most of all, she wants to know at least something about her son, and although the search for him has been going on for more than four years, we still very much hope that
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with your help we will be able to find the boy, or at least get some information about him. so, don't be indifferent, please look carefully at the photo. since the disappearance, a lot of time has passed, the guy has certainly changed, but notice that aurelio is tall, about 180 cm, he has blond hair and brown eyes. from special signs on there is a scar on the lower back after the operation. so, if possible, you know where the guy might be, please contact us. at 116 30. our hotline is open 24/7 , so if you know anything about aurelio gonsa, please let us know right away. calls to the service hotline. search for children from all mobile operators in ukraine is free. and although aurelio disappeared as early as 2019, we will, of course, continue to look for him, because we really do not
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lose hope. for more than 20 years of work of the child tracing service, there have been such cases when a missing child was found after a year, three and even 10 years of searching. i have told you only one missing child story, in total. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have received thousands of requests for help in tracing, many children are now missing in the front-line areas or in the occupation, many boys and girls are deported to russia, but at the same time children disappear without a trace and for reasons not related to the war, usually they are teenagers who resort to running away from home. so the child tracing service has prepared a series of tips for parents from a psychologist about what... what should you do first of all to prevent the child from running away from home. let's listen. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his
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belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up. and what was normal in behavior with a small child is absolutely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example. we can't walk into a teenager's room without knocking. besides, we can't go into the bathroom when he's there. you can't rummage through his...clean things without permission, you can't read his correspondence, that everything violates his privacy, violates boundaries, makes him feel vulnerable and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, do we need that? so, please show respect for the child's personality, his personal space and his belongings, this is very important, and at the end, as usual, i ask you to give it to us. just a few minutes of your time, go to the magnolia children's tracing website, look into the faces of these missing boys and girls. maybe you
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recognize someone, maybe it's your care will be able to save the missing child and bring him back to safety. so, if you have any information about any of these children, please call our helpline immediately on 11630. calls are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the ukrainian
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voice of america program chas time, i'm yulia, is on the air from washington yarmolenko, congratulations. the results of the elections to the european parliament confirmed the growing popularity of far-right forces in the eu, although the centrists mostly kept their positions. the leading parties of france and germany suffered the biggest blow. olaf scholz's party showed the worst results in its history. after the victory of the far-right in france, president emmanuel macron dissolved the parliament and announced early elections, the first round of which should take place in three weeks. that these results and general political uncertainty in the most influential countries the eu can mean help to ukraine, this is an important week for ukraine in europe , we will talk about it with my colleagues, the head of the voice of america in eastern europe myroslava gongadze and our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin, they are in touch from berlin . congratulations, colleagues. congratulations. so, bohdan, first of all, if you look at the results of these elections, are there more or fewer votes in support of ukraine in the european parliament, and
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should we expect changes in eu policy? yulia, we now see a lot of numbers, and actually, this it would be an overload of our airwaves to present them all, as well as to predict, for sure, how a certain party or certain deputies will vote in... in the european parliament, when it comes to resolutions or decisions regarding ukraine, well, it is impossible to predict, but i i suggest that those who observe european politics watch the fate of ursula fonderlajen if, as we are now hearing from those who are trying to predict the situation, if indeed the european parliament is now again, as predicted, formed... a coalition based on yes so-called european the people's party, which had a majority there and will now be one of the leading forces, if it is formed and it can gather, together
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with... with partners, a force that will approve ursula fondernen as president of the european commission, if ursula fondelain continues to be president for the next re-election term, then this will mean that her line, her position regarding very strong support for ukraine, regarding support for aid to ukraine, regarding support for ukraine's course towards joining the european union, will have further support. in the european parliament, so we will watch this as one of many indicators. myroslav, the results of the elections to the european parliament in germany are called humiliating for the social democrats of olaf scholz's party. the christian democrats received the most votes in germany, the far-right alternative for germany showed great results. what can all this mean for germany and for berlin's support for kyiv. yes, yulia, unfortunately, i did not hear the broadcast.
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what bohdan said, but this is actually a new political reality here in germany, this a big loss, for the ruling coalition, for the ruling party, and for oleh sholtz, specifically for his policy, and i must say that to some extent he even admitted this defeat today, but this is the worst result that can be, and they rose in the rating, of course of the right-wing political party, of course the christian union... got the most 30% of the vote, but still this alternative, the german alternative, it did get 15%, and that means they are rising, and especially in the eastern regions of germany, already in september or in autumn there will be elections in three german states, and this is actually where this party is gaining weight
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and... it can actually undermine the positions, seriously undermine the positions of the ruling party, the ruling coalition, and statements have already begun to be made that schulz should resign. myroslav, what can this mean for berlin's support for kyiv? well, for now the prime minister says that they have to do their job, we will continue to support ukraine until the end, as long as we don't need it, but again it will depend. from how much he will be able to stay in power, today he reacted quite calmly, he said that there are risks from the right, but so far it is very difficult to say, after all, it is believed that the christian democrats, they are holding positions, and since they are in the european party, then it will support, so to speak, the general stability of support for
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ukraine. bohdan, the extreme right in france , led by marine le pen, won a significant victory. later in the evening, president emmanuel macron surprised probably everyone and dissolved the parliament. what is he trying to achieve in this way and can the political situation inside france have a negative impact on aid to ukraine. yulia, once again, i suggest to our listeners to remember that we are talking about different elections. on the one hand, we are discussing the results of the elections to the supranational european parliament. of the legislature and announced national elections in france, where the results will mean a likely change of government and a likely change of politics, that is, everything depends on how successful or unsuccessful the risky move of president emmanuel macron will be, if he really convinces france that the situation is too serious
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to play with various extreme forces, then maybe he will win, if, on the far right, the national union party, the party associated with marine le pen, will achieve the same success at the national level in france, as in the elections that have just passed in the elections to the european parliament, then there will obviously be changes, why? because on the one hand... the national union, marine le pen and jordan bardela, the young leader, the official leader of this party, they say that they are very sympathize with ukraine, they say that they are ready to help ukraine, and they have condemned russian aggression, but in between all this, let's say disgruntled statements that european sanctions are harmful.


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