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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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or at least reagan and thatcher, the whole western world now, especially the united states of america, is falling into gerantocracy, the two main candidates for the post of superpower, over hegemo, over people of very old age, these people are incapable of making decisions on a planetary scale level, well but there is also the fishing of history or the fishing of god, who reacts to it and how do they understand it, is it possible to coincide both negative and, by the way, and... positive of these moments of unpredictability , i fully suspect that our viewers are now rushing to find a soothing, which is at their home, on work, or where they are looking at us there, mr. peter, it must be, there would not be this war, if we as a whole community soberly since 1991, looked at geopolitics, i have a personal internal drama that i became known, it would be better to be unknown, shouted at... those sites
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there will be a blow, they clapped me on the shoulder, they said you are a wise guy, peter, but you are talking absolute nonsense, believe me, it was painful to experience, just now russia and belarus are conducting joint exercises for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, this is a demonstration just the power of intimidation, or seriously working out, at the moment these are the forces of intimidation, i will prove why, because there was a series of strikes on the highest strategic targets that exist in nature, i mean the voronesh m radar - it is an element of the nuclear deterrent of the strategic russian federation, a nuclear apocalypse is going on, and if this and will happen, it doesn’t matter where, where it will happen, whether from belarus or from russia, and we will not have to answer, because we will respond to any nuclear strike, whether tactical with an ordinary artillery projectile, or when the same one will arrive iskander, he can have a warhead up to 50 k-tn, we will not be able to answer in any way.
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the united states of america will be forced to answer this, i emphasize, forced, how they will answer, i have been racking my brain for two years and cannot give an adequate, honest, professional, reasoned answer, because this is a potential global nuclear apocalypse, several dozen warheads , of the megaton class can burn out the atmosphere, and if there is such a concept of a cube that existed at the end of the late soviet union, what is it, all the warheads that were accumulated... in the 80s, in the soviet union it is almost 45 00 warheads, in the americans within 35, we put it in a cube and divide this cube into 10 radial parts and there is only 1000, which is enough to destroy the earth at the same time . mr. peter, well, once again, now i put myself in the place of our viewers, they are watching, and they have this thought, he told us all this, and now what should we do with all this?
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and how do they live, and how do they live, let’s talk about how they live, and how do they live, and they live every god’s day since the 48th year of the constant war, what prevents them, prevents them from building a quality prosperous democracy, no, it does not prevent us, we have a false bubble, we are still in the third year of the war, but still a bubble, that some kind of miracle may happen, god, and we will return to the conditional year of 2012, when there europe is boiling, we will be happy, prosperous, there will be a professional army that will protect us, because we are learning lessons, lessons must be learned by society, not otherwise. ahead, a cascade of warriors - this cannot be changed, it is a constant, but this does not mean that life is canceled, life is not canceled, israelis 9 million fight every day of god against 2 billion enemies, i emphasize, 2 billion enemies around, who are ready to burn them in a nuclear catastrophe and can't, why, because there they put up a fierce resistance, when hamas struck, to the battle stavin, not benjamin everyone, i emphasize, every private...
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a resident, a young woman, 30 years old, saw that those bearded men were climbing, organized a circular defense, distributed weapons to everyone, but there is a nuance, everyone without exception, there were no exceptions, they took up weapons and knew how to use them, and that's not all less, it is a prosperous country, again, it is not necessary to follow the regime of exclusion, that one negates the other, exactly the opposite, one complements the other, pacifists can only be armed to the teeth, ready to resist, all the rest are illusions. you know, mr. colonel, just last week, it seems, lesia spoke with a well-known psychotherapist from lviv, but i will not mention his name, because he simply did not give permission for it, but a well-known politician also in the past, you can guess , maybe, respectively, who is it about, and he said that he now works a lot with uh, with post-traumatic stress syndrome in the military with veterans from the yak who were injured or just psychologically traumatized by... there, well
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, a machine gunner who, for example, killed a couple dozens of russians in one day, and he is simply blown away by this, he said a very good phrase: we are constantly thinking about how to resocialize, return to normality. of these people, who somehow returned from the front to the rear, says: well , we need to ask questions differently than we do to militarize the whole society, because this is our way, 100, even 100%, i am not me google, because an infinite number of googles share this point of view, one must militarize first of all in one's conscience, a good old roman saying, vivere militare s the word military is a struggle, life is a struggle, unfortunately, humanity has crossed paths. lo the concept of peace, immanuel kant is crying very hard somewhere out there, whether in hell or in heaven, where the lord determined him and his concept of eternal peace and the muscovites contributed to this, i emphasize once again, turn it back nothing is possible, the kindergarten should be military, forgive me for such cruelty, but otherwise we will not
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survive, kant is buried in köniksberg, which was occupied by the muscovites, now it is kilingrad, so he is not very well there. mr. peter, thank you for the conversation, petro chernyk, military expert of the regiments. of the armed forces of ukraine with its portion of a cold shower, dear friends, i hope that while there will be a pause, you will have time to digest all this information, we still have a portion of good information for you, we will continue to talk with the deputy general director of the company, who deals with rebs, aviaexpe expert, stay with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichu, we work in this studio for you when you sleep on an uneven surface... grebet is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, but with the matryk stopper, you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in
