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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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uh, often, unfortunately, we don’t have such means, and they really, this is remote mining, they would really stop the assault if the enemy had to enter krasnohorovka at the beginning, pass two fields, cross two fields in a column, this a lot, it’s quite a lot, it’s time, let’s put it this way, the reaction is very, very sufficient, if we had these means of remote mining, then well... no question, i think the columns would reach half as much, less, and if we , well, we put everything there only on fpv drones, then, well, excuse me, that’s not how it’s done, it’s not fighting like that, yes, it is necessary to be firm, it is necessary, the enemy not only captures the areas of the terrain where they are the highest, he also tries to capture the highest buildings in any settlement, and that's it. also a question, well if, what questions, in
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krasnohorivka, i mean, it was inhabited, since the 14th year, there was a large enough population, there were also some shops, and the enemy began to take it, i remember, we a year ago , they also worked in krasnohorivka, there were two nine-story buildings on the side of the thief on the side of the old washing machine, very strong, very strong built, they were still a little under construction. therefore uninhabited, and just so you understand, a year ago the enemy began to destroy these very high-rise buildings, and after them five more floors, he spent a lot of ammunition there, well, i don't know, maybe on the small village there he he spends less than on these two nine-story buildings, that is , everything flew there, peonies, tulips, cabs, fabas, hailstones, tanks, well bye. everything, everything that
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was possible, the guns were fired there, he used it only to neutralize these, let's say, these buildings, which have a height and advantage, he spent a lot, and as a result, as a result, these buildings became almost unusable, yes, and they ceased to be, let's say, firing, firing positions for a lot of assets there and intelligence assets, and it became, well, one of the... for reasons, let's say , and so in everything, yes, and so in the same tirikon on avdeivka, and in everything, you have to, well, constantly pay attention to this, see what else i want to say, along with the fact that they use this remote mining, we also have a very similar flaw, well, i already said about it, everyone knows about it, they constantly hang theirs without...
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well, an obstacle, and they constantly hang these wings in that direction, i don't understand, well, now drones have started to appear in our country, there are alternatives to shaheds, although they are weak alternatives, they fly up, but shaheds are much more effective. it still doesn't matter and why not collect the same shahet there, i don't understand, it's such a rhetorical question, the third year of the war, a lot of these fragments and even whole shaheds, but i'm talking about something else now, they had these disputes, in of them appeared halls, in addition to those of orlanov tenth, they are effective, they are inaccessible to our air defense, if we can't learn to hit them, then we have to learn... the bats are also exactly the same,
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that is, asymmetrical, or rather symmetrical means, i also refer to what i said about symmetry, and they use them to fly very far over there to selidov, sometimes further, this affects everything, yes, at a distance for artillery, for air defense, for other means, for csr, well, that is, they delay our logistics with these means. the species have a deep enough effect and are unreachable for us, and that is why they fly there and so on, too, without any there, well, not only that's why, but also why our people don't pay enough attention to what we need, we have means of winged reconnaissance, but they are less than the lower, let's say, the height of action, they are more vulnerable, and there are many times less of them, because they are more expensive , because their eagles are there. if they were, well, i
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understand, it is much cheaper, so why should we make these piles of tenders and piles of expensive equipment, show that we already have 30 different drones there. species are there for reconnaissance, if they are not as effective as their superkams, halls and arlan, and this is very, very unfortunate, well, i want to draw attention to this attention too, mr. andriy, thank you very much for these clear accents, i think that our defense industry will hear, first of all, this is an increase in the number of atgms, the provision of remote minefields and the development of those unmanned systems that are able to compete with halls and eagles, let me remind you that it was andrew. a serviceman with a north face, whose units are currently operating in the kurakhiv direction, where the enemy is now trying to push through our defenses and where our units are repulsing the enemy with dignity. here these were the main military results of this day, vasyl zima will continue the broadcast, so
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stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much, serhiy zgurts. i was glad to see and hear him, and also from the north of the military, whom i have known for quite some time, and when there are such wars at the front, you understand that you will hear the truth about what is happening, of course there are some shortcomings, and i understand that people know, what to do, what is the problem and how can it be solved, so thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, thank you serhiy zgurets, and now i will thank you for continuing to inform and to collect for the needs that the armed forces of ukraine voice for us, and we voice them, well , for... for ourselves, of course, we will also donate for you, our tv viewers. therefore, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone. clear sky in any weather day and night. so for emergency