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of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as respected presenters guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent... and those who care in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september saturday 17:10, sunday. 18:15 at espresso. well, friends, exhaled after
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a conversation with petr chernyk, a military expert, if someone's hands are down, no problem, i know what to do to make those hands go up? you pick up the phone, open the camera on it and point to the qr codes that will now appear on our screen and donate to our military, to the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. on drones that will help our military to see where the muscovite positions are, where the muscovites are, what they are doing in order to hit them more precisely and accurately and very it is economical and rational to use artillery shells, because we still have fewer of them than the muscovites, but in order for it to be effective and effective, these drones are for this and qr codes are needed, you can see on your screens, monobank on the right, private bank on the left, which you scan with the privat-24 application, if you have one, if you don't have the application, if
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you don't know how to scan everything, at the bottom you can see the card numbers, on the left is the private bank, on the right, if i face the monobank screen, write down the card number or take photos, quickly, while there is such an opportunity, and transfer this money for our defenders. 23 00 is what separates us, already 22, it is what separates us from the mark of 4000 hryvnias, and in general we need... little by little we are moving with you for yesterday's 57, 54 thousand, i apologize, we collected, i hope, that the same amount will be for today, and maybe even a little more. in the meantime, we will talk with anatoly hrabchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company that deals with rebs and aviation experts. mr. anatoly, we are glad to see you. congratulations! sir anatoly, let's give it a little bit, because we were just talking about the fact that the third world war is no longer... on the threshold, our viewers are a little bit, well, someone says that he needs just sober information, i don't know at all what's going
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on here , well, what is wrong with the fact that the third world is possible, the same, for example, zelikov philip says that 20 percent is only a probability, that is, the chances are good that it will be avoided, let's talk about it, and here the question is simply , vezelikovo, by the way, i apologize, mr. antoly, that we are still continuing the previous conversation with mr. chernikom, with the colonel, the story is very simple there, he says... that in 2-3 years the european union and america will already increase the production of weapons and re-equip their armies so much that china will most likely not dare to have military adventures, but these two years two or three are the most dangerous, because they see that now there is still such a window, and they are now looking at what is happening in ukraine, this is good information, good, they all understand how important the war in ukraine is, is it is not good, isn't the fact that they give us f-16 proof of this? they are already here there will be, maybe there already are, let's start with the f-16, actually, the f-16 is already, already very, very close, gave
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an interview, by the way, gave an interview, by the way, the commander of the air force, yes, and it seems , and said that there was very interesting information in this interview, you too, mr. antoli, have heard that some f-16s may be at foreign airfields in general and there they will be repaired, restored, or even kept there , if they are simply not involved now, actions so that they are not in danger of being there under missile strikes, that is super information, i understand it correctly, won't it be too risky for romania, there is poland, i don't know who else is there, hungary can join in, well, let's start with the fact that russia is threatening to actually hit those airfields where to store ukrainian f-16 aircraft, but let's start with the fact that we, well, the number of aircraft is already known, the countries that transfer are known, but we can count that these... ukrainian aircraft are already abroad on a storage base, so again the kremlin's threats must be taken very seriously
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don't worry, because he and she and the russian federation are on it, to scare everyone and brandish weapons, but nevertheless, it should be noted here that it is actually a very correct approach regarding the use of, for example, the number of aircraft that will be used and the the number of aircraft that will be used, they will be, for example, stored at air bases. abroad, and here it should be noted that some of these aircraft will continue to train our pilots and help to obtain certain professional opportunities, because we must not forget that that in addition to... just piloting, you have to perform some combat tasks, everyone has seen the movie topgun the second part, where there was constant training to carry out one mission, so in fact we are talking about what is more important than the issue of grouping, direct work in the aviation chain, covering each other and carrying out combat
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tasks, and now our pilots are improving these capabilities. russians also usually train. today their su-34 crashed, together with the pilots they died, but this also, by the way, indicates that they they are also training their pilots, probably new ones and so on, and are very actively collecting their planes, replenishing their air fleet, but this is already the fourth case of a non-combat loss for the su-34 in two years of the full war, let's start with the fact that the fall of the plane occurred during redeployment from the mazdak airfield, over which our... unmanned aircraft system had recently flown, and therefore, in principle, a rebasing was taking place, and again, returning to the main issues regarding the aircraft of the russian aviation, there is a certain problem with the technical condition of these aircraft . first of all, let's note that in reality , russia actively uses a large number of aircraft, actually loads them, and works on them, so of course, they probably don't have time
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to do certain maintenance work, inter-regulatory resource work, it should be noted. that their volume of pilots succeeds, and here again, in addition to the technical problems of the 134 aircraft, there is a certain problem since its creation , it also concerned avionics, because they tried to import the engines of this aircraft, of course, leads to such cases when they fly into the house that if we remember there is or just like that, it's still interesting. increased the number of yak-130 to train its pilots, what kind of planes are these, like 130, are they only suitable for training, and how many of those planes are there in russia, and the fact that they are training their pilots, it means that already a certain number pilots were decommissioned, well , training again, regarding the problem of
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the lack of russian pilots, this is an old problem since the syrian operation, when... actively raised the issue of the creation of certain such forces in order to recruit more flight personnel, directly the one who sits at the helm, and in relation to aircraft, which is a training aircraft, the kind on which pilots learn some piloting systems, pilots, in relation to quantity, i think that there is no personal importance here, the question here is how much capacity russia can have. to train the russians as pilots, once again we must not forget that it is one thing to train a pilot, and another thing is to do it directly, preparation is already work in hostilities, because as shown by these two and a half years of full-scale invasion, a large number of technical problems of russian aviation were clarified during such
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active operation, during hostilities, not even during permanent. atation of these planes in the conditions of the training strips there, and due to the direct training on these planes in the conditions of combat operations. at the end of last week, there was information that two su-57 planes were hit, first one, then the second at the akhtyubinsk airfield, akhtubinsk, strakhan region, it is almost 600 km from the combat line, 77, well, everyone probably knows that this is the only fifth- generation russian aircraft. which they are very, very careful of, there are very few of them, probably , here, and now there is confirmation, the pictures are of satellite quality, it can be seen that one plane is definitely badly damaged, the second one is not very visible, well, but probably it was also damaged , how painful a loss it is for the russians, let's start with what actually, if we are talking about the 157, well, again
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, the russians call it the plane of the fifth generation, there are certain sad doubts about such a classification, because firstly, there are... obvious signs that show that this aircraft cannot be a fifth generation aircraft, we can see this from the engines of the aircraft, for aircraft p' in the second generation, another form of engine is chosen, which allows it to be invisible to radar systems. it should also be noted that these engines, which are on this plane, are engines that were developed by soviet engineers in the 80s. well, there is a certain problem with the avionics of the plane, because there is a large number of western models components is located. and, most likely , the russians are now actively trying to replace it with some of their models or chinese models, which is why these planes were actually located at the vaghchybanske airfield, because it is a test base. of the russian federation, there are two important such meanings here, the first is that this aircraft, its limited number, this aircraft was planned to be actively used during hostilities to
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launch x69 missiles, these are the missiles that can most replace, for example, use cruise missiles such as the kh101, kh555, because launching short-range missiles that can fly 500 km, while planning to fight with nato in the future is... no, not justified, that is why the russians developed the kh69 missile, with an increased radius actions in order to operate it on tactical aircraft, unlike strategic aircraft, which russia cannot build, tactical aircraft it is building somewhat, so they planned to make such a replacement, so this was a preemptive strike, we are talking about what was destroyed aircraft which was planned to be used to launch these missiles, but in reality this aircraft was not used on the territory of ukraine, but there were... cases when it flew up to the borders of ukraine and fell into the radar systems of our anti-aircraft defense forces. in addition, it should be noted that the airfield is of great importance, because it is
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a testing ground for the russian air force. nearby is a large training ground, where most of the russian missiles, newly created air bombs and icbm modules were tested, and in fact this is important the strategic object on which they passed. modernization and testing of both strategic aviation and tactical aviation, therefore, in fact, there are a number of questions regarding the possibility of protecting such strategic objects on the territory of the russian federation, here we must also mention strikes, for example, on radar systems, such as voronish and the container, which are included in the general early warning system, this is also a strategic object, but it is related to nuclear, so there are more and more questions about the ability of the russian federation to protect their own you know, literally what about this su-57 and is it really a fifth generation aircraft, i'm just comparing the available and good quality pictures
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of this aircraft with the same f35, which is striking to me as a layman as an amateur, it is that the quality of the assembly, i.e. f35 , is absolutely some kind of cosmic quality . -21, only copied in form from the f-22, or it does matter how well the parts fit together, the rivets and so on, for the fifth actually, it actually matters why, because first of all, let's go back to the fact that there is a low level of litigation between it was connected by the ministry of defense of the russian federation and the sukhoi plant. and with the disruption of supply and with technical problems, because, for example, the first batches of aircraft, each aircraft was different from each other, and there were technical malfunctions
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regarding the avionics and guidance system, and which were refused during the flight, and there were also technical malfunctions with the engines, so in fact, regarding the assembly of these aircraft, well , in general, as far as the soviet school is concerned, there are questions regarding the application and assembly of aviation, because on... really, even in the 18th in 2015 , a large interview was published by the representative of the head of the final assembly department of the dry komsomolsky plant, where he said that they had almost restored the possibility of conveyor assembly of su-35 aircraft. it should be mentioned that the su-35 is a deep modernization of the su-27 aircraft, with in which there were no global changes in the key mechanisms of the aircraft, i.e. we are talking about the fact that, in principle, it was possible to take the working design documentation of old aircraft and fix this envelope assembly. mr. antoliyu, thank you. anatolii khrebchinskyi, the deputy general director of the company that deals with rebs and an aviation expert, was with us.
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