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recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment. in particular, language it is about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. we need a minibus that will deliver to the zone. combat operations, mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630. well, while we are talking with our guest from zaporizhzhia, i will just look at how much we have already managed to collect. i understand that now there are still technical problems, people's lights are turned off, somewhere they don't work, ah, there is no internet, or there may be light, there is no internet, and it is not always possible to immediately to transfer this money, but in any case, if you see the qr code, follow the link, i will also ... we will help with the bills, we have to collect around uah 200 00 there, i think we can, we can do it , again, understanding, realizing, because i myself live in a sinful land, just like all of you, that the situation is financial now, and in general it is very difficult, but we are doing what we can dmytro kyrylchuk,
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deputy of the zaporozhye city council, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, good evening, the enemy struck zaporizhia region again, i wanted would like you to tell us about the consequences as of this evening. recent enemy attacks on zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhia region, please, yes, mr. vasyl, indeed, the enemy is continuing this shameful tactics and practice, yes, they are shelling the zaporizhia region more than 500 times a day, and we are talking about in particular, about settlements that are not far from the demarcation line, for the past day it is characteristic that out of those 548 strikes, even those that they mentioned in 10 settlements. two people were injured in to the pologiv region, who were hospitalized as a result, and besides, yes, it was mentioned that 10 houses were destroyed there during this time, and of course, due to the nature of the shelling, which the rashists can do wherever they can, unfortunately, their aviation becomes more active, that's
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why among them, five strikes were carried out today in the direction of kaminsky and tsvitkovo, and in addition to that , there were already three more during this day... it was artillery fire in the direction of orihiv, not artillery, but air strikes in the direction of orihiv, and this is in addition to those attempts , which is trying there tactically to land these small groups there, which accurately distinguish our guys, and we will also note that the enemy is characteristically inflicting again various types of flying drones, 220 of them were inflicted only during this past day, this is in particular the work there, the hammer is pounding there but... . other settlements, well , where they get anti-aircraft guns, they continue their 22 such shellings, well , what suffers most from all these settlements, it is their artillery, when 301 strikes were made there just in the previous day, well i will remind
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number, i announced it yesterday, maybe it has already changed in the opposite direction, as they say, in the plus side, and maybe not, and as of yesterday , 33 criminal cases were initiated regarding certain violations or suspicions, initiated cases were announced regarding improperly carried out fortification or some other illegal actions, illegal actions that were committed. i understand that fortification works are also ongoing in zaporozhye, my friends who are now, well, military, professional military, professional military, those who were mobilized have already become professional the military, sometimes they show, without specifying the location, how the construction of fortifications continues in zaporizhia, but it is clear that the most important thing here is to understand whether zaporizhzhia feels safe, or here... now there are no problems and questions, well, that the work is ongoing, at least not inconspicuously, again,
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not indicating any locations, any moments, so in general, or inconspicuously any things that would cause complaints or questions, well, i say, how in particular is this famous photo or infamous or i don't know how to name it with with these dragon teeth scattered by the road in the kharkiv region, please, sir, mr. vasyl, you definitely know here, it is gratifying in this situation that we have already... talked about this with you before, yes, that zaporizhia mentioned this repeated information as well oblast regarding fortification, yes, for a short period of time, starting there from this year, yes, well, let's take this interval in particular, the situation has changed qualitatively, and it's not that my words or conclusions are there, but about that , who already said that this is from the words of the boys and again residents of these front-line territories, that in terms of quality, their number has increased. and of course, according to all the rules, as required, these fortifications, they appeared and
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this process continues in the future, but an important point and factor remains whether control is needed in the same way as in other areas there, of course it is needed so that this does not happen again history, as there is in kharkiv oblast, again, what pleases this moment is that here, you know, we will notice some kind of ostentatiousness, as it were, well, for now, information we haven't come across such that... we lost contact, but now we will restore it, and as for the others, they will tell me now, yes, mr. dmytro, please continue, yes, yes, yes, yes, i'm sorry, here the moment is such that i said that the situation is good in the sense that , you know, you can bring such ostentatious people to the opus or bullets there. just to show something there, to demonstrate how these were all the stories, we do not record such stories, but let us note whether there should be
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control in this situation, of course there should be, and there should be temporary investigative commissions regarding control over the construction of fortifications, of course they are also relevant here and in the zaporozhye region, because this is a very important matter, it concerns peak-free measures, not only for our defenders, but also for the civilian population, and what you asked, yes, whether the zaporozhians feel safe. of course, they feel safe only when they even help the armed forces of ukraine and restrain this arrogance, because in the absolute sense, well, the city cannot be safe when there are literally 35-40 km from here, the rashists try to move towards the city every day, including, by the way, that the enemy not only has plans to advance somewhere, i don't say to capture, but to advance, well... again, i always say this phrase, that russia should not be underestimated, but it should definitely not be overestimated, to talk about the fact that
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the enemy will capture zaporizhzhia in a week, of course, this would be naive, even for the enemy, who in principle makes certain statements, but we understand that the enemy can plan advance, again, or create certain directions, to prepare directions for an attack on zaporizhzhia, but despite this, the enemy is trying to find those painful points and sensitive points, first of all, for the ukrainian defense industry, which are related to zaporizhzhia, i do not say that it is in zaporizhzhia. the security service of ukraine announced the arrest of krot, or rather such an inspired, or how to say it correctly, launched fsb agent, his brother, they are suspected of preparing a missile attack on motorsich, and now mr. petro, well , he will return, but i can tell you, this enterprise, which made engines, in particular for helicopters, yes, mr. dmitry, you hear, and the continuation of this story, the investigation established that it was federal. the security service of the aggressor country of the russian federation tried, through its agents, to obtain actual geolocations
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of redeployed, thank god, i would say, redeployed plants of the zaporizhia defense-industrial complex, that is, well, what about boguslaev himself, who, as far as i understand, suspects him in treason, he led motor cutters, supplied, by the way, engines to the enemy during the war, because the war has been going on in our country since 2014, i will remind, once again, for some, maybe someone forgets, he cooperated with the enemy, frankly, he ... for gratame and on june 5 , the kyiv court of appeal left boguslaev in custody without the right to bail, former president motorsich, as evidenced by these enemies, here i say, a big plus, thank god. they were relocated and it doesn't know where, but what do they find these cool people who are looking for, mr. vasyl, you know here, this is the objective side of the war, yes, that definitely these cool people, these scumbags, these monsters that you only know, you don't even know , well, it's difficult to say whether there is really motivation for these persons,
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it will be noted, we will not call them people, but there are some 200 rubles or whatever they are capable of doing. here are their hints and showers of information, yes, so that again, first of all, then civilians died, and of course also colleagues, yes, what monsters they are often at the same job with, yes, or there on a lunch break somewhere they go there together, yes, but this person, she is capable of doing it, and unfortunately, there are so many of them there, how many of them there are. no one can know but here we are very happy in this situation that our special services are working, and of course, in the fact that these moles are revealed, you know, there is no effectiveness there in terms of some period of time, we will take it, but this is such painstaking work, you know will continue for quite a long time, regarding the damage caused by these
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monstrosities, of course, they are of a large scale, regarding the importance of which there will be no question. i'll just add that, according to the international republic institute, the international republican one institute, they calculated based on various indicators that zaporizhzhia turns out to be the most depressed city in 2024, but i don’t believe it, i believe that it’s not easy for everyone now, all of us in one way or another experience depression, emotional burnout, slumps, but we understand that if everyone gives up , both you who are at the front and you who are in the rear, it will be very bad, therefore... i believe that zaporizhzhia is not the most depressed city, and definitely a city that can fend for itself to stand and help others, thank you very much for being you mr. vasyl, definitely, yes, i will add from myself, be please, it is definitely better and easier, being somewhere there on a sofa, in some comfortable office, standing in front of a macbook to create statistical lines
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to draw like this, and where zaporizhzhia is in 25th place, of course it is easier to do from this place, than being present. but do you know why this is, well, that is, he counted to himself, well done, he reported back, well, we are talking about the help of partners, we are talking about investments, well , some person is sitting with investment portfolios, he will think, well, maybe it is worth investing in zaporizhzhia, well, the front line nearby, but we still need to help, develop, for example, denmark helps the mykolaiv region a lot, he looks, and there is full depression there, and well, well, that is , i think that we still need to support even our partners, well, there is objective data, we have a war, people die, people are injured, families are destroyed. children are dying, children are being kidnapped, they are being taken prisoner, my god, the economy is unstable, the dollar is falling, and bread is more expensive, well, we live in this, and we still need to support, not say, and you are in depression there, and we are not depressed yet, very much indeed you raised an acute question, because often these are confirmed facts, when it is precisely because of such specialists in quotation marks, yes, charitable organizations, institutions, the same
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communities, they cannot get even, when you know, already a green corridor, when there, for example, our international partners want to help these people, but they cannot get it because of internal procedures, because of exactly this kind of information created by these specialists, so-called in quotation marks, because they cannot, according to their internal operating procedures procedures, and international partners to send to such regions, and even where there are risks regarding their investments, thanks to such people, thank you very much, take care, stay safe, by the way, greetings to all people of zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region, zaporizhzhia to our glorious, dmytro kyrylich, deputy . zaporozhye city council, you know, sometimes you say all such positive things, people think that some fool is sitting on the air, telling how everything is fine, i am not saying that everything is fine, everything is not fine at all, but i understand that if we still let's cook in this and this constantly pass on negativity, as they say behind the chain, well, surely we should try to be stronger to help those who are weaker, who are in a more difficult situation, someone lost a breadwinner, someone was injured,
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someone, a child died, they were left without money, the house was destroyed, that whatever it can happen, well, in any case, the situation is not easy in ukraine, by the way, i'm just going to announce that even in our youtube channel , representatives of the ambulance and tsc had a fun fight in odesa. i will make an official statement later, i want to be here in this situation again just to emphasize once again, you should always wait for the effective part, watch the video in snippets and draw conclusions from what you see, not always right, now there is a lot of negativity about the shopping center, about these events, and there is a lot of it, too. .. in spite of everything , there may or may not be here, and they are definitely moments of propaganda, moments of informational and psychological operations of the enemy, that’s for sure, so i will sound off... but later, now we will talk with halyna yanchenko, people’s deputy of ukraine. mrs. galina, i congratulate you, i wish you health, i convey greetings from berlin. i sincerely
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welcome you, thank you for your work and for joining, ms. halyna, i actually participated and is currently participating in the ukraine recovery conference, which is taking place in berlin 2024, and i will ask you to summarize this first day, the most important theses, the most important statements and the most important promises that will be fulfilled'. regarding our western partners, i know that we have been promised a lot there, and statements are also important regarding ukraine, the eu, negotiations, the beginning of changes, accession to the eu, and yes, please, today is really the first day of this of the two-day conference, but on monday there were a lot of so-called sai events, that is, events that are timed to the conference and that are held by various organizations, i think that one of the most important in general. of the results of this conference is the actualization of ukrainian issues, the actualization of ukrainian problems in germany, germany
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is currently the largest partner of ukraine in europe both in matters of military aid and in matters of financial aid, therefore it is very important that this issue is actually here rises and not only on the main site, at the main conference. where there are more than 2,000 participants from ukraine, germany and all over the world, as well as at these side events and events at other venues. speaking directly about what happened here today, the actual conference began with the speeches of chancellor or prime minister of germany oleg scholtz, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi and ursula fonderlein. i personally think that one of the most practical statements that came out during the opening was actually that what ms. funderlein said, in particular, we can
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actually observe already within the next month or two a very critical change in the policy of the european union regarding frozen russian assets, if before neither european nor american ones... in general , practically no one considered the possibility of confiscating frozen russian assets and transferring them in ukraine, today we see the first changes, and ms. orsuva said that by the end of july, ukraine can receive one and a half billion euros, these are profits from, or interest from frozen assets in russia, and what is most interesting and most important for ukraine is that 90%... of these funds will go specifically to the military support of ukraine. this is critically important when we feel the lack of ammunition on our front, and when
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military aid from american allies is still, let's say, very slow, quite slow. and 10% of the funds announced by ms. orsula will go to the restoration and, in fact, reconstruction of ukraine. that is, in principle. this is one of those very practical things, one of the very practical statements. second is enough a practical and important victory for ukraine, which was usually prepared for this conference, but was announced at the conference, is that by the end of this month, ukraine can start the negotiation process for joining the european union. that is, excuse me, that is , this is the final stage, but this negotiation process, as i understand it, must be supported by all the participating countries, and then it must be pro... voted on by all the parliaments, that is, well, as i understand it, this is the final certain stage and already, well, at least closer to the finish line, right to the finish line, this is the last, in fact, the last stage before
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the direct acquisition of membership in the european union, and i want to say that in fact we went through these stages quite quickly from obtaining the status of an associate member to passing audits regarding implementation. negotiation process? i would like a lot of commitments and a direct transition to a short, literally, you know, before that , some time before the start of this conference there in may, in may of this year , minister kubarkov was fired and they said that this is how this is recovery conference everyone was getting ready and you have a specialized minister here who should be involved in restoration, and then yesterday the head of the agency, mustafa nayem, also resigned. who was represented by the government and did it have any effect or not, because again, i always separate politics, well, from government activities, the activities of the executive branch during the war, politics will always be
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present in spite of everything, but... it is somehow influenced whether in the sense that the decisions that will be implemented, some moments where it is necessary to discuss, share experience, sign something, something to plan, it was done from the ukrainian side and the absence of the paroled minister and the one who submitted the resignation of mr. nayem, it did not affect it in any way, well, look from what i can say, being here on the spot, it is that ukraine represented at a very high level, the president of ukraine came directly... and he opened the conference today, and also literally an hour ago he spoke before the german parliament, before the bundestag, and the whole hall was completely filled with german deputies, that is, this is the highest level of representation, this is one time, and secondly, most of the interaction and agreements, including bilateral agreements, take place between, well, let's say
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this, with subsidiary ministries, yes, or the same ministries. today, at the panel discussions, we saw the first panel discussion, in which the ministers of foreign affairs took part, dmytro kuleba was also present directly and in his own person, together with the ministers of foreign affairs of germany, italy, and great britain, and mrs. peni was also with them pritzker, which is responsible for saving. recovery is the representative of the united states of america on this issue, the minister of strategic economic sectors is also present here, and the minister of economic strategic sectors, as well as the minister of economy, that is, in fact , the representation is quite high, a large number of bilateral agreements have been signed, and therefore i cannot say, that it is something
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critical or death. moreover, the germans themselves came out with a communication that the dismissal or absence of the head of the state agency somehow critically affected the progress of this competition, we literally have a minute, a minute, but i can't help but ask, the president said that it is critically important that the ukrainians return to victory, because ukraine lacks, it's true, here the president is telling the absolute truth of workers, and secondly, what the chancellor said. that after the victory the ukrainians will return and restore ukraine, is germany ready to leave today ? the return of ukraine, well, let's be honest, we need people, and germany needs people, let's also be honest for the economy, well, let's tell the truth, human resources, sorry, i need them all, how and was it possible for the president to meet with ukrainians in germany,
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well ... are there any conversations somewhere on the street or not, something like that? well, i did not witness such meetings, i cannot comment, but in general , in this discussion, i generally believe that ukrainians should decide independently, and we need to create all the conditions for our the refugees, our internally displaced persons, wanted to return home and rebuild their homes, and for this the most important thing is of course to provide all the conditions for recovery. people will return when they have jobs, when they have decent, decent wages, believe me, in fact, well, as they say, the grass seems greener where we are not, but in reality it is not, and the ukrainians who are in europe, many of them faced various difficulties, many of them , myself, for example, my mother, i communicate with
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by their acquaintances and friends, many women generally decide to return to ukraine because they want their children to receive normal medical care, which is not provided on time in all european countries, especially if we are talking about which, to be honest, it is simply very, very expensive is quite often, unfortunately i have to put a full stop, but thank you very much for your work, first of all at this conference, thank you for joining our ether and commenting galina yanchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, here i have comments... they write that mr. zima will tell in detail about the side to odessa, i will not tell in detail, but i will just give official information, to be honest, any hype should be calmed down and the circumstances should be clarified, but it will be in the news literally in a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's start, so two enemy missiles were shot down in the sky over the dnipro - reports the head of the regional military administration.


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